Traveling with a child in Pereslavl Zalessky. In search of unfeigned Russia: what to see in Pereslavl-Zalessky? Restaurants and cafes

The ancient city of Pereslavl-Zalessky was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in the middle of the 12th century. The city is located on the shore of the picturesque Lake Pleshcheevo among the endless forests and fields of the Russian Plain. This place breathes history; every inch of land has absorbed so many significant events that sometimes it seems as if it is ready to tell every traveler about them.

Pereslavl-Zalessky is a protected area of ​​ancient churches and monasteries, a city that remembers the great Russian princes who created the history of our state. Among the more modern attractions, one can note an incredible number of small private museums with original exhibitions dedicated to everything in the world: irons, sewing machines, electronics, teapots, interior items of a peasant hut.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see and where to go in Pereslavl-Zalessky?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

The reservoir is considered one of the most beautiful in Central Russia, it is a natural attraction of the route " Golden ring" On its southeastern bank stands Pereslavl-Zalessky, and there are also smaller ones along the perimeter settlements. There are many tourist centers and hotels around the lake, where people come to fish, relax in nature or kitesurf.

Museum exhibitions occupy the premises of the Goritsky Monastery, which was abolished in the mid-18th century. Its structure includes the main building, an art gallery, the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Boat of Peter I, the Ganshin Estate Museum and an exhibition hall in Pereslavl-Zalessky. The exhibition areas feature iconography, painting, wooden sculpture, as well as various historical exhibitions.

Ancient Orthodox church, which was founded in the middle of the 12th century by Yuri Dolgoruky (later Alexander Nevsky was baptized here). It is a cross-domed building with three apses and a single dome - one of the earliest monuments of church stone architecture in North-Eastern Rus'. The original painting has been lost; today there are white walls inside the cathedral. A valuable 15th-century icon of the Transfiguration was discovered here and moved to the Tretyakov Gallery for storage.

Both temples are located in the central part of the city. They were erected in the middle of the 18th century at the expense of a local merchant on the territory where the Novodevichy Bogoroditsko-Sretensky Monastery was previously located. Inside the churches there were valuable 16th-century icons, precious tabernacles and other utensils, but in 1925 all property was taken away. In the 1930s, following closure, the buildings were used as bakery workshops until their architectural value was recognized in 1936.

The tented temple of the 16th century is a rather rare architectural monument for this area, built according to the design of an unknown author. There are two altars in the church: warm and cold. Despite restorations in the 1880s and 1970s, as a result of which the building acquired its original appearance, already in the 1990s it was in very poor shape. Despite the emergency condition, services are held in the temple from time to time.

The temple stands on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo in Rybnaya Sloboda. It has a very picturesque, “postcard” appearance and often acts as a symbol of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The church was erected in 1755 at the expense of Moscow merchants. Today its facade is painted bright pink, contrasting with the blue roof, and the walls are decorated with elaborately decorated window openings. Around the building there is a circular Observation deck overlooking the lake.

Nowadays the Nikolskaya monastery is a women's monastery, but in the 14th century it began as a men's monastery. It was devastated several times as a result of raids, but after the disaster, monastic life resumed quite quickly. The institution was closed in the 1920s. main cathedral- they blew it up, in the remaining premises they made a barn for livestock, apartments and repair shops. In the 1990s, after the return of the Russian Orthodox Church, the new sisters came to virtually ruins - many churches had to be rebuilt.

The monastery of the 12th century is one of the most ancient in North-Eastern Rus'. It is located next to Lake Pleshcheyevo. The monks themselves believe that the monastery was founded in 1010, when wooden churches– it was they who became the first churches of the monastery. Monuments of church architecture from the 16th-19th centuries, part of the architectural ensemble, have survived to this day.

Another monastery for more late period, founded by a monk of the Nikitsky Monastery. Its main temple, the Trinity Cathedral, was built in honor of the birth of the heir to the throne (the future Ivan the Terrible). In the Middle Ages, the monastery acted as a large feudal lord; it had at its disposal numerous lands and many villages with peasants. Even after the ruin during the Time of Troubles, she did not completely lose her wealth.

The monastery was founded in the 15th century on the site of a battle between the Moscow and Tver princes, which took place in 1304. Until the second half of the 17th century, male monks lived in the community, then sisters settled here. At the beginning of the 20th century, 500 nuns and nuns served in the monastery, and three hermitages were assigned to the institution (including Alekseevskaya). During Soviet times, the monastery actually ceased to exist; its revival took place in the 2000s.

It is generally accepted that the Boat of Peter I is the very first provincial museum in Russia (it was founded back in 1803). Its central exhibit is the ship (boat) “Fortune”, made by Peter the Great. This is the only surviving ship of this type. The structure of the museum includes a monument and obelisk in honor of the first emperor, the Botny House, the White Palace, a gatehouse, a triumphal gate and a rotunda.

Private exhibition of railway equipment, founded in 1991. Within its framework, samples of rail transport from the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries are collected, as well as various mechanisms and machines, one way or another connected with the railway. Many exhibits have been restored and are in working order, others require repair and restoration. In the museum you can look at steam locomotives, motor locomotives, locomotives, railcars, and carriages.

The museum is a small private collection housed inside an old merchant mansion, built according to a classic design: the first floor is made of stone, where there is a souvenir shop, the second is made of wood (the exhibition is located here). The museum is quite popular among tourists; at least 1 thousand people visit it per month. The collection consists of more than 200 irons that were used to iron before the advent of the age of electricity.

It is almost impossible to drive past the Teapot House, as it is painted in bright colors that instantly catch the eye of travelers. It was founded by the owners of the Iron Museum in 2003. To attract visitors, the inventive owners came up with original inscriptions and appeals and placed them on the fence and walls. After reading one of them, it is simply impossible to ignore such a persistent invitation to go inside.

The new museum of Pereslavl-Zalessky, which has already earned high praise from visitors. Its exhibition is located in two small halls and consists of items from peasant life and interior design, presented in an interesting and rather non-standard way. But the main thing in this museum is the atmosphere and concept, which allows you to look at the peasant class in a completely new way and learn a lot of interesting things.

Another private museum showing visitors the history and achievements of radio engineering. Its entire small space is occupied by radios of various sizes and formats, brought from all over the world. The founders assembled the exhibition literally from basements and attics, and the result was a rather interesting exhibition. In the store at the museum you can buy rare parts for repairing ancient devices.

The museum and souvenir shop are located in the same building. The exhibition consists of rare sewing machines, as you might guess from the name. The number of exhibits is more than 100. There are antique pre-revolutionary devices, Soviet cars and products from famous world manufacturers. The shop on the ground floor sells dishes, clothes and ceramics.

The institution opened in 2012. Its exhibition is dedicated to the period in the history of the city when Alexander Nevsky reigned there. It has no analogues in Russia. During the excursion you can see a model of Pereslavl-Zalessky of the 12th century, icons depicting the prince, awards (medals and orders) bearing the name of Alexander Nevsky, the composition “Three Warriors”, consisting of figures of a Teutonic knight, a Russian knight and a Tatar-Mongol horseman.

The museum's original collection consists of various devices and household items invented by savvy peasants and townspeople to make housekeeping easier. Here you can see special dishes for mustachioed men, fruit cutters, bottle openers, pest traps and other useful items. The operation of many exhibits can be tested in practice.

A tourist complex and historical and cultural center, consisting of a Russian village with wooden houses, inside of which the atmosphere and interior of the 19th – early 20th centuries have been recreated. Museum exhibitions telling about inventions and discoveries made by compatriots, and thematic alleys where you can meet heroes folk tales. The local tavern serves tourists traditional Russian cuisine.

A small museum complex that combines an exhibition, a playground, an atmospheric cafe and a souvenir shop. During the excursion, visitors are told about traditional Russian life, customs and traditions, while actively involving them in a theatrical performance. The main character of the whole action is the fabulous Berendey. The museum's excursion programs are very varied; you can choose any one to suit your taste.

The museum is located about 30 km from the city; it is part of the structure of the Far Away Kingdom complex. The exhibition consists of fairy tale characters, as well as heroes of Slavic myths, made by local sculptor and artist A. Tikhonov. During the excursion, guests find themselves in the wonderful world of ancient legends. To enhance the effect, special music and decorations were selected.

The garden appeared in the 1950s; since 1998 it has been included in the National Park"Lake Pleshcheyevo" Eight zones are planted with plants from different ends Russia and the world: Crimea, Caucasus, Far East, Siberia, Western Europe, China, Japan, Central Asia. For visitors, walking alleys are laid between the thickets, and small stone bridges are thrown across artificial reservoirs.

A mysterious block, supposedly used as a ritual object back in the days of pagan Rus'. The ancient Slavs also used it in their rituals. In dry weather the stone has a normal gray color, but when it rains it turns blue. After the adoption of Christianity, residents continued to gather around the site to dance and light fires, which infuriated the monks of the nearby monastery. The brothers constantly frightened people that evil spirits lived in the Blue Stone.

Alexandrova Mountain is the place of settlement of the Finno-Ugric Merya tribe, which came to these places in the 7th century. Some experts believe that pagan dances and games were held here during the holidays. According to another version, it is believed that the hill was built on the orders of Alexander Nevsky. In the 13th century, the Alexander Monastery was built on the mountain, which ceased to exist 500 years later.

An excursion with children to Pereslavl - educational, exciting, environmentally friendly!

Do you want to surprise your child, show him a fairy tale and provide him with a lot of impressions? Then why not, on one of the warm summer days that are about to arrive, leave the stuffy city somewhere closer to nature for three days, or maybe a week? 120 kilometers from Moscow along the Yaroslavl highway stands the wonderful ancient Russian city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. It rightfully takes its rightful place among the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. And once you have been here, neither you nor your child will ever forget this wonderful trip!! And the journey will not be tiring: the drive to Pereslavl is not so far. Of course, it is better to drive your own car to see and visit as many monuments and attractions as possible, which are located at a considerable distance from each other.

You can get to Pereslavl-Zalessky by bus from Moscow, from the bus station on Shchelkovskaya, a ticket costs about 200 rubles, the ride takes about 2 and a half hours. Buses run almost every hour.

A little history
Before you go with your child on this magical journey into the past, you can and probably should tell your child about the history of Pereslavl-Zalessky. It will be much more interesting for you to travel to historical places, of which there are a lot in the city, knowing about them in advance. When traveling to cities such as Pereslavl-Zalessky, it is worth developing a route in advance, let your child take part in it - and then there will be even more positive emotions from the trip.

So, the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky was founded back in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Pereslavl-Zalessky is located along the shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo, which is one of the city's attractions. Other attractions are easy to guess, knowing that the city is part of the Golden Ring. These are, of course, monasteries, churches and cathedrals.

Ancient Pereslavl was surrounded by a ring of earthen ramparts 10-16 m high, reaching a circumference of up to 2.5 km. Inside the rampart ring, a powerful Transfiguration Cathedral was erected - a white stone temple that served as the spiritual and military-political center of princely power. This is clear from its position inside the fortress and the details of the architectural structure.

The Pereslavl principality reached its greatest prosperity during the reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest and his son Yaroslav. The city became one of the significant cultural centers of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus'. Yaroslav's youngest son, the famous commander Alexander Nevsky, was born, raised and reigned on Pereslavl land.

However, the fate of Pereslavl-Zalessky is as brilliant as it is tragic: it did not escape the difficult fate of many Russian cities. Over the course of just a few decades, Pereslavl-Zalessky was repeatedly subject to destruction both by the Tatar-Mongol troops and by their own brother princes, who wanted to individually own one of the most important political and economic centers of Rus'.

The misfortunes that befell the city left it only after the death of Dmitry Alexandrovich, the son of Alexander Nevsky, who transferred the Principality of Pereslavl to the Moscow Prince Daniil. Since the 15th century, Pereslavl-Zalessky has been developing as a significant craft and shopping mall, remaining very attractive to the grand ducal family.

Small town, big journey

And now the almost three-hour trip is over and you have reached your destination. The first question is where to stay. Fortunately, in recent years Pereslavl has been developing quite quickly as a tourist center, so the choice of hotels, motels or even cottages in Pereslavl is impressive. It all depends on you: whether you want to live in the city center, or outside the city, in a small hotel or a separate house. And the prices will pleasantly surprise you. There are a lot of amazing things here. There should also be no problems with food: the city has a selection of cafes and restaurants, which will not only offer you a varied cuisine and specialties, but will also not forget about your child. Many establishments have a children's menu, and some host special children's theatrical performances.

And after you have decided on your place of residence, rested and refreshed yourself, you can go explore the city. It’s unlikely that one day will be enough to leisurely go around the most interesting sights, visit Lake Pleshcheyevo and Berendey’s house, ride a handcar and be surprised at how gray this Blue Stone really is. Despite the fact that Pereslavl-Zalessky itself is a small city, there are a great many places worth visiting. First of all, you can go to Victory Park with your children and have fun there. You can rent a bike or ride a map. And if the weather permits, then you can go to the City Beach, which is also a recreation park with all the inherent attributes: boat and catamaran rentals, and the kids will love the inflatable trampoline castles. Older children are offered horseback riding. Pereslavl and its surroundings are very beautiful, here you can breathe in plenty of fresh air and eat berries straight from the bush, sometimes without even leaving your car.

Miraculously, nature here merges with the city, which at times can seem like a pretty village. Only modern neighborhoods and enterprises speak of the presence of civilization.

The Pearl of Zalesye – Lake Pleshcheyevo
"Pleshcheyevo Lake" is a National Park, which is located on the territory of the Pereslavl municipal district Yaroslavl region. On the territory of the park there are 7 natural monuments, 8 archaeological monuments, 22 historical and 94 architectural monuments, as well as places of interest associated with the names of Yuri Dolgoruky, Alexander Nevsky, Peter I, Ivan the Terrible and other great personalities in the history of the Russian state.

Lake Pleshcheyevo attracts a lot of tourists: windsurfers from Moscow and the Moscow region train here, because the lake is shallow, and in case of an unsuccessful fall, the surfer can walk to the shore. And parents also really like Lake Pleshcheyevo for its “shallow” shoreline. Since it is shallow, it means it is warm, and this is what our children need: splashing around and learning to swim at such a depth is not at all scary.

Unusual places of Pereslavl-Zalessky
A few kilometers from Pereslavl-Zalessky on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo (now this place is called the architectural monument “Kleshchinsky complex”) lies a huge boulder called the “Blue Stone”. It is currently blue-gray in color and is sinking very slowly into the ground. They say that at sunset it is still blue in the rays of the sun. The fame of a miracle worker has long been attached to him. According to local old-timers, staying on the boulder heals people from many diseases, and also heals women from infertility! They also say that the stone makes wishes come true. Nearby grow two trees, densely tied with ribbons of tourists eager for their wishes to be fulfilled. Legend has it that this huge stone once served as a place of worship for pagans. And after the Baptism of Rus' and the establishment of Christianity, it was decided to drown this stone in the lake. And many years later, again according to legend, he climbed back onto the shore. And now this stone continues to move, now sinking into the ground, now appearing on the surface again. Not far from the Blue Stone there is a huge mound called Alexander Mountain in honor of Alexander Nevsky. In the old days it was called Yarilin bald spot in honor of the pagan sun god.

Another interesting place in the city is the Arboretum (Pereslavl Arboretum named after S.F. Kharitonov) This national park, spread over an area of ​​58 hectares, surprises with the splendor of various trees and shrubs. China, Japan, North America and Europe, Crimea and the Caucasus, Siberia - all the diversity flora will open before you. It is better to travel around the arboretum with a guide who will tell you not only about the collections, but also about funny stories from the life of plants, for example, that you can weave boots from pine...

Museums of Pereslavl-Zalessky
Pereslavl-Zalessky has not only wonderful nature, fresh air and beautiful lake. Don’t forget that the city is one of the “Golden” ones, it has many interesting historical places and museums. The youngest travelers will be very interested in visiting the Iron Museum, the Teapot Museum and the Museum of Masks. The Iron Museum is dedicated, of course, to irons. All exhibits can be touched with your hands. And there are a lot of them here! And they are very interesting, because irons and irons from different times are collected here. And in the teapot museum, the main thing, of course, is the teapot. Among the irons and kettles there are a bunch of different varieties that are very cute. The exhibitions themselves in both museums occupy a room, and another room is reserved for souvenirs, which tourists are happy to purchase. After visiting these museums, you are left with a very good impression - as if you were in your grandmother’s house, where every thing has its own long and very interesting story.

Another museum whose visit delights children and adults is the Steam Locomotive Museum, where you should definitely take a ride on a trolley. Here they will tell you about the “cuckoos” - steam locomotives and trains of the narrow-gauge railway, which played an important role in the history of Russia. In Russia, the only place where the world of narrow gauge railways is preserved is the Pereslavl Railway Museum, created in 1990. A large number of exhibits, many of which are unique and have certificates as monuments of the history of technology, allow us to give some idea of ​​the whole variety of narrow-gauge railways. But the uniqueness of the museum is also in the fact that it itself is a small railway.

The museum-estate “Boat of Peter I” is also very interesting. Unfortunately, little has survived from those times, but in this museum you can see what Peter I himself touched!

Another “museum” worthy of mention is the Berendey House. The Berendey House is a center for the preservation and development of folk traditions and folk arts and crafts. It has a daily café with 45 seats serving Russian cuisine and a museum of masks. Master classes on painting wooden souvenirs are held daily for everyone. They also make original souvenirs here, which can be purchased at the souvenir kiosk. On the territory of the House, in a fairy-tale meadow, funny folklore programs are held. The legendary Tsar Berendey and his assistants greet the guests. We could watch the programs "Maslenitsa", Krasnaya Gorka", "Miding Rite" more than once on central television channels. The program "Maslenitsa in the House of Berendey" is so popular that all sessions of this program are booked several weeks in advance.

And older children will certainly be interested in visiting the historical museum, located on the territory of a former monastery.

And the most romantic and exciting thing that is offered in Pereslavl is a walk on hot-air balloon. It lasts an hour, you can fly either alone (but still with a pilot) or in a small group of three people (plus a pilot). Seeing the city from a bird's eye view, seeing your reflection in Lake Pleshcheyevo is worth it. Of course, this ride is quite expensive (about 15,000 rubles), but the impressions of such an air ride are indelible.

One can write endlessly about the glorious city of Pereslavl-Zalessky! Everyone will find something that will interest them in this city. Therefore, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times, as the wise proverb says. All that remains is to wish you a happy journey!

One of the most ancient cities of the “Golden Ring” of Russia is located on the shore of the large Pleshcheevo Lake. It is good at any time of the year, but in winter it has a special flavor. When traveling here with children, it is interesting to look at ancient monasteries, look into unusual teapot and iron museums, and also attend folklore festivals.

What to see with children

The small city has so many attractions that you could spend more than a day traveling around it. It is very interesting to take a tour of the ancient Goritsky Monastery, which is located 1.8 km from the bus station (Museiny lane, 4).

Sometimes this monastery is mistakenly called the Kremlin, because its territory is surrounded by stone walls and surrounded by powerful towers. The monastery stands on a hill and offers excellent views of the city and Lake Pleshcheyevo. The architectural complex of the monastery is very beautiful. It consists of the majestic Assumption Cathedral, as well as picturesque stone and wooden churches.

Nowadays, the monastery houses the collections of the museum-reserve - icons, carved sculptures, church antiquities, unique works of gold seamstresses and paintings. With small children, it is interesting to visit the museum section telling about local nature. In winter, the museums of the Goritsky Monastery are open daily, except Mondays, from 10.00 to 17.00.

Behind the monastery fence there is a small but very interesting museum dedicated to Alexander Nevsky. It exhibits a model of old Pereslavl, paintings and ancient chain mail. The museum doors are open for guests on all days except Mondays, from 10.00 to 17.00.

Pereslavl-Zalessky has only about 40 thousand inhabitants. And almost all travelers are surprised that in such small town There are about two dozen museums, many of them created specifically for children. That is why Pereslavl-Zalessky is often called the “most fabulous” city in Central Russia.

On the shore of the lake, in the village of Veskovo, there is one of the most popular museums, where the wooden boat of Peter I is exhibited. It is open on all days except Monday, from 10.00 to 17.00. In the same village there is an unusual museum of teapots, where you can see everything that was used for tea drinking in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The Museum of the History of Money and the Museum of Gramophones and Records are also popular in Veskovo. During the winter months, all three museums are open on weekends and holidays from 10.00 to 18.00.

In the city itself, on the street. Uritsky, 38, there is a “Berendey House”. Interesting folklore programs and master classes of folk crafts are held in the high tower. Here children learn to make souvenirs and paint wooden crafts.

Opposite the city bus station, the Russian Park historical and cultural center has been created, which houses six museums. There is a Glade of Fairy-tale Heroes in the park, and with the help of craftsmen you can master the technique of dough modeling and making folk toys. The park is open to guests on all days except Monday and Tuesday, from 10.00 to 18.00.

On Sovetskaya street, opposite each other are the Iron Museum (building 11) and the Museum of Cunning and Ingenuity (building 14B). The first exhibits a rich collection of antique irons, and in the courtyard stands the fabulous Baba Yaga, with whom visitors love to take pictures. In the second museum you can see unusual devices used in everyday life a century and a half ago, as well as tools of artisans. It’s interesting that the museum shop sells antiques as souvenirs.

Lake Pleshcheyevo

In winter, a large round body of water resembles frozen waves of the sea. Especially good review It opens onto it from the walls of the ancient Goritsky monastery. The ice here is strong, so skiers ski on the lake, and ice fishing enthusiasts can be seen everywhere. Pereslavl souvenirs depict the famous vendace, a fish that lives in Lake Pleshcheyevo. Russian tsars loved to feast on it. And Alexander Dumas came to Pereslavl-Zalessky specifically for vendace.

In winter, fans of snowkiting come to Lake Pleshcheyevo. The city has a school for beginner kiters, and with older children you can try gliding in the wind across the snow-covered expanses of the lake.

Restaurants and cafes

In the city center there are many establishments aimed at tourists, and most of them are located along the Yaroslavl highway. At house 11 on Narodnaya Square there is a cultural and entertainment complex “Golden Ring”, where there are several cafes and restaurants where you can dine. In addition, the cafe-pizzeria “Pinocchio”, the dining room “Visit”, as well as the cafes “Blinnaya”, “Bamboo” and “Khutorok” are popular among tourists.

Where to stay

As the number of travelers on the Golden Ring routes grows year by year, more and more hotels and guest houses are being built in the city. Budget accommodation for two adults and one child starts from 600 rubles per night. Most options can be found at a price of 1100-1300 rubles. These are hotels, mini-hotels, guest houses and recreation centers, many of which offer guests free breakfast.

0. Frosty day in Pereslavl-Zalessky, .

We don’t sit at home on frosty weekends, but walk around Pereslavl =) The idea to go there was spontaneous. We spent a long time choosing between Pskov and Smolensk. As a result, everyone was afraid of the cold weather and decided not to go. Then I went alone, but somewhere closer and chose Pereslavl. There are few hotels in the city and all were occupied, so it turned out to be a one-day outing.

You can get to Pereslavl by bus or car. I traveled from Moscow by bus, from the central bus station (metro Shchelkovskaya). . The cities are separated by a distance of 140 km or about 4 hours by bus. I ended up in Pereslavl exactly at noon. It was clear from the map that the city was small, located on the shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo. A lot has already been said and shown about the iron museum and other attractions, so the purpose of the walk was to see the city itself, take a walk in 14-degree frost, freeze your nose and fingers, and drive home. All this
it was done perfectly.

1. The city center is surrounded by a rampart (high earthen embankment). It was fun to climb, falling up to your knees in the snow, and going down was faster and more fun. Inside the ring there are several churches and chapels, monuments and souvenir shops. I really liked that the city center is protected as an ancient monument: multi-story buildings are nowhere to be seen, judging by the diagram, they were built on the outskirts. In the city center there are only low wooden ones, less often stone houses, temples and boats. First I looked Old city, located inside the earthen rampart. I photographed mainly temples.

2. It was interesting to walk through the village, which is located along the river flowing into Lake Pleshcheyevo.

3. Gingerbread house

4. Old wooden houses.

6. I was generally lucky with the weather =)

7. Lake Pleshcheyevo is shallow and almost regular round in shape. In winter it freezes well - for the first time I walked on ice, falling knee-deep into the snow. Overall it was cool)

8. Silence, only the snow crunches underfoot.

9. The frozen boat somehow reminded me of the ark.

10. Having frozen everything that was possible, I return back. The black cat casts an interesting shadow on the fence.

Pereslavl is a wonderful city, beautiful at any time of the year. But my first winter impressions remained the best =) About other cities and towns in my blog as part of the program - We don’t sit at home on weekends!

An ancient city that is part of the Golden Ring of Russia - Pereslavl-Zalessky. What to see: ancient temples, interesting places shrouded in legends, nature trails and interesting museums.

Those who want to get acquainted with the historical events and cultural past of this region go to the open spaces of the city.

City information

Being one of the most beautiful and attractive cities that make up Pereslavl-Zalessky with its attractions and interesting places, is real heritage Russia.

Where is?

One of the main advantages of a trip to Pereslavl-Zalessky is that this city is located a short distance from - 140 kilometers.

It can be reached by train or by car, going to the side. The settlement is located exactly in the middle of this route.

Pereslavl-Zalessky is significantly elongated on both sides Yaroslavl road. Each of them contains residential buildings, various attractions - architectural objects, natural places and museums. On one side there is Lake Pleshcheyevo- the largest body of water, distinguished incredible beauty.

Historical reference

Pereslavl-Zalessky appeared in 1152. The city was founded by the prince Yuri Dolgoruky as an important protective point on the border of the Rostov and Suzdal principalities. Defensive earthen ramparts up to 15 meters high were built around.

By this time, people were already living here - Finno-Ugric tribes, in particular the Merya tribe. Reminds me of them here Blue stone- a temple typical of pagans. Following them, the Slavs and Krivichi came to the expanses of this settlement. It was these people who gave it its first name - Kleshchin, and later - Pereslavl-Zalessky.

The Pereslavl principality reached its dawn in the 12th century, when Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest came to power, then his son Yaroslav, and then his grandson Alexander Nevsky. This settlement turned into cultural center of Rus'– fairly educated people served under the rulers. Thanks to them, the court began to write a chronicle, develop iconography, architecture, and wood carving.

Pereslavl-Zalessky – birthplace of Alexander Nevsky. There are many interesting places and attractions associated with this legendary name in the city. He founded and built chambers, temples and other historical structures.

In memory of the Grand Duke, who successfully fought in the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice, monasteries and temples were erected here.

Pereslavl-Zalessky hosted in its open spaces great people:

  • Ivan groznyj significantly strengthened this city;
  • Peter I built his “Amusement Fleet” on Lake Pleshcheyevo.

This is where we loved to spend time famous personalities– Prishvin, Ostrovsky, Gorky, as well as Chaliapin and Serov. They were attracted by the picturesque nature, unique atmosphere, cozy and calm provincial silence.

Majestic landmarks

The real pearl of the Golden Ring offers tourists a large selection of the most ancient attractions. During a leisurely walk around the city, you can get acquainted with original Russian architectural monuments, ancient temples, visit museums or relax among natural beauty.

Architectural structures

The main architectural monument in Pereslavl-Zalessky is Kremlin- a structure that once exceeded the Moscow Kremlin in size. The height of its walls was 15 meters and the width was 10 meters.

Very few buildings remain from the former greatness - Transfiguration Cathedral- one of the oldest sanctuaries, an earthen rampart that appeared in the 12th century and served as reliable protection from enemies.

A special architectural monument - "Kleshcheevsky complex"- an ancient settlement that appeared thanks to Yuri Dolgoruky and improved by Ivan the Terrible. Initially, it was built on the northeastern shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, but then, by decree of the prince, it was moved to the place where it is located to this day.

It is in the vastness of the “Kleshcheevsky complex” that you can find the same Blue stone- a pagan symbol whose miraculous properties are still believed.

A more modern architectural monument - Boat of Peter I- a structure that was built after the death of the great king. It was built by order of Governor Ivan Mikhailovich Dolgoruky. The complex was intended to shelter a boat built by the hands of the king.

The complex consists of several buildings:

  1. White Palace;
  2. gatehouse;
  3. Botny house;
  4. Triumphal Gate;
  5. monument to Peter the Great.

The Tsar chose the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky and Lake Pleshcheyevo for construction for a reason "Amusing flotilla".

This body of water was of considerable size, which made it possible to supervise the construction of ships here.

For this, shipwrights were called from. A year later, all the ships were built, but the tsar had to urgently leave for Moscow, because an unpleasant event occurred there - Streletsky riot.

Construction continued in 1691, and in 1692 the “amusing” ships were launched to explore the waters, learn navigation and shipbuilding. In honor of the event, an artillery salute was fired over the lake, and the place from which the cannons fired was named - Mount Gremyach.

Legendary religious buildings

Pereslavl-Zalessky, like any city that is part of the Golden Ring, has preserved a large number of religious buildings for its descendants. These include Goritsky Monastery- a building founded in the 14th century by Ivan Kalita. Until the 18th century, this monastery retained its status - monks lived and worked in its open spaces, but then there was a fire here, during which many archives were destroyed.

A walk through the Goritsky Monastery will introduce you to architecture ancient building, which includes:

  • Travel gates;
  • Gatekeeper's Chamber;
  • Refectory Chamber;
  • Theological school;
  • Belfry.

For some time the monastery was desolate. The buildings on its territory fell into disrepair - partially dilapidated, overgrown and collapsed. In 1919, the historical complex was saved, and its open spaces were opened museum-reserve. A visit to this place will be interesting for those who dream of seeing Pereslavl-Zalessky in full view.

An important religious monument of Pereslavl-Zalessky - Transfiguration Cathedral- this is the building that was laid by Yuri Dolgoruky. Alexander Nevsky was baptized in this church, and here he was canonized. During its existence, this building was the tomb of the Grand Dukes, the headquarters of the Russian troops, a gathering place for representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, and also a museum.

Among other ancient religious buildings it is worth noting:

In addition, it is worth visiting the legendary Trinity-Danilov Monastery, Vladimir Cathedral, Znamenskaya Church, Intercession Church and Fedorovsky Monastery. These religious buildings have a special atmosphere peace and comfort. After visiting the temples, you can admire the frescoes of the 17th century and climb the bell tower.

Pereslavl-Zalessky is an ancient settlement that has preserved many historical objects for its descendants. On the streets there are a wide variety of museums with collections of exhibits. One of them - Iron Museum- a relatively young institution, which previously housed an antique shop, and later the museum itself. The collection of the repository contains about 200 exhibits - irons collected from all over the country.

Not inferior in popularity Teapot Museum– a rich exhibition dedicated to this household appliance. Here you can get closer to numerous exhibits - teapots, sugar bowls, boxes of sweets, vessels for storing tea, and the culture and traditions of tea drinking.

Also in Pereslavl-Zalessky you can visit:

  • Railway Museum– a private exhibition that opened the doors to everyone who wanted to see ancient self-propelled trains, steam locomotives, locomotives, specialized equipment and the history of their origin;
  • Museum of Cunning and Ingenuity– an exhibition with interesting exhibits that cannot be seen in other museums. On its shelves are objects imagined by ancestors - musical bottles, juicers, cups for a man with a mustache;
  • Radio Museum– a large-scale exhibition featuring a large collection of unique devices found in basements, landfills, barns and attics.

Natural beauty of the village and surrounding area

Nature lovers can visit the coast Lake Pleshcheyevo– a picturesque body of water along which you can take leisurely walks, stop for fishing, ride in a boat or on a sailing yacht.

The lake is incredibly large in size, so such a walk can take quite a long period of time.

Blue stone- an important natural attraction that you need to see at least once in your life. This object received this name because after rain it changes its color from gray to blue. There are several similar objects in the country and, according to legend, they have miraculous properties.

You can admire nature and breathe fresh air by visiting Arboretum. This place contains hundreds of plants from all over the world. Walking along the shady alleys will allow you to move from one climate zone to another.

What else to visit?

Despite the small size of the city, it can take several days to get to know it. Hundreds of tourists come to its expanses to visit interesting places and be inspired by various attractions.

Where to go with children?

Pereslavl-Zalessky opened specially for young tourists "Berendey's House"– a large entertainment complex, especially popular in spring and summer season. In the homeland of Tsar Berendey there are colorful chambers where the fairy-tale hero receives guests. All this is accompanied by ancient rituals, songs and fun.

The complex itself consists of a museum, a souvenir shop and several stylized cafes. During your stay you can take part in interactive events, master classes, and excursions. Such events allow children to get acquainted with traditional Russian way of life. For young tourists, all sorts of events are organized here dedicated to the holidays - Maslenitsa, Honey and Apple Savings.

A visit promises to be no less interesting Russian Park— cultural and historical museum complex. Children will be interested in taking part in crafts lessons, visiting the “Glade of Fairy Tales”, where they will meet fairy-tale characters, and get acquainted with ancient Russian culture in thematic museums.

What to see in 1 and 2 days?

There are quite a lot of places in Pereslavl-Zalessky that you definitely need to visit. Among them are the Kremlin and the ancient earthen rampart, the soul of the city - Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery.

While walking and getting to know interior decoration cathedral, you can see ancient frescoes, icons and other interesting objects.

"Amusing" flotilla– one of the important events in the life of the city. Tsar Peter I, who built shipyards, sheds, huts and stables on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo, left his mark in the form of the “Boat of Peter I”. In addition to the museum, you can also visit a campsite and a restaurant with a large selection of traditional Russian dishes of that time.

Others interesting places– monasteries, temples and churches are objects that made the city very famous and famous. Some of them were given over to ethnographic and historical museums with diverse collections of objects. They display icons, utensils from those centuries and paintings by famous artists.

If you have enough time, it's worth a visit unusual museums, which are not inferior in collection to those located in Rybinsk, Ples and other cities of the Golden Ring.

When planning a trip to Pereslavl-Zalessky, you can choose many interesting and eventful routes. Definitely worth a try during your trip traditional cuisine in one of the local cafes and restaurants.

For an overview of the sights of Pereslavl-Zalessky, see this video: