Where the Titanic crashed on the map. Titanic wreck site on the map. Doctor Ballard's Secret Mission

Hello, my dear readers! Today I would like to talk about serious, even more tragic, things. On April 15, the whole world celebrates a sad event... This is the date of the death of the Titanic, which contemporaries considered an unsinkable liner.

The surprising fact is that until now, despite official version disaster, there are different opinions and versions of what happened on that ill-fated night.

The place where the Titanic sank

The Titanic was rightfully considered the most luxurious ship of the early last century, so the news of its death shocked the entire world community. According to official figures, about 1,500 people died, including passengers and crew members. Despite the fact that the twentieth century brought many disasters, catastrophes and wars, the tragedy of the Titanic remains an equally tragic event, the interest in which continues to this day. The event that occurred near the island of Newfoundland on the night of April 14-15 was overgrown with many rumors and speculations that have a sufficient number of followers.

The place where the Titanic sank on the map has the following coordinates - 41046′ north latitude and 50014′ west longitude.

However, it was subsequently found that the stated data was incorrect, so even now there is no accurate information regarding the exact coordinates of the crash site. This is not the only oddity that accompanied this whole story, so let's try to understand some versions of what happened, because the tragedy itself is not limited to just a collision with an iceberg, it is more extensive and complex.

Versions of the tragedy

Perhaps we will not know until the end the whole truth of that night, despite the investigations carried out. Of course, they brought some clarity to what happened, but there are still a lot of “blank spots” that still remain a mystery. Some evidence contradicted others, some evidence, if checked and studied in more detail, became more than doubtful - all this gave rise to many speculations and legends on this topic, which have their followers even today.

Some of these versions may seem incredible, but history shows us that a rational explanation for what happens may not always be possible. Be that as it may, we need to talk about it, seek the truth, and then the truth will make us stronger. Another question is that the truth can hardly be known to you and me - ordinary inhabitants who get information from the Internet. In any case, we can study different versions and reasons for what happened, and everyone will decide for themselves which of them is close to them personally.

The first version is a conspiracy of the powers that be

We all love conspiracy theories, some of which smack a little of schizophrenia and paranoia. However, some facts seem so indisputable that you inevitably move from the category of skeptics to the group of doubters, at least. In the story of the Titanic, everything is also very mysterious and controversial. But let's start from the beginning.

Many people agree that the Titanic disaster was planned in advance. No matter how crazy it may sound, several interesting facts indicate this. For example, John Morgan, a famous American billionaire and part-time owner of the company that owned the liner, canceled his ticket exactly one day before the expected departure.

You will probably say that this is nothing more than an ordinary coincidence? Maybe, but Morgan's example was followed by 55 more people who were supposed to sail in first class. I think there is no need to remind you that only rich people travel in first class, and if you consider that among these 55 there are people such as John Rockefeller, Henry Frick and Alfred Vandelfeld, who were close friends of Morgan himself, then this suggests certain reflections.

I understand that the cancellation of the cruise cannot be considered the only evidence of this version

But there are several other points that indirectly confirm this interpretation of events or, at least, force us to take a fresh look at them.

Thus, in 1907, an agreement was signed on the creation of a new cruise ship, which had no analogues in the world. Two parties - Bruce Ismay (by the way, a close confidant of Rockefeller and Morgan) and Lord Pirrie started a truly large-scale production, the result of which should be that same unsinkable ship. Then they said that the liner had a super-strong bottom, and the Titanic itself could remain afloat even if four of its compartments were flooded.

However, in the 90s of the last century, Russian experts took samples of Titanic metal at depth to conduct research. The results shocked many. It turned out that it was not just ordinary metal, but also with a large addition of sulfur, which made it very fragile when exposed to metal. negative temperatures. Many are perplexed why such low quality steel was used in the production of the Titanic, an advanced liner at that time, the advertising campaign for which was in full swing. The explanation that a design error was made does not stand up to criticism.

There is a version that in this way the company saved its money, but they could not help but know that such steel would not withstand even the slightest collision in icy water, so such negligence also raises doubts. It also remains unclear why there were no spotlights on the Titanic, because this liner was considered the most modern and advanced. Also a miscalculation of the designers?

Indeed, there are a lot of strange things

By the way, one of the first to escape that tragic night was our old friend Bruce Ismay. It was he who was among the first to board the lifeboat, after which he waited for the arrival of the RMS Carpathia, which also belonged to the White Star Line, which manufactured the Titanic. An order was even given to rescue the first class passengers first, and the lower deck was ordered to be locked. It was there that there were 1,500 people, among whom were many women and children who died on that fateful night.

The second version is a substitution

The next version, which can also be attributed to a conspiracy theory, is the story of Olympic. Few people know, but this is an exact copy of the Titanic, which was only two inches shorter than it, i.e. the length of a regular matchbox. Do you feel what I'm getting at?

The fact is that it was visually impossible to distinguish one ship from another. In addition, a separate book could be written about the misadventures of Olympus. So, immediately after launching, he collided with a dam. Then a large number of minor and major accidents happened to it, so we can confidently call it an “unlucky ship.”

That is why many insurance companies did not want to deal with such an unlucky liner, not wanting to insure it, which the owners of the ship so zealously sought. It was decided to dock Olympic until a decision was made on its future fate.

We have a plan

Here a version began to emerge, according to which the White Star Line company wanted to get rid of the Olympic in a very original way, passing it off as the Titanic, which, by the way, was insured. Considering that they are very similar structurally and externally, this was not at all difficult to do.

It is enough just to replace the sign with the name of the liner, change some interior items, etc. The plan really looks logical, because no one will even suspect a substitution, quite reasonably believing that in front of him is the same “unsinkable” Titanic, and not the “eternal loser” Olympic.

Naturally, no one intended to intentionally sink the liner, because hardly anyone was convinced by the version that the modern Titanic could sink from a simple collision with an iceberg. It is reasonable to believe that

The plan was as follows: to provoke a collision of the ship, after which it would sail safely to New York, and the owners of the company, in turn, would receive an impressive amount that was due to them under insurance.

Considering that Edward Smith, the captain of the ship, literally deliberately drove with high speed along a dangerous route, ignoring all sorts of warnings about icebergs nearby, then this version becomes quite plausible.

But in 1985, when the hull of a sunken ship was discovered at depth, this version was officially refuted. The fact is that the number 401 was clearly visible on the propeller of the liner, i.e. the serial number of the Titanic, while the Olympic number was 400. One could also question this fact, suggesting that the company replaced the propeller after a collision with another ship (and there were many of them in the history of the Olympic), but the Titanic serial number is found on others parts of the ship, so this moment can be closed. Although I agree, the version is interesting.

The third version is the fight for the Blue Ribbon

If you are a pragmatic person, then you will probably be interested in the Blue Ribbon version. This award was given to those ships that crossed the Atlantic Ocean the fastest. Naturally, serious competition immediately flared up between the companies, because winning this award promised quite big advantages.

No, the winner did not receive a cash prize, but the ship itself received something more - this is worldwide honor in the maritime industry, as well as authority, which can hardly be achieved in other ways. Such prestige inevitably led to material gain, because the ship that received this award received a contract for the delivery of all kinds of mail - a very profitable business at that time. And judge for yourself, if you were a millionaire, what kind of liner would you sail on? Of course, on the one that has received a prestigious award.

At that time, the ship that owned the Blue Riband was the Mauritania, owned by a long-time competitor of the White Star Line. It is clear that the owners of the company were asleep and saw how they would wipe the enemy’s nose, so they bet on the Titanic, hoping that it would cross the Atlantic Ocean faster than the Mauritania. That is why the captain of the Titanic walked along a dangerous section, deliberately taking a shortcut.

Initially, the route included a small detour to avoid collisions with icebergs, which are abundant in that stretch of water. But Smith deliberately ignored the danger, racing at all speeds in a straight line, wanting to beat. This may seem crazy, but Smith naively assumed that even if a collision occurred, it would not lead to tragic consequences, and the record itself could only be postponed to a later date.

Such carelessness was very costly

By coincidence, after the collision with the iceberg, five compartments were flooded, i.e. one more than the Titanic could carry. In addition, the captain hoped that the iceberg would not break through the strong steel of the liner, because, in his opinion, this should not happen. Here we again return to the issue of the quality of the metal used in the production of the Titanic.

In addition, many supporters of this version overlook one important point. The fact is that the speed of the Mauritania, the last owner of the Blue Ribbon before the Titanic, was 26 knots. The maximum speed of the Titanic itself was no more than 24 knots, so it is not clear how it could get ahead of the Mauritania. Again, many will say that the captain knew this, so he deliberately did not slow down, moving along the shortest route, so there is no consensus. Riddles, riddles, riddles.....

Schizoteric causes of the sinking of the Titanic

In a word, there are quite a lot of versions on the theme of the tragic death of the Titanic. I haven’t yet told you about the German torpedo that allegedly sank the Titanic and the curse Egyptian mummy! This is where the real schizophrenia is, which I spoke about at the beginning. So that you can appreciate the full scale of the rumors that are still circulating around this tragedy

on the story about the mummy - I’ll dwell in more detail

In general, it happened a very long time ago (we are talking about a mummy); there lived in Egypt a certain person who had the gift of foresight. I will not undertake to say whether this was actually the case or not, and this is not relevant to the matter. So, our soothsayer died, after which they made a mummy from her according to a long-standing tradition. It was found during excavations that were carried out near Cairo at the end of the nineteenth century.

The mummy was buried with big amount various treasures, among which was an image of Osiris. There was an inscription there and its meaning was literally the following: you will crush with your gaze anyone who dares to stand in your way. This therefore applied to the mummy and those likely offenders who would encroach on it.

The mummy was bought first by one collector, then by another, and so on, down the chain. They all died from a terrible curse that circled around the mummy, but who will understand true reasons their deaths? If a person dies at 90, it is unlikely that the mummy could be the cause. In the end, the mummy is bought by an unnamed American millionaire who wanted to transport it from England to the United States.

I think there is no need to explain which ship he chose for this

According to legend, the mummy was kept in an ordinary wooden box in close proximity from the captain's bridge. Naturally, the rascal Smith, being a curious fellow by nature, looked into this treasured box. Having met the eyes of the mummy, the captain immediately lost his mind. This forced him to drive through a dangerous section of water where icebergs were drifting, without slowing down.

Surprisingly, this theory also has supporters.

However, they miss one point. The meaning of mummies is the ability to preserve the shell of the body so that the soul of the deceased can return. Return to the place from which she actually fluttered out. It would be logical to assume that the main task of a mummy would be to get rid of all risks and situations where her precious body could suffer.

It is clear that after she was in icy water, the mummy would have survived for no more than a couple of days. A rather dubious approach to self-preservation, frankly speaking... In general, this kind of version is the prerogative of the yellow press, so let’s not judge them about it.

A thinking person simply will not pick up such a newspaper, but let the rest of us entertain themselves at their leisure with such fables.

By the way, I would like to apologize to Edward Smith, whose image I portrayed somewhat frivolously. Even though he took the Titanic along a dangerous route, he was a man of honor to the end. He remained on the already dying ship, making no attempt to escape. This is a long-standing maritime tradition when the captain does not abandon a sinking ship, and it literally takes your breath away every time.

In general, you and I are unlikely to learn everything about the events that took place on the night of April 15th. Therefore, our best action will be to honor the memory of all the lost passengers and crew members by remembering them once again.

In contact with

The sinking of the Titanic claimed the lives of 1,517 of the 2,229 passengers and crew (official figures vary slightly) in one of the worst maritime disasters in world history. 712 survivors were taken aboard RMS Carpathia. After this disaster, a great outcry swept through the public, affecting attitudes towards social injustice, radically changed the way passengers were transported along the North Atlantic route, the rules for the number of lifeboats carried on board were changed passenger ships and the International Ice Survey was created (where merchant ships crossing the North Atlantic continue to transmit accurate information about the location and concentration of ice using radio signals). In 1985, a major discovery was made, the Titanic was discovered at the bottom of the ocean and became a turning point for the public and for the development of new fields of science and technology. April 15, 2012 will mark the 100th anniversary of the Titanic. It became one of the most famous ships in history, and her image remains in numerous books, films, exhibitions and monuments.


duration - 2 hours 40 minutes!

The British passenger liner Titanic departs Southampton, England on her maiden voyage on April 10, 1912. The Titanic called to Cherbourg, France and Queenstown, Ireland before heading west towards New York. Four days into the passage, she struck an iceberg at 11:40 pm, 375 miles south of Newfoundland. Just before 2:20 a.m., the Titanic broke up and sank. More than a thousand people were on board at the time of the accident. Some died in the water within minutes from hypothermia in the waters of the North Antaltic Ocean. (Frank O. Brainard Collection)

The luxury liner Titanic is pictured in this 1912 photograph as she left Queenstown for New York on her ill-fated final voyage. The ship's passengers included a list of the richest people in the world, such as millionaires John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim and Isidore Strauss, as well as more than a thousand emigrants from Ireland, Scandinavia and other countries seeking a new life in America. The disaster was met with shock and outrage around the world at the enormous loss of life and the failure of regulatory and operational parameters that led to this disaster. The investigation into the sinking of the Titanic began within days and led to significant improvements in maritime safety. (United Press International)

Crowd of workers. The Harland and Wolf shipyards in Belfast where the Titanic was built between 1909 and 1911. The ship was designed to be the last word in comfort and luxury, and was the most big ship afloat on her maiden voyage. The ship is visible in the background of this 1911 photo. (Photo archive / Harland & Wolff Collection / Cox)

Photo from 1912. In the photo, a luxurious dining room on board the Titanic. The ship was designed to be the last word in comfort and luxury, with an onboard gym, swimming pool, libraries, upscale restaurants and luxurious cabins. (Photo archive The New York Times / American Press Association)

Photo from 1912. Second class dining room on the Titanic. A disproportionate number of people - more than 90% of those in second class - remained on board because of the "women and children first" protocols followed by lifeboat loading officers. (Photo archive The New York Times / American Press Association)

Photo taken April 10, 1912, showing the Titanic leaving Southampton, England. Tragic death The Titanic happened a century ago, one of the reasons for the death, according to some, was the weak rivets used by the ship's builders in some parts of this ill-fated liner. (Associated Press)

Captain Edward John Smith, commander of the Titanic. He commanded the largest ship at that time making its maiden voyage. The Titanic was a massive ship - 269 meters long, 28 meters wide and weighing 52,310 tons. 53 meters separated from the keel to the top, almost 10 meters of which were below the waterline. The Titanic was higher above the water than most city buildings at the time. (The New York Times Archive)

First Mate William McMaster Murdoch, who is seen as a local hero in his hometown Dalbeattie, Scotland, but in the film Titanic was portrayed as a coward and a murderer. At a ceremony on the 86th anniversary of the sinking, Scott Neeson, executive vice president of the film's producers 20th Century Fox, presented a check for five thousand pounds sterling ($8,000) to Dalbeattie School as an apology for the painting to the officer's relative. (Associated Press)

It is believed that this iceberg caused the Titanic disaster on April 14-15, 1912. The picture was taken aboard the Western Union ship, Mackay Bennett, under the command of Captain DeCarteret. McKay Bennett was one of the first ships to reach the site where the Titanic sank. According to Captain DeCarteret, it was the only iceberg at the site when he arrived. It is therefore assumed that he was responsible for this tragedy. A collision with an iceberg caused the Titanic's hull plates to buckle inward in a number of places on board and opened five of her sixteen watertight compartments into which water instantly poured out. Over the next two and a half hours, the ship gradually filled with water and sank. (United States Coast Guard)

Passengers and some crew members were evacuated by lifeboats, many of which were launched only partially full. This photograph of a lifeboat from the Titanic approaching the rescue ship Carpathia, was taken by Carpathia passenger Louis M. Ogden and was on display in 2003, an exhibition of photographs that relate to the Titanic (bequeathed by the National maritime museum in Greenwich, England, Walter Lord). (National Maritime Museum/London)

Seven hundred and twelve survivors were brought aboard from lifeboats on the RMS Carpathia. This photograph taken by Carpathia passenger Louis M. Ogden shows the Titanic lifeboat approaching the rescue ship, Carpathia. The photograph was part of an exhibition in 2003 at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England, named after Walter Lord. (National Maritime Museum/London)

Although the Titanic had advanced safety features, such as watertight compartments and remotely activated watertight doors, it lacked lifeboats enough to accommodate all those on board. Due to outdated maritime safety regulations, she carried only enough lifeboats for 1,178 people—a third of her total passenger and crew capacity. This sepia photograph depicting the recovery of the Titanic's passengers is one of the memorabilia about to go under the hammer at Christies in London, May 2012. (Paul Tracy/EPA/PA)

Press representatives interview Titanic survivors disembarking the rescue ship, Carpathians, May 17, 1912. (American Press Association)

Eva Hart is depicted as seven years old in this photograph taken in 1912 with her father, Benjamin, and mother Esther. Eve and her mother survived the sinking of the British liner Titanic on April 14, 1912, but her father died during the disaster. (Associated Press)

People stand on the street waiting for the arrival of Carpathia after the sinking of the Titanic. (Photo archive The New York Times/Wide World)

A huge crowd gathered in front of the White Star Line office on lower Broadway in New York City to receive the latest news about the sinking of the Titanic on April 14, 1912. (Associated Press)

The New York Times editorial board at the time of the sinking of the Titanic, April 15, 1912. (Photo archive of The New York Times)

(Photo archive of The New York Times)

Two messages that were sent from America by Lloyds insurers in London in the mistaken belief that other ships, including the Virginian, were on their way to help when the Titanic sank. These two memorable messages are due to go under the hammer at Christies in London in May 2012. (AFP/EPA/Press Association)

Laura Francatelli, and her employers Lady Lucy Duff-Gordon and Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon, standing on a rescue ship, Carpathians (Associated Press/Henry Aldridge and Son/Ho)

This vintage print shows the Titanic shortly before leaving on its maiden voyage in 1912. (New York Times Archive)

A photograph released by Henry Aldridge and Son/Ho auction in Wiltshire, England, April 18, 2008 shows an extremely rare Titanic passenger ticket. They were auctioning the complete collection of the last American Titanic Survivor by Miss Lilian Asplund. The collection consists of a number of important objects, including a pocket watch, one of the few remaining tickets for the Titanic's maiden voyage and the only example of the direct emigration order the Titanic thought to exist. Lillian Asplund was a very private person, and because of the terrible event she witnessed, on a cold April night in 1912, she rarely spoke about the tragedy that claimed the lives of her father and three brothers. (Henry Aldridge)

(National Maritime Museum/London)

Breakfast menu on board the Titanic, signatures of survivors of the disaster. (National Maritime Museum/London)

The bow of the Titanic at the bottom of the ocean, 1999 (Institute of Oceanology)

The image shows one of the Titanic's propellers on the ocean floor during an expedition to the site of the tragedy. Five thousand items are scheduled to go under the hammer as a single collection on April 11, 2012, 100 years after the sinking of the ship (RMS Titanic, Inc, via Associated Press)

Photo August 28, 2010, released for the premiere of the exhibition, Inc.-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, shows the starboard side of the Titanic. (Prime Exhibitions, Inc.-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)

Dr. Robert Ballard, the man who found the Titanic's remains almost two decades ago, returned to the site and took stock of the damage from visitors and hunters for "souvenirs" of the ship. (Institute of Oceanography and Archaeological Research Center/University of Rhode Island Grad. School of Oceanography)

The giant propeller of the sunken Titanic lies on the floor in North Atlantic This is an undated photograph. The propeller and other parts of the famous ship were seen by the first tourists to visit the wreck in September 1998.

(Ralph White/Associated Press)

A 17-ton part of the Titanic's hull rises to the surface during an expedition to the site of the tragedy in 1998. (RMS Titanic, Inc, via Associated Press)

July 22, 2009, photo of the 17-ton part of the Titanic, which was raised and restored during an expedition to the site of the tragedy. (RMS Titanic, Inc, via Associated Press)

Gold-plated American Waltham pocket watch, property of Karl Asplund, in front of a contemporary watercolor painting of the Titanic by CJ Ashford at Henry Aldridge & Son auctions in Devizes, Wiltshire, England, April 3, 2008. The watch was recovered from the body of Karl Asplund who drowned on the Titanic, and is part of Lillian Asplund, the last American to survive the disaster. (Kirsty Wigglesworth Associated Press)

Currency, part of the Titanic collection, is photographed in a warehouse in Atlanta, August 2008. The owner of the largest trove of Titanic artifacts is putting the huge collection up for auction as a single lot in 2012, to mark the 100th anniversary of the world's most famous shipwreck. (Stanley Leary/Associated Press)

Photos of Felix Asplund, Selma and Karl Asplund and Lilian Asplund, at Henry Aldridge and Son auctions in Devizes, Wiltshire, England, April 3, 2008. The photographs were part of Lillian Asplund's collection of Titanic-related items. Asplund was 5 years old in April 1912 when the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage from England to New York. Her father and three siblings were among the 1,514 killed. (Kirsty Wigglesworth/Associated Press)

Exhibits at the Titanic Artifact Exhibit at the California Science Center include binoculars, a comb, dishes and a broken incandescent light bulb, February 6, 2003. (Michel Boutefeu/Getty Images, Chester Higgins Jr./The New York Times)

Spectacles among the wreckage of the Titanic were among the Titanic's choice artifacts. (Bebeto Matthews/Associated Press)

Golden Spoon (Titanic Artifacts) (Bebeto Matthews/Associated Press)

The chronometer from the Titanic Bridge is on display at the Science Museum in London, 15 May 2003. The chronometer, one of more than 200 artifacts salvaged from the sinking of the Titanic, was on display at the launch of a new exhibition dedicated to its ill-fated maiden voyage, along with bottles of perfume. The exhibition took visitors on a chronological journey through the life of the Titanic, from its conception and construction, to life on board, and its sinking into the Atlantic Ocean in April 1912. (Alastair Grant/Associated Press)

Titanic speed meter logo and articulated lamp. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Artifacts of the Titanic are displayed in the media for preview purposes only, to announce the historical sale is complete. a collection of artifacts recovered from the Titanic wreck site and a display of highlights from the collection at sea by the Intrepid, Air & SpaceMuseum January 2012. (Chang W. Lee / The New York Times)

Cups and pocket watches from the Titanic are displayed during a Guernsey auction press conference, January 5, 2012. (Don Emmert/AFP/Getty Images, Brendan McDermid/Reuters Michelle Boutefeu/Getty Images-2)

Spoons. RMS Titanic, Inc. is the only company authorized to remove elements from the ocean floor where the Titanic sank (Douglas Healey / Associated Press)

Gold mesh wallet. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

The April 2012 edition of National Geographic magazine (available on iPad) features new images and drawings from the Titanic wreck that remains on the sea floor, gradually disintegrating at a depth of 12,415 feet (3,784 m). (National Geographic)

Two propeller blades peek out from the sea darkness. This optical mosaic is assembled from 300 high-resolution images. (COPYRIGHT © 2012 RMS Titanic, Inc; Produced by AIVL, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

The first full view of the legendary shipwreck. The photo mosaic consists of 1,500 high-resolution images using sonar data. (COPYRIGHT © 2012 RMS Titanic, Inc; Produced by AIVL, WHOI)

Side view of the Titanic. You can see how the hull lay on the bottom and where deadly places iceberg strike. (COPYRIGHT © 2012 RMS Titanic, Inc; Produced by AIVL, WHOI)

(COPYRIGHT © 2012 RMS Titanic, Inc; Produced by AIVL, WHOI)

Understanding this tangle of metal presents endless challenges for specialists. Says one: “If you interpret this material, you must love Picasso.” (COPYRIGHT © 2012 RMS Titanic, Inc; Produced by AIVL, WHOI)

The Titanic's two engines lie in a gaping hole in the stern. Wrapped in “rusticles”—orange stalactites made of iron that eat bacteria—these massive structures, four stories high, were the largest moving man-made objects on Earth at the time. (COPYRIGHT © 2012 RMS Titanic, Inc; Produced by AIVL, WHOI)

Disasters always excite people's minds, even after a hundred years. Interest in any event can now be fueled by cinema; just one successful film and society will never forget about any problem or event. This is how the owners and crew of the Titanic went down in history, although not in better light. But before talking about the shipwreck, it would be useful to know where the Titanic came from and where it sailed?

Travel between continents

Today, to cover the distance between Europe and America, it is enough to buy a plane ticket. Already on the same day, with this coveted ticket, you can find yourself on the other side of the globe, having spent 7-8 hours and not such a large amount. But jetliners civil aviation appeared not so long ago, before that things were a little different. It’s quite sad, in the opinion of the modern man in the street, it was a about the invention of airplanes:

  • The only one possible variant trips - by ship. The journey could take weeks.
  • At the end of the 19th century, steamships were designed that made it possible to cross the ocean in 5 days.
  • But even in this short period of time anything could happen; shipwrecks are not uncommon today.
  • But the main troubles that tormented the first pilgrims, in the form of scurvy and infectious diseases, faded into the background.

At the time of Titanic's commissioning there were two main companies, one of them focusing on travel speed , another on comfort and luxury . Looking at the interior of the Titanic, you can immediately understand which of the two offices it belonged to.

Defense of the unsinkable Titanic

Everyone has heard something about the unsinkability of the Titanic and some unique system installed on the ship. It all came down to to three points:


Second bottom


There were a total of 16 watertight bulkheads.

It was located at a height of 160 cm and protected from any damage.

They worked on electricity generated by engines.

Cast iron doors were installed between each of them for the team.

It had a cellular structure, which was supposed to prevent flooding.

Water entering bulkheads and compartments was pumped out.

Damage to even a few compartments would not lead to the sinking of the ship.

It was considered an ingenious engineering solution that would prevent the ship from crashing.

They could only handle a certain amount of water.

Theoretically, any minor accident should not have led to the rapid sinking of the ship. Although it is difficult to talk about insignificance when we are talking about a collision with an iceberg. It was not even possible to cope with the consequences of such contact the most modern system, which only existed at that time.

The route of the Titanic and its passengers

As already mentioned, the ship’s route ran from Europe to America. But this is not the most accurate route:

  • The liner departed from Southampton. If today this English town is familiar to few people, then a hundred years ago it was the most major port all over Britain.
  • The ship made its first stop in France, visiting the port of Cherbourg.
  • After this, the Titanic entered the port of Queenstown, Ireland.
  • This was the last stop of the ship; then it had to continue to its final point, the port of New York.

Such unusual route within Europe, it allowed us to gather everyone who wanted it. Both from the islands and from the mainland of the continent. Sending to Ireland helped to reach the desired latitude and plot the optimal route.

At that time, the United States was a country of hope and new opportunities, but despite this, not only adventurers and thrill-seekers sailed to America. The aristocracy, businessmen and industrialists traveled first class. They all went with different intentions:

  • Someone was looking for new sensations and entertainment.
  • Others sought to conclude the most profitable contracts in new markets.
  • Someone mastered New World in search of profits and growth opportunities.

But regardless of their initial motives and desires, the same inglorious outcome awaited them all.

The cause of the sinking and death of the Titanic passengers

So what was it the problem of the unsinkable ship? Yes, the length of the iceberg hole was more than 90 m. It is easy to understand that more than one bulkhead was broken, not two, or even three. In an attempt to evade the ice giant, the ship attempted to veer sharply off course and pass by, but was instead hit tangently. It was just such a blow that tore the skin of 5 bulkheads to shreds. The engineering system was not designed for this level of damage.

But why did almost 70% of the passengers and crew die? But here a whole a number of errors and criminal negligence:

  1. The ship was sailing at full speed, despite warnings about the presence of icebergs in these waters.
  2. It is the high speed of the vessel that explains such massive damage.
  3. The capacity of the boats was designed for only a thousand people, despite the fact that the number of passengers exceeded two thousand.
  4. The protective system played a cruel joke, keeping the ship afloat without visible changes at first. For a couple of hours, no one could even understand that the ship was sinking. In this regard, it was difficult to convince passengers to leave the comfortable decks and go to the boats.
  5. The ships nearby were either too far away or did not come to the rescue.

The first and last flight of the liner

The Titanic made its only voyage along a simple route. It had only 4 points:

  1. Southampton.
  2. Cherbourg.
  3. Queenstown.
  4. NY.

England. France. Ireland. USA. Exactly in this sequence. But the ship never reached its final destination. As do most of the passengers and crew.

A project has already been launched to build a similar ship, which will follow the same route from where the Titanic sailed. Historic flight for fans " tickle your nerves“But it all sounds too tragic.

Video: Where was the Titanic headed?

Below is the documentary “Titanic's Destination,” in which historian Anton Makarov will talk about the departure point of the legendary ship and where it sailed. The moment of the sinking of the Titanic will also be shown:

At the time of its construction, the Titanic was considered the largest passenger liner in the world. On the maiden voyage from Southampton to New York on April 14, 1912. The Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank 2 hours and 40 minutes later. There were 1,316 passengers and 908 crew members on board, for a total of 2,224 people. Of these, 711 people were saved, 1513 died.

Scientists have managed to recreate the most complete map of the site of the Titanic tragedy. 130 thousand photographs taken by robots in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean were used. The map shows wreckage and belongings scattered over 15 square miles.

The remains of the Titanic were found on September 1, 1985, 13 miles from the place where, according to preliminary information, it sank at a depth of 3,800 m.

Because the stern and bow parts of the ship did not sink at the same time and now lie 1,970 feet apart, the area around 3-5 miles is littered with wreckage from the ship.

A detailed image could shed light on what happened after the "unsinkable" liner hit an iceberg and sank.

"If we are to explore the site of the Titanic through the testimony of those who survived, we must understand the nature and physical condition of what still lies at the bottom," said David Gallo, leader of the expedition to investigate the sinking of the ship.

This is not the first time a disaster site has been mapped. The first attempts began shortly after the sunken liner was discovered. The researchers used photographs taken by remotely operated cameras that did not venture far from the bow and stern.

Thus, all previous maps are incomplete and cover only fragments of the disaster area.

Creation of a detailed map of the wreck began in the summer of 2010 as part of a project aimed at "virtually recreating" the Titanic "and preserving its legacy for all time."

During the expedition, autonomous underwater vehicles surveyed the available surface using side-scan sonars. The wreckage was then secured vehicles remote control equipped with cameras.

As a result, 130,000 high-resolution photographs were compiled on a computer to present detailed map"Titanic" and the surrounding seabed.

"The images are amazing. There you are on the ocean floor and moving around on the seabed. Even the Titanic survivors look at it with their jaws dropped," Gallo said.

The new data will be described in detail in a two-hour documentary film on the History channel on April 15, exactly 100 years after the sinking of the Titanic.

During the show, thanks to computer simulation, an immersive experience will be reproduced. reverse direction. In a virtual hangar, the remains of the Titanic will be raised to the surface and assembled into a ship.

Particular attention was paid to the piles of debris. Oceanographers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in American state Massachusetts and the American weather service NOAA provided support to the researchers. Now the History Channel television company will present the results to the public.

Now computer simulations, based on photographs, are expected to show the exact course of events during this historic disaster. Perhaps new data will be obtained about defects in the design of this huge ship, which was considered a miracle of technology

100 years ago, on the night of April 15, 1912, after colliding with an iceberg in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Titanic liner sank, carrying more than 2,200 people.

Titanic is the largest passenger ship of the early 20th century, the second of three twin steamships produced by the British company White Star Line.

The length of the Titanic was 260 meters, width - 28 meters, displacement - 52 thousand tons, height from the waterline to the boat deck - 19 meters, distance from the keel to the top of the pipe - 55 meters, maximum speed - 23 knots. Journalists compared it in length to three city blocks, and in height to an 11-story building.

The Titanic had eight steel decks, located one above the other at a distance of 2.5-3.2 meters. To ensure safety, the ship had a double bottom, and its hull was separated by 16 waterproof compartments. Watertight bulkheads rose from the second bottom to the deck. The ship's chief designer, Thomas Andrews, stated that even if four of the 16 compartments were filled with water, the liner would be able to continue its journey.

The interiors of the cabins on decks B and C were designed in 11 styles. Third class passengers on decks E and F were separated from first and second class by gates located in different parts of the ship.

Before the Titanic set out on its first and last voyage, it was especially emphasized that there would be 10 millionaires on board the ship on its first voyage, and in its safes there would be gold and jewelry worth hundreds of millions of dollars. American industrialist, heir to a mining magnate Benjamin Guggenheim, millionaire with his young wife, assistant to US Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft Major Archibald Willingham Butt, US Congressman Isidore Strauss, actress Dorothy Gibson, wealthy public figure Margaret Brown, British fashion designer Lucy Christiane Duff Gordon and many other famous and wealthy people of that time.

On April 10, 1912, at noon, the Titanic superliner set off on its only journey along the route Southampton (Great Britain) - New York (USA), with stops in Cherbourg (France) and Queenstown (Ireland).

During the four days' journey the weather was clear and the sea was calm.

On April 14, 1912, on the fifth day of the voyage, several ships sent reports of icebergs in the area of ​​the ship's route. Most day, the radio was broken, and many messages were not noticed by the radio operators, and the captain did not pay due attention to others.

In the evening, the temperature began to drop, reaching zero Celsius by 22:00.

At 23:00, a message was received from the Californian about the presence of ice, but the Titanic's radio operator interrupted the radio exchange before the Californian had time to report the coordinates of the area: the telegraph operator was busy sending personal messages to passengers.

At 23:39, two lookouts noticed an iceberg in front of the liner and reported it by telephone to the bridge. The most senior of the officers, William Murdoch, gave the command to the helmsman: “Rudder to port.”

At 23:40 "Titanic" in the underwater part of the ship. Of the ship's 16 watertight compartments, six were cut through.

At 00:00 on April 15, Titanic designer Thomas Andrews was called to the bridge to assess the severity of the damage. After reporting the incident and inspecting the ship, Andrews informed everyone present that the liner would inevitably sink.

There was a noticeable tilt on the ship's bow. Captain Smith ordered the lifeboats to be uncovered and the crew and passengers to be summoned for evacuation.

By order of the captain, the radio operators began sending distress signals, which they transmitted for two hours, until the captain relieved the telegraph operators of their duties a few minutes before the sinking of the ship.

Distress signals, but they were too far from the Titanic.

At 00:25, the coordinates of the Titanic were accepted by the ship Carpathia, which was located 58 nautical miles from the site of the wreck of the liner, which was 93 kilometers. ordered to immediately head to the site of the Titanic disaster. Rushing to help, the ship was able to reach a record speed of 17.5 knots - with the maximum possible speed for the ship being 14 knots. To do this, Rostron ordered to turn off all appliances that consume electricity and heating.

At 01:30 the operator of the Titanic telegraphed: “We are in small boats.” By order of Captain Smith, his assistant, Charles Lightoller, who led the rescue of people on the left side of the liner, put only women and children in the boats. The men, according to the captain, were supposed to remain on deck until all the women were in the boats. First Mate William Murdoch on the starboard side to the men if there were no women or children in the line of passengers gathering on deck.

At about 02:15, the Titanic's bow dropped sharply, the ship moved forward significantly, and a huge wave rolled across the decks, washing many passengers overboard.

At about 02:20 minutes the Titanic sank.

At about 04:00 in the morning, approximately three and a half hours after receiving the distress signal, the Carpathia arrived at the site of the Titanic's wreck. The ship took on board 712 passengers and crew members of the Titanic, after which it arrived safely in New York. Among those rescued were 189 crew members, 129 male passengers and 394 women and children.

The death toll, according to various sources, ranged from 1,400 to 1,517 people. According to official data, after the disaster, 60% of passengers were in first class cabins, 44% in second class cabins, 25% in third class.

The last surviving passenger of the Titanic, who traveled on board the liner at the age of nine weeks, died on May 31, 2009 at the age of 97. The woman's ashes were scattered over the sea from the pier in the port of Southampton, from where the Titanic set off on its last voyage in 1912.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources