What a dolmen looks like from the inside. What are dolmens and why were they built? The Archeology of Knowledge expedition to the Caucasus discovered formwork impressions on several little-known “stone houses”

The modern inquisitive mind of a person wants to know not only that dolmens have some kind of power and that it can be asked to solve pressing issues, but he wants to pull this power out, touch it, break it down into pieces, and study it all. This is done with the aim of not begging power and fulfilling its demands before it condescends to help, but taking it into your own hands and managing it as needed. Once upon a time, the process of comprehending this secret was called mysticism, and a method of controlling magic. Now the names have changed, but the essence remains the same. Mysticism became philosophy, and magic turned into applied science.
Dolmens attract, but also make you shake with fear of their invisible capabilities. Maybe someday we will figure out their secrets and treat them like household appliances, but for now we somehow feel uneasy around them. Especially when they start communicating with you.

One day In our Society, a woman worked as a tour guide who was contemptuous of the mystical direction of our work. The theme of her excursions was historical facts the existence of various nationalities in the Black Sea region. She conducted very interesting historical excursions. One day, she approaches the “Tunnel to the Future” menhir on the excursion route and begins to tell a completely new legend, which is not found in literature. It told about one tribe that lived in these places and defended itself from enemy attacks. The names and times when the events took place were given. I was surprised because I had never met this legend. Later, she admitted that in an instant the menhir gave her a legend about the people who used the power of dolmens and forced her to immediately tell the tourists. Later, she recognized the fact of the dolmen phenomenon as a certain fact, which can only be discussed in a whisper.
I’ll tell you about several stories when I personally encountered their mystical power and still remember that chill that grabbed my soul and threatened to take me beyond the limits of my mind.
Before organizing a tour desk, we studied geography location of surviving dolmens. Once we stopped the car near the mountain on which the dolmen was located. And a group of five people went in search. They walked in all directions. We found one dilapidated dolmen and decided to look for more. At some point, I felt a strong sense of fear and decided to go down to the car. Imagine my surprise when I saw that the others, without saying a word, also began to leave the forest, admitting that they also experienced fear and a desire to escape from this place.
Here's another story. I once gave a tour along the “The Way to Happiness” route. She walked along the path far ahead of the group. A few meters before the dolmen of Fidelity, I heard ahead, as if in the crowns of trees, a sound similar to the sound of the most delicate tinkling of bells. It was a sunny morning, and this iridescent sound was perceived as the music of heaven. It was a moment that will be remembered for a lifetime.
In the Mamedov Gorge, approaching the dolmen from the side, a few meters before it we felt some kind of dense wall in space. The dolmen seemed to not let us get close to it. We walked around it on the other side, in front, and were able to get a good look. There was a powerful warrior spirit around him. Dolmen told us his story. In very distant times, when the first people inhabited the earth and bred on it, they flourished. The first people were different. They didn't eat like we do now. They fed on air, smell and sun. But then people began to get accustomed to coarser and denser food: the fruits of plants. This method of maintaining life has become entrenched in people. One day a cataclysm happened on earth. A meteorite fell to the ground. It broke up into small specks of dust containing destructive gas. Many people died and plants died along with them. Hunger began. And people began to remember their original nature. One by one they entered the dolmen, and there the person was transformed, returning to the original way of eating. At this time, the rest, waiting, became embittered from hunger, and fermentation and skirmishes began. The priests strictly guarded the sacrament; they were forced to invent various means of protection. Few were saved. Later they again began to eat solid food, but the mystery of the dolmens allowed them to continue human existence. There was another significant period when the dolmen played the role of a savior. Very warlike people came to these places. They robbed and took the children of the local population into slavery. Then the local priests took action. In dangerous moments, they collected children and hid them in a dolmen, performing special rituals. The power of these rituals kept the raiders away from the dolmen and saved the lives of the children. The historical tasks that this dolmen performed left a characteristic imprint on it, which can be felt when you are nearby. If you feel that you need strength or protection in life, ask for it from the dolmen in the Mamedov Gap.

And this story surprised me even more. One fellow guide once showed a photograph of a dolmen. It was taken early in the morning, when nature was just about to wake up. The figure of a gnome was clearly visible on the roof of the dolmen. It looked like a compacted foggy clot, but it was easily recognizable as a mythical creature, and in color.
Now I’m no longer surprised by this, because I myself encountered an inexplicable phenomenon. I have been preparing for a long time to conduct night meditation in the dolmen. Finally, that time has come. It seemed that nothing mystical was happening, an ordinary forest, cold familiar stones. After 12 at night, when I felt comfortable and reliable protection in the dolmen, suddenly heavy slow steps began to be heard outside, completely unlike human ones. The fear was so strong that it plunged me into an altered state of consciousness. At that moment, through the hole in the dolmen, I saw that outside was not our world, but another. I saw it vaguely, but at the same time I understood what was happening there. There lived creatures that were similar to people, but had a less dense body, tall stature, a stately figure and stately slow movements. I didn’t see them eat, but I knew that among their organs they had a stomach, which received and processed some kind of ale, which maintained the density of their bodies. I have seen the afterlife many times and I can say that the dolmen showed me another world. Both men and women lived in it. They had a relationship, but it was different from what we are used to. When a man got together with a woman, their powers were united, and they lived in constant ecstasy, which fueled them both. When the state of ecstasy weakened, they separated and looked for another mate. I didn't see any children there. Necessary things and buildings appeared out of necessity and disappeared. Lakes with blue water appeared there, then disappeared. I understood that everything appeared for them according to thought and desire and then also disappeared so as not to clog up the space. They had wise men who designed things and a ruler who held a council and accepted new ideas for consideration and approval. Some kind of perfect world. But it was clear that this was a world with very high technologies, the mechanisms of which were driven by the power of thought. The thoughts of these creatures were developed, and the mechanisms were so perfect that I could not understand how and from what a sofa or sand or a pond appeared.
This could have been mistaken for a fairy tale, but this world once again showed itself in my life.
A little about a year has passed. It was winter. This is a break in our seasonal work. It is protracted and it is not always possible to distribute the funds earned over the summer so that they are enough to survive until the next season. There came a time when it was really hard for me. There was nothing to feed the children, and I didn’t know what to do. I went to church and scraped together some change to buy a candle and pray. And there I found out that candles had once again become more expensive. I felt so insignificant in this life that all the way back I shed tears of despair and suffering for how much we had fallen into a vicious circle of addiction in this world. That night I had a dream. I saw the Prosperity dolmen from the excursion route. A young, stately man suddenly emerged from it. I felt his powerful good power. The grass began to turn green around the dolmen, a huge green clearing formed, flooded with a blessed sun. The young man pointed his hand into the distance and said: “Look, people are coming.” In the near future, we formed a group of tourists, and I was able to earn money. That year we had excursion activities start unusually very early, which gave us work. And I realized with terrifying acuteness how close that world is to us, and how real it is.
It will be interesting for everyone if you, our dear readers, share your interesting stories, concerning the theme of the mysticism of dolmens.

And we will continue this topic with your help.

The mystery of the dolmens has been revealed.
But many questions remain.

Our Society studies dolmens from the point of view of their impact on humans. After lengthy research, preliminary conclusions were made: dolmens have a synergistic effect on living beings, they begin to take part in fate. It can be assumed that dolmens construct a projection of a person into another space, creating there an energetic similarity with given characteristics (wishes). This clone transmits laws of possibilities 5th dimension into the human brain, which rebuild the model of his behavior to complete the task, not allowing the human psyche to doubt the full result. Near dolmens a person experiences a feeling of euphoria. This is a feeling of perception of the laws of the 5th dimension, in which the perceptual spectrum of our psyche expands. With conscious communication with dolmens, a closer relationship with other laws is observed, which moves to the receptive level of interaction. That is, at the same time, we not only feel and superficially enjoy a new sensation, but this sensation becomes a sign of the biochemical reaction of our body, which has begun to rebuild itself and move towards the fulfillment of a desire. Therefore, miracles are made with our own hands. But without an impulse from another dimension this would be impossible.
You can find the conclusions of scientific research in the dissertation section. Here we will give general characteristics the impact of dolmens on humans, which is based on scientific research and will lift the veil of secrecy about the mechanism of miracles of healing and changes in fate for the better.

Psychobiodynamics of the internal reserves of people visiting dolmens.
The “crawling graph” effect.

The study of dolmens, mysterious stone structures that have survived from the depths of millennia to our times, is deepening. Over the course of ten years of practical work with dolmens, it was discovered and recorded in case study tests that dolmens have an impulsive psychodynamic effect on a person. This paper will present facts about the movement of human psychobiological indicators. Processing of individual data shows changes in the physical and mental well-being of an individual, regardless of psychotype, age, physical fitness and general health. The indicators confidently prove the impact of dolmens on humans. In this example, this effect brings a positive psychobiotherapeutic effect.
The study of human behavior near dolmens provides a huge range of scientific data. Systematizing the data obtained, we will begin their study with a generalization of the visual and psychosomatic subjective sensations of a person under the influence of a certain complex of dolmens.
The beginning of a serious study of these facts was visual observations of human behavior during routine practical work during excursions. Over ten years, a rich wealth of oral emotional statements of changes in state has accumulated. A large percentage of tourists in each group noted improved mood, lighter body weight and a change in mental mood to a state of joy and peace and flight. These poetic expressions are the essence and an important indicator of the internal psychosomatic state, which until now has been paid attention to by various directions only of religious movements. History notes a huge number of people reaching for a similar state. This means there is a great demand for it. It is quite obvious that this is a need for a certain source of energy, which manifests itself through a person by increasing the hormone of joy in him. The production of hormones that increase the overall tone of the body is stimulated by a hidden source. There was an assumption that the dolmen contains a mechanism that acts on this source.
Thanks to our extensive experience working with these structures, we have compiled a Questionnaire, which formulates the optimal questions, verified by many years of observations for the entire group and for each group member individually.
The Questionnaire asks three simple questions:
1. How do you feel before visiting the dolmens?
2. How do you feel after visiting the Prosperity Dolmen?
3. How do you feel after visiting the dolmen complex?
And also seven characteristics of the general psychophysiological state of a person are given, on which the individual is most accustomed to concentrating his mental attention:
The survey was conducted in different time of the year. The groups were formed from participants of different social and intellectual levels. The survey was conducted unexpectedly, and the participants did not have the opportunity to psychologically prepare in advance for the answers, so the survey can be considered completely objective.
The figures noted during the survey do not, at first glance, provide a concrete vision of the trend of change. However, processing of this data using charts, histograms and graphs gave very interesting results and took a serious step towards unraveling the mystery of the impact of dolmens on humans.
Let's look at a few examples of chart research.

Table 1.

Table No. 1 presents a diagram and histograms of group No. 1, studied during a regular excursion. The diagram shows the number of group members answering a specific question by questioning and raising their hands to a specific answer formulated in the questionnaire. The answers on the chart are arranged by color.

Data processing shows the percentage of a particular answer in relation to others. The top chart represents the percentage of responses before the tour. Items 1 and 2 indicate the percentage of participants focused on the painful state, mental anxiety. Point 3 - “normal”, that is, a borderline psychobiological state in which a person does not react in any way to his internal state and does not show interest in the outside world. This is the largest number of participants.
The second diagram shows the change in the group’s state after visiting the first dolmen, codenamed “Well-Being.” Here, paragraphs 1 and 2 completely disappear. That is, during a visit to the Dolmen of Prosperity, the group’s attitude towards its own condition changes. The yellow color decreases in size, the mass of colors increases, indicating a change in psychobiological processes that are aimed at a feeling of lightness in the body and the disappearance of heaviness in the soul.
The histogram shows a clear direction of change in this state by the upward movement of the “floating pipes” and their increase in size.
The above graphograms reflect the common “substance”, that is, the common invisible psychobiological field of the group, which is influenced by unknown factors. These factors clearly appear next to the dolmen of Prosperity. This “substance” changes its properties towards a state of lightness in the body, peace of mind, emotional uplift, which distracts from fatigue, mental worries and painful sensations. The histogram displays the fact of an increase in the mass of “healthy psychobiological substance”, which indicates a change in the general psychological background in the group and a decrease in the “sick psychobiological substance”.
The third graph displays the psychodynamics of the group members. The graph “creeps” towards numbers showing peace of mind, lightness of the body, and an unusual, pleasant emotional upsurge. The mass of this substance increases and acquires a solid weight at levels 5 - The mood is excellent, the soul is light and calm; and 6 - I experience lightness in my body, no pain, no feeling of fatigue.
Before the excursion, 2 people experienced physical pain, 10 people felt just fine. After the Dolmen of Prosperity, the emphasis changed towards new sensations. The indicators of painful sensations disappeared and the indicators of relief in the body and soul increased. At the end of the excursion, the “sick” indicators disappeared, the “Normal” status indicators decreased, and the number of participants feeling “excellent” increased.
The plotting is of particular interest. It demonstrates the fact that the number of participants is moving toward an elevated psychosomatic state. Based on the X-axis, where individual phases are encrypted, this total mass moves towards a lighter state in which a person experiences only positive sensations. At the same time, painful sensations, which are a manifestation of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, disappear. Consequently, the work of internal organs is also changing at the moment. For what time is the emerging givenness anchored? This is a question for further research. What makes the graph crawl? There is a possibility that at a certain moment, when a critical mass of “healthy psychobiological substance” accumulates, a form of health materializes. Usually in the human body processes of change to wear and tear and illness occur according to the following scheme: unfavorable conditions - poor psychosomatic state - painful reaction of the body. In the case of visiting the Prosperity dolmen, judging by the data, the scheme changes radically: unfavorable conditions (long, accelerated climb uphill) - excellent psychosomatic state - liberation from painful sensations, relief of the sensation of the body itself.

Table 2.

Table No. 2 shows group No. 2. In this group, the largest number of participants are in a borderline state, that is, in point 3. The borderline state includes people with good health, drawing strength for life from their internal potential, which nature gave from birth and with a good genetic background. Such people are resistant to various natural and mental influences and quickly restore their previous form after exposure to short-term stressful situations.
Chart 1 shows in yellow that the border contingent makes up the vast majority. Diagram 2 records the state of the group after visiting the Prosperity dolmen. Paragraphs 1 and 2, indicating the painful state of the participants, completely disappeared and the “psychobiological substance” changed its colors. The number of yellow, that is, “no” participants has decreased and the number of colors, meaning the state of “excellent” and “the soul is light and calm,” has increased. The trend of changes in the following diagram went towards an increase in the number of participants experiencing a state of psycho-emotional uplift, that is, items 4,5,6,7 pulled the “votes” to themselves.
The histogram clearly demonstrates the general background rising towards improvement. The graph shows that the Dolmen of Prosperity focused the level of “healthy substance” and began to pull it towards the emotional reaction and activated the biological substance. Further psychodynamics confidently moved the graphic image towards improving overall well-being.

Table No. 3

Table No. 3 presented the changes in a group of 20 people. After visiting the Dolmen of Prosperity, the number of participants experiencing pain and mental anxieties significantly decreased, and after the dolmen complex, almost everyone began to feel at the level of points 3, 4, 5, 6. The histogram presented a modification of the group’s state to “a wonderful mood, lightness of soul and in body. The graph moves towards 7, which means “an unusually pleasant emotional upsurge.”

Table No. 4

Table No. 4 involves 24 people. In this example, the graphical representation of the second line is of interest. This is the state of the group after visiting the Dolmen of Prosperity. The data was concentrated in position 5 - “The mood is great, my soul is light and calm.”
After calmness, the movement leads to lightness in the body and freedom from fatigue and pain. The graph shows how there is a change: it seems to rest on the lower marks along the X axis and begins to stretch further towards mark 7. This means that the general psychobiological background first emerges from a painful state, unites in a common healthy field and confidently moves on, lightening the body weight.

Table No. 5

Table No. 5 reports that the group has a serious low-frequency background. The number of participants experiencing a painful condition is 8% and psychological discomfort is 54%, 38% feel normal. The Dolmen of Prosperity confidently corrects this situation, and the dolmen complex raises the healthy background to the level of 23% of participants feeling “normal” and up to 77% of participants feeling an increased emotional state.

Table No. 6.

Table No. 6. There are 40 people in this group. The largest number of participants indicates a borderline state. In the second line of status, changes move to the level of 3, 4, 5, 6. The group then gives indicators indicating the movement of the condition from borderline to mild.

Summary table 1.

The paper presents examples of a study of 6 groups that visited the Dolmen of Prosperity. Let's consider the indicators of the general background of changes. Considering almost identical weather(sunny weather) all data can be combined into a single group.

A total of 131 people participated in this study.
At the beginning of the studies, 9% of participants experienced physical discomfort and 15% psychological discomfort, and 53% experienced a borderline “normal” state. During the excursion after visiting the Dolmen of Prosperity, the percentage changed from 9% in point 1 to 3% and completely disappeared after visiting the dolmen complex. The percentage of borderline participants decreased. This contingent joined the movement of the general mass towards “healthy indicators”.
P 5 – I’m in a great mood, my soul is light and calm – collected the largest number of votes at the Dolmen of Prosperity. After this, the numbers began to increase, indicating a tendency for the general psychophone to move towards a state of relief of the body and a change in psychosomatics from sick to healthy.
It is quite obvious that the Dolmen of Prosperity has an effect on a person. There is an assumption that the mechanism of this influence lies in the dolmen, and the human being falls under this influence and “sits on a certain wave” on which this mechanism operates. The fact of the physical sensation of lightening of the body gives reason to assume that the processes occurring in the subtlest components of the body are activated in the body. It's like solid ice that was placed on a stove, melted, and the boiling water turns into steam.
Happens in the human body a huge number various kinds of metabolic processes. They all occur under different conditions. Under the influence of the Prosperity dolmen, processes are stimulated, including those responsible for immunity. Here the process of thinning the blood and improving the functioning of the circulatory system occurs. Here the balance of the ideal blood formula is achieved. Indicators of flow from a sick psychophone to a light and healthy one indicate the release of the internal driving flow of blood, because it is the main driving flow of the body’s activity, from an unknown binding substance that does not allow the body to move easily and freely. This is the process of bringing the blood composition to normal and improved, which allows a person to live longer and make more achievements for his life experience development. This is a certain push, stimulation of the body and bringing it to a healthy state. Fixing, anchoring this result so that the body is only on this “wave” is possible, but it is a matter of time. After all, any state of the body is a habit, a reflex reaction. Changing the direction of movement of reflex impulses is a very difficult process, but for many individuals it is not hopeless. In our work, we strive to teach a person not only to tune in to health, but also to take decisive actions for this. The mechanism of the dolmen of Well-Being makes a person convinced that health is the norm of life and it needs to be kept only at an elevated level.


We can talk about the identity of the sandstones from which the dolmens are made and the rock block outcrops near the dolmens. Dolmens were made not from layers of sandstone found in the mountains among layers of marls and mudstones, but from the same material that makes up the shapeless, non-layered blocks of sandstone found near dolmens.

While exploring sandstone outcrops in various areas, they often found pieces of coal, marl and plant fragments walled up in sandstone.

The coals retained the smell and could be used for writing. A fragment of a tree branch was found on a rocky outcrop near the village of Pshada. It is very well preserved, peeling elements of the bark are visible, and the color has been preserved. The wood is not charred, although embedded coals are visible around it. Apparently, the branch and coals were covered. The temperature could not be higher than 200 degrees, because... otherwise the branch would have been charred.


When studying the technology of dolmen construction, the location of dolmen groups and the features of sandstone outcrops, a different theory of dolmen construction was formed, different from the generally accepted one. The proposed theory provides completely logical answers to all the contradictions of the quarrying point of view.

Dolmens (individual structural elements) were cast or sculpted from a sandy-clay cementing mass (SGCM), which was squeezed out from the depths to the surface directly at the sites of geological ruptures (thrusts).

  • 1. From this point of view, dolmen builders did not need to extract huge, multi-ton sandstone blocks from quarries. The development of sandstone in quarries and its processing without iron tools is impossible. Construction took place in close proximity from emerging ruptures and places of release of PGCM onto the surface.
  • 2. The PGCM was carried from the place of isolation directly to the site of construction of the dolmen in simple baskets by one person or two. Roads are not needed for this type of transportation. That's why they are not near dolmens.
  • 3. To form the building elements of the future dolmen, the PGCM was placed in earthen formwork or the future element was directly formed (sculpted). Labor-intensive processing of stone blocks with bronze, which is very expensive and not strong enough for such work, was not necessary. Stone and even wooden scrapers were enough.
  • 4. Traces of stones, which are visible on the inner surface of the dolmens and on the portal, could well have been left by stone, bronze and even wooden scraper spatulas. For work on plastic and not completely cemented PGCM, this tool would be quite sufficient.
  • 5. Thus, the amazing, ultra-precise fit of multi-ton blocks along curved joints is a natural property of sculpting or casting technology.
  • 6. Applying raised signs and petroglyphs to the surface of slabs is also a natural property of the sculpting or casting technology. But making such a pattern using stone cutting technology is extremely labor-intensive.
  • 7. The dolmen culture arose when active geological processes were taking place in this area (or rather, they were already subsiding), liquefied sandstones from many kilometers of sedimentary rocks were squeezed out through faults to the surface. Over time, geological activity in the region died out, the outpourings of the PGCM ceased, and the dolmen culture died out, having lost the main building material of the PGCM. Then her traces disappeared in the great whirlpool of the great migration of peoples.

Unfortunately, the proposed technology does not even give a hint of the question WHY? Why did ancient people build dolmens in such numbers? Dolmens suggest the existence of some kind of cult that provides for the socio-religious needs of the ethnic group inhabiting a given territory. But practically nothing is known about the life of the dolmen builders themselves, who they were, where they came from, how they lived, what they did.

The dolmens themselves were probably created as religious buildings. Were they originally buried in them? Not known. Probably not. They are simply not suitable for burial. If we consider a dolmen as a grave, a sarcophagus, then it is not suitable for these purposes, because does not match body size. There are dolmens whose chamber is as large as a room (the dolmen in Dzhugba), and there are dolmens whose dimensions are a little more than a meter.

Perhaps the dolmen was created by a newly organized tribe or a distinguished clan and symbolized the initiation of this clan, carrying a spiritual and ideological load in society. Something similar occurs in other cultures.

In the Middle Ages, there was an unspoken competition among the richest families of Bologna (Italy): whoever builds a tower higher than others deserves the highest honor. Even today, the towers of the Garisenda (48 m) and Asinelli (97 m) families give a special uniqueness to the silhouette of the city.

The Circassian ancestral towers are a unique type of architectural structure that has no analogues in world architecture, an architectural symbol of the family or surname. The applicant for the formation of a new clan was given a year to erect a clan tower. If the applicant managed to build a tower, then a new clan with a new surname began to exist; if he did not have time, he continued to live in the old clan. The uniqueness of the phenomenon of tower structures in the North Caucasus lies in the preservation of their folk pre-professional form.

When tectonic processes in the Caucasus subsided, the release of PGCM stopped, and the construction of dolmens stopped. Perhaps the culture of building dolmens was later transformed into the construction of ancestral towers in the Caucasus.

Some statements about the purpose and properties of dolmens:

Dolmens are points of intersection of underground rivers.

Dolmens are ancient weather stations.

Dolmens are ancient observatories.

Dolmens - wireless telegraph.

Dolmens are sources of energy.

Dolmens - sources and repositories of information

Dolmens are the starting point.

Dolmens are teleportation points.

Dolmens are weapons.

Dolmens - acoustic installations. Kudin M. Archaeoastronomy and dolmens (On the website http://megalith.ru)

Here is data on the orientation of dolmens from Morkovin’s book “Dolmens of the Western Caucasus”.

total dolmens........................................644

the portal is oriented to the South................... 333

the portal is oriented to the south-east................... 93

the portal is oriented to the south-west...................21

the portal is oriented towards E....................152

the portal is oriented to the W.......................... 20

the portal is oriented to N............................. 7

the portal is oriented to the north-east...................13

the portal is oriented to the north-west...................... 5

As you can see, there is no canonical (for example, like in churches) arrangement. The position depends more on which slope of the mountain the dolmen is located on. There are dolmens that “look” into the valley towards the river. There are those who “look” up the mountain, away from the river.

Throughout their history, people have erected ritual structures. Wooden temples, stone dolmens, open or sealed into a mound, earthen catacombs, fortresses, monasteries and entire cities. Initially, these buildings were not used for everyday purposes; people came to them at the right time, performed an action and left.

In the first Egyptian pyramids there was no place for deceased kings, and the step pyramids of Central America were generally only a place for magical practices.

Strong peoples, as a rule, led a semi-nomadic lifestyle, and only such peoples were able to comprehend the need for such structures.

They were erected in places of power, that is, in zones where anomalies of geomagnetic, and as a consequence, geopathogenic processes are observed. Based on Vernadsky’s theory about the noosphere, that is, about the planet as a single organism, any place of power on a planetary scale can be considered as an acupuncture point for a given organism. Naturally, just as when we influence human acupuncture in different ways, we will get different results, so the effects on geomagnetic zones are different depending on the goal.

The range of magical practices is endless, and the goals pursued by peoples are approximately the same:

harmonization with the outside world, obtaining esoteric knowledge, achieving power, strength, enlightenment or personal immortality, in any combinations and variations.

Ritual and occult structures, despite the similarity of geometric shapes, have a pronounced individual character. The difference can be explained precisely by the difference in the goals of the influence, as well as by the properties of a given place of power and the individual abilities of the operators. Moreover, the design could have come unconsciously. Dronov A.V. Dolmens and field physics. Website dedicated to dolmens: http://www.megalith.ru/indexrus.shtml

Another belief is that after thousands of years people will be able to approach the preserved dolmens and get an answer to any question they are interested in - after all, according to some, invisible energy and information lines of communication with the Cosmos pass through the dolmens.

During an archaeological survey of the Zhane River valley, an amazing discovery was made - a block altar (altar), which is currently stored in the Gelendzhik Museum of History and Local Lore.

Unfortunately, many of these monuments were robbed in ancient times. But some scientists were lucky, and they happened to be the first to pull out the plug of the dolmen, after the last person put it in place thousands of years ago, burying his relatives. And the remains of these people (how they lie, what things are next to them) prove that this is a crypt. Sometimes there are several buried there (usually 2-3 people, sometimes, as in the dolmens of Abkhazia, up to 15). There are 2 types of burials:

  • - crouched, when the skeleton lies on its side with its knees tucked to its chest;
  • - a bag (bag) with bones, sometimes embroidered with beads. The skull, long bones, and sometimes the bones of the chest and pelvis were placed in such a bag. This phenomenon is known for the Bronze Age - ritual procedures were very complex.

Often at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. the crouched position of the buried was perceived as sitting. Some bones are sprinkled with red ocher and charcoal. In many ancient cultures, ocher was a symbol of blood, life in the other world. Therefore, next to the burial are the personal belongings of the deceased (weapons, decorations, etc.) and parting food (usually in clay vessels). The traditional set of weapons is a bronze spear and a dagger.

To confirm that these are not only funerary monuments, but also cult ones, archaeologists find traces of funeral feasts that took place on the sites in front of the dolmens - these are ceramic dishes, animal bones and knives.

It happens that at the entrance to the dolmen there are fossils (mollusks, etc.) taken from the river. Rarely do you come across images of animals. For example, at one dolmen near the village of Novosvobodnaya, 2 bronze and silver figurines of dogs were found (one is like a husky, the other looks like a fox), and at another dolmen there is an obelisk, a partially damaged figure of a bull. Around the first half of the 2nd century. BC. construction of dolmens stopped. But the buildings of the Bronze Age were not forgotten. For a long time they were used for burials and funeral feasts by tribes of later times (Meotians, Adygs).

For the last few years, two expeditions have been working in the Gelendzhik area. One of them, under the leadership of Candidate of Historical Sciences B.V. Meleshko, has been excavating the dolmens of the Nazarova Gap in the area of ​​the resort village of Arkhipo-Osipovka for three seasons in a row. This expedition operates within the framework of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN, Moscow). And its goal is not only to excavate a specific monument, but also to search for and map new locations of dolmens. Now about 3 thousand are known in the Caucasus

dolmens But their true number should be about 3 times larger (i.e. about 10 thousand).

The second expedition works from the Institute of the History of Material Culture (RAN, St. Petersburg) in the valley of the Zhane River. It is led by Candidate of Historical Sciences V.A. Trifonov. The expedition has been working since 1997. Together with archaeologists from St. Petersburg and Moscow, specialists from the USA, Italy, Australia, and Denmark took part in it, so it may well be called International. As a result of the planned work, it is expected to return the Zhane River Valley complex to a look as close as possible to the original, including dolmens, mound structures and inter-mound space. And create a natural archaeological reserve, and within its boundaries an archaeological park. A similar technique is known in the West as reconstructive. This is the first time such work has been carried out in our country. Back in 2001, the Presidential Foundation, which allocated funds to continue research, directly called this project a project of national importance.

Thanks to the elements of similarity between dolmens and the well-known megaliths of Europe and Asia, Caucasian monuments remain the focus of attention in world prehistoric archaeology. But so far, as a result of the research, scientists have more questions than answers. Thousands of years of history lie between us and the builders of the Bronze Age tombs. The likelihood of ever fully unraveling the mystery of the dolmens is negligible, but for those who are bewitched by the harsh beauty of these historical monuments and the amazing atmosphere of the surrounding landscape, this no longer matters.


South Korea

Great Britain



  • 1). Tiled
  • 2). Composite - made up of several large blocks.
  • 3). Semi-monolithic or trough-shaped dolmen
  • 4). Monolithic

Dolmen on a farm on the Doguab River. On the lower edge of the cover plate (from the back) you can see a clear boundary formed by the principle of spreading of a plastic mass over a solid horizontal surface. The end of the slab has a rounded shape and shows no traces of splitting or stone processing.

Dolmen on Mount Tsigankova (Pshada). The side plates have a characteristic lens-shaped shape with an outward convexity.

The photo shows a dolmen in the village of Shirokaya Shchel (Gelendzhik).

The Archeology of Knowledge expedition to the Caucasus discovered formwork impressions on several little-known “stone houses”

The collected materials confirm the theory of the creation of dolmens from a plastic clay-sand mass, which, according to geologists, came to the surface from the bowels of the earth several thousand years ago. And although modern archaeologists completely deny the possibility of using such technology in ancient times, analogies with modern concrete construction are obvious even with a cursory examination of megaliths.

No tools, no quarries

We found curious traces on the lid and walls of a little-known two-chamber semi-monolithic dolmen in the area of ​​garden cooperatives, not far from the village of Volkonka, Lazarevsky district of Sochi. The lid, which once fit tightly to one of the chambers, now lies next to the dolmen. On the edges of its smooth and perfectly even, as if polished, walls you can see sagging, which usually forms when installing formwork. Exactly the same traces were preserved on the pyramidal dolmen in the village of Mamedova Shchel, not far from Volkonka. But how is this possible if dolmens are made not of concrete, but of rock?

Lovpache Nurbiy, head of the archeology department of the Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Studies, candidate of historical sciences:

“Recently, Yu. Sharikov and O. Komissar published a book about how dolmens were formed. They were based on geological data that at that time, a clay-sand plastic mass with a temperature of approximately 200 degrees was squeezed out from great depths from underground to the surface. In this muddy state, after about two weeks it froze. This, however, only applies to sandstone dolmens.”

However, most of the dolmens in the Caucasus, which raise many questions regarding the technology of creation, are made of sandstone. Or, more correctly, cobbled together?

On the walls of many dolmens in the Western Caucasus you can find bas-relief drawings, that is, convex images on the stone, which are technically impossible to make without grinding down the entire surface of the stone around them. Of course, this is too labor-intensive a method - it’s easier to scratch petroglyphs on stone. Unless we assume that the bas-reliefs were sculpted on a mortar that had not yet hardened. The “plastic” version can also explain the creation of monolithic dolmens, in which chambers were made only through a hole with a diameter of only 30-40 centimeters. Or, for example, the construction of dolmens from 10-ton slabs, as well as the lack of tools and characteristic quarries.

But could the rocks have been in a plastic state in a relatively recent historical period, the era of dolmen construction, which is considered to be from the 4th to the 2nd millennium BC? After all, these geological processes require millions of years.

"Shaitan's Gardens"

Professor of the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences V.N. Kholodov studied the processes of formation and emergence of sandstone of a non-layered structure on the surface in the Azov-Kuban elision basin. He came to the conclusion that, under favorable conditions, at a depth of five to six kilometers in clayey strata under the influence of high temperature and pressure, complex solutions are formed, which are squeezed into faults and rush to earth's surface, like mud volcanoes. This is a clay-sand mass that hardens on the surface within several days. Now similar eruptions can be found in the west of Turkmenistan. The local population calls them “gardens of Satan.” Judging by the remains of shapeless blocks of sandstone in many places in the Caucasus, this happened here too, only a few thousand years ago.

The authors of the book “Ancient Technologies of Dolmens of the Caucasus” Yuri Sharikov and Oleg Komissar, based on this work, as well as their own experiment on dolmen formation, conclude that the ancient inhabitants of these places built dolmens in a similar way. If this is so, then the issues with transporting giant multi-ton slabs and their careful adjustment to each other instantly disappear. And the completion of these geological processes led to the decline of the dolmen culture. After all, later megaliths are completely primitive.

Interestingly, in the Sochi Arboretum there is a small modern dolmen made of concrete with reinforcement sticking out of it. The analogy is obvious, although the modern one does not stand up well to time - he is at most thirty years old, and cracks are already spreading along all the walls. Ancient dolmens have been standing for several thousand years. And it is unknown how much longer they will stand if people do not completely destroy them...

P.S. If construction technologies can somehow be rationally explained, then one can only guess about the original purpose. However, the memory of this was partially preserved among the local indigenous population - the Circassians. One of them shared his knowledge with us. But we will talk about this in the next issue...

Photo archive "KT"
The material was published in the Crimean Telegraph newspaper No. 402 dated October 28, 2016

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First of all, it should be noted that all theories related to the attempt to uncover secrets megalithic structures, are based on conflicting data from archaeologists and a few legends that give rise to various versions. When discussing the time of the appearance of dolmen buildings, one cannot help but recall the theory expressed by Ukrainian scientists R. Furduy and Y. Shvaidak in the book they wrote about various mysteries of the Earth. The version of these researchers is that dolmens, most of which are built from rocks containing quartz (sandstone, granitoids), are emitters of ultrasonic vibrations modulated by infrasound. This combination of frequencies can have a strong impact on the human psyche. According to Ukrainian scientists, stone plugs plugging holes in the walls served to regulate this effect.

Why was this needed?
Most likely it was used as protection against enemies. In addition, it could serve as a means of communication. By the way, it was much easier to enter a trance state in the dolmen. Perhaps these buildings were used for all of the above at the same time.

One of the followers of the mentioned theory, V. Chernovol, gives many arguments about the depressing and painful effects of dolmen structures.
But here opinions were divided, since people who visited the dolmens, recognized by Chernovol as the most negative, not only were not subjected to any depressing or painful influence, but, on the contrary, felt the exact opposite, positive, effect. Therefore, we can conclude that evidence of the harmful effects of dolmens on humans is purely subjective.

Undoubtedly, the very shape of dolmen structures gives reason to think of them as emitters. However, all these versions are unconvincing and not sufficiently supported by facts. It is also of legitimate interest that residents of the Caucasus regions in which the megaliths are located are completely confident that they are all located in the most suitable places for recreation, that is, where there is water.
And in fact, almost all areas where dolmens can be found are conducive to a pleasant and peaceful pastime. In addition, all these areas have a certain resistance to various changes, and this is one of the most important factors in mountainous areas.

V. Pyatibrat, a famous Gelendzhik researcher of dolmen monuments, developed an excellent theory about the Caucasian megaliths. The scientist presented discussions about the various races that arrived on our planet in ancient times, about gods and titans, heroes, Atlanteans and other mythological characters. Having carefully studied the epic monuments of the peoples of the world, in particular the legends of the Caucasian people, Pyatibrat came to the conclusion that the North Caucasus was the main battlefield of the gods with the Titans and Atlanteans. At that time, the Black Sea was not yet connected to the ocean, and it fell to him to become the main defender of the Titans. However, during the struggle (this happened several thousand years ago), the gods still managed to break through the Bosporus, as a result, the water level in the Black Sea rose by one hundred and fifty meters. The Atlanteans and Titans could no longer use it as a shield and were forced to build dolmen structures that had the ability to scare away enemies.
After the defeat, the megalith builders themselves went underground and, perhaps, live there to this day.

Now there are several legends about dolmens. Two of them are recognized as the most famous.
Firstly, this is an Adyghe story about giants who built megaliths for dwarfs.
Secondly, there is a hypothesis that states that dolmens were used as stone oracles. The small child was locked in a stone building, they fed him well there, bringing him food and water, but they never let him out. After some period of time, the child turned into a certain creature that could no longer leave the dolmen (and besides, it was unlikely that it wanted to do so). This something had a unique psyche and had special abilities, which allowed him to become a seer.

And in the area of ​​the city of Sochi, in the southwest of the places where dolmen buildings are widespread, there are myths among the local population that these structures are closely related to the Ubykh tribe - the warlike people of the North Caucasus. During the Russian-Caucasian wars, the Ubykhs moved to Turkey, after which no one ever heard anything about representatives of this tribe.
V. Megre, in his works telling about the taiga fortuneteller Anastasia, presented one of the most recent speculations regarding dolmens. He claims that there once existed first humans who had an immeasurably huge range of capabilities in comparison with modern man. However, due to the fact that civilization began to develop along the wrong path, knowledge and opportunities began to decrease.

The most outstanding representatives of the ancient people retired to dolmens at will, remaining in them for a long time and without dying, they passed through meditation into some other state. Therefore, at present, a spirit lives in dolmens, which can give an answer to any questions, under one condition: those asking must have pure thoughts. Now the twelve Gelendzhik megaliths are extremely popular and for some time now there has been a real pilgrimage here.

Some who believe in the unique influence of dolmens, having completed some simple physical exercises, stand, sit, meditate, talk, bring flowers, icons, charge the objects they brought with them... Others wave their hands, as if feeling full contact with supernatural forces. It should be noted that among pilgrims it is customary to remove shoes so that unwanted accumulated charges flow into the ground.

Naturally, as in any business, it cannot be done without fanatics who conduct real ritual initiations, reminiscent of mysteries, claiming that as a result of all this, people will be able to achieve greater effect.
Tourists who are not yet familiar with books about Anastasia look especially funny. When the guides invite them to walk three times around the dolmen, as they put it, “for luck,” people, feeling embarrassed and awkward, nevertheless make a wish and count the circles.
So what is the so-called dolmen spirit? One of the human misconceptions that has filled the world last years tabloid press, or actually something true?
However, we can say with complete confidence that unraveling the mysteries of megaliths and studying them should be done by a person who is far from self-reflective and who has archaeological experience.

Next, you can again turn to the design of dolmen structures. Despite the fact that they have been standing for thousands of years, there are no decorations or drawings on them that embody certain ideas. Megaliths were built from perfectly fitted slabs. The conclusion suggests itself: the main purpose of the dolmens was to stand for as long as possible, despite all sorts of external influences. That is, the megalith builders intended to create for themselves a reliable, long-lasting shelter, a home.

You can also listen to the American scientist Carlos Castaneda, who was a student of don Juan, the leader of a special closed group who taught the researcher the art of his tradition for many years. Don Juan often, in his stories to his students, recalled his predecessors, who are called the ancient seers. Followers of the Toltec tradition, trying to unravel the secrets of immortality, turned to buildings made of stone. Although this path ultimately led nowhere, the experience of lucid dreaming was not forgotten.
What is the first thing a person needs who is fluent in the art of lucid dreaming?

Of course, quiet place, where he can always return from his journey and which he knows to the smallest detail. In addition, he needs that this place is not subject to random influences that could lead to unforeseen changes.

The ancient seers, according to don Juan, did not use the technique of going into the third attention (“fire from within” when people had the ability to see an object from all sides and from the inside at the same time). Instead, the ancient seers changed the shape of their energy body and created a kind of cocoon that allowed them to resist death. Undoubtedly, after this procedure they could no longer be called people in the literal sense of the word, since their perception of the world around them changed greatly and at the same time the possibilities of contact with them decreased.
The doctrine of changing the shape of the energy body is very complex and quite abstract; it requires special knowledge. But, relating this idea to the topic at hand, the idea of ​​using an isolated chamber made of stone as a starting point for travel seems quite plausible.

Castaneda, in the words of Don Juan, says that by visiting ancient Indian cities a person can gain a lot of interesting knowledge, but there is also a high probability of losing a lot.
Undoubtedly, one cannot accept the Toltec theory about the purpose of dolmen structures as a 100% proven fact. However, we should not ignore the possibility of the existence of such an action.
It should be noted that in the territory South America no dolmens with holes plugged with stone plugs were found, but the Black Sea megaliths are mostly like that.

If, as we found out, one of the main properties of dolmens was the durability of the structures, another important factor is all kinds of devices for visitors. These are portals, and in some cases - structures like courtyards or cromlechs.

Unlike pyramids, tombs, tombs and other burials, dolmens do not have anything that would indicate those to whom these buildings are dedicated. Although it can be assumed that individual, specially processed stones, holes, and mysterious signs are indirect, but unfortunately not yet deciphered hints.
The theory about modern manifestations of the dolmen's influence on visitors should be touched upon again. There is more than enough conflicting information on this matter, so it is very difficult to understand it. Some of those who visited these megaliths suddenly discovered their poetic talent, others lost the ailments that had long tormented them, and still others came into contact with supernatural forces. Of course, the question cannot help but arise here: how to distinguish between what is actually happening and the fantasies of enthusiastic people prone to self-deception?

Researchers are of great interest in the results of observations of children. Only a child’s behavior can be truly spontaneous, and his attitude can be unbiased, since there is still no tendency to self-deception. In addition, children are free from behavioral patterns imposed by literary works.
When taking a child with them to the dolmen, parents should not forget that they must be given complete freedom in expressing their reaction. Undoubtedly, children need to be prepared in advance for the fact that when visiting the megalith they may feel some kind of impact. However, it must be done carefully, unobtrusively, without scaring the child. The sooner children begin to be psychologically prepared for visiting the dolmen, the better it will be.

In a dolmen group you just need to give the children complete freedom. There can be many options for a child's behavior.
Some children do not want to get close to the dolmen, preferring to stay a little further away. Others, as soon as they enter the megalith, immediately begin to run, not missing a single corner. Sometimes it happens that a child suddenly feels tired on the way to the dolmen. Of course, in this case, children should not visit the structure.

It is not always possible to detect any unusual changes in a child who has visited dolmens, since sometimes this excursion does not affect the children’s behavior in any way. However, there have been times when a child suddenly amazed his mom and dad with an epic poem or a cleverly written novel. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that these works be dedicated to megalithic monuments; they can be about anything. Some children suddenly radically change their behavior, in other words, they become completely unrecognizable. There are quite a lot of such observations.

One should not ignore one more remarkable observation regarding contacts with psychics, both professional and home-grown. Among the representatives of this public there is hardly at least one who at the very first moment would not begin to measure the force of the dolmens’ impact. Looking at photographs of various megaliths, psychics immediately take on the functions of commentators. One dolmen seems empty to them, not emitting anything, but the other, according to their assurances, has a very strong, downright piercing (even from a photograph!) force. The most comical thing about all this is that there are practically no coincidences in assessments. The dolmen, according to one psychic, has incredible power, according to another, turns out to be completely empty and vice versa. Thus, absolutely no pattern can be found in such comments.

Undoubtedly, anyone who has visited a dolmen knows how subjective the attitude towards it is. Alone, when visiting the dolmen, they got rid of a severe headache. Others, having found themselves in the same megalith, on the contrary, complain of suddenly feeling unwell.
In the Caucasus, there is a widespread opinion that those who encroach on the inviolability and safety of dolmen buildings, as a rule, ultimately suffer some unenviable fate. Local inhabitants always warn tourists that under no circumstances should they take a piece of a stone building with them, as this will lead to inevitable disaster. Perhaps there is some truth in this statement; be that as it may, a person should hardly appropriate something that does not belong to him.
One more interesting fact can be mentioned. One of the dolmens located in Dzhugba had to be fenced off from the motor depot with a high fence, as people began to pay attention to the disproportionately large number of road accidents compared to other areas.

Sometimes some omniscient tourists, even guides with considerable experience and knowledge, flatly refuse to lead them to a certain group of megaliths. People who were born in the mountains especially do not like dolmens. This superstitious fear cannot be attributed to the lack of education and savagery of the mountaineers. Even those who have higher education, agree in this conviction with all other guides.
Now it has become very popular in the press to record incidents with people connected in one way or another with dolmens.

All these observations prove that those contactees who took up dolmens too zealously and devoted an excessive amount of time to them achieve a certain result. But whether the effect lives up to their expectations is a moot point.
True, there is a lot of evidence that for such people, after a certain period of time, all the ups and downs of life become much more intense. That is, both successful and unsuccessful events are occurring more and more often and are acquiring unexpectedly enormous proportions. Situations that until now did not seem urgent and extraordinary suddenly become acute, requiring an immediate solution, since otherwise there is a completely real danger problems turn into real troubles.

For example, a person for quite a long time was dissatisfied with his job, but put up with it because it brought him a stable income. And suddenly, after frequently visiting dolmens, he loses this job and is faced with an urgent need to start looking for a new one.
As another example, we can cite the following situation: the long-term friendship of bosom old friends has exhausted itself and is slowly fading away. Despite everything, people try with all their might to maintain old relationships, although they have been aware of their futility for quite some time. Suddenly, at one fine moment, the company breaks up. Moreover, this happens very painfully for everyone who compiled it.
Almost the same can be said about family problems. You never know there are many married couples in the world who live together without any feeling of love or affection, only due to ingrained habits and reluctance to radically change their lives. And under the influence of megaliths, what the husband and wife had previously closed their eyes to, letting everything take its course, suddenly comes out, and it becomes clear to them that it is simply impossible to continue such a relationship.

Probably everyone has heard in one way or another about ancient mysterious stone structures - dolmens, located all over the world and possessing, according to many people who have been there, some mystical properties - when communicating with them, a person experiences strange sensations, receives sacred knowledge and answers to questions that tormented him.

First, some background information. The name “dolmen” comes from the combination of two words in the Breton language, namely “toal” - “table” and “men” - “stone”, which literally means “stone table”. There are also other interpretations of the word “dolmen” - “changing share”, and the Circassians, for example, call dolmens “sypun” or “ispui”, which translated means “house of the dwarf”. The Cossacks called dolmens “heroic huts.”

Dolmens belong to the group of ancient megaliths (translated from Greek, the word “megalith” means “huge stone”) and are man-made structures of a certain shape, made of massive stone slabs or stone blocks. These ancient mystical structures, the age of which, according to some estimates, is 7-8 thousand years (sometimes they even call the figure 10,000 years!) are distributed throughout the world, in the most different countries and cultures. Today there are about 9,000 dolmens in the world. Dolmens are found in Bulgaria and Turkey, on the Mediterranean coast, on the islands of Corsica and Malta, in Spain and Portugal. Many dolmens have been discovered on the territory of modern England and France. Dolmen structures have also been discovered in India, Palestine and even North Korea. However, perhaps the largest concentration of dolmens is located along the Black Sea coast, especially in the Caucasus, where they are found in the coastal strip and stretch along the coast for 400 km from Anapa Novorossiysk to Abkhazia. The width of this strip towards Novorossiysk is 75 km and in this territory, at the moment, archaeologists have found about 3,000 dolmens (out of 9,000 known throughout the world!). Archaeological excavations in the Caucasus continue - 100 dolmens have been found in the Gelendzhik region, and in the future, new finds and discoveries are likely to be made.

In its simplest form, a dolmen is a stone structure made up of several large stone blocks, which form a certain architectural form in the form of the letter “P” (the simplest dolmens are made of three stone blocks). Of greatest interest are the dolmens of the Caucasus, which have a complete architectural form and consist, as a rule, of five or six massive stone slabs - four slabs stand vertically, a fifth rests on them, and the sixth slab sometimes serves as a bottom. Thus, the dolmen forms a kind of stone box. Usually in the front transverse slab of such dolmens there is a hole, most often round in shape; sometimes there are square or triangular holes, however, it is possible that originally they had a round shape. There are also dolmens that do not have holes. The hole of the dolmen can be closed with a stone plug shaped like a mushroom and carefully adjusted to the size of the hole. The weight of such a cork can reach up to 100 kilograms.

The average sizes of Caucasian dolmens are as follows: three meters in length, two in width and two in height. The diameter of the round hole is about 40 cm. The weight of each stone slab on average ranges from 3 to 8 tons. Stone blocks are typically grooved together and have a very high degree of fit. The side walls and roof can extend forward to form a portal over the cross slab with the opening. Often the side walls and roof are sloped. Dolmens, depending on their design, are divided into tiled, composite, trough-shaped and monolithic. Some dolmens have various ornaments and pentagrams carved into stone on their surface.

Archaeological scientists have been studying the phenomenon of dolmens for a long time, however, despite the fact that there are many theories about the purpose and purpose of these ancient buildings, there is still no consensus in the scientific world on this matter.

What is striking about all these stone giants - dolmens - are the huge stone blocks, carefully processed and fitted to each other. How could Stone Age people, who possessed primitive tools, process solid rock, where did they extract it from, and how did they deliver heavy blocks to the construction site, because the building material from which they were built, and even some dolmens, was not found near the dolmens located in very remote and inaccessible places. Another unique feature is the inherent similarity of dolmens around the world. How people who erected dolmens at approximately the same time, but in different parts of the world, built such identical structures (and not only externally but, apparently, also in purpose) remains a mystery.

However, there are many hypotheses on this score, both in the scientific and pseudo-scientific environment. The initial scientific official hypothesis put forward by archaeologists that dolmens are funerary burials turned out to be not entirely consistent and was criticized by the same archaeologists. The fact is that in some dolmens burials were actually discovered, although they were a little unusual for ordinary burials (the things of the deceased were missing), but, firstly, burials were not found in all dolmens, and secondly, the age of the dolmen was usually significantly higher than the age burial, which suggests a different original purpose for the dolmen. Another scientific hypothesis claiming that dolmens had cult-religious significance also does not fully explain or reveal their purpose. Near many dolmens, a stone flooring was discovered, a space man-made paved with stone, which is typical for many ritual structures of antiquity. A vertical slab of a dolmen with a hole could serve as a symbolic gateway to the other world or the underground world. On the slabs with the opening of many dolmens, it is the gates that are carved, and often they have a convex appearance, but in order to achieve this, it was necessary to do incredibly hard work - to remove the stone layer from the slab. However, if dolmens were of a purely religious nature, then why were no ancient settlements, objects of worship, or sacrificial objects found near them?

Of course, it is possible that over different periods of time, dolmens were both graves and objects of cult worship, but is this their original function? What meaning did the ancient architects put into these mysterious buildings?

In addition to official scientific theories, there are other hypotheses that try to unravel the mystery of dolmens. The origin and purpose of dolmens really does not fit into generally accepted scientific dogma, and alternative theories can help to understand and understand the origin of these stone giants. When famous dolmens, particularly in the Caucasus region, were mapped and mapped, a very interesting pattern emerged in their location. Also, when marking dolmens on the ground using GPS devices, abnormal malfunctions occurred in the operation of previously serviceable and proven equipment. In the course of the work, it was found that the dolmens' openings faced the water; during their construction, the sunrise and sunset, the location of stars and planets, and peaks were taken into account, but it is doubtful that they were ancient observatories. Many people who have visited dolmens note changes in themselves and feel some kind of invisible impact.

Typically, the building blocks of dolmens located in the Caucasus region consisted of quartz sandstone, sometimes quite hard and difficult to process rocks. Often construction material was delivered to
the construction site is many kilometers away. Researchers who conducted research in the Gelendzhik region put forward one interesting and unusual theory. In their opinion, the dolmen is most similar to the model of an “absolute black body” - an ideal information transmitter. The fact is that the building material of dolmens, quartz sandstone, is not a completely ordinary mineral. It has become widespread in radio engineering due to the fact that under the influence of compression the so-called “piezoelectric effect” occurs, that is, it is capable of generating electric current and also stabilizing the frequency, maintaining constant oscillations. In addition, under mechanical stress, quartz can emit radio waves. Most dolmens are located in seismically active fault zones earth's crust, which at a certain moment can serve as waveguides, and dolmens can become receivers and transmitters. If there is a person next to such an activated dolmen, then the dolmen is able to catch the radiation emanating from it and convert it into ultrasonic vibrations, and then transmit them along waveguide faults to other dolmens, and if there is a person tuned to the same wave next to another dolmen , it can receive the transmitted information. Thus, from this point of view, the dolmen system was a global information system of the ancients, a prototype of the modern Internet, only much more advanced, because the transfer of information occurred instantly at the subconscious level, and instead of digital packages and files, mental and visual images were transmitted. In addition, according to supporters of this theory, dolmens could also serve as a database in which the knowledge and wisdom of the ancients was accumulated and stored. However, in this case, it is hard to believe that Neolithic people, who used stone and later bronze tools, could erect such an incredible complex system, fantastic even for our digital age. So perhaps the ancient builders of dolmens were not at all underdeveloped Neolithic tribes? Perhaps the civilization that erected information portals around the world was much older and more highly developed than we think?

The fact is that despite the wide geography of the location of dolmens, almost all of them are found close coastline. They can be found on the coast of the Black Sea, Adriatic and Mediterranean seas, in England, Ireland and some coastal regions of northern Europe. Moreover, if you believe some sources that claim that individual dolmens were created 10,000 BC, that is, as legends say, around the period when the collapse of the mythical Atlantis occurred. The geography of the location of dolmens also often coincides with the hypothetical places of existence of Atlantis.

So perhaps the architects of the dolmens were people who survived the collapse of Atlantis? There is one legend that can be found in some esoteric sources, which says that humanity passed through several stages and races in its development, during which various principles of our consciousness were formed and developed. Our race belongs to the Aryan group, and its task is to learn to analyze, think, trace patterns, and ultimately develop the mental principle of consciousness. The Atlantean race that existed before us developed the principle of perception and feeling, that is, astral consciousness. For the people of Atlantis, the world was alive and united, a kind of huge repository of universal knowledge that they could receive from it. Modern man is not able to obtain knowledge directly, as his distant ancestors could do - he sees the world from disparate fragments, which he logically tries to connect together. Atlantis disappeared about 10,000 years ago, at the same time when, according to some esoteric hypotheses, the first dolmens were built. Perhaps, in this way, the descendants of the people of Atlantis tried to preserve their knowledge. This theory becomes especially interesting if we take into account another hypothesis, which claims that at the turn of the Age of Aquarius, a new race of people, the indigo, will begin to emerge. The goal of this race will be the development of the Budhic principle of synthesis - the analytical mind of our race and the unified perception of the world by the Atlanteans must merge into one. Who knows, perhaps the dolmens were built with such a distant view of the future and their knowledge and wisdom, still inaccessible to modern man, will serve our descendants? It must be said that the theory of the origin of a new race, as well as the theory of astral perception of the Atlanteans, is indirectly supported by anthropological studies of ancient man. The fact is that the ancient people who lived several thousand years ago were overwhelmingly left-handed, that is, they were dominated by the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imaginative and creative thinking. Around 5,000 years ago, the vast majority of people became right-handed. However, left-handers naturally remained and many of them were very gifted and creative people who wrote their names in history. Such great personalities as Leonardo Da Vinci, Picasso, Einstein, and many other creative people and scientists were left-handed and perceived the world figuratively, differently than ordinary people.

Speaking about the theory of race change and ancient dolmens, you can turn to the archaeological research of Academician Yuri Shilov, who studied ancient mounds scattered over vast territories from the foothills of the Caucasus to the banks of the Dniester. In encrypted form they store ancient Vedic knowledge of a single perception of the world. People of this culture worshiped Vedic deities, in particular Gandaharva, who maintained the connection between the divine world and the people who worshiped him. Every year, the best and wisest volunteer was chosen from the tribe to perform a complex ritual, who underwent a long initiation ceremony, after which he faced a symbolic death. Perhaps dolmens were intended specifically for such ritual and mystical ceremonies. The hole in the slab symbolized the gate to another world (often the gate is carved on the slab), thus the wisest man of the tribe went into the dolmen, after which it was closed with a stone stopper for a certain time. While in the dolmen, he received Vedic knowledge, and the dolmen itself absorbed the knowledge of his tribe and clan. Thus, it was believed that as long as the dolmen with which a certain tribe communicates is intact, nothing threatens the clan. Going to the dolmen was honorable and carried a certain responsibility, because the fate of the entire tribe was in the hands of this person.

There are also other studies conducted in the vicinity of Stonehenge and other megaliths in Europe. Thus, the book “24 Lessons of Merlin,” published by Druid knowledge researcher Douglas Monroe, talks about the so-called threshold ritual, which opens the gates to other worlds and dimensions. These portals, in his opinion, were various megaliths of Europe, including the famous Stonehenge. To carry out the ritual, opening the gates to other dimensions, a U-shaped structure made of stone blocks was used; it is precisely this sign in the form of a convex gate that can be found on the facade of dolmens in the Caucasus. How could one achieve the state of transition to other worlds? The techniques of dream travel used by the ancient “seers” are well described, for example, in the books of Carlos Castaneda. With the help of certain techniques, a person’s consciousness could leave his body and travel to other worlds. The journey itself could take a long time, and the closed chamber of the dolmen, protected from the elements, was perfectly suited to the role of storing the body. Moreover, it can be assumed that while in the dolmen, the “seer” could concentrate and properly tune in to such a journey thanks to some specific energy created by these structures. Remembering the theory of torsion fields, the presence of such a field around dolmens does not seem unrealistic. In addition, the energy of dolmens could be influenced by the energies of many hundreds of generations of practicing and worshiping people, who constantly turned to dolmens for various religious and mystical needs. By absorbing and storing this energy, dolmens could become powerful emitters, allowing people to “tune in” to certain energy waves. Here we can draw an analogy between a dolmen capable of generating ultrasonic vibrations and modern meditation devices that modulate low-frequency sound vibrations within the range of 4-12 Hz, that is, close to the theta and alpha rhythms of the brain. The location of dolmens in places of tectonic faults may have contributed to the dolmen producing the necessary frequencies using micro-shocks of the earth's crust.

However, many mysteries still remain, because it is still not completely clear how the Neolithic people, who possessed primitive stone tools, built dolmens, carefully processing and fitting to each other massive stone blocks and slabs, also consisting of solid rocks. Again, how were ornaments applied to the slabs, especially convex ones? Just look at the perfectly even holes made in the facade slabs of the dolmens of the Caucasus with dolmen plugs precisely adjusted to the size of the holes. It also remains a mystery where the ancient architects got their building material from and how they lifted multi-ton slabs. Moreover, as S.V. Valganov notes in his book “Dolmens of the Caucasus - Reconstruction of a Cult,” archaeological excavations revealed neither technical devices nor tools with which dolmens were erected. Many dolmens are located in inaccessible mountain areas, and even if there were quarries nearby, delivering massive building blocks along mountain paths without special equipment and traction force is an incredibly difficult task. But in most cases, multi-ton stone slabs had to be transported tens of kilometers from the construction site through difficult terrain, through mountains, boulders, forests and rivers! True, there was a hypothesis that the presence of wooded areas helped transportation in part, since roller logs could be placed under the stone slabs and thus move the cargo. However, the dendrological analysis indicates that most likely 5 thousand years ago the area in the Anapa region was covered only with low-growing bushes, which generally excludes the possibility of moving such significant loads without log rollers.

Also, a big mystery remains how the place for the construction of the dolmen was chosen. It has been reliably established that dolmens are located in places of geologically active faults, oriented according to magnetic and astronomical criteria, and with a high degree of accuracy. How could ancient underdeveloped tribes do what we can only do in our digital age with the help of modern instruments and equipment?

Why was such a rare one in the region chosen for the construction of dolmens? northern Caucasus sand-quartz material with amazing abilities to generate electric current?
According to one theory, approximately 4-3 millennia BC, in the territory of the North-West Caucasus, there was a certain mysterious civilization that built the Caucasian megaliths. An oral tradition about this people existed for about 2000 years, then its traces are lost, and only ancient Adyghe legends and myths about the people of giants and dwarfs who inhabited this region in ancient times have reached us. Giants often offended dwarfs, but the dwarfs, possessing cunning, forced the giants to build houses for themselves from huge stone slabs - dolmens. This mysterious civilization had a perfect and unusual technology for that era, which allowed them to build dolmens without any tools.

According to this hypothesis, this unknown people did not carve giant stone blocks and slabs from mountain ranges and did not transport them tens of kilometers to the construction site from quarries, but used the casting method. That is, individual elements of the dolmen were cast from a “sand-cement mass” that came to the surface from the bowels of the earth in the fault area. A pit could have been dug in the ground, which served as a form for future dolmen slabs. The formwork could be formed by backfilling with soil, and excess earth was removed through a hole in the slab.

This technology partly explains the ideal fit of the slabs. The possibility of the existence of a “sand-cement mass” in this region is indirectly evidenced by the presence of mud volcanoes, sandy rock masses and aqueous solutions that soften clay rocks. In his research, scientist V.N. Kholodov (Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) examines the complex processes of physicochemical transformation of sedimentary rock formation, in particular using the example of the Azov-Kuban elision basin. According to his scientific works devoted to the “Law of Physico-Chemical Inheritance”, as well as some other geological data, it can be assumed that once upon a time in the area of ​​the Caucasian geological faults unique natural formations“sand-cement mass”, which was squeezed out through faults. Ancient architects used this “natural concrete” to build dolmens and could transport it considerable distances to their construction sites, after which they could erect the dolmen with virtually no tools or any special equipment. All this also partly explains why dolmens are located in places of tectonic faults, because it is in these places that sand-cement solution comes to the surface from the bowels of the earth.

Despite many years of research and an abundance of hypotheses, the mystery of the dolmens still remains unsolved. Many theories, both scientific and alternative, that exist regarding dolmens often contradict each other and do not reveal the mysterious origin of these ancient giants. Will we ever be able to solve this thousand-year-old mystery and understand the purpose of dolmens? Perhaps they will remain for us only monuments of the outstanding skill of ancient architects, but perhaps over time, we will understand their purpose and what our ancestors wanted to tell us, leaving these mysterious silent structures all over the Earth that stood for thousands of years. Who knows what secrets and knowledge are hidden under the thickness of the stone slabs of dolmens? Looking at these unique designs, you can’t help but realize how little we still know about our home called Earth and the lost civilizations that inhabited it before us. Dolmens are undoubtedly one of the most mysterious grains of the unknown history of our planet, the secrets of which we have yet to discover.

Izhevsk Space Center15.06.09