Active youth tourism. Project for the development of youth tourism in Russia “Discover Russia. Features and directions of youth tourism

Tourism is sport, health, active leisure, an opportunity to better learn the history, geography, and soul of Russia, and this is a direct path to educating young Russians as patriots and citizens of their country.
To love your country, you need to know it, you need to see with your own eyes the lakes of Karelia and the volcanoes of Kamchatka, the snow-white peaks of the Caucasus and the quiet reaches of the Volga, you need to walk along the Palace Embankment in St. Petersburg and stand on Red Square in Moscow. Having experienced the beauty of your land, it is impossible not to love it. And to love means to be a patriot.
Tourism is a complex phenomenon that can really help young people find their way in life and does not require large financial investments.
Tourism provides an opportunity to express yourself, learn to make decisions, and become a real leader. Where else, in a short time, not at training sessions, but in real life, can one acquire the skills of a real leader, if not in conditions of a changing natural environment, on hiking trips and travels.
Most teenagers in our country have poor health, and young men are not physically prepared for military service. Tourism, again, can correct this situation. Hiking hardens the body, physical activity restores and strengthens health.
Tourism is a panacea for many of the ills of our time. If a young man chooses tourism, it means he says “no” to drugs, alcohol, and a passive lifestyle.
Another aspect of tourism is the tourism business. Tourism is taking over the whole world. In many countries, tourism has become a leading sector of the economy. Russia, with its rich natural, cultural and historical resources, has something to show and we need to train specialists in the tourism business.
There was a real boom in the development of tourism in our country in the 30s and 60s of the last century. Tourist sections and clubs worked at all large enterprises, universities, in all cities; accessible tourist bases operated throughout the country. It is no exaggeration to say that millions of young people had the opportunity to see and love their country in person.
Currently, there is no comprehensive approach to the development of tourism in the country (in the 90s, tourism management was divided into 14 departments and private capital). The number of young people who know their country and have the skills to live in the natural environment has decreased by several orders of magnitude. Tourism as a branch of the Russian economy does not occupy a leading position among other countries (in 2005, 2.5 million foreign tourists visited Russia, and 80 million tourists visited France). The experience and technologies in the field of tourism development accumulated over the past 80 years are practically not in demand. In addition, due to the weak tourism infrastructure and lack of tourist personnel, Russia is losing funds comparable to income in the oil and gas industry.
The field of youth tourism today is essentially ownerless. There is not a single department that deals with tourism in a comprehensive manner, there is no real support for young people in their desire to get to know their country, there are no incentives for tourism and there is no system of benefits for young people.
Currently, approximately 28 million young people aged 16 to 30 live in the country; approximately 0.3 million are engaged in tourism.
The concept of youth tourism includes the following types of youth activities: specialized camps, excursions, tourist competitions and events, extreme activities in the natural environment: sports tourism, mountaineering, rock climbing, orienteering, rafting, etc.
Creating a youth tourism infrastructure solves several pressing problems:
1) for the individual:

  • health promotion - the presence of tourist clubs and sections will allow young people to participate in hikes, competitions, tourist camps, and lead an active, healthy lifestyle;
  • the ability to travel. This will be facilitated by a network of youth camp sites, hotels, equipped tourist routes, a system of preferential travel for tourist groups on various types of transport;
  • get a quality, safe holiday. The program provides for the training of specialists in the tourism sector;
  • increasing the educational, cultural level through hiking and travel;
  • vocational guidance. All the results of tourism have a great utilitarian effect and high convertibility. Specific skills and abilities guide the tourist along the spectrum of field expeditionary specialties (geophysicist, geologist, ecologist, etc.), give an idea of ​​the activities of field military and civilian (EMERCOM, etc.) units;
  • obtaining special education and working in the tourism business and at enterprises producing special gear, equipment, and souvenirs.

2) for the state:

  • development of tourism as an important sector of the economy. Having invested in the creation of a tourist infrastructure, in a few years the state will begin to receive considerable income from this, since having felt the taste of wandering in his youth, a person will travel throughout his life, spending his vacation not at the dacha, but traveling around the country and the world, investing in traveling with your money and thereby bringing income to the state;
  • employment of the population - an extensive tourism industry system will require many new jobs;
  • increasing the status of the country at the international level - highly professional organization of the tourism business in the country, the development of new but very attractive areas for the tourism business (Altai, Far East, Western Caucasus) will attract a flow of tourists from abroad and will improve Russia’s rating in the global tourism industry (in 2006 Russia took a far from honorable 68th place out of 124 available in the ranking of the most attractive countries for doing tourism business);
  • improving the health of the country's population, reducing drug addiction and drunkenness. If a young man chooses tourism, it means he says “no” to drugs, alcohol, and a passive lifestyle, which means he will have healthy offspring, the mortality rate in the country will decrease and people’s life expectancy will increase;
  • a generation of citizens - patriots of Russia, who know and love their country - a calm and stable Russia.

The main types of work to implement this area are the following:

  • creation of a regulatory framework for the development of youth tourism in Russia;
  • training for the development of youth tourism;
  • creation of a federal material base for the development of youth tourism;
  • coordination of work on the development of youth tourism in regional youth policy authorities;
  • cooperation on the development of youth tourism with federal ministries and agencies;
  • organization of joint work on the development of youth tourism with commercial structures;
  • development of youth tourism together with tourism public organizations;
  • conducting an advertising campaign together with the media to create a positive image of tourism activities;
  • creation of an All-Russian bank of information about human life in the natural environment;
  • organizing cooperation with international tourism organizations working with youth;

Youth tourism is sports, health, active leisure, an opportunity to better learn the history, geography, and soul of Russia, and this is a direct path to educating young Russians as patriots and citizens of their country. To love your country, you need to know it, you need to see with your own eyes the lakes of Karelia and the volcanoes of Kamchatka, the snow-white peaks of the Caucasus and the quiet reaches of the Volga, you need to walk along the Palace Embankment in St. Petersburg and stand on Red Square in Moscow. Having experienced the beauty of your land, it is impossible not to love it. And to love means to be a patriot.

Youth tourism is a complex phenomenon that can really help young people find their way in life and does not require large financial investments. Tourism provides an opportunity to express yourself, learn to make decisions, and become a real leader. Where else, in a short time, not at training sessions, but in real life, can one acquire the skills of a real leader, if not in conditions of a changing natural environment, on hiking trips and travels.

Most teenagers in our country have poor health, and young men are not physically prepared for military service. Tourism, again, can correct this situation. Hiking hardens the body, physical activity restores and strengthens health. Tourism is a panacea for many of the ills of our time. If a young man chooses tourism, it means he says “no” to drugs, alcohol, and a passive lifestyle. Another aspect of tourism is the tourism business. Tourism is taking over the whole world. In many countries, tourism has become a leading sector of the economy. Russia, with its rich natural, cultural and historical resources, has something to show and we need to train specialists in the tourism business. There was a real boom in the development of tourism in our country in the 30s and 60s of the last century. Tourist sections and clubs worked at all large enterprises, universities, in all cities; accessible tourist bases operated throughout the country. It is no exaggeration to say that millions of young people had the opportunity to see and love their country in person.

Currently, there is no comprehensive approach to the development of tourism in the country (in the 90s, tourism management was divided into 14 departments and private capital). The number of young people who know their country and have the skills to live in the natural environment has decreased by several orders of magnitude. Tourism as a branch of the Russian economy does not occupy a leading position among other countries (in 2013, 3 million foreign tourists visited Russia, and 80 million tourists visited France). The experience and technologies in the field of tourism development accumulated over the past 80 years are practically not in demand. In addition, due to the weak tourism infrastructure and lack of tourist personnel, Russia is losing funds comparable to income in the oil and gas industry.

The field of youth tourism today is essentially ownerless. There is not a single department that deals with tourism in a comprehensive manner, there is no real support for young people in their desire to get to know their country, there are no incentives for tourism and there is no system of benefits for young people. Currently, approximately 28 million young people aged 16 to 30 live in the country; approximately 0.3 million are engaged in tourism.

The concept of youth tourism includes the following types of youth activities: specialized camps, excursions, tourist competitions and events, extreme activities in the natural environment: sports tourism, mountaineering, rock climbing, orienteering, rafting, etc.

Creating a youth tourism infrastructure solves several pressing problems for the state:

Development of tourism as an important sector of the economy. Having invested in the creation of a tourist infrastructure, in a few years the state will begin to receive considerable income from this, since having felt the taste of wandering in his youth, a person will travel throughout his life, spending his vacation not at the dacha, but traveling around the country and the world, investing in traveling with your money and thereby bringing income to the state;

Employment - an extensive tourism industry system will require many new jobs;

Raising the status of the country at the international level - highly professional organization of the tourism business in the country, the development of new but very attractive areas for the tourism business (Altai, Far East, Western Caucasus) will attract a flow of tourists from abroad and will improve Russia's rating in the global tourism industry (in 2006 Russia took a far from honorable 68th place out of 124 available in the ranking of the most attractive countries for doing tourism business);

Improving the health of the country's population, reducing drug addiction and drunkenness. If a young man chooses tourism, it means he says “no” to drugs, alcohol, and a passive lifestyle, which means he will have healthy offspring, the mortality rate in the country will decrease and people’s life expectancy will increase;

A generation of citizens - patriots of Russia, who know and love their country - a calm and stable Russia.

The main types of work to implement this area are the following:

Creation of a regulatory framework for the development of youth tourism in Russia;

Training of personnel for the development of youth tourism;

Creation of a federal material base for the development of youth tourism;

Coordination of work on the development of youth tourism in regional youth policy authorities;

Cooperation on the development of youth tourism with federal ministries and agencies;

Organization of joint work on the development of youth tourism with commercial structures;

Development of youth tourism together with tourism public organizations;

Creation of an All-Russian bank of information about human life in the natural environment;

Organization of cooperation with international tourism organizations working with youth.

Does the country need youth tourism? What can he give to the state in the near future and in the future? How not to lose the potential accumulated over decades in the field of tourism development? Can the development of tourism help find ways for the innovative development of the country during a crisis?

The concept of youth tourism includes the following types of youth activities: specialized camps, excursions, tourist competitions and events, extreme activities in the natural environment: sports tourism, mountaineering, rock climbing, orienteering, rafting, etc.

In conditions of economic crisis, tourism can bring the following benefits to the state:

Real education of youth through tourism;

Influence on at least 7 million young people, who are active and not indifferent to how the country lives;

Improving the country's image in the international arena;

Revenues comparable to oil and gas revenues;

Increase the number of new jobs for young people in the field. tourism, requiring creative abilities and professional knowledge from workers, and also bringing stable high earnings.

What should be done?

1. Obtain political support from the country’s leadership for the development of youth tourism as a priority area of ​​youth policy.

2. Develop and approve a federal target program for the development of youth tourism in the Russian government

3. Approve the training program for public tourism personnel at the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

4. Build a leadership structure for youth tourism in Russia.

5. Organize the comprehensive development of youth tourism in Russia.

Tourism is not only sport, not only travel, not only recreation. Tourism is all of the above and much, much more. How many of our population of 140 million can call themselves tourists? 6 million people go on vacation to Turkey and about 300 thousand participate in domestic tourism. The Federal Program for the Development of Youth Tourism proposes to turn tourism into a way of life, to make tourism fashionable, and to turn it into a national industry.

You cannot get to know and love your country through the dry pages of textbooks. Just by letting the sand of the Baltic coasts run through your fingers, just by picking up handfuls of the purest snow of the Caucasus mountains, just by breathing in the spicy air of Altai, you can really touch your homeland, realize what a rich history, events, people, country you live in.

Today in Russia outbound tourism exceeds inbound tourism - money flows abroad. The state's protective policy will change this situation. Targeted investments by the state in the country's tourism infrastructure will increase the influx of foreign travelers, and therefore increase the country's budget revenues; will strengthen the positive image of Russia in the eyes of the world community.

The success of this program depends entirely on the joint efforts of government, business and family. The state today must invest in its own tourism, its own youth, and its own territories. Otherwise, tomorrow it will be foreign tourism, foreign youth, foreign territories.

Russians do not feel like a united country. Why? Unfortunately, the state does not yet offer its citizens such vectors of development, according to which each person would recognize himself not only as an individual, but also as a part of the country as a whole.

Society is not ready to put Russia’s interests above its own; as a result, there is a lack of trust in the authorities, awareness of statehood, patriotism, and civil society. Today, there are no or do not work state programs aimed at Russians self-awareness as a single people of one country. There is no national idea. The situation is aggravated by the dominance in the media market of a product that promotes a Western lifestyle, Western values, and a pro-Western national idea. Unfortunately, the so-called “American Dream” is close to the Russian average today. This has a particularly strong impact on young people. There is no tool yet that can influence the existing situation.

Russia urgently needs a program that can pull the nation out of this stagnation. One of the options for such a program is the development of the travel industry or simply tourism. If today we manage to involve five percent of the country’s population in this area, then in five years we will get a completely different social picture. You can't love what you don't know.

And finally, about active patriotism in tourism. By patriotism we mean love for the Motherland. Love can be active, but it can also be passive. Amateur tourism was a system of active social activity, and for this alone we have the right to assume that the patriotism of tourists, their love for the Motherland was active patriotism.

In practice this was done as follows:

· Love for the Motherland arose on the basis of positive emotions experienced while traveling around this very country. And the wider the geography of travel, the larger the space associated in the minds of tourists with the concept of Motherland.

· Amateur tourist trips were organized in such a way that they contained a place for so-called “socially useful activities.” They were accountable for it, it was presented at final conferences and gatherings of tourists. This activity was not “attached” to the travel, but flowed organically from it and was part of the travel itself. The simplest example can be considered the cultivation of the area along the hike route. Tourists never traveled through garbage dumps and did not like to come to them. The picturesque route plays an important role in the positive emotions experienced by tourists when traveling. Campsites desecrated by “savages”, mutilated natural or cultural monuments, unsightly trails and villages on the side of the tourist road were considered by tourists almost as a personal insult. Therefore, “at the factory”, “real tourists” always had to clean up parking lots, restore natural and cultural monuments, help the local population with agricultural work, etc. All this should be returned to amateur tourism of the 21st century and make it as noticeable and significant a phenomenon of public life as it was in the twentieth century.

Now there is practically no youth tourism infrastructure in the country. There are no tourist clubs, youth tourist complexes and hotels. There is no system of discounted travel on various modes of transport for travelers. In the country with its diverse natural resources, there are no equipped routes for environmental, health, or sports tourism. There are no highly qualified specialists for the field of active tourism: guides, instructors for various types of tourism.

Creation of the All-Russian Travelers Club.

Federal target program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018):

Involving at least 15% of the Russian population in tourism.

Creation of modern tourist centers with equipped routes and training grounds for mountain, water, bicycle tourism, rock climbing, and orienteering.

Opening of specialized educational institutions that train personnel for the tourism industry.

The strategic development of the country is largely determined by the role of human capital in socio-economic development, which is impossible without the effective use of the innovative, intellectual, creative potential that youth possess. Those who today are called “youth” with a bit of irony are precisely those people who will lead Russia along the path of innovative development. The potential of our state in the future largely depends on what technologies we use today when working with young people.

What national problems can youth tourism solve in the near future? Firstly, this is a set of goals for the patriotic education of young people who know, love and feel pride in their Fatherland. Secondly, it is the creation and strengthening of the country’s image as a modern, highly developed, hospitable state, possessing not only “endless” natural resources, but also innovative technologies, including work with youth. And finally, over the next 5 years, the industry is capable of generating 4 trillion rubles in revenue annually.

To achieve the set goals, to develop the resource potential of youth and develop the youth tourism industry as such, it is necessary to attract existing resources, as well as the creation of completely new resource complexes. We are talking about attracting the material base (the existing systems of health camps, tourist centers and campsites, as well as the restoration of destroyed or requiring major repairs), about combining efforts, funds, technologies and people, creating a single space for the interaction of professional tourist personnel who have passed the test years and just emerging tourism technologies, regional and federal authorities, as well as national and regional business; and of course it is impossible not to say about the need for will - state, political, civil.

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs considers achieving its goals and solving identified problems as its primary mission, highlighting two key directions for the development of youth tourism in Russia, the first of which is the development of domestic youth tourism (later covering other social groups) tourism using mass field technologies camps with tourist, educational, sports, etc. component, carried out during the summer holiday period and year-round on the basis of federal and regional specialized sites. The second direction is the development of international youth cooperation - organizing and holding mass international camps for foreign students at Russian sites.

Since 2011, more than 1,000 tourism instructors have been trained in 22 regions of Russia, who can work on the implementation of all points of the federal target program. In addition, more than 50 tourism projects were implemented, which were recommended for implementation in the regions of Russia.

Youth tourism is a specific type of tourism activity of youth and adolescents, implemented both within national borders and at the regional and global levels.

Youth tourism is a type of travel when young people prefer to relax in groups with one goal and a desire to know the world.

The magnificent prospects that open up during travel provide the opportunity to learn the history, culture of different countries and many new things. Young people are often given certain discounts and bonuses, which they take advantage of with great pleasure. An international student card will help people save money on housing because it allows them to stay in student dormitories. And student and youth benefits for air and rail transport are attractive for both travelers and their parents, since payment for transport is a significant expense item when traveling.

Young people constantly have to overcome multiple difficulties, achieve their goals, train resilience and revel in the world around them. After all, traveling for young people is a lifestyle.

An interesting holiday for everyone. Beaches, the sea, round-the-clock entertainment and new interesting acquaintances are the natural rhythm of life for almost every young person.

Types of youth tourism:

· Entertaining youth tourism

Young people tend to want to spend time brightly and at ease. That is why pleasure trips are very popular among this category of tourists. Entertainment tourism involves visiting nightclubs, amusement parks, ice skating rinks, various concerts, fashion shows, etc. In addition, young people tend to visit resorts that provide inexpensive and short-term (up to two weeks) vacations.

· Educational youth tourism

These days, many international student exchange programs have emerged. Their goal is to obtain a comprehensive education, teach languages, and to bring cultures and peoples closer together. Often, along with attending lectures, students are given the opportunity to work part-time in the service sector. The international Au Pair program, available to persons aged 18-26, is very popular. You don’t have to be a student to participate; the main thing is to have a secondary education. Within its framework, a young man lives abroad in a foreign family, improves his spoken foreign language, and gets acquainted with a foreign culture. His duties include looking after the children of the owners of the house, for which he receives a payment of up to 400 euros.

· Extreme youth tourism

Diving, alpine and water skiing, rafting, kayaking, speleology - the average age of fans of these and other types of recreation is 30 years. A feature of extreme tourism is the need to purchase quite expensive equipment and equipment. While older and wealthier tourists actually buy scuba gear or a wetsuit, young people prefer to rent such equipment. Today, this service is provided not only by European tourist centers, but also by many domestic ones.

Young people are most interested in active types of recreation, and many travel companies today organize specialized youth tours designed for energetic young people and offer them the following types of recreation:

· Mountain tours are a trip to the mountains. For traveling along slopes and ridges, through passes and mountain streams.

· Water tours - tours of the seas, lakes, rivers and reservoirs on boats, kayaks and other types of water transport.

· Bicycle tours are trips on bicycles along different roads, ravines, sands, and mountain paths.

· Speleology - visiting natural or artificial caves and labyrinths. They are interesting due to the variety of terrain.

· Walking tours are the most popular type of active recreation, because this does not require any special training or equipment. Simple hikes can be organized on almost any terrain.

· Also very popular among young people

· Ski tourism and mountaineering.

· ATV rides and horseback riding.

Youth tourism is a constant movement. Every day there are certain obstacles that you need to overcome, overcome yourself and difficulties, see magnificent beauties, hear the magical sounds of the planet and understand the greatness of the surrounding universe.

In the system of global tourism development, a special and significant place is given to youth tourism. The share of youth tourism increases annually by 1.5%. Now the share of travelers under 30 years of age accounts for more than 40% of tourist flows.

There was a real boom in the development of youth tourism in our country in the 30s and 60s of the last century. Tourist sections and clubs worked at all large enterprises, universities, in all cities; accessible tourist bases operated throughout the country. It is no exaggeration to say that millions of young people had the opportunity to see and love their country in person.

The field of youth tourism today is essentially ownerless. There is not a single department that deals with tourism in a comprehensive manner, there is no real support for young people in their desire to get to know their country, there are no incentives for tourism and there is no system of benefits for young people. Currently, there are approximately 28 million young people aged 16 to 30 living in the country, but approximately 0.3 million are involved in tourism.

Both the theory of organizing youth tourism in general and its various practical and theoretical aspects have not yet been significantly reflected in Russian and foreign research. However, a significant contribution to substantiating the need for the development of youth tourism was made by: G. Usyskin, Yu. Kuznetsov, G. Karpova and others.

Having analyzed one of the main types of tourism. We can conclude that youth tourism provides an opportunity for youth to develop in any direction. Definitely, youth tourism simply needs to be developed and combined with other types of tourism to make it more attractive to young people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In the system of global tourism development, a special and significant place today is given to youth tourism.

Youth is a special social-age group, distinguished by age limits and its status in society: the transition from childhood to social responsibility. Some scientists understand youth as a set of young people to whom society provides the opportunity for social development, providing them with benefits, but limiting the possibility of active participation in certain spheres of social life.

The age limit for classifying people as youth varies from country to country. The lower age limit for youth is set between 14 and 16, the upper - between 25 and 30 or more years.

According to the World Youth Report 2013, the number of young people (those aged 15 to 24) in the world has increased from 1.02 billion in 1995. to 1.15 billion people in 2013 Young people currently make up 18% of the world's population; 85% of the world's youth live in developing countries, of which 209 million are forced to subsist on less than $1 a day, and 515 million are forced to live on less than $2 a day. In the entire system of world tourism, the share of youth tourism increases annually by 1.5%. The structure of the age composition of tourist flows has also changed significantly. Now the share of travelers under 30 years of age accounts for more than 40% of tourist flows. Youth is an important condition, a factor of social change, and an innovative force; it is not only an object of influence from society and the state, but also potentially the most energetic, innovative and radical subject of social development.

Moving on to the study of “youth tourism”, we will consider different interpretations of this definition by leading scientists from different countries.

Both the theory of organizing youth tourism in general and its various practical and theoretical aspects have not yet been significantly reflected in Kazakh and foreign research. However, a significant contribution to substantiating the need for the development of youth tourism was made by: G. Usyskin, Yu. Kuznetsov, G. Karpova and others.

The definition of “youth tourism” includes a special type of travel, individual or collective in form, when young people prefer to relax in large groups united by the common goal of exploring the world and spending leisure time. And in this regard, it should be noted that currently young people are faced with the problem of access to interesting and rich leisure and tourist recreation.

Zholdak V.I. gives the following definition of youth tourism - it is a means of harmonious development of adolescents and young men, implemented in the form of recreation and socially useful activities, a characteristic component of which is travel (excursion, walk, hike, expedition). This definition, first of all, indicates that tourism should integrate all the main aspects of education: ideological and moral, labor, aesthetic, physical, patriotic and international, mental development, polytechnic education, etc. Based on the history of the development of tourism activities, cognitive function, to one degree or another, is inherent in any tourist event, therefore, learning new and unusual things for children on excursions, hikes, expeditions, field camps is based on one of the main components of tourist activity.

According to the World Student Organization, youth tourism includes travel, youth hostels, working holiday programs, education, student flights, cultural exchange, volunteer adventure tours, internships, language courses.

Research shows that the main goals of youth tourism are as follows. Learning another culture and language while working or studying. They are eager to experience the local way of life and meet other people. Also, youth tourism greatly contributes to the opportunity to communicate with fellow travelers. Most youth travel on a strict budget, finding cheap accommodation allows them to have a relatively long trip and spend their money on a wide range of activities such as nature holidays, cultural holidays and adventures. Interestingly, more money is spent on youth tourism than in other tourism sectors.

1. Youth Tourists are trendsetters and pioneers in exploring the boundaries of tourism and opening new markets.

2. Loans: Having loans creates easy access to borrowed money which they can invest in travel.

3. Visas: Countries and bureaucracies around the world have become more welcoming to foreigners. Thus, travelers can obtain visas and travel to other countries quite easily

4. Internet: The Internet is now becoming a part of everyday life. As a result of the availability of technology, young travelers can use the Internet to book and plan their trips

6. Publications: Travel guides (such as Lonely Planet) and magazines (such as mountaineering publications) provide word-of-mouth advice and recommendations to upcoming tourists

7. Resilience: Youth tourists tend to be more resilient to economic downturns and take lower risks

8. Economic Importance: Youth tourism has emerged as an economically significant and high information market in the last few years. Young travelers also have the opportunity to earn money while they travel.

Youth tourism is generally defined as travelers 18-30 years old. However, a new addition to the niche market is already emerging; Flash packers. Flash packers tend to have a similar concept to youth tourism, but tend to be older travelers (30+), with larger budgets.

Most youth travelers either travel alone, or with one other person. Often, meeting fellow travelers and even groups forming along the way. Additionally, youth tourists typically travel as an escape, as a chance for personal growth and a search for meaning.

Youth tourism can also be classified according to the purpose of the trip: Educational tourism, volunteering, work and travel, cultural exchange, sports and adventure tourism and leisure tourism. Let's take a closer look at this classification.

The term educational tourism consists of several subtypes, including ecotourism, heritage tourism, rural tourism, and student exchanges between educational institutions. In many cases, young people travel abroad through government scholarships or by purchasing travel packages.

Work and Travel Program. This type of youth tourism has become very popular among young people who have a passion for travel. According to the program, participants are hired to work usually during the summer vacation (3 months). During this period they earn money, and they also have the opportunity to travel, get acquainted with local customs, and have the opportunity to learn the language. This program originated in the USA and over the following years also spread to Australia, Canada, Greece, Spain, France and the UK. According to research, more than 7% of the world youth tourism market is associated with working abroad, young tourists spend an average of $3,200 for the trip.

The type of youth tourism as “cultural exchange” can be defined as an exchange between different persons of the country. This exchange can take place between students, young artists, young athletes and other types of specializations who express interest in this. Typically, this is an exchange between two or more different countries. Such programs allow students from different cultural, religious, geographic and socioeconomic backgrounds to develop an understanding of diversity around the world. They allow participants to interact and learn from people who are different from them. Gain new and unique experiences outside of their own community. During the program, young people have the opportunity to live with a host country family for a short or long period of time.

Sports tourism is also very popular among young people and involves watching or participating in a sporting event. Sports tourism is a rapidly growing sector of the global travel industry and is worth $600 billion annually.

Potential implications and controversial issues regarding youth tourism:

  • Travel Agents: Travel agents may struggle for business in the future as there are generally not young travelers to employ them. In fact, 80% of young tourists said that they do not use travel agents for any plans.
  • Infrastructure: Infrastructure problems arise from youth tourism in poor countries that attract youth tourists (eg Thailand, Bali and the Philippines). These poor countries have limited development opportunities due to lack of capital, resulting in infrastructure deprivation from constant pressure on these services.
  • Environment: Research has shown youth travel suppliers have very little attention and awareness of their business activities regarding environmental sustainability.

The peculiarities of organizing youth recreation include the tolerant nature of travelers in relation to the level of comfort in the type of transportation and accommodation facilities; in other words, it all depends on the personal needs of the traveler. Some people prefer to live in less luxurious hotels, but at the same time see more beautiful places and visit museums, while for others comfort remains in first place.

When creating tour packages for young people, the following factors must be taken into account:

1. Personal preferences of the tourist (what he expects from his vacation, what he would like to see, what category of hotels to stay in).

2. Composition of the group (young people are more interested in communicating with their peers, therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the age category of the group is approximately at the same level).

3. An interesting program and the emotional fund of tourists (here it should be noted that youth tourist groups are easy-going, so the entire program should be designed so that there is not a single free minute, in addition, relationships within the group are no less important, it is necessary to create a comfortable atmosphere for everyone)

However, according to research, the main value of tourism for modern youth is that they consider tourism as a means of understanding the world around them. They recognize tourism as one of the ways to broaden their horizons.


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Date of publication or update 01/01/2017

Pros of youth hostels

The concept of “tourism” includes many aspects, including traveling around countries, playing sports, and there are also various types of tourism, ranging from road trips to long sea cruises.

Youth tourism is a special type of travel that includes a variety of recreational methods; young people often gather in hobby groups and go to places that interest them. If we talk about youth tourism, it should be especially noted that this particular area of ​​tourism is considered very promising. When, having seen fabulous views of nature and heard the stunning sounds of the world, it is possible to fully feel the grandeur and power of the surrounding world. The wonderful prospects that open up on the trip will allow you to learn history and a lot of interesting things.

Tourist trips... absolutely, anyone who has similar experience can imagine how interesting it is there. Young travelers expect achievements and victories, discoveries and discoveries, new acquaintances and new friends. Often young people, having met on a tourist trip, continue their relationship after it. Because on a mountain hike or a trip along the river, there are many prospects to perform an act, to prove yourself, to show your intelligence and resourcefulness, strength and masculinity.

The popularity of youth tourism in the world today is clearly growing. This is facilitated by the fact that most travelers are young people aged 20-25 years. For European countries, the concept of youth tourism has long been common; thousands of young people go on various trips every year.

In our country, youth tourism was developed in the middle of the last century; during that period, young people had the opportunity to visit tourist centers and sports sections. It was difficult to find a person who had not visited many cities of the country; usually, these were university students and working youth.

In our country, recently we can note an increase in the popularity of youth tours and their number is increasing every year. Travel companies pay great attention to this type of tourism, developing exciting routes that differ in the level of comfort and other parameters. There are a lot of options, ranging from familiarization tours of Russian cities to all kinds of extreme tourism, for example, horseback riding or cycling.

Another option for young tourists who do not have significant funds to stay in an expensive hotel room is hostels. Hostel (HOSTEL) is a cheap youth hotel similar to a hostel. Usually young travelers have limited funds, which is why they are offered accommodation not in luxury hotels, but in small cozy hostels similar to student dormitories. Due to the fact that young people often do not have Young people, as a rule, are not very demanding of comfort, and sometimes have limited money, then expensive hotels in this case are not the best option; small youth hostels are an alternative. Hostel rooms accommodate from two to six people, the kitchen has a full range of household appliances, it is used by guests from several rooms, as well as the toilet. Hostels are not very comfortable, but, as a rule, they are quite clean. During the daytime, hostels are closed for cleaning; guests do not have to worry about their luggage, as there are special storage rooms. Hostel guests are offered additional services; as a rule, they have the opportunity to eat inexpensively, buy transport tickets, learn about excursions, and so on. The global popularity of hostels is growing every year.

Our country is just beginning to open hostels; now this type of housing is not very common. In 1992, the first association of Russian hostels for tourists was created in St. Petersburg; seven such hotels were included in it.

If travelers have special youth cards, then hostels provide all sorts of bonus programs for them. Youth cards can be purchased by students, teachers who accompany groups, as well as young people under twenty-five years of age. Holders of such cards receive significant discounts on travel, hotels and excursions when traveling to almost any region of the world.