Where you can't catch Pokemon. Experts gave different assessments of the impact on the future of the head of Tuva Kara-ool, whose last place in the ranking for quality of life

The game that took over half the world two years ago has officially reached Russia: Pokemon Go. Our application existed unofficially - you had to change the languages ​​​​in your smartphones in order to fool the system and download the game. In other countries it was banned, it put people's lives at risk, but still remained popular. If you've just decided to hunt Pokemon, 360 will tell you where to start.

Pokemon Go was released on July 6, 2016. At that time, it was reported that the game was about to appear in Russia, but this never happened. In the first seven months, Pokemon Go brought developers a billion dollars in revenue. It stayed at the top of the App Store for 74 days.

How to play Pokemon Go? The user takes out a smartphone, turns on the Internet and geolocation, and then launches the game. When he moves in the real world, the created avatar moves on a virtual map. This is how the search for Pokemon works: walk, look, capture. Naturally, it will not be possible to catch everyone in one place - the player will have to move around different locations: streets, parks, rivers, and so on - to find certain types of Pokemon. When a gamer meets an animal, he can view it in augmented reality mode or with live playback against a common background. To do this, you need to turn on the camera - the image of the Pokemon will “appear” in the real world, that is, in the lens.

To catch the animal, you need to throw a pokeball - a ball located at the bottom of the smartphone screen. The caught Pokemon becomes the property of the player.

Finally, the goal of the game is to complete the entries in the Pokémon encyclopedia "Pokedex" by capturing and evolving captured specimens. There are a total of 151 Pokemon you can get.

On September 11, 2018, developer Niantic allowed the application to be downloaded in Russia, but no one officially announced this. Users learned about the opportunity thanks to a third-party service that sent notifications.

Prohibitions and problems

Two weeks after the official release, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Boris Voronenkov appealed to the Federal Security Service and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications with a request to ban the distribution of Pokemon Go in the Russian Federation. But the average user simply could not download it, and the initiative was not accepted.

But even in 2016, besides Russia, there were countries without Pokemon Go. The first state to completely ban Pokemon was Iran. The authorities blocked the mobile game, citing security reasons.

Other countries, as well as individual figures, have expressed concerns about this. For example, a Saudi theologian issued a fatwa against the app. In his opinion, Pokemon Go contains “inappropriate images” and violates the Islamic prohibition on gambling. True, a fatwa is not a law binding on the territory of the country.

Indonesia was also wary of the game. But there the ban affected only police officers on duty.

In China, Google services are banned by the Great Firewall of China, so it is not so easy for the Chinese to run after Pokemon. To bypass the firewall, users had to purchase IDs from the Australian App Store and use a GPS spoofing app (a situation in which one person or program successfully disguises itself as another by falsifying data to gain illegal advantages) to access Google services. In addition, in China, in principle, you cannot catch a Pokemon without this GPS spoofing.

Overall, Pokemon Go is a problematic game. In Thailand, after the official release, serious problems appeared on the roads. Scooter drivers caught Pokemon right behind the wheel, and pedestrians ignored traffic rules, running out onto the road to grab virtual animals.

What to do in the game

Connect, young Pokemon catchers. We took a brief excursion into the history of the game and defined the goals. Now the most important thing: what Pokemon there are, which ones to choose and which ones to capture, how to play, and so on.

Photo source: Flickr


In the game, Pokémon of the same species can have different levels of Combat Power, that is, strength. The larger it is, the stronger the animal. For example, a wild Rattata might have 60 CP while another Rattata might have 70 CP. When it's time to evolve, you'll want to "level up" the Pokemon with the highest CP. This will ensure maximum potential in the final stage.

Once you receive a Pokemon, you can evaluate its skills. How good an animal is in battle is determined by its CP. To evolve a Pokemon, you need to use Candy and Stardust. We go to the information about the Pokemon and look at the necessary indicators. Stardust is given for catching any Pokemon, and Candy is given for catching identical ones.

There are 18 specialized types of animals in total. By identifying a Pokemon's type, you can learn about its weaknesses, strengths, and attacks. All types are divided into nine unique and nine physical. The Pokemon Master should know about each one so that there is a chance to catch them all.

Pokémon live in areas similar to their type. Water - near rivers, lakes, reservoirs; plant and insect Pokemon - in parks, forests, and so on.

Physical types and where they live:

Common - found everywhere;

Flying - open areas, large park areas and suburban areas;

Combat - large stadiums, sports shops and gyms;

Earthen - most often found in fields and off-road;

Ghosts - live in the “dead zone”;

Poisonous - found in swampy areas;

Insects are the eternal neighbors of flying Pokemon;

Steel - large buildings, railways;

Stone - mountains, rocks, quarries and large asphalt areas.

Special types and habitat:

Wizards - religious places and monuments;

Grassy - lawns and any spaces with abundant grass;

Water - pools, rivers, ponds and even large fountains;

Fiery - dry and hot places, including beaches;

Electrical - near industrial areas;

Dragons are places of significant historical value;

Dark ones - they can often be found in the cinema hall;

Psychedelic - oddly enough, they love to visit green areas;

Icy - snow-covered areas, ice or high-rise glass buildings.

Why know this? As mentioned, each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, for example, fire is strong against grass, grass is strong against water, and water is strong against fire. This will need to be kept in mind later, when battling Pokemon for the purpose of capture.

Tips to keep in mind include: Capture all Pokémon nearby, even if you don't like a particular one or you already have one. The fact is that any capture gives the player experience points, as well as Candy - this item helps pump up the Pokemon. In addition, they can be traded.

Rare Pokemon

Now let's talk about the rarest Pokemon. It is believed that some of the animals are found in the wild only in certain regions of our planet. That is, no matter where you live, there will always be a couple of Pokemon that are not on your continent.

Legendary Pokemon in descending order: Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Ditto.

Epic Pokemon in descending order: Dragonite, Omastar, Clefable, Charizard, Venusaur, Charmeleon, Dragonair, Poppy, Vaporeon, Machamp, Blastoise.


There are several types of Pokeballs in the game: PokeBall (standard Pokeball), Great Ball (Great Ball) and Ultra Ball (Ultra Ball). What they do: Each one is used differently. For example, at game levels from one to 11, you will only need a standard Pokeball. At level 12 you will receive 20 new Great Balls, which are needed to catch stronger animals, and from level 20 you will unlock the best Pokeball in the game - Ultra Ball, which is used to catch Pokemon with Combat Power (CP) above 500 .

All pokeballs have an individual percentage of catching pokemon. The blue Great Ball is 50% better than the standard one, and the Ultra Ball increases the chance of catching rare Pokemon by 90%.


Pokéstops are various attractions in the real world, when you visit them you gain experience and various items. On the map they are displayed as blue floating cubes with pokeballs. At PokeStops you can find Pokeballs, potions, Pokemon eggs and much more. You will also receive a small amount of experience. So visit all the PokéStops you see.


Pokeballs are used to catch Pokémon you encounter; incense attracts wild Pokemon to you (after using it, you will not be looking for Pokemon, but they will be looking for you); Lucky eggs double the experience gained; lures (Lure module) can be installed on a PokeStop, and Pokemon will immediately begin to gather around it; Potions are needed to treat wounded Pokemon; revives are used to restore defeated Pokemon; Berries (RazzBerru) can be thrown at a wild Pokemon, and it will be much easier to catch.

Life hacks for young players:

1) Practice shows that the maximum concentration of wild Pokemon is observed in places with a large concentration of PokeStops and cultural significance: in Moscow these are Red Square, Alexander Garden, VDNKh, Gorky Park, Kitay-gorod and so on;

2) there are more Pokemon where the game notes higher player activity;

3) remember the places where you have already found VIP Pokemon. According to the World Organization of Trainers, whose gamers have been playing Pokemon GO since beta testing, so-called rare Pokemon nests appear in the same locations all the time. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to regularly check the places of Pokemon activity (and places of human activity) where you or one of your friends have already noticed a rare Pokemon;

4) use the game “radar” (gray search field in the lower right corner of the game screen) and look at its menu more often. Among familiar animals, new ones sometimes appear on the list. If you see one of these, set up your radar on it (just click once on its image in the list) and start tracking it. True, you also need to be able to guard Pokemon, especially rare ones. As a rule, they do not sit still for a long time, so you will have to show skill;

5) rare Pokemon you may have initially. You just need to grow them. Yes, we are talking about the eggs that you constantly find at PokeStops. Get used to using an incubator (the first one is given to you for free), or even better - several, and develop. From eggs that have to be “nursed” for a long time (10 kilometers), a powerful Pokemon is guaranteed to appear;

6) as the skill of the trainer (this is the player himself) increases, the level of Pokemon that he can find and catch also increases. In other words, the higher your personal level, the more often you will encounter VIP Pokemon.

Without fanaticism

An exciting game should not affect the meaningfulness of your actions. There was already a precedent in Russia when blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky received a two-year and three-month suspended sentence after catching Pokemon in the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg.

On August 11, 2016, Sokolovsky posted a video on his YouTube channel in which he caught Pokemon in the temple. The recording was accompanied by typical comments for Sokolovsky’s channel, which attracted the attention of law enforcement officers.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, citizens often enter minefields in search of Pokemon.

Accidents caused by gambling are also not uncommon. In Baltimore, an SUV crashed into a police car at high speed. Having caught up with the car, the officers inquired about the condition of the driver, who had just been involved in an accident. In response, he said: “This is what I got by playing this stupid game.” According to law enforcement officers, some time before the incident the driver was immersed in Pokemon Go.

In St. Louis, America, three men fought over Pokemon, not sharing an important location among themselves. Two of them are father and son.

In Taiwan, Pokemon hunters have paralyzed traffic. Fans of the game Pokemon Go chased the fleeing animals, not noticing cars and buses moving along the roadway.

Players Pokemon Go warned of criminal liability for catching Pokemon in Russia. the site found out how law enforcement officials can punish for catching Pokemon in the wrong places.

Bringing strangers up to speed, the TV presenter of the popular TV channel “Russia 24” warned of criminal liability for catching Pokemon in the wrong place. If a person roams around someone else’s apartment with a smartphone, he faces a fine of 40,000 rubles. Disruption of the election process will result in a fine of up to 80,000 rubles

Catching Pokemon on the borders of countries will also not lead to anything good, in this case you will have to pay 200,000 rubles and get ready to go to prison for 2 years. Finally, playing Pokemon Go in temples and other sacred places is considered a particularly serious crime. A careless player will catch a fine of half a million rubles instead of a Pokemon and go to jail for 3 years.

According to Gamebomb.ru, the Pokemon Go game was released on July 6. This is a shareware project for mobile devices based on iOS and Android with augmented reality. The user is asked to walk through real places and catch Pokemon that appear in real places. The game is extremely popular, although it has not even been officially released in Russia yet. The leader of the Orthodox movement and the ataman of the St. Petersburg Cossacks have already asked to ban Pokemon in Russia, since people go to churches and educational institutions in search of them. A drop of honey in the ointment - the authorities have officially allowed catching Pokemon in the subway.

In July, Pokémon took sixth place in popularity in the media after the presidents of the Russian Federation, Turkey, the United States, the Prime Minister of Russia and the press secretary of the head of our state. Moreover, virtual animals, despite the saga with domestic Olympians, overtook Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko in terms of mentions. These are the data of the analytical company Medialogia.

The mass hysteria has affected not only Pokemon catchers who bypass all obstacles to get the coveted application, but also those who are “very concerned and alarmed” by the popularity of this game. After the PR given to Pokemon on the Internet and in the media, the RG correspondent, who had never played computer “catch-up shooters,” decided to spend one day registering her Apple ID under the guise of a US resident and downloading these “devil’s spawn.”

Catching Pokemon has become overgrown with so many myths in recent days that I wanted to simply check whether there is any real basis for virtual claims. At the same time, everything said below is absolutely subjective, but I would like to present an alternative point of view on what is happening. Although, naturally, for every argument there is a counterargument, and more than one.

1. Pokemon is played by "zombies". They see nothing around them, their glassy gaze fixed on their smartphone.

The vast majority see and are aware of what is happening around them. If only simply because, in search of Pokemon, you still have to pay attention to the landscape and compare the “map” in the application with the area, navigating the surrounding reality.

Naturally, reading information about how two teenagers are catching animals illegally between the USA and Canada, the “uninitiated” has no choice but to throw up their hands: “That’s really a “zombie”!” However, judging by the map, these two cities are closely adjacent to each other, and the border runs almost along neighboring streets. According to media reports, it is not even guarded by border guards, it is only patrolled by customs officers and police. In a word, something tells me that this is not the only case of her illegal transition, but the only one that has become world famous. You understand, thanks to whom (or what?).

2. Pokemon catchers require

Twenty-five years ago, Russians were enthusiastically catching chicken eggs with the help of a wolf, then Tetris captured the mass consciousness, and then dozens of games rained down on us like from a cornucopia. Someone fights while sitting on the couch, but “thinking” that he is in a tank, another is looking for opponents in virtual universes. Many people play something. Elementary - they play solitaire.

Regarding the statement that playing Pokemon is an attempt to escape from reality, then, in a global sense, it can be attributed to almost any game. After all, the point of entertainment is to temporarily forget about problems. Of course, there are gamers who completely lose their sense of reality. But now we are not talking about them, but about 99.9 percent of ordinary people who, after spending a couple of hours catching Pokemon, return to normal life. But they were already assigned in advance to the “sick people” who see devils on the screen.

Many years ago, everyone, young and old, rushed to raise virtual animals, and then there was also hysteria that this was a replacement for reality. Years passed and everyone forgot about it. Someone is still passionate about this game, but its all-consuming popularity has long passed.

3. The game should be banned because it is dangerous

The problem is that it is impossible to ban everything that is dangerous. How many accidents have occurred on the railway because a person was walking along the rails with headphones on and did not hear the whistle of an approaching train. Ban headphones?

Of course, it would be good if there were no criminal or accidental incidents with Pokemon catchers at all. And here, we must pay tribute to our law enforcement officers, they are ringing all the bells and asking us to be careful. And even energy workers. Caution never hurts, whether you are catching Pokemon or not.

By the way, I haven’t yet seen a single player who would crawl under cars to get an unusual monster. But every day I watch dozens of people rush to cross the road at a red traffic light or in the wrong place. And since I live in a resort region, I constantly read news about people who drowned during a storm or got lost (injured) in the mountains. So maybe it's not about Pokemon? And you shouldn’t shift purely human problems onto virtual animals.

4. The game leads to a decline in morals and moral degradation

Of course, Pokémon don't belong in a cemetery, church, or memorial site. But if a person allows himself to catch Pokemon during a funeral or religious service, this already indicates a lack of tact. And in this case, catching Pokemon is a consequence of bad manners, and not its cause. So we're going from the wrong end.

But as for museums, this is where competent management has something to think about. Is there anything wrong with attracting young people to a museum with the help of rare Pokemon, especially since the catchers are not aggressive, they do not need to make any sudden movements and physically disturb someone? And having paid money for a ticket, most will want to look around.

You will say that this is not the best way to attract people to cultural institutions, they say, a person should consciously make a decision about visiting them. But here the legendary “queue for Serov” comes to mind. Were all those who froze for several hours in 20-degree frost connoisseurs, considering that the exhibition began in October and the excitement arose in December? However, the PR did its job, and the people flocked, and it is unlikely that such popularity can be explained only by the great power of art.

5. Only poorly educated people with a low cultural level catch Pokemon

I wonder if anyone has already conducted real research and established a correlation between a person’s level of education and his games? Pokemon Go is a fun, unusual game, and not “a sign of the decline of human civilization and a return to a primitive state.” And to attach any existential significance to it is absurd. The feeling is that everyone is trying to promote themselves on something popular. If this game didn’t have so many fans, who would talk about its spiritual meaning?

Taking the same football in a purely sporting sense (without its current economic and political component): what is the uplifting meaning of running after the ball and trying to take it away from the opponent in order to score into the goal? Catchers also run after Pokémon, sometimes walking tens of kilometers in the fresh air to catch a monster. For me, this is better than not getting off the couch for days, armed with a joystick.

At the same time, football is no less, if not more traumatic, and let alone fan battles; unfortunately, some of them have a tragic outcome. But no one is demanding that football teams be disbanded and stadiums locked up. Both big politicians and famous artists play football, and they are not accused of moral squalor. The game is a pure outburst of emotions; it’s strange to approach it with cultural standards.

Pokemania will pass, and in a few months it will be replaced by something else - should we ban everything? The development of technologies, including gaming, cannot be stopped. Instead of banning them, we need to take them into account. In this regard, I am very impressed by the position of the Moscow government, which, instead of shouting about moral decline, decided to develop its own game with educational and entertainment overtones based on the new product. Great idea. In any case, it’s better than the favorite calls to “keep them out.”

Surely you have already heard about numerous incidents related to the general hunt for Pokemon. In Australia and America, Pokemon GO players catch cyber-monsters in the most unpredictable places - on supermarket shelves, in neighbors' houses, on the theater stage. And the players desperately tried to catch one of the elusive monsters on the territory of the police station! Because of this incident, the Australian police even broadcast a TV video in which they reminded of criminal and administrative liability for such antics.

What is the liability for hunting in unauthorized places?

In Russia, they took care of the rules for playing Pokemon GO in public places even before the official release of the application, in order to exclude the experience of countries in which Trainers already enjoy catching Pokemon and fighting between monsters. At the Russia 24 shopping mall they named the places, where you can't catch pokemon so as not to break the law and not come face to face with law enforcement agencies. There is nothing new in these rules; in fact, the security forces simply reminded players of their responsibility under the law for violating articles of the Criminal Procedure and Administrative Codes.


Invasion of private territory (Article 139 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
You can get a fine for trying through a mobile application in someone else's house. Invasion of any private property, including for the purpose of catching a virtual creature (to whom will you prove that you entered with good intentions?), is punishable by a fine of up to 40 thousand Russian rubles. You can also receive several months of corrective community service (maximum - a year).

Elections of deputies and other government officials (Article 141 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
It is prohibited to hunt Pokemon during the electoral process, during the elections of deputies at various levels. For this violation (for example, trying to hit a Pokemon that is sitting on the table at the election commission, or in a voting booth) you can be punished with a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles. For a similar administrative violation, the unlucky hunter may also be sentenced to a year of correctional labor.

Church (Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
Yes, indeed, desecrating shrines by attempting to tame them is strictly prohibited in our country. According to an article of the Criminal Code, freedom of all religions is allowed in the state. And actions in a temple that constitute disrespect for religion or religious communities are punishable by a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles. Also, for interfering with a church service with violence or threats, you can receive a fine of up to 200 thousand. Disrespect for believers in the form of hunting Pokemon in a church can result in a player being imprisoned for up to 3 years.

State borders (Article 322 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
As one would expect, catching his comrades near the Russian border with other countries is no joke. For unauthorized border crossing (even if a seductive, fanged one is flying two steps away from you) you can be sent to prison for 2 years or an administrative penalty in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

Please pay attention to this information - there are no new laws prohibiting the actual hunting of Japanese pocket monsters in the real world. This is a classic criminal code, the articles of which are adapted for Pokemon Go players. We hope this will help you understand and not do anything stupid by playing the game and risking being jailed or paying a large fine.

Pokemon can end up in the most unusual places, but not everywhere the administration welcomes the appearance of players, and some objects are completely impossible to get to.

Russians actively play Pokemon Go, despite the fact that there has not yet been an official release of the application in our country.

The new game combines the real and fictional worlds on the smartphone screen.

The program gives a "task" where to look for Pokemon, and can send the user to the most unusual places, such as museums, temples and cemeteries. In some public places, hunting cartoon monsters is discouraged.

Thus, the administration of the Holocaust Museum in Washington and the museum at the site of the Auschwitz concentration camp asked visitors not to play Pokemon Go in such places, as it insults the memory of the victims.

The Russian Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC) promises to develop recommendations to limit the use of the application in Russia. “Such a game should have location restrictions; it is unacceptable for it to be played in places of religious significance, in cemeteries, at government facilities,” said the executive secretary of the HRC, Yana Lantratova.

What do representatives of administrative, religious, military and educational institutions think about hunting Pokemon on their territory - in the TASS material.


According to presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin is unprecedentedly open, despite the fact that it is the residence of the head of state. However, in his opinion, chasing Pokemon is not a reason to visit. “Pokemon is not a reason to visit the Kremlin, the treasury of world culture,” Peskov noted.


The Moscow metro is open to Pokemon catchers, with the exception of service areas. The press service of the metro recommended that players be extremely careful to limit the use of the application in the metro during rush hours.

Railways and airports

Moscow airports Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo are not against passengers playing Pokemon Go. However, players are in any case prohibited from entering any office premises. Airport administrations are also reminded of the need to monitor the status of the flight, the safety of baggage and hand luggage, and also observe transport security.

In case of violation of aviation safety rules, violators may be subject to administrative and, in some cases, even criminal liability, Vnukovo also noted.

Russian Railways warns about the dangers of geolocation-based mobile games and urges people to abandon such applications while at railway facilities.

Train stations and platforms, railway crossings and stations are places of increased danger. Distraction of attention to the screen of mobile devices can lead to loss of vigilance and orientation in space, press service of Russian Railways

Churches and synagogues

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia do not object to hunting Pokemon outside religious buildings. “As long as this does not bother anyone and does not create difficulties for parishioners and the administration, we do not see a problem,” notes the head of the FEOR press service, Andrei Glotser.

The Don Metropolis calls on parishioners and Pokemon catchers to treat each other with understanding and respect.

A well-mannered person, even one who is passionate about the game, will never provoke a real conflict over a virtual “boob”, but a good parishioner will always find the opportunity to support the elbow of a Pokeman who has tripped on the church steps. Press Secretary of the Head of the Don Metropolis Igor Petrovsky

At the same time, representatives of religious organizations agree that it is inappropriate to play in a cemetery, religious building, theater or museum, where it disturbs other people. “There are clear ethical and behavioral frameworks that must be preserved,” notes the head of the FEOR press service, Andrei Glotser.

If you turn any space of life into buffoonery and grotesquery, I think it will be no laughing matter. It's like an inappropriately told joke. The joke itself is a good and funny thing. But joking, for example, about an old woman with a scythe in a hospice or in children's oncology is a monstrous tactlessness. This is why man was given brains

Press secretary of the head of the Don Metropolitanate Igor Petrovsky.

Schools and universities

Mass visits to schools and universities within the framework of gaming applications like Pokemon Go are unacceptable, according to the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science. “It is not possible for third parties participating in the game to enter the territory of schools and universities, since schools are protected facilities that ensure the safety of children during educational activities and are not available for mass public visits,” the department explained.

At the same time, the department emphasized that they do not intend to restrict students from using smartphones outside of class hours. “This is an unnecessary measure, since, for example, children need mobile devices to communicate with their parents,” the press service explained.


As stated by the Roscosmos state corporation, it is impossible to play Pokemon Go at enterprises in the rocket and space industry, including the Mission Control Center. These enterprises are sensitive, and on their territory the use of photo and video equipment, the use of the Internet, and the bringing of computer equipment is prohibited without special permission, and in specially protected areas restrictions on the operation of cellular communications are observed.

Cosmonauts and astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) will also be unable to catch Pokémon due to lack of technical capabilities.

Cosmonauts do not have such a technical capability, and if they did, they are sure they would not do it, since they devote their free time to communicating with family, photographing the Earth and relaxing, press service of Roscosmos

Military facilities

Military facilities are not the place to hunt for pocket monsters, notes the official representative of the headquarters of the Central Military District, Colonel Yaroslav Roshchupkin. He recalled that sensitive facilities of the Ministry of Defense are protected by technical means and forces on duty, and there are restrictions on the use of the Internet.

Attempts of unauthorized entry into a protected area will entail adequate response measures. Even Pokemon know this