The role of women on the continent of Mu. Pacifis, Lemuria and Arctida: continents you didn't know about. The currently dominant scientific versions

Pacifica or Pacifica(from the English Pacific Ocean - Pacific Ocean), also Continent of Mu- a hypothetical sunken continent in the Pacific Ocean. In ancient myths different nations there is often reference to an island, subcontinent, or even continent in various locations in the modern Pacific Ocean.

Proponents of the hypothesis cite the large number of volcanic islands in Oceania that are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Volcanoes are very active in our time, so they suggest that small islands are the remnants of a large continent (or an archipelago of large islands comparable in area to large islands New Zealand or New Guinea.

The Pacific Ring of Fire is very active, with large eruptions occurring at both land-based (Krakatoa, Mayon, Semeru, Pinatubo) and submarine volcanoes (Tonga). The eruption of Krakatoa greatly changed this small island, and the disappearance of Tuanaki Island (not to be confused with Tuanake Atoll), which was part of the Cook Islands group, is also known.

The currently dominant scientific versions[ | ]

There were practically no searches for Pacifida on the seabed. The studies carried out did not find evidence of the existence of a continent or large island.

Another prehistoric continent is also known under the name Pacifida, which was the first to break away from Gondwana, and much earlier than the rest. In its place arose

1870 - Colonel James Churchward claimed that an Indian monk showed him ancient tables that mentioned the continent of Mu. The continent received such a strange name - Mu - from the Mayan peoples - Indians of Central America, who still live on the Yucatan Peninsula to this day. It was on the continent of Mu that the first man appeared 50 million years ago, although anthropologists cannot name the exact time of the birth of humanity on our planet.

According to the descriptions of ancient sources, the continent of Mu was an ideal state from which all human civilizations originated. The Mayan manuscript was read by the Frenchman Brasseur de Bourbourg. He introduced this name into use. The word Mu means Mat, or Motherland. IN XIX century French scientist Brasseur de Bourbourg managed to decipher an ancient document called the Troan Manuscript. This document is now kept in the British Museum in London. It was found on the Yucatan Peninsula and became evidence of the Mayan peoples about the death of the country of Mu.

Here is how the document reports about those times: “In the year 6 Kan, on the 11th day of Muluk of the month Sak, terrible earthquakes began, lasting until the 13th Chuen without interruption. The country of the hills of the earth - the country of Mu - was sacrificed. Having moved twice, it disappeared overnight, constantly shaken by lights from the ground. Being compressed in the depths, they caused the earth to rise and collapse several times in different places. Finally the surface of the earth gave way, and 10 countries were torn apart and scattered. They sank along with 64 million inhabitants 8,060 years before the time this book is written.”

The same thing is said in another Mayan “manuscript”. It was called the "Code of Cortez" and is located in National Museum Madrid in Spain. The land of Mu is mentioned several times there: “With his strong hand, Homen caused the earth to tremble just after sunset, and during the night, Mu, the land of the hills of the earth, sank.” “Mu, the life of the seas, was drowned by Homen in one night.”

The death of the continent of Mu is evidenced not only by the written monuments of the Indians. In Hindu monasteries, writings from the highly developed people who inhabited Mu were discovered.

Heinrich Schliemann, famous archaeologist, in ancient Buddhist temple Lhasa in Tibet found the “Chronicle of Lhasa”, which says: “When the star Bal fell where there is now only sky and sea, 7 cities with golden gates and transparent temples trembled and swayed, like leaves in a storm; and now streams of fire and smoke rose from the palaces. The screams of many people filled the air. They tried to find refuge in their temples and citadels, and the sacred wise Mu rose and said to them: “Didn’t I foretell all this?”

Both men and women decorated precious stones and with sparkling robes, they prayed: “Mu, save us!”, and Mu answered: “You will all perish, with your servants and your riches, and new nations will rise from your ashes. If they forget that the best is not the one who takes, but the one who gives, the same fate awaits them.” Flame and smoke completed Mu’s words: the country and its inhabitants were torn apart and swallowed by the abyss.”

James Churchward from England, who spent many years exploring the country of Mu, wrote about it: “This continent was a huge hilly country, stretching from Hawaii in the north to the southernmost part of the ocean, to Easter Islands and Fiji. The length of Mu was more than 5,000 miles from west to east (7,620 km) and more than 3,000 miles from north to south (4,572 km). This vast and abundant land was crossed and fed big amount wide and calm rivers and streams...

Lush vegetation covered these lands. Amazing landscape completed with bright and fragrant flowers on the trees and bushes... At the time spoken of, 64 million people were divided into 10 tribes, or peoples, each of which was different from the rest, although all were subject to a common government. Many generations before, people chose a king for themselves and added the prefix Ra to his name. He was a high priest and emperor named Pa-Mu. The empire itself was called the Empire of the Sun.

Churchward made such a poetic description of the continent of Mu based on tablets discovered on the Easter Islands, the Chronicle of Lhasa, the Mayan Troan Manuscript, the Indian book Valmiki and ancient Greek texts. The English researcher only summarized the information contained in them.

One deciphered text contains a description of the disaster: “The waters beat heavily on the plains. They covered the lowlands. Where there were obstacles, rugged banks formed. The earth was hit by water; the waters hid everything that lives and moves, the supports parted, and the continent of Mu sank..."

James Churchward believed that the influence of the inhabitants of Mu extended not only to the peoples of Oceania, Australia, New Zealand, but also to Greece. In particular, he argued that the ancient Greek alphabet consists of lexemes of the Mayan language and is a message to future generations.

Churchward's statement was supported by the famous researcher of Mayan mysteries, the French scientist Auguste le Plongeau, who was engaged in excavations in Central America and considered the Mayans to be descendants of the Mu-Vians. Auguste le Plongeau believed that the Indian manuscripts described in detail the destruction of the continent of Mu. Le Plongeau was one of the first to excavate the ancient cities of Yucatan and drew an analogy between Mayan writing and Egyptian hieroglyphs. Following Churchward, he considered Mu to be the ancestral home of humanity.

But perhaps both researchers were wrong in their conclusions. Modern scientists believe that there could have been several centers for the appearance of the first people and that today’s humanity is the heir to cultural, religious and economic activity Lemurians, inhabitants of Mu and Atlanteans.

1959 - archaeologist Risdon Hardlop found documents allegedly left in Mexico by a priest from Mu. But the research of the same D. Churchward shows that there are many oddities in the history of the death of Mu.

At first, scientists were very skeptical about the possibility that in the past an entire continent could have existed in the Pacific Ocean and then disappeared without a trace. But some discoveries have shed light on the mystery.

First, sacred tablets were discovered in an Indian temple. These tablets were the first evidence of the existence of Mu and the starting point for the search for other evidence around the world. The tablets tell about the exodus of people from the land in the very center Pacific Ocean. In addition, they contain the story of the creation of man and his coming to earth. Later evidence, recorded in Egypt, India and the Mayan country, outlines and describes the death of the world of Mu, whose lands were destroyed by an earthquake and then sank into a fiery abyss. The earth has disappeared under the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and where a powerful civilization once flourished, now sea waves are rolling.

Secondly, evidence of the existence of Mu is found in other ancient texts, including such classics as the epic Ramayana, recorded by the sage and historian Valmiki under the dictation of Narada, the high priest of the Ayodhya temple, who read the ancient texts kept in the temple to the sage. At one point in the epic, Valmiki mentioned some people as “coming to Burma from the country of their birth in the east,” that is, from the Pacific Ocean.

In the already mentioned “Troan Manuscript”, the same symbol that researchers found in India, Burma and Egypt is used to designate the country of Mu. Another source, the Codex of Cortez, a Mayan book of approximately the same age as the Troan Manuscript, only strengthens the view of the plausibility of the event. In addition, there is the Chronicle of Lhasa, as well as hundreds of other documents from Egypt, Greece, Central America, Mexico and rock inscriptions in the western states of America.

Thirdly, there are the remains of religious buildings, the layout and decorative symbolism of which tell about the disappeared country of Mu - the ancestral home of humanity.

Fourthly, the similarity of some ancient symbols and legends found in Egypt, Burma, India, Japan, China and the South Sea Islands, in Central America, South America, with the symbols and traditions of many tribes of North American Indians and in other centers of ancient civilizations has been noted . These symbols and legends are so similar that they could undoubtedly come from a single source - Mu.

Let's try to imagine what this continent might have looked like, stretching from Hawaii to Easter Islands and Fiji. This vast land was protected from the cold winds blowing from Antarctica, high mountains. They are still visible over the waters of the Pacific Ocean. These are the islands: Fiji, Tonga, Nikafou, Samoa, Mangaia, Tahiti, Marquesas and with giant stone idols.

In the center of the continent were fertile plains with tropical vegetation. In the north the continent was limited mountain ranges, from which remained Mariana Islands and Hawaii. The continent consisted of three landmasses separated from each other by narrow straits or seas. Closer to the mountains there were thickets of tropical plants.

There were many wide and calm rivers and streams flowing there. Palm groves rose along the ocean coast and on the banks of rivers and streams. Sacred lotus flowers floated in the lakes. Wide roads paved with smooth stones diverged in all directions.

It was wonderful tropical country with endless plains. The valleys and plains were covered with lush pastures and cultivated fields, and the "low hill lands" were hidden in lush thickets of tropical plants. The smooth, soft horizon of this earthly paradise was not disturbed by either individual hills or mountain ranges. The bowels of the Earth have not yet formed mountain ranges.

The streams and rivers that fed this vast and bountiful land followed their winding paths with incredible turns and curved around forested rolling hills and fertile plains. The lush vegetation was complemented by bright fragrant flowers. Along the ocean coasts and river banks rose shady palm groves that went many miles into the interior of the continent. Huge ferns covered the river banks with their feather-like leaves. In the valleys, the rivers expanded and formed small lakes, along the banks of which, over the sparkling surface of the water, myriads of sacred lotus flowers bloomed, like multi-colored precious stones set in emerald green.

Over the cool rivers, in the shade of the trees, motley and bright butterflies fluttered lightly, like fairies, as if trying to emphasize their multi-colored beauty with reflections in natural mirrors. Here and there tiny hummingbirds flew from flower to flower, flashing in the rays of the sun like living jewels. Small feathered songbirds in the bushes and trees vied with each other with the sweetness of their songs. The air was filled with the sounds of chirping grasshoppers, drowning out the sounds of cicadas. Herds of mighty elephants roamed the primeval forests, tirelessly waving their huge ears to ward off annoying insects.

This whole vast continent abounded in bright colors and life, the highest form of which were “64 million human beings”, divided into 10 tribes, or peoples, who were subject to a common government. Wide, smooth roads diverged in all directions, like threads of a spider's web. These roads were paved with smooth stones, fitted together so tightly that “grass could not get through between them.” This paradise was called the Empire of the Sun.

There was a single religion on the continent, all people believed in. The reverence for the Divine was so great that people never uttered His name, but in prayers and requests they addressed Him with the help of symbols. To collectively designate all His attributes, the concept Pa-Sun was used. The High Priest Pa-Mu was the representative of the Deity. Everyone understood perfectly well that Ra-Mu should not be worshiped as a Deity, because he is only His personification.

How could people dress in this legendary country? What seemed beautiful to them and what was ugly? In the Tibetan Chronicle of Lhasa, discovered by Heinrich Schliemann, it is written that in this country “rich people adorned themselves with fine robes and amazing precious stones.”

In those days, the people of Mu were highly civilized and enlightened. The lands of Mu were dominated by the white race; they were amazingly beautiful people with clear white or olive skin, large, gentle and dark eyes and straight black hair. In addition to the white race, there were others - people with yellow, brown and black skin. But there weren't many of them. The ancient people of Mu were excellent sailors, their ships sailed all over the world, “from Western to eastern oceans, from northern to south seas... They were wonderful architects and built huge temples and palaces from stone.” They created majestic monolithic monuments.

In all three lands of the Mu continent, people lived in big cities, towns and villages; and there were 7 main cities, centers of religion, science and education. The land of Mu was the birthplace and center of human civilization, education and trade; all other countries on our planet were its colonies. The cities were decorated with huge temples made of carved stone, without roofs - they were called transparent temples.

There was no roof so that the rays of Ra, symbols of the Deity's gratitude, could freely penetrate the temple and illuminate the heads of those praying and worshiping. “Rich people... lived in beautiful palaces surrounded by many servants.” Mu's ships continually transported passengers and goods between the mother continent and the colonies.

When this great country reached its peak, when it became the center of all earthly civilization, science, trade, when huge stone temples rose and giant monolithic statues were installed, terrible upheavals suddenly began. The southern regions of the continent of Mu were shaken by a roar from the very depths of the Earth, followed by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Along south coast continent, huge catastrophic waves hid the earth beneath them, and many beautiful cities were destroyed. Volcanoes spewed fire, smoke and lava. Because the country was flat, the lava did not spread over the surface of the earth, but accumulated at the site of eruptions, forming cones that later turned into mountains of volcanic origin, which can still be seen on some southern islands in our time. Over time, volcanic activity ceased.

After the cessation of volcanic eruptions, the people of the country of Mu gradually overcame their fear. The destroyed cities were rebuilt and trade resumed. Generations have changed, and when what happened has already become ancient history, Mu again became a victim of earthquakes. “The entire continent rose and swayed as if on ocean waves. The earth shook and shook, like the leaves of trees in a storm. Temples and palaces, monuments and statues collapsed. The cities turned into heaps of ruins."

The ground rose and fell, swayed and shook, and fire burst out from under it, piercing the clouds with roaring tongues of flame. In the heights they encountered arrows of lightning that filled the sky. A thick blanket of black smoke covered the entire earth, “giant waves rolled onto the shores and flooded the plains.” Everything rushed towards inevitable death. When the setting sun appeared over the horizon, it looked like a ball of fire, red and angry. After it sank below the horizon, impenetrable darkness reigned around, broken only by flashes of lightning.

“Overnight, all the land broke into pieces. The doomed continent plunged into the ocean with a thunderous roar. When Mu plunged into the fiery abyss, the power of water manifested itself - giant waves rushed from all sides. They met where the very heart of the continent had once been, and boiled and seethed in that place.”

The ancestral home of humanity, with all its majestic cities, temples and palaces, with all its arts, sciences and knowledge, has turned into a myth. Almost 13,000 years later, the death of this great civilization darkened the whole Earth.

Having swallowed the continent with everything that was on it, the waters calmed down, freely spreading out in all directions of the horizon - the Pacific Ocean was born!

All the remaining islands and archipelagos were filled with people who were lucky enough to survive. These people found that they had lost everything. They had no tools, no clothing, no food left, only tiny patches of land surrounded by ocean. The only clothing for them could be animal skin (if there were animals left on the island) and the foliage of sparse vegetation.

The only weapons of defense and attack could be stones, spears and arrows. Tools had to be made from flint and shells. But the main issue remained the problem of food. There is no doubt that many people died from cold and hunger, and when they died, their bodies became food for the living. This is how cannibalism first appeared. The heirs of a high civilization have sunk to the lowest level of savagery...

The colonies of Mu retained the achievements of the civilization of their metropolis for some time, but in the absence of its support they gradually declined and died, and new civilizations appeared on their ruins.

However, the Mu civilization could not disappear completely without a trace. Ancient ruins and statue-monuments, stone temples and legends, chronicles and manuscripts brought to us the memory of a great country and its tragic death. The ancient historian Plutarch described the meeting of the legislator Solon with the ancient Egyptian high priest Sankhis. He said that 9,000 years ago, the Egyptians interrupted trade and cultural exchange with the lands of the West for the reason that they disappeared into the waters of the ocean. It was from the continent of the Empire of the Sun that the Egyptians received the name of the Sun God - Ra.

On Ponape, which is part of the Caroline Islands, the ruins of one of the temples of Mu have been preserved. Sacred symbols of the Motherland are carved on the walls. Local population is afraid to approach this building for fear of the souls of the ancient Muans allegedly still living there.

Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl spent years of his life studying the giant idols on Easter Island. They were erected by the Long-Eared Ones, one of the Mu peoples, to protect this piece of land from advancing waters. There are also “rongo-rongo” tablets preserved on the island, which contain a lot of interesting information about the life of people in the country of Mu.

The last of the inhabitants of Mu-tasaday. They live on south island Philippines Mindana and lead the most primitive way of life. But other Filipinos also consider themselves descendants of people from Mu and are convinced that healers - surgeons who perform operations without pain - use the knowledge of the Muans. The legends of the peoples inhabiting the Philippines indicate that only 7,000 islands remain from the former territory of the country of Mu.

So, the cradle of humanity was not in the Middle East, as stated in biblical teaching, and not in East Africa, according to modern science. She was on a now-vanished continent in the Pacific Ocean.

Proof of the existence of the continent Mu in the Pacific Ocean, according to some scientists and esotericists, can serve as the mysterious figures of Easter Island, and megalithic structures on other islands of the ocean and its bottom. Thus, near the Pacific island of Ponape in the Caroline archipelago there are mysterious “man-made” islands (92 in total), with an area of ​​130 hectares, made of basalt columns, slabs and filled with crushed coral.

This island city, a man-made mini-archipelago called Nan Madola, was built many thousands of years ago, but not by the Polynesians. Columns and blocks weighing up to 15 tons could not be processed and transported over 10–15 km by Stone Age people, but they have legends about the giants and magicians who once lived there, who built these fortresses in the middle of the ocean, about the dead highly developed civilization and people-gods.

Churchward outlined his discoveries of 1926–1931. in the book "The Vanished Continent of Mu". All materials in this work on the continent of Mu are based on Indian tablets, as well as an extensive (more than 2,500 copies) collection of stone tablets found in Mexico. Both series of tablets have a common origin, being excerpts from the sacred writings of Mu. The most interesting evidence about Mu is recorded on tablets found on Easter Island.

The story told by Churchward captured the imagination of people to such an extent that many wanted to know how the researcher obtained such unique information. It must be said that the fate and life of this extraordinary person could become the plot of a separate interesting book.

While serving in India, the colonel became friends with an old Hindu priest who helped him decipher stone tablets that had been kept for centuries in the far corner of the temple. Ancient writings told of a forgotten civilization that appeared, flourished and disappeared in the waters of the Pacific Ocean long before its fate was repeated. Churchward devoted the rest of his life to searching for surviving evidence of this civilization. After India, Burma and Arizona, the southern seas and Alaska, Australia and Mexico awaited him. The colonel studied the history of the Mayans and Uighurs, geology and ancient religions, the symbolism of Greek letters and the swastika. And he wrote alternative history our world - too amazing for most people to believe in it...

Children of Mu

The Land of Mu was a huge continent located in the Pacific Ocean between America and Asia, with its center just south of the equator.

Estimates of its size from those still above water give a figure of six thousand miles from north to south. All the rocky islands and archipelagos scattered across the Pacific Ocean today were once part of the continent of Mu.

Destructive earthquakes destroyed Mu about 12 thousand years ago. The gushing Pacific waters buried the highest civilization and sixty million people. Easter Island, Tahiti, Samoa, the Cook and Gilbert Islands, the Marshall, Caroline, Mariana, Hawaiian and Marquesas Islands stand today like sentries to the silent

graves. James Churchward spent fifty years trying to reconstruct from fragments the history of the lost civilization of Mu.

Ancient continent of Mu. The ancestral home of humanity

The cradle of humanity was not in the Middle East, as biblical teaching claims, and not in East Africa, as modern science suggests, but on a now-vanished continent in the Pacific Ocean. The name of this vast land - Mu - means “homeland”, and to this day in many languages ​​of the Earth the word “mother” begins with “m”.

In 1868, English Colonel James Churchward, while serving in India, became friends with an old Hindu priest who helped him decipher stone tablets that had been kept for many centuries in the farthest corner of the temple. Ancient writings told about a forgotten civilization that appeared, flourished and disappeared in the waters of the Pacific Ocean long before Atlantis, which repeated its fate.

"("Country of immortals, magicians and sorcerers. When was there a "golden age" on Earth?) reconstructions concerned only Hyperborea and did not affect other mythical continents - Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Pacifida, etc. I was able to understand what they were on the recently opened website “Earth before the Flood - Vanished Continents and Civilizations” on which, in the topic “”, experts from various professions - geologists, historians - expressed their opinions about the nature and time of existence of Lemuria and other mythical continents , philosophers and esotericists. In the same topic, the last veil of fog was lifted over the still remaining secret of Hyperborea.
I will not retell the content of the discussion about Lemuria, since you can read it yourself. I'll get straight to the main point. Lemuria is part of the southern supercontinent Gondwana, well known to geologists (which existed from 200-180 million years ago) after Africa and South America broke away from it about 150 million years ago.
In the form described in esoteric works, Lemuria existed from the end of the Late Jurassic era or from the turn of the Jurassic and Cretaceous eras (150 - 145 million years ago) to the turn of the early and middle Cretaceous eras (110 million years ago) and then included the united Antarctica, Madagascar, Hindustan, Australia and New Zealand, as well as, according to some sources, South America and the Kerguelen Plateau in Atlantic Ocean(Africa began to separate from South America 140-135 million years ago).
110 million years ago, Hindustan separated from Antarctica, and in the early or middle Eocene 55-45
million years ago (according to other sources, 40 million years ago) Antarctica from Australia. At the turn of the Eocene and Oligocene about 34 million years ago (according to other sources, 40-45 million years ago), Antarctica found itself in the region of the south pole, and glaciation began there, which significantly intensified at the turn of the Paleogene and Neogene periods (24 million . years ago). Madagascar moved slightly away from Africa, and Australia made a slow rotational movement counterclockwise and, as a result, remained to this day in the southern hemisphere.
From 110 million years ago, the most important fragment of Lemuria became Hindustan, which for more than 55 million years (until the early Eocene, about 55 million years ago) moved at a speed of 9-10 cm per year in a northerly direction towards the outskirts of Eurasia. At that time, between Hindustan and Eurasia was located warm ocean Tethys and numerous islands. In the late Eocene, approximately 40 million years ago, a “head-on” collision between Hindustan and Eurasia began, which continued throughout the Oligocene, Neogene and Quaternary periods. As a result of the interaction of two continental plates, the
The Tethys Ocean formed Tibet, the Hindu Kush, the Pamirs and the Himalayas. At first they were low rises, covered tropical forests. In the Middle Miocene-Pliocene epoch of the Neogene period (18-3.4 million years ago), in the place of Tibet there was a vast land raised by about 1 km, on which there were many lakes, meandering rivers flowed and tropical and subtropical forests grew. The Himalayas were mountains of small height. They were covered with tropical rainforests and forest-steppes. Rivers that flowed from Tibet cut deep into them. Modern look The Tibet plateau and the Hindu Kush, Pamir and Himalaya mountain ranges took over the Neogene period and the Quaternary period (3.4 - 0 million years ago) in the second half of the Pliocene epoch.

The collision of Hyperborea - Eurasia with Lemuria - Hindustan led to the penetration of two completely different groups population of the antediluvian Earth - humanoid gods, demons and their descendants from the north (Aditya, Daitya, Gandharvas, Apsaras, etc.) and snake-like and multi-armed gods, demons and their human descendants from the south. Or, in the language of anthropologists, the Aryan (Nordic) and Dravidian types of population, which led to the great mixing and formation over the past 40 million years of numerous types of intelligent beings and peoples (see also).

Hyperborea - Laurasia and its fragments connected by the land Arctic

Hyperborea corresponded to another supercontinent, Laurasia, that existed simultaneously with Gondwana 200 - 135 million years ago, which began to split into separate continents (North America, Eurasia, individual continental masses in the Arctic) in the Early Cretaceous era (140 - 135 million years back). However, for a long time after this between North America and Eurasia there was a land connection through the Arctic (the islands of Arctic Canada, Greenland, the central and eastern part of the Arctic, which was then dry land). The northern part of Hyperborea was the habitat of the white gods (Adityas, Gandharvas, Apsaras (and others), etc.), and later - their human descendants, the Aryans.

This continent occupied the entire southern part Pacific Ocean. It stretched 8 thousand kilometers in width, 5 thousand from north to south. Continent My consisted of three parts separated from each other by straits and seas. The valleys and plains were occupied by pastures and cultivated fields. Closer to the mountains there are thickets of tropical plants. Many rivers and streams flowed here. Along the ocean coast and on the banks of rivers and streams. Palm groves rose along the ocean coast and on the banks of rivers. Sacred lotus flowers floated in the lakes.

Wide roads paved with smooth stones diverged in all directions.

At the time of My greatness, its population reached 64 million people. They lived in 10 different states, but obeyed a single ruler - his name was Ra-Mu. And he ruled the state, which was called the “Empire of the Sun.” Ra-Mu was considered the personification of the supreme god - the Sun. But they did not worship the emperor, realizing that he was still not a god. The majority of My's population were people with white skin, but there were also representatives of other races - with yellow, brown and black skin.

There were seven main cities on My - centers of religion, culture and education. There were also smaller cities, as well as many towns and villages.

The Tibetan Chronicle of Lhasa, found by Heinrich Schliemann, records that in this country “rich people adorned themselves with fine robes and amazing precious stones.” The ancient Indian book “Valmiki” tells that the Muans were excellent sailors, and their ships sailed all over the world, “from the western to the eastern oceans, from the northern to the southern seas... They were wonderful architects and built huge temples from stone and palaces." The chronicles of the Mayan people, which were called the “Troan Manuscript,” describe in detail how the blessed land in the Pacific Ocean perished. It says that terrible earthquakes began, which lasted one after another without interruption. As a result, “The country of the hills of the earth - the country of My - was sacrificed. Having moved twice, she disappeared during the night, constantly shaken by lights from the ground. At last the surface of the earth gave way, and ten countries were torn and scattered. They sank along with 64 million inhabitants 8060 years before the time this book is written."

Lord Churchward determined the age of the Troan Manuscript to be approximately 3 thousand years. This means that My disappeared 11 thousand years ago.

However, the civilization of the “Empire of the Sun” could not disappear completely without a trace. On the Yucatan Peninsula, in Uxmal, there is a Mayan temple, on which the inscription remains: “This building was built in memory of My - the Lands of the West, the birthplace of our sacred mysteries.” In the book “Timaeus” by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato it is written: “In My Country there were ten nations.” The ancient historian Plutarch described a meeting of the legislator Solon in the 600s BC. with the ancient Egyptian high priest Sankhis. He said that 9 thousand years earlier, the Egyptians interrupted trade and cultural exchange with the Western Lands for the reason that it disappeared in the waters of the ocean. Like Atlantis. It was from the continent My that the Egyptians received the name of the Sun God - Ra.

The most interesting evidence about My is recorded on tablets found on Easter Island. “When this island was created and became known to our ancestors, the country was crossed by beautiful roads paved with flat stones. These stones were fitted so tightly together that not a single sharp edge was noticeable. Fruit trees grew thickly along the road. Their crowns converged overhead, and their branches intertwined like muscles. Heke was a road builder, and he sat in a place of honor, where the roads branched in all directions.”

Remains of these roads remain on Easter Island and other islands. In the Marshall and Gilbert Islands. Tall columns decorated with ancient ornaments were found. One of the bas-reliefs, found on the island of Arorae, depicts the fan of the Aravali princess with the royal coat of arms of the My empire - the Sun.

On Ponape, which is part of the Caroline Islands, the ruins of one of the temples of My. Sacred symbols of the “Motherland” are carved on the walls. Locals They are afraid to approach this building for fear of the souls of the ancient Muans allegedly still living there.

Contours of the continent:

This vast land was protected from the cold winds blowing from Antarctica by high mountains. They are still visible over the waters of the Pacific Ocean. These are the islands: Fiji, Tonga, Nikafou, Samoa, Mangaia, Tahiti, Marquesas and Easter Island with giant stone figures. In the center of the continent were fertile plains with tropical vegetation. In the north, the continent was bounded by mountain ranges, from which the Mariana Islands and Hawaii remained.

Opening My:

This is how the continent was called by the Mayans - the Indians of Central America, who still live on the Yucatan Peninsula. The Mayan manuscript was read by the Frenchman Brasseur de Bourbourg. He introduced this name into use. The word "My" means "Mother", or "Motherland".

Lord Churchward:

A true pioneer ancient continent My should be considered the English Colonel James Churchward. He did a great job research work and found a description of My in the manuscripts of many ancient peoples: American Indians - Mayans and Aztecs, Tibetans and Greeks, Egyptians and Sumerians.

Witnesses of the great tragedy:

Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl spent years of his life studying giant statues on Easter Island. They were erected by the “long-eared” - one of the My peoples - to protect this piece of land from the advancing waters. The island also has preserved “rongo-rongo” tablets, on which a lot of information is written. interesting information about the life of people on the continent of My.

The last of the inhabitants of My:

This is Tasaday. They live on the southern Philippines island of Mindana, and lead the most primitive way of life. But other Filipinos also consider themselves descendants of people from Mu and are confident that healers - surgeons who perform operations without pain, use the knowledge of the Muans.