Menus from different countries of the world. Variety of national cuisines of the world. Peculiarities of cuisine of different nations

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  • Cuisines of the world

    The cuisines of the peoples of the world and their dishes attract many housewives who want to try something new and tasty. By studying the cuisines of the world, you can prepare new dishes every time that will surprise you with their amazing taste. By choosing different dishes from the world's cuisines, variety is added to the daily menu. In addition, you can choose suitable dishes from the cuisines of the world for the festive table in order to amaze all the guests with your culinary skills. Our website offers all these possibilities. He has collected recipes for the most delicious dishes that will not leave anyone indifferent, even the most demanding gourmets.

    Recipes with photos about different cuisines of the world will help you clearly see the cooking process. Together with step-by-step instructions, which are complemented by clear photographs, it will not be difficult to understand how to prepare this or that culinary product. This will allow you to easily master recipes from different cuisines of the world and pamper yourself and your family members with delicacies.

    Cuisines from around the world attract many housewives who want to improve their cooking skills and expand the range of types of dishes they prepare. The resource will tell you in detail about the different features of the world's cuisines, providing a large amount of useful and interesting information. Together with the presented instructions and recipes, it will not be difficult to prepare a variety of culinary dishes from national cuisines of the world, which each of the visitors will choose.

    Now there is an easy way to learn a lot of interesting things about popular cuisines from around the world. To do this, just visit our website, where everyone will find a recipe to their taste. The culinary site Make-Eat will tell you how to prepare the most culinary dishes, what products you will need for them and in what quantities.

    Anyone who wants to know the national cuisines of the world is invited to visit our website, which will tell you about the dishes of Buryat, Turkmen, Abkhaz, Arab, Armenian and many other cuisines. It’s easy to learn about different cuisines of the world thanks to the understandable structure of the resource, which allows you to immediately find the information of interest to the visitor.

    World cuisine and cooking recipes are an interesting topic that attracts visitors to our website. Here they can learn how the national cuisine of the world's peoples is prepared. By trying to cook soups from cuisines around the world and many other dishes, you can learn more about different cuisines.

    Visitors' attention is attracted by simple recipes from the world's cuisine, which are not difficult to prepare. Together with them, dishes from various cuisines of the world become available for preparation. Traditional cuisines of the world are distinguished by very tasty dishes. It will not be difficult for site visitors to learn about different cuisines of the world by choosing recipes that suit their taste preferences.

    Now the national cuisine of the countries of the world is becoming available to all visitors to the resource. Cuisine of the world's peoples' recipes are very interesting and incredibly tasty. To verify this, it is suggested that the cuisines of the world prepare popular dishes. Since culinary recipes from the world's cuisine are presented with photographs, mastering the preparation will not be difficult. The most important thing is to strictly follow all the cooking steps indicated in the recipe. Cooking becomes a very exciting and interesting process, which ultimately allows you to get a delicious dish.

    National dishes from around the world

    Among the recipes of different countries and peoples, there are some peculiarities that have been passed down from generation to generation and borrowed from friendly and neighboring peoples. For example, the folk dishes known to all of us appeared precisely as a result of the exchange of recipes with French chefs and the fraternal peoples of the former USSR. Originally Russian cuisine, the recipes of which exclude any type of frying in a pan, consisted mainly of dishes prepared in the oven, that is, by simmering, stewing and boiling. This is also where the recipes for pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, so beloved as snacks, came from, and the fruits were fermented and drunk at folk festivals.

    At feasts with Georgian neighbors one could always find dishes such as kharcho, khachapuri and chicken tabaka. The main feature of Georgian cuisine recipes is the contrasts of spicy and hot, as well as the use of vegetables for independent dishes and as a side dish.

    A special feature of Uzbek cuisine recipes is the consumption of various soups, bakery and confectionery products, main courses, as well as salads and drinks. When preparing any of them, it is necessary to use cottonseed oil to add flavor to the dish during frying. Main meat dishes such as pilaf, shurpa, manti and somsa are characterized by the use of fat tail fat, as well as spices and herbs for flavor.

    Naturally, many national dishes have long migrated to the kitchens of other nations and become international, but this is what makes cooking in general interesting! Be bolder and try to cook something that you have previously only tried in a restaurant, and through trial and error you can achieve impressive results in cooking!

    The cuisine of the world is very diverse and unusual in its own way. It contains a huge number of dishes that are not similar to each other either in taste, appearance, or consistency. Habitual food in different countries is individual and has its own distinctive qualities and characteristics. We provide you, lovers of hearty and tasty food, with unusual national dishes from countries all over the world.


    Georgian cuisine characterized by a large consumption of various sauces, seasonings and spices (for example, suneli hops, which are added to many Georgian dishes). Vegetable and fish snacks are also popular here. Regardless of the time of year, every family serves a variety of herbs (parsley, dill, mint, etc.) on the kitchen table during meals. In addition to it, vegetables such as radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums and radishes should be present. Thanks to this, Georgian food served on the table becomes more healthy and flavorful.

    A dish like hashi (broth with garlic) Served only for breakfast. It is mainly cooked from beef (beef legs, tripe and rennet). This soup is the most nutritious, as it contains proteins and extractives. Many say that this dish is intended for those who work hard, as it gives them strength, and for revelers, to get rid of a hangover the next day.

    Khinkali– one of the most popular Georgian dishes in the world. In appearance and taste they resemble ordinary dumplings, only they are huge in size and have a tail. Black pepper is used as a seasoning. The filling of such a dish is very diverse: from meat to vegetable, but most often you can find broth inside the khinkali. They eat these dumplings with their hands, holding them by the tail. First, they drink the contents of the khinkali, biting it, and then start filling.


    Australia is a country of immigrants. It is thanks to them that it is enriched by the centuries-old traditions of different peoples, a huge part of which is the cuisine itself. People bring here a wide variety of recipes for dishes and dishes. This is where you can find national dishes of countries from China to the USA. Also here you can notice culinary techniques of European, Vietnamese and Japanese cuisine. The most popular dishes here are made from seafood and meat.

    Fried kangaroo– this food is preferred by the local aborigines. It is a delicacy, does not emit a substance such as methane and contains a small amount of fat, which gives it the right to be considered low-calorie. This meat is very tender. It is enough to fry it on one side and you can start eating. Kangaroo goes well with garlic, pepper and fruits like plum, red currant and orange.


    This country has long been a colony of Portugal, which has had a great influence on the traditions of Brazilian cuisine. Gastronomic preferences are well integrated into the culture of South American Indians. Soon the Portuguese also brought slaves from Africa, which led to a mixture of culinary features of Brazilian cuisine. It is this trio (Indians, Africa and Portugal) that makes up the dishes of Brazil.

    Vatapi is a dish made from seafood (shellfish, shrimp) and fish that must be ground. Next, everything is mixed and fried. For a pleasant taste and aroma, coconut juice is added (this dish is poured with it). When the dish is prepared, bread and a variety of spices are served with it. And rice serves as a side dish.

    Pau di Queijo- buns made from cheese. This is one of the most popular national dishes of Brazil. Most often it is served for breakfast. The recipe for buns was invented already in the eighteenth century, and it was kept secret for a long time. The chefs of Brazil created this delicacy only within the state itself and believed that this was a unique invention that should be the pride of the region. And only after the twentieth century the recipe began to spread and gained popularity.


    Indian food is one of the most delicious collections of dishes in the world. She was largely influenced by religion, which prohibits eating certain types of meat. For example, a huge part of the Indian population is made up of people professing Islam. And they can't eat pork. The second part of Indians of the same size professes Hinduism - a ban on beef. Therefore, the main additions to the national cuisine of India are vegetables and cereals. Literally over the last few hundred years, poultry dishes (chicken, turkey, duck) have begun to appear on the culinary menu of this country.

    Dhal is a thick puree soup made from various types of legumes. There is no meat in this dish, which is why it is called vegetarian. This soup contains the following ingredients: coconut milk, lemon juice, tomatoes, onions, garlic and curry. When the dhal is cooked, it is traditional to be served along with warm flatbreads. They say that this dish helps restore normal weight. And yogis claim that it should be eaten before meditation.

    Sabji- This is a vegetable stew. Since curry is the most favorite spice of the people of India, and almost all dishes of this country are seasoned with it, this dish cannot do without it either. This dish is served with a portion of rice and warm flatbread. You can also add yogurt, coconut milk, Indian cheese - paneer, various spices and herbs to the vegetable stew. This dish is very satisfying, appetizing and aromatic.


    Everyone can envy the national dishes of Turkey, because they are part of the most experienced and ancient cuisine of this country. In those distant times, the Turks elevated the preparation of any food to the level of a cult. These hospitable people organized feasts for relatives and strangers. There were even competitions to see how well they would carry out this event. The basis of Turkish cuisine is rice, wheat and vegetables.

    Baklava (baklava)- a real Turkish dessert, created from a large number of layers of dough with the addition of various types of nuts (walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts). The prepared dish is poured with honey syrup. According to tradition, baklava is eaten with a cup of hot coffee, as a snack for any dish or after a barbecue. Baklava is an exclusively Turkish sweet. This information has been confirmed even at the international level.

    Dolma- This is a very original and unusual delicacy. Its appearance is reminiscent of cabbage rolls, but instead of cabbage, the contents of the dish are wrapped in grape leaves. The filling of dolma consists of rice and/or minced meat.


    Residents of this country almost do not eat meat dishes; they consume large quantities of rice, vegetables, fruits and seafood. Japanese cuisine is distinguished not only by its variety of delicacies, but also by the process of their consumption. In this country there are a huge number of rules that are recommended to be followed.

    Sushi- one of the main traditional dishes of Japan. You could say it's her calling card. Sushi cannot be imagined without Japan, and Japan cannot be imagined without sushi (“Sushi” is what this national delicacy is called in its homeland) - this association has long been used in all countries of the world. This dish is a lump or roll of rice with various fillings: fish, vegetables, eggs, seaweed. Sushi is traditionally served with soy sauce, ginger and wasabi.

    Shabu-shabu– a special plate with a deep bottom, consisting entirely of metal. It is used to heat various dishes over an open fire or in the oven. The main ingredients of shabu-shabu are: vegetable soup/broth, tofu and noodles. In addition to this dish, cold cuts (most often duck, pork, lobster and chicken fillet) are served separately on the table. These pieces of meat are dipped into hot soup before eating. This dish is especially popular during cold and rainy weather.


    Mexican cuisine very varied and spicy in taste. Often, in addition to salsa (the hallmark of Mexico) - a fiery sauce with peppers and tomatoes, cooks add various seasonings and herbs to dishes. Also, almost every dish contains corn in any form and beans.

    The enchilada was invented back in the days when the Mayan tribe existed. At this time, residents of Mexico City ate tortillas made from corn kernels. In this dish, the filling was most often ordinary fish. Now they are used to wrap cold cuts, slices of cheese, seafood, beans, a variety of vegetables, or all at once. This dish, and even with chili sauce, is served to residents of Mexico for breakfast.

    Quesadilla– National dish of Mexico. This is a flatbread made from tortilla (either corn or wheat). Traditionally, the Quesadilla is filled with cheese inside, but over time its recipe began to change. In this dish, ingredients such as meat fillet, various vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes and the like began to appear. Appetizers are also served along with the quesadilla. For example, this could be a vegetable side dish, hot chili peppers, coriander and fiery salsa. The main difference from other Mexican dishes of this type (burritos, chimichangas, enchiladas) is that the quesadilla tortilla is folded in half, rather than rolled into a roll.


    Italian cuisine everyone knows - this is a well-known and accepted fact. Its dishes are not similar to other national dishes of the world. The cuisine in Italy is distinguished by a huge number of different spices, herbs and products, fillings in the dish itself. In the dishes you can taste the taste of seafood, vegetable and fruit slices, poultry (duck, turkey, chicken), pork, beef, slices of cheese, rice, wild berries and legumes.

    Cacciucco- seafood soup. It is prepared from fish soup (fish broth), wine (preferably red) and tomato juice. In the same container with the soup you need to add shellfish, crayfish and/or various types of fish. In appearance, cacciucco is similar to goulash. There is a tradition associated with this dish: the point is that you need to add as much fish to this soup as there are letters “s” in its name (that is, five).

    Lasagna- traditional national Italian dish. In its appearance it resembles a layer cake. For lasagna, you must use durum wheat flour. The filling between the layers of dough can be minced meat, mushrooms or vegetables (they must be applied one at a time). The top of the “pie” is covered with Parmesan cheese. Bologna is considered the birthplace of lasagna, so this dish cannot be made completely without such an ingredient as Bolognese sauce.

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    Travel is different. Exotic, cultural, beach, romantic... And sometimes gastronomic! And even if you are usually on a diet, then a few months before the beach season you can quite afford them ;-) When going to Italy, France, Spain or, for example, mmmm... Thailand or Turkish Istanbul, you can not only relax and have fun, but also enjoy mind-blowing delicacies! Do you want to know what to please yourself and your stomach in the 7 most delicious countries in the world, where food has become a cult? Then “swallow” this article entirely. Bon appetit! ;-)

    1. Italy:Neapolitan Margherita, prosciutto with melon, caciucco of 5 types of fish...

    Tie me to Michelangelo's David statue! The amazing dishes of Italian cuisine make your mind go blank. Taste buds are anticipating the holiday! And so, without which Italy is not Italy... Without the real Neapolitan Margherita - the ancestor of all pizzas. The thinnest flatbread of dough with San Marzano tomatoes grown near Vesuvius is brought to a blazing heat in a wood-burning oven, and then covered with mozzarella di buffala cheese, basil and drizzled with olive oil... Oh, mamma mia! She brings me to... Although I haven't eaten the prosciutto di parma yet!

    …Culinary Oscar contender #2! Transparent slices of salty ham are served in Italy with ripe, fragrant melon. A glass of sweet rose wine... Mmmm... Be-lis-si-mo! Pasta is devilishly dangerous for your figure, but Carbonara with goat cheese and bacon is divinely delicious. And in Italy they make amazing risotto! Try it with truffles, seafood... If you want soup, feel free to order thick Tuscan caciucco - from 5 varieties of fish, with the addition of red wine. You will also find Roman-style artichokes, national Italian gelato ice cream with fruits, berries, chocolate and nuts...

    5. Türkiye (Istanbul): fish sandwiches, kebabs, marash-dondurma, oriental sweets...

    Arriving in Istanbul, ordinary people go to the Blue Mosque or Hagia Sophia... Gastrotourists, on the other hand, head to the Eminönü pier to taste the most delicious street food in the world, accompanied by the cries of seagulls and the splash of waves - fish sandwiches balyk ekmek! The freshest mackerel is grilled in front of you, and then placed in a soft, fluffy bun, generously flavored with lettuce, onion rings and sprinkled with lemon juice. Mmm! And this delicacy is prepared on the deck of a small colorful boat rocking on the waves. Very romantic! What else should you include on your menu in Istanbul? Fried red mullet, sea bass marinated with basil, sea bream, mussels stuffed with rice...

    Kufte cutlets and kebabs are very popular, and cafes and restaurants of this type are like street cats on every corner. Try minced meat on a skewer - adana kebab or shish kebab - shish kebab, always with stewed vegetables. It's incredibly delicious! You will fondly remember the hot lentil soup with mint... Well, for dessert, Istanbul has prepared incomparable marash-dondurma ice cream, with a natural thickener - orchid juice, and an incredible amount of oriental sweets! Delicate Turkish delight, sherbet, nougat and juicy, flaky baklava soaked in honey, various syrups and sprinkled with pistachios...

    7. Mexico: tacos with salsa sauce, nachos with melted cheese, fajitas, burritos, tequila...

    What is amazing about Mexico? An original culture, an atmosphere of eternal summer, national parks, archaeological sites of the Aztecs and Mayans. It's incredibly interesting to be here! Oh, I wonder what Mexico offers? Different regions have completely different menus and culinary traditions. However, the basis of the cuisine is beans, corn, meat, fish, avocado and fiery chili peppers. Mexico tastes hot and spicy! Snacks with tortillas and all kinds of sauces are very popular here. Taco - corn tortilla with beef, pork, beans, clams, shredded cheese and salsa! Mmmm... You can swallow your tongue!

    Try the homemade nacho chips with melted cheese and be sure to try the fajitas, a tortilla stuffed with beef marinated in a spicy sauce and grilled on the barbecue. But in the famous burrito, it turns out, they put whatever their heart desires: beans, rice, salty queso fresco cheese, tomatoes and meat, mushrooms and fish. And even tropical fruits! This is if you want dessert. Waiting for you is the meat goulash olla podrida, and tamales - meat cabbage rolls wrapped in corn cob leaves. The sopa de marisco soup is exceptionally tasty. And, having eaten your fill, go and drink tequila!

    Well, your appetite for sultry Mexico has awakened! The hottest tours are waiting!

    P.S. Share your own delicious impressions of the world in the comments!

    Melnikova Anastasia, gastroexpert Onlinetours

    Each of us is familiar with the expression - how many people, so many opinions. If you change it a little geographically, you will get so many peoples, so many traditions. This expression is also true for cooking. The cuisine of each individual people of the world represents separate culinary kingdoms that are extremely interesting to learn about.

    Each people living on Earth has its own traditions and history and, of course, its own characteristics of national cuisine. National cuisine acts as a kind of stronghold of those centuries-old traditions that are dear to everyone, which were preserved and kept secret in order to pass them on from generation to generation. In Italy, no one will tell you the real secret of making delicious pasta, the Chinese will not share with you the national recipe for preparing dishes from snake meat or shark fin, and there is no need to talk about French cuisine, which has long been considered the most aristocratic in the world.

    National cuisine is a set of dishes that are constantly prepared by residents of a certain territory or country. Historical preconditions are a feature of any national cuisine. Most of the dishes that are considered national in a particular area were prepared several centuries ago. As time passed, the recipes were improved and supplemented in order to pass on culinary secrets to future generations. More often National dishes consist of those products that are available in a given area. There are also conditions for preparing dishes from the national menu.

    Culinary gourmets are ready to travel far to enjoy the national cuisine of a particular country. After all, it is possible to taste the taste of real sushi only in Japan, and you can enjoy roasted chestnuts prepared according to original recipes only in France. Those who do not have the opportunity to visit foreign countries can try to study some recipes and features of savory national dishes in their own kitchen.

    All existing national cuisines of the world can be divided into several large groups, uniting them according to some common characteristics.

    European cuisine

    Modern European cuisine has developed under the influence of the national characteristics of various European countries. However, despite this, it is difficult to talk about a single European cuisine, since the territory of Europe is inhabited by many peoples, and their way of life and culture are determined not only by climatic, but also by geographical conditions. The cuisine of the southern countries of Western Europe differs in “temperament” from the cuisine of its northern countries, just as the character of a Spaniard or Italian differs from the Finns. Southern cuisine is spicy, aroma, and colorful compared to the simpler and more restrained cuisine of the north.

    Features of European cuisine include the abundance of vegetable dishes and the use of a large number of different sauces. Unlike the peoples of the East, Europeans use spices, seasonings and seasonings much less, focusing on preserving the taste of the original products.

    European cuisine originates in Greece. Later, together with chefs, the culinary art migrated to Ancient Rome. This is why modern Italian and Greek cuisine have so many similarities. Common features are also inherent in the cuisines of Italy, Spain, Portugal and France. First of all, this is the use of ginger, all types of pepper, thyme, fennel, sage, cinnamon, tarragon and vanilla. The menu always includes vegetables and fruits: tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, grapes, figs and oranges. Many fish and seafood dishes, as well as poultry, lamb, pork or beef.

    However, southern European states are also rightfully considered the legislators of European cuisine. So, for example, Europeans learned about coffee from Austria, the Germans, Belgians and Czechs gave them a love of beer, and the British taught Europeans how to drink real tea.

    Eastern cuisine

    Oriental cuisine combines gastronomic customs and traditions of Arab and Muslim countries, Asian countries, Turkish, as well as some Caucasian and Balkan countries. Just as in the case of the concept of “European cuisine,” the concept of “Oriental cuisine” is also very broad and relative, since it covers the culinary traditions of a wide variety of countries, sometimes completely opposite in customs and preferences. For example, in most countries of the Muslim world they prefer lamb, while in China and Japan they prefer fish and seafood.

    The main products that are used to prepare oriental dishes are rice, lamb, fermented milk products, beans, vegetables and fruits, and flour products. With rare exceptions, fish and seafood, cheese, beef and eggs are consumed to a lesser extent. Oriental dishes are distinguished by their sharpness and spicy taste.

    Another feature of oriental cuisine is the lack of soups in the European understanding. Many oriental cuisines offer characteristic soups such as “shurpa” - a fairly thick and fatty soup. In different countries it may be called differently (sorpo, shorpo, shorpa, chorpo), and consist of different ingredients. Mostly common foods are vegetables and fried meats. Cooking shurpa is a rather specific process, since its consistency is more like porridge. Local cereals, a lot of onions and vegetables are used for soups. The increased fat content of shurpa is associated with the use of ghee or fat tail fat during preparation.

    In addition, dishes typical of oriental cuisine are pilaf, dolma, shish kebab and shawarma. Lavash, flatbreads and pita are baked as bread.

    Oriental sweets made from nuts and dried fruits, baklava, Turkish delight, sherbet and halva are famous throughout the world. As drinks, residents of these countries prefer oriental coffee and ayran, while the Chinese, Japanese, people of Central Asia and Indians prefer tea.

    American cuisine

    American cuisine is a bizarre mixture of a wide variety of national dishes. The traditions of the indigenous peoples and tribes of America are closely intertwined with the traditions of the Spaniards, English, Italians, French and Portuguese who came to these lands. That is why America was denied recognition of its national cuisine.

    American cuisine is made up of the cuisine of many countries. The continent itself has a long history, and many peoples settled on its territory - all this had a direct impact on both the characteristics of food preparation and the national cuisine in general.

    Despite its diversity, North American cuisine is quite simple. Most of it is made up of cuisine from Mexico and the USA. Mexicans enjoy fiery and savory dishes based on the traditions of the Aztecs and Spaniards. And the United States is not averse to boasting of many dishes brought here from Europe and Asia.

    Among the cuisines of South America, Brazilian cuisine occupies a leading position. The cuisine of Brazil is so diverse and interesting that even dishes from neighboring regions can be exotic to each other.

    Top Chef Erwin Peters - Best Recipes

    We invite you to travel to a dozen and a half countries without leaving your home - without visas, planes, suitcases and signs in foreign metros. In order to hit the road, it is enough to charter a comfortable sunny kitchen with a full set of provisions - and then follow the instructions that you will find in the continuation of this article. You will find recipes for national sweets from around the world - baked goods and confectionery products that are proud of in Sweden, Australia, China, Serbia and other countries. Bright colors, flavor combinations that you couldn’t even imagine: why not, after all, you can explore the world by tasting it!

    15 national confectionery products

    1. Prinsesstårta (Sweden)

    The Swedish princess cake was created in the 1930s by Annie Åkerstrom. She was the teacher of the daughters of Prince Charles of Sweden, Duke of Västergötland. The cake was originally called"Grön tårta" (Green cake), but the princesses liked it so much that in Annie's cookbook the recipe was published as "Prinsesstårta".

    The base of the cake is a sponge cake, followed by layers of raspberry jam, buttercream and whipped cream. To prevent this delicacy from spreading, it is covered with green marzipan on top (hence the name “Grön tårta”). Today, this cake is not only green, in which case it is sometimes called "Prinstårta" (Prince cake).

    2. Frog cake (Australia)

    The Frog cake was invented in 1922 by Balfours Bakery. It consists of sponge cake, butter cream, and topped with fondant. Initially it was only green, but later the bakery expanded the color range to pink and brown. Today “Frog” can be found in other, “seasonal” colors.

    3. Šakotis / Sękacz (Lithuania / Poland)

    “Šakotis” appeared during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. A wooden spit is poured with egg batter, which begins to drip, forming “sprigs”. When they are slightly baked, the spit is again poured with dough.

    4. Baumkuchen (Germany)

    Baumkuchen is a smooth version of Šakotis, in which the skewer is prepared by dipping the dough into it instead of pouring it over it. In cross-section, the pie resembles a cut tree. Baumkuchen is the hallmark of the city of Salzwedel.

    5. Battenberg cake (UK)

    History is silent about the origin of this cake. The basis of “Battenberg” are two sponge cakes, traditionally yellow and pink, which are cut into rectangular parallelepipeds and laid in a checkerboard pattern. Apricot jam is usually used to hold the cakes together. The top of the cake is covered with marzipan.

    But this version of Battenberg, in my opinion, is a masterpiece:

    6. / 月餅 / Mooncake (China)

    This gingerbread blew my mind! It seems to me that I can endlessly consider different options for execution.
    Mooncake (Yuebing) is a traditional gingerbread eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival (Zhongqiujie). The hieroglyph for “longevity” or “harmony” is usually depicted on the gingerbread.

    The filling of yuebing can be different, depending on the region: lotus seed paste, nuts, sweet bean paste, etc.

    Modern mooncakes sometimes deviate slightly from tradition, such as being made from jelly or covered in icing.

    7. Red velvet cake (USA)

    The base of Red Velvet Cake is a dark or bright red sponge cake made by adding food coloring or beets. Top with cream cheese and buttercream frosting.
    Today, the cake is often baked in the shape of a heart. I associate Red velvet cake with Dexter.

    8. Ruske kape (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia)

    The name of this cake is translated as “Russian hat”, because... The shape resembles a ushanka. Inside it consists of alternating chocolate and vanilla layers of biscuit and cream. Drizzle chocolate on top and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

    9. Carac (Switzerland)

    Carac is a crispy cake, the diameter of which varies from 8 to 25 cm. The filling is chocolate, covered with a bright green glaze on top.

    10. Kransekage / Kransekake (Denmark / Norway)

    This cone-shaped cake is made of dough rings that are hollow inside.

    Overflødighedshorn - a variant of Kransekake, is considered a traditional wedding cake. Overflødighedshorn translates to "horn of plenty".

    The cake is filled with chocolate, sweets and other small baked goods.

    11. Bolu pandan (Indonesia)

    The sap from the leaves of the Pandan tree is used in the preparation of this cake, which gives Bolu pandan its green color. Green dye is also sometimes used to enhance the color. Various options can be used as filling and decoration: chocolate, butter cream, coconut flakes, etc.

    12. King cake (USA)

    King cake is made during the Christmas festival of Epiphany. In the Louisiana version, the pie is covered with sugar icing in the traditional colors of the Mardi Gras carnival (analogous to our Maslenitsa - farewell to Winter and welcome to Spring): purple - justice, green - faith, gold - power. These colors were adopted in 1892.

    13. 发糕 / 發粿 / Fa gao (China)

    Typically, Fa gao ("prosperity cake") is made from rice flour and is steamed (rather than baked) until the top comes apart into 4 pieces.

    14. Croquembouche (France)

    This dessert consists of profiteroles, which are coated with caramel and folded into a cone. Croquembouche was invented in the early 19th century.

    15. Fairy bread (Australia)

    This unusual “dish” cannot be called either a cake or a pastry. This is a sweet sandwich. White bread is cut into triangles, spread with butter, and the top is tightly covered with confectionery topping. Fairy bread is a favorite treat for children.

    Photos, as usual, were found on the Internet.