Tianjin city - attractions, transport, interesting places. Tianjin is a Chinese city with unique attractions. What interesting sights to see in Tianjin

Dabeiyuan Temple

The Temple of Great Compassion, northeast of the Old City, is the busiest Buddha shrine in the city. It dates back to the 17th century and its sculptural decoration, destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, was restored in 1980. The structure follows the usual pattern. The main figure in the main hall is Shakyamuni Buddha. In the next room, the 24-armed Guanyin is revered. Tianwei Lu 26. Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. 9.00-16.30.

Ancient Culture Street (Gu Wenhua Jie)

On the banks of the Huaihe, adjacent to the east of the Old City, Ancient Culture Street, a pedestrian zone with arts and crafts shops, was developed. The buildings are new, but built in a traditional architectural style. In the center there is a square, on the western side of which stands the Palace of the Heavenly Empress (Tianhougong), a temple founded in 1326 and restored after the Cultural Revolution, it is dedicated to the patroness of sailors. Opening hours: daily. 9.00-16.45.

Old city

Temple of Confucius

The complex was founded in the 15th century. The Confucius Temple, covering an area of ​​more than 1 hectare, pleases the eye with its tranquil atmosphere. In the main hall one can see vaulted zithers, which were once played at festivities in honor of the great Teacher; the side rooms are used for exhibitions. Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. 9.00-16.00.

Old Town Museum

The building, built during the Republic era at the expense of a wealthy citizen of Tianjin, (nowadays the Old Town Museum is located here), in itself is a wonderful exhibit. Its premises display a wide variety of items: from kitchen utensils to wedding dresses, which allows you to get acquainted with the life of the city in bygone decades. Dongmennei Dajie 202. Opening hours: daily. 9.00-17.00.

Theater Museum

When the guild of Cantonese merchants trading in Tianjin erected an impressive meeting house and temporary apartments in the traditional architectural style in 1907, they also built a theater hall in it. Performances are sometimes performed on its stage to this day; in the adjacent rooms photographs, programs and other evidence of the history of this theater are exhibited. Nanmennei Dajie 31. Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. 9.00-16.00.

Hepingqu District

The Hepingqu area has the most evidence of the colonial era. It stretches from the southeastern edge of the Old City to Machang Dao Street in the south and from the Huaihe River in the east to Nanmenwai Dajie and Weijin Lu streets in the west. From north to south, the former concession areas of Japan are located here (to Jinzhou Dao and Nanjing Lu streets), France (before Yingkou Dao) and Great Britain. Heping Lu Street, which was once called Asahi Road in the north and Rue de Chaylard in the south, is now the main business street of Tianjin.

Jiefang Beiiu

The atmosphere of bygone times is preserved by the century-old bank buildings on Jiefang Beilu Street, once Rue de France in the north and Victoria Road in the south. It is also home to the symbol of Tianjin's hotel industry - the traditional Astor Lishunde.

French church

If you go west from Jiefang Beilu, you can see a French church at the end of Binjiang Dao Street (Lao Xikai Tianzhu Jiaotang), built and painted in 1913-1916. in the style of neo-romanticism; this is the largest church in the city.

Wuda Dao

The five large streets in the British concession area, a little south of the French church, are not very wide and do not have impressive buildings, but the colonial atmosphere has been preserved almost intact. Six streets are protected as monuments: Chengdu Dao (London Road), Chongqing Dao (Edinburgh Road),Changde Dao (Colombo Road) Dali Dao (Singapore Road), Munan Dao (Hong Kong Road) and Machang Dao (Race Course Road) between Kunming Lu in the west and Hebei Lu in the east. Here you can see two hundred and thirty villas that belonged, in particular, to the British, French and Germans. More information about the history of concessions can be found at the Tianjin Museum of Contemporary History, Hebei Lu 314. Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. 9.00-17.00.

Tianjin Museum

For its 600th anniversary in 2004, the city received a stunning new museum. It combines the collections of the former art museum and the city history museum. An exhibition on the history of the city is located on the second floor: antique bronze vessels, porcelain, calligraphy, ink painting and trowel stones. On the floor above, photographs, large dioramas and other exhibits clearly illustrate the city's history. Youyi Lu, Pinjiang Dao corner. Opening hours: daily. 9.00-17.00 (entrance until 16.00).

How to get there

Tianjin is a major transport hub with connections to all important Chinese cities and foreign countries. From Tianjin Airport (southeast of the city), planes fly to all major Chinese cities, as well as Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore.


Tianjin is famous for New Year's popular prints "Yangliuqing", made in a traditional manner, which are replicated in large quantities; You can buy them, for example, opposite the Tianhougong Temple on Culture Street. Another popular product is caricature clay figures of people engaged in daily activities: Zhang Caisu Clay Figure Workshop, Machang Dao 202.

Tourists arrive in Tianjin (China) from Beijing by high-speed trains. Travel time does not exceed thirty minutes. A few years ago this route took an hour and a half. The intervals between flights are short. Trains depart from the platform of the capital's Southern Railway Station. The ticket price depends on the class and ranges from 58-99 yuan.

Geography and climate

Tianjin (China) occupies the northern lands of the country. The metropolis is subordinate to the Central Region of the People's Republic of China. The city is recognized as the third largest in the country. His possessions stretch along and border with which means the settlement has access to the Yellow River. The closest neighbor is Hebei Province. The relief of the region is represented by flat terrain.

Its proximity to provides the region with warm and humid weather. Sultry in summer and moderately cool in winter - this is how Tianjin can be described, whose climate is characterized as continental. The swimming season in the province begins in June and ends in September. The coldest month is February. Maximum precipitation falls in July, but the beginning of autumn pleases travelers with an abundance of hours of sunshine. October is the best time for leisurely walks and excursion holidays. The number of clear days during this period exceeds 27.

Demography and economics

The municipality is formed by rural and urban settlements, the number of inhabitants exceeding 14 million. Noisy and polyphonic, authentic and high-tech - this is the modern metropolis of Tianjin, with a population of 10 million people. Representatives of fifty nationalities and small nationalities are registered on its territory. The lion's share of the city's inhabitants are Han Chinese, Koreans, Mongols, Hui and Manchus.

The region's industries include chemical enterprises, textile factories, automobile factories, mechanical engineering and metalworking. The oil production industry is actively developing. Agriculture accounts for 40% of GDP. The province produces corn, rice and wheat. Fishing is underway. Tianjin (China) is part of a special economic zone within the Bohai Ring.

Colonial past

Back in the middle of the 19th century, which in the history of the country was marked by two opium wars, the territory of the city was farmed out to European traders. Echoes of those times can still be seen on the original Chinese streets. The British concession has been preserved in its original appearance. These are houses adjacent to each other, and pointed tiled roofs, and openwork carvings of a cast-iron fence.

There is also an arena for horse racing in Tianjin, outside of which skyscrapers typical of the Celestial Empire rise. A similar fate befell many coastal Chinese cities: Shanghai, Hong Kong, Dalian, Xiamen and others.

Historical heritage

You can get acquainted with the traditional culture of the municipality on the tourist street Gu Wenhua Jie. There are many souvenir shops, shops selling incense, amulets and handicrafts of local artisans.

There is a special atmosphere at the foot of the Great Wall of China. Its skeleton offers picturesque views. Every year it becomes the venue for the Yin and Yang music festival. The central square is one of the most beautiful places in Tianjin. It so happened that the district, like many Chinese cities, grew around her in an intricate labyrinth.

Parks and squares

Shuishang Park, Tianjin People's Park, Haihe Bund Park, Beining Park, Xigu Park are the main recreational areas of the district. The most popular recreation area for residents and visitors in the city of Tianjin (China) is the Central Park. Its shady alleys wind around shrub-covered gazebos and plaster sculptures. Walking there is absolutely safe during the day. Picnics are arranged on the spacious lawns, and swans can be watched from the wooden benches surrounding the lake.

The botanical garden introduces guests to the tropical flora of the country and neighboring regions. Its territory is amazing in scale. You can wander around it for hours.


The main historical museum of the city of Tianjin (China) is located in Yinhe Square, which is located within walking distance from the main transport arteries of the metropolis. Even a cursory inspection of the exhibits will take a whole day. Within its walls, all the milestones in the development of the province, touching on the years of the Opium Wars, as well as the revolutionary past and communist present of the country, are clearly and truthfully presented.

The Ankint Street Temple is a dedicated open-air museum. It was once part of an ancient settlement. The Museum of Science and Technology deserves close attention. It is located on Long Chang Street. Its sections are interesting not only for adults, but also for preschoolers.


The porcelain house is rightfully recognized as the hallmark of the city of Tianjin, whose sights amaze the imagination of a sophisticated traveler. The entrance ticket costs 50 yuan. Students receive a discount. The complex itself is small, but worth the money spent on visiting it.

The roof, columns, doors, building decor and walls - absolutely everything in it is made of porcelain tableware. The courtyard is almost always crowded, camera shutters are clicking, and fluent English-speaking guides can be heard. There is a souvenir shop selling jewelry on its territory.

The TV tower is another place that is mentioned in guidebooks. Finding her won't be difficult. It rises in the southwest of the city.

The city of Tianjin is located on the coast of Bohai Bay, one hundred and eighty kilometers southeast of the capital of the state. Together with the district, Tianjin is a separate administrative unit with central subordination. This is one of the main financial centers of the country.

Antique Market

One of the city's brightest curiosities is the Antique Market. It is located in the central part of the city, on Shenyangdao Street. If a tourist visiting this place is not a lover of antiques, he will still be amazed by the rich selection of goods and the scale of this market. Most of what is sold here is confiscated goods from the period of the Cultural Revolution, brought from all over the country, which have lain in city warehouses until today. Here, antiques even have stickers indicating the date of removal and the previous owner.

Street of Ancient Culture

Another interesting place in Tianjin is the Ancient Culture Street. Those who built it attempted to recreate the ancient appearance of the city in the Middle Kingdom. In addition to admiring the buildings in the traditional architectural style, tourists here can see many different “cultural” goods for sale - such as Chinese manuscripts, watercolors and paintings, as well as modern music CDs. This is also where Tianhou Temple, not distinguished by its large scale (Tianhou Gong), which was erected in 1326.

Street of Ancient Culture:

Tianhou Temple:

In another block next to the Street of Ancient Culture there is Temple of Confucius, which was built during the Ming Dynasty, in 1463. Tianjin itself is a city - a monument to the European architectural style of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. If you go a little further, you will see examples of Italian, Victorian, German and French architecture.

Tianjin Folklore Museum

The Tianjin Folklore Museum is located in Empress Palace, which was built back in 1326. The huge building is located on an area of ​​five thousand square meters. meters and in itself is an attraction that has no price.

The Tianjin Folklore Museum was founded in order to study local traditions and customs. It consists of three thematic exhibitions that allow tourists to get acquainted with certain periods of the city’s history.

The first of the exhibitions is entirely devoted to the history of educational development in Tianjin. The second clearly introduces Museum visitors to the morals and customs of the local population. The third is dedicated to problems in Tianjin, as well as the city's patroness.

The Folklore Museum is open from 9:00 to 17:00.

Gulou Street in Tianjin

In the central part of the ancient city of Tianjin there is a most interesting place that makes it possible to fully understand the atmosphere of the ancient Celestial Empire. This, of course, is the Gulou pedestrian street. Many of the buildings located here were built during the reign of the Qing and Ming dynasties.

Today, Gulou Street is a developed area of ​​commerce and tourism. This street has a large number of small retail outlets, shops, restaurants and entertainment centers. Don't forget to try the delicacies prepared by local chefs on this street.

During your visit to this street you can buy souvenirs - products from local craftsmen, such as various figurines, calligraphy and others. The center of this street is the ancient Bell Tower. Next to it are a theater and arches from the Qing Dynasty.

Tianjin TV Tower

One of the main city attractions can also be called the Tianjin TV Tower, from which visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful scenery of the Tianjin area. This tall building is located in the southwest of the city, namely on Dianshi Street.

This TV tower is 368 meters high. It was erected in 1991 and is one of the tallest buildings of its type in the Asian region. The project to build it cost the people of China forty-five million dollars. The “highlight” of this city attraction is also the fact that it is surrounded by water on four sides.

The observation deck is located on the 253rd floor of the building; on the first floor there are restaurants, a conference hall and shops.

TV Tower in Tianjin:

Five Avenue

Behind the Liberation Bridge, which was erected by the French in 1903, there is a quarter that consists of five wide streets that form a rectangle called “Five Avenues”.

In this place there are two hundred and thirty buildings erected according to English, French and Italian architectural styles. In an effort to come up with a different, new style, the masters looked for clues in those that were previously known. Here you can see excellent buildings, the construction of which used the styles of Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance, as well as others - on their own and mixed with others. The main idea that unites them all is rationalism, practicality and economy. This is visible everywhere - both in the layout, and in the material, artistic design and design features. The buildings have a square or rectangular shape, the windows in them are mainly arched or rectangular. Many houses have shutters. All these details, of course, fundamentally distinguish these buildings from classical Chinese buildings.

In former times, the Five Avenues area was a place of intrigue and political disputes; the residences of the most important political and military figures were located here. The quarter has more than three hundred different buildings and residential buildings that belonged to famous personalities, which were erected from the 1920s to the 1930s. People such as the presidents of the Republic of China, Cao Kun and Xu Shichang, many prime ministers, celebrities and important foreign guests lived here in the past.

Nowadays, new buildings are being erected in the Five Avenues area, which also correspond to the European style - so as not to damage the architectural integrity and appearance of this urban area. “Five Avenue” is still one of the most important landmarks in Tianjin today, which is why city guests still like to stroll here.

In the Chinese tradition, naming cities and towns is figurative, but in this case the name of the city also has a specific meaning. Tianjin arose near the confluence of the Haihe, Beiyunhe and Nanyunhe rivers in a place called the “Heavenly Ford”, or in the most ancient sources “The sea mouth of three connecting” (“connecting” - of course, rivers, but for some reason this word is omitted). The word “heavenly” here implies “of divine origin.” The “Ford” is located near the “Big Water” - this is, firstly, the Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea, and secondly, the Great Chinese Canal, the northern, final part of which was laid in the 13th century. not far from the village that Tianjin was at that time. Through the canal you can reach the great rivers and. And the Haihe (Sea) River, which flows into the bay, although short, is deep, and has an extensive network of tributaries through which one can reach Beijing. 72 of the 102 km of the Haihe current pass directly through Tianjin, counting from its confluence with the Waihe tributary.
A city under central control is not only a city itself in China, but also a special territory that includes rural areas. In this case, part of the province, bordering the territory of Beijing in the northwest. Tianjin is the fourth city on the list with this status after Beijing, Chongqing and Shanghai.
The land on which Tianjin stands was a seabed four thousand years ago. The Yellow River then had a different course. The sea retreated under the pressure of its sediment, consisting of sedimentary rocks carried out from the Loess Plateau. About two thousand years ago, this river changed its course several times. Around 602 BC. e. The Yellow River finally retreated to the south, and Haihe began to connect it with the gulf. Saltworks and salt mining villages arose on the site of the future city. In 1404 they received the name Tianjin wei. Later, the “Left Guard of the Heavenly Ford” - Tianjin Zuowei and the “Right Guard of the Heavenly Ford” - Tianjin Yuwei were added to it. In 1652, they all became a single Tianjin, whose military and civil administration settled in the Dagu forts at the mouth of the Haihe, in the Tanggu region.
In 1725, the Tianjin district was formed, in 1731 - the Tianjin government, to which 6 counties were subordinate, and the position of “viceroy Zhili” was established (as the highest dignitary was called during the Manchu Qing dynasty) with a residence in Tianjin. During the Second Opium War (1856-1860), in 1860, Anglo-French troops captured the forts of Dagu, Tianjin became their base and, with the sanction of the emperor, the “sea gate of Beijing”. From that moment on, foreign concessions began to operate here, and the city grew rapidly.
In 1900, during the uprising of the Yihetuan (“detachments of harmony and justice”) against the dominance of foreigners in the Chinese economy, the rebels were defeated, and for two years Tianjin was under the direct control of England and France. In 1911, after the fall of the Qing dynasty, the Republic of China arose, which from 1912 became a real political force and conflicted with the heads of foreign concessions. In 1928, Kuomintang troops were brought into the city, and the administrative unit “Tianjin Special City” was formed. In 1930, the capital of Hebei Province was moved here.
In 1935, capital status was transferred to the city of Baoding, and Tianjin's rights as a city of central subordination were returned. During the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), the Japanese took control of first the British and then the French concessions. After the army of the Communist Party of China entered Tianjin in January 1949, this period in the history of the city ended. The new government confirmed the previous status of the city of central subordination in the same 1949, and canceled it in 1958. In 1967, the city regained it.
The central city of Tianjin is located in the northeastern part of the Great Chinese Plain on both banks of the Haihe River. It faces the northern end of the Great Canal of China and the western part of the Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea. The main relief is urban, the Tianjin zone is flat, and not far from the city there are picturesque rocky formations covered with forests.
Tianjin is, on the one hand, a typically Chinese city, but there are places in it where you get the impression that you are in Europe.
We are not talking about skyscrapers, which every Chinese metropolis now has. Next to ancient temples, a sea of ​​small shops on pedestrian streets, where they sell, it seems, everything that the skillful hands and tenacious intellect of the Chinese can produce, behind the Liberation Bridge, built by the French in 1903, is the Five Avenues quarter. This is a total of 230 buildings of European architecture, many of which look exactly like houses in London, Paris or Florence.
In the 1920-1930s. In addition to Europeans, Chinese from among the highest local officials also settled here. In Tianjin there is a local Venice - decorative and, one might say, overly imitative to the detriment of good taste. However, taking a ride along these canals with their bridges and the likes of Venetian palaces on the banks is certainly a pleasure. But the truly beautiful Chinese recreation area in Tianjin is the unique Water Park.
From the middle of the 19th century. In Tianjin, English, French, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and other European entrepreneurs worked under concession agreements: they built, set up and launched enterprises, managed them, trained young people and then collaborated with them. At this time, the city acquired an appearance that was in many ways different from other Chinese cities, without changing its main traditions - this is basically impossible in China. Until 1980, there was an Orthodox Church of the Intercession in the city, supported by the Russian community of China; it was demolished due to the destruction received during the earthquake. And the Catholic Cathedral of St. Joseph survived, although at one time the Red Guards tried to destroy it, and they almost succeeded. Since then, the cathedral has been under state protection.
The union of European and Chinese is embodied in the unique local Porcelain Museum in an old French mansion. Its owner, Chang Lianshi, collected thousands of fine Chinese porcelains from the Tang era (618-907) to the Qing era (1644-1911). Four dragons, whose scales are shards of porcelain, guard the house outside.
The time of concessions is forever gone, but economic bridges with Europe in Tianjin are still particularly strong. They are facilitated by considerable foreign investment, which local businesses receive not only from huaqiao - Chinese-born businessmen from abroad, but also from the same pragmatic Europeans. The symbol of this time was the most famous of all the many bridges in the city today - Yongle, more often called the “Eye of Tianjin”, as well as the Ferris wheel installed on it, operating since 2008. The bridge looks unusually impressive from the water, especially in the evening.
Well, for those who are closer to Chinese antiquity, you need to visit the suburb of Tianjin - the town of Yanliuqing. This is the birthplace of a special artistic genre - New Year's popular prints on wood, the style of which dates back to the 17th century. and remains unchanged. Getting to know the monasteries and pagodas on the slopes and peaks of the Tianjin mountains is a separate and unforgettable way to experience the very spirit of this region.
On August 12, 2015, Tianjin experienced a tragedy. At the port, in the new area of ​​Binhai, two explosions occurred in warehouses with dangerous chemicals, and a huge fire broke out. 173 people were killed, 800 were injured, and more than 10 were missing. During the investigation, it turned out that safety rules for storing hazardous substances were violated, logistics schemes were not followed, and residential buildings, contrary to regulations, were built too close to the docks. The most stringent measures were taken to eliminate the causes of the accident and punish those responsible: in China this always happens in such cases, and therefore you can be sure that this kind of incident will never happen again here.

general information

A city under the central government, one of four such cities in China.
Other names: Jingu, Kinmen; short - Jin.
Administrative division: 15 districts and 1 county.
Languages: official - Chinese (Mandarin), colloquial - Tianjin dialect, significantly different from Mandarin.
Ethnic composition: Han - 97.3%, others - 2.7%.
Religions: the inhabitants of Tianjin reverence the sea goddess Tian-hou Mazu more than all the saints; in addition, they adhere to Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism; Christians - 1.51%.
Currency unit: Yuan.
Largest river: Haihe.
Port (outport): Tangu.
Airport: Tianjin Binhai (international).


Area: historical city - 11.8 km 2, with suburbs - 174.9 km 2, region - 5606.9 km 2.
Suburban population: 11,524,238 people (2014).
Population of the region: 15,200,000 people (2014).
Population density in the region: 2711 people/km 2 .
Distance to the sea coast: 50 km.

Climate and weather

Tianjin is characterized by three types of climate: monsoonal subtropical, humid continental with a clear change of seasons and semi-desert.
It rains mainly in summer.
Average January temperature: -2.8°C.
Average temperature in July: +26.9°C.
Average annual precipitation: 545 mm.


GRP: CNY 1572 billion ($255.95 billion) - 2014
GRP per capita: CNY 106,795 ($17,385) -2014
Minerals: deposits of oil, salt, manganese, boron, geothermal sources.
Industry: petrochemical, metal processing, engineering, textile, food, automotive, Airbus prefabricated manufacturing, Tianjin High-Tech Industrial Park, National Supercomputer Center and other technology development zones.
Port industry.
Service sector: business services, educational, medical, transport services, telecommunications, trade, tourism.


Pedestrian streets

Gulou with Gulou (Drum) Tower, Hepinglu, Guwenhuajie - Ancient culture.
■ Tianhou Temple (1326).
■ Temple of Confucius (1436).
■ Buddhist monastery of Dabeiyuan (Great Compassion), founded in the 5th century. BC e., surviving buildings - 1611
■ Baecheng Stone Tree Park.
■ Stone Yard Yves (1875).
■ Venetian Village (ornamental shopping complex).
■ Antiques market.


Tianjin Ethnographic Museum, Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao Memorial Museum, private Huayuan Museum (objects of Chinese applied art from different centuries), private Porcelain Museum, Princess Heshuo House Museum.
■ Park on the water.
■ Tianta TV Tower.
■ Yongle Bridge (“Eye of Tianjin”),

Out of city

Temple of Lonely Happiness, or Solitary Joy, as well as the Temple of the Big Buddha (113 km), 10th century, and the Guanyin Tam Pavilion; Panshan Mountains 12 km (72 temples and 13 pagodas), Jiulong (Nine Dragons) 20 km, Basianshan Mountains (Eight Saints) 35 km, Yangtsun Park 80 km, a section of the Great Wall of China 126 km, in the area of ​​Huangyaguan.
■ Jinnan National Agricultural Science and Technology Park.
■ Qinhuangdao resort on the shores of Bohai Bay.

Curious facts

■ In addition to the porcelain Buddha statue in the Temple of Lonely Happiness, the statue of the goddess Guanyin, 16 m high, is also especially revered. It is also porcelain and has safely survived 28 earthquakes, which has convincingly proven its mission as a character in Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese mythology - to be a protector from natural disasters, patroness of women and children. The external image of this goddess, which is typical in this case, is associated with the Buddhist tradition, while Guanyin appears among the deities in almost all faiths of China.
■ The sea goddess Mazu in Tianjin has been revered since 1326, not only here. All Chinese sailors, fishermen and coastal residents in general consider her their patroness. There is also a legend about her. Once upon a time there was a girl born into the family of a fisherman named Lin. In the first month of her life, she did not make a sound, and they named her Lin Monyan - “silent girl Lin.” She swam across the sea on a mat and reached islands on the clouds. Once she saved her brothers who were drowning in the sea. At the age of 28, she ascended to heaven, and all seas, rivers and lakes became subject to her, she can stop floods and typhoons, and you cannot make her angry, otherwise the water element will begin to rage again. From the 13th century Lin Monyan began to be called Tian-fei Mazu (Heavenly Concubine), and from the end of the 17th century. - Tian-hou Mazu (Heavenly Empress).
■ Since 2009, the National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin has been operating one of the most powerful systems of this class in the world - the Tianhe-1 A supercomputer. It performs multi-level calculations from different fields of science and carries out complex 40-simulation. When an explosion occurred in the port of Tianjin in 2015, Tianhe-1 A was shut down for five days to determine how much damage it had suffered. And it turned out that everything was in order: the blast wave could not break the protection of the most complex device.
■ The Hese (Harmony) high-speed train covers a distance of 120 km from Beijing to Tianjin in half an hour.
■ The Great Chinese Canal as a whole is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the oldest operating hydraulic structure on Earth, built since the 6th century. BC e. to the 13th century
■ Streets in Tianjin, like in many other Chinese cities, are called “dao”: for example, Harbin-dao. The simplest translation of this word is “path”, nothing special. But let’s not forget that “Tao” for the Chinese is a polysyllabic philosophical concept. Therefore, they treat the choice of a street for housing, its history and features with great inner trepidation, just like the street on which they were born.
■ The porcelain shards that line the dragons in the porcelain house are also historical. Since ancient times in China, unsuccessful porcelain products were broken, and poor people collected them, hid them, kept them from generation to generation and happily gave them to the owner of the museum.

Guwenhuajie Street can easily be called one of the main attractions of the city of Tianjin. Another name for Guwenhuajie is Ancient Culture Street. It is very small - only 600 meters, but over 100 different shops are concentrated on it. Here you can buy everything your heart desires, from old books and antiques to ancient Chinese manuscripts and products of traditional Chinese crafts.

Guwenhuajie Street is lined with ancient buildings. Most of them have a long history, dating back to the beginning of the fourteenth century. Particular attention should be paid to the small Tianhou Temple, comfortably located among countless shops and stalls.

Tianjin Museum

The Tianjin Folklore Museum is located on the territory of the Empress Palace, built back in 1326. The huge palace covers an area of ​​5 thousand square meters and in itself is a priceless exhibit.

The Tianjin Museum was founded with the purpose of studying local customs and mores. It is divided into three thematic exhibitions, each of which introduces visitors to a particular page in the history of Tianjin.

The first exhibition is entirely dedicated to the history of the city's educational development. The second clearly tells about the morals and customs of the local residents. The third tells about the troubles of the city and the main patroness of Tianjin.

The museum is open from 9:00 to 17:00.

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Gulou Street

In the heart of the old city of Tianjin, there is an amazing place that allows you to best experience the atmosphere of Ancient China. This place is Gulou Pedestrian Street. Many of the buildings on this street date back to the Qing and Ming dynasties.

Today Gulou Street is a developed shopping and tourist area. There are a great variety of shops, street stalls, restaurants and entertainment centers here. Particular attention should be paid to the delicacies prepared by local traders.

While walking around Gulou, you can purchase rare works by Chinese masters - calligraphic paintings, sculptures, etc. The center of Gulou Street is the ancient Bell Tower. Near it you can find a theater and arches from the Qing times.

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