Islamic (Muslim) architecture Art History. How we built a mosque in our Singili village How to build a mosque in our city

The closest a slave is to his Lord is when he is in prostration (sajda) " A mosque, or more correctly “masjid”, translated from Arabic is a place where prostrations are performed (sajda). In other words, it is a place where people are given the opportunity to achieve the highest position possible in this world - closeness to their Lord.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “ Allah's most beloved places in cities are mosques, and the most hated places in them are markets. ».

The mosque has had great significance in the life of Muslims throughout Islamic history. It was a place of worship, a source of strengthening faith, and a training center. During the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions, the most important decisions were made in the mosque, Sharia decisions were also made there, and troops were sent from there to protect Islam from enemies, and guests and delegations were also received there.

The importance and role of the mosque is also evidenced by the fact that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) arrived in Medina, the first thing he did was choose a place to build a mosque. We know from history that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) released his camel at the command of Allah, and the place where the camel stopped was chosen to build the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Medina.

A sign of the revival of Islam in any area is the position that a mosque occupies for its inhabitants. If there is no mosque in this area at all, then there is nothing to talk about. But it also happens that there is a mosque and it is even quite large and beautiful, but it stands like a museum, which most residents only occasionally admire. The mosque must be alive, and the task of every Muslim is to revive the mosque in the area where he lives.

The Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): “ The mosques of Allah are revived by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day... ».

From the verse we can conclude that the revival of mosques is a sign of a person's faith. After all, the Almighty Himself testifies to this in the Holy Book.

What does reviving a mosque mean?

First of all, revitalizing a mosque is visiting it to worship and acquire knowledge.

The hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: “ If you see a person who constantly goes to the mosque, then testify that he is a believer ».

Another hadith reports that Allah Almighty Himself says (meaning): “ I am going to send disaster on the inhabitants of the earth, and when I see those who revive the mosques and those who love for My sake and repent in the pre-dawn time, I will avert the disaster from them ».

Also, the revitalization of mosques is assistance in its maintenance, be it assistance in cleaning, repairs, or in paying for heat and electricity. The hadith says: “The mosque is the abode of every God-fearing person.” From this hadith we can conclude that our attitude towards mosques is evidence of piety. Is there a person among us who does not think about the convenience and coziness in his home?! What kind of piety can we talk about if we do not worry about mosques in the same way as about our homes?

Another way to revitalize mosques is to help with construction.

An authentic hadith, which is transmitted in both collections, says: “ Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, Allah will build the same in Paradise " The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us that even an inch of land in Paradise is better than this entire world. What can we say about the area in Paradise, equal to the area of ​​an entire mosque! But Allah, in His mercy, increases the reward for our deeds many times over. Then the construction of mosques is not the best investment for our funds if we are believers?! Today, in many places where Muslims live, there is a need to build or expand a mosque, and at the same time, Muslims in the same area have houses larger than many mosques. How far we are today from the path of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who, upon entering Medina, first of all began to build a mosque, and not mansions, as, unfortunately, many of us.

Probably, some, having heard this sermon, will think with regret that they will not see the reward promised in this hadith, since they will never have funds sufficient to build an entire mosque. But the Almighty, praise be to Him, has given us the opportunity to earn a place in the best of all worlds even if we take only the feasible part in the construction of the mosque. The hadith says: " For anyone who builds a mosque the size of a partridge's nest or even smaller than that, the Almighty will build a house in Paradise ».

Is there anyone among us who would not be able to donate at least an amount sufficient to purchase a few bricks for the construction of a mosque? After all, this may be enough to deserve, by the grace of Allah, a home in Paradise! Or, if our legs and arms are intact, can’t we donate one day of our lives to provide all possible assistance during construction?!

Life on earth goes by very quickly. Before we have time to look back, we will find ourselves on the edge of the grave, and after that - Judgment Day. And, as reported in the hadith, on this day Allah will announce: “ Where are My neighbors? Where are my neighbors?! ", and then the angels will say: " O our Lord! Who should be Your neighbors? "And Allah will say: " Where are those who revived the mosques? »

How happy will be those who are destined to answer this call of Allah! Hurry, O Muslims, to earn the right to be called neighbors of Allah while we have this opportunity!

The homes of God-fearing people and adorned the hearts and souls of believers with true faith. Blessings and greetings to our master Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), who in his pious hadith said: “Whoever builds a mosque, Allah will build him a house in Paradise.”

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :(من بنى لله مسجدا بنى الله له بيتا في الجنة) (متفق عليه)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: “ For anyone who builds a mosque, even the size of a partridge's nest, the Almighty will build a house in Paradise ».

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم (من بنى لله مسجدا ولو كمفحص قطاة بنى الله له بيتا في الجنة) رواه البزار وابن حبان في (صحيحه)

Any assistance provided in the construction of a mosque and other good deeds must be supported by a pure, sincere intention only to obtain the pleasure of Allah Almighty.

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

إِنَّمَا يَعْمُرُ مَسَاجِدَ اللَّهِ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَأَقَامَ الصَّلَاةَ وَآتَى الزَّكَاةَ وَلَمْ يَخْشَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ، فَعَسَىٰ أُولَٰئِكَ أَنْ يَكُونُوا مِنَ الْمُهْتَدِينَ.

The mosques of Allah are revived (only) by those who believed in Allah and the Last Day, performed prayer, gave obligatory charity and did not fear (anyone) except Allah. And such will certainly be from (the number of) those who follow the (true) path! (meaning of verse 18 of Surah At-Taubah).

In this verse, Allah Almighty explains the dignity of mosques and says that these are the houses of the Most High where people worship Allah and praise Him.

It also follows from this verse that one of the most worthy deeds of Muslims is the construction of mosques.

In another verse, Allah Almighty also says:

فِي بُيُوتٍ أَذِنَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تُرْفَعَ وَيُذْكَرَ فِيهَا اسْمُهُ يُسَبِّحُ لَهُ فِيهَا بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالْآصَالِ

Meaning " In the houses that Allah has allowed to be built and in which His name is remembered (by reading the Koran, words of praise,...), they praise Him there morning and evening.”

Our righteous ancestors, knowing the dignity of mosques, rushed to assist in their construction, giving all their valuable property as waqf (national property, heritage).

When Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) made the hijra from Mecca to Medina, the first thing he did was build a mosque. Why didn't he build himself a house? The fact is that mosques are places where people perform five daily prayers in a community (jamaat), in which the bonds of brotherhood are strengthened. Moreover, when all people, rich and poor, strong and weak, stand in one row to worship their Lord, the feeling of brotherhood and compassion for each other increases between them. In this regard, the mosque has a powerful social character, helping to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood.

On the Day of Judgment, Allah Almighty, addressing people, will say: “ Oh my neighbors, rise up "! People will be surprised and ask: “ O Allah Almighty! Do you also have neighbors? "Then Allah Almighty will say: " Yes, these are the people who built the mosques, they are my neighbors " Then these people will rise up and they will be brought into Paradise without accountability, for the mosque is the house of Allah and the Almighty makes those who built them His neighbors.

Mosques should be decorated not only externally, but also internally. What does this mean? After the construction of the mosque, it is necessary to decorate the house of Allah Almighty with worship, because the construction of the mosque is a means for the people visiting it to receive the necessary level of knowledge in Islam. To do this, the imam needs to make every effort to organize lessons and sermons. May Allah help with this.

In most cases, a mosque is not built by one person; many people contribute to it. May Allah reward each of them as if he alone built the mosque.

Rajab Hammirzaev

In the Saudi province of al-Jawf, on the ruins of the ancient city of Dumat al-Jandal, there is a mosque called the “Mosque of Umar”. Many consider Umar bin al-Khattab to be the initiator of the construction of the mosque, but this point of view has not been proven; it is unknown who built the mosque.

Dumat al-Jandal was at the crossroads of the trade routes of Mesopotamia, Arabia and Syria. It is believed that it was erected in the period from 634 to 644, however, archaeologists are inclined to think that the mosque was built even earlier and was at first a church.

Scientists associate the name of this mosque with the reign of Caliph Umar bin Abdul-Aziz or with the Bani Umar tribe, who lived in Dumat al-Jandal.

The northern wall of the mosque overlooks the Marid fortress. On three other sides the building is surrounded by the ruins of the urban part of the city. Like all ancient city mosques, the building consists of two parts - a courtyard and the main prayer hall. The mosque's minaret is located in the southwest corner of the prayer hall. The entrance to the hall is located near the minaret.

In the prayer hall there are 3 rows of stone pillars that supported the roof made of palm tree trunks. The mihrab, minbar and the lower part of the wall are covered with white paint. When viewed from the outside, one can see that the mihrab and minbar protrude slightly from the wall. And from the outer northern sides you can see a staircase leading to the roof.

The minaret is rectangular in shape and tapers towards the top. You could climb to the top of the minaret via a spiral staircase, which, unfortunately, did not survive. The minaret is 4-storey, with window openings on each floor. The height of the minaret is 13 meters.

There are often news reports that new mosques are opening in different parts of Russia. And each of them has its own story, which often remains behind the scenes. We decided to talk about one such unusual story with the initiator and inspirer of the construction of a mosque in the small town of Sovetsky, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Fanziya Timeryanovna Karmanova(Nigmatzyanova). A Muslim woman who built a mosque with her own hands on the distant land of Siberia, in the taiga region.

Few people know about this mosque. It looks quite modest: there are no lush decorations, no intricate patterns on the facade, no unusual design. However, there is one fact that makes this mosque unique compared to any other in the country. It was built by an elderly woman (she was 60 when she started construction, and is currently 67 years old). It took her six long years to complete her plan. This unusual woman, who through her deeds changed the prevailing opinion about Muslim women, thanks to her perseverance, hard work, determination and, as they say, true “masculine character,” is highly respected among local residents. I wonder if there is still such a woman in Russia?

– Fanzia Timeryanovna, tell us a little about yourself. It is interesting to know the life story of the only woman in Russia who built a mosque.

– I was born after the war, in 1947, in Bashkortostan, in the Tatar village of Kuzbaevo, Buraevsky district. My dad was a participant in the Second World War, he traveled all over the world behind the wheel and was a driver. And after he returned from the front, he also worked as a driver, married his mother, and we had three children. My dad died tragically in a traffic accident. At the age of 30, my mother was widowed, left alone with small children in her arms, and raised us on her own. Grandmothers helped her. The grandmothers were religious women, practicing Muslims: they read the Koran, performed five daily prayers, and never missed a prayer. As a child, I was raised in the spirit of Islam, in the spirit of love and submission to Allah. Then communist ideology alienated people from God. And I, like many at that time, was far from Islam. And only at the age of 40 she returned to her roots, to true religion. Life as an orphan probably instilled in me perseverance and determination; I graduated from a construction college, became a construction technician by profession, and worked in my specialty.

– How did you end up in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug?

– Sovetsky – city and regional center (8 regional villages) – multinational. It was formed in 1963 of the last century. In the 60–70s, people of different nationalities, including Tatars and Bashkirs, came to the Sovetsky district from all over Russia to raise the country's timber industry. I have been living in Sovetskoe for more than 35 years. I came here with my husband, as the spouse was assigned to work.

– How did the idea to build a mosque come about?

– The city and Sovetsky district are 50 years old. During this time there was neither a mosque nor a religious organization here. When we first moved here, I had a hard time finding someone who could read the verses of the Koran in the new house. Looking at me, both other Tatars and Bashkirs began to do this, then they revived the tradition of holding joint iftars, going to each other’s majlises, inviting older people to read the Holy Quran. The people who arrived in the 60s and 70s had grown old, many were already over 80 years old, and they were in great need of spiritual communication. Already in 1990–2000, there was talk among the Muslim population about the need to build a mosque as the most revered and sacred place for every Muslim. But there were no people willing to build it. In 2005, my grandparents turned to me with a request that I organize the construction of a mosque with the following words: “We are already old, before we die, we should go to the mosque to pray, and no one will build it for us except you, all hope is in you.” .

– Why did they put this difficult work on you, on fragile women’s shoulders?

“Perhaps there was no more active person in the city than me, even among men.” They probably saw that I was very active, persistent, and efficient, and therefore they trusted me. The Supreme Mufti of Russia Talgat Tadzhuddin gave his blessing to the construction of the mosque.

– Now the most interesting thing is the story of how the construction of the mosque proceeded.

“I agreed and started doing the documentation. First of all, in 2006, I created a public organization, registered it, and wrote “Construction of a mosque” in its charter. It was necessary to register the land for a mosque. There were no problems with this; a plot of land was allocated. The administration agreed to the meeting, although there was not a single Muslim among the officials at that time. They treated us with understanding and respect. I am very grateful to them for this. Initially, GAZPROM provided charitable assistance, transferring 800 thousand rubles, and Severavtodor gave 300 thousand. One million 200 thousand was given to LUKOIL at the end of construction (this money was spent on facing the mosque with white brick). Nobody allocated any more large sums. You could say that I assembled the mosque literally bit by bit. I wrote to the authorities, asking for construction materials and money. I went to all major construction organizations and asked for building materials. One company, where the director was a Russian, allocated foundation blocks and carried out the work of installing the foundation. Another, also Russian, gave us slabs for the ceiling and we covered it ourselves. The basement part of the mosque was ready. The mosque project was developed according to my sketch. It took six years to build the mosque. She only worked in the summer. During all this time, in order to organize work at the construction site (find workers, bring materials, etc.) there was no one next to me. I was a foreman, a foreman, a supplier, sometimes an auxiliary worker, and a driver. I drive the car myself. I even carried some construction materials myself in my car (when I finished my driver’s course, I was 55 years old) and my car and driver’s license were very useful.

– How did people react to the fact that a woman was building a mosque?

– There are many Muslims living here: Tatars, Bashkirs, Avars, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Tajiks, Uzbeks and other Muslims. But there were no people among them who wanted to build a mosque. There were just observers. What will be next? It was very difficult, there were ill-wishers, envious people and gossipers around me. She shed a lot of tears. But Allah helped me not to give up and reach the end. I always turned to Allah Almighty and prayed a lot. I always felt His presence in difficult moments. I always say: “I am infinitely grateful to Allah Almighty, He blessed me and gave me such a destiny. And he helped me along this wonderful path. Only Allah alone supported me and gave me strength. Only with His help did this happen. I can’t speak without tears... This is a miracle! In the 21st century, a small, frail woman, already in old age, built a mosque.

– What interesting moments related to the construction of the mosque do you remember most?

– A lot of amazing things happened to me during these years. For example, I remember how the Tajiks, very religious guys, true Muslims, helped me. They often come in teams to work in Sovetsky. When the foundation was installed, the floors were ready, the walls had to be erected. There was no money to pay for the work. And it was at that moment that a team of 16 Tajiks came to help at the mosque; they had the intention of building the walls for free. It was in the holy month of Ramadan. They worked and came to the mosque on their only day off. Brick walls were erected. But many of them observed fasting.

I remember one more incident. At the very beginning, when there was still empty space for the construction of a mosque, one Russian guy brought boards. Paid money for transportation. He unloaded the building materials and said: “Which place is good, and what will you build?” And I answer: “We will build a mosque.” Then he took out the money that she had paid him and gave it back with the words: “And this is from me for the mosque.” I was confused, I said: “Are you a Tatar or what?” And he answers: “No, I’m Russian. What difference does it make which temple you help? Church, mosque - there is no difference. This is God's temple." When the building took on the shape of a mosque, people began to help more actively. They helped whenever possible, regardless of their nationality and religion. The mosque was given the name “Nur”; it is small, one-story, 17 by 15 meters. Amenities and ablution rooms have yet to be built. We still hope that there will be kind people who can help. I am confident that with the help of Allah the construction will be completely completed. During the construction of the mosque, all the canons of Islam were observed. The mosque looks towards Mecca, where the Muslim shrine, the Kaaba, is located. The Kaaba serves as a landmark to which Muslims around the world turn their faces during prayer. The large hall is divided into two parts by a screen: men's and women's with separate entrances. The President of the Republic of Tatarstan also contributed to the construction of the mosque in Sovetsky. I turned to Rustam Minnikhanov with a request to help us acquire the canonical symbols of Islam - two crescents, which should rise on the dome and minaret of the mosque. Their production and shipment from Kazan were organized by the World Congress of Tatars, with which our public organization actively cooperates.

– Is the mosque already open?

- Yes, praise be to Allah. The grand opening took place last year. A lot of people come here. The most important thing is that we now have a place to pray. In the mosque, five times a day prayer, naming and marriage ceremonies (nikah) are performed during the day. The national-cultural Tatar-Bashkir center “Nur” operates at the mosque. We are engaged in preserving our traditions and holding various events for the Muslim community. Now our imam is a young guy from Dagestan, Ramadan. We were all worried that he wouldn’t stay here for long; it was, after all, a remote place. But when he arrived, he said: “Wherever they send me, there I will work for the sake of Allah.” It amazed me. I am glad that my work was not in vain, that Allah sent us such a decent, sincere, God-fearing imam. There are a lot of Dagestanis in our city, Avars. I am very pleased and grateful to them. Lessons are taught on the study of the Koran and Arabic writing. The mosque is always under supervision, so I am calm. I am no longer young, I want to completely devote myself to Allah, I have two granddaughters and I will try to raise them in the spirit of Islam, teach them the basics of religion, their native Tatar language. After all, thanks to my grandmothers, I learned all this and fell in love with Islam with all my heart. Previously, when they interviewed me, they often said that there was a certain wariness in society about the spread of Islam, the formation of diasporas, and the opening of mosques. And it’s clear why: sometimes extremists hide under this. My answer was: “We don’t have anything like that and I hope there won’t be one. Our Muslims live in peace and harmony with all nationalities; there are mixed marriages. They've known each other for years. They are calm, responsive, and friendly. True religion should unite us, strengthen peace, and not sow discord among us.

– What is your dream?

“I am eternally grateful to everyone who helped me in this holy cause with building materials and money. May Allah Almighty protect and bless everyone! I dream of visiting Islamic countries where there are beautiful mosques and saying namaz there. Most of all I dream of performing the Hajj, visiting the blessed Mecca and Medina. I’m not young anymore, will I have time?

Several times during the interview Fanzia Timeryanovna repeated: “ All this is from Allah, it was He who helped me build the mosque, and He prepared such a fate for me and helped me walk this wonderful path. I am eternally grateful to Allah Almighty" The woman hospitably invited us to visit and promised to give us a tour of the mosque. And, probably, for the first time in my life I sincerely wanted to go to this taiga region to meet this amazing woman.

One of the most honorable acts of Muslims is the construction of mosques. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about the value of this good deed: “ Blessed is the one who builds a mosque and reads the Quran in it, standing or sitting. Such a person is incomparable to those who only watch the work, afraid of getting dust on their clothes."(Imam al-Bukhari). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: “ For anyone who builds a mosque, even the size of a partridge's nest, the Almighty will build a house in Paradise ».

We ask Allah to grant Paradise and build a palace in Paradise for this woman and everyone who has helped her in any way and will continue to help her! Amine!

Interviewed Maryam Tukhaeva


All information on this site is published outside the framework of missionary activities and is intended exclusively for Muslims! The views and opinions published in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the site administration

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MUSLIM ARCHITECTURE - architecture of the countries of the Near, Middle East, India, as well as the Iberian Peninsula, the principles of which were formed after the 7th century. under the influence of Islam as the dominant religion in the region.

Of all the arts belonging to Muslim culture, architecture is the most prominent, original and impressive. The construction of mosques and Muslim religious buildings was initially based on regional traditions, but over time a new style emerged, which, while maintaining the local specificity of religious buildings, was subordinated to the needs of the new cult. Traditionally, there are five architectural schools: Syrian-Egyptian, Persian, Indian, Maghreb and Ottoman. (smaller ones, for example, Iraqi, Central Asian, are considered derivatives).

The first mosque was built in Medina immediately after the Prophet's Hijra. At that time it was a vast courtyard surrounded by a wall. On the northern side (facing Jerusalem), a roof was reinforced on palm trunks to protect believers from the sun. But this building was not yet a sanctuary, for the doors of the dwelling of Muhammad and his wives opened into the same courtyard. At first, military councils gathered here, and after battles the wounded were carried here, that is, it was rather the headquarters of the future Muslim community. But already in this primitive structure the contours of future Muslim temples were visible. Indeed, already the first mosques that were built in large cities of the conquered territories had a roof that rested on columns. Sometimes these were tree trunks, sometimes columns from destroyed structures of the Greco-Roman-Byzantine period were taken for this purpose. After Mecca also submitted to Islam, a niche was placed in each mosque - a mihrab, which indicated the qibla - the direction to Mecca.

The appearance of mosques largely depended on the building materials at the disposal of the builders. For example, in Syria, due to the abundance of basalt rocks, you can often find structures where black and white stone alternate in the cladding of the walls (later this type of masonry began to be used in other countries). In a number of countries (Iran, Iraq, Morocco, and also in Andalusia), mosques were built of brick, in other places - of cut stone.

The first mosques were built with an eye on the traditions that had developed by that time in the church architecture of Byzantium. After the Church of John the Baptist in Damascus was converted into a mosque, mosques began to be built on the conquered lands, repeating the plan of this building. Some of them retained the cruciform plan, characteristic of Byzantine churches. The Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo was built according to this plan. However, subsequently such mosques were overgrown with auxiliary services: libraries, schools, soup kitchens, etc., thus distorting the original plan.

Along with columned mosques, four-aivan buildings (aivan - columned hall) with a central dome were built. The dome on tromps (conical “sails” at the corners of converging walls) found widespread use in Egypt in the 14th–15th centuries. Most often it was built over a mausoleum. During the reign of the Fatimid dynasty, the dome took on a pointed shape.

An important element of the mosque is the minaret. The minaret of the cathedral Friday mosque dominated every Muslim city, creating a special memorable silhouette of the building. Usually one of the minarets stood out for its size and beauty. In medieval Andalusia it is the Giralda Tower, in Morocco it is the Koutubiya Minaret, in India the Delhi Qutub Minar is famous, in Afghanistan the Jama Minaret is famous, and in Central Asia the Bukhara Kalyan Minaret is famous.

As a rule, each of the above architectural schools has its own unique form of minaret. For example, the Maghrib minarets performed two functions: they were towers from which Muslims were notified about the beginning of prayer and at the same time observation platforms from where they could monitor the movements of the enemy at a great distance. In addition, they were equipped with defensive parts, allowing them to defend themselves in the event of an attack. Jagged walls, narrow slotted windows and machismo(hinged loopholes in the upper parts of walls and towers) allowed the archer to take a comfortable position. Typical “defensive” minarets include the Koutoubia Minaret in Marrakech (Morocco – 1184) or the Giralda Minaret in Seville (modern Spain, 1195).

As a rule, the minarets of the Maghreb and Andalusia were built on a rectangular base, sometimes enlarging cubes, standing on top of each other. Iranian minaret 11th–13th centuries. It is a tall and thin, round tower with a balcony placed in a kind of lantern crowning the building. The minaret of one of the oldest mosques in Cairo, Ibn Tulun, resembles the minaret of the Mutawakkil mosque “Malviyya” (“twisted” - Arabic) in the city of Samarra (Iraq), the body of which is a truncated cone, around which there is a spiral ramp. The minarets built during Ottoman times in Turkey and the Balkan Peninsula are slimmer and equipped with flutes. As a rule, in their upper part they have openwork balconies shurfe, from which the muezzin called believers to prayer.

In Central Asia, minarets usually stand separately from the mosque building; they are a powerful tower, lined with brick, the outer edge of which is covered with colored glaze or polychrome tiles.

Architects of Syria, Egypt and Turkey used voluminous domes on a drum as roofing, which “covered” prayer halls. The ribbed dome of Timur’s mausoleum “Gur-Emir” (1404) still amazes with its magnificence. But there were mosques with flat and sloping roofs. All these religious buildings were supposed to be oriented towards Mecca, the direction to which was indicated by the qibla framed by the mihrab niche. The mihrab niche was usually made of colored stone and looked like an arch. Sometimes the mihrab niche is made in the form of one or several pointed arches located one inside the other, supported by semi-columns. The same technique was used to decorate the windows of the facade of the maristan (hospital) of Sultan Qalaun (1284–1285) in Cairo.

Back in the 11th century. The Seljuk Turks conquered a significant part of Asia Minor and created several independent emirates on its territory. Among them, the Rumi Sultanate with its capital in the city of Konya stood out. This feudal state was headed by the Seljuk dynasty (1077–1307), under which the sultanate achieved political and economic power. The Seljuk rulers declared themselves champions of Islam and zealous Sunnis. In particular, they left behind numerous mausoleums and madrassas, built in the style of local traditions. Thus, the mosque built in Zavar (1135) is a typical building in the Persian style with a courtyard framed by four ivans. At the same time, during the Seljuk era, a model of four-aivan madrasahs was formed, which reproduced the plan of mosques. Moreover, each ivan was dedicated to one of the four religious and legal schools.

Seljuk rulers paid much attention to the development of architecture and art. Thanks to international connections (including with Iran and the states of Central Asia), local craftsmen used construction methods and ornamental elements adopted in neighboring states. Over time, Seljuk art developed its own artistic techniques, but the Iranian influence (especially in architecture) was dominant, which is why many art historians attribute Seljuk architecture to the Persian school.

Mostly stone masonry was used in the construction of religious buildings. Portals, profiles of arches and decorative niches are reminiscent of the work of Persian masters. However, Seljuk architects invented their own techniques in ornamentation. The architectural decor is based on the contrast of light and shadow, and the pattern consists of geometric weaving. Seljuk masters borrowed relief and sculptural ornaments from ancient Persian art, most of which have come down to us in fragmentary form.

The Seljuks built citadels, palaces, mosques and madrassas. A feature of many Seljuk buildings was the bypass gallery running along the perimeter of the courtyard. Madrasahs were built of two types. The first was a rectangular or square courtyard, along the perimeter of which were covered or open vaulted rooms such as ivans. This type includes the Sirchali madrasah (1242) in Konya, Chiefte Minar in Erzurum, etc. In the second type of madrasah, architects, in order to avoid dismembered space, built large halls under the dome. These are the Karatay and Inje Minar madrasahs in Konya (both built in the 13th century).

Seljuk architects were familiar with the sail, an element of filling the corner when placed on the polygonal base of the dome, borrowed from Byzantine architecture. Some decorative elements also penetrated into Seljuk art from Byzantium, Armenia, and partly from Iran. But after the devastating Mongol invasion, the Rum Sultanate collapsed; after some time, a new state that arose on part of its territory dealt a crushing blow to the weakening Byzantine Empire, as a result of which, first in Asia Minor, and then in the vast expanse of the Near and part of the Middle East and the Balkan Peninsula, arose Ottoman Empire.

The military-feudal elite of the Ottomans first made Bursa their capital. The most important buildings of that time in Bursa are the Ulu-Cami Mosque (14th century), Yesil-Cami (“green mosque” - 1423), as well as mosques in Iznik and other cities. At first, architects sought to follow simple, geometrically correct forms, imitating Seljuk models. Thus, the “green mosque” in Bursa consists of two interconnected domed halls, in the center of the first there is a pool for ablutions. There are small rooms to the right and left. The domes rest on a drum in the shape of a faceted frieze.

Already at that time, the interest of Turkish masters in the architecture of Byzantium was felt; in the conquered cities, Christian chapels and churches were converted into mosques. In independent buildings, Ottoman architects developed the theme of a large domed ceiling in different versions. And if Byzantine masters decorated the capitals of columns with chiseled and carved leaves, then Ottoman masters used combinations of stalactites, which, according to art historians, differ from those used in Arab countries and Iran. Thus, in the mosque of Sultan Bayezid II (1500–1506), the dome rests on four massive pillars with a stalactite top. Unlike the mosques of the Seljuk era, the pool ( Shadrivan- Turkish) is moved outside the premises - into the courtyard, along the perimeter of which there is a bypass gallery, covered with small domes. It should be noted that the Ottoman builders did not remove trees from construction sites until the last moment. Thus, several cypress trees were left in the courtyard of the Bayazid Mosque, which give a picturesque appearance to the entire ensemble.

The plan of this building is interesting. When entering the mosque premises, two wings open on the right and left, forming a kind of vestibule with pointed arcades. If you stand at the extreme point of one of the narthexes, you will see a grandiose spectacle of a long vaulted gallery, reminiscent of medieval monastery refectories. Ottoman architects covered the domes of the mosque with lead slabs, and built a golden crescent on the spire. And although the mosque is classified as a burial place, turbe(“tomb” - Turkish) is located behind the mosque.

The Ottoman sultans paid great attention to decorating the capital, as well as creating magnificent mosques throughout the caliphate. Traveling through their domains, the sultans ordered the construction of this or that building on the occasion of their visit (most often mosques, madrassas or tekke- premises for Sufis). Therefore, Ottoman-type buildings during this period were built in Damascus (Tekke Suleymaniye), Cairo, Baghdad and other cities.

Due to the scale of construction, a special position was even introduced for the Sultan’s chief architect. Thus, the Bayezid II mosque was built by the architect Hayretdin. In addition, the sultans encouraged their wealthy subjects to invest in the construction of religious and charitable institutions. Construction in the Ottoman Empire reached a particular scale during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520–1566). It was during this period that the main architect became Khoja Kemal ad-din Sinan (1489–1578 or 1588), an Armenian forced to convert to Islam. The list of structures that he built across the vast expanse of the Ottoman Empire contains about 300 items. These are mosques (including two in Crimea), masjids(neighbourhood mosques), madrasahs, dar ul-qurra(libraries), turbet(tombs), tekke(Sufi complexes), Imarets(charitable institutions), maristans(hospitals) water pipelines, bridges, caravanserais, palaces, food warehouses, baths, etc.

The architect Sinan himself singled out three of his works as the most successful: the Shah Zade (1543–1548) and Suleymaniye (1549–1557) mosques, both in Istanbul, as well as the Selimiye Mosque (1566–1574) in Edirne. Continuing the traditions of Byzantine architects, Sinan created huge domes supported on four sides by large conchs, below which were smaller vaults and arches. He made extensive use of inlaid marble panels and stained glass.

The Shah-Zade Mosque was built by order of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in memory of his two early deceased sons - Mehmed and Mustafa. It is believed that this is where the “golden age” of Ottoman architecture began. Multi-colored stone and stained glass were used to decorate the interior, but there are no cenotaphs in the mosque itself. According to Ottoman tradition, for the burial of remains a special turbe was built outside the mosque, which itself represents a small chapel.

The Suleymaniye Mosque is built on top of a hill and dominates the Golden Horn Bay. The mosque is surrounded by plane trees and cypresses, which does not prevent one from seeing the purity of its architectural style and the harmonious contours of the building. Its two minarets are of different heights, but they are placed far from each other, which makes this fact little noticeable. The lower one is equal in height to the dome spire. Inside you can see antique columns with different capitals, taken from various Byzantine churches, but they fit well into the overall ensemble of the mosque. To the east of the mosque there is the turbe of Sultan Suleiman and the turbe of his beloved wife Roksolana.

The Selimiye Mosque amazes with its grandiose silhouette, which has become the dominant feature of the city. Its dome rests on eight pillars, and the rotunda formed by them is “inscribed” in the square of the walls so that the entire space is perceived as a single whole. The dome drum is equipped with many windows through which light enters the mosque and illuminates the exquisite ornamentation of the walls.

The minarets of Sinan are always slender towers with fluted trunks, “tied up” with an elegant balcony “ shurfe" at the top, preceding the pointed spire. The architecture of Sinan is characterized by a certain geometric rhythm: the circumference of the powerful dome and the vertical direction of the minarets are in perfect harmony with the pointed arches that adorn the buildings in abundance.

The work of Kemal ad-din Sinan is considered the pinnacle of Ottoman architecture; the architect himself was even called the “Turkish Leonardo.” Indeed, no one could surpass him, and the buildings he created became standards for religious architecture throughout the Muslim world.

In the 17th century The Ahmediye Mosque was erected in honor of Sultan Ahmed I (1601–1617), the author of which was the architect Mehmed Agha (1540–1620). This mosque is sometimes called “green” because the light coming through the windows is reflected in the blue, green and white tiles that cover the walls from the floor to the arches like a continuous carpet. On the walls are hung shields with the names of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, made by the famous calligrapher Qasim Gubari, and a small fragment of black stone from the Meccan al-Ka'ba is built into the mihrab.

Among the outstanding buildings of the Ottoman era are palaces. It is characteristic that the architects followed the park layout, erecting small palace buildings inside the park, which was divided into zones. Pavilions (for example, Çinili Köşk (“faience pavilion” - Turkish) or Baghdad Köşk on the territory of the Topkapi palace complex (“cannon yard” - Turkish) are small buildings with colonnades, richly decorated inside with ceramic cladding with floral patterns and epigraphic friezes .

A favorite theme for the decoration of Ottoman palace premises were garlands of violets and tulips, made using the knock carving method, mosaics made of ceramics or multi-colored tiles. Ornaments were also composed of carnations, roses, mallow and saffron. During the time of Ahmed II, buttercups and pea leaves began to be painted, which soon became the main motif of Ottoman ornament. Indeed, this plant with a flexible climbing stem is extremely suitable for ornamentation, which allows it to avoid monotony.

Architect Ilyas Ali used a bush in the ornament, around which various plants were located, and filled the voids with images of snails, shells or butterflies. Subsequently, cypress trees began to be depicted in the center of ceramic panels (according to Sufi symbolism, the branches of cypress trees directed upward symbolize the neglect of the earthly in favor of the heavenly), around which climbing plants, flowers or fruits were painted. Sultan Mehmed Çelebi (1413–1421) organized the production of tiles and ceramics in Nika, Bursa and other cities. In addition, mosques and houses of wealthy citizens were decorated with frescoes that Ottoman masters borrowed from the Byzantines, this painting was called Kalem. Frescoes were made not only on walls, but also on ceilings, most often they were landscapes.

Modern Muslim architecture today is trying to use all the architectural experience accumulated over centuries in the construction of new mosques. Naturally, new technologies make construction easier, so huge domed ceilings are no longer a difficult task. At the same time, today's mosques have lost the charm of handicraft, because many elements (tiles, mosaics) are made not by hand, but with the help of modern technology. However, when restoring architectural monuments, specialists often have to turn to ancient techniques, reproducing ornaments, epigraphic inscriptions and cascades of stalactites in accordance with the traditions of Muslim architecture of past centuries.


Ivan(pers.) – 1. The open vaulted space of the facade, facing the courtyard or square. 2. Vaulted hall, open from the courtyard. A characteristic element of Iranian architecture since the Seljuk dynasty.

Hypostyle (hipostylos, Greek - “supported by columns”) - a vast covered room, the ceiling of which rests on numerous, often placed columns.

Capital(from Late Lat. capitellum- “head”) - the crowning part of a column of a pillar or pilaster.

Console –(French) – console) supporting element of the protruding parts of the building (eaves, balcony, etc.).

Buttress(from French. contre-force- “against force”) is a vertical wall, most often built at right angles to the supporting structure.

Conha (konche– Greek, “shell”) – a semi-dome that serves to cover semi-cylindrical parts, for example, niches. In this case, the top is part of the mihrab.

Nave (nef, French) - a longitudinal part of a building, divided by a colonnade or arcade into passages or naves.

Sail- an element of the dome structure that provides a transition from the square under the dome space to the circumference of the dome or its drum. It has the shape of a spherical triangle, the apex of which faces down. One of the fundamental structures of Byzantine architecture.

Pylon (pylon, Greek) - large pillars supporting vaults or located on the sides of the portal of a building.

Pishtak(pers.) - a large portal in the form of an ivan, where the entrance to a mosque, madrasah or mausoleum is located.

Tympanum (tympanon, Greek) - in architecture - a triangular or semicircular field of a pediment (limited on the sides by roof slopes) or the surface of a wall above an entrance arch or window.

Tarncept(late Latin – transeptum) – transverse nave crossing the longitudinal volume of the building .

Tromp (trompe– French) – a vaulted structure in the shape of part of a cone, half or quarter of a spherical dome.

Stalactites(from Greek stalactos- “drop by drop”) - decorative prismatic forms located in rows overhanging each other on the arches of niches, tromps, cornices, etc. Stalactites facilitate the transition from a square plan to a spherical one. Mainly used in the architecture of Bl. countries. and Wed. East.

Olga Bibikova

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