Disputed border areas of Spain. Unsettled territorial disputes in the world. Reference

Territorial dispute is an international dispute between states over the legal ownership of a certain territory. Demarcation disagreements between the parties, as well as a unilateral territorial claim, are not a territorial dispute.

Currently, approximately 50 countries around the world dispute certain territories with their neighbors. According to the calculations of the American researcher Daniel Pipes, there are 20 such disputes in Africa, 19 in Europe, 12 in the Middle East, Latin America - 8.

In the post-Soviet space, the most serious territorial dispute arose due to Nagorno-Karabakh, a territory in southwestern Azerbaijan inhabited by Armenians. In 1991-1994. There was a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Nowadays, Nagorno-Karabakh is a de facto independent state, calling itself the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Azerbaijan and the international community consider Nagorno-Karabakh to be part of Azerbaijan.

In December 1963, due to the aggravation of relations between the Greek Cypriots and the Turks caused by outside interference in internal affairs Cyprus, the joint activities of the Greek and Turkish members of the House of Representatives ceased. Turkish Cypriots do not participate in the work of the House of Representatives, the Council of Ministers and other government bodies of Cyprus. The Greek Community Chamber was abolished in March 1965. The Turkish Cypriots created a “temporary Turkish administration” in December 1967.

The executive council of the “provisional Turkish administration”, headed by the vice-president of the republic, carried out executive branch in Turkish areas of Cyprus. On February 13, 1975, the leadership of the Turkish community unilaterally proclaimed the so-called “Turkish Federative State of Cyprus” in the northern part of the island. Rauf Denktash was elected as the “first president” of the “Turkish Federative State of Cyprus”. In June 1975, the Turkish community approved the constitution of this “state”. On November 15, 1983, the legislative assembly of the “Turkish Federative State of Cyprus” unilaterally proclaimed the so-called. an independent Turkish Cypriot state called the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”. The “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” is still recognized only by Turkey.

Some islands of the Kuril chain are the subject of Japanese territorial claims to Russia. The Japanese link the conclusion of a peace treaty with solving the problem Southern Kuriles.

Kashmir is a controversial area on far north Indian subcontinent. India lays claim to its entire territory. Pakistan and China dispute India's rights, with Pakistan initially claiming ownership of the entire area and now effectively incorporating northwestern Kashmir. The northeastern part of Kashmir is under Chinese control. The rest is occupied by the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

One of the most important problems in relations between China and India over the past fifty years remains the unresolved territorial border dispute around Tibet. On August 25, 1959, the first widely publicized Sino-Indian armed incident occurred. Following this incident, China presented significant territorial claims to India.

The conflict between Syria and Israel has not been resolved Golan Heights . In 1967 they were occupied by Israel. In 1973, the UN established a buffer zone between Syrian and Israeli forces. In 1981, the heights were annexed by Israel. The new status is not recognized by the international community.

Argentina claims Falkland Islands (Malvinas) in the South Atlantic. Disputes between Argentina and Great Britain over the ownership of the islands began in the early 19th century, when the first British settlers appeared on the islands.

Territorial dispute erupts between Canada and Denmark Hans Islands, located near Greenland. Large deposits of oil and gas have been discovered on the shelf between Greenland and Hans, and both countries lay claim to these resources.

Strategically important islands Bassa da India, Europa, Juan de Nova and Glorioso (Indian Ocean near the African coast of Madagascar) are the subject of a dispute between France and Madagascar. Now controlled by France.

In December 1996 Imia rocks(Greek name) or Kardak (Turkish) in the Aegean Sea became the reason for the conflict between Greece and Turkey. The conflict was stopped by the international community, but both countries did not give up their claims.

Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, consisting of 65 islands, the largest of which is Diego Garcia, with an area of ​​40 square meters. km, is the subject of a dispute between Mauritius and the UK.

Spratly Archipelago V Pacific Ocean- a subject of dispute between China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. Part of the archipelago has also been claimed by Brunei since 1984. The struggle for these islands has repeatedly led to armed conflicts. In particular, in 1974, a naval battle took place between the Chinese and South Vietnamese navies.

Paracel Islands in the South China Sea are the subject of dispute between China and Vietnam. China captured the islands in 1974 and is currently home to an air force base built by China.

Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea are now the subject of dispute between Japan, China and Taiwan, but are controlled by the Japanese Navy. Oil reserves were discovered near them.

Islands in Corisco Bay on the coast of West Africa, the largest of which is Bagne Island, with an area of ​​several hundred square meters, are the subject of a dispute between Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. The reason for the dispute is the unsettled state borders that were formed during the colonial era.

San Andres Islands And Providencia in the Caribbean are the subject of a dispute between Nicaragua and Colombia. This territorial dispute is extremely difficult to resolve, because the maritime borders of not only Nicaragua and Colombia, but also Costa Rica, Honduras, Jamaica and Panama depend on the ownership of the islands.

Island Abu Musa and Tanb Islands (Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuzd) - the subject of a dispute between Iran and the United United Arab Emirates. The islands are now controlled by Iran, which took control of them in 1971. The conflict between Iran and the UAE periodically flares up and enters the phase of exchanging harsh statements.

The dispute proceeds most peacefully over territory of Antarctica, claimed by seven states: Australia, France, Norway, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile and Great Britain, with the latter three countries disputing a number of territories of the ice continent from each other. Since all claimants to the territory are parties to the Atlantic Treaty, signed in 1959, which recognizes the sixth continent as a weapons-free zone of peace and international cooperation, the transition of these disputes to a military stage is practically impossible.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

"Ogonyok" presents a dozen completed and not yet resolved territorial disputes between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Prepared by Olga Shkurenko

1. Sunzha and Malgobek districts

The conflict arose in 1992 after the division of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Ingush President Ruslan Aushev agreed with the leaders of Ichkeria that they would not “divide the regions.” Since then, the issue of the border between the regions has not been resolved. The conflict escalated in 2012, when the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, accused his neighbors of seizing “original Chechen lands” and promised to document his claims. Now two administrations have been established in the Sunzhensky district - Chechen and Ingush, and Malgobeksky is under the control of Magas.

2. Suburban area

In the fall of 1992, a dispute over the ownership of the Prigorodny district resulted in an armed conflict between Ossetians and Ingush, which stopped only after the introduction of federal troops and claimed the lives of over 500 people. The area was transferred North Ossetia in 1944 after the deportation of the Ingush and the liquidation of the Chechen-Ingush autonomy. The conflict remains frozen, and the issue of the return of refugees who fled their homes in 1992 has not been resolved.

3. Norilsk

Since 1992 the authorities Krasnoyarsk Territory and Taimyr Autonomous Okrug argued about the distribution of taxes from the Norilsk MMC. The fact is that Norilsk, located on the territory of the Okrug, was transferred to regional subordination in 1953 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. Twice - in 1995 and 2002 - the presidents of the Russian Federation personally intervened in the dispute and supported Krasnoyarsk. After the latest aggravation, the idea of ​​uniting the regions arose, its implementation brought the conflict to naught.

4. Sokolsky district

In February 1994, the Federation Council approved the transfer of the Sokolsky district of the Ivanovo region to the jurisdiction of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Locals have been achieving this since the 1950s, since after the filling of the Gorky reservoir they found themselves cut off from the main territory of the Ivanovo region. In 1993, a local referendum was held in which 80 percent of participants were in favor of the transition. After this, the regional authorities agreed to change the borders.

5. Sheremetyevo, Shcherbinka and MKAD

Since the mid-1990s, Moscow and the Moscow region have been unable to agree on the ownership of about 30 sites. The prerequisite has traditionally been the legal uncertainty of the Soviet era. The most heated disputes unfolded around the territory of Sheremetyevo Airport (in 2006, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation assigned it to the Moscow region), 390 hectares in Shcherbinka (in 2008 Supreme Court gave it to Moscow) and lands adjacent to the outer side of the Moscow Ring Road. Only in 2011, as part of the process of Moscow’s expansion, the parties agreed to resolve mutual claims.

6. Black lands

In January 2003, the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court declared illegal Kalmykia's claims to the "Black Lands" - 390,000 hectares on the border with Astrakhan region. The case was initiated by Elista, who had been trying to get these territories for a long time. The origins of the dispute lie in the events of the 1940-1950s, when the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was temporarily liquidated and its lands were divided between its neighbors. In 2004, after lengthy negotiations, Kalmykia also renounced its claims to seven islands in the Caspian Sea, including Maly Zhemchuzhny.

7. Mouth of the Nemda River

In December 2006, the Kostroma Regional Duma appealed to the president with a request to resolve a dispute with the Ivanovo region about the passage of the border in the area of ​​​​the mouth of the Nemda River, rich in fish. The conflict began in 1956, when by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR the mouth was assigned to Kostroma region, and on the map compiled on the basis of the decree - to Ivanovskaya. In 2007, Kostroma residents prepared an appeal to the Constitutional Court, but its filing was not reported. The last negotiations between the parties took place in 2011.

8. Village Zarechnoye

In February 2007, the Federation Council approved the transfer of the village of Zarechnoye, which was previously part of the Amur Region, to the Jewish Autonomous Region. The settlement was originally located on the territory of the Jewish Autonomous Region, but in the 1940s, due to a cartographer’s error, it fell under the control of its neighbors. In 2006, at a village meeting, residents of Zarechny voted to move under the jurisdiction of Birobidzhan, which provided them with light, heat, communications and transport. But Blagoveshchensk still has arable land under its jurisdiction, which villagers now have to rent.

9. Villages of Central and Gruzdevsky

In 2008, the governors of the Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir regions created a working group to resolve the issue around the villages of Tsentralny and Gruzdevsky, as well as the Bolshoye peat enterprise. The situation arose due to the fact that, due to the expansion settlements crossed the administrative border. The issue is supposed to be resolved through an exchange: Central will completely go to the Nizhny Novgorod region, and Gruzdevsky and Bolshoye to the Vladimir region.

10. Pastures in the Neftekumsky district

In 2012, the plenipotentiary mission of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus federal district began resolving a dispute over the ownership of pastures in the Neftekumsky district of Stavropol. In 1954, by resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers, these lands were transferred to Dagestan collective farms. In the 1990s, they came under regional subordination, and in 2009, local authorities handed over the plots to Stavropol tenants on the basis of a competition. Attempts by the Dagestan farms that previously occupied them to defend their right in the courts were unsuccessful. A working group has been created to resolve the dispute.

Most of all, disputed territories that may have military significance attract the attention of states. Shelves and sea areas rich in fish are a tasty morsel. Not on last place in importance, those places where you can successfully develop. Such economically important objects are most often the subject of government disputes. The Russian border is 60,000 kilometers long, and the longest maritime border with the United States.

Claims against Russia from Asian states

Kurile Islands today are a stumbling block for the signing of a peace treaty between Russia and Japan. Since the end of World War II, it has not been signed between these countries, although Japan finally capitulated on September 6, 1945. Today these two states are in a state of truce; the Japanese are demanding that part of the Kuril ridge be given to them.

The border with China is demarcated, but it has claims against Russia. And today the Tarabarov and Bolshoy Ussuriysky islands on the Amur River are controversial. Here the borders are not even delimited. But China is taking a different path; it is systematically populating the territory of the Russian Federation with its citizens. The water space and shelves of the Caspian Sea are divided by Russian-Iranian agreements. Newly appeared on political world states, and these are Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, are demanding a new division of the Caspian seabed. Azerbaijan is not waiting, it is already developing its subsoil.

Claims from Europe

Today Ukraine has a territorial claim to Russia; it does not want to agree with the loss of Crimea. Previously there were disputes about Kerch Strait and the Sea of ​​Azov, which Russia proposed to consider internal between the two countries, while Ukraine demanded their division. There are problems, and they are very difficult to solve. Latvia tried to make claims regarding the Pytalovsky district, but for the sake of the possibility of joining the EU, it abandoned it.

Despite the fact that the media are circulating rumors about Estonia’s claims to the Ivangorod region, official Tallinn has not made any claims. Lithuania plans to annex the Kaliningrad region, but it is unlikely to want a war with Russia.

Norway is not satisfied with the Russian border between the islands of the Arctic Ocean. Norway demands that the border be established exactly in the middle between the islands belonging to the two countries; it wants to review the borders of Russian polar possessions. In 1926, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee established the border of the polar possessions of the USSR, including in the state all the islands in the north of the Eastern Hemisphere, including the North Pole. Today, many countries consider this document unlawful.

If you look at the map, you can clearly see the borders separating one state from another. Everything looks clear and unambiguous. Unfortunately, the reality is not so rosy. Every day, borders change: some states disappear, others appear, others strive to expand their territory at the expense of their neighbors. We offer an overview of disputed territories that are claimed by several powers without recognizing each other's rights.

Greece and Turkey have never been able to coexist peacefully, and the Cyprus problem gives them the opportunity to fully express their dissatisfaction with each other. After changing hands several times, the island's territory is now divided into two parts. 37% is under Turkish control, 63% of the southern part is the Republic of Cyprus, between them there is a buffer zone under NATO control.

These cities on the northern coast of Morocco are Spain's only remaining territories in Africa. Morocco regularly appealed to the Spanish government to grant them independence, but the local population categorically rejected such an idea. On this moment They are officially part of the EU.

Relations between the Singaporean and Malayan governments have never been easy, and most recently Malaysia accused Singapore of illegally managing its lands. Point 20, a small piece of sea-claimed land in Singapore, is claimed by Malaysia to be within its territorial waters.

People are ready to fight modern world for anything, and New Moore Island is proof of this, not even an island, but a spit of 10 square meters. It appeared in 1970 in the Bay of Bengal after a cyclone and disappeared in 2010 due to rising sea levels. This is what India and Bangladesh have been fighting for for 40 years.

Another surprising territorial dispute concerning desert island V North Atlantic. It is claimed by Great Britain, Iceland and Ireland.

Although no one shed blood for this territory, it has long been divided, empty and hypothetical. And therefore, issues of ownership constantly arise.

The dispute began when an Argentine whaling company established a base in the Falkland Islands around the time Britain annexed them. During the Falklands War they came under Argentine rule for a short period, but soon returned to British jurisdiction.

Although there is no acute conflict between Great Britain and Spain over territories, they are still opponents on this issue.

The region, which is mostly desert, is one of the most sparsely populated areas in the world. It once belonged to Spain, but is now claimed by Morocco and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.

It has long been known that Sudan is anything but calm. For many years the country has been torn apart Civil War and bloodshed, and South Sudan achieved its independence. Abyei is a region located at the heart of the conflict between the two countries. And although it is claimed by South Sudan, it is ruled by its northern neighbor.

Unusual disputed territory. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that two countries are not fighting for it, but two countries are trying to get rid of it - Egypt and Sudan.

Despite gaining independence in 1981, Belize has been fighting off Guatemala's territorial claims for 30 years. On some maps of its restless neighbor, Belize is listed as the 23rd district.

If you think that if three million people declare independence and form a new state, then all the other 200 countries will happily nod their heads and recognize it, then you are mistaken. In 1991, Somaliland declared independence from Somalia, but no one batted an eyelid. Perhaps it was necessary to choose a different name for the state?

More recently, there was a war between Argentina and Britain, which ended with the recognition of the islands as British territory. And in 2007, the President of Argentina again proposed resuming negotiations.

Although most of The world community perceives Tibet as an autonomous region within China, the Tibetan government, which is in exile in India, categorically disagrees with this.

After decades of brutal conflict, Kosovo, which was part of Serbia, declared independence in 2008. It has since been recognized by 88 countries, including the US, UK and France. Russia and China, not to mention Serbia, were categorically against it.

Although the Kuril Islands officially became part of the USSR after the end of World War II, Japan still calls them its northern territories.

The narrow strip between Ukraine and Moldova turned into a self-proclaimed republic, recognized only by two countries - South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which themselves are in the same status. For the rest of the world, it is an autonomous territorial unit within Moldova.

After World War II, the Korean Peninsula was divided along the 38th parallel. As a result, the DPRK was formed in the north, and the Republic of Korea in the south. Both states claim their rights to the entire peninsula, once this already led to the Korean War, after which a demilitarized zone appeared between them.

There are two countries that claim the name "China". These are the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan). Both are completely unwilling to acknowledge each other’s existence and claim the same territory.

21. Spratly Islands

The two self-proclaimed republics sought independence from Georgia for about a century. A brutal confrontation continued in the region, in which they were helped Russian Federation. As a result, only a few countries recognized their independence: Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua and several Pacific islands.

The territory of Kashmir, located between India and Pakistan, is effectively divided between three powers - India in the south, Pakistan in the northwest and China in the northeast. Neither side agrees to recognize the rights of others to these territories.

One of the most conflicted regions on the world map for many centuries. The territory passed into the hands of various states many times. After the creation of the State of Israel in 1947, the situation did not improve; there is constant shooting here, and serious military clashes occur from time to time.

The last territorial conflict in modern history Ukraine and Russia.

No one undertakes to predict how such conflicts might end, but scientists have included them in

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