The Rub al-Khali desert is still unnamed. Undiscovered Emirates: Rub al Khali Animals of the Desert Rub el Khali

Rub al Khali desert(eng. Empty quarter - "empty quarter") is located in the south of the United Arab Emirates. More precisely, its small northern part is located in the south, and the rest - on the territory of Saudi Arabia. Rub al Khali desert- it world's largest sandy desert. And I beg you, do not confuse with the Sahara! Rub al Khali is the largest sandy desert! In the sense that this is the largest area covered with sand! Summer temperatures here are over 50 degrees Celsius, colder in winter - about 30 Celsius.

To the very desert Rub al Khali You can get there in three ways:

  1. The first and easiest is through Abu Dhabi on a chic 6-lane highway that ends in Liwa oasis. Oasis is located just on the very border of the desert.
  2. The second way is also as simple as two pennies and goes along the road from Abu Dhabi across Hamim(Hameem) to Liwa oasis. The road is simpler, but still two lanes, wonderful asphalt, and trucks are brought to a separate road that runs parallel at 50 meters.
  3. And the third option is the most interesting - through El Ein, along the border with Oman, then along the border with Saudi Arabia and then through the desert to the side Liwa oasis. That is, not to drive from the north to the desert, but to drive as far as possible from the South through the desert itself.
Naturally, we chose the third option, which turned out to be very tempting and interesting in terms of potential adventure prospects!

From El Eina Liwa Oasis A little less than 400 kilometers. Without gas stations, the distance is about 250 kilometers. Our car Chevrolet Spark. Gas tank 35 liters. We pour under the neck 98 gasoline. We take the most necessary things with us - sleeping bags for spending the night in the car, a supply of water, a supply of food. Last gas station in the village Al Qua.

The sand dunes are getting higher, the vegetation is getting smaller. Camels are also becoming rarer. But it's not a desert yet. This is an ordinary landscape. United Arab Emirates, which by the way is given out to all tourists for the desert, riding jeeps in the suburbs Dubai for 50 dollars. And tourists naively believe that they have been on a real desert safari. But no! There is only one real desert safari in the United Arab Emirates - in the desert Rub al Khali!

We drive along the border with Oman - a solid fence on the left and huge solar-powered tracking stations every 3-4 kilometers.

The road is excellent, in places there are repair zones with a detour on a gravel road. Moreover, they repair the road where only small cracks appeared on the asphalt and repair it not by “patching”, but completely remove the asphalt coating and do everything all over again! The weather is sunny and it's quite hot outside, around 30 degrees (yes, it's mid-January!). Fortunately, the car has air conditioning! And now the point of the navigator shows that we are at a bend in the road. To our left Oman, straight Saudi Arabia, on right United Arab Emirates. Class! Are we really here??? The mood is positive, the road is perfect, we keep the speed around 100 km / h, periodically stopping to take pictures.

Do you know what happens when you drive into a snowstorm on the road? Behind the car, clouds of snow dust rise. Here we also began to curl the sand! We pass some border point with clearly border Nissan Patrol sand color and matt finish. They look very impressive! The most important thing is to chase them through the desert for illegal immigrants from Oman. The road is blocked by concrete blocks in a checkerboard pattern and with a red color, but you can go around them. Some signs weigh red, but everything is written in Arabic there, although they are usually dubbed in English. We drive carefully without stopping. There is no one nearby. There seems to be no chase either, so you can go further!

The sun is getting lower! dream to meet sunset in the desert, obviously today will become a reality! Now we are driving through the desert! The real desert, and not heaps of sand with thorns and small shrubs, as is the case throughout the country. There are huge sand dunes, absolutely no vegetation, and the color of the sand is not light yellow, but already some kind of orange tint at sunset! The road is a strip of black asphalt goes beyond the horizon. I step on the gas pedal to go deeper into the desert, and then climb some sand dune to contemplate the sunset!

And suddenly after a hill and a turn, I brake. The road ends. And it’s simple: there is perfect asphalt, and then just a direction on the sand. It can even be seen that cars drive here periodically: D. Now in my head there is an understanding of why only jeeps met us towards us, and then very rarely!

We do not think for a long time, because there are only two reasonable options. What would most people do in this situation?

  1. They would not initially go to the desert in a minicar
  2. They would turn around and drive back, seeing that there is no further way.
Ours was the third one. We decided to try to go further and ran into. The story is worthy of a separate post, therefore!

After an hour and a half, tired, but incredibly pleased, we returned about 5 kilometers back and turned towards the border with Saudi Arabia, which runs two kilometers from the main road. Yes, the road is paved, but after a couple of kilometers we run into a huge barbed wire fence. A bunch of red tablets in Arabic and among them one in English. "Travel and passage are strictly prohibited! Closed territory!". Along the fence there is an asphalted road with sandy lanes, a meter and a half wide. More like a sidewalk. There is a hill ahead. We decide to get to it, pretending that we did not notice the signs. We went upstairs. There is a huge tracking station, the road goes down and far ahead up again. All along the border fence. I look at the maps on the navigator - yes, apparently we will almost reach the right place along this road, but there we will have to turn and there are 7 kilometers of unknown, and most likely there will not be a road, but only a direction through the sand dunes. It's almost dark outside. Plus, prohibition signs were remembered. The laws in the Emirates are harsh ... Adventures have already been snatched off! Perhaps enough for today. The plans were to spend the night here, but unanimously decide to turn around and go back. There is hope to find another way, not much returning to civilization, but I am already mentally prepared for a detour of several hundred kilometers.

In general, the road in the desert is very difficult to compare with anything else. She is completely different! The closest association that comes to mind is snow, snow blizzards, snow breaks, poor visibility at night in a snowstorm. Only it's not snow! This is sand, which is able to change the appearance of the desert very quickly and cold-bloodedly, absorbing anything in its path.

Another busy day was coming to an end. It was not possible to go fast, because the rising sandstorm literally closed the entire view and only a wall of sand was visible in the headlights. Visibility tended to zero and did not exceed 10-20 meters, sand was everywhere, and gusts of wind rocked the car very unpleasantly.

And also about finding a road, spending the night, fog in the desert and the highest sand dune in the world, read in a separate day after tomorrow.

In continuation of the topic of the previous post, Today I decided to publish the material that I prepared with my daughter for school for a report on the world around us.

"As you know, the UAE is located on a territory covered with sand, i.e. in the desert, namely The desert of Rub al-Khali is the most lifeless desert in the world, but it is in the sands of this desert that the largest and most modern city is built. And its name is Dubai.

One of the largest, hottest, flat and dry deserts in the world is the desert Rub al Khali. Translated from Arabic means "empty place", it is also called the "Great Sandy Desert". If you look at it through the window of an airplane, it may seem that someone covered a huge area with sand and leveled everything.

This vast sandy desert is located in the Middle East, occupies a third of the Arabian Peninsula, on the territory of the states: Saudi Arabia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

The average temperature in July-August is 47 degrees Celsius, in just a year about 35 mm of precipitation falls, sometimes precipitation may not fall for more than five years.

Interesting fact:

Do you know that this desert is green in winter? Why? Because due to the fact that groundwater is located very close to the surface (less than 10 meters) and the sun is not so hot, plants and small shrubs come to life, leaves appear on them, and therefore, looking at the desert, we see a green carpet in front of us.

This is especially pronounced in the UAE, the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah.

The opinions of scientists regarding the area of ​​the desert differed. To date, the exact area of ​​the Rub al-Khali desert has not been established.


The area of ​​the Sverdlovsk region is 195,000 square kilometers, which is 4 times less than the area of ​​the Rub al-Khali desert. What is the area of ​​the desert?

According to various estimates, its area ranges from 650,000 to 780,000 sq. km. These are four of the Sverdlovsk region.

Most of the desert is absolutely lifeless quicksand white sands. And due to the fact that there is a lot of iron in the composition of the sand, the desert acquires red and orange colors.

Interesting fact:

Sometimes you can observe how moving sands, or they are also called a wandering dune, turn red-orange in color to white.

Moving sands (wandering dunes) are sands that are not fixed by the root system of plants and easily move under the influence of wind.

Interesting fact:

Dune Moreeb is one of the largest dunes in the world. Its height reaches 300m, width 1600m, and the slope angle is 50 degrees. In late December - early January, the Moreeb Dune Cars and Bikes Championship is held here.

In the east, there are vast salt marshes, and hence oil and natural gas deposits, which are considered the largest in the world.

Salt marshes are soils that contain a large amount of easily soluble salts. Easily soluble salts can be compared to the dissolution of ordinary salt in boiling water.

In places where groundwater comes out, there are oases, including the largest ones - El Ain ("Spring") and Liwa, which are located on the territory of the emirate of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.

The population is mainly Arabs. On the outskirts of the desert, Bedouin camel breeders roam.

Interesting fact:

The British traveler Wilfrid Tesiger was the first to describe this desert. He was one of the first Europeans to invade the great desert in the middle of the 20th century.

The vegetation in these parts is poor. Basically - camel thorns and saltwort. And the animal world is not so replete with diversity. There are few animals in the desert. Mostly various species of gerbils, camels, jerboas, snakes and scorpions.

Most of the animals and birds can be found closer to the mountains of the Arabian Peninsula.

Interesting fact:

In the emirate of Sharjah (UAE), a “Desert Park” has been created, where representatives of the entire animal world inhabiting Rub al-Khali are gathered, and there are more than a hundred of its species, among which you can even meet the beyzu antelope. It has straight conical horns. The weight of such an antelope reaches 100 kilograms.

Many myths and legends are associated with this desert. The main and most widespread legend tells about the "Atlantis of the Sands" - the ancient city of Ubar, which ceased to exist somewhere in the 4th century AD. All attempts by archaeologists to find this city were unsuccessful, it has completely disappeared both from sight and from historical chronicles.

About this unique, powerful and prosperous city, which the ancient Greeks - Herodotus and Ptolemy wrote about in their chronicles. Ubar was shrouded in an aura of legends that spoke of flying snakes, immortality, and so on.

But the legend, which still attracts many people, says that countless, fabulous treasures of the Arabs are stored in this city. But due to the fact that the inhabitants were treacherous, dissolute, deceitful and impious - the city was destroyed - wiped off the face of the earth.

Here is such a report. Plus a video.

general information

The name Rub al-Khali is translated from Arabic as "empty quarter". For a long time, the desert was considered the most impassable and difficult terrain to live in. Through it, for several hundred years, caravans brought precious incense, spices and fabrics from South Asia.

If you look at Rub al-Khali through the window of an airplane, it may seem that someone covered a huge area with sand and leveled everything. It really is a flat desert. Although there are also some elevations 200-300m high in the form of dunes and sandy hills. So in the southwest the desert rises to 800 meters, and in the northeast it approximately coincides with sea level.

An amazing feature of the local landscapes are sand dunes up to 250 meters high, alternating with gypsum plains and gravel. The sand has a characteristic reddish-orange color due to its feldspar content.

But has this now deserted place on the Arabian Peninsula always been lifeless? Far from it.

Studying this territory from satellites, scientists confirmed the existing hypothesis that several cities flourished on the site of the desert about five millennia ago, among which is Ubar, which is also called the City of a Thousand Pillars.

The desert of Rub al-Khali is not quite lifeless even now.

Despite the fact that the climate here is tropical with low rainfall (about 55 mm per year), water can sometimes be found at a depth of 10 meters.

It is assumed that a whole network of rivers is buried under the sands. Once upon a time, these territories were the bottom of a small network of lakes that disappeared decades ago. These lakes were formed due to very heavy rainfall, similar to the current monsoons, and lasted from several tens to hundreds of years. According to numerous evidences, these lakes were the birthplace of representatives of various species of flora and fauna, hippos, Indian buffalo and other cattle lived here.

Evidence of human activity was also found, dating from the period from 10,000 to 5,000 years ago - various tools and so on, but the human remains themselves were not found.

There are oases in the Rub al-Khali desert. The largest of them are Liwa and Al Ain. But the most picturesque, perhaps, is El Jiva, which stretches for 50 km.

The vegetation in these parts is poor. Mostly camel thorns and saltwort. And the animal world is not so replete with diversity. It seems that there is no one in the desert except for camels, jerboas, snakes and scorpions. But it's not. In the Desert Park created in the emirate of Sharjah, they decided to gather representatives of the entire animal world inhabiting Rub al-Khali, and counted more than a hundred of its species, among which you can even meet the antelope. It has straight conical horns. The weight of such an antelope reaches 100 kilograms.

In some parts of the desert there are also salt marshes, such as Umm el Samim in the eastern part of the desert. This area is hyper-arid, with minimal rainfall. The fauna and flora here are also quite scarce.

The population in the desert is nomadic, breeding camels.

The main wealth of the eastern part of the Rub al-Khali desert is, of course, oil and gas fields. Geologically, Rub al-Khali is the most oil-rich place on the planet. The richest oil fields in the world are located here, and the oil lies at a very low depth, thereby ensuring its easy extraction.

Not only many documentaries are devoted to this desert, Rub al-Khali is also mentioned in many fantasy and adventure stories, in cinema and even in computer games.

The translation of the name of these desert territories, located on the Arabian Peninsula, sounds like "an empty quarter." In fact, given the fact that the Rub al-Khali desert already occupies a third of the peninsula, the question arises of changing the toponym in order to reflect the real state of affairs.

From a political point of view, the desert "captured" the territories of four states, including, and. The only question is how to determine the real border inside the desert. The interest of states is understandable, the world's largest oil fields have been discovered in the desert, no one wants to miss their tidbit of the oil pie.

Features of the Rub al-Khali Desert

It is one of the largest in the world, one of the top five. The second point that deserves attention, the Rub al-Khali desert is considered one of the hottest places on the planet. The thermometer in July and August reaches a maximum of +50°С and above, and the average level of this month is around +47°С.

The third nuance is related to the amount of precipitation that falls here during the year. And here, too, record figures, however, this time the minimum. The Rub al-Khali desert in the ranking of the driest places is again in the first positions, marked by years when the rainfall was only 35 mm.

Geological structure of the area

The desert is a large basin, it stretches from the northeast to the southwest, passes through the Arabian shelf. In the lower layers there are deposits of gravel and gypsum, in the upper layers there is sand. It consists mainly of silicates, while in percentage terms, quartz takes the lion's share - up to 90%.

Interestingly, feldspar, which makes up only 10% of the mass of sand, gives the desert a fantastic color. Feldspar grains are covered with iron oxide on top, so they are painted in red or orange-brick colors. Accordingly, the view of the desert in a photo or video resembles, according to people's ideas, Martian red landscapes.

In the southeastern half of the desert, massifs consisting of white quicksands were discovered. The dunes are so huge that they rise up to 250 meters. People find salvation in one of two oases - El Ein or Liva.

Road to hell

Many tourists who come to rest in the UAE and nearby countries dream of seeing this miracle of nature with their own eyes, feeling the hot breath of the desert. There are three ways to get to Rub al-Khali: through to the Liwa oasis along a luxurious six-lane highway; via Abu Dhabi and Hamim to Liwa Oasis on a smaller motorway (two lane).

The third option is the most original, it involves a journey along the border strip with Oman, then also, but along the border with Saudi Arabia. On the way, tourists pass El Ein and the desert itself, by the way, guests of the Arabian Peninsula are very often deceived - they are actually taken to the suburbs, where you can see the dunes, which are passed off as a desert. But real desert adventures await on a safari in Rub Al Khali.

Unusual local landscapes are recorded not only in documentary films, but also in many science fiction films, literature and even computer games.

Who lives in the desert of Rub al-Khali

At first glance, it seems that not a single living creature on earth has a chance to survive in such hell. But this is not entirely true; occasionally you can meet both ungulates and predators. At night, when it gets cooler, the active life of the desert fauna begins, you can see rodents and lizards. Rare vegetation in the form of camel thorn, tribulus and saltwort is the main food of these animals.

Scientists say that once on the site of the desert there was a network of lakes that were home to mammals, amphibians and reptiles, including hippos and buffaloes. Yes, and a reasonable person left traces of his stay. Among the artifacts found in the area are tools that are between 5,000 and 10,000 years old, although the remains of the man himself could not be found.

desert entertainment

Despite the high temperatures that last all year round, there are enough tourists who want to not only see the desert, but also take part in some kind of active actions. Accordingly, the local population has to get out and come up with activities.

The most popular and simple at the same time is driving on SUVs, the rest of the cars have nothing to do here. They compete only with ATVs that can overcome tall dunes. Among the exotic entertainments is skiing (!), however, specially designed for the desert, and on the same special boards. Women prefer less extreme entertainment in the desert; trips to the Bedouin camp are organized especially for them, where you can get acquainted with the life of the ancient inhabitants of these lands.


Rub al Khali, sometimes spelled Rub al Khali (meaning "Empty Quarter" in Arabic), is the largest desert in the world, and a kind of vast "kingdom" of uninterrupted sand. However, it was here in 1948 that the first Al Ghawar oil field was discovered for the emirate of Abu Dhabi, which is considered one of the largest in the world. Rub al-Khali extends over 650,000 square kilometers and covers parts of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates.

As soon as you leave the major cities of the UAE, you immediately find yourself in the desert. But such a desert is mostly flat, the sand is a little gray and hard, which greatly reduces interest in it. If you want to take interesting panoramic photos, you will have to look for places in the desert where the dunes will be concentrated. Fortunately, such places are quite common in the UAE if you drive a few hours from major cities.

Leaving Dubai towards Al Ain, you will quickly find some dunes that lie scattered along the road. Many people stop here to rent a quad bike or buggy (prices are quite affordable), or just to get up the dunes using 4WD.
Leaving Abu Dhabi towards Al Ain there are also some sand dunes worth a trip to.
But the most beautiful and largest dunes in the country are in the south, not far from Saudi Arabia, near the Liwa oasis. In the evenings, the sand turns bright red as the sun sets, and here it forms huge dunes, the largest of which exceed 300 meters.
It is one of the most inhospitable areas on the planet, with a minimal number of Bedouin nomads, and very difficult to cross from one end to the other. All this creates an atmosphere of peace and quiet, where you can be alone with yourself all alone.

"It is very quiet here," wrote Wilfred Tesiger, "a silence that we have banished from our world."
In 1947, a British explorer sat alone on a ridge overlooking the desert and wrote down his thoughts on one of two epic journeys with the Bedouins of Arabia, which took them through the massive dunes of al-Khali and the population centers of the Liwa oasis. His book "Arab Sands" about experiences and experiences stands as a masterpiece of classic travel literature.
While others imagined the desert as an endless void, the Bedouins as wild natives, Tesiger saw them for what they considered themselves - noble and courageous people for whom the desert was a sea where they roamed freely and found refuge. For them and for him, the desert became all life. Beautiful. Strict. epic. The "Arabs of the desert", as he called them, were full of "severe dignity."

The dunes on which the traveler sat still exist, as does the oasis of Liwa. An hour and a half drive south of the city of Abu Dhabi on a smooth highway. Further, following narrow concrete roads, you will quickly find yourself in isolated places, cut off from the world.
The sand is soft with multi-colored shades from khaki and orange to deep red and it flows, driven by all the winds from hills that are tens of meters high. Stand and look into the distance as far as the eyes can see the endless desert, where there is not a dried tree, not a single cloud.

Driving off-road in the arms of the desert gives you the chance to experience that penetrating silence, especially if it happens at night. The night sky flares with stars flashing and falling; The Milky Way is like thick cream spilled on a satin fabric.... and time stops.... Spend a night in the desert - it will leave a truly unforgettable experience. Gazing at the stars, enjoying the silence or walking through the dunes under the moonlight will leave you wanting to go back as soon as possible.

The fauna and flora of the UAE desert is much richer than one might think. After night falls, you realize that the desert is teeming with life.
There are a few scorpions and snakes in Rub al Khali, but the risk of stumbling upon them is low. Try not to walk barefoot (even if it sounds very tempting), especially between the dunes and near the islands of greenery, as these are the favorite places of these charming creatures. If you are "lucky enough" to see a snake or scorpion, don't get close, just look at them from a distance: most of the time these animals are very shy and not aggressive. However, if you are bitten, you should have enough time to get to the hospital. Death from bites is extremely rare.
Crossing the desert is a great adventure for an active lifestyle, but it does come with some risks. Here are some tips to help you enjoy the wilderness in safety:
Never travel alone. You need to have at least two cars, because if you get stuck in the sand, then the second car will be the only solution.
Always let someone know where you plan to go, as if someone knows where you are, it will be easier to start looking if you don't come back.
Take plenty of water with you. If you do not have enough water with you, this will be the first thing you will miss if you get lost or stuck in the sand.
If you plan to climb the dunes, don't forget a 4WD, as well as a shovel, carpet, gasoline, matches, and rope.
Have fun, but don't forget that the desert is an amazing place with an incredibly fragile ecosystem. Look out for local wildlife and please take your trash with you. In other words, leave only your footprints in the sand...

Some myths and legends.
In 1932, Bertram Thomas recorded Bedouin tales of a legendary trading city that disappeared under the sands of Hali, starting a love affair between Western explorers and the Arab myth of the city of Ubar. When the British explorer Bertram Thomas crossed the Rub al-Khali in 1930, he approached its southern edge and his guide, pointing to the faint outline of the road, remarked: “Look at the Sahib, this is the road to Ubar, which was once a large city, rich treasures, date gardens, and a fort lined with red silver sheets. Now it was buried under the sands. It was destroyed in punishment for the wickedness of its inhabitants." Thomas had heard of Ubar on previous travels in Central Arabia, but no one could tell where his place was. He named the city "Atlantis of the Sands" and suggested that it could be a trading center in the southern Omani province of Dhofar. Herodotus, Pliny the Elder, Strabo and other ancient authors, although they did not specifically mention Ubar, left reports of cities in southern Arabia, where resin from frankincense and myrrh were sold in the markets. The city of Ubar remained a fairy tale for 1001 nights. There is no city with that name on the maps of the second century by the geographer Ptolemy ...

In 1992, after decades of fruitless research, scientists finally made progress. The use of spaceborne radar images has revealed ancient caravan routes that converged near present-day Shisr in southwest Oman. Their excavations uncovered a large octagonal fortress with thick walls three meters high along with eight towers at the corners. The Greek, Roman, and Syrian pottery shards found in the ruins - the oldest of which date back to 2000 BC - only confirmed the site's importance as a trading center. The fact is that the city met a catastrophic end - it literally fell into the ground due to the collapse of limestone in the caves under the city. This was convincing evidence to suggest that this is indeed the legendary city of Ubar. But over 20 years of excavations, a number of scientists can call this city Ubar only with a stretch if wishful thinking. They indicate that Ubar was most likely an agglomeration of cities or a self-designation of people in a certain region. Shisr is most likely the remains of one of the many ancient trading cities where merchants stopped, or perhaps just an isolated city next to the lake.
The Rub al Khali lakes now represent a mirage of nature, but that they once quenched the thirst of man and animals - including the hippopotamus, buffalo and antelope - is undeniable. The presence of hippos is evidenced by the findings of their fossilized teeth. Fossilized bones of buffalo and long horns of cattle, as well as wild donkeys, wild goats and sheep, oryx, gazelles have also been found in the fossilized deposits of mud lakes, which are hundreds of kilometers from the nearest coast. Stone tools are scattered in the immediate vicinity of the lakes. They were home to a wealth of algae, including species, some of which are used to decorate aquariums.
Today, excavations continue at various points in al-Khali, where archaeologists continue to unearth Arabia's mysterious and colorful past.

Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort - outpost of luxury in the middle of the desert.

Qasr al Sarab, located at the end of the Rub al Khali desert and the beginning of the Liwa oasis, appeared to us as a lost, flourishing legendary city of Ubar, which cannot be found by scientists for centuries. Impressive architecture in the traditional style of the inhabitants of Arabia, which is combined with modern amenities. We had our own terrace and we could watch a cup of coffee as the sun rises and illuminates the red sand with its rays. Atmosphere of cleanliness and tranquility. As British scholar Wilfred Tesiger wrote of Rub al Khali: "It is very quiet here...a silence that we have banished from our world." Perfectly fits the description of this wonderful place.

The road to the hotel is good, paved, there is a sign on the road "Do not move out for photography", better not neglect the sign, as soon as we pulled over to the side of the road, we immediately fell into the sand with our front and rear wheels and got stuck right up to the door, thanks to the hotel workers for prompt rescue us from the sand. The desert sand is really very different from the desert sand of other emirates.

Food at the hotel. The hotel is literally located in the desert, where there are only dunes around, and several tens of kilometers to small towns. Accordingly, I advise you to take food with you or taste dishes in a restaurant. But, if you are not a millionaire and not a gourmet, I advise you to order food along with the reservation, that is, breakfast and dinner. It will be cheaper and tastier that way. The buffet will have all sorts of pastries, delicacies and expensive cheeses, and it will be much cheaper than eating at the grill restaurant on the top floor. The most inexpensive dish on the menu was sea soup for $30. They brought us a very small plate, opening which revealed one small shrimp lying alone in an empty plate, which was immediately poured with peppered water, seeing the confusion on our face. Grilled meat was also ordered for $ 100, which turned out to be three pieces of tenderloin from different parts of veal and without a side dish. In general, with juice, two dishes with juice came out at $ 180. Very expensive and unsatisfactory. After eating, the stomach ached with all the consequences, it is possible that the sea soup was stale.
Apart from the food, we really liked the hotel itself, if we are in these places, we will definitely stay there.