Where are the Mariana Islands on the map. Everything about holidays in the Northern Mariana Islands: reviews, tips, guide. Weather in the Northern Mariana Islands

Mariana Islands, Mariana islands (English) - an archipelago in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, separating the ocean from the Philippine Sea. They are located 3 hours flight from Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya) and 3.5 hours flight from Seoul. The islands are divided between two unincorporated US territories: Guam And Northern Mariana Islands. The chain of islands stretches for 810 km, a total of 17 large islands, of which 4 are inhabited: Guam, Rota, Saipan, Tinian. To the east of the islands lies the world's deepest Mariana Trench, up to 11,775 meters deep.

Mariana Islands formed 25-50 million years ago. This is an archipelago of volcanic origin, located in a geological fault zone where the Pacific plate goes under the Philippine plate. To the east of the islands is the Mariana Trench and the well-known Mariana Trench, about 11 km deep. Mariana is washed from the west by the Philippine Sea, from the east by the Pacific Ocean.
Guam, the largest and southernmost island of the Archipelago, is closest to the Mariana Trench - at a distance of 300 km.
The total land area of ​​the seventeen Mariana Islands is 998.44 km².
The area of ​​Guam is 541.3 km².

Population: 176,000 (2008 census)
The indigenous Chamorros make up only 37% of the population. It is also home to a significant number of people from the Philippines (about 26%), representatives of Polynesian peoples (about 11.3%), people from China, Japan and Korea, as well as about 25 thousand US Army and Navy personnel and members of their families.
Average life expectancy is 75.9 years for men, 82.2 years for women.

The administrative center is Hagatna. Population 2.1 thousand people.

It is 6 hours ahead of Moscow in summer and 7 hours in winter.


Official language
Languages: English 38.3%, Chamorro 22.2%, Filipino 22.2%, Oceanian languages ​​6.8%, Asian languages ​​7%, other languages ​​3.5% (2000 census).
Literacy - 99%.

Guam lives off tourism. More than 1 million tourists a year visit the island every year. The tourism infrastructure here is extremely developed: Hilton, Hyatt, Westin, Marriott, Sheraton, Holiday Inn, etc. have been built; tour operators offer submarine dives, scuba diving, Micronesian dance shows, reef fishing and trolling, walking underwater in a sealed helmet, boat trips to see dolphins, etc., etc.

Tropical wet ocean monsoon. Average daily temperatures all year round are about 27-35°. The weather is determined by the rainy season (July - September) and windy season (October - June). The tourist season is open all year round.
Average sea water temperature: + 29 degrees.

Office hours
Banks are open Mon-Sat. 9.00 to 17.00
Shops are open from 09.00 to 19.00.
Some stores in the tourist area are open 24 hours (K-Mart).

Cars for rent
To rent a car, it is enough to have a Russian driver's license (indicating your full name in English/French) and a credit card.
The traffic is on the right.
The maximum speed in the city is 25 mph, outside built-up areas - 35 mph.

Aviation. Guam is an important transportation hub in the Micronesian region of the world. "Continental Airlines" connects remote islands (Palau, Truk, Yap) via Guam with the continent.
Bus network. Paid ($3 per person) buses run through the tourist area of ​​Guam - Tumon.
Taxi. You can always rent a taxi at each hotel.
Network voltage 110
110 V., 50-60 Hz., sockets - American, three-pin.

Useful addresses and telephone numbers
The only Russian-speaking land tour operator in Guam "GuamVoyage". Phone: 1 - 671 - 969 15 07

Russian Embassy in San Francisco. Phone 1-1415-928-6878

A US visa is required to visit the largest of the Mariana Islands. Moreover, a visa received by invitation from the Mariana Islands must be opened in the Marianas. Once opened, the visa can be used to travel to continental states.

The Government of Guam is actively working to introduce an easier visa regime for Russians.

Customs regulations

The import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited. You can import any amounts in cash, traveler's checks and payment cards. Only amounts over $10,000 are required to be declared.
. When importing gold, a declaration is required.
. Personal items are not subject to duty; meat and meat products, vegetables, fruits, seeds, flowers, as well as weapons and drugs are prohibited for import into the country.
. Fish of any kind (except endangered species) and any fish products are allowed for import.
. The export of corals is prohibited.

Northern Mariana Islands often called "America's Best Keeping Secret", referring to its relatively unspoiled nature, abundance of historical sites (especially those related to the Battle of the Pacific in World War II) and easy access to the islands from both Southeast Asia and from America. Coral reefs, sea fishing, surfing, diving, parachuting, sea sports, golf and excellent conditions for passive recreation attract more than 700 thousand tourists a year to these tiny islands.

Saipan is the largest island and the administrative capital of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. White sandy beaches, quiet, emerald lagoons and a necklace of coral reefs line much of the island's western coast and offer a rich selection of sea sports. Constant weather (Saipan Island is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as having the most even weather in the world - regardless of the time of year, the temperature on the island averages +27 C.) and sun all year round make the island a paradise for sun tanners. Most hotels, shops, restaurants, bars and nightclubs are concentrated in the tourist center of the island, Garapan. Here you'll find the world famous Hard Rock Café and Duty Free shop alongside local souvenir shops, car rental companies and other tourist amenities and attractions. The central part of the island is characterized by green jungle with exotic flora and fauna, and untouched nature. Saipan witnessed some of the most intense battles of the Pacific War. The wreckage of planes, tanks and ships still lies on the surface of the earth, under water and in the jungle. Banzai Cliff, Suicide Cliff, and Last Command Post are open to the public. From these historical monuments in the north of the island, more determined travelers can continue their adventures by following the eastern shore of the island. Here they will find unique cliffs, limestone caves and jungle trails. Mount Tapochao offers views of the whole of Saipan and the neighboring island of Tinian. In general, the recreation infrastructure here is relatively poorly developed and is aimed more at lovers of an active lifestyle than at the spoiled “shop tourist”. Saipan is the most popular "historical tourism" destination among citizens of the Japanese islands. The island itself has 23 km. in length and 8 km. in width.

Tinian Island- this sleepy island with a single village, just 4 km. south of Saipan, it has "luckily" escaped the main influx of tourists and therefore serves as a good place for "escape from civilization" if the bustle of Saipan seems too intrusive. It's hard to imagine that such a peaceful place could be involved in one of the most tragic events in history: Tinian became famous as the landing strip for the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. San Jose, the island's main population center, is the site of an ancient Chamorro village. Tinian has several good swimming spots, including Cammer Beach in San Jose and Taga Beach south of the village, which have turquoise waters and white sand.

Rota Island- lies halfway between Saipan and Guam, and is only now beginning to “emerge from the shadows” of the large islands and develop the direction of eco-tourism, it is still a slowly developing place with a weak recreational infrastructure.

Guam Island, Guam (English), Guahan (in the language of the indigenous Chamorro people) is the southernmost and largest island of the Mariana Islands archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. Located between the Philippines and the Hawaiian Islands. The population has American citizenship and enjoys all rights. Poetic nickname: “Where America's Day Begins”, Where America's Day Begins (English). Guam is located in the Eastern Hemisphere and the new calendar date begins there 14-15 hours earlier than in North America. If you believe the poetic image , Guam is the first among all US territories to celebrate the new day.
Tourism is one of the foundations of Guam's economy; up to 600 thousand tourists visit the island annually (85% from Japan), who spend up to 450 million dollars on the island. Recently, for many residents of East Asia and North America, Guam has become one of the main tropical resorts. The tourist infrastructure is highly developed here, many luxury hotels, golf courses, dive clubs, restaurants and, in general, everything that accompanies the world's largest resorts have been built.
The tourist center of Guam, Tumon Bay, is separated from the capital almost only by a strip of beach. It's essentially one long coastal road lined with hotels, clubs and restaurants. The bay itself is very shallow and it is possible to get straight to the reef without swimming. Ypao Beach Park is located on the southwest side of the bay and was once home to an ancient Chamorro village, later a leper colony and penal colony. These days it is a popular fiestas site.

For many of us, the Northern Mariana Islands remain mysterious distances, where it is expensive and problematic to reach even by plane. But the resort area attracts tens of thousands of tourists from the CIS with its tropical exoticism and natural beauty. We will tell you about the features of holidays in the Mariana Islands in 2019, attractions, entertainment and prices in this article.

Vacationers on a catamaran

Everyone has heard about the Mariana Trench, the deepest point in the world's oceans. They talk about it in geography lessons in the fifth grade of secondary schools, since its depth reaches 11 kilometers 775 meters. For modern scuba divers and heavy-duty underwater vehicles of the 21st century, its bottom remains still out of reach.

But few people know that in the Mariana Trench area there are more than 15 large and several small islands, where there are amazingly clean ocean waters and beaches, where luxury hotels for tourists are located and where all the conditions are created for lovers of adventure holidays.

Let's be patient and first go on a virtual trip to the islands near the Mariana Trench, so that we can then decide on a long-distance tour to the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Northern Mariana Islands on the map:

Geographical location of the resort area

From a geography course, everyone knows that the deepest ocean chasm is located in the Pacific Ocean. It is surrounded by a huge chain of small and large islands, where a subtropical climate reigns, characterized by high air temperatures and high humidity. Most of the land here is covered by forests with tropical vegetation.

The 14 Northern Mariana Islands are a separate state called Micronesia. Only the island of Guam belongs to the United States of America.

If we look at the weather forecast for February, March and April 2019, we will see that on the islands of Rota, Tinian, Saipan and Guam the daytime air temperature will fluctuate between 32-33 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature will remain at + 29 degrees.

At this time, the Northern Mariana Islands have many sunny days, suitable for a wonderful spring tan on the amazingly clean beaches.

“The tired sun tenderly said goodbye to the sea”

The swimming season in this region lasts 12 months a year. But in the summer, especially in July, it rains here almost every day. This is not a good time to explore local attractions and relax on the beaches.

Anyone traveling to the Northern Mariana Islands should be aware that they are located in a tectonic hazard zone: there are 50 volcanoes located on the ocean floor in this area. Earthquakes and typhoons often occur there. Therefore, tourists need to be prepared for these natural disasters.

How to get from Russia to the Mariana Islands

The plane is the only means of transport that will deliver Russian tourists to the islands. But there are no direct flights from and other major cities of the Russian Federation.

Our travelers need to fly to, Shanghai or, and make transfers there.

The Mariana Islands are a visa-free zone.

Pacific Island Exotic does not have a rail network. There is no public transport; the only means of transportation here are taxis and rented cars offered by dozens of companies.


  • The form can be printed and filled out by hand, but this does not replace the requirement to enter everything in electronic format. It is important to check that there are no discrepancies between the handwritten and typed form.
  • The card must be filled out for each person entering, including children. Adults and children over 14 years of age sign the form with their own hand; for younger visitors, the form must be signed by a parent or guardian.
  • The completed form is valid for 7 days from the date of entering the data and signing.
  • Form I-736 must be completed whenever entering Saipan, Tinian, or Rota Island, except when arriving directly from Guam.

Places for tourists to stay

This is what luxury hotels look like in the Northern Mariana Islands

The Northern Mariana Islands are a prestigious international resort that survives solely on tourists. It is best to book places in hotels, guest houses, hostels or in the private sector on specialized websites where hundreds of offers are collected.

The most expensive hotels on the islands are considered to be hotels and private villas for rent that are located on the coastline, and their star rating. Here tourists are offered one or two meals a day, luxurious rooms with all amenities and other goodies.

Cheaper housing is located inland. The prices there are much more affordable. Every Russian tourist flying to the Pacific coast alone or with children can choose a suitable place of residence.

Prices in dollars for one night in hotels on the island start from 89 USD and end at 240 USD. Not everyone can handle this. Therefore, you should look for places to stay overnight in the offers of local residents, who ask from $25 for a room with a bed.

Prices in catering establishments and shops

You can have a delicious meal in the restaurants of your native cities, which today specialize in preparing various national dishes from cuisines around the world. But to see the exotic natural resources of the Pacific Ocean is possible only in the Northern Mariana Islands.

Restaurant terrace overlooking the ocean

This chapter is not a call for tourists not to visit local restaurants. Here we will talk about prices for the most necessary food products, from which it is possible to cook your own food while vacationing in the subtropical zone.

So, while living in the private sector, our tourists will be able to purchase the following food supplies.

One liter of milk - 2 US dollars, a loaf of fresh white bread weighing 500 g for 2.70 USD, 1 kg of potatoes for 2.20 and 1 kg for 2.80 USD.

A package of 12 chicken eggs will cost $4. For 1 kg of beef or other red meat you will have to pay 8.80, for a chicken breast 7 dollars.

1 kg of white rice for porridge or pilaf costs 3.60 USD.

A 1.5 liter bottle of mineral water will cost 0.50 cents. Red wine - 9 USD, a bottle of local beer - 2.40, and imported beer - 2.50, a pack of Marlboro cigarettes - 5.50 dollars.

Restaurants have the following prices for inexpensive dishes. For one person you will have to pay 10 USD, a mid-price restaurant for lunch or dinner for 2 persons will ask 50 USD.

The price for a bottle of water 0.33 ml will be 1 dollar, a bottle of Coca-Cola 0.33 ml will cost 1.10 USD, beer (local draft) will cost 2 USD, and a bottle of 0.33 ml will cost 5 USD.

Based on these data, tourists from the CIS will make their own conclusion about where it is better for them to eat: in an expensive restaurant or in rented accommodation.

Sights of the islands

Wild beach

There are many objects worthy of tourists' attention on the 15 islands. It is possible to write several dozen pages about each, going into the depths of history. Therefore, travelers will be able to read about uniquely beautiful grottoes, waterfalls, botanical gardens, reserves, bays, bays and museums on their own by choosing a specific island for the tour, and we will focus on the most exclusive attractions.

Each island of the Mariana archipelago is an attraction in itself. However, the islands of Saipan and Guam are considered the most visited and famous.


This is a natural cave on the island of Saipan. Divers have called it one of the most beautiful places in the world. Grotto Cave has several underwater exits to the Pacific Ocean, and the lakes in it reach a depth of 15 meters. You can get to this cave on your own or by booking a guided tour, which costs an average of $55 per person.

Top of Mount Tapochao

This is the highest point of this island, from which a magnificent view of the surrounding nature opens. At this peak there is a statue of Jesus Christ. You can visit this observation deck for free.

Chamoli village

It is located in the heart of the Garapan shopping center. Its creators restored the architecture and life of the island’s indigenous inhabitants, and now anyone can peel a coconut, weave a wreath, make beads, or even hew a real canoe. Tourists can also attend a Chamolin dance show and traditional games on the beach. There are duty free shops inside Garapan.

Bird Island

This is a nature reserve that allows you to observe the life of birds from a special observation deck. The cost of the excursion may vary depending on what visitors will do in the reserve.

American Memorial Park

It started its work in 1994. Its creation is dedicated to the three thousand fallen American soldiers in World War II in these places. However, it is not only of a memorial nature; many holidays and thematic festivals are held here, and it is also intended for active recreation. The park is equipped with walking paths, and there is an opportunity to play tennis, surf and just swim. Entry to this park is absolutely free.

Saipan Botanical Garden

This garden features about 2,000 different tropical plants, and all visitors will be able to try various exotic fruits.

In addition to sightseeing, the majority of tourists come here for a wonderful beach holiday: the bright color of clear water, the finest white sand. All this makes a holiday on the coast an ideal place for a holiday with babies and older children.


Holidays in the Mariana Islands 2019 - prices and attractions should appeal to any tourist from the CIS.

It is almost impossible to bring anything out of the ordinary from the Northern Mariana Islands. There is no factory production of any unique local materials for souvenir products.

Local supermarkets and private shops sell beach accessories: sunglasses, caps, straw cowboy hats, swimming trunks, swimsuits, snorkel masks, air mattresses and life preservers.

Tourists from the CIS say that for $10 you can buy good cotton T-shirts with amazing views of the local beauty. Other clothing on the islands is quite expensive. Hypermarkets offer perfumes and jewelry from well-known manufacturers for sale, but their prices are off the charts.

This is what the talisman of strength and love looks like, the Bo-Jo-Bo doll

People often talk about the homemade amulet doll Bo-Jo-Bo, sold on the island of Saipan. Local residents consider it a symbol of love, strength and wealth. They say that having bought this souvenir for yourself, money begins to flow like a river to its owner. The doll's body is made from bojobo nuts, and the arms and legs are woven from coconut fiber. The souvenir consists of two dolls representing a love couple.

Extreme sports on the islands

Where there is an ocean, diving is indispensable. , surfing, water skiing, motor and rowing boats, yacht racing.

Numerous sports clubs offer vacationers a variety of swimming equipment, equipment for spearfishing and swimming for a reasonable fee.

More accurate prices should be looked on the Internet, since the cost of attributes fluctuates in different seasons.

Observing precautions and safety measures while on vacation

Although they write on many information sites that the beaches of the Northern Mariana Islands are absolutely safe for vacationers, you don’t really need to believe this.

Most of the coast is located near impenetrable jungle, from which poisonous snakes or scorpions can crawl onto the sea sand.

Poisonous cobras love to crawl onto Pacific beaches

Therefore, while walking along the beaches and relaxing in the shade of palm trees, you need to be extremely attentive to what is under your feet.

To avoid sudden illnesses from the bites of local insects and reptiles, every tourist must have health insurance. If you have this policy, the person will be required to provide free emergency medical care.

The waters of the Pacific Ocean are home to many predatory fish, one of which includes sharks. All diving enthusiasts, divers and hunters need to know and remember this.

It is not a fact that underwater swimmers will encounter a man-eating white shark, about which hundreds of horror films have been made, but everyone needs to stay away from fish of this breed: both scuba divers and swimmers.

In the Mariana Islands there is a zone of solar activity where it is easy to get skin burns or sunstroke. When going there on vacation, be sure to take hats, sunglasses, sunburn creams and light underwear with you.

Staying in the sun for long periods of time during the day is dangerous

Theft exists in every country in the world. This is something to remember when away from home. Vacationers must store all dollar cash, bank cards, photo and video equipment, mobile phones, and jewelry in safe places so that attackers do not steal them on the beaches while vacationers are swimming.

It is advisable to insure all of these valuables before flying to the Mariana Islands.

It is also advisable to treat questionable foods sold in inexpensive kiosks with great caution. They can cause stomach upsets, exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Allergy sufferers should not pick up or smell beautiful but unknown plants and flowers, the smell of which can cause swelling of the respiratory tract, redness and itching of the skin.

Fans of holiday romances should not let their guard down after meeting charming-looking women and men. People need to remember that under the guise of “the very tenderness and charm” a hardened swindler, rapist or maniac may be hiding.

Nature lovers are not recommended to go for walks in the local jungle on their own without a guide, where you can meet not only harmless forest rabbits, but also huge snakes and other wild animals that can attack humans.

Thunderstorm in the ocean

Yachtsmen, drivers of motor and rowing boats, when going on boat trips in the ocean, should study the weather forecast the day before so as not to get caught in a thunderstorm that can bring with it a strong storm.

A little more about “Marianas” in the video:

What is interesting to see in the Mariana Islands?

Saipan Island, 23 km. in length and 8 km. in width, it is the largest of the Mariana Islands and is the administrative center of the Commonwealth. Saipan amazes with its beauty and attracts tourists all year round with its warm sea and bright sun. The center, Gararan, is the most...

Video from the Mariana Islands

How to get to the Mariana Islands?

From Russia to o. Saipan can be reached by flying through Seoul, South Korea, or Tokyo, Japan. There are daily flights from both countries to the Mariana Islands.

flight time: 3 hour flight from Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya),

4.5 hours flight from South Korea (Seoul, Busan),

5 hours flight from China - Shanghai (regular charters from Beijing and Guangzhou are also available)

vaccinations: No vaccinations are required to visit the Mariana Islands.

How to comfortably move around the Mariana Islands?

traffic: Traffic is on the right side, cars are left-hand drive. The traffic rules are the same as in Russia with small exceptions, for example, at a red light you can turn right, allowing cars from the opposite lane turning left to pass.

Road traffic and rules are very simple. There are no huge traffic jams here like in big cities. Top speed 35 mph, some larger roads 40-45 mph. To rent a car, the age limit is 21 years or older.

Traffic Laws:

Wear a seat belt (fine starts at $50.00)

Children under 4 must be fastened in child seats, from 4 years and older - with a car seat belt

When there is a stop signal (STOP) on a school bus, you must stop

Driving into oncoming traffic is prohibited

Parking on blue (with handicapped sign) is prohibited

The middle lane (yellow solid or dotted on both sides) is allowed to be used only during a left turn or a full U-turn, but only after a complete stop.

After sunset, low beams must be turned on (18:30)

When a police officer stops your car, do not get out of the car. You need to open the window.

Driving while intoxicated is strictly prohibited.

car rental: Car brands

Toyota, Ford, Nissan, KIA


It is enough to have your Russian license with you. You can pay by card or cash.

The car is rented with a full tank and the car must be returned with a full tank. If the agreement is violated, the amount for gasoline will be charged in triple amount.

Some car rental offices ask you to pay for gas in advance.


Each car rental office offers several types of insurance.

It is not necessary to insure the car. You can refuse insurance, but in this case you must leave your credit card information.

Taxi: Taxis in Saipan can only be caught in hotel parking lots. Taxi services, although metered, are expensive.

buses: Saipan, Tinian and Rota do not have a public transport system. There is a free Duty Free bus from the store to the hotels and back.

hitch-hiking: It is possible to hitchhike in the Mariana Islands, but it is not a common practice.

airports: There are international/local airports on each island: Saipan, Rota and Tinian. The main airport of the Mariana Islands is the international airport on the island. Saipan.

airlines: Asiana Airline (OZ)

Delta Airlines (DL)

Shanghai Airline (FM)

Continental Airline (CO)

Freedom Air (FRE)

railway: There are no railways in the Mariana Islands.

ports: The only international port is on Saipan, and three local ones are on the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota.

Where is the best place to stay when traveling to the Mariana Islands?

Climate in the Mariana Islands

The climate is tropical. O. Saipan is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the most constant round-the-clock year-round temperature in the world of +27 degrees C. The season for tourists in the Mariana Islands is open all year round.

There are 2 seasons - dry and wet. The wet season occurs for 6 months from July to December. A special characteristic of the wet season is short rains during the day and heavy rains at night, which does not prevent tourists from enjoying the warm sea and bright sun. The average air temperature during the wet season is +33 - +35 degrees Celsius and the average precipitation is 1800-2000 mm.

The dry season occurs for 6 months from January to June. The weather this season is cool with a light breeze and the air temperature drops to +27 degrees Celsius. The average water temperature is +25 degrees Celsius, precipitation is reduced to a minimum, and droughts are possible.

Between July and November, tropical storms and typhoons are possible in the Pacific Ocean. They mainly originate in the Mariana Islands and move north, gaining strength off the coast of the Philippines, China, Taiwan, Korea or Japan.

National cuisine of the Mariana Islands

The cuisine in the Mariana Islands is international. Initially, with the development of the textile and tourism industries on the islands, a multinational population emerged. The Chinese, Filipinos, Thais, Japanese, Koreans, Americans, Australians and other nationalities have influenced the islands' diverse cuisine. Accordingly, the island has many restaurants and eateries to suit each of these nationalities.

The locals are very hospitable, and if you make friends in Saipan, you will definitely invite them to visit, where they will offer local dishes such as red rice, grilled meat or poultry or in coconut milk, corn tortillas, spicy chicken kalaguen, apigigi (young coconut with starch flour, wrapped in banana leaf), tropical fruits and many other dishes. You can sample local dishes in hotel restaurants or at the local fair in Garapan on Thursdays.

Most popular restaurants:

The restaurant “Tony Romas” is famous for ribs prepared according to traditional American recipes, and “Capriciosa” - Italian cuisine, are located not far from the Duty Free shopping center. Delicious cuisine, fast service and convenient locations and opening hours have made these restaurants very popular among Russian tourists.

The big guitar of the Hard Rock Cafe restaurant attracts the attention of every tourist. The restaurant itself is located on the second floor of the Duty Free shopping center. Homemade nachos, combo burgers, steaks, fried chicken, soups, salads and delicious desserts can all be enjoyed in an atmosphere of rock and roll relics and the music you love.

The Thai restaurant “Thai House” is a favorite place for both residents of Saipan and tourists. Seafood delicacies, papaya salad, vegetable rolls and many other dishes will be served to your table with a smile and Thai friendliness.

In the only Indian restaurant on the islands, “Test of India”, you can try the famous Indian dish “Tandori Chicken”.

Many Korean, Chinese and Japanese restaurants are scattered throughout the island of Saipan. The Hankukwan restaurant specializes in traditional Korean cuisine, making nabe (soups). Your choice of seafood, meat, mushrooms, vegetables, or all at once can be added to the prepared spicy broth. The Tori Hide and American Sushi Bar restaurant offers a variety of Japanese dishes, sashimi and sushi, including California rolls.

Tourist safety in the Mariana Islands

History of the Mariana Islands

The first settlers migrated from Southeast Asia to the Marina Islands 1500 BC. Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer and navigator, discovered and charted the Mariana Islands in 1521, and in 1565 Spain declared the islands its territory and...

Mariana Islands: souvenirs

Coconut products Bojobo talisman dolls Products made from Bojobo tree seeds Jewelry made from shells and corals Traditional wood products Traditional bone products Wicker products from coconut palm leaves Traditional bead products Paintings Medicinal products from Noni fruits Noni...

Mariana Islands: fun facts

The world's deepest trench, the Mariana Trench, which is more than 11,000 meters deep, is located east of the island of Saipan.

Guinness Book Records:

Temperature: The Mariana Islands have the most stable temperature in the world at +27 C.

In 2007, Marine Dive magazine put 18 categories of dive-related places around the world up for reader voting. After voting, 5 prestigious awards were determined for the Mariana Islands.

Managaha Island Lagoon took first place as “Best place for snorkeling.”

Fourth place was shared by Managaha for “Best Beach” and the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota for “Best Diving Region”

Fifth place was shared by Rota for “Teteto” beach as “Best Beach” and the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota as “Best Resort Area”.

The underwater cave “Grotto” is considered the second most beautiful place in the world among diving experts. Skin Diver magazine named this place one of the top ten places for scuba diving.

For four years in a row, Managaha Island has been awarded the title of “Best Snorkeling Destination” at the Tokyo International Fair.

Saipan - Treasure Island! The Saipan Museum of History and Culture has the world's largest collection of artifacts and treasures from Spanish galleons! In 1638, off Cape Agingan in the Saipan Strait, not far from the PIC Hotel, the galley “Nuestra Señora de la Conception” with a cargo of gold crashed. Only a small part of the cargo was found by an underwater expedition in the 80s of the last century. Most of the treasures still remain at the bottom of the strait. The most expensive part of the treasure is in the museum and their duplicates can be seen in one of the halls: gold jewelry inlaid with diamonds and other precious stones, necklaces, chains, fine porcelain, etc.

On the island of Saipan lived the artist Douglas Rankin, who created a unique painting technique - banana painting. Instead of a brush, he used banana tree trimmings. He cut and wrapped leaves, cut dies and rollers from trunks. Then he created unique paintings with his unusual instruments. Douglas Rankin died in 2007.

The site recommends planning your flight and booking air tickets to Moscow Northern Mariana Islands in advance.
The best option would be to search for tickets one and a half to two months before the trip; this will not only allow you to choose the most convenient flight, but also save a lot of money.

How to buy a cheap air ticket to the Northern Mariana Islands from Moscow

The price of a plane ticket today greatly depends on the following factors:

The website's air ticket search engine processes many offers from online agencies and airlines. Allows you to quickly compare prices and book the best flight option from Moscow to the Northern Mariana Islands.

TicketsPlus will help you find the best option among hundreds of offers and purchase the cheapest air tickets. According to statistics, our service helps save 82% of passengers.

How are air ticket prices determined?

The air ticket search system analyzes information about all available 28 airlines, routes and tariffs of air carriers. The availability of business and economy class tickets is checked in real time.

Data on special offers of all airline alliances, discounts, promotions and sales for regular and charter flights is taken into account.

According to our statistics, the average cost of an air ticket to Moscow Northern Mariana Islands is RUR 103,715.

Dependence of the ticket price on the day of the week and time of day

Usually the most expensive plane tickets are sold 2 weeks before departure. Also, the price may vary depending on the day of the week and time of day at which the flight takes place. Tickets for Friday and Sunday evenings are more expensive than early morning midweek tickets. If you fly on weekends, the cost of plane tickets Moscow – Northern Mariana Islands can reach RUB 300,970.

10 things to do in Guam:

1) Visit the cultural and eco-adventure park “Lina-La”

2) Visit the largest stone in Lahti, which offers a magnificent view of the Pacific Ocean.

3) Take part in the traditional Chammor carnival.

4) Visit Alupang Island to enjoy a variety of water activities and ride jet skis.

5) Dive into the world's deepest Mariana Trench.

6) Touch the relics of the Second World War.

7) Pat the back of the coconut crab.

8) Ride a Guam buffalo carabao

9) Take a hike through the mysterious jungles of Guam.

10) Climb the world's highest hill, Lam Lam.

Sights of other islands

The island of Tinian is famous for the fact that it was from here that the planes that dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were sent. Therefore, the island's historical sites are the bomb loading pits and the old military airfield at North Field. But, of course, the noticeable places are not limited to this. There is also the Blow Hole Geyser, a park on Taga Beach and a memorial house of the same name.

On the island of Rota you can find many historical monuments from different times: a Japanese cannon, a German chapel, a sugar factory, the Saban Peace Memorial, and a Japanese locomotive. There is also a bird sanctuary and a zoo. There is the Song Song observation deck, ancient settlements and a quarry, picturesque caves and beaches.