Who committed the September 11 terrorist attack. Who really blew up the Twin Towers in New York? The official version is an official lie

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (or 9/11) were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks on the United States carried out by the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda in New York and Washington. They took place on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

Four groups of terrorists, each with a trained pilot, hijacked passenger planes and flew them to their targets - the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon. The fourth plane crashed in a deserted area in Pennsylvania before reaching Washington. The US government said that the organizers of the attack belonged to the al-Qaeda group. About 3,000 people died during these attacks. Most were citizens of the United States, but approximately 300 were from Great Britain, India, Canada and other countries.

Planes that became weapons of terrorism

The first of the four aircraft hijacked was American Airlines Flight 11 (Boeing 767-200ER). It operated daily flights between Boston and Los Angeles. When captured at 7:59 a.m. on September 11, 2001, there were 81 passengers on board (out of 158 seats). Forty-seven minutes later, the plane crashed into the North Tower of New York's World Trade Center on the 94th to 98th floors at a speed of 440 mph, carrying 9,717 gallons of jet fuel. (A US gallon is equal to 3.78541178 liters.)

The second was United Airlines Flight 175, also a Boeing 767-200ER, also flying on the Boston-Los Angeles route. It took off at 8:14 a.m. on September 11 and carried 56 passengers (out of 168 seats). Captured by terrorists, it crashed into the mall's South Tower at 9:03 a.m. at 540 mph with 9,118 gallons of fuel in its tanks.

The third terrorists hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200. He took off from Washington to Los Angeles at 8:20 a.m. on September 11, 2001. The plane was two-thirds empty (58 passengers out of 176). It crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. at 530 mph with 4,000 gallons of fuel in its tanks.

The fourth aircraft used by the terrorists was United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757-200. It was captured 42 minutes after taking off at 8 a.m. from Newark to San Francisco. There were only 37 passengers and just over 7,000 gallons of fuel on board. It crashed at 560 mph in an empty field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at 10:03 a.m.

Casualties and destruction

All 246 people on the four planes, as well as the 19 hijackers, died in the attacks. Both attacked World Trade Center towers caught fire. The South Tower (WTC-2) burned for 56 minutes before falling and collapsing. The North Tower (WTC-1) burned for 102 minutes, then it also fell. When the towers collapsed, they hit other neighboring buildings. Due to this damage, the third tower, No. 7, of the World Trade Center (WTC 7) fell at 5:20 p.m. Many other buildings nearby were so badly damaged that they later had to be demolished. The World Trade Center killed 2,602 people.

The plane crashed into the Pentagon from the western side. It damaged three of the five "rings" that make up the Pentagon. At the same time, 125 people died in the Pentagon.

The United States government paid an average of $1.8 million to the families of terrorist attack victims.

In total, 2,996 people died from the events of September 11, 2001, including firefighters and police officers trying to save other people.

It is believed to have been the first major foreign terrorist attack on the United States. In 1941, when Japanese planes attacked a US naval base in Pearl Harbor,Hawaii was not yet part of the United States. Several major terrorist attacks against American targets have been attempted before, but most of them took place outside the United States (for example, in a Lebanese Marine camp).

During the investigation into the causes of the attacks, “conspiracy theories” were also put forward, according to which some people in the US government knew about the impending attacks in advance or even organized them.

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, US President Bush declared the so-called “war on terrorism”. It was expressed first in strengthening security measures within the United States, and then in real wars on the territory Afghanistan And Iraq. During these wars, regimes were overthrown Taliban And Saddam Hussein. In May 2011, American special forces killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

The Al-Qaeda and Taliban groups are recognized as terrorist groups in the Russian Federation and are prohibited by law.

September 11, 2016 marks 15 years since the terrorist attacks, unprecedented in world history, were committed in the United States. The tragedy claimed the lives of almost three thousand people.

19 terrorists are Egyptian citizens, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Lebanon - hijacked 4 passenger airliners. Two planes were sent into the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in New York, the third airliner crashed into the Pentagon building. The fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania - its passengers and crew tried to take control of the airliner from terrorists.

The victims of the terrorist attacks were 2,977 people from 92 countries: 246 passengers and crew members of aircraft, 2,606 people in New York, in the World Trade Center buildings and on the ground (of which 341 firefighters and 2 paramedics of the New York Fire Department, 60 police officers and 8 employees "ambulance"), 125 people - in the Pentagon building.

The attacks caused the 110-story twin towers to collapse. Work to clear the World Trade Center site lasted more than eight months. Burning and smoldering in the rubble at the site of the collapsed Twin Towers continued for 99 days before the fire was completely extinguished.

Chronicle of the 9/11 tragedy

The moment the first plane collides with a shopping center skyscraper. Video: Youtube

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Passersby on the streets of New York point to the World Trade Center complex. September 11, 2001
People look out of the windows of the North Tower. September 11, 2001
The President of the United States is introduced to schoolchildren, after which George W. Bush begins to read to them the book “The Pet Goat.” At this moment, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card approaches him and reports: “The second plane crashed into the second tower. America is under attack." September 11, 2001
People watch the collapse of one of the World Trade Center towers. September 11, 2001
Rescuers carry a mortally wounded man from the destroyed World Trade Center building. September 11, 2001
Burning World Trade Center towers. September 11, 2001
A helicopter circles the burning Pentagon after one of the hijacked planes crashes into the building. September 11, 2001
A group of firefighters among the rubble of the World Trade Center complex. September 11, 2001
A helicopter circles near one of the World Trade Center towers. September 11, 2001
In the background is the smoldering World Trade Center building. September 11, 2001
Medical staff at St. Vincent's Hospital in New York await victims. September 11, 2001
A firefighter stands among the rubble at the foot of the destroyed World Trade Center complex. September 11, 2001
Damaged wing of the Pentagon. September 11, 2001
A fireman calls for help at the ruins of the World Trade Center. September 11, 2001
Firefighters clear the rubble of the World Trade Center. September 11, 2001
Car wrecks near the World Trade Center complex. September 11, 2001
US President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney at the Presidential Control Center in emergency situations in Washington, September 11, 2001
US President George W. Bush speaks at the wreckage of the World Trade Center. September 14, 2001

Survivor Stories

Fred Eichler

On September 11, 2001, 54-year-old insurance agent Fred Eichler walked into his office on the 83rd floor of the World Trade Center North Tower at 8:15 a.m. At 8:40 Fred went to the restroom, but on the way he met four colleagues and they stopped to chat. Through the window they saw a plane flying towards their building. At 8.46 the airliner crashed into a skyscraper, destroying everything in its path. The shock wave threw Fred and his colleagues several tens of meters away. After regaining consciousness, the man called 911 and then called home to talk to his wife, daughters and parents. He was sure that he would never see them again.

Fred walked into the meeting room and was joined by three strangers. The floor was gradually filled with smoke, and streams of water from broken pipes rushed through the corridors and staircases. Those gathered stuffed wet rugs and towels into the crack under the door, trying to stop the smoke. After consulting, they decided not to open the windows, fearing that the air would fan the flames.

At 9.02 there was a second blow: the plane crashed into the neighboring South Tower. Fred and the others decided to try the fire escape. But when they got to the door, the lights in the building went out. They returned to the meeting room and hid under the tables.

At 9:30 Fred saw the light of a flashlight. A firefighter reached their floor. He was able to save the people he found, but he himself died. The rescuer led the survivors to the stairs and advised them to go to another staircase on the 78th floor and go down it. On the 20th floor they heard another impact sound. The whole building shook: it was the South Tower that collapsed. The northern one began to tremble - elevators fell into shafts, stairs swayed. When Fred got outside, he asked someone for a phone and dialed his wife's number. She screamed into the phone: “Run, run, run!” The firefighters and police shouted the same thing. A few minutes later the North Tower collapsed.

Michael Wright

Michael Wright, 30, was on the 81st floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center when the plane crashed into the building.

At that moment, Michael was in the men's room, where they were just installing a sign asking for the cleanliness of the room. The building shook. When Wright looked out of the toilet into the corridor, he saw fire and heard a woman screaming - his colleague Alicia could not get out of the burning women's toilet. The men broke down the door and were able to pull the woman out.

There was a huge crack in the floor of the corridor, the hall near the elevator was completely destroyed, there was smoke everywhere. Michael began to lead his colleagues to the stairs, people descended as if during a fire drill - in two rows.

“What helped me stay calm on the stairs was the thought of the unreality of what was happening; it seemed like the building couldn’t collapse. Once we had climbed a few floors, we relaxed a little. We knew something bad had happened, but once the fire was thirty floors above, it wasn’t as much of a concern,” Wright recalls. According to him, people passed some floors quickly, others within 10 minutes.

On the 40th floor, Michael and his colleagues met firefighters who advised them to continue going down, assuring them that it was safe there. Having descended below the level of the 20th floor, Wright found himself on the site of the South Tower and realized the seriousness of what was happening: there were corpses everywhere, dozens of bodies.

When the building began to collapse, Wright and his colleagues were at the escalator at one of the exits from the building. A cloud of debris and dust rose, and the air seemed to turn black. Michael tore off his shirt and covered her nose and mouth. Seeing no direction, he crawled, trying to find a way out.

Michael was lucky - he came across a fireman who was able to take him out through the surviving bookstore building.

Reaching the phone, Michael called his wife Jenny.

“I said, ‘Jenny, it’s me.’ There was a groan on the other end of the phone. I said: “I’m alive.” I'm alive. I love you. I love you". We cried and cried. Then the connection was lost,” says Michael Wright.

Frank Razzano

On the morning of September 11, the famous American lawyer Frank Razzano was sleeping in his room on the 19th floor of the Marriott Hotel, located at the foot of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. He woke up from the sound of the first blow, saw papers flying outside the window and returned to bed. A few minutes later a second blow was heard. The plane crashed into the South Tower, which Frank's windows overlooked. Razzano turned on the TV and heard the news. He still thought that there was nothing to worry about, because all the problems were 60 floors above. The firefighters will arrive and everything will be okay.

Frank took a shower, got dressed, packed his things and suddenly felt as if the hotel was being shelled by heavy artillery: the South Tower began to fall apart. Through the window, the lawyer saw mountains of concrete and steel falling from the sky, as if in slow motion. He ran to the opposite side of the room and pressed himself against the wall.

Suddenly the roar stopped. Razzano looked out into the corridor and shouted: “Is anyone alive?” Someone replied: “Come here.” The firefighter directed Razzano to the stairs. While falling, the tower broke the hotel in the middle, but the far staircase remained intact. Razzano followed it to the third floor, and there, together with a group of people, climbed through an opening in the wall to the second floor. A few minutes later, the North Tower collapsed and buried the remains of the hotel. Several lower floors remained intact.

That's where Razzano was. There was nothing to breathe: the air seemed to consist of nothing but dirt and dust. People still managed to find an opening in the destroyed wall of the building, and with the help of a carpet they went down to the mountain of rubble. There, the police helped Razzano get to the doctors.

Pascal Bazzeli

43-year-old design engineer Pascal Bazzeli was in the elevator of the North Tower when the first blow was heard. The elevator stopped on the 44th floor, and Pascal saw people panicking, but decided to go up to his office on the 64th floor. He called his pregnant wife and asked her to turn on the TV and find out what was going on. When she told him what was happening, Buzzelli and his colleagues surrounded the office television and saw the plane fly into a nearby tower. They rushed to the stairs and managed to go down to the 22nd floor when the building began to fall.

Bazzeli turned out to be an incredibly lucky man - curled up in a ball, he rolled down the rubble 15 floors down, like a surfer on a huge wave and, most amazingly, survived with a broken leg. All his colleagues died.

On the way down, Bazzeli lost consciousness and came to his senses three hours later in the ruins of the seventh floor.

Ron DiFrancesco

On the morning of September 11, 37-year-old broker Ron DiFrancesco was working in his office on the 84th floor of the South Tower. At this time, a plane crashed into the North Tower. Seeing the smoke, DiFrancesco decided to get out of the building and left the office. A few minutes after he left, the plane also crashed into the South Tower, between the 77th and 85th floors.

Going down, DiFrancesco met a group of people who began to persuade him to go to the roof - they said that the fire below was too strong, and there should be fresh air above.

Ron tried to go up several floors, but all the doors were closed or locked. The panic intensified, it became more and more difficult to breathe, and DiFrancesco finally decided to go down. He reached the pad in the impact zone and lay on the floor among other gasping people. Panic began to seize him. But some voice in his head, Ron claims, ordered him to run downstairs. Covering his face with his hands, he ran to the first floor, where the guard sent him to another exit and, already running out of the door, DiFrancesco heard a deafening roar above - the building began to collapse.

Seeing the explosion, the broker lost consciousness and woke up in the hospital with burns and a broken spine.

Officials said he was the last person to leave the building before the collapse and one of four surviving Americans who worked above the 81st floor but were able to escape.

John McLaughlin, last of those rescued

When the plane crashed into the South Tower, Sergeant John McLaughlin was several miles from the mall, patrolling the bus terminal in Manhattan. Like many, he headed to the towers that day to help the victims.

Arriving at the scene of the tragedy and not yet knowing the extent of the damage to the World Trade Center, McLaughlin assembled a team of four people - three police officers Antonio Rodriguez, Chris Amoroso, Dominic Petzullo, as well as rookie Will Gimeno.

They were on the ground floor connecting the buildings of the World Trade Center complex when the South Tower collapsed. The police were covered in debris.

“At first I thought I died. I didn’t feel anything: I didn’t see, I didn’t smell, I didn’t hear. There was a ringing silence all around,” recalls John McLaughlin.

Officers Amoroso and Rodriguez were killed immediately. McLaughlin and the two remaining members of his team were trapped. Dominic Petzullo managed to free himself from the rubble and tried to save his colleagues when the North Tower collapsed and was mortally wounded by debris.

McLaughlin and Will Gimeno, lying under the rubble, heard the voices of rescuers and firefighters.

“I heard screams and shouted too, but it was useless. I said then: “I don’t think they will look for us. There's too much going on up there. They’re already busy,” McLaughlin recalls.

He reached for the radio and left a last message for his family, as well as for Will's wife, who was seven months pregnant.

“I think the moment when Will asked to tell his wife to name their unborn daughter Olivia was the worst. I think that’s when we kind of accepted that we were going to die here,” says Sgt.

The men spent more than 10 hours under the rubble before help arrived. Rescuers were able to pull Jimeno out around 11 p.m. Firefighters only reached McLaughlin on the morning of September 12 - he had to wait another 8 hours for rescue.

The sergeant was sent to the hospital, where doctors at first did not believe that he would survive - the injuries were very serious. Doctors put John in a coma for 6 weeks and he underwent about 30 operations, including skin grafts on his legs. After several years of therapy, he was able to return to a normal life.

John McLaughlin was the last person to be pulled from the rubble of the World Trade Center that collapsed as a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.

Causes and culprits of the tragedy

The al-Qaeda group claimed responsibility for the attack. The large-scale terrorist attack was a consequence of the declared jihad against Jews and Americans; the American policy of supporting Israel, aggression against Iraq, and the presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia were also cited as reasons. Al-Qaeda accused America of “plundering” the region, oppressing people by supporting totalitarian regimes, and controlling the policies of the legitimate rulers of Arab countries.

The identities of all the suicide bombers were established - they were citizens of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Lebanon. It turned out that the men were in the United States legally, and some were trained in American flight schools. Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden admitted in a video message that he directly supervised the actions of 19 terrorists.

On May 2, 2011, in north-west Pakistan, US intelligence agencies identified “terrorist number one”. Behind the operation to kill bin Laden in live observed by US President Barack Obama and his team.

US President Barack Obama and his team are monitoring the progress of the operation to kill Osama bin Laden. Photo: White House press service

In May 2012, the trial of the mastermind and main organizer of the terrorist attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was detained in 2003 in Pakistan, began at the Guantanamo Bay base. The verdict is still pending.

The terrorist attack that changed the world

In October 2001, the United States and Great Britain launched a military operation in Afghanistan with the aim of destroying the bases of al-Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden. The operation lasted 13 years - most of American military and NATO forces left this country only at the end of 2014, but about 8 thousand US Army troops still remain in Afghanistan to “maintain peace and order.”

9/11 served as a pretext for yet another military conflict. A year after the terrorist attack on the United States, the American government accused Iraq and Saddam Hussein's regime of resuming the development of weapons of mass destruction and collaborating with al-Qaeda. On February 5, 2003, US Secretary of State Colin Powell spoke at a special meeting of the UN Security Council with his famous report. In his speech, Powell said Iraq was working on biological and chemical weapons programs and had two of the three components necessary to produce nuclear weapons.

In 2004, Powell admitted that the data he released was largely inaccurate and sometimes falsified. But it was too late - on March 20, 2003, the United States and its allies invaded Iraq in violation of the UN Charter, and the war was already in full swing. Saddam Hussein was executed in 2006, but coalition forces left Iraq only in 2011.

These wars became one of the reasons for the radicalization of Islamists in the Middle East. After the destruction of bin Laden, al-Qaeda is limited to the tactics of declarative statements, which, as a rule, are not associated with specific terrorist attacks. But one of the group's branches, al-Qaeda in Iraq, eventually turned into terrorist organization"Islamic State". It was the Islamic State group that captured parts of Libya, Iraq and Syria and declared a caliphate on the occupied lands. And it is the Islamic State that is responsible for the high-profile terrorist attacks of recent years.

The material was prepared based on open sources

There was a lot of talk in the American media that the World Trade Center buildings in Manhattan, erected in 1970, brought enormous losses to the company that owns the Port Authority. Millions of dollars were wasted every year just because of the costs of electricity, water and heating. In the 1980s, materials used in the decoration and construction of buildings were found to be hazardous to health.

Repairs were required, for which it was necessary to spend at least 20 million dollars, but no one wanted to get involved in this matter. The authorities were even going to demolish the skyscrapers, but they canceled the decision, since carcinogenic asbestos dust could envelop the entire Manhattan.

This is where entrepreneur Larry Silverstein showed up and paid $3.2 billion for the problematic high-rise buildings. The deal was completed a month and a half before the terrorist attacks, but the new owner of the buildings made the last payment literally on the eve of the tragedy. He insured his acquisition for a considerable $3.6 billion, and prescribed insurance in a separate clause in case of a terrorist attack.

It is curious that after the events of September 11, Silverstein tried to extort an amount of 7.2 billion from the insurance company, assessing the incident as a double terrorist attack. In the end, they agreed on compensation of $4.6 billion.

Researchers later found out that in the basements of one of the World Trade Center buildings were stored gold bars of various trade and financial corporations worth at least $160 billion. According to New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, only $230 million was recovered from the rubble. Where is the rest? Many have no doubt that Larry Silverstein had a hand in this.

As a result of the collapse of the No. 7 World Trade Center skyscraper, which was kept silent for a long time, over 500 tons of carcinogenic asbestos were released into the air, as well as lead, mercury and other highly toxic substances, which subsequently led to an increase in the incidence of cancer in people who lived or worked in the surrounding area. By the way, Silverstein also received insurance for this house.

The plane did not crash into this house. Then why did the building collapse? Silverstein once let slip in an interview: “I remember the fire department commander called me and said that he was not sure that he would be able to contain the fire. I replied that we already had so many victims, so the most reasonable thing would be to demolish it. And we decided to demolish it. After which we all saw the building collapse.”

An event that changed people's lives

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this day was the most unusual on the planet in the 21st century. Then residents of all countries of the world glued their gaze to their TV screens and became glued to the Internet. And there, on the screens, something completely unimaginable was happening, reminiscent of footage from a science fiction action movie. Huge passenger liners crashed into the skyscrapers of New York, tall buildings folded like toy houses, drowning in clouds of dust reminiscent of a volcanic eruption. And - people: endless crowds of screaming people, running through the streets, or frozen in the distance with a cell phone near their ear...

Alas, it was not a film, but almost a direct report from the scene of an event that would later rightfully be called the largest act of terrorism in the history of mankind. Events wearing and quite official name: "The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York."

The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 - how it happened

It is difficult to describe what happened, if only because the narrator inevitably slips into emotions, into personal assessments, and even into his own memories. Moreover, to this day, after many years, certain mysteries, unexplored aspects, and inconsistency of interpretations remain in the picture of the grandiose terrorist attack. However, the essence of what happened is as follows.

A group of Islamic terrorists hijacked four passenger airliners filled with people and carrying out scheduled flights that morning. Further investigation revealed that there were a total of 19 attackers, all belonging to the same organization, al-Qaeda. Each plane carried at least one person who had undergone special training and was able to fly a passenger ship.

The terrorists sent two planes to the tall buildings - the South and North towers of the World Trade Center, which were the pride of Manhattan and towered in its southern part. The planes crashed into these skyscrapers one by one, with an interval of about 16 minutes. As a result of the disaster, the buildings caught fire and subsequently completely collapsed, burying great amount of people. Naturally, all the passengers on the planes also died.

The third plane fell on the Pentagon building, and the fourth crashed in Pennsylvania, crashing into a field. As the investigation showed, its target, apparently, was the building of the US Congress, but the terrorists failed to carry out their plans: a struggle ensued on board with the crew and passengers, which ultimately led to the crash of the plane. Naturally, everyone on the third and fourth ships also died.

The Pentagon building after a collision with a plane

At the moment, it is stated that as a result of these sad events, 2977 people died, not counting the 19 attackers. Also, 23 people are still listed as missing.

This is exactly what it looks like short description this extraordinary event, but for a more accurate picture it needs to be supplemented with some important facts.

Terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 - additional facts

All the hijacked flights followed their schedules to distant California, that is, they had a lot of fuel on board, because the hijackings occurred shortly after the departures. The plane flew into the North Tower at approximately the 95th floor level, and into the South Tower at approximately the 80th floor level. It is impossible to say more precisely, since in both cases these were Boeings, very large aircraft, and the contact area was more than one floor.

The terrible fire and destruction caused by the disaster led to the collapse of giant buildings. The South Tower was the first to fall, followed by the North Tower about half an hour later (the fire in the building raged for 102 minutes). The third building, also part of the World Trade Center complex, fell in the late afternoon. It was too close to the towers that were attacked, and could not withstand the temperature and mechanical influences that fell on its walls. In addition, accumulated gas from destroyed communications exploded inside the building.

Some time passed between the hijacking of the planes and their crash, during which many passengers managed to connect with their loved ones and friends via mobile communications. Some said goodbye to life, others tried to contact the special services. Many records of these negotiations have been preserved: emotional, deep, filled with fear and grief, but also love for loved ones.

In some cases, passengers and crew tried to resist the terrorists. One of the planes, as already mentioned, as a result of such heroic actions did not reach its target. In the Boeing that crashed into the North Tower, at least one passenger and crew commander were killed even before the collision; this has been proven by investigation.

Pennsylvania plane crash site 4

In the first hours after the terrorist attack, life in the United States changed beyond recognition. No planes received permission to fly into the country and land at its airfields. Passenger flights within the state were cancelled, all foreign flights went to land in Canada and Mexico. Hundreds of fighters took to the air and patrolled the skies around all major cities.

New York was given a special role. Thousands of firefighters, paramedics and rescue workers worked in Manhattan. All city police officers were involved, and colleagues from other regions urgently arrived to help them. The destroyed twin towers left behind gigantic rubble, the burning of which lasted about 100 days, releasing many harmful chemicals into the air.

Subsequently, US intelligence services found out that of the 19 terrorists, the majority (15 people) had the citizenship of Saudi Arabia, the rest were citizens of the UAE, Egypt and Lebanon. They were not typical fanatical martyrs: they all had a good education and a well-established philosophy of life.

Consequences of the terrorist attack

The monumental terrorist attack of September 11 had consequences commensurate with its scale. They have manifested themselves in various spheres of life, and all over the world. Here are just a few of them.


In addition to the completely destroyed three WTC skyscrapers, several other nearby buildings were significantly damaged, or even destroyed, including one church. Archives, works of art, and countless documents were lost. The southern part of Manhattan lost its business importance for many years. The Pentagon building was very damaged.


The US government and Congress created a special commission known as the 9/11 Commission. She worked for two years and came to the conclusion that the main organizer and culprit of the attack was the Islamic fundamentalist organization Al-Qaeda, which spent about half a billion dollars on the plot. The origin of these funds remains a mystery to this day.

The organization was headed by Saudi Arabian Osama bin Laden. The basis of her ideology was hatred of Israel and the United States. In subsequent years, America, along with its allies, launched an unprecedented fight against fundamentalists, primarily al-Qaeda. Its leader was killed in Afghanistan by American special forces in May 2011.

All the leading countries of the world have revised their views on terrorism, realizing its global danger. Security measures have been significantly tightened almost everywhere, especially on aircraft.

We can talk about the economic consequences of the event, its military significance, and its impact on geopolitics. But perhaps the main thing to note is the change, so to speak, in the modern philosophy of life. After such terrible events, all people, without exception, became acutely aware of what an essentially fragile world we live in. In this world, even the most powerful country turns out to be vulnerable, and danger awaits a person not only in warring states. The terrorist attack in New York showed that the boundaries between enemies and friends have become illusory, and the cruelties of wars do not necessarily manifest themselves only on the fronts of local conflicts.

Beautiful temporary memorials have been built on the site of the former Twin Towers; permanent monuments are under construction. The American nation celebrates this mournful date as a Day of Service and Remembrance. And in New York there is a tall monument by Zurab Tsereteli - “Tear of Sorrow”. Inside the split bronze slab is a huge steel drop. This is a symbol of grief not only for the people killed in the terrorist attack. And perhaps not even that much. This tear symbolizes the common pain of humanity, which after September 11 became in many ways different, not so carefree and happy.

The criminal disgrace that Zion imposed on the entire world on September 11, 2001, in terms of the scope of its cynicism, temporarily eclipsed the scam with the so-called “flight” of the Americans to the Moon. Trusting armed and evil children - US citizens - still do not even suspect that there are several billion people on Earth, much smarter than the post-Columbian Jews - who still believe the spring predictions of the groundhog.

In the article “September 11 - for some a day of bonus, for some a mournful day, and for others a day of the joy of vengeance,” I cited interesting dates for particularly important events in the history of US provocations, and also noted that on September 11, two AMERICAN planes crashed into two AMERICAN skyscrapers. And the rest of the world paid a huge price for this AMERICAN show.

  • September 11, 1991 - during the destruction of the USSR - American President with a Semitic genetic disease Ronald Reagan proclaims the New World Order.
  • September 11, 2001 - Two planes crash into the World Trade Center.
  • September 11 is the Jewish New Year.

The attacks reportedly killed 2,977 people and left another 24 missing. However, the official version of what happened from the very moment of the scam has been criticized by journalists, scientists and witnesses to the tragedy. Independent investigations have been conducted and documentaries have been made.

Correspondent's puncture

It should be noted that as a result, on the day of the scam, not only the South Tower (WTC-2) and the North Tower (WTC-1), but also the third building, the WTC 7 tower, collapsed. It is located very far from the site of the twin towers, there is nothing in it didn't hit. However, it also somehow mysteriously collapsed.

Rice. Layout of buildings.

The official version is as a result of a series of gas explosions and subsequent fire. However, this is a lie. At 17:00 New York time, the British television channel BBC (BBC) broadcast a live report from the scene. The whole world watched as presenter Jane Standley began telling viewers about the collapse of the third building (WTC 7).

The building was still intact and unharmed. After all, there were still 20 minutes left before the building collapsed! But the caption at the bottom of the screen said: “The 47-story Salomon Brothers building next to the World Trade Center also collapsed.”

When the presenter was told that she had lost her mind, the girl turned to the picture, blushed and began to lament: “Sorry!” At 17:14, the picture of the broadcast from New York suddenly gave way to interference and disappeared from the air.

Obviously, the BBC television crews were working and speaking from a script. News chief Richard Porter, of course, did not admit: “We are not part of a conspiracy. Nobody told us what to talk about or what to do on September 11th. No one told us in advance that the building was going to fall. We have not received a press release or a script for what is going to happen.”

But the problem is, “we don’t have the original footage of the 9/11 coverage—not because of the conspiracy, but because of the confusion,” Porter admitted, despite the fact that the “confusion” was in New York, not in London.

Nothing to add. Americans in their scams, like three-year-old children, cover their tracks according to the same pattern. Let us recall the recent official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR), Vladimir Markin, with NASA Director Charles Bolden, who announced the disappearance of evidence of the American landing on the Moon (see the novel “Somersault of the Moon”).

Framing Bin Laden

Everyone “at the top” in the United States knew about the planned destruction of the Twin Towers. For example, just 8 hours before the attack on the Trade Center, Condoleezza Rice dissuaded the mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, from flying to New York, scheduled for the morning of September 11.

And according to the London Times, US President George Bush, immediately after the attack on the Twin Towers, began to actively evacuate the relatives of the “terrorist” leader Bin Laden. The president of the newly attacked power ordered a private plane to take a dozen relatives of the main terrorist out of the United States. And this despite the fact that bin Laden’s relatives were never summoned for questioning by either the police or the FBI.

Al-Qaeda was financed by the largest international corporations - Microsoft, UBS and Compaq, etc. These computer giants were not responsible for a theatrical “terrorist attack”, but for the completely outright criminal activities of pre-ISIS.

But 14 years later, neither Microsoft nor Compaq have lost any of their market positions. Neither the “progressive” public, nor “human rights activists,” nor law enforcement services, nor family members of those killed during the “terrorist attacks,” nor, finally, “sympathetic” buyers have any complaints against them. Somehow, the entire population of the Earth reacted absolutely shamelessly to the criminal activities of these companies.

The main terrorist Osama bin Laden was put on the international wanted list long before the “terrorist attack” of September 11, 2001. But, nevertheless, in July 2001, he unhinderedly underwent treatment in an American clinic. In between enemas, he met with one of the leaders of the CIA. Bin Laden was allegedly treated by American urologist Terry Callaway.

All this and many other data indicate that Bin Laden was not involved in the terrorist scam with the Twin Towers. Osama himself, in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper Ummat, said that he considers the Florida Jewish community to be the perpetrators of terrorist attacks in the United States.

In my other article, “The Pentagon Celebrates Victory” (2002), I analyzed documentary, shown by NTV on the anniversary of September 11th. The authors of the film never presented the audience with a single piece of evidence of the involvement of some Al-Qaeda and a certain Bin Laden in the “terrorist attack” of September 11, 2001 in the United States.

Analysis of the film shows the following. The US President is shown to be an outspoken clairvoyant. Just a few hours after the Twin Towers scam, he clearly identified the culprits as Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden.

And this is very surprising! Although, if we consider that “...there was a person (Putin - author) who warned two days before the terrorist attack and spoke about terrorism from Afghanistan,” it turns out that everyone knew about the scam. Putin considered it a terrorist attack, and Bush knew the true situation from the demolition of the twin towers. Therefore, he did not interfere with the demolition of dilapidated skyscrapers.

Sacrifice or ringing of shekels?

Let's remember. The great Freemason Harder warned in 1993: “...Remember. Nothing is done by chance. Imagine this situation. In a few years, the world will increasingly begin to say: I’m tired of American dictatorship, America is a colossus with feet of clay, the dollar will soon burst... And then the States will need to publicly show who’s boss, and what American, including dollar, power is. This is where skyscrapers come in handy. Just imagine, it will happen like in a movie: for example, two planes crash into each of the towers in front of the whole world...”

Immediately after the “terrorist attack,” a strange guess appeared on the Internet: type in Word in English capital letters – Q33NYC – flight Q33 New York City. Translate this inscription into the wingdings font, you will get:

“Mysterious” coincidence? Or is it still a sacrifice for the new year?

It turns out that it’s both, and there’s also a gesheft. Bloody, really. But money has no meaning for some people.

On April 26, 2001, a specific deal was signed, and on July 23, a specific deal was finalized. The contract amount is $3.2 billion. The lessor of WTC-7, WTC-3 and WTC-6, the famous Jew Larry Silverstein, under a signed agreement, received a 99-year lease for the remaining buildings - the twin towers (WTC-1 and WTC-2), WTC-4 and WTC-5 .

Within a month, Silverstein insured his acquisition for $3.6 billion. The main insurance element in the policies was the event of a terrorist attack. And a month later the same insured event occurred.

When Silverstein bought the twin towers, he already knew that they were to be demolished. That’s why he planned the demolition as a “terrorist attack.” And for this, the insured amount was divided into monthly payments. He managed to pay only $14 million (from July 23 to September 11), and the insurance premium was $3.2 billion. What a gamble!

According to the court, the Jewish billionaire received compensation in the amount of $4.6 billion in the form of insurance payments for the “twins” and WTC-7, as well as for the restoration of the complex. And now he is trying to sue another $12.3 billion from airlines and airport security services - apparently for a synagogue ().

The supporting beam of a demolished tower cut off by a directed explosion.

In his interview with American radio (audio.mp3, 2006), Rabbi Abe Finkelstein explained the following about the scam.

Presenter: " There were no Jews in these towers. Can you explain this?».

Rabbi: " Many Jews died in the towers, spiritually».

Presenter: " Oh, I see there were 3,000 Jews who were not at work that day in these towers. It just gave a lot of people the impression that the Jewish population there in Jewish York, I mean New York, knew something was going to happen and they didn't show up for work that day».

Rabbi: " Yes, we got a call from Kehilla (Jewish community) that Ariel and some boys are from Mossad. They got together and they wired these buildings [mined them], and they filled them up. It was pretty hard to fill them up, anyway, because we wanted to build some new structures, and the buildings are getting old, and it was time to fill them up. So we will make a few shekels by destroying these buildings. Ah, Silverstein was a good friend of mine. We have Larry. He got two for one, and he doubled the insurance, like magic, just three months before it happened, and he got double the benefit on it, so he made four times his money.

I should have been in on this deal. He asked me, but I said, eh, I'll have to think about it. It took me too long to think about it, and they pulled the plug, as they say, and filled these buildings. But at least I went public and I sold American Airlines, I sold United Airlines, I sold Lloyd's of London Insurance, because it was a big blow for them, Alliance Insurance, I sold them too.

So I made a few shekels».

I don’t presume to judge how sincere the rabbi is, but you can still listen to his interview on air today. Finkelstein says very interesting things. Even more interesting conclusions can be drawn.

Absolutely the same situation is happening today in Donbass. Zion has captured Ukraine and is terrorizing it. It pumps money out of the budget and pumps up the treasury with debts. It pushes Ukrainians out of the country and forces them to engage in prostitution and other indecent things. Zion has turned Ukrainians into murderers of civilians - children, old people, women.

The September 11, 2001 scam, minute-by-minute chronology

16.57 - RIA Novosti marked “urgent” - in New York, a plane crashed into the number one skyscraper of the International Trade Center.

16.59 - RIA Novosti confirms that in New York a plane crashed into the number one skyscraper of the International Trade Center. A fire started in the building.

17.06 - The second plane crashed into the second tower of the International Trade Center.

17.09 - CNN reports that a terrorist attack has been committed in New York - two planes crashed into the twin buildings of the International Trade Center.

17.23 - American television reports that the terrorist acts committed in New York will cause numerous casualties.

17.25 - The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the hijacking of a Boeing 737, one of passenger aircraft, which is believed to have been the first of two planes to crash into the World Trade Center towers in New York.

17.26 - Former American expert, former National Transportation Safety Administration spokesman Ira Furman said that the collision of two planes with towers international center in New York is probably intentional.

17.27 - CNN reports - an explosion occurred in the north tower of the World Trade Center.

17.29 - US authorities said that the events in New York were an act of terrorism.

17.29 - A RIA Novosti correspondent reported that US President George W. Bush will make a special statement in connection with the emergency in New York.

17.33 - Two United Airlines planes crashed into the World Trade Center buildings in New York, hijacked along with their passengers, English television SkyTV reported, citing the FBI.

17.34 – (after only 37 minutes!) US President George W. Bush called the emergency in New York a “national tragedy”, which, according to him, “appears to be a terrorist attack” against the United States. .

17.39 - CNN reports - The New York Stock Exchange delayed the start of trading by 30 minutes due to events in New York.

17.45 - A RIA Novosti correspondent reports that two days before the crash of two jet passenger planes that crashed into two towers of the international trade center in New York, the US State Department issued a worldwide warning about the threat to the security of US government facilities abroad.

17.46 - There was an explosion near the Pentagon building. The Pentagon building is shrouded in clouds of black smoke, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

17.48 - Currently, personnel are being evacuated from the White House and the Pentagon, English television Sky News reports.

17.49 - CNN reports - fire in the Pentagon building in Washington, the White House has been evacuated.

17.53 - Fire in the Pentagon building in Washington, the White House evacuated. According to CNN, a military helicopter crashed into the Pentagon building.

In the photo: The same “plane” that allegedly crashed into the Pentagon. The photo was taken immediately after the liner “impacted”, but its remains are no longer there - they have evaporated.

17.54 - A RIA Novosti correspondent reports that the airspace has been closed in the United States. All aircraft in US airspace have been ordered to land immediately.

18.01 - In Washington, there is an evacuation from the US Congress building, as well as all official institutions located in the American capital.

18.05 - In New York, the New York Stock Exchange is closed and the whole of Manhattan is cordoned off.

18.05 - One of the towers of the World Trade Center, which the plane crashed into, completely collapsed.

18.06 - A fire occurred in the US State Department building, the building was evacuated, CNN reports.

18.06 - All US airports are closed.

18.08 - Part of the south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed from the second explosion.

18.13 - The South Tower of the World Trade Center is completely destroyed. About the reasons for the fall of skyscrapers: Tale “11”.

18.15 - The disaster at the New York World Trade Center caused a drop in stock prices on European stock markets.

18.15 - Sky TV reports - a second explosion occurred in the Pentagon.

18.17 - According to Presidential Press Secretary Alexei Gromov, Vladimir Putin was immediately informed about the terrorist attacks committed in the United States. The President of Russia expressed deep condolences to the people of the United States “in connection with these terrorist attacks, these terrible tragedies.”


18.21 - Following two terrorist attacks in New York, another plane crashed into the Pentagon. According to the latest reports, a fire has started in the building; it is shrouded in clouds of black smoke. Witnesses reported seeing the plane dive into the center of the Pentagon.

18.22 - According to the latest data, Capitol Hill, on which the US Congress and Senate is located, has been blown up.

18.23 - According to the latest information, the Pentagon has declared the highest level of alarm. This means preparedness for war. CNN reports this.

18.24 - There is a complete evacuation in Washington. Employees from the State Department and the Treasury Department have now been evacuated.

18.25 - A few minutes ago, one of the towers of the World Trade Center collapsed. According to preliminary estimates, there could have been several thousand people in both towers. CNN and Reuters are reporting live from the scene. There was panic in the city.

18.29 - The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine denies reports of involvement in the World Trade Center bombings in New York.

18.36 - The second tower of the International Trade Center collapsed in New York. This was reported by the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC.

18.36 - Panic has gripped the residents of New York, thousands of people are trying to leave areas adjacent to skyscrapers and main government institutions.

18.37 - Another plane hijacked by terrorists is heading towards Washington. This was reported by the English television company Sky News, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

18.38 - The President of the United States is now in Florida. Employees of the White House, State Department, and the UN were evacuated. Official sources do not provide any details of what is happening on Capitol Hill and in the Pentagon.

18.38 - All transatlantic flights to the United States are directed to Canadian airports. The Reuters news agency reports this with reference to the US Federal Aviation Agency.

18.41 - In the capital of the United States of America, Washington, the western wing of the Pentagon collapsed, onto which a passenger plane fell.

18.46 - CNN reports another hijacked plane is approaching Washington.

18.54 - American air defense forces shot down a Boeing 737 that was approaching Washington.

18.57 - Another Boeing 747 passenger plane crashed in Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh.

19.03 - One of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center skyscraper in New York was carrying 160 passengers. According to ITAR-TASS, Japanese television has just reported this.

19.11 - The mayor's office of New York has suggested that the total number of deaths in the city from today's terrorist attacks could reach 50 thousand people. CNN reported this.

19.15 - According to city authorities, “thousands of victims” of terrorist attacks are being admitted to New York hospitals, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

19.21 - US Navy units on the Japanese island of Okinawa are on high alert. This was announced on Tuesday by the official representative of the US military command in Japan.

19.29 - With reference to representatives of the George W. Bush administration, NBC reported that a complete evacuation of all government buildings has been announced in Washington. In Washington and New York, a complete cessation of work of all federal and government ministries and departments was also announced and a heightened “fourth category” alert was declared. The “fifth category” alarm is the highest and is equated to a state of war.

19.31 - In total, 11 aircraft were captured in the United States, of which the location of four is still unknown. As a RIA Novosti correspondent reports, this was reported by the Japanese television company NHK, citing American sources.

19.32 - US Secretary of State Colin Powell urgently flies to Washington from the capital of Peru, Lima, where he is visiting the OAS meeting in connection with the terrorist attacks that occurred in New York and Washington. .

19.35 - On a plane that was flying from Boston and crashed into a building Shopping center, there were 81 passengers. Fox reported this. According to a RIA Novosti correspondent, according to her data, there were 54 passengers on the second plane, which was flying from Virginia.

19.54 - CNN confirms information about the hijacking of 11 planes in the United States.

19.55 - The situation in New York resembles a war zone, reports a RIA Novosti correspondent. The sky over Manhattan is filled with black smoke, almost all South part island, which is central area largest city in the United States, covered with a thick layer of ash and debris.

19.56 - Leading US government departments have put their reserves into action command centers offices located outside of Washington.

19.58 - Former US Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger said that today's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington are “an act of war against the United States.” Eagleburger, speaking live on NBC on Tuesday, demanded that the US government immediately take “retaliatory action” up to and including military action against the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks and their backers.

20.07 - Citing national security reasons, the US Secret Service refuses to say where US President George W. Bush is currently located.

20.08 - A state of emergency has been declared in San Francisco, reports RIA Novosti correspondent. Schools are closed, two large bridges across the St. Francis Bay are under heavy security, and the airport is closed.

20.17 - Los Angeles and San Francisco airports were evacuated. CNN reports this.

20.25 — There were 160 passengers on board one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center Building, CNN reports. Meanwhile, according to Reuters, there were 81 passengers on the Boston plane that crashed into the Trade Center building. The second plane, which was flying from Virginia, was carrying 54 passengers.

20.25 - The mayor of New York declared a state of emergency in the city. Robert Giuliani just said this live on CNN. The city is in panic. Hundreds of thousands of people are trying to leave the city on foot. Because of the crowds on the streets, fire trucks cannot get into Manhattan.

20.30 - According to preliminary versions in the United States, responsibility for organizing a coordinated series of unprecedented terrorist attacks may lie with the Saudi millionaire extremist Osama bin Laden, the National Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Colombian drug cartels. .

20.42 - The Pentagon has ordered two aircraft carriers to head to New York and Washington, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

20.48 - As the French TV channel Antenna-2 reported today, Western intelligence services had information that Osama bin Laden was planning to launch a series of attacks on American targets from the end of August. Moreover, they knew about bin Laden's statement to carry out "actions that will capture the imagination of everyone." .

20.51 - US President George Bush, as reported by a RIA Novosti correspondent, will soon make a televised address to the nation, which will be broadcast from the military base on all American television channels.

20.57 - US President George W. Bush said that all American armed forces in the US and abroad have been put on heightened combat readiness in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

20.57 - The number of victims in the United States as a result of today's terrorist attacks could amount to several thousand people.

20.59 - George Bush, as reported by CNN television, does not yet intend to return to Washington. According to sources close to the president, he flew from the city of Sarasota in Florida, where he was at the time of the explosion, but decided not to fly to the capital.

21.18 “The United States will find and punish those responsible for cowardly acts,” said US President George W. Bush, commenting on today’s terrorist attacks in Washington and New York, ITAR-TASS reports.

21.33 - US President George W. Bush said that in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, he is in contact with foreign leaders, assuring them that “everything necessary will be done to protect America and Americans.” About the essence of “protection”: The global redistribution of heroin markets has been completed.

21.36 - US Air Force F-16 aircraft continue to patrol air space over New York and Washington.

21.39 - The US President called the series of current terrorist attacks in New York and Washington “an attack on American freedom,” promising to find and punish the organizers. Rating of public organizations whose activities are aimed at achieving military-territorial-political goals.

21.50 - Official representatives of the US government have denied reports from several media outlets about an alleged attempted terrorist attack on the US President's country residence at Camp David (Maryland).

22.03 - The United States Mission in Kosovo called on its employees, as well as all US citizens located in this southern Serbian province and the region as a whole, to be careful, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

22.04 - The fate of three of the 11 planes hijacked by terrorists before carrying out terrorist attacks in Washington and New York is still unknown. As a RIA Novosti correspondent reports, Japanese Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka announced this on Tuesday.

22.22 - The terrorist attack against the United States was made possible due to the disabling of the NASA satellite system, MIGnews reports with reference to the CNN television company.

22.22 - The Federal Reserve has said it will provide in cash all banks in the country to overcome the consequences of terrorist attacks in the United States, reports Reuters.

22.22 - A list of hijacked aircraft has been published. According to the Associated Press, the terrorists managed to capture four passenger aircraft. The FBI speculates that the terrorists killed the pilots immediately after the hijacking.

22.22 - US President George W. Bush addressed US citizens in connection with the disaster in New York.

22.22 - 50 aircraft various airlines The US is still in the air, Ananova reports, citing the Federal Administration by air transportation(Federal Aviation Authority).

22.52 - In Chicago, the evacuation of the 110-story Sears Tower skyscraper, the most tall building in the USA with a height of 443 meters and an area of ​​418 thousand square meters, reports a RIA Novosti correspondent.

23.04 - Heads of all structures of the US government are taking part in an emergency meeting currently taking place in Washington in connection with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. The meeting is chaired by US Vice President Richard Cheney and US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice.

23.04 - The wife of US President Laura Bush and his two daughters - Barbara and Jenna - are in a safe place. White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer reported this, as reported by a RIA Novosti correspondent. He did not specify the location of Bush's family.

23.05 - The plane carrying US President George W. Bush landed in Omaha (Nebraska). As a RIA Novosti correspondent reports, the reasons for Bush's arrival in Nebraska have not been reported.

23.20 - The number of possible victims of the morning terrorist attacks in the United States is in the tens of thousands of people. Various world agencies put forward different versions. CNN believes that during a series of explosions in largest cities At least 25 thousand people died in America.

23.33 - Enhanced security measures have been taken in the area of ​​NATO headquarters in Brussels.

23.40 - New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani called on Americans to start donating blood for victims of the terrorist attacks in New York, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

23.46 - Airplane flights civil aviation in the United States have been canceled until at least noon on Wednesday, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports.

Today is the anniversary of the scam. It’s painful to even think about the cynicism of those who pulled it off. No amount of shekels can restore their conscience. The American people, scared shitless by their democratic and free government, do not even try to appeal to the authorities for victims - no one is burying anyone, no one is demanding compensation, there are no graves. Only enterprising and unscrupulous people are being sued for the tenth time for the same fraud.

Andrey Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the President newspaper,