Chernorechensky Canyon Crimea how to get there. Chernorechensky is the longest canyon on the Crimean peninsula. Canyon on the map of Crimea

Chernorechensky Canyon is the largest and the longest in Crimea, its length is about 12 km. The Chernorechensky canyon originates from the Baydarskaya valley and ends in the Inkermanskaya valley. The canyon was cut by mountain rivers many millennia ago, in one of the most ancient tectonic faults of the Crimean peninsula.

Geographic coordinates of the Chernorechensky Canyon on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.527635, E 33.726134

Today Chernorechensky Canyon It is completely open to tourists and there is no entrance fee. The width of the canyon ranges from 40 to 310 meters. The Chernaya River flows along the bottom of the canyon, along the right and left banks there are many trails and tourist routes. Most of the trails end in rubble, cliffs or beautiful views of cascading waterfalls. In spring, especially at the beginning of spring, when thousands of streams flow from the mountains, the bottom of the canyon turns into a full-flowing river, which rages, rushes to the mountain peaks and sweeps up a lot of stones and branches from the trees.

Walking along the Chernorechensky Canyon without an experienced guide they can be unsafe, but the views and sound of the waters are simply mesmerizing, and the power of the mountain stream transports you to the Caucasus or to the Amazon River when it is full of water. After the ice and snow melt, the most favorable period for visiting the canyon begins. Many waterfalls, lush blooming of a wide variety of flowers and plants, it feels as if the Chernorechensky Canyon is turning into the lungs of Crimea, filling the peninsula with fresh and clean mountain air, and this is partly true.

One of the largest areas in Crimea, where juniper groves have been preserved intact, is located right here. They spread almost along the entire canyon, alternating with oaks, Crimean pine and yew. There are many fern representatives of the Crimean flora spread across the floor. The best tourist routes begin from the Baydarskaya Valley, near the villages of Shirokoe and Ozernoye, the nearest large village is Orlinoe, located at a distance of 6 km.

Map of the route along the Chernorechensky Canyon

The most common routes along the Chernorechensky Canyon, runs between the villages of Rodnoe and Ozernoe and Chernorechye and Ozernoe. In the village of Rodnoe there is a sign for the beginning of the trail, in the village of Chernorechye the sign is handwritten. All trails are marked with a marker; secondary roads will branch off from the main trail, but after a while, the secondary roads return to the main one. The entire walk through the canyon takes on average about 3-4 hours, but there are also upper trails that you should have at least minimal mountaineering training to visit. These trails last on average up to 5-8 hours.

The most picturesque views and panoramas of the Chernorechensky Canyon open about halfway into the canyon, where it makes a sharp turn. Many observation platforms, bare rocks, endless forests, a stunning bend of the river make this place almost fabulous and seeming a little unreal, as if from some painting, or torn from the pen of a young naturalist who idealizes what he saw. Approximately in the same places, in the middle of the canyon, there is one of the most beautiful caves of the Crimea, Shaitan-Koba, in which a site of an ancient man, several burials and many tools of labor and life of primitive man were discovered in the last century.

How to get to Chernorechensky Canyon

Get to the Chernorechensky Canyon The easiest way is from the Baydar Valley, as a sign you can put the village of Orlinoye. The easiest way to get to Orlinoe is along the Yalta - Sevastopol highway; from the highway, the exit to Orlinoe is marked with a large sign. From the village of Orlinoe about 5 km. to the village of Ozernoye. Chernorechensky Canyon is one of the most picturesque corners and is one of its main attractions. Before visiting the canyon, check out the route in order to create your route as accurately as possible and not miss the amazing places of the Crimean Peninsula. Also, in the Baydar Valley there is another canyon - exactly on the opposite side of the valley. Whatever attraction you decide to visit in the Baydar Valley, you are guaranteed a good mood and a sea of ​​adrenaline.

Chernorechensky Canyon on the map of Crimea

The Black River is one of the favorite tourist routes. Sometimes people think that the river Chernaya is named for the color of its water, and are very surprised to discover that its color is very far from what was expected. In fact, the name has nothing to do with the color of the water. In the lower reaches there is a large village of Chernorechye. Previously it was called Chorgun. Nobody knows what this word means. There is no translation of it from any of the existing languages. This is probably a very ancient name, and over the centuries-old history it has been repeatedly distorted in different languages. The latest example of such distortion was the transformation of a toponym into a simple and understandable word “black”. So from the word “Chorgun” the name “Black River” was born. The water in the Black River is a special smoky turquoise color, and wild water irises bloom along the banks in spring.

Description of the river

The Chernaya is the second largest river in Crimea, its average annual flow is 1.94 m3/s (it is second only to Belbek, whose flow is 2.75 m3/s), and in terms of hydropower reserves it has no equal on the peninsula. At the beginning of the 20th century. They even planned to build a small hydroelectric power station on it, which was supposed to supply electricity to the entire southwestern Crimea. But after the commissioning of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station, the need for construction disappeared.

The river originates in the Baydar Valley. Making its way to the sea, it “gnawed out” a deep gorge 16 km long in the mountains - the same Chernorechensky canyon that tourists love so much. As is usually the case, the river took advantage of the weakened discharge zone.

In the lower reaches the sides of the canyon open wide. Here, along the banks of the river, wide floodplain clearings with lush green grass have formed. In this part there is a good road along the river, almost like in a park.

Above the Partizanskaya Polyana, the comfortable path ends, the road turns into a path, and pressure points appear near the riverbed - sheer cliffs approaching the water. You have to go around them on top. The difficulties of the journey are repaid by the scenery.

A very picturesque place called the Gate. It is located at the upper bend along the river - a loop. Here the stream squeezes between the steep walls of the banks, foaming at several high rapids.

Sometimes you can hear that the Chernorechensky Canyon is difficult to pass. In fact, it’s only difficult if you go with a large backpack. With a small one-day backpack, the canyon can easily be walked in about 7-8 hours.

How to get to Chernaya Rechka

To s. We reach Chernorechye by bus Sevastopol-Ternivka, departing from the 5th kilometer bus station in Sevastopol. Even from the highway, between the houses of the village, you can see a grayish-yellow 8-sided structure - the Chorgun Tower - a historical monument (there are several versions about the time of its construction. The dates vary from the 14th to the 17th centuries). She is our guide. We pass by the tower and turn left at the square with a well and a bus stop. The street behind the village turns into a road, which, after crossing the hill, descends into the canyon. There are further options:

  1. walk to the Partizanskaya Polyana (landmark - a monument and the remains of a bridge across the river) and return back;
  2. continue further along a more difficult part of the canyon. There is nowhere to get lost there. The landmark is the river, there is a blue marking.

It is important to know!

The Black River is a water protection zone, so local authorities sometimes prevent visitors from visiting the canyon. Most often, those who come from the Baydar Valley are stopped. Cases where people were not allowed in from Chernorechye are rare.

One of the most picturesque and longest canyons in Crimea is located between the village of Chernorechye and the Baydar Valley near the cities of Sevastopol and Balaklava. It, of course, owes its name to the Chernaya River, which originates in the Baydar Valley and flows into the Black Sea. Despite its name, the river has a very pleasant emerald hue.

The Chernaya River is of great strategic importance - it is an important source of fresh water in the region. It is no coincidence that during the Crimean War the British tried to capture the mouth of the river in order to provide fresh water to their troops who were besieging Sevastopol.

The water element has both destructive and creative powers. Water is an excellent artist and sculptor, and the Chernorechensky Canyon is the result of her creation. When the limestone rock was eroded by the elements, high cliffs were obtained, comparable to the Daryal gorge of the Terek River. If you like nature, are not afraid of extreme sensations and strive for something unusual, then walking along one of the canyon routes is just what you need. You can do this on your own, since you can get into the canyon almost unhindered, but the path can be difficult and exhausting. Without good physical shape and endurance it is difficult to achieve. In addition, there are also dangerous areas, so perhaps the best option would be to take part in an excursion or a hike organized by professionals.

Routes along the Chernorechensky Canyon

The length of the canyon is about 16 km and you can get into it from several points. The most interesting and complete route runs from the village of Chernorechye to Mount Kizil-Kaya in the Baydar Valley; there are signs along the way. On the map of the Chernorechensky Canyon there are several intermediate points - the village of Rodnoe and the village of Morozovka, which can be used to get off the path in case of fatigue or other circumstances.

The most amazing and beautiful thing in the canyon is, of course, nature. Along the way, tourists encounter numerous waterfalls and lakes formed by the Chernaya River. They have a soft emerald color, the water in them is quite cool, but swimming is invigorating and refreshing in hot weather. The shade from numerous trees also creates comfortable conditions for hiking in the summer heat.

There are a lot of fish in the river, including trout. By the way, the river is very deep and overflows heavily in the spring, so it is better not to go to the canyon at this time of year. It is also dangerous to be here in wet, rainy weather.

Travelers will have to cross the river on footbridges and ford, and climb up stone ledges. To do this, you need comfortable clothes and waterproof shoes; just in case, you should take a first aid kit with you. You also need to take food for rest and drinking water. You can cover the path at a fast pace in one day, or choose a measured pace and complete unity with nature - with food by the fire and an overnight stay. In the second case, you will need additional camping equipment and warm clothes - after all, it is quite cool in the canyon at night and in the morning. You should also take enough food and water with you.

On this route you can see iconic sights - the Chorgun Tower, the Manstein Road, the monument to the partisans.

As you know, the territory of Crimea at different times belonged to the Greeks, Byzantium, the Ottoman Empire, and then to Russia. The Chorgun Tower is the remains of the palace of a Turkish nobleman, which was allegedly built in the 15th-16th centuries during the time of the Crimean Khanate, dependent on the Ottoman Empire. During the Crimean War 1853-1856. the tower was used as a fort to defend the approaches to Sevastopol. Now it has been declared a monument of federal significance and is a Turkish trace in the history of Crimea.

The Manstein Road is a narrow gravel embankment road between the village of Chernorechye and the village of Rodnoe. During the heroic 250-day defense of Sevastopol in 1941-1942. German general Erich von Manstein transferred reinforcements along this road to capture the city.

Mount Kizil-Kaya or Red Rock is also a popular place among hiking enthusiasts. Mountain rivers and views from the mountain are amazing.

In addition to this path, there are also shorter routes that start from the villages of Rodnoe and Morozovka.

How to get to Chernorechensky Canyon

You can get to the village of Chernorechye or the village of Rodnoe (depending on the chosen route) from Sevastopol by bus No. 129 and minibus No. 40.

Whatever route you choose, you will still need to walk all the way to the canyon.

You can also get to the starting points of the routes from Sevastopol by car or taxi: Sevtaxi, Taxi Crimea and others.

You can get back from the village of Shirokoe, but you will need to walk to get there.

Chernorechensky Canyon: video

Those who like to travel to beautiful places with a backpack on their shoulders are well familiar with a place in Crimea called the Chernorechensky Canyon. It is a deep gorge in the mountains. Its height reaches several tens of meters, its length is 12 kilometers. The Black River with clean and clear water flows along the bottom of the gorge.

About the canyon

The canyon has earned popularity among tourists due to its beauty and picturesqueness. It is located near Sevastopol, on the western edge of the Central Range of the Crimean Mountains. It starts at the Kizil-Kaya rock, located at the very edge of the Baydar valley. It ends near the outskirts of the village of Chernorechye. The river, starting in the territory, then continues its path through the Inkerman Valley and flows into the Black Sea.

The Chernorechensky canyon is the longest in the Crimean Mountains; it is considered impassable not because of its complexity, but because of the length of the route, the total length of which is 16 km. The canyon itself stretches for 12 km. Some people come here for an overnight stay, others cross it in a day, starting their hike in the morning in order to catch the last bus, which leaves at 18.30 from the village of Chernorechye to Sevastopol.

You can enter the canyon from the village of Shirokoye, the path is closer there. But from 9 o’clock there is usually a water security post at the entrance. By going through this section before the start of the working day, you can avoid an unwanted meeting. To avoid incidents, you can start the journey from the village of Rodnoye, making a small detour, or from the village of Chernorechye and go up, against the current. But the vast majority of tourists go down.

Nature reserve

The Chernorechensky Canyon is a natural monument; its territory is declared a nature reserve. In addition, a conservation zone begins from the Baydarskaya Valley, the water of which is the main source for supplying the city of Sevastopol.

At the entrance to the canyon there is a sign, the inscription on which warns that entry into the territory of the reserve is prohibited, but go without fear. Along the way, you may meet foresters who will charge you an entrance fee.

For those who want to walk the Chernorechensky Canyon for the first time, the route may seem quite difficult. Don't be afraid. The impressions you get are worth the effort you have to put in. You just need to understand that this is not a joyride or a picnic. You will have to climb rocks, ford a river, walk along crumbling mountain paths, and overcome rubble.

The most difficult thing you will have to face are the so-called pressures, where the water comes close to the rocks, and in order to pass them you need to climb up or walk along tree trunks that lie above the water itself.

In this case, you need to avoid fording the river, since this is where the current can be quite strong, and the water is quite cold. The best way to get around obstacles is to climb the mountain and walk along the flat top. But the brave and confident will freely pass difficult sections.

How to get there

The first question for those who decided to go through the Chernorechensky Canyon for the first time: how to get to the starting point of the route? From Sevastopol you need to get to the village of Rodnoy. A bus runs to it from the 7th kilometer, where the main Sevastopol bus station is located. Before reaching the village itself, you need to get out and follow the dirt road towards the hills visible in the distance. You will have to walk several kilometers along the road, then through the forest to reach an elevation above the river. The route starts from the Kizil-Kaya rock.

Then go down to the river, where the left bank will be the most passable. To do this, you will have to ford it and walk some distance to a clearing called Partizanskaya, where you can stop for the night. However, there are paths on both sides of the river. Not far from the clearing there are the remains of what the Germans built here during the war. It is called Tank.

Passing the Canyon

The first part of the Chernorechensky Canyon will go through the forest, which is located between the mountains along the river bank. Then along the way you start to come across clamps. They appear in places where a river meets hard bank rocks such as granite or basalt, causing it to make a sharp turn called a “loop.”

You can walk along the logs laid along the shore, rather logs, half a foot wide, but quite strong, holding on to the rocks, or try to get around them, climbing along loose paths into the mountains. The difficulty of the hike lies in the fact that there is no path from above, and you have to wander, running into rocks or wander into the thicket of the forest, going down to the river.

Black River

Despite its name - Black - the river has an amazing color that changes depending on the light and depth of the water. It can be silver-turquoise, bright blue, any shades of green, but not black. They say that it got its name from the old name of the river - Cher-Su, which is translated from Turkic as “sorrowful water”. The water in the river is crystal clear and has an extraordinary taste.

Carrying its waters through the canyon in wide places where the mountains part before it, it is smooth and majestic. And when it is squeezed on both sides by granite rocks, it seethes and beats against them. The nature here is beautiful. In the canyon there are giant trees that strive upward, trying to reach the sun. It is especially good here in the spring, when nature blooms. The air is saturated with the smell of thyme and juniper.

Having reached two steep rocks, which seem to be trying to connect with each other, the water begins to boil and beat against them. Having climbed the mountain, you can go to a natural observation deck, from which you can see an indescribably beautiful view of the canyon. It's called "The Gate".

After this, you need to go up the slope a little and walk a couple of kilometers to the track. Along the way you will see an ancient tower from the 14th century. Chernorechensky remains behind. How to get to Sevastopol from the village of Chernorechensky? A bus departs from here to Balaklava. If you didn’t make it in time, you’ll have to walk a few more kilometers or catch a ride and get to the Yalta highway.

The route has been completed.

This route is for lovers of water and stone. The Black River is the deepest river in Crimea. The steep cliffs framing this river fascinate and enchant at first sight. The huge flow of the purest spring water of the river creates bizarre creeks and lakes. Sometimes our paths will pass at the border of water and rocks. More than once we will cross the river by fording it, sometimes we will climb up or go down along a loose path. But it’s worth it; you need to walk along the bottom of the Chernorechensky Canyon close to the water to see all the delights of this place. Having walked slowly through the entire canyon, swimming in almost every lake created by the river, relaxing in comfortable clearings, we will leave the canyon and take a bus to Sevastopol, where we will say goodbye to you. If you have time before the train, you can see the beautiful hero city of Sevastopol.

Hiking route:

1 day:

We meet you at and we all go together to the village of Chernorechye. From the first steps, a magnificent landscape of the Crimean Mountains opens before us; the Chernaya River, with its winding banks, leads us deeper into the canyon, revealing its beauty of steep cliffs and green meadows. We set up a tent camp in one of these clearings. The mountain river at our campsite makes a turn; it is in this place that a convenient backwater has formed for swimming and diving into the water. A bungee rope is tied to a tree leaning towards the water; by swinging on it you can fly to the middle of the creek and plop down from a height into the water. This procedure causes a storm of emotions and admiration, squeals and childish joy from the flight and surging emotions. All together we collect firewood for the fire, you will need a lot of it to cook dinner and sit by the fire, developing interesting topics of conversation, look at the mesmerizing spectacle of burning wood, making acquaintances , " ", conversations around the fire.

Day 2:

As usual, we will start this day with exercise, breakfast, pack up camp and walk through the picturesque places of the Chernorechensky Canyon.
in Crimea this is a unique miracle of nature!!!
For more than 12 km, starting from the Kizil Kaya rock, on the border of the Baydar Valley, the Chernaya River flows in a winding gorge, squeezed on both sides by rocks several tens of meters high. In some places this narrow and deep gorge is difficult to pass: the bed of the Chernaya River is replete with rifts and cascades of rapids, and heaps of stone blocks. On the slopes you can see huge ledges, reminiscent of fortress bastions, columns, pyramids, dotted with oak and juniper. And between the slopes, at a distance of 50 to 300 meters, the flow of the Black River roars. In size, the Chernorechensky Canyon is much larger than the famous “Grand Canyon of Crimea”, and in beauty it is not inferior to any of the famous canyons of Ukraine.

On this day we will walk most of the canyon, stopping at a place that has a huge cleansing effect! A beautiful powerful waterfall and a convenient backwater for swimming will not leave anyone indifferent. Here we conduct energy practices and lectures on bioenergy and psychology!

Day 3:

In the morning, exercise, breakfast, pack up camp and walk the rest of the canyon. Today our journey will not be long; in 1.5 hours there will be a new parking lot. Today is a day of rest. The Chernorechensky Canyon is a place of amazing energy and beauty. You can immortalize these beauties in a photo, walk around, climb rocks without limiting yourself in time. Take a ride in the turbulent stream of water on a boat and just soak up the sun.