Traffic in the New Year. "Highway" on vacation: what routes lead to the "Journey to Christmas"? Traffic will be limited briefly for holiday festivities

Around the clock in New Year's Eve will work city ground transport, capital metro and Moscow Central Circle (MCC). Also, electric trains will extend their work schedule until late at night so that citizens can return home after the festive fireworks.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin reminded Muscovites that city transport will operate around the clock.

Don't forget that on New Year's Eve the #metro and #MCC will operate around the clock. With coming! - Sergei Sobyanin wrote in social network Twitter.

Photo: Anna Ivantsova, "Evening Moscow"

Metro and MCC

For the first time in history, the capital's metro will operate around the clock on the night of December 31 to January 1. The train interval will be from 3.5 to 10 minutes. In addition, Muscovites will be able to see a live broadcast of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s New Year’s greetings, which will begin to be shown in subway cars and at stations at 11:50 pm on the night of December 31. The operation of the capital's subway on New Year's Eve will be ensured by 5,057 employees, 1,137 drivers and 966 transport safety workers.

MCC trains will also operate on New Year's Eve ().

24-hour work will be organized on New Year's Eve with 12-minute intervals, said an employee of the Moscow Department of Transport.

Ground urban transport

Passengers will be able to travel from regional, cultural to entertainment facilities on New Year's Eve using 159 routes of the State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) Mosgortrans. The routes of these flights run in different parts of Moscow, which will ensure the provision of transport services to the maximum number of citizens.

This year, an unprecedented decision was made to make the operating hours of buses, trolleybuses and trams around the clock from December 31 to January 1. After a thorough analysis, 148 daytime routes were selected that will operate throughout New Year’s Eve along with 11 night routes, said Evgeny Mikhailov, General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans.

On New Year's Eve, routes will operate that will provide direct communication between different areas. With their help, it will also be possible to get to skating rinks, parks and places of holiday festivities. According to Evgeny Mikhailov, from January 6 to 7, the schedule of ground urban passenger transport will be extended until 3 am.

Suburban trains

On New Year's Eve and Christmas, electric trains will carry passengers until late at night. According to the capital's railway department, additional trains will also run on these nights, and the number of cars in the trains will also increase.

Thus, on New Year's days, trains will run according to the weekend schedule (). On Saturday, December 31, 2016 and January 7, 2017 - according to the Saturday schedule; January 8 - according to Sunday schedule; January 9 - according to Monday schedule.

December 30th. website – On New Year’s and Christmas Eve, ground transport will operate in the capital longer than usual. This was reported on the official portal of the mayor and government of Moscow.

Central Administrative District

Until 03:30, trams No. 9, 35 and 46 will operate in the Central Administrative District, as well as buses on routes M1, M2, M3, M6, M10, M27, T3, T13, T79, No. 101, 158, 608 and 904.

And throughout the night, Muscovites and guests of the capital will be transported by trams No. 24, 26 and 50, trolleybuses No. 20, 28, 41, 54 and 56, as well as buses M5, T18 and T71. The night routes of buses H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, B, T15, and tram No. 3 are also maintained.

At the same time, some buses in the city center will change routes due to festive events.

North-Eastern Administrative District

Buses M2, M10, T3, T13, T79, No. 124, 185, 238 and 685, as well as tram No. 9 will help residents of North-Eastern Administrative District get to the festive sites. They will run until 03:30.

Eastern administrative district

Until 03:30 the following routes will operate in the Eastern Administrative District:

Buses M3, M27, No. 3, 21, 86, 133, 214, 223, 247, 645, 664, 792, 872;

Trolleybuses No. 64, 77;

Trams No. 36, 46.

Trolleybus No. 41, trams No. 11, 24 and 50, buses No. 52, 716, 841 and 855 will operate around the clock. Also, on the night of December 31 to January 1, you can use night buses H3 and H4.

South-Eastern Administrative District

In the southeast of the capital until 03:30 you can use:

Buses No. 29, 81, 89, 133, 242, 608, 623, 655, 669, 703 (to Kuryanov), 728, 749;

Trolleybuses No. 38;

By trams No. 24, 50.

The following routes will operate 24/7:

Buses No. 209, 670 (to Kozhukhovskaya metro station), 841;

Trolleybus No. 74;

Trams No. 24 and 50.

The operation of night bus routes H4, H5 and H7 is also maintained.

Southern Administrative District

In the Southern Administrative District, tram No. 26, trolleybuses No. 11k, 52, 72, as well as buses M5, T71, No. 203 and 220 will operate all night. Bus No. 670 will run only to the Kozhukhovskaya metro station. Citizens will also be able to use the services of night transport - buses H1 and H5, tram No. 3.

Those planning a trip before 03:30 will also be able to leave by:

Buses M1, M6, No. 158, 192, 217, 274, 289, 296, 608, 623, 680, 682, 738, 765;

Trolleybus No. 40 or tram No. 35.

Southwestern Administrative District

In the southwest, trolleybus No. 85 and bus routes M1, No. 103, 108, 202, 213, 227, 295, 577, 611, 636, 642, 720, 737, 767 and 804.

Trips throughout the night can be planned for:

Buses M5, No. 130, 224, 531, 752, 895 and night route H1;

Trolleybuses No. 28, 34, 52, 72;

Tram number 26.

Western administrative district

Residents of the west of Moscow until 03:30 can use buses M1, M3, M27, No. 11, 32, 42, 77, 103, 120, 157, 227, 507, 611, 642, 715, 720, 733, 767, 794, 810 and 830.

And throughout the night, passengers will be transported here by bus routes T19, No. 127, 130, 224, 688, 752, 950, H1 and H2, as well as trolleybuses No. 17, 28, 34, 54.

Northwestern Administrative District

In Northwestern Administrative Okrug, buses T19, No. 2 and 652, trolleybuses No. 20, 43 and 59, as well as trams No. 6 and 28 operate all night.

By 03:30, buses M1, M6, No. 210, 266, 267, 268, 904, 400t, trolleybus No. 70 and trams No. 21, 30 will stop operating.

Northern Administrative District

In this district the following routes will operate until 03:30 am:

Buses M1, M6, M10, T3, T79, No. 65, 90, 101, 167, 677, 904;

Trolleybuses No. 57, 70;

Tram number 30.

At night, the H1 bus route remains operational, and during the day the following routes will be available:

Buses T19, No. 70, 149, 200, 400, 857, 774;

Trolleybuses No. 20, 43, 56, 58, 59;

Trams No. 6, 27, 28.

Zelenograd administrative district

Residents of Zelenograd will not be left without night transport either. Until 01:30 passengers will be transported by buses No. 11, 15, until 03:30 buses No. 400t will run. And bus routes No. 19 and 400 will be available throughout New Year’s Eve.

Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts

In the annexed territories, bus routes No. 531, 863, 895, 950 and 19з will operate all night. And you can get to the festive sites by buses No. 32, 507,577, 611 and 804 until 03:30.

Private carriers

Carriers working under government contracts will also be trusted to carry passengers on New Year's Eve. Buses No. 112 “Kapotnya” - “Metro Bratislavskaya” (SEAD) and 714 “Pavel Korchagina Street” - “Rizhsky Station” (NEAD) will run all night.

Until 03:30, bus routes No. 88 “Metro Planernaya” - “Gidroproekt” (SAO and SZAO), 236 “Matveevsko” - “MKAD” (ZAO) and 259 “Ulitsa Korneichuka” - “Metro “Vladykino”” will operate. (NEAD).

Considering that in the New Year 2018 the bulk of entertainment and cultural centers will welcome and entertain guests until the morning, the city authorities have prudently revised public transport schedule. Now, everyone can visit the most popular places in the capital without worrying about how to get home from there at night.


According to the mayor of the capital, who first spoke about traffic on New Year's Eve back in 2016, we can say that the Moscow Metro on the upcoming New Year's Eve 2018, as on other public holidays, will work around the clock, without interruptions. The only comment from transport workers indicates that train intervals will vary from 10 minutes to a quarter of an hour. Starting from 05:30 on January 1, the Metro will operate as usual.

However, there is no official data on the operation of underground transport yet, but the townspeople hope that the mayor’s words will turn out to be true and nothing will interfere with this. Moreover, in last years The reliability of the underground track has been significantly improved.

Ground transportation

The majority of citizens can get home by ground transport (trolleybuses, buses), which will run along the streets of the capital until 03:00, with an expected one and a half hour break. Public transport will move around all the most popular areas of the city. Those who don’t make it in time have the opportunity to still get there by taxi.

It will be somewhat more difficult to get there by your own transport. The main part of the roads near New Year's entertainment events will be blocked by 90% (as usual), so cars will have to be left far away. Well, to get to the desired street, you will often have to go around restricted areas.


Guests of the capital will be able to get home by commuter trains until 03:00. The operating mode of some electric trains may be changed, information about which will appear a little later. As well as the rest of the official information about the expected transport schedule on New Year's Eve 2018, along the streets of our capital.

Despite the fact that sometimes many people will not be able to get to their home using a particular type of transport, in principle, the work of the transport system is New Year's celebration composed quite conveniently.

  • December days, filled with the feeling of the approaching main holiday, are often more interesting and brighter than the New Year itself. By the time the solemn moment arrives, when guests raise their glasses of champagne, we are already tired of mutual congratulations, cooking and seeing off the passing year.

    The New Year, so desired and fabulous, comes to the house almost everyday, without memorable impressions and pleasant surprises, accompanied by boring television programs.

    But it is in your power to make your favorite winter holiday beautiful, mysterious and fabulously romantic!

    We invite you to celebrate the New Year in an unusual and fun way - on a trip around Moscow with Santa Claus! Our trip around the capital will begin in the evening and end next year!

    We will drink a glass of champagne to the melodious chime of the Kremlin chimes, light sparklers, and admire the enchanting fireworks in the mysterious and mystical park near the Novodevichy Convent!

    What surprises are decorative designers preparing for us in December? This is still a secret. However, there is no doubt that it will be something great! Last year near Arc de Triomphe Santa Claus sat proudly driving three horses, a flying angel hovered on Gogolevsky Boulevard, and Tverskoy was decorated with fabulous animated installations!

    In continuation bus tour in Moscow on New Year's Eve with Santa Claus we will see:

    • a magnificent ensemble of Red Square sights in festive decoration;
    • the sparkling domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the night sky;
    • the main squares of the capital, Pushkinskaya and Teatralnaya, flooded with the light of multi-colored garlands;
    • the most beautiful New Year trees in the center of Moscow;
    • original luminous structures - tunnels, slides and fairy-tale castles;
    • elegant capital boulevards, immersed in the New Year's glow - Tverskoy, Sretensky, Rozhdestvensky, Chistoprudny, Gogolevsky, and much, much more!
    During the bus tour “New Year's Eve on the streets of Moscow with Santa Claus” you will learn:
    • how the folk symbols of the New Year appeared - Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka;
    • who is the author of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest,” and in what years it became popular;
    • which country is the birthplace of the popularly loved Olivier salad;
    • where did the tradition of celebrating the New Year in winter come from;
    • what kind of treats were prepared by ordinary people on holidays, and what dishes were on the table of the nobility, as well as many others, no less Interesting Facts and stories about the New Year!
    Continuing our bus tour of Moscow on New Year's Eve, we will make several stops and visit:
    • Tverskoy Boulevard, the noisiest and most fabulously elegant;
    • Tsvetnoy Boulevard, illuminated with painted balls and mesmerizing New Year's illumination;
    • Chistoprudny Boulevard, decorated with LED snowflakes;
    • Patriarchal ponds, where characters from New Year's fairy tales give gifts.
    You will feel the atmosphere of a fairy tale, joyful anticipation of New Year's adventures. Everything is like in childhood, when with bated breath you make a wish on a magical night.

    Do you know that Moscow has been ranked first in the world for New Year’s design and installations for several years in a row? You and I will have plenty of time to admire the magnificent views of the winter capital, and make a secret wish that will definitely come true!

    On New Year's and Christmas Eve, ground transport will work in the capital longer than usual. has compiled a list of buses, trams and trolleybuses that will transport passengers on New Year’s Eve and on the night of January 7th.

    The Moscow metro will help citizens and guests of the capital quickly get to festive venues on New Year's Eve central ring and ground transportation. A number of buses, trolleybuses and trams will operate all night, some routes until 03:30. The maximum interval will be 35 minutes.

    Central Administrative District

    Until 03:30, trams No. 9, 35 and 46, as well as buses of routes M1, M2, M3, M6, M10, M27, T3, T13, T79, No. 101, 158, 608 and 904, will operate in the Central Administrative District.

    And throughout the night, Muscovites and guests of the capital will be transported by trams No. 24, 26 and 50, trolleybuses No. 20, 28, 41, 54 and 56, as well as buses M5, T18 and T71. The night routes of buses H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, B, T15, and tram No. 3 are also maintained.

    At the same time, some buses in the city center will change routes due to festive events.

    North-Eastern Administrative District

    Buses M2, M10, T3, T13, T79, No. 124, 185, 238 and 685, as well as tram No. 9 will help residents of North-Eastern Administrative District get to the festive sites. They will run until 03:30.

    Eastern administrative district

    Until 03:30 the following routes will operate in the Eastern Administrative District:

    — buses M3, M27, No. 3, 21, 86, 133, 214, 223, 247, 645, 664, 792, 872;

    — trolleybuses No. 64, 77;

    — trams No. 36, 46.

    Trolleybus No. 41, trams No. 11, 24 and 50, buses No. 52, 716, 841 and 855 will operate around the clock. Also, on the night of December 31 to January 1, you can use night buses H3 and H4.

    South-Eastern Administrative District

    In the southeast of the capital until 03:30 you can use:

    — buses No. 29, 81, 89, 133, 242, 608, 623, 655, 669, 703 (to Kuryanov), 728, 749;

    — trolleybuses No. 38;

    — trams No. 24, 50.

    The following routes will operate around the clock:

    — buses No. 209, 670 (to the Kozhukhovskaya metro station), 841;

    — trolleybus No. 74;

    — trams No. 24 and 50.

    The operation of night bus routes H4, H5 and H7 is also maintained.

    Southern Administrative District

    In the Southern Administrative District, tram No. 26, trolleybuses No. 11k, 52, 72, as well as buses M5, T71, No. 203 and 220 will operate all night. Bus No. 670 will only run to the Kozhukhovskaya metro station. Citizens will also be able to use the services of night transport - buses H1 and H5, tram No. 3.

    Those planning a trip before 03:30 will also be able to leave by:

    — buses M1, M6, No. 158, 192, 217, 274, 289, 296, 608, 623, 680, 682, 738, 765;

    - trolleybus No. 40 or tram No. 35.

    Southwestern Administrative District

    In the southwest, trolleybus No. 85 and bus routes M1, No. 103, 108, 202, 213, 227, 295, 577, 611, 636, 642, 720, 737, 767 and 804 will operate until mid-night.

    Trips throughout the night can be planned for:

    — buses M5, No. 130, 224, 531, 752, 895 and night route H1;

    - trolleybuses No. 28, 34, 52, 72;

    - tram number 26.

    Western administrative district

    Residents of the west of Moscow until 03:30 can use buses M1, M3, M27, No. 11, 32, 42, 77, 103, 120, 157, 227, 507, 611, 642, 715, 720, 733, 767, 794, 810 and 830.

    And throughout the night, passengers will be transported here by bus routes T19, No. 127, 130, 224, 688, 752, 950, H1 and H2, as well as trolleybuses No. 17, 28, 34, 54.

    Northwestern Administrative District

    In Northwestern Administrative Okrug, buses T19, No. 2 and 652, trolleybuses No. 20, 43 and 59, as well as trams No. 6 and 28 operate all night.

    By 03:30, buses M1, M6, No. 210, 266, 267, 268, 904, 400t, trolleybus No. 70 and trams No. 21, 30 will stop operating.

    Northern Administrative District

    In this district the following routes will operate until 03:30 am:

    — buses M1, M6, M10, T3, T79, No. 65, 90, 101, 167, 677, 904;

    — trolleybuses No. 57, 70;

    - tram number 30.

    At night, the H1 bus route remains operational, and during the day the following routes will be available:

    — buses T19, No. 70, 149, 200, 400, 857, 774;

    — trolleybuses No. 20, 43, 56, 58, 59;

    — trams No. 6, 27, 28.

    Zelenograd administrative district

    Residents of Zelenograd will not be left without night transport either. Passengers will be transported by buses No. 11, 15 until 01:30, and buses No. 400t will run until 03:30. And bus routes No. 19 and 400 will be available throughout New Year’s Eve.

    Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts

    In the annexed territories, bus routes No. 531, 863, 895, 950 and 19з will operate all night. And you can get to the festive sites by buses No. 32, 507,577, 611 and 804 until 03:30.

    Private carriers

    Carriers working under government contracts will also be trusted to carry passengers on New Year's Eve. Buses No. 112 “Kapotnya” - “Metropolitan Bratislavskaya” (SEAD) and 714 “Pavel Korchagina Street” - “Rizhsky Station” (NEAD) will run all night.

    Until 03:30, bus routes No. 88 “Metro Planernaya” - “Gidroproekt” (SAO and SZAO), 236 “Matveevsko” - “MKAD” (ZAO) and 259 “Ulitsa Korneichuka” - “Metropolitan Vladykino” will operate. (NEAD).