The reason for the formation of fjords on the coast of Chile is. What are fjords? Fjords in Norway. Amazing fjords of Norway

The fjords of Norway, these majestic mountain bays - a unique natural phenomenon, which will not leave anyone indifferent. Let's try to find out why they are called the pearl of the country.

In the northern part of the west coast of Norway there are fjords that were formed during the last ice age. When the glacier retreated 10-12 thousand years ago, amazing Norwegian fjords, now famous all over the world. The word "fjord" means "bay" in Norwegian.

Each fjord has its own characteristics and attractions. Geirangerfjord is famous for the highest and most picturesque waterfalls. The majestic beauty of Geirangerfjord has been a major attraction on cruises for decades. Geirangerfjord is located approximately 200 kilometers northeast of Bergen and 280 kilometers northwest of Oslo. The fjord stretches for 15 kilometers and is a branch of the Storfjord.

Some of the fjord's attractions are the waterfalls, the most famous of which are the Seven Sisters, the Bridal Veil and the Groom.

Along the banks there are steep cliffs up to 1400 meters high and glaciers. There are also abandoned farms along the Geirangerfjord, some of which are located on small areas of mountain ledges, so it is only possible to reach them using special ladders or rope ladders.

Sognefjord is the longest fjord in the world. This bay, which in Norway is also called the “King of the Fjords,” is located in Sogn og Fjordane. It stretches 204 km inland and 1308 m to the depths of the sea.

Along the entire perimeter of the fjord there are inaccessible rocks, and if you go deep into the surrounding areas, you will meet along the way beautiful waterfalls and cultural monuments.

The formation of Sognefjord began 2.57 million years ago during the Pliocene period. As a result of erosion caused by the convergence of glaciers, the river system turned into a fjord. At the same time, 7,610 km were destroyed? rocks over the entire area of ​​the Sognefjord basin, which today amounts to 12,518 km?. The average deepening caused by erosion was 610 meters, and the maximum (in the eastern part) was 2850 meters. Annual erosion rates have reached 2 mm per year.

Trondheimsfjord is the third longest fjord in Norway. Located in western central Norway and stretches from Ørland in the west to Steinkjer in the north.

On the banks of the Trondheimsfjord lies the city of Trondheim, after which the fjord is named.

The deepest point of the fjord is 617 meters, located in the municipality of Agdanes. The largest islands of the fjord are Ytterøy (28 km) and Toutra (1.5 km). Trondheimsfjord was an important sea route back in Viking times and remains so today.

Hardangerfjord is best known for its surrounding area, where magnificent orchards bloom in spring. The fruit orchards of Hardangerfjord in May will make anyone believe in heaven on earth:) The fjord is surrounded by rocky mountains up to 1.5 km high, from which many magnificent waterfalls fall, in particular the 145 m high Vøringsfossen waterfall and Skjeggadals.

Hardangerfjord is divided into many smaller bays, including Kvinnherads, Granvin, Sør, Eid and Osa. Hardangerfjord juts out into the coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula for 113 km. It starts south of Bergen, near the island of Stur in the North Sea and extends to the Hardanger Plateau. The maximum depth is 891 m, at the entrance - 253 m. At the bottom of the Hardangerfjord lies the Trygg-class destroyer KNM Stegg, sunk on April 20, 1940 by a German ship.

Lysefjord is famous for the Preikestolen rock, where you can enjoy a magnificent view, and the bravest ones can go to the very edge of the rock, where the spectacle will take everyone’s breath away!

The length of the fjord is 42 km, maximum depth 422 meters. The fjord was formed under the influence of glaciers, and after the glacier retreated, the “giant crack” filled with water. This happened approximately 10,000 years ago. Lysefjord stretches from west to east for 42 km. The height of the vertical rock walls above the water reaches 1 km.

Due to the difficult terrain, there are only two settlements on the banks of the fjord - Lysebotn and Forsand. The depth of the fjord ranges from 13 meters - at the point where the fjord “empties” into the ocean near Stavanger, to more than 400 meters - in the area.

Nordfjord is the sixth longest fjord in Norway, its length is 106 kilometers.

Nordfjord, along with Sognefjord in the south and Storfjord in the north, is one of three large fjords of central Norway. The maximum depth is 565 m, the maximum width is about 5 km.

Fjord has great tourism potential, in particular because it provides easy access to several tongues of the Jostedalsbreen glacier, the largest glacier in continental Europe.

With rocky shores. The length of the fjord is several (most often tens) times greater than its width. The shores of the fjord are in most cases formed by cliffs up to 1000 meters high.

Most often, fjords are of tectonic origin and arose when there was a sharp and sudden change in the direction of movement of tectonic plates from counter to opposite. As a result of this, at the edges of the plates, already compressed by the preliminary oncoming movement, numerous cracks and faults are formed, which are filled with sea water. In this case, the fjord can have significant depth, up to 800 meters. In a number of cases, the emergence of fjords is the result of the processing by glaciers (during the Quaternary glaciation) of river valleys and tectonic depressions, followed by their flooding with water.

The four most famous fjord regions in the world are located on western coasts Norway, Chile, the South Island of New Zealand and North America from Puget Sound (Washington) to Alaska. Fjords are also found on the shores of Scotland, Iceland, Greenland, Labrador Peninsula, Maine (USA), Russia (Kola and Chukotka Peninsulas) and on some Arctic (Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, Canadian Arctic Archipelago) and Antarctic (Kerguelen, South Georgia) islands.

Thanks to their beauty and picturesqueness - cliffs rising straight out of the water, mountains covered with dense vegetation, snowy peaks - the fjords enjoy deserved interest among tourists all over the world.

Some fjords

Name Location Length (km) Width (km) Depth (m)
Scoresby Greenland 350 6 1450
Sognefjord Norway 219, (204 ) 6 1308
Hardangerfjord Norway 183 10 750
Trondheimsfjord Norway 137 24 600
Nordfjord Norway 113 5 565
Kola Bay Russia 57 7 300
Milford Sound New Zealand 19 3 390
Portland Canal Alaska (USA) 145 3 385
Loch Fyn (English) Scotland (UK) 65
Saguenay Quebec (Canada) 120 5 30

On east coast Greenland is home to Scoresby, the longest fjord in the world. It has a tree-like structure with many branches. The longest of them is 350 km in length.

This largest fjord was formed as a result of the flooding of a tectonic depression by the sea. In 1822, it received its name in honor of the whalers William Scoresby and his son. They were the first to explore Scoresby Fjord and put it on the map.

Today, near Scoresby there are an unusually large number of animals for Greenland. This is explained by the presence of open water in this region, which does not freeze even in winter, as well as fairly fertile lands. Thus, deer and musk oxen graze here, arctic foxes, stoats and lemmings live here, and until the beginning of the 20th century, the Melville Island wolf, distinguished by its beautiful white fur, could be seen here. Even more picturesque coast Scoresby comes when colonies of migrating birds, numbering up to a million individuals, arrive here. These include little auks, Arctic terns, herring gulls, loons and many others. The waters of the largest fjord are inhabited by a variety of polar species of fish and mammals. For example, Scoresby is home to the ringed seal, bearded seal, harp seal, and Atlantic walrus. The beluga whales and narwhals that have settled here feast on arctic crustaceans and fish.

Interestingly, the second largest fjord - Sognefjord - is located in Norway. It is 204 km long and is the largest fjord in Europe.

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Excerpt describing Fjord

“Petya, I’m telling you, shut up,” the count shouted, looking back at his wife, who, turning pale, looked with fixed eyes at her youngest son.
- And I’m telling you. So Pyotr Kirillovich will say...
“I’m telling you, it’s nonsense, the milk hasn’t dried yet, but he wants to go into military service!” Well, well, I’m telling you,” and the count, taking the papers with him, probably to read them again in the office before resting, left the room.
- Pyotr Kirillovich, well, let’s go have a smoke...
Pierre was confused and indecisive. Natasha's unusually bright and animated eyes, constantly looking at him more than affectionately, brought him into this state.
- No, I think I’ll go home...
- It’s like going home, but you wanted to spend the evening with us... And then you rarely came. And this one of mine...” the count said good-naturedly, pointing at Natasha, “is only cheerful when you’re around...”
“Yes, I forgot... I definitely need to go home... Things to do...” Pierre said hastily.
“Well, goodbye,” said the count, completely leaving the room.
- Why are you leaving? Why are you upset? Why?..” Natasha asked Pierre, looking defiantly into his eyes.
“Because I love you! - he wanted to say, but he didn’t say it, he blushed until he cried and lowered his eyes.
- Because it’s better for me to visit you less often... Because... no, I just have business.
- From what? no, tell me,” Natasha began decisively and suddenly fell silent. They both looked at each other in fear and confusion. He tried to grin, but could not: his smile expressed suffering, and he silently kissed her hand and left.
Pierre decided not to visit the Rostovs with himself anymore.

Petya, after receiving a decisive refusal, went to his room and there, locking himself away from everyone, wept bitterly. They did everything as if they had not noticed anything, when he came to tea, silent and gloomy, with tear-stained eyes.
The next day the sovereign arrived. Several of the Rostov courtyards asked to go and see the Tsar. That morning Petya took a long time to get dressed, comb his hair and arrange his collars like the big ones. He frowned in front of the mirror, made gestures, shrugged his shoulders and, finally, without telling anyone, put on his cap and left the house from the back porch, trying not to be noticed. Petya decided to go straight to the place where the sovereign was and directly explain to some chamberlain (it seemed to Petya that the sovereign was always surrounded by chamberlains) that he, Count Rostov, despite his youth, wanted to serve the fatherland, that youth could not be an obstacle for devotion and that he is ready... Petya, while he was getting ready, prepared many wonderful words that he would say to the chamberlain.
Petya counted on the success of his presentation to the sovereign precisely because he was a child (Petya even thought how everyone would be surprised at his youth), and at the same time, in the design of his collars, in his hairstyle and in his sedate, slow gait, he wanted to present himself as an old man. But the further he went, the more he was amused by the people coming and going at the Kremlin, the more he forgot to observe the sedateness and slowness characteristic of adult people. Approaching the Kremlin, he already began to take care that he would not be pushed in, and resolutely, with a threatening look, put his elbows out to his sides. But at the Trinity Gate, despite all his determination, people who probably did not know for what patriotic purpose he was going to the Kremlin, pressed him so hard against the wall that he had to submit and stop until the gate with a buzzing sound under the arches the sound of carriages passing by. Near Petya stood a woman with a footman, two merchants and a retired soldier. After standing at the gate for some time, Petya, without waiting for all the carriages to pass, wanted to move on ahead of the others and began to decisively work with his elbows; but the woman standing opposite him, at whom he first pointed his elbows, angrily shouted at him:
- What, barchuk, you are pushing, you see - everyone is standing. Why climb then!
“So everyone will climb in,” said the footman and, also starting to work with his elbows, he squeezed Petya into the stinking corner of the gate.
Petya wiped the sweat that covered his face with his hands and straightened his sweat-soaked collars, which he had arranged so well at home, like the big ones.

Arriving at the fjords, you can combine leisure with calm pleasures.

Start with hiking and leisurely strolls through towns and villages, or go on a guided tour of viewpoints and landmarks near the fjords, mountains and waterfalls.

More complex walking routes include climbing to the peaks, which offer stunning views of the surrounding area. You can also go kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding (SUP), rafting, glacier climbing, rock climbing or via ferrata. In addition, there are guided sea, river and lake fishing tours.

In some places, such as the Sunnmør Alps, you have the opportunity to ski at any time of the year while enjoying the fjords. Summer skiing is a popular activity that can be combined with swimming in the fjords. Moreover, in one day you will have time to ski and plunge into the water of the fjord.

On the banks of the fjord offers historical places , ruins of ancient buildings, ethnographic museums, art museums, as well as the heritage of the Viking Age. The Hanseatic promenade Bryggen in Bergen is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, wooden church Urnes, Nærøyfjord and Geirangerfjord and their surroundings.

In this region there are several national parks with marked trails, self-catering overnight houses, cottages. There is rich flora and fauna, lakes, rivers, glaciers. You can also use the tourist assistance service.

World Heritage Sites

In 2005, the fjords of Western Norway, namely Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord, received UNESCO World Heritage Site status.

“They owe their beauty to their steep slopes composed of crystalline rocks. The shores of the fjords rise above the waters of the Norwegian Sea to a height of 1,400 meters, and go to a depth of 500 meters. Numerous waterfalls fall from the steep banks of the fjords, and in their surroundings, covered with deciduous and coniferous forests, you can see glaciers, as well as glacial lakes, rivers and mountains,” is how UNESCO describes the Norwegian fjords.

In 2006, the National Geographic Council of Experts compiled a rating of the most popular objects in the World cultural heritage. Norwegian fjords took first place, ahead of Galapagos Islands, Egyptian pyramids, Grand Canyon, Angkor Wat and Machu Picchu.

“This confirms that, compared to other countries, Norwegians are excellent at protecting their property. Leaders in other areas would do well to learn from them and adapt the Norwegian experience to their own situation,” says Jonathan B. Tourtellot, director of the National Geographic Society's Center for Sustainable Communities.

How to get there and what to use to get around the fjords and surrounding areas

Don't know which fjord to choose?

There are more than a thousand fjords in Norway, so it is not at all surprising that many travelers find it difficult to choose. Find out which fjords are the most popular and use our tips when choosing where to go.

Five facts about the fjords

1. The Norwegian fjords, namely Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord, are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

2. Fjords are often spoken of as Mother Nature’s masterpiece. The fjords were formed when glaciers began to retreat and seawater filled the oddly shaped valleys.

3. The villages of Gudvangen and Geiranger are among the most visited cruise ports in Scandinavia. They are located in the farthest corners of Nærøyfjord and accordingly.

4. Thanks warm current Gulf Stream and warm currents air moving under the influence of the Coriolis force, the climate in the Fjord Region is quite mild. The ice-free waters of the fjords are home to seals, porpoises (an order of cetaceans that were previously classified as dolphins) and numerous fish. Eagles and other birds soar over the mountains and water surface.

5. The depth of most fjords is very impressive. Thanks to this, large ships can pass here, from which you can fully enjoy the beauty of the fjords. . Its depth reaches 1,308 meters below sea level.

How to get there and what to use to get around the fjords and surrounding areas

Traveling to the Fjord Region by train will provide you with an incredibly scenic journey. This is often the fastest way to get to the fjords (with the exception of Northern Norway).

The traditional liner calls at many port towns and villages in the Fjord Region.

In the majority settlements Short and longer excursions are organized, during which you can get to know the surrounding area better.

Electric ferries and conventional ferries ply the fjords all year round.

The tunnels and bridges stitch the Fjord Region together, making it much easier to get around the region by bus, caravan or car.

In more major cities There are airports that can be reached by domestic airlines.

Mile after mile of serpentine bays stretch between the rocky slopes. They are called fjords, and it is them that will be discussed in this article.

In addition, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the five most beautiful fjords of Norway - a country of ancient legends and incredible landscapes.

Cheap flights to Norway

What are fjords?

Fjords are narrow sea bays lying between steep mountains, having a winding shape and often intersecting with each other.

They cut deeply into the land, and the banks that frame them are steep and often dotted with waterfalls and are of glacial origin.

Where can you see the fjord?

Most often, we associate fjords with Norway, and for good reason! The most picturesque of them are located in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The bays located there are even included in the UNESCO list.

Other fjord locations include:

  • Iceland;
  • Greenland;
  • Russia;
  • Chile;
  • New Zealand.

Origin of natural rocky cliffs

The secret to creating these enchanting landscapes is simple!

In ancient times, the active displacement of tectonic plates, namely their sharp change in the course of movement, as a result of collisions and pressure, their edges cracked, and the resulting voids were filled by the sea.

The most famous rocky cliffs in the world

Among all the rocky bays, the most popular to visit are Norwegian fjords(Nordfjord, Hardangerfjord, Lysefjord, Sognfjord, Geirangerfjord).

Of course, they won the hearts of millions of people for a reason, and why exactly, you will find out below.

The longest rocky bay in the world

The longest in the world is Scoresby fjord. He located in Greenland and named after the fishermen who discovered it.

The length of this bay is 350 km! This giant fjord is also distinguished by the fact that more than half of the year is covered with ice.

Amazing fjords of Norway

This country is famous for its cold, harsh climate and equally harsh history.

It is not at all surprising that the Scandinavian culture was formed this way, because from childhood Scandinavians grew up on the shores of chilling fjords!

People still live on the shores of the bays. But, of course, there are not as many of them as those who come from all over the world to admire the cold beauties of Norway.

Now let's talk in detail about the five most famous and beautiful fjords.


This bay stretches 110 km and is a popular holiday destination due to the large number of attractions located in close proximity to him.

Also on the coast of Njorfjord there is a well-developed entertainment infrastructure, so there are no tourists there all year round.

Among all the advantages of this impressive corner of nature, the most interesting are:

  • Briksdal Glacier- the tongue of one of the largest glaciers in Europe - Yustedal. You can get to it either by ship along the fjord or by special mining vehicles. The glacier itself is open for ice climbing. There is also nearby stormy waterfall, which captivates with its roar and splashes of icy water crashing on the stones.

Not far from Briksdal there are hotels and cafes with a small zoo.

On the Jostedal glacier itself there is Jostedalsbern Park, where you can visit Botanical Garden, a cinema, and also a museum dedicated to the history of the glacier.

  • For extreme sports enthusiasts, a ski resort operates on the glacier all year round. While you're skiing, snowboarding or snowmobiling, you can see Nordfjord from the most amazing angles.
  • Tragically famous valley Lodal – is also located within easy reach if you are sailing along the Nordfjord. This place once again proves how deceptive the quiet beauty of the North can be. Even in the last century, real disasters occurred here due to the fact that huge stones broke off from the rocks and fell into the waters, creating waves. They were so large that they simply washed away 2 towns on the coast. The last time such a tragedy occurred was in 1936.
  • In addition, there is an exclusive offer for climbers! Skela is a mountain 1848 meters high. It is the highest of all the peaks in Northern Europe. For those brave souls who make it to the top, there is one more surprise! At the top of the mountain there is a tower where you can spend the night if you wish.
  • As you sail towards the ocean along Nordfjord, you are sailing past a series of lakes. Among them is a green lake Lovetnet(there are many legends regarding its color, but it has been scientifically proven that the springs bring particles of green clay hidden in the bowels of the earth into the lake), Lake Hornindalsvatnet (the deepest lake in Europe, in the very deep place reaches 514 meters; for the bravest and most seasoned, swimming in the lake and fishing are offered), Breisvatnet (one of the most popular piers is located there).
  • On your way to the ocean you will also be able to see six waterfalls: Kleyvafos, Twinnefos (you can walk under this waterfall and even touch its foaming waters), Glomnesfos, Bulderfos, Sandalsfos (one of the highest waterfalls starting at 1827 meters above sea level) and Eidsfos.
  • Among other entertainments fishing, relaxing on the picturesque beaches of both the fjord and the ocean. You can visit 2 islands that are incredibly rich in history. On one of them (Barmen Island) there is Rune Stone, which testifies to the use of this island in Neolithic times and later by the Vikings.
  • If you wish, you can visit the lighthouses, of which there are 3 on the coast.
  • We also strongly recommend visiting Kanensteinen- a stone that looks like a mushroom or a jug (by the way, this is how its name is translated). It was carved out by the patient waters of the fjord and is still washed by them. You can look at it in close proximity thanks to the wooden decking that goes right to the water.

The easiest way to get to Njordfjord is by bus from Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim.

The bay is located in southwest Norway and is the second longest in the country. 891 meters is the maximum depth of this fjord.

Flowing between the mountains, it is divided into many small branches. But this is not the only thing that attracts tourists to Hardangerfjord.

Let's start with the most significant attractions:

  • Blooming shores! If you came in the spring, then you did everything right! Picturesque gardens bloom with riotous colors and turn from snow-covered rocks into white with blooming, noisy streams of petals and leaves.
  • It’s also good to go there during harvest time., because then a festival takes place here, during which everyone is treated to the best varieties of cider.
  • Visit several museums. The best of them are the interactive nature center Eidfjord (panoramic exhibitions and 3D cinema) and Maritime Museum, where you will learn everything about ancient and modern conquest of the sea: from the structure of longships to the management of modern ships.
  • Veringfossen- a waterfall whose waters fall from a mind-boggling height of 182 meters. IN sunny days A rainbow appears above the waterfall, so in ancient times the waterfall was considered a sacred path to the gods.
  • Extreme will provide you with several ski resorts , such as Folgefonn(there is also the possibility of easy access to the plateau Hardangerwid, home to one of the largest populations of deer) and Finse(the most extreme of all Norwegian ski and mountaineering resorts).
  • For believers interesting place there will probably be a church to visit, where the miraculous crucifix is ​​located. Once a year it releases a healing liquid for which it is revered by pilgrims from all over the world. The church was built in the 13th century on the site of an ancient Scandinavian temple.
  • And, of course, you simply must take a ride on the Troll Train. 25 minutes of unforgettable landscapes will not leave you indifferent and you will certainly immerse yourself in the world of ancient legends about petrified trolls.

Get to it fabulous place you can do it in 4 hours from Bergen or on the fjord ferries. The infrastructure of Hardangerfjord will pleasantly impress the most demanding travelers: there are villas, hotels, ancient houses, and, of course, places for tents.

The local cuisine will satisfy even a gourmet, and shopping here will be exquisite and gastronomic!

Lyse Fjord is located near Stavanger and is only 42 km long, which does not prevent it from being the most visited among the Norwegian bays. And for good reason!

You will never regret if you choose a trip to Lysefjord as your vacation. You won’t find so many natural wonders concentrated around one bay anywhere else.

Breathtaking landscapes and energy that will take you back to the times of the brave Vikings will make even experienced tourists cry.

What will you see if you choose this route?

  • Very close to Lysefjord there is the rock “Preikestolen” - the pulpit of the preacher. It has earned the love of tourists because the sharp cliff cliff makes it not just sheer, but, as it were, makes the upper plateau hang directly over the fjord. You can dangle your feet off a cliff and feel completely free, floating above the cold hills of the North.
  • No less popular attraction created by nature - Kjeragbolten on Mount Kjerag. This is a place where hundreds of years ago, a fallen stone got stuck between two neighboring rocks. Yes, it stayed there! Daredevil souls can stand on the rock and take a scary photo.
  • For especially risky people BASE jumping is organized from the steepest side of Kjerg. But be careful! To make the jump, you need to register in advance on the BASE jumping association website.
  • The center of tourism on the fjord is the town of Oanes, where you can have a nice meal, take a tour and visit museums.
  • In another city - Fleurley - There is a hydroelectric power station, which is famous for the longest wooden staircase in the world. It has 4444 steps and is open to tourists.

Of course, the old wooden staircase has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time, because the modern station is equipped according to last word equipment and... carved into the rock!

  • Another village worth visiting- Landa. There is a museum here open air, where 6 absolutely authentic Viking houses have been preserved from ancient times are presented. Even dishes and some furniture were preserved inside.
  • Sailing on a ship, you will be able to see several waterfalls, as, indeed, when traveling along other fjords. But only here they will be so steep, because the northern coast is considered the most inaccessible in all of Northern Europe.
  • Worth a visit and the road, which has 27 turns, each of which opens a new picture. It passes through a pedestrian tunnel and is the only route that connects the city of Lysebotn with the world, apart from the ferry.

You can get to Lysefjord by boat from Stavanger, as well as by train from Oslo and Bergen. In addition to all of the above, in all cities adjacent to the bay you will be offered to try your hand at horse riding and rock climbing.

King among the fjords of Norway! The longest and deepest among all bays. Its length inland is 204 meters and its maximum depth is 1308 meters. Also included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

The most popular excursions, not counting water routes, are train rides, because the main asset of Sognefjord is the views that captivate you into a fairy-tale world, which open from the window of an arrow rushing along the rails.

  • The first of the train routes– Flomskaya Railway. It runs along the very edge of the cliff and passes hundreds of picturesque places.
  • Second way- This is the Bergen Railway. It passes through the largest Norwegian plateau and past the most powerful blue glaciers, called Hardangerjokulen.
  • For those who like to tickle the nerves the town of Voss will be interesting, which is considered the main center of all extreme species sports Here the traveler will be offered almost all types of ski, air and even aquatic species sports
  • Walking ecotours are also popular along the shore of the fjord, which are designed for both trained and beginner climbers.

The most convenient way to get to Sognefjord is by rail, combining pleasant things with even more pleasant ones. And since the bay has many branches, you can get to it by boat, which you can board in any town located on the shore of the bay.

Gerangerfjord, an offshoot of the Storfjord, is only 15 kilometers long, but thanks to the large number of waterfalls and nearby attractions, just like the previous bay, it was included in the UNESCO heritage list.

  • This fjord is worth viewing from a ship. without fail! Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to see all three magnificent waterfalls.
  • Seven sisters, Groom and Bridal Veil - 3 of the most beautiful and almost mythical waterfalls. There are several legends about how they appeared and why they are called that. One of them tells that the strongest and most noble of the Vikings decided to woo one of the seven sisters. He even brought a veil with him, but when he saw the beauties, he froze in amazement, not knowing which one to choose, and turned into a waterfall, and the veil remained hanging on a nearby rock. And the sisters, as a sign of grief over the most beautiful groom, did not marry and became streams to flow into the same fjord as the groom.
  • Admiring the waterfalls, the traveler should visit the town of Geranger, where the museum of the history of the fjords is located.
  • See the fjord from a bird's eye view You can climb the Fludalsjuvet rock.

There are many ways to get to Gerangerfjord, as it is the most popular route among tourists. But the best way, of course, is to fly from Oslo, Bergen or Trondheim (the fastest way) or by ship from the last two cities (a more romantic way).

There are a huge number of hotels in Geranger, including the favorite royalty. The rooms here have a relatively low price, given the level of service. Great amount cafes and restaurants - it is no coincidence.

The city lives off tourism business, so travelers are welcomed here with open arms.

The most visited bay in Norway

Gerangefjord - the most visited of all Norwegian bays.

Thousands of people visit it every year. The largest number of tourists arrive in late spring, when the waterfalls are most filled with water.

To summarize, it should be said that there is no friend according to taste and color, and everyone chooses their own most beautiful fjord.

WITH a list of world-famous bays where a true traveler must visit:

  1. Scoresby (Greenland);
  2. Sognefjord (Norway);
  3. Nordfjord (Norway);
  4. Hardangerfjord (Norway);
  5. Gerangerfjord (Norway);
  6. Kola Bay (Russia);
  7. Seguenay (Canada);
  8. Loch Fyn (UK);
  9. Milford Sound (New Zealand);
  10. Portland Canal (USA).

Whichever fjord you choose for your trip, you can’t go wrong! If you plan to visit several bays at once, then, of course, it is better to go to Norway, where the number of fjords is the highest.

In any case, you won’t have to regret your chosen route, because the cold beauties of the North do not leave you indifferent.

It is worth deciding in advance which type of vacation suits you best - active, passive or extreme, and then choose a hotel or base according to your preferences. But no matter what you choose, traveling through the fjords will provide you with plenty of opportunities to realize your idea!

You can see the Norwegian fjords by taking a cruise from St. Petersburg; a similar tour can also be purchased in the capital Moscow.

Rocks rising straight out of the water, as well as snowy peaks and mountains abundantly covered with vegetation, are very popular among tourists from all over the world. These slopes are called fjords. They are part of the natural landscape. There are also “special territories” on the Internet. One of these special zones is the Howling Fjord. It is located in the southeast of Northrend (World of Warcraft), at the very top of the Great Sea.

Origin of natural rocky bays

Often, when hearing the word “fjord” in a conversation, not every person understands what they are talking about. Let's understand this issue a little. So, a fjord is a term commonly used to describe a long fjord that has crashed into land. sea ​​bay with the rocky shores surrounding it. Typically, the length of a fjord is tens of times greater than its width. It has cliffs reaching a height of 1000 meters. The origin of fjords is due to a sharp change in the movement of tectonic plates. The result of this is the formation of numerous faults and cracks, which are subsequently filled with sea water. Such fjords are most often characterized by significant depth, in some cases reaching 800 meters.

The most famous rocky bays in the world

So, to the question: “fjord - what is it?” we partially answered. But for those who still have a poor idea of ​​what we are talking about, we will give examples. The most famous are 4 areas with fjord formations. These include the coasts of Chile, North America, Norway and These places are most visited by tourists. In addition, there are fjords on the shores of Iceland, Russia, Scotland, and the Arabian Peninsula. They can even be found near some Arctic islands.

The longest rocky bay in the world

Fjords of Norway

What are these rock formations? Why are they remarkable? Many have repeatedly heard about So let's take a closer look at this point. It turns out that the second largest rocky bay is located in Norway. The Sognefjord (this is the name of this massif) is the largest in Europe, its length is 204 km. The royal capital of the fjords - Oslo - unique and original city Scandinavia. It is located deep in a rocky bay 107 km long. 8 rivers flow through the city, in addition, it is surrounded by 343 lakes and 40 islands. Anyone who wishes can admire the splendor of the beaches and untouched nature by simply taking a ferry to one of the islands. Norway is famous for its most picturesque and majestic rock formations, which is why its second name is the Land of Fjords.

Most visited bay

This place should be discussed separately. The most visited Norwegian bay is Geirangerfjord. It is located in the county of Mere og Romsdal, approximately 100 km from the city of Ålesund. When going on a trip to this corner of wildlife, be sure to visit the famous observation decks on the Fludalsjuve ridge and on Mount Dalsnibba. In addition, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of walking. But most importantly, don’t miss the opportunity to swim in these waters! Tourists (and not only others) have the opportunity to take a boat cruise and admire the wonderful waterfalls from its board. “Seven Sisters” or “Bride’s Veil” are very picturesque.

Road of Eagles

When describing this fjord (what it is is stated above), we should especially talk about the Eagles' Road - the steepest road section in the area. This path is a serpentine road. To get from the coast of Geirangerfjord to the highest point of the mountain by transport, you need to overcome 11 extremely sharp turns. This is a trip for thrill seekers. The most high point is located at an altitude of 620 meters above sea level. From there you can take simply stunning photographs of the surrounding area. For these purposes, as well as just to get acquainted with the area, special observation platforms have been equipped. The most famous among them are “Fludalsjuve” and “Dalsnibba”. They are included in the list of the most famous and visited attractions in the region.

History Center

It is located approximately a kilometer from the center of Geiranger. Here tourists have a unique opportunity to study the history of this region, as well as get acquainted with its nature and local residents, their morals and customs. You can choose to go for a light walk or conquer the local mountain peak. It offers simply stunning views. Those who decide to take a risk and go to the mountains should definitely visit Hiking. This place has many trails that are not only marked, but also provided great maps terrain. Those who like easy walks can take a trip to a small village located on south side fjord The road to it runs along the shore of a rocky bay and is 2.5 km long. In the village there is a small but very cozy cafe where you can try wonderful homemade local food. Those wishing to become more familiar with the local nature and surroundings should visit the Västerås farm. The famous waterfall "Storseterfossen" is located here. You can walk between a seething stream and a rock, the feeling is indescribable!

Most Popular Attractions

Tourists have a unique opportunity to visit the local farm "Herdalsetra". It is also located on the Geirangerfjord. What makes this trip unique is that the farm in question is located in Norddal. This region is included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List. Tourists can also watch the process of making caramel and goat milk cheese. Another attraction that also attracts the attention of guests is the Trollstiegen mountain road. It is considered the most picturesque, since it is surrounded by peaks rushing into the sky. For lovers alpine skiing you should go to this wonderful place in winter. Vacationers will be able to descend from a height of 1500 meters directly to the coast. But those who relax in the summer should not be upset. You also have the opportunity to go skiing. At the beginning of the season, a summer ski center opens here, exact time opening depends on the thickness of the snow cover. Now you should have no questions about the meaning of the word "fjord". What this is, we theoretically found out in the article. For practical understanding, you must definitely visit such a place at least once in your life.