A guide to places of power in the Krasnoyarsk region and Khakassia. Places of power in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia Annunciation Convent

On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are numerous holy, miraculous springs, many of which were forgotten and abandoned for many years. It is gratifying that their revival has begun and is in full force. Let's try to talk about some holy springs.

In the village of Apano-Klyuchi, Abansky district, the famous Holy Lake is located. The water here is unusually clean and transparent. Old-timers of the village of Apano-Klyuchi recall that once upon a time there was a St. Nicholas Church in the village. It contained the miraculous icon of the Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday. On great church holidays and on the Epiphany of the Lord, a procession of the cross was carried out with the icon to the Holy Lake. The water in it was blessed. After which, everyone could draw holy healing water. Numerous incidents and miracles occurred.

There is a holy spring in the village of Zykovo, Berezovsky district. Father is especially revered by local residents and ministers of the Archangel Michael Church, located nearby. In 2006, a unique event occurred - the holy spring was discovered by the monks of the temple. Today the territory here is landscaped, a chapel and a bathhouse are built, the road to the source is paved with tiles. Numerous pilgrims and tourists come here every day.

There is also a truly unique place in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - Varvarin Klyuch. We remembered this holy place quite recently. But just a hundred years ago in the village of Bolshaya Urya, Kansky district, there was a famous temple and spring, to which believers came from all over the area. According to legend, at the end of the 19th century. The icon of the Great Martyr Barbara was miraculously revealed here. Then the spring began to flow. A chapel was built nearby, consecrated in honor of the saint. Old-timers talk about the extraordinary veneration of this place by the residents. Every year religious processions were held to the spring, and the water here was blessed. But during the years of Soviet power, the church, as well as the chapel at the spring, were destroyed, and the holy spring itself was forgotten and abandoned. Only in 2009 was the Worship Cross installed at the spring. Local monks hope that the Varvarin Key will again be revered and loved by believers, because there is no doubt about its healing power.

The source in honor is located in the village of Ivanovka, Rybinsk region and has a similar history. A hundred years ago, many believers came here for holy life-giving water. It was consecrated in 1900 and religious processions were held annually from the local church. This happened on the day of the celebration of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. In those same years, a chapel was built. As usual, all this was destroyed during the godless years. But they didn’t forget about the spring. Already in our time, the spring was equipped with the help of local residents and Cossacks. The chapel and wooden font were rebuilt. Today, prayer services are held here annually, the waters of the spring are consecrated on great holidays - on the Transfiguration of the Lord, on the Epiphany of the Lord and on July 9, when the holiday in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated. Since 2010, the tradition of religious processions has been renewed. Nowadays it is celebrated from the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian in Zaozerny.

The holy spring in the village of Big Lake is one of the oldest springs that has survived to this day. It has been known since the 12th century. According to legend, pilgrims have come to its holy waters since the times of Kievan Rus. In 1863, a church was built next to the spring, but it was destroyed at the beginning of the 20th century. Afterwards, a garbage dump was located in its place. In 2004, the spring was improved by local residents and the area around was cleared. Construction of a chapel is also planned.

Many springs in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are in need of restoration. For example, the source of St. Basil of Mangazeya in the city of Dudinka, the source of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, the source in honor in the village of Spasovka and many others.

Places of power- these are special places that have supernatural energy that can influence the human psyche, enhance magical effects and, in some cases, even change the laws of physics. Since ancient times, mankind has known places of power, and at all times man has treated places of power with special respect and reverence. Often, various shamanic and witchcraft rituals were carried out in places of power, shrines and temples were built, and pilgrims from all parts of the world gathered to places of power. Places of power have not lost their miraculous and mystical properties to this day.

Places of power exist in all corners of the Earth. There are many places of power in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia.

Places of power in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Reserve "Stolby"

The Stolby Nature Reserve is a unique natural phenomenon and attracts many tourists. The clean air and extraordinary landscapes amaze and force you to return there again and again. Many people know that in addition to being a popular tourist attraction, Pillars are a powerful place of power in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This is a place of pilgrimage not only for sportsmen and tourists, but also a kind of shrine for shamans and other representatives of magical culture. The energy of the Pillars is distinguished by its power; it can be felt, although not everywhere, but in certain places where it emerges. The most famous place of power on the Pillars is the “Chalice” rock massif, where, according to esotericists, the most powerful energy exchange takes place between the Earth and the Cosmos. Esotericists also highlight the “Devil’s Finger”, “Feathers” and “Bell Tower” arrays. All of the above areas are often visited by shamans and sorcerers for the purpose of performing various rituals.

Damn Cemetery.

Devil's Cemetery (or Devil's Glade) is a mystical point in the Kezhemsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Presumably, the Devil's Cemetery was formed as a result of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, although to date there is no official confirmation of this. The Devil's Cemetery is a large clearing in the middle of the impassable taiga, devoid of grass, trees and any vegetation. A lot of animal bones were discovered at the Devil's Cemetery, and local residents vied with each other to talk about missing people near the Devil's Cemetery. The anomalies of the Devil's Cemetery appear immediately as soon as any living creature sets foot on its soil. People who visited the Devil's Cemetery complained of causeless fear and severe headaches.

Devil's Cemetery is one of the most terrible and dangerous places of power in all of Russia. Visual confirmation of the strongest energy of the place can be provided by compasses and devices that record electromagnetic radiation, which instantly fail when entering the territory of the Devil’s Cemetery.

The Tunguska fall is located in the fall zone of the Tunguska meteorite, which fell on June 30, 1908. Geographically located in the basin of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, north-northwest of the village of Vanavara, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Despite the fact that the fall of the meteorite was recorded and scientifically confirmed, the mystery of the Tunguska meteorite and the zone of its fall still haunt esotericists throughout Russia. There is a legend according to which local shamans literally the day before warned residents of nearby villages to avoid the site of the future meteorite fall. According to the shamans, “the god of Agda must have descended” to the site of the meteorite fall. Thanks to the persuasiveness of the shamans, it was possible to avoid casualties among the population, because most of the local residents actually began to avoid the area that was forbidden, according to the shamans.

The Tunguska fall to this day is considered one of the main places of power in Russia; every year it attracts dozens of scientific expeditions and hundreds of shamans who want to conduct their rituals in such an energetically strong place.

The Putorana Plateau is located in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory near the city of Norilsk. This is a picturesque place, decorated with many waterfalls, gorges and canyons. But in addition to aesthetic beauty, the Putorana Plateau attracts with its strong energy and anomalous zones.

According to legends of the ancient peoples who inhabited this area, Platno Putorana was considered the habitat of the Fire God. Since ancient times, Putorana as a place of power has been considered a cult place and has acquired a considerable number of legends.

In some areas of Platno Putorana, according to eyewitnesses, one can often observe strange luminous balls literally flying out of the ground or water and rising into the air. And on the surface of the Plateau, geometric figures of ideal shape appear from time to time, as if carved by a skilled artist.

Places of power in Khakassia.


Ulug-Khurtuyakh-Tas is also a place of power in Khakassia and a place of pilgrimage for many people. Ulug-Khurtuyakh-Tas is a stone sculpture of a woman with a protruding belly, as if pregnant. This statue is a favorite place of worship for childless couples and women desperate to conceive. Women bring unique gifts to Ulug-Khurtuyakh-Tas (mainly milk, sour cream and lard) and ask for women's health and early pregnancy. For shamans and magicians, this is one of the main places for rites and rituals for procreation and strengthening the family.

Chests are one of the most mysterious and mystical places in all of Khakassia. Historians still cannot come to a common opinion about the purpose of this building. According to one version, the Chests are an ancient observatory, according to another, the Chests were erected as a holy place of worship of higher powers. Despite the different points of view of scientists, they agree on one thing - one of the oldest sundials in the world is located here.

Not far from the Chests is the Valley of Spirits. The Valley of Spirits is a cult for local residents; shamans from all over Khakassia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Russia also come here. According to shamans, in the Valley of Spirits you can find a passage to other worlds, as well as look into the past and future. Needless to say, in the Valley of Spirit Chests there is an extraordinary place of power that has been revered since ancient times.

Despite the many places of power in Khakassia with positive energy, there is also a place that, with good reason, instills fear in both local residents and visiting tourists. No wonder the Koshkulak Cave is included in the top five most terrible places in the world.

The Koshkulak Cave owes its notoriety to many legends. Ancient shamans considered this place sacred and regularly performed sacrifices to the gods in the cave. Stalactites and stalagnites of bizarre shapes and colors, a sacrificial stone in the depths of the cave - all this creates a unique and eerie ambience of the Koshkulak cave. Several years ago, scientists were able to establish that the cave contains low-frequency vibrations that are imperceptible to human hearing, but affect the psyche. But scientists have not been able to figure out what is the source of low-frequency oscillations to this day.

The Salbyk Kurgans are a place of power known throughout Russia, also called the “Siberian Stonehenge”. The Salbyk Mounds are located in the Valley of the Kings. The mounds span several dozen hills, and the largest hills are surrounded by stone sculptures up to four meters high. Large geomagnetic anomalies occur around the Salbyk Kurgans, and eyewitnesses talk about inexplicable vibrations throughout the body while being in the very center of the Big Kurgan.

More and more people are beginning to understand the value of vacation, and, instead of noisy foreign resorts, they are choosing a wellness vacation within the country. Our native land is rich in natural reserves, diverse vegetation, rich animal fauna, rare sights and simply incomparable landscapes. One has only to pay attention to the Siberian Territory - the Krasnoyarsk District and the Republic of Khakassia will not leave anyone indifferent!

The beautiful and well-groomed city of Abakan welcomes everyone who arrives in Khakassia - clean streets, friendly people, natural masterpieces, architectural monuments and green parks. But this is not the main reason why travelers come to Khakassia!

What to visit?

Tuimsky failure, a man-made failure that formed a blue lake with a diameter of 6 meters in the middle of the rocks. Thanks to the eerie appearance, today the program “Fear Factor” is filmed on these rocks.

Kuznetsk Alatau, or rather a state nature reserve. It is located in the south of Western Siberia and occupies an area 300 km long and 150 km wide. Rafting excursions along the Kiya, Usa, Tardon and Upper Ters rivers are especially popular in this area.

The Chests Museum-Reserve is a flat valley around which there are mountain spurs, and five mountains stretch in the center of the valley. There is increased energetic activity here and anomalous phenomena have been observed. For those who are especially curious, a guest club is open where you can spend the night, plunge into steppe life, get acquainted with exhibits, try national cuisine and watch the sunset in the first canyon.

The Pandora's Box cave attracts risky people, because the passage through it is difficult. How to find? It is located on the left bank of the Bely Iyus River and the route along it is considered dangerous and difficult for general passage. Therefore, if you want to get there, it is better to turn to specialists or abandon the dangerous journey.

Borodino Cave, also called the Stalactite Miracle, is currently the most popular among guests of the region due to its accessibility. Regular excursions provide an opportunity to plunge into the underground world and experience new emotions. Usually, after exploring the cave, many go to the “Two-Eye” grotto, which served as a dwelling for primitive people.

Before the revolution, almost every church in the Yenisei diocese contained particles of the relics of saints revered in the Orthodox world, and shrines with the relics of locally revered saints. But in Soviet times they were burned, thrown into trash heaps, and only some shrines were saved by believers.

During the years of the revival of the Krasnoyarsk diocese (now a metropolitanate, which includes the Krasnoyarsk, Yenisei, Kan and Norilsk dioceses), the relics of some martyrs were rediscovered, and shrines and icons were displayed in churches. People began to learn about holy springs and lakes, where pilgrims now constantly come. Today we will talk about some of them.


Where is: Kazachinskoe village, Holy Trinity Church.

Why do people come here?

You can pray at the icon for the health of your family and friends, and infertile women come here to ask for children.

“I didn’t have children for eleven years,” says one of the parishioners of the temple. – Doctors forbade me to give birth due to numerous fractures that I received in a car accident. But I really wanted a daughter.

The woman came to Kazachinskoye and began to pray to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

Literally one and a half to two months after that, I became pregnant,” the now happy mother continues to talk about the miracle. “My daughter turned out exactly the way I saw her when I asked the Mother of God.

And this is not the only case where prayers helped to have a long-awaited child. Miracle healings are also known. The girl Julia arrived with a tumor and read the Akathist (a type of chant - Ed.) in front of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God. She asked the Holy Mother of God for help; she would soon have an operation. After some time, Julia felt that the pain no longer bothered her. And when I checked at the clinic, it turned out that the tumor was no longer there.


Where is: twenty-five kilometers from Yeniseisk, between the settlements of Plotbishche and Yalan, on the left bank of the Kem River.

Why do people come here?

It is believed that swimming in the lake has healing powers, and the mud from here is used to treat many diseases.

According to one legend, monks who were looking for solitude once settled on the shores of this lake. This is how a monastery was formed, traces of whose cells have survived to this day. When Kolchak’s army left Yeniseisk under the onslaught of the Reds, the monks could flee with them. However, they remained and suffered martyrdom at the hands of the Bolsheviks: the monks were killed, and their bodies were drowned in the lake, thrown from a steep bank into the water. The body of one of the monks did not sink and floated on the surface. But as soon as the killers swam to it in a boat, it immediately sank to the bottom. After the brutal massacre, the water in the lake became reddish, and the bottom was soft, like a monk’s robe. Residents of Yeniseisk say that for several years after the tragedy the lake did not freeze in winter, despite any frost.


Where is: Bolshaya Murta village

Why do people come here?

They drink holy water from the spring in the hope of healing.

Archbishop Luke was in exile in Greater Murta. Here he worked as a surgeon in a local hospital and continued to write the second edition of Essays on Purulent Surgery, which became known throughout the world. In 1941, Vladyka was appointed to Krasnoyarsk as the chief surgeon of evacuation hospital No. 1515 and a consultant to all Krasnoyarsk hospitals. And in 1943, his term of exile ended. In March of the same year, the Krasnoyarsk diocese was re-formed, and St. Luke headed the Krasnoyarsk see until 1944.

At the Krasnoyarsk pilgrimage service they told us a story that happened several years ago. In Athens, one boy became seriously ill; doctors suggested that the parents go to one of the best centers in Germany. The family did just that.

The boy was accompanied by Father Nektary. When the hours-long and complex operation was over, the surgeons came out and said:

It is not clear why you brought your child to our center if you yourself have such a wonderful specialist.

Which specialist? – Father Nektary was surprised. - There was no one with us.

Why! He advised us and led the operation by a professional of the highest level! This one - in an old-style medical gown, with a gray beard... Yes, he had just left the operating room in front of us, how did you not notice?

Nektary asked to show him the registration log. Opposite the boy's last name were the names of the surgeons who performed the operation on him, and in the last row there was a handwritten note in Russian: “Archbishop Luke.”


Where is: Zykovo village, Chapel of Seraphim of Sarov

Why do people come here?

According to believers, the water has healing properties.

The source was discovered quite recently - in 2006. And then a chapel and a bathhouse were built on this site. Now pilgrims come here from all over the world. And priests talk about many cases when people were healed from terrible diseases.

A six-year-old boy was being prepared for kidney surgery. But before the surgical intervention, the parents decided to take the child to the Seraphim Spring. A miracle happened - four days later the child was completely healthy.


Where is: Krasnoyarsk, Museum of Local Lore

Why do people come here?

Helps you get what you want, and is also the guardian of Krasnoyarsk.

The icon was painted for the 100th anniversary of Krasnoyarsk for the cathedral Church of the Transfiguration by Siberian masters. The day of honoring the icon, August 6 (19), corresponds to the day of the foundation of the Krasnoyarsk fort.

During a terrible fire in 1773, even copper money melted in the Church of the Transfiguration. But the temple icon remained unharmed. After the fire, the icon was restored and from 1776 to 1922 it was in the Resurrection Cathedral, the first stone church in Krasnoyarsk. In 1795, employees of the city magistrate donated a silver frame weighing 13 pounds and 68 spools to the icon. Since 1923, the icon has been kept in the Krasnoyarsk Museum of Local Lore, and its silver frame was confiscated in 1935 with the note “handed over to the bank for the needs of industrialization.”


Where is: Karatuz district, village of Verkhniy Kuzhebar

Why do people come here?

Water from the source has medicinal properties

About a hundred years ago, a thirsty shepherd passed by the place where the holy spring is now located. Suddenly he saw something unusual in the grass. When the man came closer, he realized that it was the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. The shepherd lifted it from the ground, and from the place where the shrine lay, he hammered a key.

According to legend, a shepherd took the icon home, but a day later it disappeared. The loss was discovered in the place where it was found the day before. After all the miracles that happened, the residents of Upper Kuzhebar decided to build a well here.

Today the water from the source is called “living”. Believers from all over the world come to the well, hoping for healing.

We thank the Diocesan Pilgrimage Service for their assistance in preparing the material.