Travel companies are losing money due to the independence of tourists. In tourist capitals, the number of tourists is not decreasing. It is easier to see wild animals.

Summer season was not as successful as expected travel business Lake Teletskoye. From entrepreneurs and employees of Altai biosphere reserve there was information that the number of tourists decreased significantly last season. In general, Lake Teletskoye received approximately 15% of the regional flow.

If we talk about the seasons of the last decade, this can be called one of the weakest. According to O. Samokhvalova, director of the Lake Teletskoe Lake “Kedrogor” tourist information center, the flow has decreased by 2 times. The expert admits that there is now an oversupply on the lake, as more accommodation facilities have appeared and tourists have simply spread out. Last year in the summer there were a lot of vacationers on the lake. It was easy to notice, since it was practically impossible to find a free place at the camp site. The increase in the number of vehicles caused traffic jams on the streets.

Last summer provided a similar load only on one weekend, when the Teletska Water Festival was held at the end of July. The number of sales also decreased among souvenir stall owners. At the beginning of summer there were no sales at all, while in July and August the situation evened out a little.

This assessment also came from representatives of the Altai Biosphere Reserve, which counts guests at a number of famous attractions, such as the Korbu waterfall. The location of the waterfall is convenient - on the right bank of Lake Teletskoye, just an hour’s drive from the village of Artybash. By the way, there is a boat station in the village that takes tourists on an entertaining excursion to the waterfall. It is worth noting that most of travelers consider it their duty to make such a mini-trip by water transport. Moreover, 3 years ago it was possible to restore the unique motor ship “Pioneer of Altai”, which also attracts attention. Approximately 68 thousand tourists visited here last year.

Tourists have become less interested not only in the Korbu waterfall, but also in other attractions. The number of people wishing to visit the Uchar waterfall in the valley of the Chulyshman River has decreased. The problem is that the local tourism business was counting on other indicators, so it is quite difficult to accept a decrease in the flow of vacationers by almost 2 times. According to the director of the Yurtok tourism and eco-center and the head of the Teletsky ski board club, S. Karnaukh, there is a drop, but his establishment was ready for it. Many were inspired by the rise of last year, which is why it was so difficult to accept the decline this year. Although, this situation can rather be called stabilization after last year’s rise than a decline.

Many tourists now have a difficult financial situation, so they stayed at home during the holidays. S. Zyablitsky, head of the Association of Tourist Organizations, claims that his Manzherok tourist complex has experienced a significant decline this year. July was quite hot, but tourists were still in no hurry to go, and those who came were no longer throwing money away. If previously almost everyone ordered canteen services for themselves, this year exactly the same number of tourists cooked for themselves in order to save money. They only pay for accommodation, and deal with food themselves.

It is worth noting that Teletskoye Lake suffered no more from the lack of tourists than anyone else. This region is one of the most attractive in the Altai Territory. The lake is located away from the main highway - the Chuysky tract, but this does not prevent tourists from getting to it safely. Most of the accommodation facilities were built on the northern side of the lake in the villages of Iogach and Artybash. For the convenience of tourists, there are also stations located here, which are the starting point for many tourist routes.

As for the southern part of the lake, it is less developed, but this does not mean that there is no point in going there. Vacationers are attracted by the valley of the Chulyshman River, “stone mushrooms”, the Uchar water slide, as well as the difficult Katu-Yaryk pass. If you plan an excursion involving water transport, you need to cover approximately 80 kilometers along the lake. This will naturally lead to waste.

It is quite possible that interest in this territory will grow. Not all people can afford a holiday abroad. No matter what anyone says, holidays within the country are much cheaper than in Turkey, says O. Samokhvalova. It is not necessary to stay in the north of the lake and pay for hotel accommodation if you can get to the south by car and arrange wild holiday. In this case, people take food with them and cook their own food, and the attractions do not go away. It turns out that you can relax and see the sights practically for free.

Are you considering Lake Teletskoye as an alternative? expensive resorts? Would trade sea ​​holiday on the river?

The number of people arriving from the Russian Federation to EU countries has fallen sharply, as stated by the European Travel Commission (ETC). According to the organization's experts, in 2015, the flow of tourists from Russia to the EU countries will depend on the decline in GDP, inflation rates, the weakening of the ruble, lower oil prices and the ongoing Ukrainian conflict. Considering the forecasts, the number Russian tourists this year is unlikely to increase.

For some European countries This is, of course, a sensitive loss, but overall in 2015 European tourism experienced consistent, stable growth due to successful marketing activities in all areas. The results for the first months of 2015 indicate a positive start to the tourist season and an increase in demand for travel services, along with the recovery of the region’s economy, the organization’s report on the results of the first quarter says. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) expects global tourism to grow by an average of 3 to 4% in 2015, following a 4.7% increase in 2014. European tourism, according to ETC forecasts, will keep pace with global tourism and will grow on average by the same amount.

However, experts agree that some European countries may have economic problems due to a decrease in tourist flow from Russia. The number of Russian tourists in Europe in the first quarter of this year fell by 30% compared to the same period in 2014. At the same time, the decline in Russian tourist flow affected almost all countries in the region. “The only two European destinations that showed an increase in Russian tourist flows in January-March this year are Montenegro and Romania,” the ETC report notes. At the same time, an outflow of tourists is observed even in such traditional Russian markets as Turkey and Estonia.

The fall in the flow of Russian tourists to the EU has been talked about for several days now. Thus, according to the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), in the first quarter of this year the number of Russian tourists in such popular country for our citizens, like the Czech Republic, decreased by almost half. The number of tourists decreased by 47.8%, overnight stays - by 47.7%. Due to this situation, transport companies whose business is related to the transportation of tourists are also suffering. For example, the German tour operator Nicko Cruises, which organized cruises on European rivers, announced the start of bankruptcy proceedings. The company explains its decision by the crisis in Russia and Ukraine, which led to a sharp drop in demand for river cruises and, as a result, a reduction in the company’s liquidity.

However, ETC believes that the situation is not so pessimistic: the Russian ruble has started to grow and today “is considered one of the most effective currencies of 2015, although with a weaker starting position.” The coming months will demonstrate how possible it is to level out the decline in Russian outbound tourism, the organization said in a statement. In the meantime, the European tourism market has to survive using its own resources: double-digit growth in the number of tourists at the intra-European level included Iceland (+31.4%), Croatia (+24.6%), Montenegro (+23.2%), Romania ( +13.1%), Hungary (+12.1%), Slovenia (+11.7%), Austria (+11.4%) and Serbia (+11%).

Against this background, the interest of Russian tourists in domestic destinations is growing. Demand for domestic tourism will grow, especially in the direction of Sochi. The overall demand for 4 and 5 star hotels may jump this year by up to 40%, tourism revenues by more than 50% (due to the additional influx of tourists from other countries), expects TeleTrade analyst Alexander Egorov. At the same time, the average bill will most likely increase by at least 15% to 4.8-5 thousand rubles for a day’s stay.

Asian countries remain popular for Russians, although the flow of tourists there, as well as to Europe, has fallen. The overall drop in demand for tour packages over the year was 40-50%. Thus, RBC reports, in Cambodia in the first months of 2015, according to the country’s Ministry of Tourism, the flow of tourists from the Russian Federation amounted to about 18.3 thousand people - 51% less compared to the same period of the previous year. In January - March, 95.8 thousand Russian citizens visited Vietnam, thereby representing a 27% drop. In 2014, the flow of Russians to Thailand fell by 8.6%, continuing to decline in 2015. The number of tourists visiting the Philippines in January fell by 12%.

The share of Russian tourists did not exceed 6% of the total European flow even in the calm year of 2013, when there was no talk of sanctions or devaluation of the ruble, says Margarita Gorsheneva, development director at QB Finance. So, she is sure that for the countries of central Europe the decrease in tourist flow from Russia will go unnoticed. By the way, it is the residents of the central EU countries, especially Germany, who form the main flows of tourists in the countries of southern Europe, Italy, Spain, and Greece, which are traditionally popular among Russians. Indeed, the expert admits, in winter the situation was somewhat different: decreased demand for ski resorts(about 45%) among Russians significantly hit the tourism industries of Austria, Germany, Italy, Andorra, but in the summer the tourist flow shifts to the south, and here the lost 30% is more than compensated by both the Europeans themselves and tourists from Asian countries (Korea and China), where the demand for holidays in Europe is growing every year.

In addition, Gorsheneva emphasizes, -30% for the first quarter is not so much when compared with forecasts at the beginning of the year, when they talked about 40-45%. A strengthened ruble coupled with a rather weak euro has already begun to contribute to the growth of demand for holidays in Europe, and it is possible that this influence will allow the decline in demand to be reduced to -20% by the end of the second quarter.

Today, only Greece is fighting to actively attract Russian tourists, but it has its own geopolitical motives, in addition to financial ones. Otherwise, at the state level, with the exception of Turkey, not a single European country is taking steps to create special conditions to attract Russians specifically. There is still time before the high season, so the situation may change, but demand will already grow thanks to the strong ruble and the weakening euro.

For Russia, a decrease in tourist flow to Europe will provide an opportunity for active development domestic tourism. For example, quite impressive financial and resource injections into Crimea will strengthen its own tourism position. Improving the quality of service in existing hotels, as well as opening new ones, may be especially relevant for domestic tourism. Given the ambiguous situation in Europe, Kirikov predicts, tours to EU countries are unlikely to become top destinations in 2015, and the reorientation of Russian travel companies to domestic travel will be more promising than ever.

Moscow has improved the quality of its hotel business. On this moment the capital of Russia is one of the most popular places in the world for tourists. The fact that Moscow has become popular tourist destination, noted Sergei Sobyanin.

- We are approaching the point that the share of tourism GRP will be about 500 billion rubles. This is a significant amount. It’s good that every year the number of tourists does not decrease, but increases. Over the past year, their number has increased by almost half a million people, and according to travel agencies, this flow will only increase. In 2016, Moscow expects to receive over 17.5 million tourists, - said Sergei Sobyanin.

On behalf of Sergei Sobyanin, an analysis of the Moscow tourism industry will be carried out in the coming months, as this direction is gradually gaining more and more popularity. For example, last year 17.1 million tourists visited Moscow. The number of tourists in percentage terms increased by 3.3 percent.

Most of all the guests who came to admire the capital’s beauties are citizens of Russia. In anticipation of the FIFA World Cup, the number of tourists is expected to increase in 2018.

World rating companies also note the popularity of the Russian capital among tourists. In particular, according to the Tripadvisor portal, Moscow ranks second among European countries and fifth in the world among the best developing tourist destinations.

In the ranking of the most popular cities on the planet by the total number of photos published by users social networkInstagram", the capital of Russia is in fourth place. On the list, Moscow left behind Los Angeles, Istanbul, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Barcelona. Only Paris, New York and London overtook the Russian capital.

The overwhelming number of tourists who once came to Moscow make repeat trips. This fact indicates an improvement in the quality of the hotel business in the capital.

According to the head of the relevant Department, Vladimir Chernikov, guests from abroad also highly appreciate the level of security in the Russian capital.

/ Wednesday, April 27, 2016 /

Topics: Sobyanin Football

Moscow is the most popular tourist destination in Russia. Last year, the capital was visited by 17.1 million tourists, most of whom were citizens of the country. Compared to 2014 tourist flow grew by 3.3 percent.

It is expected that due to the holding of major sports competitions in Moscow (2016 Ice Hockey World Championship, 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup, 2018 FIFA World Cup), the number of tourists will increase.

According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, the tourism industry plays a significant role in the city’s economy: “We are approaching the point that the share of tourism’s GRP will be about 500 billion rubles. . . . . .

. . . . . It was ahead of Los Angeles, Istanbul, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Barcelona, ​​behind only Paris, New York and London.

In Moscow, the situation has changed significantly in terms of the quality of services in the hospitality industry. At the same time, most tourists want to come back again.

According to the head of the relevant department, Vladimir Chernikov, this figure exceeds 92 percent of the total.

According to him, guests from abroad also highly appreciate the level of security in the Russian capital: “Foreign tourists coming to Moscow say that you can walk here without fear during the day, in the evening, and at night, which is confirmed by statistics in the field of crimes related to tourists: their number is 0.1 percent of the total.”.

At the same time, in accordance with the instructions of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, an analysis of the Moscow tourism industry will be carried out in the coming months.

. . . . . Behind last years tourist flow to the city increased by 3.3 percent. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced this.

. . . . . - said Sergei Sobyanin. He also noted that the tourism industry plays a significant role in the city’s economy and now the amount of income from tourism is about 500 billion rubles.

According to the head of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism Vladimir Chernikov, the situation in Moscow has changed significantly in terms of the quality of services in the hospitality industry and most tourists want to visit the city again. This figure exceeds 92 percent of the total.

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The capital can earn up to 500 billion rubles a year from tourists. There are all the prerequisites for this, said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.
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According to the capital's mayor, the tourism industry plays a significant role in the city's economy.
“Over the past year, the number of tourists increased by almost half a million people. This year, over 17.5 million tourists will visit Moscow.”, - said Sergei Sobyanin.
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According to Sergei Sobyanin, the quality of services in the hospitality industry has increased in Moscow. . . . . .
Moscow is waiting for new guests and preparing for their arrival. According to forecasts, about 20 million tourists will come here in 2018. This is 15 percent more than last year.

Moscow is the most popular city for tourists in Russia. In 2015, 17.1 million tourists visited the capital, most of whom were citizens of our country. Compared to 2014, the increase in tourist flow was more than 500 thousand people (+ 3.3%).

The number of tourists in Moscow will soon increase thanks to sports fans. The capital will host major sporting events: the Ice Hockey World Championship in May this year, the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup, the FIFA World Cup . . . . .

Large cultural events such as festivals are especially popular among tourists. Such as “Journey to Christmas”, “ Circle of Light", Moscow Spring, "Russian field ", "Times and Epochs", Moscow Navruz. Tourists who come to the capital for mass events spend an average of 4.5 thousand rubles per day (for comparison, on average, tourists who come to the capital for business purposes spend 4.1 thousand rubles per day; for cultural and educational purposes - 3.6 thousand rubles. At the same time, the spending of shopping tourists on average is about 8 thousand rubles per day.

Moscow is preparing new infrastructure for tourists, including pedestrian zones, bicycle paths, bike rental points, multilingual signs, parking for tourist buses, free WiFi access points, etc.

The city employs over 2 thousand accredited tour guides and guides-translators who conduct excursions in 25 languages.

Last year on Red Square (in GUM), Triumfalnaya Square and in the Museum-Reserve “Kolomenskoye” modern tourist resorts have opened information centers(TIC). This year it is planned to open such centers in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, at VDNKh, in the museum-reserve “ Tsaritsyno”, as well as mobile TIC ice palace"VTB Arena".

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For reference. In 2015, 17.1 million tourists visited Moscow, most of whom were Russian citizens. . . . . .

Moscow is the most popular tourist destination in Russia: in 2015, 17.1 million tourists, most of them Russian citizens, visited the capital. The growth of tourist flow compared to 2014 is 3.3%.

. . . . . In the ranking of the most popular cities on the planet by the total number of photos published by users of the social network Instagram, Moscow is in fourth place, ahead of Los Angeles, Istanbul, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Barcelona.

. . . . . And thanks to such major sporting competitions as the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship, the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the number of tourists will increase significantly.

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In addition, Moscow has become much safer: the number of offenses related to tourists is 0.1% of the total.

One of the most popular and sought-after Russian tourist destinations is Moscow. Russians from different regions are increasingly visiting the capital. In 2015, Moscow welcomed about 17.1 million tourists, most of whom were citizens of the country. Compared to 2014, the capital’s tourist flow increased by 3.3%.

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Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin believes that the tourism industry is one of the key sectors in the Moscow economy.

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It is worth noting that world rankings recognize the Russian capital as one of the best tourist destinations. . . . . . It is known that a large number of tourists want to re-visit the Mother See. . . . . . especially notes that foreign guests give high marks to the high level of security in the Russian capital.

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In addition, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin ordered an analysis of the Moscow tourism industry in the coming months.

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Most tourists who visited the capital of Russia want to come here again

Moscow is the most popular tourist destination in Russia. . . . . . This is also taken into account by the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the city of Moscow, whose key tasks are to increase the attractiveness of the city of Moscow as a largest center Russian tourism; regulation of the hotel industry; development of interregional relations between the Moscow Government and authorities of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation; interaction with religious associations, national communities and diasporas. According to the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, the tourism industry plays a significant role in the city’s economy. . . . . .

Moscow is the most popular tourist destination in Russia, and this year the capital plans to welcome over 17.5 million tourists, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said. Thanks to major sporting competitions being held in the capital, the volume of tourist traffic is expected to increase in the coming years, he noted.

Thus, as Sergei Sobyanin clarified, in 2015 the number of tourists increased by almost 500 thousand people: 17.1 million Russian and foreign tourists visited Moscow. According to travel agencies, this figure will continue to grow.

At the same time, not only the quantitative indicator of tourism development increases, but also the qualitative one. . . . . .

According to the Moscow Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism, 92% of tourists have a desire to return to the capital of Russia. . . . . .

According to him, recently in Moscow the quality of tourism industry services, the level of safety and hospitality have increased significantly.

It should be noted that in recent years Moscow has been paying special attention to tourism. Thus, the capital has revived the tradition of holding various festivals (“Journey to Christmas”, “Moscow summer”, “Easter gift”, “Circle of Light" and others), park areas have been landscaped, observation decks and free Wi-Fi access points have been equipped, comfortable pedestrian areas and routes have been created, and bicycle rental points have been created. Regular buses run through the historical part of the capital. bus routes City Sightseeing; a Volunteer Tourist Center and modern tourist information centers were created on Red Square, Triumphal Square and in the museum-reserve “Kolomenskoye”. Three more information centers - in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, at VDNKh and in the museum-reserve “ Tsaritsyno”- planned to open in 2016.

In addition, the Moscow Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism has prepared a calendar of tourism events for 2017-2018. with more than 600 various events. The capital authorities expect that such events will ensure development event tourism in the city.

Let us add that in the near future, on behalf of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, an analysis of the Moscow tourism industry will be carried out.

Press service of the Department of Natural Resources

and environmental protection of Moscow

Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin

Tags:Moscow Mayor, Sergei Sobyanin

. . . . . The importance of developing the tourism industry was emphasized by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

“The Moscow authorities have approached the figure according to which the share of the gross product from tourism will be approximately 500 billion rubles. This is a significant figure.”, - noted Sergei Sobyanin.

According to the mayor, the number of tourists in Moscow is increasing from year to year. “The number of tourists in the capital is increasing year by year and this is a good indicator. . . . . .

According to the data he has seen, Moscow is the most popular tourist destination in Russia. . . . . . The first positions are occupied by Paris, New York and London.

The number of tourists who would like to return to Moscow again exceeds 92 percent of the total number. . . . . .

Literally over the past few years, the flow of tourists to the Mother See has increased significantly. Over the past year alone, more than 17 million tourists visited the Russian capital. These are not only foreign guests, but also citizens of our country. Since 2014, tourist flows have increased by 3.3 percent.
The largest sporting competitions of world significance will be held in Moscow. This includes the Ice Hockey World Championship, which will start soon, the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup, and the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The city authorities note that the flow of tourists will certainly increase.
Sergei Sobyanin, in this regard, noted the important role of tourism, which plays a positive role in the economy of Moscow. . . . . .
In recent years, Moscow has begun to occupy high positions in world rankings. . . . . .
It is Moscow that is currently in the ranking of the most popular cities in the world based on the total number of photos published by users “ Instagram", occupies one of the leading places.
The capital of Russia has radically improved the quality of services provided in the hospitality industry. According to various surveys and questionnaires, the lion's share of guests want to come back here again.
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All tourists who come to Moscow are primarily concerned about the safety of their stay in the Russian capital. . . . . .

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that the tourism industry has a positive impact on the economic situation in the city. In addition, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin recalled that a large influx of tourists to major sporting events is expected in Moscow.

. . . . . This is a significant volume,” commented Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

The mayor also noted that last year the capital was visited by more than 17 million tourists, most of whom are residents of Russia. Actively developing in Moscow hotel business. The number of rooms is increasing, and the quality of service is improving.

In addition, transport accessibility to major sports and cultural facilities is improving in Moscow. New transport infrastructure facilities are being created, as well as convenient navigation components.

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Moscow's hotel stock is well balanced in terms of affordability - approximately 75% of rooms belong to the economy segment (economy class, hostels, mini-hotels), 25% are business class. According to the index of the cost of living in a 3*** hotel category 2016 (Europe 3-star Traveler Index-2016), Moscow hotels occupy 19th place among 56 European cities (more high place means lower cost of living). Thus, the cost of living in a Moscow hotel is quite affordable for economy class tourists (similar prices for “three-star” hotels exist, for example, in Prague). . . . . .

. . . . . This order was given by the head of the city Sergei Sobyanin. . . . . .

Last year, 17.1 million tourists visited Moscow, and according to the agency’s research “Market Guide” their number will increase by 2.5 percent this year (to 17.5 million people), by 8 percent next year (to 18.4 million), and in 2018 by 15% (to 19.5 million).

. . . . . Thus, last year the share of tourism consumption in Moscow’s GRP amounted to more than 4 percent or about 457 billion rubles, which is 11.5% more than the 2014 level.

Earlier newspaper “ Kakhovka” wrote about the strengthening of the capital’s position in the Tripadvisor rating. . . . . . The city also took fourth place in terms of the number of photographs published on Instagram. Only Paris, New York and London overtook it.

In addition, Moscow is developing hotel. This year, seven hotels of world hotel brands and two hotels near airports are planned to open in the city, and in the past 23 hotels opened their doors. Earlier, the Zyuzino district newspaper wrote about Sergei Sobyanin’s visit to new hotel"ibis Moscow Dynamo" on Leningradsky Prospekt.

Modern Moscow, without false modesty, is the most impressive and safest metropolis in Europe. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin summed up the results of capital tourism in past years and outlined plans for future years.

Moscow attracts everything more tourists- both from the regions and from abroad. For the convenience of guests of the capital, new pedestrian zones are being created, numerous city parks are being transformed, and new ones are opening. tourist routes. The city has a 24-hour multilingual call center and a dedicated tourist police.

. . . . . I am glad that every year the number of tourists does not decrease, but increases, and according to travel agencies, this flow will only grow. . . . . .

The hotel industry is one of the basic sectors of the Moscow economy. Sergei Sobyanin emphasized that among the 25 best hotels according to Trip Advisor Traveler Choice-2016 - 9 hotels from Moscow. At the same time, the mayor noted that over the past 5 years, 35 new hotels have been built or reconstructed in Moscow. Investors plan to build several dozen more hotels in the next 3 years. All fans who are planning to come to Moscow for the World Cup will be able to find accommodation to suit their taste and budget.

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At a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government held yesterday under the chairmanship of Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, one of the items on the agenda was the preparation of the capital for the summer tourist season. Reports on this issue were presented by the heads of relevant city departments, including the head of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism Vladimir Chernikov.

Opening the consideration of the issue, Sergei Sobyanin, in particular, noted the importance of tourism development for the Moscow economy. . . . . .

(According to the Moscow Government, the share of the oil and gas complex in total revenues to the city budget is about 4-5%.)

In turn, V. Chernikov in his report noted the growth of the tourist flow (17.1 million tourists visited the capital in 2015) and the reasons for the growing popularity of the Moscow destination. . . . . .

Summing up the discussion, Sergei Sobyanin instructed the responsible departments to undertake a serious analysis of the situation in the tourism sector. “We need to analyze the situation, it is sometimes non-standard, because, for example, we have another large region around Moscow - the Moscow region. A large number of people live not in hotels, but in hostels or in apartments that are rented. We also have enough of these flows "We see poorly, and after a serious analysis, our ideas about how our tourist flows are shaping up, what volume and what priorities. This work must definitely be carried out in the next few months and such serious analytics must be given.", - said the mayor, addressing the meeting participants.

Moscow remains attractive for tourists. Over the past two years, tourist flows have grown by more than 3%. . . . . .

The improvements in Moscow's position are also confirmed by world rankings. . . . . .

It is expected that major sporting competitions, which will take place in the capital in 2016-2018, will contribute to an increase in tourist flow. Among them are the Ice Hockey World Championship, the FIFA Confederations Cup, and the FIFA World Cup, which will be held in Moscow.

. . . . . Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has ordered an analysis of the city's tourism industry in the coming months.

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Winter hikes are considered to be the destiny of extreme sports enthusiasts in love with nature. But what if behind the ideological forcing of snowdrifts lie advantages and benefits available to everyone? We'll tell you why you should definitely get out into nature in winter.

Special air

In winter, there is practically no dust in the air, but the oxygen concentration increases by 10-15%. At this time, an outing into nature becomes a real healing session: while walking, lung ventilation increases by one and a half to two times, and beneficial saturation occurs faster.

Products last longer

In the cold season, the backpack automatically turns into a portable refrigerator - you can take with you not only perishable foods, but also such delicacies as atypical for a hike, such as dumplings or frozen vegetables. By the way, we wrote about how to choose the right dumplings and how many pieces you can eat without harming your figure and health.

Secret paths open up

In winter, many bodies of water freeze, opening up new routes and opportunities. Walk along the island in the middle of the lake, approach an inaccessible rock on the river bank, take a shortcut straight through the swamps - this is the advantage of sub-zero temperatures. The main thing is to remember to be careful: earlier we learned which ice is dangerous to go out on and how to determine its density by eye.

When else will it be possible to stand on your head in the middle of a lake? Photo: Pavel Raspopov

It's easier to burn calories...

In the cold, during physical activity, the body burns more calories - spending them, among other things, on warming up the muscles and maintaining the desired body temperature. To enhance the effect, you can take trekking poles with you on a hike: they will force all muscles to participate in the movement. They will also help you overcome off-road conditions, relieve stress on your back, increase your walking speed, and even protect yourself from injury in the event of an unfortunate fall. We wrote about how to choose this wonderful unit.

...and more difficult - the forest

In order to set fire to anything at all surrounded by snowdrifts (sometimes even the fire itself) you will have to try very hard. This means you don’t have to waste time on overly painstaking lining of the fire pit and don’t worry about every spark that flies from the fire. You can also extinguish the flame in a matter of seconds.

In winter, a fire is safe for the forest. Photo: Evgenia Skachkova

A new look at old landscapes

Snow and ice transform nature beyond recognition. Dense thickets suddenly turn into a magical forest from a New Year's card, and the usual Railway on a frosty evening it shines as if someone had scattered kilograms of glitter all over it. The rocks look especially impressive: bright snow emphasizes their relief, all the unique shapes, cracks and depressions.

For example, a pond near Upper Barancha was covered with amazing snow crystals in November. Photo: Pavel Raspopov

This is not the top of the “thousander” ridge, but the modest Mount Kolpaki on the border Sverdlovsk region And Perm region. Its height above sea level is only 614 meters. Photo: Pavel Raspopov

And this is how the familiar Old Lens is transformed into different time of the year. Photo: Pavel Raspopov

Easier to see wild animals

In winter, animals become bolder in search of food: birds are more likely to fly up to you for a treat, and a curious fox may well appear not far from the camp. If you are unlucky with a personal meeting, you will be able to admire animal tracks - the snow leaves no chance for secret movement. However, here too it’s worth remembering about safety: we’ll tell you in detail next week how to behave when meeting forest dwellers and not disturb the most dangerous of them.

This is what hare tracks look like. Photo: Evgenia Skachkova

It's harder to see other tourists

With the arrival of winter, the number of tourists decreases even in the most popular nature parks - which means you don’t have to crowd along narrow paths. This fact will clearly please introverts and those who like to enjoy nature alone.

Less discomfort from precipitation

Even in the heaviest snowfall, you won’t get wet through, won’t end up with squelchy boots, or fall into a puddle on a washed-out forest path. Enjoy before spring comes.

You can forget about arachnophobia

If you would like to get to know each other better wildlife, but the thought of its creeping-biting representatives puts you in a panic, then winter - best time for the first trips.

Whether it will be a weekend walk with a return to the warmth of civilization or a full-fledged extreme hike with an overnight stay in tents is up to you. An intermediate option is to use special shelters for tourists.

For example, the cost of a comfortable overnight stay in Oleniye Ruchiya ranges from 450 rubles for a bed in a wooden house (with a refrigerator, electric stove and outdoor toilet) to 1000 rubles for a bed in two-room suite with sofas, TV and all amenities.

In the ecotourist complex “Veselye Gory” (territory of the Visimsky Nature Reserve), guests are offered houses with modern renovations, fireplaces and panoramic windows. The price of pleasure is 1000 rubles per day.

You can spend a night in Taganay by paying 150 rubles for a place in a stationary winter tent with stove heating or 500 rubles - for a bed in a comfortable wooden house.

In Zyuratkul, for staying in a house with amenities, they will ask from 350 to 1000 rubles, depending on the conditions.

From camping tents to city rooms, nature parks offer accommodation for every taste. Photo: website of the natural park "Oleniy Ruchi" / website of the natural park "Taganay"

I remind you that if you have any questions regarding hiking, please send them by email. If possible, we will find answers to them together!


Oblastnaya Gazeta columnist Evgenia Skachkova talks about camping life and life on hikes.

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For the first time in 15 years, Moscow took part with its stand in the international tourism exhibition EMMIT in Istanbul. According to the Chairman of the Moscow Committee for Tourism and Hotel Industry Sergei Shpilko, this is due to the fact that the number of international arrivals from Turkey through Moscow airports is growing dynamically even in conditions of crisis and economic sanctions. Over the 9 months of last year, this figure amounted to 116.9 thousand arrivals, an increase of 8.5%. At the same time, in terms of the number of international arrivals through airports in the Moscow air zone, Turkey came in third place after China and Germany.

Turkey is actively developing middle class, which is placing increasing demand on travel for tourism purposes. Plus, the economic and cultural ties of our countries are generally developing positively, and tourism in this sense is no exception. Moreover, Moscow is increasingly adapting its hospitality industry to the needs of tourists from different countries. Non-profit organizations carry out voluntary certification of hotels for compliance with the needs of tourists, for example Chinese ones - “Chinafriendly”, as well as certification of hotels for compliance with Halal requirements. The first such certificate was received by the Aerostar Hotel.

According to Lyubov Shiyan, Marketing Director of the Aerostar Hotel, who participated in the Moscow stand, “The Turkish market is strategically important for Moscow companies and hotels due to the changed political and economic situation. The exhibition is going well, there is a lot of interest in the work of the Moscow stand, and the atmosphere is very friendly.”

According to another exhibitor, representative of the TariTur company Nikita Monakhov, manager of the sales department of the TariTur company, “The Turkish market is one of the most promising at the moment. The number of tourists from Turkey visiting Moscow has increased.” Therefore, the company opened the TariTour Byhadir office in Istanbul.

Speaking at the presentation of Moscow and Kazan, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey Abdurrahman Arici said: “The number of tourists from Russia in 2014 amounted to 4 million people. It’s time for my compatriots to repay their debt of hospitality to the Russians by becoming better acquainted with their sights and cultural values.”

Moscow, according to Sergei Shpilko, who spoke at the presentation, “once again came up with proposals for price-quality ratio, which are difficult to refuse, which at this stage is facilitated by the change in the exchange rate of the ruble.” Questions from the Turkish travel industry concerned, first of all, the cost of transportation. But there are positive developments here too. Since 2013, Pegasus airline has been operating flights to Moscow using the low-cost transportation model, with ticket prices averaging $190. With the existing MoscowWeekends package offers on the market, it is quite possible to fit a stay in Moscow into an average of $300 per person.

This news has been read 1937 times.