Missing girls in Panama. The mystery of the disappearance and tragic death of tourists in Panama. This is Panama, baby

23 June 2017, 12:19

There was already a post about these girls on Gossip Magazine in 2015. Here he is:

But then the search was not over yet and a new search expedition was planned. New facts also constantly emerged. I remembered this story and decided to find out the news.

Let me remind you briefly. In the spring of 2014, two Dutch students disappeared in Panama. They went on a hike without a guide and did not return. Later, a backpack with their belongings and some remains were found. It was never possible to reconstruct the full picture of what happened. And the search continued.

The girls decided to follow the “pianist’s path” to the Baru volcano. The trail leads from Boke to the Baru volcano (height 3474 m), highest point country, although it does not reach it. Typically, guides finish the hike along the “Pianist’s Trail” at the observation deck at an altitude of about 1900 m above sea level, although the trail continues further and passes from the eastern slope of the volcano to the western. The route is characterized by elevation changes and very picturesque views - mountains, rivers, a tropical forest, in general, flora, fauna, fresh mountain air and exoticism in one bottle. None special equipment And a hike along the “pianist’s path” does not require any preparation. It is impossible to get lost on the “pianist’s path”, it is visually well defined, you simply don’t need to leave it. That is why a guide is not required. You can complete the round trip route in one day; its length is slightly more than 6 km. (shorter in a straight line, but the path winds a lot).

According to the version of events initially voiced by the Panamanian authorities, the girls were supposed to meet the conductor Feliciano Gonzalez there, however, they did not meet. Only much later did it become clear that there could be no meeting - the day before, Lisenne and Chris had already met with him and had not agreed on anything.

For a long time this guide was one of the suspects. And it would have been bad for poor fellow Gonzalez in the end, if not for one detail that the Panamanian authorities also did not report for a long time. The point is that Chris Cremers kept a diary, which fell into the hands of the police. In it, Chris left a note in which she said that the agreement with the conductor was cancelled. This detail, on the one hand, explained why the meeting with Gonzalez did not take place, and on the other hand, it made us suspect that the guide had informed some third parties about wealthy Dutch tourists who would go on a hike unaccompanied.

The tourists took to the mountains a husky dog ​​named Blue, who lived with the owner of a cafe located at the very beginning of the “pianist’s path.” The owner spoke with Chris and Frunn and allowed them to take the dog on the road. About an hour later the dog came back, but the girls did not.

Since the skulls of the missing tourists could not be found, this served as one of the arguments of supporters of the criminal version of their death in favor of reprisals committed by certain attackers. It should be noted that the policy of confidentiality and silence adopted by Panamanian law enforcement agencies to a certain extent contributed to the invention of conspiracy theories.

What is it about? Law enforcement agencies, with the sanction of Prosecutor Pitti, stubbornly concealed or distorted important information, namely:

Having announced the discovery of a backpack with the belongings of the missing tourists, representatives of the investigation did not provide a complete list of things found in it. In particular, they concealed the fact that Lizen and Chris had cash and a camera with a large number of saved photographs in the backpack;

It has long been reported that the missing took photographs on their phones, although in fact they had at their disposal a Canon Powershot SX270 camera, which was used to take the vast majority of the photographs.

The existence of the camera was hidden, but when journalists became aware of it, law enforcement agencies said that its memory card was damaged and the photographs could not be read. This was not true, the memory card was unharmed, and from the very moment of discovery, everything necessary to investigate what happened was available.

Although almost from the very moment the phones and camera were discovered, it was known that they contained a large number - many dozens - of photographs, only a small part of them was presented to the public. Representatives of the investigation do not name the exact number of photographs taken by the missing even now (i.e., 2.5 years have passed since the incident). The vast majority of these photographs are still secret

When it was necessary to explain how the investigation periodically gets more and more new photographs, a rather awkward explanation appeared, as if some experts had managed to “read” the damaged memory card of the camera and were gradually extracting the saved frames from it.

The investigative authorities hid the fact of the existence of Chris Cremers' diary, although the relatives of the victims were informed about its presence and contents.

There was certainly logic in the actions of the Panamanian prosecutor's office. By concealing significant information, the investigative authorities retained the ability to assess the integrity of witnesses and distinguish possible self-incriminations from true confessions. In addition, if tourists became victims of a crime, there was a chance that the culprit would somehow make himself known in hopes of receiving the promised $30,000 reward.

Dutch search engines who visited Panama in May could not find anything, because... During one of the exits into the forest, local wasps bit me severely; the dogs almost died after their attack. In addition, the Dutch search area did not extend beyond the restrictive sign at the observation deck. All search engines a priori believed that the missing tourists would not go further, but should have turned back to Boke. Meanwhile, the belongings and bone remains of the disappeared were found over a distance of almost 11 km. along a small river called Serpent west of this limit sign.

By the way, the path did not end there, but continued further to the west. Therefore, it was logical to assume that Lisanne and Chris continued moving along it. Why and for what purpose they decided to undertake this fatal campaign is unclear, but there can be no doubt that they acted of their own free will without any coercion.

Photographs from the camera of the dead tourists, which came into the possession of Jeremy Kryt, a journalist for the American "The Daily Beast", allow us to say this without any doubt.

First of all, raindrops are clearly visible in some of the night photos. Although the rainy season technically begins on April 1st in Panama, in 2014 the first spring rainfall occurred in the Boke region late in the evening on April 8th. The same date turned out to be set on the camera timer.

But that's not the most interesting thing. Upon careful study of previously unknown photographs, it became clear that the tourists in trouble (or at least one of them) took rescue measures. They laid out the abbreviation "SOS" on a large rock with toilet paper and placed a mirror in the center. Flashes of a triggered camera in dark time days should have attracted the attention of those loitering in the area extinct volcano helicopter. These flights began just in the afternoon of April 8.

Obviously, the criminals who kidnapped Lisanne and Chris - if they really existed - had no need to engage in such tricks. The tourists themselves did this.

Most likely, one of the girls was either already dead by that time, or was somewhere off to the side, since she was not in the frame.

When processing one of the photographs taken in the dark, straight horizontal lines stretching into the distance caught our attention. Their origin was difficult to explain by natural causes, since such structures are almost never found in living nature. It has been suggested that this is one of two suspended rope crossings across the River Serpent to the west of the lookout.

When The Daily Beast journalists, accompanied by guides from Boke, arrived to inspect these crossings, their attention was involuntarily drawn to a large flat stone that perfectly matched the one on which the installation with toilet paper and a mirror was arranged.

In principle, Jeremy Creath's findings perfectly explain what happened to Lizanne and Chris. It is clear why the Dutch search engines did not find them, it is clear why their things ended up on the opposite slope of the volcano... Finally, it is completely clear why the things and remains of the tourists were found along the Serpent River downstream of the suspension bridge - they were carried there by the current during the rainy season April-May 2014 Everything is coming together.

We are unlikely to ever know how exactly the young women died, but there could be many reasons, ranging from snake bites or the wasps mentioned above, to, say, a trivial fall on rocks in the river. What, someone will seriously say that it is impossible to kill yourself on such stones by falling from a height of 1.5-2 m? Yes, it’s elementary - an uncontrolled fall (even without serious fractures or bruises), shock, reflexive inhalation, choking... If after a minute you don’t pull the person ashore and don’t perform artificial respiration, then you don’t even have to try to save him. Are you sure that one of the tourists could pull the other out of the mountain river in a minute?

If some attackers had kidnapped Dutch tourists from the observation deck on the eastern slope of the Baru volcano and forcibly taken them further along the “pianist’s path,” the captives would obviously have lost their things. They would not have had a camera or phones with them.


Well, did you miss the continuation of yesterday's story about the girls who decided to visit Panama? Although, most likely, you have already read everything on other resources. Okay, I hope that there are those who were waiting for the continuation and didn’t specifically watch anything.
Last time we left off the fact that the Panamanian police decided to blame everything on predators. But the case was not closed, since the examination of data from the camera and mobile phones of the girls was not yet ready.
When the data was obtained, it turned out that the time when the photographs were taken contradicted all witness statements. According to the photographic material, the girls began their journey to El Pianista not after 14.00, but much earlier, approximately at 10.45.

The first of the photographs, IMG_491, was taken at 12:03:08 somewhere halfway to Mirador. In the photo of Chris, she is holding some object in her hands that looks like a plastic bottle, which will later be found in her backpack.

The next published photo of IMG_493 was taken at 12:22:45, by this time the girls had already been on “El Pianista” for about two hours. The photo shows one of the canyons, located somewhere in close proximity from the observation deck. The place of photography in the general chronology causes heated debate among researchers of this case. The fact is that in the parents’ video there are no canyons up to the mirador (later, parents Chris and Lisanne will walk along this route, filming the path with a video camera). In addition, many people notice that the photo is slightly blurred, as if it was taken while running.

The next photo is IMG_499, taken at 13:01:44. Everything is simple here - Lisanne is on the mirador.

IMG_500, taken at 13:01:50. 6 seconds after the previous photo, Lisanne is photographed overlooking the opposite side of the mirador. The differences in cloud cover are very surprising.

IMG_XXX, around 13:00, exact time unknown, taken on a mobile phone. Chris on mirador.

IMG_505, taken at 13:20:33. The beginning of the "Caribbean descent". Chris in the steering wheel. The number of photographs increases sharply. Based on the numbering and time, it is clear that in 19 minutes the girls took 5 photos.

IMG_507, taken at 13:54:50. This is the so-called “Kverbada”. Crossing the stream. There are two of them in total on the “Caribbean descent”. This is the first one.

IMG_508, made 13:54:58. Eight seconds after the previous photo, Chris is photographed on the other side of the creek. Both the police and the girls’ parents have repeatedly confirmed that this is the last photograph, dating back to the first of April.

What the girls did over the next two hours is unknown. But at 16:39 Chris tried to contact the emergency services by dialing 112. This is the emergency number for Holland and many others European countries. Twelve minutes later, at 16:51, Lisanne will follow her friend’s example, also dialing 112 on her Samsung.

This time, at 06:58, Lisanne was the first to try to call. At 08:14 Chris also makes an unsuccessful attempt and does not use his iPhone again that day. Lisanne tries to call again at 10:53 and at 13:56. Now she dials not only 112, but also 911.

At 09:33 Chris tries to contact 911 again. However, the network did not pick up. This was the last call to 911. During the day, the girls turned on their phones a couple more times, but made no attempts to call or send a text message.

Chris turns on his mobile phone twice, at 10:16 and 13:42. There was no activity recorded on Lisanne's phone that day.

Mobile Lisanne turns on at night, at 04:50 and remains on for 10 minutes, as a result of which it is completely discharged and turns off. Chris's phone turns on twice at 10:50 and 13:37.

At 10:26 Chris's iPhone turns on again, but for the first time, the one who turned it on does not enter the pin. Next switch on at 13:37.

According to information aired on the RTL television channel, from April 7 to April 10, Chris's phone was turned on a total of 77 times.

On the eleventh of April, Chris's phone will be turned on first at 10:51, again without a pin. And then at 11:56 and about an hour later it turns off.

Weather conditions were approximately the same for eleven days. During the day the thermometer rose to 30-36 degrees, and at night it dropped to 20-24 degrees Celsius. The only downpour with thunderstorms began on the evening of April 3, at 5:00 p.m., and ended on the night of the fourth, at about two o’clock. There was also rain and thunderstorms on April 8th, but not for long, from 18:00 to 19:00. On other days, no precipitation was observed.

And on the night of April 8, someone will suddenly turn on the camera and take exactly 90 pictures with it within three hours. That is, on average, one photo per two minutes. Unfortunately, 87 of them will be taken in complete darkness, without flash. As the Dutch police will say, despite the fact that the photographs were certainly taken with an open lens, it is impossible to see or recognize anything in them. Of the three photographs taken with flash, only two will be published initially.

This is IMG_542, at 01:38:12

The next “resulting” photo is IMG_550, taken at 01:39:54

In February 2015, the Dutch police will publish a report on research work, carried out by them on the death of Lisanne Fron and Chris Cremers. The point of the report is, of course, not to try to prove one or another version of the girls’ deaths, but rather, it is an attempt to determine the most likely cause. So, according to the Dutch police, the girls died as a result of an accident: “First of all geographical conditions on the last section of the route “El pianisto” (meaning the “Caribbean descent”, and the last kilometers) show that the accident is the most possible reason the subsequent deaths of Lisanne and Chris.

As a result, the remains of the girls were handed over to their parents, but that’s not all.

The police still haven't answered many questions:

1) Why does the timing of the photographs contradict all the testimony?

Neither the Panamanian nor the Dutch police officially answered this question.

Knowing that the journey to the “mirador” takes at least 2 hours, and the girls took pictures on it at noon, or so, it means they set out on the route around 10 o’clock in the morning. Why do witnesses claim that they saw them leaving for the route around 14:00-14:30? And at about 17:00, at least two people claim that they returned from the route, although this is impossible, if only on the basis that at approximately this time there was an attempt to call the rescue service from phones located on the other side of the “mirador”, on "Caribbean descent".

Did the witnesses confuse them with other European girls? Or are they deliberately deceiving, misleading the investigation? But again, why?

The more people are deceived and participate in collusion (and here there are about six people), the greater the likelihood of letting it slip or allowing inconsistencies with the testimony of another person.

In fact, although the official version says that the girls died as a result of an accident, crime is more than possible here. In Panama, as in many Central American countries, in addition to the drug trade, the sex slave trade is also thriving. Many girls are kidnapped or tricked into this area. It is quite possible that interested parties could pay attention to foreign girls who are different from local ones.

2) Why did the girls only call the rescue service, without ever trying to reach their family or friends?

Also, for some reason, there are no phone records or photographs of the incident. For at least eleven days, the girls were alive (one for sure, in any case), and not a single phone contains a record of what happened (neither voice nor text), and not a single photograph that sheds light on what happened. Neither on the phone nor on the camera.

3) Time to turn on the phones and try to call.

For several days, from the second to the sixth of April, the girls turn on their phones at the same time intervals - between 10-11 and 13-14.
Where does such selectivity and time reference come from?
By the way, iPhone Chris lasted 11 days. A very good time for a modern smartphone, even taking into account the fact that part of the time it was turned off. When turned on, the mobile phone tries to find a network, and if there is none, or it is weak, a lot of energy is spent searching and maintaining the network.

4) Chris shorts.

The shorts found during the search operation added another mystery to this case. According to the Panamanian police report, the shorts were lying neatly on a large rock near a creek bed. There were no signs of ruptures or any other damage on them. Police said no traces of blood were found on them.

Actually, the question is: why take off your shorts in the jungle and leave them on a rock?

Versions put forward by forum users (both Russian and Dutch):

a) The shorts were stained with mud, they were taken off to wash, they were laid to dry on a stone, but something scared the girls, they ran away and did not return.

It is quite possible, but it is unlikely that soiled shorts will be washed in such a situation. Well, they got dirty, so what? This is not a city where everyone is looking at you. In the jungle, values ​​and priorities are somewhat different.

Alternatively, the shorts were not stained with dirt, but the owner began to have “menstrual periods.” In such a situation, washing is quite logical, but the police officially stated that no traces of blood were found on them, and it is impossible to wash off blood in plain water from a mountain stream, without detergents. However, the examination easily determines the nature of the blood, and the investigation could have bashfully kept silent about such an intimate fact, considering it not relevant to the case.

b) The girls wanted to swim in the stream, undressed, but something scared the girls, they ran away and did not return.

You can't really swim in that stream. This is a stream, not a river. He's small. You can drink from it, wash your hands, but swim? Moreover, why then were there only shorts left? What about the rest of the clothes? In addition to shorts, Chris was also wearing a T-shirt.

c) Chris took off her shorts because she was hot and decided to get rid of them.

It is difficult to imagine a person walking of his own free will in his underwear through the jungle. Moreover, it would be more rational to put the shorts in the backpack that the girls had with them.

d) The shorts were removed because Chris was injured.

Why then carefully lay them out on the stone? Isn't it easier to just put it in your backpack? Moreover, if the injury had been open, there would have been blood on the shorts. If it was closed (fracture or dislocation of the hip joint), then Chris would not have gone far from the shorts. The body would have been found nearby.

5) The remains of girls found at a considerable distance from each other, and their condition.

a) Lisanne's boot. The shoe was located near the river bed, behind a tree. A part of a leg was found in the boot. According to police, it was separated as a result of "natural processes." Subsequently, not far from this place, smaller bone remains will be found (it is not specified which ones), on which skin will be found. The leather material showed the first stage of decomposition, leading police to conclude that it had been stored in the shade, in a cool place, at low temperatures.

These findings speak in favor of the criminal component of the incident. As a result of what “natural” processes could the foot be separated from the lower leg? The ligaments will not rot even in such a hot climate in three months. Also, the police do not say anything about the marks that must have remained on the joint during separation, as a result of which the origin of the injury would be clear. And how does the find made very close to this relate to “small bone remains” on which skin was preserved, which was in the first stage of decomposition? How can a leg decompose, even to the point of destruction of the joint, while the skin remains virtually intact? What kind of refrigerator were these bone remains in, and who brought them to the shoe and planted them?

b) Part of Chris's hip bone, not far from Lisanne's boot. The bones showed no signs of decomposition. Police assumed that the bone had been chewed off by predators, although no obvious signs of animal fangs were found on it.

The police did not put forward any versions (at least officially) of how the pelvic bone could burst, and what the nature of the fracture line was, from which one could judge the nature of the injury. To break the pelvic bone during life, you had to fall from a very great height, and in an extremely unfortunate manner - on your back or side. The version about gnawing by predators does not stand up to criticism. Predators of the cat family (puma), do not gnaw bones. This could have been done by a wolf or a hyena, but they do not live in this area. And, according to the police, there were no traces of teeth on the bone.

If we assume that this place was still the place where the girls died, then how could their backpack end up much further down the stream? Who brought it there?

c) On the third of August, more than fifteen kilometers (as the crow flies) from the start of “El Pianist”, the Chris Cremers rib will be discovered. Even during a visual inspection, experts noticed the absolutely white color of the bone. During subsequent analysis, a large amount of phosphates were found on the rib, as a result of which the rib received this color.

Where did the phosphates on the rib come from? According to the police, it was in the stomach of a predator. But firstly, what kind of predator was this that could swallow a rib whole? And secondly, how was this rib able to leave the stomach without being digested and pass through the intestinal tract? By the way, the hydrochloric acid found in the stomach does not deposit any phosphates on the surface of the bone; quite the contrary, it dissolves inorganics, as a result of which the bone becomes soft and digested.

6) A backpack found in a stream bed with things.

Some surprise is caused by the good safety of the backpack, as well as the safety of the things in it. It is not clear whether the girls themselves left it there or did it float downstream? During rain, the water could rise and, theoretically, a backpack left above could be brought to this place by a stream, but if it was carried by a mountain stream, throwing it against the stones, then how to explain its safety? If the girls left it, then how did their remains end up upstream? Or were they returning?

It’s also strange that the phones and camera were well preserved. And in general, the very fact of their presence in the backpack is surprising. By the tragic end of the eleventh of April, the last time Chris's iPhone turned on, the girl doing it (Chris or Lisanne) was clearly in a state close to insane (as indicated by 77 on/off times of the phone). A person in such a state will clearly not carefully pack things into a backpack.

Jack London has a very powerful story, “The Love of Life.” It very well describes the behavior and state of a person desperately fighting for his life, and the change in his preferences, values ​​and priorities in the process of struggle. Although the story is artistic, everything is described extremely accurately. Being on the verge of death, the girl is unlikely to pack her phones and camera in her backpack, especially since there is no information on them that could shed light on what happened.

A series of 87 photographs taken with a camera in complete darkness without a flash, and three with a flash.

Various versions of the origin of these photos have been put forward: someone fell asleep with his head on a backpack with a camera and periodically pressed the “start” button; an attempt to scare away a predator in the dark with the sound of a shutter.

But if the camera was in the backpack and took photos there by itself from accidental clicks, then how did it later end up outside and take three more photos with a flash? All these 90 photos (87 in the dark, and 3 with flash) are one “photo shoot”. Lay your head on your backpack, sleep, and then wake up late at night and start filming? Highly unlikely. If this was a conscious shooting, then why was it necessary to click in the darkness for several hours, and then at the end, take pictures with a flash? Scare off a predator? The shutter sound (or simulated shutter sound) is quiet enough to be intimidating. And in the photographs with flash, there are no predators.

It is quite possible that the button was pressed by a person who was in stagnation, poorly understanding what he was doing at the moment.

8) Three night shots with flash

These pictures were examined microscopically by many forum users. They were enlarged, brightened, and whatever else was done to them, trying to understand what exactly was photographed on them, and most importantly, why.
In the first picture, for example, some saw a leg.

With the proper imagination, in principle, you can really see it there.

The second photo of a branch with something red is also controversial. The red things are plastic bags. Such bags were found in the girls' room and can be seen in the photograph. It is quite possible that they wrapped something in these bags and put it in their backpack when going for a walk. Why did they just hang them on a branch? There are two explanations: they waved a branch to the rescue helicopter, and the bags were to attract attention, or they hung them on the branches to collect rainwater or morning dew for drinking.
Also, it is not clear what kind of piece of paper is lying near the branch, and what is written on it, and whether it has anything to do with what is happening.
By the way, the localization of this night “photo shoot” was never established.

The third photo, which shows Chris's hair, is the most controversial.

Many note that Chris's hair looks clean, which is strange for the eighth day of wandering through the jungle; opponents answer them that this is a flash effect, in which even dirty hair can look relatively clean. Even experiments (amateur) were conducted to confirm this statement. Well, who is right, and whether the hair in the photo is clean or not is unknown.

Someone thinks that the head is being held by a hand with painted nails:

Later, information appeared that there was also a fourth photograph with a flash. It shows the edge of the cliff. Although initially, the primary sources spoke of three photographs. It is quite possible that this picture was also not shown to the parents at first, and then they posted it publicly.

There are many more mysteries in this story than answers. Whether it will be known what actually happened in the jungles of Panama in April 2014 or whether this case will be included in the treasury of unsolved tragedies and incidents is still unknown.

Three years ago, the media wrote one after another about the girls who disappeared in the Panamanian jungle. But neither officials, nor rescuers, nor journalists have yet been able to give a clear answer to the question of what happened in April 2014. The versions put forward by the police, upon careful examination, crumbled almost faster than the sand from the beaches of Bocas del Toro (this is where the students first vacationed) in their hands.

Incredible, but true: the more the authorities knew, the more strange this case seemed. Evidence designed to shed light on what happened only added to the mystery of this tragedy. Two pretty students from Holland wanted to improve their Spanish in the summer, and at the same time relax a little in Panama - you must admit, this desire looks absolutely harmless and is in no way associated with extreme sports.

But no one could have predicted how this trip would end. If we omit the details and present only the essence of the events, we get literally the following: the girls went to the mountains, recording their ascent on camera, and then something inexplicable happened, which led to their death. This plot somehow reminded us of the story that happened with Dyatlov’s group at the Mountain of the Dead. Alas, despite the fact that the police have at their disposal a technical arsenal that operatives never even dreamed of in Soviet times, this has not brought the investigation one step closer to the solution...

So, Lisanna Frohn and Chris Cremers from the small Dutch town of Amersfoort carefully planned their trip to Latin America.

Their vacation began at the Bocas del Toro resort, where the friends simply relaxed - swam, sunbathed, flirted with guys and posted beach photos on social networks.

Two weeks passed, on March 29 the girls moved to Boquete - away from the ocean and closer to the mountains, to begin studying at language courses. However, soon after their arrival it turned out that Spanish classes would start a week later. Lisanna and Chris decided to spend the free time exploring the picturesque surroundings - the jungle was just a stone's throw away - and met guide Feliciano Gonzalez, from whom they ordered and paid for two tours. It was he who sounded the alarm when his clients did not show up for a meeting on April 2.

Three years ago, the media wrote one after another about the girls who disappeared in the Panamanian jungle. But neither officials, nor rescuers, nor journalists have yet been able to give a clear answer to the question of what happened in April 2014. The versions put forward by the police, upon careful examination, crumbled almost faster than the sand from the beaches of Bocas del Toro (this is where the students first vacationed) in their hands. Incredible, but true: the more the authorities knew, the more strange this case seemed. Evidence designed to shed light on what happened only added to the mystery of this tragedy.

Two pretty students from Holland wanted to improve their Spanish in the summer, and at the same time relax a little in Panama - you must admit, this desire looks absolutely harmless and is in no way associated with extreme sports. But no one could have predicted how this trip would end. If we omit the details and present only the essence of the events, we get literally the following: the girls went to the mountains, recording their ascent on camera, and then something inexplicable happened, which led to their death.

This plot somehow reminded us of the story that happened to Dyatlov’s group at the Mountain of the Dead. Alas, despite the fact that the police have at their disposal a technical arsenal that operatives never even dreamed of in Soviet times, this has not brought the investigation one step closer to the solution...

So, Lisanna Frohn and Chris Cremers from the small Dutch town of Amersfoort carefully planned their trip to Latin America.

Their vacation began at the Bocas del Toro resort, where the friends simply relaxed - swam, sunbathed, flirted with guys and posted beach photos on social networks.

Two weeks passed, on March 29 the girls moved to Boquete - away from the ocean and closer to the mountains, to begin studying at language courses. However, soon after their arrival it turned out that Spanish classes would start a week later. Lisanna and Chris decided to spend the free time exploring the picturesque surroundings - the jungle was just a stone's throw away - and met guide Feliciano Gonzalez, from whom they ordered and paid for two tours. It was he who sounded the alarm when his clients did not show up for a meeting on April 2.

Apparently, they were quite athletic (Lisanna, for example, played volleyball for the student team), but extremely frivolous girls, dressed only in tops and shorts, taking with them one small backpack with a minimum of things for two, thought that they could climb the trail "El Pianisto", which is approximately 6 km long, to the famous Baru volcano and on its own. However, many did just that, because no special equipment was required.

According to the workers of the cafe located at the beginning of this very difficult journey, the Dutch women still took with them a guide dog named Blue, specially trained to find the way home. However, an hour later the husky came running to the establishment alone. Meanwhile, several people told the police that they saw the tourists returning from the route, but no one remembered where they went next. An attempt to time the movements of Lisanna and Chris was, to put it mildly, unsuccessful.

The extensive search operation would later be called the largest in the history of the country. Experts from the Netherlands, equipped with the most modern equipment, also joined the search for the missing. Hundreds of people were interviewed on both sides of the Cordillera, and three helicopters and numerous search dogs were deployed. A group of volunteers under the leadership of the same Gonzalez combed the jungle along with police officers and rescuers, Chris’s parents also arrived, and also began to look for their daughter and her friend, but, alas, all to no avail. It seemed that Fron and Cremers had disappeared without a trace.

At first, the investigation focused on the version that the girls simply got lost, because the path in the jungle leading from the outskirts of the city to observation deck at an altitude of just under 2000 meters above sea level, ended at the top only in guidebooks, but in fact went down the mountainside towards the Caribbean. And it was not at all like the beautiful sidewalks and pedestrian paths in the Netherlands, although it was clearly visible. The main thing was not to leave the path. But the girls did just that...

The assumption that the Dutch women were kidnapped was also considered. The police expected that the criminals were about to demand a ransom for them. However, this did not happen. At the end of the month, it seemed that the entire country, with the possible exception of the jungle, was plastered with advertisements announcing a hefty reward for any information about the missing students.

A version was also put forward that the girls were torn to pieces by wild animals, among the alleged killers were predators, the same puma or jaguar.

Terrible finds

Only 2 months later a new trail appeared in the case, leading to the other side of the Cordillera ridge. The Indians found a backpack belonging to the girls on the bank of a mountain river. Experts could not figure out how he ended up about 20 kilometers from the beginning of El Pianisto. Its contents appear to have remained intact: swimsuits, two pairs of sunglasses, money, documents, a camera and mobile phones. The police had special hopes for gadgets.

Two months later, further upstream, fragments of girls’ bones and boots with feet were discovered. On a large stone lay neatly (!) laid out denim shorts that belonged to Kremers.

In other words, experts had enough materials to understand the causes of the tragedy. But it was not there!

Fingerprints that did not belong to their owners were found on the girls’ smartphones, some of them were repeated. According to one source, about 10 people picked up the phones. According to others, no less than 30. Moreover, these were people of different genders and ages. Attempts to call 911 were recorded in the devices' memory. The phones were turned on and off many times. Moreover, during the last dialing, the gadgets were not unlocked.

But this fact fades when you learn about the photographs taken by someone on the night of April 8th. Over a three-hour period, 90 photographs were taken (!), 87 of them in complete darkness, without flash, although with the lens open. The remaining three still show something. The scariest and most mysterious shot is Chris's red hair, shot in close-up.

And if the first two uninformative photographs depicting the soil were published in the press immediately, the girl’s parents decided to show the third only six months later - on the air of one of the TV shows. However, we never saw the entire frame. Whether they purposefully covered his upper right corner (if so, why?) is unknown.

The discovered bone fragments also look extremely suspicious. They are too white, as if they had been specially cleaned. The police's assumption that the hip bone was chewed off by predators seems too incredible (no traces of teeth were found on it).

This tragedy is still discussed on many Internet forums, trying to put forward at least one coherent version that would fit all the evidence. But there are several points that prevent this from being done.

Firstly, questions are raised by the fact that the testimony of eyewitnesses who claim to have seen the girls returning openly contradicts the data stored on electronic devices. Let’s say that gadgets can also “lie”; not all of them always set the correct date and time of shooting on the camera. But why should witnesses mislead the investigation? Is it possible that they were trying to buy time to transport pretty white girls to Costa Rica and sell them into sexual slavery?

Another topic for heated discussions is frequency of emergency calls. Why did the girls dial the coveted number for several days at the same time? Did they have access to smartphones in other periods, and if not, why not?

Either found by chance, or a thrown backpack with neatly folded things It seems to be meant to evoke the idea that the students were killed not by people, but by animals who did not need documents and money. But why then are there no traces of teeth on the found bone fragments?

Even if the girls did not immediately understand that climbing to the top in the tropics was not much like an easy pleasure ride, but even a few hours spent in the jungle should have been enough to realize the idea that it was not worth taking off your clothes there. What made Chris take off her shorts and only wear her underwear? Where did the students actually die - near the river or did someone bring body parts and leave them on the shore?

Why didn’t Chris’s parents want to show that same shot for so long? Is it possible that the covered fragment depicts something very important, giving the key to solving a terrible mystery?

The simplest assumption is that the girls died as a result of their injuries, because it is so easy to slip and fall on wet stones, but this version in no way explains the fact that only fragments of bodies were found.

American journalist Jeremy Crete of The Daily Beast has been following this case from the very beginning. It was he who recently came into possession of previously unpublished photographs, which show that the girls were trying to send SOS signals. But the available information still does not confirm official version about an accident.

“We had less than 10% of one person's body, and less than 5% of another. This is too little,” a forensic anthropologist from Panama, who preferred not to give his name, said in a conversation with Crete in May 2017. Moreover, this expert generally considers the existing set of body fragments “extremely strange.” He claims that the complete absence of marks on the bones proves that the police were mistaken in passing off the incident as an accident. The journalist himself is firmly convinced that a serial killer is operating in the tropics, because women continue to disappear in the same places.

Another expert from the Panama Institute of Medicine, which trains coroners, agrees with Jeremy: “Whoever committed this terrible crime was incredibly smart and left almost no trace. It will be very difficult to catch him." According to this criminologist, the Panamanian authorities do not undertake to investigate this case, realizing that it is almost impossible to find the real criminal. “It’s easier for them to ignore the incident or write it off as an accident, so as not to fall on their face,” the specialist concluded.

What do you think happened in Panama in 2014?

Three years ago, the media wrote one after another about the girls who disappeared in the Panamanian jungle. But neither officials, nor rescuers, nor journalists have yet been able to give a clear answer to the question of what happened in April 2014. The versions put forward by the police, upon careful examination, crumbled almost faster than the sand from the beaches of Bocas del Toro (this is where the students first vacationed) in their hands. Unbelievable but true: The more the authorities learned, the stranger the case seemed. Evidence designed to shed light on what happened only added to the mystery of this tragedy.

Two pretty students from Holland wanted to improve their Spanish in the summer, and at the same time relax a little in Panama - you must admit, this desire looks absolutely harmless and is in no way associated with extreme sports. But no one could have predicted how this trip would end.. If we omit the details and present only the essence of the events, we get literally the following: the girls went to the mountains, recording their ascent on camera, and then something inexplicable happened, which led to their death.

This plot somehow reminded us of a story that happened to Dyatlov group at the Mountain of the Dead. Alas, despite the fact that the police have at their disposal a technical arsenal that operatives never even dreamed of in Soviet times, this has not brought the investigation one step closer to the solution...

So, Lisanna Frohn and Chris Cremers from the small Dutch town of Amersfoort carefully planned their trip to Latin America.

Their vacation has begun in the resort of Bocas del Toro, there the friends were just relaxing - swimming, sunbathing, flirting with guys and posting beach photos on social networks.

Two weeks passed, on March 29 the girls moved to Boquete - away from the ocean and closer to the mountains, to begin studying at language courses. However, soon after their arrival it turned out that Spanish classes would start a week later. Free time Lisanna and Chris decided to spend time exploring the picturesque surroundings- the jungle was just a stone's throw away - and we met guide Feliciano Gonzalez, from whom we ordered and paid for two tours. It was he who sounded the alarm when his clients did not show up for a meeting on April 2.

Apparently, they were quite athletic (Lisanna, for example, played volleyball for the student team), but extremely frivolous girls, dressed only in tops and shorts, taking with them one small backpack with a minimum of things for two, thought that they could climb the trail "El Pianisto" the length of which is approximately 6 km, to the famous Baru volcano and on its own. However, many did just that, because no special equipment was required.

According to the workers of the cafe located at the beginning of this very difficult journey, the Dutch women still took with them a guide dog named Blue, specially trained to find the way home. However an hour later the husky came running to the establishment alone. Meanwhile, several people told the police that they saw the tourists return from the route, but no one remembered where they went next. An attempt to time the movements of Lisanna and Chris was, to put it mildly, unsuccessful.

The extensive search operation would later be called the largest in the history of the country. Experts from the Netherlands, equipped with the most modern equipment, also joined the search for the missing. Hundreds of people were interviewed on both sides of the Cordillera, and three helicopters and numerous search dogs were deployed. Volunteer group under the leadership of the same Gonzalez I combed the jungle along with the police and rescuers, Chris’s parents also arrived, and also began to look for their daughter and her friend, but, alas, all to no avail. It seemed that Fron and Cremers had disappeared without a trace.

At first, the investigation focused on the version that the girls simply got lost, because the path in the jungle leading from the outskirts of the city to the observation deck at an altitude of just under 2000 meters above sea level ended at the top only in guidebooks, but in reality descended the mountainside towards the Caribbean. And it was not at all like the beautiful sidewalks and pedestrian paths in the Netherlands, although it was clearly visible. The main thing was not to leave the path. But the girls did just that...

The assumption that the Dutch women were kidnapped was also considered. The police expected that the criminals were about to demand a ransom for them. However, this did not happen. At the end of the month, it seemed that the entire country, with the possible exception of the jungle, was plastered with advertisements announcing a hefty reward for any information about the missing students.

A version was also put forward that the girls were torn to pieces by wild animals, among the alleged killers are predators, such as a puma or a jaguar.

Only 2 months later a new trail appeared in the case, leading to the other side of the Cordillera ridge. The Indians found a backpack belonging to the girls on the bank of a mountain river. Experts could not figure out how he ended up about 20 kilometers from the beginning of El Pianisto. Its contents appear to have remained intact: swimsuits, two pairs of sunglasses, money, documents, a camera and mobile phones. The police had special hopes for gadgets.

Two months later, further upstream, fragments of girls’ bones and boots with feet were discovered. On a large stone lay neatly (!) laid out denim shorts that belonged to Kremers.

In other words, experts had enough materials to understand the causes of the tragedy. But it was not there!

Fingerprints that did not belong to their owners were found on the girls’ smartphones, some of them were repeated. According to one source, about 10 people picked up the phones. According to others, no less than 30. Moreover, these were people of different genders and ages. Attempts to call 911 were recorded in the devices' memory. The phones were turned on and off many times. Moreover, during the last dialing, the gadgets were not unlocked.

But this fact fades when you learn about the photographs taken by someone on the night of April 8th. Over a three-hour period, 90 photographs were taken (!), 87 of them in complete darkness, without flash, although with the lens open. The remaining three still show something. The scariest and most mysterious shot is Chris's red hair, shot in close-up.

And if the first two uninformative photographs depicting the soil were published in the press immediately, the girl’s parents decided to show the third only six months later - on the air of one of the TV shows. However, we never saw the entire frame. Whether they purposefully covered his upper right corner (if so, why?) is unknown.

The discovered bone fragments also look extremely suspicious. They are too white, as if they had been specially cleaned. The police's assumption that the hip bone was chewed off by predators seems too incredible (no traces of teeth were found on it).

This tragedy is still discussed on many Internet forums, trying to put forward at least one coherent version that would fit all the evidence. But there are several points that prevent this from being done.

Firstly, questions are raised by the fact that the testimony of eyewitnesses who claim to have seen the girls returning openly contradicts the data stored on electronic devices. Let’s say that gadgets can also “lie”; not all of them always set the correct date and time of shooting on the camera. But why should witnesses mislead the investigation? Is it possible that they were trying to buy time to transport pretty white girls to Costa Rica and sell them into sexual slavery?

Another topic for heated discussions is frequency of emergency calls. Why did the girls dial the coveted number for several days at the same time? Did they have access to smartphones in other periods, and if not, why not?

Either found by chance, or a thrown backpack with neatly folded things It seems to be meant to evoke the idea that the students were killed not by people, but by animals who did not need documents and money. But why then are there no traces of teeth on the found bone fragments?

Even if the girls did not immediately understand that climbing to the top in the tropics was not much like an easy pleasure ride, but even a few hours spent in the jungle should have been enough to realize the idea that it was not worth taking off your clothes there. What made Chris take off her shorts and only wear her underwear? Where did the students actually die - near the river or did someone bring body parts and leave them on the shore?

Why didn’t Chris’s parents want to show that same shot for so long? Is it possible that the covered fragment depicts something very important, giving the key to solving a terrible mystery?

The simplest assumption is that the girls died as a result of their injuries, because it is so easy to slip and fall on wet stones, but this version in no way explains the fact that only fragments of bodies were found.

What do you think happened in Panama in 2014?