An unforgettable holiday in Portugal: where to visit and what to see. Portugal - holiday at sea. The best beaches in Portugal. Portugal, sea Where to relax in Portugal by the sea in summer

Portugal is one of the most inexpensive and exciting destinations in Europe. The country has a rich seafaring past, superb beach resorts, brooding towns and landscapes surrounded by olive groves, vineyards and wheat fields. This little seafaring country has always been a place of adventure. In Portugal you are sure to find activities to your liking, from hiking to the Caldeira das Sete Cidades (volcanic crater) or exploring the vineyards of the Doura Valley, or simply lazing on the Algarve beach. The country's coastline is blessed with magnificent beaches that are considered among the most beautiful in the world.

Capital Lisbon, is extremely alluring, with its trams and iron cable cars climbing seven hills. The Baixa district is interesting for its Baroque architecture, and the embankment is reminiscent of the era of colonial discoveries.

Second Porto city located in the north of the country, it is the capital of the well-known drink port wine. Porto is home to the beautiful Ribeira district, a UNESCO heritage site of painted and arcaded houses. If you go south you will find yourself to Faro, which is the capital of the Algarve, is a city with a vibrant student spirit and well-preserved medieval buildings.

Fascinating history, delicious food and idyllic landscapes are just a small part of what this small but stunning country is famous for!

General information about the country


Portugal is located in the southwestern corner of Europe and is one of the oldest countries on the continent, with many traditions and the pride of sailors. Despite its small size, the country is blessed with a varied landscape, from green mountains and golden plains to beautiful river valleys and miles of sun-drenched beaches.

Portugal on the World Map


41.66 km². The country is divided into 18 regions in mainland Portugal and two autonomous regions (Azores and Madeira Islands). Northern Portugal is quite mountainous. The Algarve is a popular resort area with wide sandy beaches and many attractive bays.




Portuguese speak official Portuguese and Mirandese


The country, whose name comes from the city of Porto, is home to 10 million Portuguese. According to another version, it is believed that the parts “porto” and “gaul” were combined into one word due to the settlement of the Gauls in the 9th century


Most Portuguese are Catholics.


1 euro (€) = 100 cents

Banknotes: 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5

Coins: euro 2, 1 and 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent

Country dialing code

351, in case of emergency dial 112


  • Taxi: Round up to the nearest 5 euros of the total fare
  • Hotels: a few euros at the end of your stay
  • Restaurants: 10% in tourist areas, but check your bill because the service may be included
  • Bars: usually a euro or two if the service was good, otherwise don't leave

Climate, when is the best time to go?

The land among the water causes a Mediterranean climate, characterized by high humidity. The Atlantic influences a certain softness and humidity along the coast and beyond.

Generally, the weather is similar to other parts of Europe and can be divided into tourist seasons:

  • Low season(December-March) - short rains during the day, with low temperatures in high mountain areas. Many attractions close earlier, with the benefit of less tourist crowds and lower prices.
  • Average season(April-June and September-November) - warm days with a cool breeze from the ocean, this is an ideal time for active recreation and hiking. Moderate number of tourists and fairly lower prices than in high season. June is festival season.
  • High season(July and August) - very warm and more comfortable ocean temperatures. All attractions are open longer, but accommodation prices increase by 30%, so expect large tourist crowds, especially in coastal areas.

Cities and resorts

  • Capital of Portugal Lisbon It is considered one of the oldest and most comfortable cities in the world. It was formed a century before the appearance of Paris and Rome on maps. Almost 50% of Portuguese live in Lisbon and Porto. Tenth richest in all of Eurasia. The black and white streets of Lisbon are due to the patronage of Saint Vincent, who walked among the white houses in a characteristic black robe.
  • Portuguese St. Petersburg - Porto city. The remaining regions are under surveillance in cities such as Minho, Aveiro, Coimbra, Algarve and Viseu. For reference, the most famous Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo lives in the Madeira region.
  • The country's beach, thermal and ski resorts attract tourists from all over the world. Favorite beach spots – Algarve with long beaches; small and clean island of Madeira; Azores Islands with dolphins and exotic parrots. Thermal waters Geresha will help you improve your health and enjoy the wild nature of the state. There is snow in the mountains for several months of the year, so lovers of snowboarding or skiing will enjoy a stay at the Hotel Serra da Estrela.

What types of recreation are there?

  1. Excursion holidays are developed in the city of Porto; you can plunge into the Middle Ages in the village of Obidos.
  2. There are aquariums, water parks, and zoos in the capital for children. For little tourists, Little Portugal is the “Portugal in Miniature” park, located in Coimbra.
  3. All types of active recreation are available all year round. Everything that a modern person can imagine is present here. Kiting, surfing, golf, diving, windsurfing, etc. In June you can already swim, and most importantly, Country Day is celebrated.
  4. Autumn is ideal for excursions, although until the end of November the air and water temperatures allow you to cool off in the ocean. In winter it's 15 degrees Celsius and this is a great time to purchase a discounted ticket to a ski resort.

Holidays and festivals

Every summer Saturday, holidaymakers on Modeira watch fireworks, although there are plenty of other holidays in the country, for example, New Year, as in the CIS, they are celebrated on January 1. All Saints' Day celebrated on November 1, but February 28 begins Carnival. Regattas, fairs and festivals are constantly held to attract tourists.
But the absolute cherry on the cake is feast of Saint Anthony. Basil, garlands, grilled sardines are the hallmark of the celebration. Pots of basil are given as a sign of love. On this day, the administration allocates money for weddings; many brides and grooms walk around the city. Folk parades and carnivals are waiting for you from June 12 to 13 annually.

Where is the best place to stay?

Regarding European prices, Portugal is an affordable country. Let's start our list in ascending order of price:

  • the cheapest way to spend the night - couchsurfing(free, as in any country)
  • hostel bed can be rented for 10 euros, a separate room for 40 euros
  • accommodation in a tent on the seashore will cost 20 euros for two, such accommodation in a camp is called camping
  • small but clean room in a three star hotel will cost 60-90 euros
  • life in a castle or authentic rural areas costs from 100 euros per day

Traditional cuisine

Home of Portugal's pastries - pastel de nata. You should definitely try it. This traditional custard tart is considered the country's gastronomic wonder. This dish was invented by the monks of Lisbon in the 14th century. It looks like a slightly burnt dessert with thin dough and a mound of hot cream, but the taste is indescribable.

Be sure to check out the central Bolao market. Here are the classic fruits and vegetables of the country, fish and olives in very unusual containers. In Portugal, olives are sold by the bucket. But most of all there are cheap souvenirs. Port wine It’s more profitable to buy in the center, on Silveira Street in a small wine shop.
There are plenty of places with cheap food in Porto. The main secret is to have enough strength to get to them. It's 5-7 blocks from the center, but you can have dinner for only 4 euros. For example, order Francesinho. The shape of the dish is similar to a sandwich, but it is made from bread, steak and large slices of cheese on top, drenched in beer sauce. You can not only get full, but also get drunk.

Secret trick from a local! All establishments in Portugal have a menu for tourists and a menu for locals. Ask for Portuguese - the prices are much lower and the dishes are more traditional. Gazpacho is different from the traditional Spanish dish. It's somewhere between a cold soup and a refreshing salad. The most important local fish is extremely salted bacalao. Locals love cod so much that they even eat it at Christmas. It is impossible to leave a hot country without trying one of the freshest tuna steaks. Here its freshness is measured not in days, but in hours. Grilled sardines– the culinary face of Portugal.

When you order food, the waiter will bring bread and olives before serving. But remember, it's not free, and if you don't want to pay extra, just say no!

What to bring from the country as a souvenir

Bring home a symbol of the country - ceramics, corks, port wine, a souvenir in the form of a Portuguese rooster and much more.
It is important to remember that it is prohibited to import and export potatoes, chocolate, pornography, drugs, perishable foods and antiques.

Do I need a visa to enter Portugal?

Only electronically can you obtain a visa to Portugal, without which entry into the country is impossible for residents of the Russian Federation. To complete the documents you will need a photo, international passport, medical insurance, and bank account statement. If you are traveling with children, then a birth certificate.

How to get to Portugal

By plane

For example, you can quickly and easily get there by plane with a transfer in Istanbul. On average, in 13 hours you can find yourself in the desired place; the cost of a ticket will be 11,250 rubles. The average price for the main method of departure from Moscow is 170 euros per person. The flight from Moscow will take 12 hours 30 minutes, from St. Petersburg 7 hours 20 minutes with a transfer, from Kazan 8 hours 45 minutes, from Yekaterinburg - 8 hours 20 minutes, from Vladivostok - 12 hours 21 minutes.

For the budget-conscious traveler, the cheapest option is to fly from the main airport in Barcelona (Spain). You can get there in 25 minutes by local train, a ticket for which costs 4.10 euros. Tickets throughout Europe are cheap, with an average flight between countries ranging from 5 to 10 euros. Therefore, the most important rule for a budget traveler is to get to the nearest European country.

You can use the services of a tour operator and then a 2-week vacation will cost 2,000 euros per person. At the same time, you don’t need to worry about flights, stops, buses, how to get there and where to stay.

By train

You can’t get directly from Moscow by rail, but you can get there from Spain and France for 200 euros per person.

By bus

The situation is similar with buses. If you don’t buy a “low cost” ticket in advance, it’s best to travel from nearby countries.

Getting around the country

The most profitable way to travel around the country is by bus or plane with a pre-purchased ticket. The capital has metro and tourist passes.


  • The monarchs of Portugal were replaced by Republicans in 1910. The Portuguese are very hardworking people - Lisbon's seaport and airport together serve 29 million passengers a year.
  • The Portuguese are religious and conservative people. Thus, they preserve traditions, but rarely open up to something new.
  • Transport and food here are cheap compared to the CIS countries, but luxury accommodation will cost a pretty penny.
  • The state is calm, the population is in a positive mood and there are no fights or showdowns. But you should keep an eye on your bag; pickpockets have spread all over the world and you need to always be on guard.
  • Only in this country are entrances made even for 2 apartments. It was in the city of Porto that the Portuguese language was born. And a ticket there from Barcelona costs only 17 euros.
  • When meeting, all Portuguese always kiss each other twice on the cheeks.

Pros and cons of holidays in Portugal


  • Portugal is very humid due to its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. This is great in the summer, but in the winter this fact causes a lot of inconvenience. There is no central heating in the country, so it is better to visit it in the warm season.
  • Compared to CIS countries, medicine in Portugal leaves much to be desired. A doctor cannot be called to your home; an elevated temperature is not a reason to see a doctor. The therapist does not prescribe tests, but may prescribe an antibiotic and drink a lot of water. Therefore, be healthy, it is better not to get sick here.
  • Tourists should take the siesta into account. From lunch to evening, most shops are closed.
  • high fines for administrative violations.


  • The first plus is high-quality and inexpensive products, excellent wine. The country is considered one of the safest in the world. Even on public holidays there are no fights. The Portuguese are very hospitable people. If you don't speak English or Portuguese, they will take you by the hand and lead you to the place you need.
  • inexpensive transport allows you to fly cheaply to nearby cities and countries.
  • You don’t have to worry that a coup d’etat or mass mayhem will occur during your vacation.
  • environmentally friendly environment.
  • onWe recommend starting the tour in Porto, we recommend starting directly from the station. It would seem like a strange proposal, but all tourists come to this place for a reason. The entire Saubento lobby is lined with colorful azulejo tiles. For the Portuguese, this is not just ceramic tiles, but national pride. 20,000 tiles were used to decorate this hall. The work lasted for 10 years and these are not just ornaments, but huge paintings. Each panel has its own plot: the history of Portugal, rural life, battle scenes, etc. Azulejo plays not only a decorative role, but also a practical one. In winter, the tiles protect from dampness, and in summer from heat.
  • in Porto Definitely a must see from above. One of the best viewing platforms is located on Rua de Pento de Victoria. The city is built on hills, so you need to be prepared to rock your legs. There are ups and downs everywhere, but it’s beautiful!
  • from free things to do in Porto The photography museum is popular. The Portuguese made a museum in a former prison. All photographs are over 50 years old.
  • the most colorful area of ​​Porto- Ribeira. It used to be the poorest area where there was no food. And now there are crowds of tourists and the most expensive restaurants. Someone will always organize a free concert on the embankment. We will propose finishing the pedestrian embankment under the Luís I Bridge. This structure is suspiciously similar to the Eiffel Tower, because it was built by Eiffel’s student. On the upper part there is a subway, on the lower part there are cars. Pedestrians are allowed to walk above and below. This bridge offers the best sunset in Portugal and views of the Douro River. Which translated means “river of gold”, because it used to feed the entire country, flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • come to Portugal and not seeing the ocean would be strange. But we still need to get there. The cheapest way to travel is by bus. At the place where the river flows into the Atlantic Ocean, you understand how a sea wave differs from an ocean wave.
  • to feel the real spirit of Portugal, be sure to visit listen to fado here- the national song and pride of the country. This is the folklore of those times when the Portuguese discovered new lands, traveled a lot, and women missed their loved ones. In 90% of fado it is women who sing, but men can also express “a very strong Portuguese melancholy” with their voices.
  • cathedral tower will demonstrate all the beauty of Ria Formosa. This is a natural phenomenon where a river with many channels and islands flows into the ocean. There are practically no trees in Faro and it is almost impossible to withstand the hot sun. Therefore, locals stretch fabric sheets to create shade.
  • Withthe creepiest church Portugal - Temple of Carmo. It was built in the Baroque style, but tourists come here to see one very strange monument - the chapel of bones. All its walls are lined with the bones of monks. There was not enough space for the dead in the cemetery and their remains began to be transferred to basements. This turned out to be not enough, and they decided to make such a chapel.

What to do before leaving

Once you find yourself in Portugal, try to fully soak up the atmosphere of the new place. Walking through the narrow alleys, imagine the life that was bustling here many centuries ago. Before leaving visit the oldest bookstore “Livraria Lello” (Porto) and hide a couple of euros and a letter with wishes to your relatives who will one day also visit this amazing country.

Portugal was well described in the video Eagle and Tails


Once you visit Portugal, you definitely won’t want to leave here. Because here, you had the amazing opportunity to ride giant waves, wake up in the best places with the most amazing views and sounds of the waves, and eat the most delicious pastries while chatting with the locals.

And when you have to say goodbye, you will finally understand the true meaning of the Portuguese word saudade, which describes a strong attraction to the country, its people, amazing weather and culture.

Portugal is a European country with a very rich history. Despite the fact that it occupies a very small territory on the map of the globe, its tourism opportunities are great. This includes a large number of resorts aimed at completely different audiences, beautiful cities with interesting sights. Great opportunities for eco tourism.

Portugal has a well-developed transport network, so those who want to travel around the country on their own will have no problems getting around. These include buses and Alpha train express trains, which transport passengers between cities in a short period of time. Another very pleasant thing about this country is the hospitality of the local residents, who are always ready to meet you halfway, help, and give advice. A feature of the mentality of citizens is politeness, goodwill, and the motto is always to smile in any situation. Therefore, it is always pleasant to come to Portugal; most tourists who have visited this beautiful country return here again.

Map of Portugal.

Resorts of Portugal and their features.

Algarve- the most popular and respectable resort in the southern part of Portugal. Most often, tourists choose it as a vacation. It has the most luxurious beaches and cleanest ocean water compared to all of Europe. There are never strong waves in the Algarve, so this is a real paradise for lovers of calm swimming and families with children. The advantage of the resort is its excellent climate; there is no extreme heat here. In the Algarve, tourists will find a large selection of hotels from the simplest to the luxury.

This place is perfect for families with children of all ages. The beaches in the Algarve are sandy, many of them equipped with playgrounds. The rich infrastructure of the resort will offer a lot of entertainment such as: water parks, boat trips, bullfighting, sea animal shows, shark hunting, hiking, grottoes, ancient fortresses, the opportunity to visit countries such as Spain and Morocco.

Algarve coast.

Madeira Island- a very interesting place, perfect for recreation for active tourists who love to learn something new. And also for sports lovers, such as paragliding, rock climbing, mountain biking, horse riding, tennis. Also in Madeira you can go surfing, scuba diving, fishing, and water skiing. On the island of Madeira there are practically no isolated beaches, rocky shores are almost everywhere, and the depth begins directly from the shore. Therefore, most hotels have seawater swimming pools. Madeira is an excellent place for hiking, it has rich potential in terms of nature, mountains, waterfalls, all kinds of caves, narrow paths along panoramic cliffs. When going here even in summer, if you plan to go up, take a warm sweater with you.

Madeira Island.

Lisbon - Lisbon Riviera- tourists love to relax in this place; there are several resorts related to the Riviera, but Cascais and Estoril are considered the best. There are gorgeous sandy beaches with clear sea water here. A large number of restaurants for every taste and budget, hotels of any star rating. Young people love to visit these places because the nightlife here is very active. I don’t recommend staying in Lisbon itself, the capital of Portugal; it’s best to visit it during an excursion. The city is large, crowded, and in the midst of summer there is absolutely nothing to do here.


Lisbon Riviera.

Azores- Lately they have become popular among tourists, but for now it’s true among European tourists. Holidays here are extremely quiet and relaxing. The Azores consists of 9 islands. Here you can also go diving and watch dolphins and sperm whales. Teysera Island is famous for its natural, healing geysers; there are ancient forts and castles here. Pico Island attracts tourists with its volcano (height 2350 meters), as well as the presence of ancient churches of historical value.

The Azores are a high-quality beach holiday mixed with eco-tourism and active recreation.

(in August, September or April, May - it doesn’t matter) is becoming more and more popular. And this is not at all surprising, because this country, first of all, is an object of sheer delight, and you can talk about it for a long time and without interruption.

True, it is very difficult to choose colors that can convey at least a fraction of the emotions evoked by the capes, cliffs and bays of the west coast. Try for yourself, after returning from an unforgettable trip, to describe the sound of the surf, the beauty of the plains of Alentejo or the grape valleys of Douro, the smell of fried sardines in Porto, Fado music or the blow of the wind soaked in Arabian exoticism in the Algarve. But these are just small strokes to the wonderful picture called Portugal! To visit here means to visit another - bright and unforgettable world.

Let's go there together!

Everything is there for a great holiday!

In September, the weather in Portugal is practically no different from summer: the temperature does not drop below 25°C. At this time, you can perfectly relax on the beaches of the country, where all the conditions have been created for this. The water warms up to 20°C, and the weather pleases with moderate warmth and an abundance of sunny days.

If you don't like or can't stand the heat, a holiday in Portugal in September will be the best choice for you. It is no wonder that this season is becoming increasingly popular among holidaymakers.

By the way, at the beginning of autumn the country celebrates perhaps the most important holiday - the grape harvest. In all the cities and towns of the birthplace of Madeira and port, fun festivals and folk celebrations are held, participation in which, of course, will leave an indelible mark on the heart of the tourist. In addition, this month falls at the height of the fishing season, which will allow vacationers to take part in the exciting action.

For those who just want to soak up the warm sand, the hospitable country will offer hundreds of excellent places to relax.

Portugal: sea off the Lisbon Riviera

This country can immediately be called one of the most environmentally impeccable in the whole world. And this, you see, cannot but be especially attractive for many thousands of tourists who want to visit it. And the most unforgettable experience that Portugal can give you is a holiday at sea.

And it, in turn, cannot be imagined without the Lisbon Riviera, stretching north along the Atlantic coast from the mouth of the Tagus. This area is considered aristocratic. It is decorated with villas immersed in a sea of ​​greenery, impeccable golf courses, small cozy beaches and very colorful villages.

Let's go to the Riviera

Once founded by the Romans, the city of Estoril was a gloomy place for the exile of crowned persons, but now it is a sunny, fashionable resort, home to the best beaches in Portugal, pleasing the eye with many churches, restaurants, shops and the largest casino in Europe.

And Cascais, famous all over the world, is the largest tourism center. The old part of the city is especially attractive with numerous cafes, a racing track, a city park and the Aristocrat's castle. Visit the Maritime Museum, the Condes de Castro Guimaraes Museum, the churches of Nossa Senhora doj Nvegantes (18th century) and the Assumption, as well as the chapels of San Sebastian (16th century) and Nossa Senhora da Guia (15th century). V.).

But don’t ignore the sand dunes of Guinsha with their beach, because all this is just a dream for those who love windsurfing!

Let's visit the Algarve!

And the Algarve province, unlike anything else in the country, is especially attractive. In it, the entire coast is divided into many resorts, diverse in landscapes, coastline features and architecture, which vying with each other to invite vacationers to enjoy their uniqueness and all the benefits of civilization for a great time.

The Algarve is perhaps the main resort area offering the best beaches in Portugal. This is a long strip, 150 km long, that allows a large number of tourists to bask in the sun at the same time.

These beaches are reliably protected from northern winds by mountains. In the west you can enjoy the unique rocky ridges, absolutely indescribable in beauty, and in the east you can feel the silkiness of fine golden sand.

Holidays in the Algarve

The beaches of the Algarve (Portugal) are an ideal place for those who love holidays. There is everything you need for a carefree and pleasant stay at the resort: hotels, apartments, casinos, restaurants and discos.

The Algarve has Europe's largest yacht club. Lovers of water sports come here. But fans of golf, tennis and athletics will also find something to do in this not at all provincial province. As you can see, here you can indulge in both active recreation and complete blissful beach time.

Where can you stay in the Algarve?

For a truly luxurious holiday that meets all the rules, Algarve hotels are perfect. Portugal offers literally everything that, according to the average tourist, a resort town should have. Hotels in the southern part of the country offer excellent service, a wide range of entertainment and comfort.

Most of them have their own swimming pools, the rooms usually have furnished sunbathing terraces, air conditioning, TVs and hairdryers. Daily housekeeping, complimentary continental breakfasts, and on-site shops and restaurants round out the resort's amenities. Agree that such a set is unlikely to leave any of the vacationers indifferent, as evidenced by the many enthusiastic reviews.

Of course, choosing a hotel is an important component of any vacation. In the Algarve, each of them is unique in its own way, as it tries to attract tourists. But all hotels are united by a special hospitality and comfort that greets each of the guests: well-groomed grounds, spacious rooms, and newlyweds on their honeymoon, also bouquets of flowers.

Meet Madeira!

A map of Portugal with resorts and amazing places to visit would be incomplete without mentioning another wonderful place in this country - the island of Madeira. The Portuguese call it the place of endless spring. It smells of forest, fish, honey and flowers. The sky above it is devoid of clouds, and the whole island looks like a huge, wondrous garden.

The capital of this autonomous region of Portugal - the city of Funchal - descends like a huge amphitheater from the mountains directly to the ocean shore. There are several famous botanical gardens in the city and its surroundings, among them the orchid garden. And if you take the funicular to the top of Monte, your eyes wide open with delight will see a stunning picture: a city hugging the ocean. By the way, you can go down on a wicker sled, which for many years served as almost the only means of transport for local residents.

Holidays in Madeira

By the way, every year at the beginning of May a carnival of flowers is held on the island - an amazing holiday that attracts tourists from all over the world. And for those who appreciate wine, the island will offer its own timeless drink - Madeira.

But the concept of a “beach” holiday on this island is very conditional. Since it is of volcanic origin and rises above the ocean, having almost no gentle slopes anywhere. Beaches in Madeira are mostly being replaced with special concrete platforms with stairs leading down into the ocean. But you can still, while traveling around the island, find wonderful small beaches with sand heated by the sun.

For those who love hiking, Madeira is a real paradise: the landscapes are breathtaking and begging to be captured in your camera, and the air is so clean and healing that you want to breathe it in for future use! No matter what Portugal offers you in this fabulous place - a holiday at sea or travel by land - believe me, it will all be wonderful!

All of Portugal will welcome you warmly

However, what can we talk about if all of Portugal is one of the oldest resorts in Europe. Here you can find hotels that are over 100 years old! Of course, they look like palaces, for example, Reid`s Palace 5* deluxe (Madeira Island) or Olissippo Lara Palace 5* (Lisbon). Their walls are decorated with paintings by famous masters and portraits of celebrities who have honored the hotels with their attention.

The highlight and local know-how are former estates and architectural monuments converted into hotels. Portugal thus managed to preserve them, and even receive an annual profit from the “pousadas” restored using the most modern technical achievements (as similar hotels are called in the country).

True, ultra-modern hotels are no less in demand here. Their database is constantly supplemented and updated. So the choice is yours!

Holidays can be very varied

It should be noted right away that entertainment in Portugal is very diverse, and you won’t have to rack your brains about how to spend your next day. Theatres, classical or modern music halls, all kinds of festivals and shows open their doors to tourists hungry for a cultural holiday.

Tourism organizations usually publish monthly calendars of cultural events, which helps visitors navigate this abundance of offers.

For example, one of the major international events is the Algarve Summer Festival, which attracts musical groups and performers who are famous all over the world. One cannot fail to note the Portuguese carnivals dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the saints. The best of them takes place in the Algarve, and thousands of people flock here to be part of this multicolor, which will continue for three days.

Portuguese bullfight

When describing a holiday in Portugal in September, one cannot fail to mention bullfighting. From spring to autumn, the cities of Santarem, Corusci and Vila Franca de Scira host annual fairs with a unique spectacle - bullfighting.

You can immediately notice that in Portugal they do not kill bulls in the arena. In this country, the spectacle mentioned is primarily a demonstration of courage, dexterity and excellent dressage. By the way, there is one more feature in Portuguese bullfighting: there are no professional bullfighters. In the arena, in their role you will see ordinary clerks, waiters and workers.

Westernmost coast

This country even stands apart on the map, demonstrating to the whole world its separateness, its dissimilarity from the rest of the old and so understandable Europe. Turning away from the continent, Portugal peers into the Atlantic Ocean.

A seaside holiday here cannot be imagined without visiting Cape Roca - the westernmost point of Europe. By the way, tourists who have visited here are given a certificate about this.

In this place, on a memorial stele standing on the shore, the words are imprinted: “Here the land ends and the ocean begins,” belonging to the great Portuguese poet Comuens. But it’s true that the person standing on the cape will be the last in Europe to see the setting sun! Can you imagine?

And, goodbye, Sintra

Eighteen kilometers from the poetic land of Europe is the beautiful ancient city of Sintra - the summer residence of kings. This is perhaps the most visited place by tourists in Portugal.

Royal palaces filled with exciting secrets and exciting stories, monasteries, parks full of wonders, fortresses, golden beaches of the Atlantic, and simply observation decks with amazing views - this is just a small list of the attractions of this coastal city.

By the way, despite the small number of inhabitants (there are only a little more than 30,000 of them in Sintra), the city is the recognized cultural capital of the country.

Who said that Portugal is a seaside holiday and nothing more?

In Sintra, an old tram that has been carrying passengers since the beginning of the last century will take you to the coast, to the coveted beach. But don't jump straight into the silky sand! After all, you still need to see the Castle of the Moors, the Pena Palace, the amazing and mysterious park of the Quinta de Regaleira estate, conceived as the embodiment of heaven on earth, the Capuchin monastery and the Montserrat Palace.

But that's not all! Can you imagine? And we are talking about only one city! And how many must-see places there are in this beautiful, unusual country, which mixes exotic beauty with European restraint! No, you will understand, you cannot come here just once. You need to come to this country again and again. And only then will it be possible to say: “I know something about Portugal!”

As in any island state located in a favorable climatic zone, tourists from Russia will be able to choose any beach holiday in Portugal due to its island location. The history of the state is connected with the sea. It has played an important role in the life of any Portuguese for several centuries.

Countries and island states as beach holiday destinations

Residents of the country treat seafood and nature with respect and care, due to which the total area of ​​​​territories used for beaches is at least 1,800 square kilometers.

In addition to paid, well-maintained beaches, Portugal has many “wild places”. Due to the geographical location of this country, the beach season in Portugal lasts from May to August in the southern part of the island nation. Adults can go there on holiday at any time of the year.

Holidays in Portugal

Arriving tourists will be able to enjoy crystal clear water and a completely unpolluted coastline. On all the beaches here you can find:

  • sunbeds;
  • sun loungers;
  • showers;
  • changing cabins;
  • sun umbrellas.

Island states located in a mild climate zone attract the attention of millions of people who want to go on vacation to the sea not only in summer, but also in winter. Most of the coastal area can be used as a beach. This type of state includes more than 45 countries located on an island or group of islands :

  • Cyprus;
  • Maldives;
  • Portugal;
  • Taiwan;
  • Cuba;
  • Barbados and others.

In such places, the weather is generally favorable for people all year round. A tourist at any time of the year will find incredible beauty of nature and the opportunity to have a good rest. What these states have in common is only their island position.

You can especially relax throughout the year at beach resorts in Portugal such as the Madeira archipelago and the Azores. The weather here is comfortable and warm all year round. You can sunbathe from August to October. During the winter season, you can dive in protective suits and take walks in the surrounding area.

Coast of Portugal

Where to go for a beach holiday in Portugal

A native Portuguese would recommend a beach holiday in the Algarve, which here begins in the spring and ends only in October. The beaches in this region feature incredibly yellow sand that blends harmoniously with the clear blue water of the bay. The most beautiful Portuguese beach here is Praia de Rocha.

For reference! The high season for beach holidays in this country is considered to be the beginning of June - the end of October. At this time, you can safely go sunbathing on the beaches of Portugal.

On one's own

Wealthy people can spend their holidays on the Lisbon Riviera in June - July. There are a large number of fashionable hotels, restaurants and other establishments that tourists love to visit. The restaurants serve an amazing variety of delicious Portuguese dishes. Not far from the capital of Portugal, Lisbon, there is Guincho Beach, which is suitable not only for swimming but also for diving. The surrounding nature is magnificent here. Wealthy businessmen like to come here for a few days for an intensive vacation.


Usually two people or a small group go on scuba diving trips. Experts give recommendations to those who want to relax on the beaches of Portugal: it is better to go to the Azores. Here you can not only swim, but also admire the beauty of the surrounding nature and watch whales and dolphins. The weather on the islands is comfortable at any time of the year. In September it still blooms and smells fragrant due to the mild, humid climate.

Madeira Islands

The Madeira Islands also have sandy beaches, but the yellow sand was brought here from Morocco specifically to attract tourists. During the high season, there is no rain in Portuguese resorts and there are many sunny days. The humid climate of the coast does not allow you to burn in the sun, although doctors' recommendations for dosed exposure to the sun remain in force here. It is especially important to observe it when walking with children on the beach.

When planning a vacation trip for two to Portugal, in addition to the Azores and Madeira, you can choose any direction in the summer. Here at this time the temperature ranges from +25 to +27 degrees C. In most cases, the summer in Portugal is dry and comfortable. You can also go to the Algarve province, where the average annual air temperature does not fall below +18 degrees in winter, and the water warms up to +19...22 degrees. Here you can sunbathe all year round if you wish.

Beaches of the Algarve

by the company

When going on vacation in a large company to sunbathe, you should think through the route and accurately determine the type of vacation. A group of several people usually sends youth groups who want not only to lie on the golden sand of Portuguese beaches, but also to play sports and have fun in the evenings.

In this case, they should choose beaches near Lisbon, where they can not only swim and dive, but also have fun at night in the local nightclubs and discos. It should be borne in mind that a youth company can spend its vacation budget more rationally.

Note! Traditional housing in Portugal, which is rented out to tourists during their holidays, is expensive: from 28 to 40 euros* per day. A youth company will be able to save money by reducing the cost of beach and diving equipment, which is significantly cheaper when filing a collective application.

With child(ren)

Parents can take their children sunbathing and swimming at the ocean beach in Portugal during the summer holidays. You can head to the resorts and beaches of Lisbon, the Algarve, Madeira or the Azores. At this time of year there will be favorable temperatures and you will be able to sunbathe in the sun. At the same time, you should go to the resorts and beaches of Lisbon and the Algarve in June. In July it becomes too hot here for small children due to the fact that the temperature rises to +27...28 degrees C.

The decrease in the number of vacationers in this country begins in November and continues until April.

For reference! You can come here with preschoolers in September - October, when the velvet period begins and temperatures do not go below +25 degrees C.

The best budget beach holidays in Portugal

Portuguese resorts are considered quite an expensive destination in foreign tourism. In Europe it is chosen by wealthy Germans, British and French. Russian travelers can also get acquainted with a beach holiday in Portugal on any route if they save on hotels. Renting a small apartment in Portugal will be more profitable and cheaper.

Portugal carefully monitors the condition of its beaches and holidays on any of them can be called the best. Properly planned spending will help you have an inexpensive holiday, even in the Azores, Madeira or the resorts of Lisbon.

Portuguese island

Tips and tricks from seasoned tourists and experienced travelers

It is better to go to Portugal with a family or a small group. In this case, travelers will be able to save on renting accommodation, which is cheaper for several people, on food and on equipment for the beach and swimming. In all cases, it will be possible to reduce costs.

By correctly planning the route and calculating the budget, tourists from Russia will be able to get acquainted with the beauty of the Portuguese coast and improve their health with the help of the sun and swimming.

* The prices indicated in the article are current at the time of publication of the material.

Great sea power Portugal. Holidays in the republic are famous for spectacular football, delicious cuisine, aromatic wines and gorgeous beaches. This is the real Europe, which is too proud and beautiful to participate in tourist competitions. Portugal is a country for wealthy travelers who value historical heritage and know how to enjoy life.

5 reasons to visit Portugal

Just imagine how wonderful it is to stroll through the winding streets of the old districts and smell the eucalyptus trees and oranges. Admire the colorful houses with quaint decor and feel the mood of the city.

Now let's look at the most interesting aspects of the resort. Here you can:

  1. Try the most delicious oysters. Local oysters are considered the best in the whole world. For maximum pleasure, we recommend adding Portuguese white wine to this dinner.
  2. Enjoy the ocean. The country has more than 20 famous beaches that are definitely worth a visit. To do this, it is advisable to come to the resort in the summer.
  3. Learn to surf. Here, conquering the waves is a way of life. Moreover, the Portuguese sea is considered the most suitable place for this sport.
  4. Listen to fado. This is a whole performance in which the actors give their all. Emotional and heartbreaking singing, which captures notes of nostalgia, love and sadness.
  5. Ride on an old tram. This transport is, in a way, the calling card of the country. A bright and vintage trailer travels through beautiful city neighborhoods and allows you to take a fascinating journey in retro style.

5 best months for a beach holiday

The warm climate of the republic contributes to a year-round flow of tourists. But it’s worth knowing in advance what to expect from Portugal in a certain season, and when is the best time to plan your trip.


The peak tourist season begins in mid-June. Unlike other European countries, there is no sweltering heat and stuffiness here. The weather is very comfortable, ranging from +23-27°C during the day, and the water temperature is about +19°C.

Advice! This month there is always a generous harvest of berries and fruits, so we recommend replenishing the body’s vitamin reserves.


As in August, windswept Portugal is protected from extreme heat in midsummer. At this time of year it is good to go to the resort with children, but for the evening you should definitely take capes or sweaters with you.

July is ideal for combining beach and sightseeing activities.


The beginning of autumn is more like a continuation of summer. And only at the end of September and October, the velvet season begins. This month the swimming season continues fully, and the temperature in the ocean reaches +18°C.

Important! It gets noticeably cold at night, so be sure to take warm clothes with you.


Spring is the most beautiful time of the year in Portugal. Everything around is blooming and fragrant. And although in March there is still a significant amount of clouds and precipitation, in May and April the air begins to warm up more and more every day.

By the end of spring, most tourists discover the swimming season.


The Portuguese winter often experiences dense clouds. The daytime temperature fluctuates between +13 degrees, and at night it gets colder to +6°C. But this weather is not an obstacle to walking along the old Riviera and sightseeing.

Advice! In February, strong and gusty winds often blow, so be sure to wear windproof, warm clothing on excursion tours.

5 best places on the ocean

A huge number of vacationers from all over the world travel to the republic for a beach holiday. This is due to mild winters and warm summers. And also the cleanest ocean and the absence of sudden temperature changes.

We have prepared for you the best places by the ocean where you can fully enjoy the picturesque beauty of nature and high-quality service.


An autonomous region on an archipelago in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. The volcanic terrain and numerous lakes have made the Azores very popular among travelers.
There is no developed infrastructure on the islands. Mostly sophisticated tourists come here, who have opted for a quiet and relaxing holiday on the coast. The best places to go for diving and fishing are the picturesque marine life.

Important! Flores and Corvo are the most dangerous islands in the archipelago. The weather changes every minute, and car rental is even prohibited in Corva.


An almost continuous strip of beautiful beaches (about 150 kilometers). This is a suitable place for an active holiday, as well as for playing golf, tennis or even horse riding. In the Algarve you will find shark hunting, bullfighting, yachting and several huge water parks. It is here that the second scuba diving club in Europe is located, which is famous for its excellent conditions and equipment. History buffs should check out the red stone castle, as well as the old town of Lagos.

Be sure to try the signature dish - cataplana, made from shellfish and fish.


Previously, this place was a quiet fishing village. Today it is one of the most popular destinations in Portugal. Pine forests and orange groves amaze visitors from all over the world with their beauty.
Albufeira has hundreds of restaurants, discos and shops. There is a huge amount of entertainment on the water, such as water skiing or jet skis.

The following attractions are a must-see:

  • Albufeira Castle;
  • Cerro da Vila;
  • Church of St. Anne;
  • Old city;
  • Municipal Museum of Archeology.

Advice! Despite the fact that the city has excellent public transport, it is advisable to rent a car to create your own tourist route.


Quite a large city. In its suburbs is the famous Praia da Rocha beach, famous for its beauty. Also, important monuments of ancient culture are concentrated here - the ruins of a Roman villa and the ancient necropolis "Alcalar" of the 2nd century BC.
Modern Portimao offers its guests excellent holiday conditions. Numerous cafes will happily serve you delicious local dishes, and shopping centers are perfect for shopping. There are more than 60 hotels with different price categories to accommodate tourists.

Important! The city's rocky terrain can be a nuisance and even cause injury. Therefore, be careful and keep a safe distance near the rocks (rocks may collapse).


A town surrounded by vineyards and located on a hilltop. It was once the capital of the Algarve. The ancient maritime Lagoa has existed for more than 2000 years and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Previously, the main activities in the city were fishing, winemaking and farming. Now these activities have been almost completely replaced by tourism. Huge investments are attracted here, due to which the flow of visitors is constantly increasing.

Although much of the ancient architecture was destroyed by a powerful earthquake in 1755, there is still plenty to see in the city:

  • Church of the Matriz de Lagoa;
  • Church of Matriz de Estombar;
  • Monastery of San Jose;
  • Monastery of Nossa Senhora do Carmo;
  • Fortress of São João de Arade.

5 photos from the resort

Colorful buildings and azure water of the southern European state. A unique atmosphere of romance and peace.

Video review

Report about a trip to Lisbon. A walk around its surroundings and beautiful views from a bird's eye view.