Yazd Iran. Open the left menu. I couldn't resist - here's a small selection of Iranian girls

Yazd is one of ancient cities not only Iran, but also the world. It was founded back in the 3rd millennium BC - in an oasis in the desert, 700 kilometers from Tehran, on one of the important caravan routes from India to Central Asia. Historically, the city was located in the interior of the country, far from borders - and this allowed it to remain away from wars and devastation for centuries. Thus, the whole uniqueness of Yazd is not only in its antiquity, but in the fact that to this day the central part of the city has been preserved almost unchanged! Yazd is one of the most ancient, continuously inhabited places on the planet.

1. Let's start the walk from the outskirts historical center. At the crossroads of city streets, surrounded by pine trees, there is a clock tower - one of two in the old city.

2. Iran has many interesting sights, architectural and ancient monuments. But at the same time, one of the main impressions of the ancient cities of Iran is simply their atmosphere - old streets, alleys, houses made of clay or brick, silence, tranquility, oriental thoroughness in everything. Here, for example, is a small detail - in the future you will probably notice the large number of semicircular roofs in the old city. This is one of the classic elements of Persian architecture. The semicircular roof allows the rooms to heat up less in hot weather.

3. Here and there the domes of mosques rise above the quiet streets. The very beautiful Imamzade Mosque is one of these.

5. Yazd is an ancient city on an ancient caravan route. And its central part has remained virtually unchanged over the past centuries. It seems that these merchants from the past also just paused for a minute - and are about to come to life.

8. The Amir Chakmak complex of the 15th century is one of the main symbols of Yazd. The complex is not a simple mosque: its main part is the three-story Hosseiniye, a ritual building intended for prayer and mourning for Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

9. The luxurious facade is especially beautiful in the evening light, and at night Amir Chakmak and the surrounding area look simply incredible. But more on that separately...

10. From the Amir-Chakmak complex it is very close to the heart of the Old City. You just need to walk a couple of streets.

11. In the East, everything is nearby, everything is harmonious - the ancient walls of the 15th century are adjacent to busy streets along which people are busily going about their business...

12. There’s another mosque right there.

13. And all around there are markets and bazaars. Well, where would the East be without a bazaar? :)

14. And trade in the bazaar is carried out under the strict views of Ruhollah Khomeini and the current supreme ruler Ali Khamenei. Under such scrutiny, can you weigh even half a gram? :)

15. At a busy intersection of the Old City is the second ancient clock tower of Yazd, decorated with oriental ornaments and blue-blue ceramic tiles traditional for the East.

16. From the clock tower begins a boulevard leading to the holy of holies of the ancient city - the Friday Cathedral Mosque of the 12th century.

17. The boulevard, like a geometric axis, connects two city dominants: at one end there is a mosque, and when looking in the opposite direction, the old Clock Tower.

18. Luxurious, decorated with tiles, patterns and tiles, the Friday Mosque (Kabir, Jame) is the main mosque of the city. It was built back in the 12th century and later rebuilt in the 14th century. This mosque is visible from almost everywhere in Yazd - its 52-meter minarets are among the tallest in Iran.

20. On the square in front of the Friday Mosque there are many souvenir shops and stores where you can buy everything from consumer goods and dishes to magnificent camel bone boxes and luxurious Persian carpets.

22. Incredible labyrinths of streets, ancient adobe houses. And all this is not ostentatious - it all stands almost in its original form for centuries! And, the most interesting thing is that in these streets life still goes on smoothly and as usual.

23. A motorcycle with a passenger wrapped in a black veil in the back seat buzzes busily.

24. A man will go out into the street...

25. And again the streets, adobe houses, walls spread with logs for safety...

26. Everywhere in Yazd you can see these towers - badgir. Badgir is a traditional element in Iranian architecture that serves to ventilate buildings and maintain normal temperature in them. In fact, badgir is a natural conditioner. When there is a slight wind, the air passing by the wind catcher enters its shaft and descends into the room under which the pool is most often installed. While cooling, the flow is divided - cold air remains in the house, while hot air goes up the shaft at the opposite end of the room. We'll take a look into the Badgir ventilation shaft when we explore one of the ancient Iranian houses in a little more detail.

27. Ancient streets dive under the arches of stone arches...

28. Domes, arches... Carved doors... Badgir turrets... Domes of minarets... Streets... Labyrinths... Fancy arches... Domes... Antiquity! It would seem that there are no particularly bright dominants, but it’s so catchy! You wander for an hour or two or three. U ancient city Yazd has incredibly strong energy. However, perhaps, like all the places we visited in Iran. An incredibly interesting country!

35. “Air conditioners” - badgirs on the roof of one of the rich mansions, where a four-star hotel is now located.

36. Yazd is located in the desert and is surrounded by mountains. Perhaps this preserved its historical appearance for centuries.

38. One of the surviving towers of the fortress walls and the blue-green dome of the mosque in the background.

40. Interesting door. Gate to Old city? :)

41. A little away from the Friday Mosque and the adjacent blocks of clay houses lies the luxurious garden of Dowlat Abad, the former residence of Karim Khan Zand. The garden was built in 1750 and is a palace surrounded by pine alleys and orchards. The highest badgir in Iran is also located here (33 meters).

46. ​​Persimmons and pomegranates grow in the garden, the remains of which hang on the branches until winter.

48. Religious banners...

Yazd from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Yazd.

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The most charismatic city of Iran, ancient Yazd is located exactly in the center of the country, almost equidistant from Isfahan, Kerman and Shiraz. There is everything here to feel like you are on another planet: entire forests of wind towers - “badgirs”, thanks to complex system whirlwinds delivering fresh air to houses languishing in the summer heat, the ancient Zoroastrian temple, the sacred fire of which has been maintained unquenchable for 15 centuries, and the labyrinth of narrow streets of the old city, where the best silk fabrics in the world are born in weaving workshops, which once captured the imagination of Marco Polo himself. You can spend the night here in one of the unusual hotels: ancient residential buildings with all their centuries-old attributes have been converted into inns in Yazd, and drink a cup of morning coffee in the pleasant company of a believing Zoroastrian who will tell you that heaven is hot, but hell is, on the contrary, icy (as we, the residents, cold Moscow, we agree one hundred percent). Among other things, Yazd is the second the oldest city humanity, inhabited to this day - the first mention of the settlement dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. e.

How to get to Yazd

Like most cities in Iran, Yazd has its own airport that accepts international and domestic flights. The most convenient way to get to Yazd is through Tehran on Aeroflot or IranAir flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo. At least two planes depart from Tehran to Yazd every day; travel time is a little over an hour. To get from the airport to the center of Yazd, take a taxi (about 6-10 EUR). Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Search for air tickets to Tehran (the nearest airport to Yazd)

By train

Yazd can also be reached by train, both from Tehran and from other cities in the country. The Tehran-Yazd train departs every evening, the journey takes about 6 hours, the ticket price ranges from 9 EUR in a six-seater compartment to 12 EUR in a comfortable carriage (we recommend the second option).

By bus

In addition, you can arrive in Yazd by intercity express bus from any city in Iran. We remind you that it is better to take the “super” class with a “snack” included in the price and air conditioning. By the way, the Tehran-Yazd road is of excellent quality, and such a trip can be classified as very pleasant.

Transport in the city

The old town of Yazd can easily be explored on foot. For more long trips you can use taxi services: 4000-6000 IRR for an individual trip around specified address and 1000-2000 IRR for the opportunity to get into a collective car and get out where necessary, as the taxi moves. There are also motorcycle taxi drivers in Yazd who will rush you through the city streets with a whistle in their ears. Such a trip will cost even less, but will give you a lot of impressions!

Cuisine and restaurants of Yazd

Yazd offers travelers the rare opportunity to dine in ancient buildings converted into restaurants. One of the most popular establishments is the Hammam-e Khan restaurant, as you might guess, located in the premises of the old hammam. Here you can enjoy excellent Persian cuisine under the steady swaying of the water in the baths, under the canopy of vaulted ceilings and surrounded by skillful wall ceramics. In addition, almost every restaurant in Yazd offers a view of one or another landmark as a free addition to the meal, for example, the Friday Mosque (Marco Polo Restaurant), the old city (Malek-o Tozjar) or old manor with a magnificent garden (“Mozaffar”).

You can try delicious sweets and cakes in a specialized confectionery shop on Jomhuriye Eslami Boulevard - the sweet specialists work right in front of you and, best of all, allow you to try the result of their labors.

Stop by Amiran Paludeh and enjoy a bowl of Iranian sherbet - paludeh made from rice flour, fruit pulp and rose water (IRR 1,500 per bowl).

Maps of Yazd

Shopping and shops

The main shopping location in Yazd is the bazaars of the old city. Here you can see and buy wonderful carpets (at lower prices than in Tehran and other popular tourist cities in the country), embossed and leather goods, spices, sweets and souvenirs. Pay attention to the Yazd silks, called “tirma” here. You can purchase pieces of fabric or ready-made products - from headscarves to bedspreads.

Entertainment and attractions in Yazd

The old city of Yazd is one big attraction. The appearance of most of the buildings here has not changed for centuries: dark brown walls of buildings made of sun-baked raw bricks and otherworldly structures of wind towers-bagdirs on each roof. Climbing onto the roof of one of the buildings open to the public, you can see the endless expanses of the desert surrounding Yazd on all sides.

The Zoroastrian temple of Atashkade is a place of pilgrimage for followers of this religion from all over the world. The temple's sacred fire has been maintained since 470; it can be seen through a small window in the central hall.

The Water Museum presents an interesting exhibition telling about the ancient method of delivering water to the city through underground tunnels. The art of constructing such a water supply system dates back more than two thousand years!

The Zoroastrian Towers of Silence, which were used, according to Zoroastrian beliefs, to allow the body of the deceased to naturally decay in the air, ceased to serve their purpose only in the 60s of the 20th century.

The Zoroastrian Towers of Silence are located a short distance from the city and are easily accessible by taxi. According to the beliefs of Zoroastrians, the body of the deceased should naturally decay in the air - therefore the dead were taken to remote tower-type structures, where they were left on the upper platform to be devoured by birds of prey. By the way, the towers have not been used since the 60s of the 20th century.

To enjoy the magnificent Islamic architecture, go see the Friday Mosque, Hazire and Amir Shakmah Mosques.

Not far from the Amir Shakmah Mosque there is a complex of buildings of the same name, from the top of which you can see Yazd from an almost bird's eye view.

Don't miss the most beautiful Kazhar house with a 150-year history - Khan-e Lari. Here you can see some of the best preserved wind towers, graceful arched passages, alcoves and traditional doors.

Prices on the page are for October 2018.


  • Airfare within Iran is relatively low, and there are airports in almost all Iranian cities. Iranian trains are comfortable, but railways there are relatively few in the country and tickets should be booked as early as possible. But the whole country is entangled in a network bus routes. The prices for intercity bus travel are ridiculous, and at the same time you will be provided with good service and the schedule is usually also respected.
    Finally, you can simply rent a car with a driver for several hours, or even days - here the cost of services will depend solely on your bargaining ability.

    Within cities, public transport is not developed (although in Tehran you will find a very modern and convenient metro). It is best for a foreigner to stop a taxi on the street (every third car acts as a taxi, sometimes without any identification marks) and say the word “darbast” - in this case, the driver will not pick up other passengers along the way and will take you exactly to your destination . “Darbast” will cost more than a regular taxi (as much as 4 – 5 USD). If you want to save money, catch a car on the side of the road, shouting out the window of passing cars at your final destination (or rather, the square or street closest to it). A taxi, which can carry 4 passengers at a time, in this case plays the role of a minibus, going to a certain point and dropping off people as needed.


    Is it necessary to order tickets for intercity buses in advance? Or this can be simply and quickly resolved on the spot (not on Novruz, of course)

    I want to add. In the metro (in Tehran) there are separate carriages, separate for men and women. It's easy to see where people gather. And by taxi. Sometimes Iranian taxi drivers do not know the area where you need to go. It is better to print out the address at the hotel (in English) and ask the manager to translate it into Farsi. Then the driver will easily find the road and place. And then he’ll ask the locals... it’s funny we once circled around Ekbatan... :)

    Yes, you are absolutly right. When a whole family (a young husband and wife, two children and an elderly woman) entered our “men’s” 🙂 carriage, no one paid much attention. It’s an everyday matter... 🙂 And by the way, metro fares are very low.

    In Tehran there is a very convenient system high-speed buses (BiArti). Moving along specially designated lanes, they rush past cars stuck in traffic jams. Very convenient, sometimes much faster than taking a taxi. Fast as the metro, but you can admire Tehran (so multifaceted!) from the window. True, during rush hours some routes are overcrowded.


    Explain the situation, whether there are direct buses Kashan-Hamedan and Isfahan-Hamedan. I would like to add a view of Hamedan and the Ali Sadr caves to the standard route Tehran-Kashan-Isfahan-Yazd-Shiraz. Maybe include something else at the same time. It is not clear how to do this optimally. Do not offer taxis.


    Is it possible to buy a plane ticket from Tehran to Isfahan and vice versa on the day of departure or the day before?


    Good afternoon, I have a question. I’m planning a trip to Armenia in the summer; I would also like to visit the legendary Tabriz and spend a few days on it. Is it possible to cross the border on foot in Meghri and take some kind of transport to get to Tabriz? Spend a few days in Tabriz and buy a bus ticket at the bus station to go to Yerevan. How is the bus service to Yerevan carried out, how often do the buses run and approximately how much can they cost? Thank you in advance

    Good afternoon
    Is it possible to see the bus schedule in Iran? We plan to travel along the route Tehran-Isfahan, Isfahan-Shiraz, Shiraz-Yazd, Yazd-Tehran.
    In addition, you are interested in information about the fare payment system in public transport Tehran, as well as public transport that can be used to get from the airport to the city at night.
    Thanks in advance for your answer.


    Hello! Please tell me, is the current cost of tickets from Tabriz to Yerevan known?

    We are going to visit Iran, there are two options for flights, taking into account the fact that we want to fly there without luggage, and back, probably with luggage.

    1. Moscow - Tehran, Tehran - Moscow. Cons: they charge extra money for luggage, quite significant ones at that; flights with long layovers, if you don’t take into account Aeroflot flights, the cost of which is very high. Pros: everything is simple and clear.
    2. Moscow - Tehran, Yerevan - Moscow. Pros: Aeroflot flies from Yerevan, and flights are cheap, luggage is allowed. In general, tickets are significantly cheaper than in option 1. You can visit Tabriz along the way. Cons: additional time to travel to Tabriz and Yerevan (and there is not as much of it as we would like), it is unclear how much the bus to Yerevan costs. If it’s the same 25,000 drams per person, then the economic sense of flying from Yerevan is lost (however, the aesthetic one remains, although I’m not sure that there will still be strength left after Iran =)).


    Good day.
    Please tell me if there are buses (and how often) from Tehran to Rasht
    And from Rasht to Tabriz?
    And on airplanes. Is there a direct flight from Tabriz to Shiraz and if so, on what days?
    Thank you in advance


    Please tell me about the Kashan-Tehran buses,
    Kashan-Yazd, Shiraz-Isfahan. Schedule and travel time.


    Can you recommend private transport companies in Tehran that provide a bus with a driver to transport a group of 15 people for several days?

    Good day! I'm flying to Tehran without a return ticket. I am planning to leave Iran by bus from Tabriz to Yerevan. How can I provide proof at the airport that I am leaving Iran through a third country. Is it possible to buy a ticket online?

    Good evening. We plan to travel around Iran by bus: Tehran-Isfahan-Yazd-Shiraz. But I would like to go back to Tehran by plane to save time. Tell me where to get information about which stations to leave, where to look up the flight schedule, and, if possible, make a booking. Thank you

    Thank you. I am interested in a specific date: I will need 2 tickets from Shiraz to Tehran for November 1, 2018, preferably in the afternoon or evening. Since the return ticket is on November 2 at 6 am, I think it’s better to return to Tehran on the eve. Please clarify how you can book tickets so that you can fly on November 1st with a 100% guarantee? For buses, I think there is no need to book in advance; you can already buy them on the spot. Thank you, I look forward to information from you.

Towers of Silence is an ancient Zoroastrian cemetery located on the outskirts of the Iranian city of Yazd. The cemetery consists of tall stone towers built on top of a hill where adherents of Zoroastrianism left all their dead.

Towers of Silence are a traditional way of burying deceased Zoroastrians. According to the canons of this religion, the desecration of earth, water, fire or air is a terrible sin, therefore the usual methods of burial are not suitable for believers. Instead, Zoroastrians leave their dead in Towers of Silence - stone platforms located high in the mountains.

Towers of Silence are round monumental structures made of natural stone, with wide roofs, where the abandoned dead freely decayed under the hot sun or became prey for birds. The action is completely unthinkable from the point of view of Western civilization, but this only adds to the exoticism of the towers. Towers of Silence is a very dark, specific place with a special atmosphere. The last burials here took place not so long ago - in the sixties of the twentieth century. Since then, the Towers of Silence have become one of the most famous landmarks in the city of Yazd.

Coordinates: 31.82287700,54.35484700

Cathedral Friday Mosque in Yazd

The Cathedral Mosque (also known as the Friday Mosque) is an ancient mosque located in the city of Yazd. The building is recognized as an architectural monument and is under the auspices of the state.

The Grand Mosque of Yazd was built in the twelfth century under the orders of Ala-Odoleh Gharshab, an aristocrat from the Al-Boyeh dynasty. The original appearance of the mosque was not preserved - in subsequent years the building was completely rebuilt, and only in 1365 it found its modern look. The Cathedral Mosque is a magnificent example of medieval Persian architecture. The building is topped by a pair tall minarets and richly decorated with mosaic ornaments. The high portal at the entrance to the mosque is recognized as the highest in all of Iran. The interior of the mosque is decorated with beautiful blue faience tiles.

The Cathedral Mosque is located in a very picturesque place - right in the heart of the Old City, surrounded by ancient streets, literally saturated with the spirit of antiquity. In Iran, the cathedral mosque is so famous that its image is printed on the local money - the mosque can be seen on the back of the 200 reais banknote. The mosque is also deservedly popular among foreign tourists - it is one of the most beautiful sights of Yazd.

Coordinates: 31.90138900,54.36861100

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Since ancient times, people have wondered how to store perishable foods. For these purposes in different countries tried to adapt the ice by creating “glacier houses”. On the territory of modern Iran, the first glacier houses appeared in the seventeenth century BC. But ice was of great value, because in the summer there was nowhere to get it from. Each country tried to solve this problem in its own way: Europe imported ice from Scandinavian countries, India replenished ice reserves in the Himalayas, Russia - in its northern latitudes, and the Iranians learned to create ice themselves. The local climate in Iran is such that there are frosty nights. The Iranians dug special channels that were constantly in the shadows. Every night the water in these canals froze, and before sunrise all the collected ice was sent to the glacier house. In total, more than one hundred glacier houses have been preserved in Iran. And half a century ago they were still being used quite successfully.

You can talk about Yazd for hours, touching on completely different aspects. This amazing city, located in the center of the desert. There are many attractions here, one of which is the unique Water Museum, located in the old house of a wealthy merchant. It presents ancient technologies for delivering water to the city using underground tunnels, thanks to which people survived in the desert and unbearable heat. In the museum you can see models of this wonderful “water pipeline”, from its sources in the mountains to its supply in reservoirs. Also presented here are various photographs of the system, which depict different stages of water supply.

The museum exhibits work journals from the nineteenth century, which described the regular maintenance of the “water pipeline” and planned subsequent work to modernize it. In the halls you can also see various examples of dishes that were used to obtain and store water - all kinds of jugs that have not lost their attractiveness over several centuries. On the second floor of the museum there is a reservoir for draining and collecting water.

Coordinates: 31.89504600,54.36852400

Narin-kala fortress

Narin-kala fortress is the ruins of an ancient Persian castle located in the center of the city of Meibod, in Iran. The fortress is considered important historical monument and is under the auspices of the country's government.

Narin-kala is a very ancient fortress dating back to the pre-Islamic period of development of the Persian region. The time of its construction is known only approximately, but in any case, the fortress is already more than two thousand years old. The castle was built on a hill, and from its walls there is a magnificent view of the city of Meybod and the surrounding area. Raw bricks were used in the construction of the walls, giving the fortress its characteristic orange color. Some historians suggest that there used to be a Zoroastrian fire temple outside the walls of the fortress, which was destroyed after the arrival of Islam in the country.

For its age, Narin-kala is very well preserved - almost all the external walls and towers of the fortress, as well as many internal staircases, have survived. The favorable location of the castle (very close to the city center) turns it into one of the main attractions of Meybod.

Even half destroyed, the Narin-Kala fortress makes a powerful impression and is quite popular among tourists.

Coordinates: 32.22620300,54.01451000

Fire Temple Atashkadeh

Atashkadeh is an ancient Zoroastrian fire temple located in the city of Yazd. The temple is recognized as one of the most popular city attractions, and for Zoroastrian believers it is a place of real religious pilgrimage.

U Atashkadeh Temple Very ancient history. The building itself is relatively new - it was built in 1934 under the leadership of architect Jamshid Amanat. However, the fire burning in the temple was lit more than one and a half thousand years ago and has not gone out for a second since then.

The flame burns in a large stone bowl located at the back of the temple. Combustion, according to Zoroastrian traditions, is supported by sandalwood. The bowl is separated from visitors by glass to avoid incidents. The Museum of Zoroastrian Culture is located in the next room.

The building of the Atashkadeh temple itself is nothing unusual - built in traditional Iranian style, it is located in the center of a small cypress park, with a small lake dug in front of the temple. Nevertheless, there are always many people who want to look at the sacred fire. Atashkadeh is a very mystical, sacred place, and its atmosphere leaves a lasting impression on visitors.

Coordinates: 31.88126100,54.37327900

The most popular attractions in Yazd with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous places Yazda on our website.

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Yazd is considered one of the most vibrant and charismatic cities. It has the status of the administrative center of the province of the same name and is located in the center of the country, with a number of interesting attractions, including traditional oriental bazaars and wind towers - “badgir”. In addition, it is famous for its exquisite architecture and ample shopping opportunities, allowing shopping enthusiasts to satisfy their most desired needs.


According to its structure and technological equipment, Yazd can be called a unique city. Modern buildings and wide boulevards are combined here with ancient houses, and the role of air conditioners is often played by the so-called “badgirs” - ventilation pipes that provide cooling of the air in houses. At the same time, the city has a well-developed infrastructure, high-tech communications are used, there are factories for the production of silk, which was in great demand among foreign traders back in the days of Marco Polo, as well as educational, cultural and administrative institutions. Comfortable hotels with all amenities have been built for guests, transport connection, there are museums and picturesque parks where you can have a fun time getting acquainted with the traditions and history of Iran or strolling along the green alleys. The ethnic composition is represented by Persians, Kurds, Azerbaijanis and representatives of other nationalities. The main religion is Zoroastrianism.

general information

The area of ​​Yazd is small and amounts to several tens of square meters. km, with a population of over 500 thousand people. Local time ahead of Moscow by half an hour in winter and 1.5 hours in summer. Time zone UTC+3:30 and UTC+4:30 in the summer.

A brief excursion into history

The first mention of the city dates back to 3 thousand years before the beginning of our era, when it was called Isatis and belonged to the ancient eastern state Mussel. Due to its geographical location, in the very heart of Iran, historically, Yazd was away from many wars and hardships that shook these lands, and in the most turbulent times, sciences and crafts flourished here, which have survived to this day. In ancient times, there were numerous dervish schools called “khanakas” in these places, and Yazd was considered the last stronghold of Persia. Meanwhile, Yazd was destroyed several times and also experienced many difficult periods. During the era of Genghis Khan, many outstanding poets, artists, and scientists hid in the city from persecution. In the Middle Ages, the great traveler Marco Polo visited here and told in his stories about the wonderful silks that he saw in the local markets. Interestingly, the appearance of the old Yazd district has essentially not changed after hundreds of years, and according to UNESCO, it is one of the most unique architectural sites in the world.


The climatic conditions in the province are considered perhaps the driest in all of Iran. Precipitation is very rare here, so from time immemorial “grenades” were built in the region, which were underground channels for water. Now they have been replaced by reservoirs and wells equipped with modern equipment. In the summer months, the heat in the city sometimes reaches +40 degrees, but in winter it can drop to zero or below. It is better to visit the provincial capital in early spring and late autumn, when it is warm and dry, but there is no sweltering heat.

How to get there

The best option for the route to Yazd is to fly to, and from there on local airlines to the airport of the provincial capital. In addition, the city is connected by rail and bus services to other regions and settlements countries.


The most common means of transportation within the city limits are taxis, although the territory of the Old Town can be explored on foot.

Attractions and entertainment

The ancient district of Yazd is considered the main historical site here. The appearance of the overwhelming majority of buildings has not changed at all over the centuries, and their dark brown walls, made of sun-baked adobe bricks and the long-outdated designs of wind towers - “bagdirs” on the roofs of houses, serve as a kind of symbol of bygone eras. Climbing up, you can survey the city and see the endless desert landscapes surrounding it. Among the most striking architectural structures of Yazd, the Zoroastrian temple of Atashkade stands out, which is annually visited by representatives of this religion from all over the world. The temple's sacred fire, located in the central hall, has been maintained since 470.

Other religious attractions include the Great Friday Mosque with its library containing ancient manuscripts, and the Amir Chakhmagh Mosque, located directly opposite the Water Museum, where inquisitive tourists can learn a lot about the water supply system that operates here in different years and to this day. Also notable are the Assembly House, the Tower of Wind, the Mozaffar Garden, the Shamsia Madrasah, the Dovazdeh-Imam mausoleum and the soldiers' cemetery dedicated to the Iranians who died during the war with Iraq. Some distance from the city limits, in the middle of the desert, lies the ancient religious complex of Amir Chakmak, and not far from it are the Zoroastrian towers of silence of Dakmeh. There are several other archaeological complexes in the vicinity of the city, which can be reached by car or by excursion bus.


Many restaurants and cafes in Yazd are located in ancient buildings with rich history, therefore, staying in them is complemented by a feeling of the indescribable spirit of antiquity. One of them is the Hammam-e Khan restaurant, located in the premises of the old hammam. Vaulted ceilings, trickling water in the baths and elaborate wall ceramics add a dose of romanticism to the dining experience. Many establishments have very advantageous locations and have excellent views from their windows, directly on the main city attractions. Lovers of sweets should definitely check out the specialized confectionery on Jomhuriye Eslami Boulevard or Amiran Paludeh, where guests are invited to try delicious sherbet.


The main places for shopping in Yazd are the bazaars of the Old City. Numerous counters display wonderful carpets that differ in more low prices in comparison with Tehran and the popular tourist centers of Iran, embossed and leather goods, all kinds of spices, sweets and souvenirs. The famous Yazd silks, from which scarves, bedspreads and all kinds of light clothing are woven, deserve special attention.

Yazd annually attracts thousands of travelers, captivating them with its oriental spontaneity, the beauty of its architecture, and its rich cultural and historical heritage. A stay in this city allows guests to appreciate many of its advantages and get to know this amazing country better.