Central Crimea Central Crimea is endless steppe expanses plowed up for fields, to the south there are gardens, vineyards, mountains covered with coniferous and deciduous trees. The main thing for the week in the regions of the Russian Federation. A country in mourning, a shopping center “under a magnifying glass” and a moratorium on quarries With what re

Geography of Crimea

In the south of Ukraine there is one of its pearls - the Crimean Peninsula, washed by the Black and Azov Seas, as well as Lake Sivash. The peninsula is connected to the mainland by the narrow Perekop Isthmus. Most of Crimea is occupied by the North Crimean Plain with cold, dry winters, insufficiently moistened cool springs and autumns, hot and dry summers, with cultivated steppe and poor fauna. The southern part of the peninsula is occupied by mountains consisting of three ridge-cuestas, gentle from the north and steep from the south: External, Internal and Main. The highest point of Crimea is the city of Roman-Kosh, 1545.3 m. Mountain climate: moderately cold, little snow winter, cool, rainy spring and autumn, hot and dry summer, frequent winds in all seasons of the year.

The flora of the mountains varies depending on the height and exposure of the slopes. Due to active human activity, most of the fauna has been preserved in the area of ​​the Crimean Nature Reserve. In the extreme south of the peninsula along the Black Sea coast, the Southern Coast of Crimea (SC) stretches in a narrow strip with low mountains, relatively warm, rainy winters, warm and dry spring and autumn, and hot and dry summers. The flora of the South Coast has been changed and turned into a continuous park and garden area with ornamental plants, fruit trees and vineyards. The diversity of nature and the wealth of historical monuments create all the conditions for recreation, excursions and tourism. In terms of recreation and tourism, the Crimean peninsula can be divided into two parts: flat and mountainous. Mountainous Crimea can be divided into three tourist areas: Western (from the city of Sevastopol to the Simferopol-Alushta highway), Central (between the Simferopol-Alushta highway and the Grushevka-Sudak highway) and Eastern (between the Grushevka-Sudak highway and the city of Feodosia).

Features of Western Crimea

Western Crimea, as a tourist area, is located between the railway and the Simferopol-Bakhchisaray-Sevastopol highway in the north, the Simferopol-Alushta trolleybus route in the east, and the Black Sea coast in the west and south. There are two ridges running through the area: An internal, relatively low ridge with numerous natural and historical monuments: cave cities and monasteries (Bakla, Chufut-Kale, Tepe-Kermen, Kachi-Kalyon, Mangup, Eski-Kermen, Chilter-Koba, Syuren Tower and etc.), canyons of the river. Chernaya, Kacha, Belbek; The main ridge, or Yayla, which begins as a narrow ridge from Cape Aya and goes to the town of Spirada, then the wide Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla goes to the lane. Endek with the highest mountain - Roca, 1346 m; further Yalta Yayla to the lane. Uch-Kosh with the highest mountain Kemal-Egerek, 1529 m; then the small Demir-Kapukskaya Yayla to the lane. Pisara-Bogaz in the northeast and lane. Nikitsky in the south with the highest mountain Demir-Kapu, 1541 m; further along the narrow Gurzuf ridge to the lane. Gurzuf Saddle or Gurbet-Dere-Bogaz; then comes the highest Yayla-Babugan to the lane. Kebit-Bogaz with the highest mountains of Crimea Roman-Kosh, 1545 m, Orman-Kosh, 1530 m, Zeytin-Kosh, 1537 m; then Chatyr-Dag-Yayla to the Angarsk pass and the Simferopol-Alushta highway with the highest mountain Eklizi-Burun, 1527 m. The northern slopes of Yayla are covered with deciduous forest, the southern slopes are covered with pine forest. There are many mines and caves on Ai-Petrinskaya Yaila.

The river valleys in the mountainous part are narrow and form canyon-like gorges, the most famous is the Grand Canyon of Crimea in the upper reaches of the river. Belbek near Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla. The reserved part is very beautiful and interesting with natural and historical monuments, but entry there is only with the permission of the Administration of the Reserve, located in the mountains. Alushta. All sites in the foothills are located on the outskirts of populated areas. It is better to start routes from the mountains. Simferopol, city. Bakhchisaray or from the mountains. Sevastopol, in which KSS or KSO are located: city. Simferopol, st. Zoya Zhiltsova, 24, tel. (8-0652) 25-45-13; 25-31-58, KSS; mountains Bakhchisaray, st. Karla Marksa, 31, tel. 3-28-57, KSO; mountains Sevastopol, st. Suvorova, 20, tel. 52-53-18, KSO.

Features of Central Crimea

Central Crimea as a tourist area is located between the Simferopol - Alushta trolleybus route in the west, the Grushevka - Sudak highway in the east, the Simferopol - Grushevka - Feodosiya highway in the north and the Black Sea coast in the south. Here are located: Dolgorukovskaya Yayla, Demerdzhi-Yayla, Karabi-Yayla, further to the east there are narrow ridges and mountains. There are many deciduous forests in the area. All stops and routes are remote from populated areas, but if necessary, you can go to populated areas within one day from each stop, going north or south.

The area is famous for monuments to partisans of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. There are many natural excursion sites along the route: karst caves and mines on Yaylakh (Red Caves, MAN caves, Soldatskaya caves, Buzluk, etc.), rock outcrops (Valley of Ghosts on Mount Demerdzhi, Sk. Koktash, Mount Camel, Chatal-Kaya, Baka-Tash, etc.), waterfalls: Dzhurla, Dzhur-Dzhur, Voron), Kuchuk-Karasinsky canyon and many miniature canyons in river valleys. It is better to start and end routes from the trolleybus route or from the mountains. Zander. You can also start routes from any settlement located on the Simferopol-Feodosia or Alushta-Sudak highway, where local buses go. Release on tourist routes is carried out by the Republican KSS, mountains. Simferopol, st. Zoya Zhiltsova, 24, tel. 25-45-13, 25-31-58; CSR: hor. Alushta, st. Lenina, 8a, tel. 3-50-10, city. Sudak, Tavrichesky highway, 8, t. Hotel "Horizon", tel. 2-19-00.

Features of Eastern Crimea

Eastern Crimea as a tourist area is located between the Simferopol - Grushevka - Nasypnoye - Feodosia highway in the north, the Grushevka - Sudak highway in the west, the Black Sea coast in the south and the Nasypnoye - Koktebel highway in the east. The relief of the region consists of low mountains and ridges. The highest mountain in the area is Tuaralan, 748 m, located on the ridge of the same name. On the territory of the region there is an ancient volcano - the city of Karadag, declared a state reserve. In the Old Crimean forests there are many monuments to the partisans of the Great Patriotic War. Very interesting routes are on the mountains Ai-Georgiy, Alchak, Perchem, Sokol, Karaul-Oba, Echki-Dag in the mountain area. Zander.

The most famous excursion sites in the region are the Genoese fortress and Byzantine monasteries in the mountains. Sudak, museum and grave of the writer A. S. Green in the mountains. Old Crimea, the Armenian monastery of Surb-Khach on the outskirts of the mountains. Old Crimea, museums of the artist M. Voloshin and gliding in Koktebel. In the mountains In Feodosia you can visit the art gallery of the artist I.K. Aivazovsky and the museum of the writer A.S. Green. It is more convenient to start routes from the mountains. Old Crimea, where you can get there by bus from the mountains. Simferopol or from the mountains. Feodosia. You can start routes from the village. Shchebetovka or Koktebel village, where there is a commuter bus from the mountains. Feodosia. Release on tourist routes in Eastern Crimea is carried out by the KSS of the mountains. Feodosia, st. Fedko, 32a, tel. 7-15-73 and mountains. Sudak, Tavrichesky highway, 8, tourist hotel "Horizon", tel. 2-19-00.

Crimea (geographical Crimean Peninsula) is located in the northern part of the Black Sea, in the south of the former Ukrainian SSR. Since 2014, it has in fact been part of the Russian Federation, but remains controversial on the political plane, since there is no relevant UN jurisdiction.

Geographical position

The Crimean Peninsula is washed on three sides by the waters of the Black Sea, and from the northeast by the waters of the Azov Sea. Geographically, the peninsula is clearly divided into northern - flat, steppe - and southern (mountainous, forest) parts. Particularly notable is its hilly terrain with a predominance of steppe landscapes. The closest subject of the Russian Federation to Crimea is the Krasnodar Territory.

The natural connection of Crimea with the mainland is only on the Ukrainian side of the peninsula, and in geological terms its territory is a natural continuation of the crystalline shield of Ukraine. Crimea is separated from the Krasnodar Territory by the Kerch Strait. This circumstance forces us to design complex and expensive structures for the development of transport links between Crimea and Russian territory.


The climate is not the same in different regions of Crimea. In the northern part of the steppe there is relatively little precipitation. Winters have little snow and are relatively warm. Summer is hot and dry. The mountainous part of Crimea is characterized by hot, dry summers and warm, wet winters. It also has warm and humid winters and hot, dry summers. This climate is close to the Mediterranean.

The entire Crimea is divided into administrative regions. There are 14 of them in total.

Districts of the western part of the peninsula

The Black Sea region is located on the western tip of Crimea. The climate is dry, favorable for recreation. The seashore is steep and very picturesque. The area is dominated by steppe landscapes and the population density is low. An ideal place for a relaxing holiday.

Saki district is located in the western part of Crimea, with access to the coast. The area harmoniously combines agriculture and resort activities. Resorts have a balneological focus. Agriculture is represented by winemaking and gardening. Limestone-shell rock is also mined in the area.

Razdolnensky district is located in the north-west of the peninsula. It differs from other steppe regions in its more even and mild climate. The area has opportunities for the development of resort activities and agriculture. Grapes are grown here and alcoholic beverages are produced. Fishing is also carried out. There are deposits of medicinal mud. Eight protected areas help conserve local flora and fauna.

Some areas of southern Crimea

The Simferopol region of Crimea is located in the southern part of the peninsula, in the foothill zone. The administrative center is the city of Simferopol. Steppe and low-mountain landscapes predominate.

The Yalta region is located at the southern tip of the peninsula. This is the warmest point of Crimea. Mountain ranges protect the coast from cold winds. The economy of the area is mainly associated with resort activities. There are a large number of boarding houses, holiday homes and places of entertainment on its territory.

Regions of the eastern part of Crimea

The Sovetsky district is located in the eastern part of the peninsula. The terrain is flat, steppe. The economy is dominated by the agricultural complex - viticulture and horticulture are developed. The main population is Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars and Belarusians.

The Nizhnegorsky region of Crimea also belongs to the eastern part of the peninsula. It is crossed by the famous North Crimean Canal. Thanks to him, various agricultural crops are grown here. Livestock farming is also present. The industry is represented by a large canning factory for curing fruits and vegetables. There are plenty of suitable places for lovers of fishing and hunting. The area is also suitable for balneological recreation.

Leninsky district is located on the Kerch Peninsula. In terms of area, this is the largest region of Crimea. It goes to both the Black and Azov Seas. Resort activities are of greatest importance. In summer, many vacationers from Russia and Ukraine come here. Prices for holidays here are lower than at other resorts in Crimea.

Regions of the central and northern part of Crimea

Pervomaisky district of Crimea is located in the flat part of the peninsula. The main occupation of the population is growing crops: grain, grapes, fruits, vegetables. There are more Ukrainians, which is apparently due to the proximity of the area to their ancestral lands. Other nationalities include Russians, Crimean Tatars, Moldovans, Poles, and Belarusians.

The Krasnoperekopsky district of Crimea is located in the north of the peninsula, not far from the Crimean Isthmus. There are 8 salt lakes where salt is traditionally mined. Rice cultivation is quite developed in the area. There are also industrial enterprises - facilities of the chemical and mechanical engineering industries.

Krasnogvardeisky district is located in the center of Crimea. The bulk of the population is Russian. Farming and grain growing are developed here. There are a large number of agricultural enterprises, sports and educational facilities.

Central Crimea

Central Crimea known to all tourists if only for the fact that it is here - in - that all the railway tracks leading to the peninsula end. Therefore, almost all travelers are familiar with this Crimean part, regardless of the type of transport chosen for travel. But often this acquaintance is very fleeting, as everyone is in a hurry to get to the sea. Although in Central Crimea there is something to visit and see.

In the Crimean capital itself and its environs there are several sights worth visiting. For example, Simferopol museums are very interesting - the Crimean Ethnographic Museum, the Museum of Taurida and others. Wonderful walks can be taken in the local Gagarin or Vernadsky parks. But the most important attraction on the outskirts of Simferopol is considered to be a nature reserve - the ruins of an ancient city, where excavations are still ongoing.
Having traveled a little further outside the city, you can visit the famous karst caves of the Chatyr-Dag mountain range: Emine-Bair-Khosar and Emine-Bair-Koba. And if you go to the Red Cave, you can also see the underground part of the Kizilkobinki River, which breaks out to the surface in the form of the Su-Uchkhan waterfall.

Despite the fact that the capital of the peninsula is Simferopol, visiting card of Central Crimea rightfully considered. The most popular place in the city is. It covers an area of ​​about 4 hectares, so it will take several hours to carefully examine every corner of it. Even in Bakhchisarai, relatively recently (2013), a miniature park was opened, in which the entire Crimea with all its sights was created in a reduced form. In addition, there is a cave Assumption Monastery and many cave fortresses, for example, Chufut-Kale.

The next city in Central Crimea that attracts the attention of tourists is. Among the natural creations of its surroundings, the most popular, which has its own interesting history. And also crowds of tourists are constantly observed in, on 20 hectares of the territory of which more than 50 lions live.

Another town worthy of a visit is Old Crimea, located in a mountain valley near Feodosia. The nature of this place is very picturesque, even despite the remoteness of the sea - the main decoration of the Crimean landscapes. Moreover, here you can see many ancient monasteries and temples, which have been well preserved to this day.

The mountain range also belongs to Central Crimea. Fans of mountain tourism come to these places with pleasure. But the Valley of Ghosts, one of the mysterious places of the peninsula, made Demerdzhi famous.
Of course, the lack of sea in the central part of Crimea makes it less popular. But still, when you come here, you can have a good time and learn a lot of interesting things for yourself.

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Composition of the region

Simferopol district - Belogorsky district - Simferopol

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Tasks: Write down the largest settlements of this region; Determine the main features of the geographical location of the region; Write down the areas with which the Central Crimea region is adjacent.

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Geographical position

The position of Central Crimea is unique in its own way - the region is located at the junction of the flat and mountainous parts of the Crimean Peninsula. Moreover, its southern and central parts are located within the Inner, Outer and even the Main range of the Crimean Mountains, and a significant northern part is part of the Plain Crimea. This unique location is significantly reflected in the contrast of natural conditions of different parts of Central Crimea.

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One of the main natural attractions of the region is an 800-year-old oak tree, in the shadow of which, according to documents, the famous Russian commander Alexander Suvorov negotiated with the Turkish Khan. The height of the oak tree is 18 meters, and it takes 12 people to grasp it. According to local historians, this oak tree, even though it stands in an open field, is never struck by lightning.

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Nature of the region Relief - Central Crimean Plain and foothills of the Crimean Mountains Soils - southern chernozems Climate - hot summers and relatively warm winters Inland waters - the region is better provided than all regions of Crimea Minerals - clays, building limestones, mineral waters, sand

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Plants and animals of Central Crimea

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    oak hornbeam ash

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    fescue feather grass Cyclamen Kuznetsova Katran Steven

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    Astragalus bristles Orchis-deified Crimean wolfberry Larkspur Palassa

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    gopher jerboa badger Kutora small

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    owl falcon lark red-bellied toad

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    Young archaeologist

    Several unique sites of primitive man were discovered on the territory of the Simferopol and Belogorsk regions

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    Archaeologists believe that the grotto was a site for Neanderthals who lived in the Old Stone Age during the Mousterian era, and this was approximately 100,000-40,000 years ago. This rare monument from the Middle Paleolithic was discovered in 1879 by K. S. Merezhkovsky. This was the first grotto of its kind on the territory of Crimea, opened in the Russian Empire. Wolf Grotto

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    Since 1947, this landmark has the status of a monument of world significance. There is no more ancient, preserved human dwelling on the territory of Europe, except for the Chokurcha cave. In ancient times, Neanderthals made tools here and sheltered from bad weather. Skeletons of people from the Paleolithic era were discovered in this area. Chokurcha Cave

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    The Kiik-Koba grotto cave is located in the valley of the Zuya River, 8 km south of the village of the same name. Under the influence of groundwater and weathering of rock, a natural recess was formed at an altitude of about 90 meters above a mountain river, covered like a roof by a rocky ledge. The grotto is well hidden by forest thickets and a pile of huge stones. It has an area of ​​about 50 sq.m. In 1924-1925 archaeologists discovered in a cave the oldest site of primitive man in Crimea. The most valuable find was the remains of Neanderthals, a woman and a child. In addition, under the arches of the cave, up to 500 flint tools were found, used about 100 thousand years ago, and many bone remains of the extinct fauna of Crimea. The Kiik-Koba grotto cave is recognized as a scientific site of world significance. Cave-grotto Kiik-Koba

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    Yeni-Sala Caves 2 The bowels of the earth, the cave goes 75 meters deep, while deepening by 13 meters. The total area of ​​Yeni-Sala-2 is 385 meters. The Yeni-Sala-2 cave was discovered in 1960 by schoolchildren studying in a circle of young archaeologists. When we first visited the Yeni-Sala-2 cave, a large number of niches were discovered in which there were bones, skulls and horns of wild and domestic animals. During excavations in Yeni-Sala-2, scientists discovered the remains of ceramic products from different eras. Among the artifacts, items made of black Kizilkobin ceramics were found, which made it possible to assume that the Yeni-Sala-2 cave is nothing more than the ancestral sanctuary of the Crimean Taurians.

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    Mountain Crimea is the land of classical karst. Limestones are easily dissolved by water, and various karst landforms and voids are formed on their surface, as well as in the depths. Marble Cave is considered the most beautiful cave in Crimea. It was opened only in 1984. Located on the lower plateau of Chatyr-Dag

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    The Red Cave got its name from the iron oxide found in the local rocks. Thanks to him, the entire area around Kizil-Koba is painted in reddish-red tones.

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    Emine-Bair-Khosar is one of the most beautiful caves in Crimea. Translated from Turkic, Emi means “oak”, Bair means “slope”, Khosar means “well”, thus the whole name is translated as “well on the slope near the oak tree”.

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    Young hydrologist The longest river in Crimea is the SALGIR. Its length is 232 km. Together with the BIYUK-KARASU tributary, it represents the largest water system in Crimea. The upper reaches of the river are formed from the confluence of the ANGARA and KIZIL-KOBA rivers. In the area of ​​the village of Zarechnoye, a large tributary, the AYAN, flows into the river. The mouth of the river is SIVASH Bay. On the river in 1951 - 1955. The Siimferopol reservoir was built

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    From source to mouth, the Crimean River Salgir carries its waters at a distance of 232 kilometers. The longest Crimean river originates at the top of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains, descends along the northern slope, and in its lower reaches flows through the steppe part of the Crimean Peninsula.

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    RIVERS of Central Crimea WET INDOL - CHOROKH-SU Zuya Burulcha Biyuk - Karasu

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    Many Crimean rivers in their bed form picturesque waterfalls Cheremisovsky waterfalls Uskutsky waterfalls

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    Uchan-Su Waterfall Jur-Jur Waterfall

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    The Three Saints Waterfall is located on the territory belonging to the Toplovsky St. Paraskevievsky Convent

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    Central Crimea is one of the most water-rich regions of the peninsula. Dozens of ponds and several large reservoirs have been created on its territory. Simferopol reservoir Taigan reservoir

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    Balanovskoye Reservoir Partizanskoye Reservoir

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    A little history In the village of Mirnoye near Simferopol, on May 8, 2015, the grand opening of a memorial dedicated to the prisoners of the “Red” concentration camp took place. There were several concentration camps in Crimea between 1942 and 1944, but “Red” was the largest of them. Partisans, prisoners of war, underground fighters and simply civilian Crimean residents were kept in the camps

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    Simferopol district The priority areas in the development of the region are: grain cultivation, vegetable production, cultivation of essential oil crops and sunflower seed oil, development of fruit growing and viticulture; in livestock farming – dairy and beef cattle breeding, poultry farming, pig farming, sheep breeding.

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    Belogorsky district Its main specialization is growing grain, essential oil crops, livestock farming, and poultry farming.

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    A few kilometers north of Belogorsk, a steep Inner Ridge rose, topped with the picturesque Ak-Kaya rock. From a distance it looks like an elegant white-stone palace. The impression of a palace with perfect architectural forms is enhanced on a sunny summer day by the dazzling whiteness of the limestones and marls that make up Ak-Kaya. Therefore, its Crimean Tatar name is very apt, meaning nothing more than White Rock. White Rock covers an area of ​​2028 hectares. The height above sea level is 325 m, above the valley White Rock rises 150 m. White Rock was formed as a result of erosion and weathering of Upper Cretaceous limestones and marls. White Rock is of interest for geological excursions.

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    Simferopol has many attractions - the status of the capital of Crimea obliges it. First of all, this is the Simferopol railway station - the first thing that tourists who come on vacation to Crimea see. In the center of Crimea, museums preserve the memory of Crimean history and peoples: the Republican Museum of Local Lore, the Simferopol Art Museum, the Crimean Tatar Museum of Art, the original TNU Zoo Museum and even the Museum of the History of Chocolate. The most beautiful places in Simferopol are, of course, the Botanical Garden of TNU named after. Vernadsky (on its territory there is the House of Count Vorontsov), the Simferopol Reservoir and the Gagarin Park are favorite vacation spots for Simferopol residents and city guests. It is also worth getting acquainted with the archaeological monument of Scythian Naples, the ancient capital of Scythia. There are many monuments in Simferopol that depict milestones in the history of the city and famous people of history - monuments to Prince Dolgorukov, Alexander Pushkin, the Aivazovsky brothers, and commander Suvorov. Simferopol is the cultural center of the peninsula; the most significant Crimean theaters and places of entertainment are concentrated here: Russian Drama Theater, Crimean Ukrainian Musical Theater, Crimean Tatar Theater, Tezikov Circus

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    The ruins of the ancient city of Scythian Naples today constitute a historical and archaeological reserve on the outskirts of Simferopol. Excursions are held on part of the territory; the buildings dug out of the ground form an open-air museum exposition.

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    The largest safari park in Europe, where several dozen lions live without cages (they can be observed from special overpasses), as well as hundreds of other animals: giraffes, camels, rams, parrots, and numerous monkeys. Unlike other zoos, most animals (except for predators, of course) can be touched, stroked and even hand-fed. Huge peacocks, for example, roam freely around the area, like pigeons in our parks.

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