Interactive map of Goa. Map of Goa in Russian. How to get there from Russia

Beaches North Goa have much in common, but still they are also very different from each other. That is why it is important to carefully choose a place to stay in Goa. The purpose of this article about the beaches of North Goa is not to add another article to the Internet, of which there are a dime a dozen today, but to help you choose the most suitable beach. Our article about the beaches of North Goa will help you navigate and outline the circle of places that best meet your requirements.
We did not simply describe the beaches of North Goa, but focused on the most important nuances and noted the main pros and cons of each resort area. Therefore, we really hope that this information will help you choose a suitable holiday destination in North Goa. Don't forget that on our website there is also detailed information about each beach.

Which beach to choose in North Goa

Many tourists going on holiday to Goa do not attach much importance to the choice of beach, but choosing the most suitable beach is an important component have a nice rest in this region of India. Tourists often do not want to spend precious time searching for the best resort in the north of the state or simply do not realize the importance of this choice. Often they simply select a hotel based on photographs and reviews. This approach can be the key to a ruined vacation if you end up on the “wrong” beach.
Our article is dedicated to such people. Here you will find honest descriptions of the beaches of northern Goa, which are in order of resort areas from north to south. If you are expecting descriptions in the style of “This is a very beautiful beach with clear water,” then your hopes will not come true. I will not suffer from nonsense, but will honestly tell you not only the pros, but also the cons of each beach. But do not forget that there are facts, and there is my subjective opinion, which not everyone may agree with.

Map of North Goa beaches in Russian

In order for you to see the location of the beaches, we have provided you with a map of the beaches of North Goa in Russian. It marks all the beaches that we talked about in this article. You can enlarge the map and get a more detailed diagram of the beach you are interested in. It is for this reason that we have provided an interactive map rather than a static one.

Kerim (or Keri)

Can you imagine a beach in Goa where there is not a single soul and only you? Welcome to Kerim, Goa's northernmost beach that remains unknown to most tourists. Although I lied a little about the fact that you will be completely alone here, there are still very few people on Kerim. This beach stretches for 2 km and is covered with light beige sand. Its main difference from other coastal places in Goa is the presence of casuarina trees, rather than palm trees, on the shore.
Due to its location on far north state, far from "civilization", Kerim remains very a sparsely populated place. Here, at most, you will meet only a few tourists hanging out in one of the few beach cafes in the southern part of the beach next to the temple. The northern boundary of the beach is the river separating the state of Goa from the state of Maharashtra, although the Tirakol fort on the other side of the river is still considered Goan territory.
Kerim Beach is quite clean; you won’t find mountains of garbage here. This is a direct consequence of the low number of tourists.

Kerim's advantages:
+ Wonderful long white sand beach
+ Very few people at any time of the year
+ Clean beach, (almost) no trash

Cons of Kerim:
- Difficult to reach (no buses, far from other places in Goa)
- No lifeguards or safety equipment
- Almost no places to stay
- Very few cafes and shops


Arambol is a small village that has been isolated from the rest of the world for a long time. Over the last ten years it has developed its own atmosphere and nowadays you will find a multicultural mix of people visiting Arambol to find peace on earth.
Arambol Beach is a popular destination for budget travelers, so you'll find a lot of "backpackers" here. Package tourists choose this beach less often.
Although Arambol is one of the first beaches in Goa to be discovered by hippies, few of the foreigners who settle here are hippies.
The beach itself is divided into two parts: South part is mainly known as Arambol and the northern part is called Kalacha or Harmal. The northern part can only be reached on foot. It's about a 20 minute walk through stunning rock formations.
Once you reach the secluded beach of Kalacha, after passing the small shopping stalls, you will be surprised by the brilliance of nature. You will discover a fairly small and relatively deserted beach and a small lake next to it. The hill in the north of Arambol is the only place in Goa where you can go paragliding.
Arambol - perfect place for alternative wellness therapies like yoga, meditation, pilates, tai chi, ayurvedic massage, etc. It is also one of the best places in Goa to get a tattoo and learn classical Indian singing and Tabla playing.
Party lovers should enjoy Arambol Beach for its party scene, but it still cannot be called the most party place in Goa.

Pros of Arambol:
+ Cheap accommodation (compared to the rest of Goa)
+ Cheap food and drinks (compared to the rest of Goa)
+ Atmosphere close to the real Indian atmosphere
+ Multicultural place
+ Availability of lifeguards on the beach

Cons of Arambol:
- Not the best place for girls who want to relax carefree on the beach in a bikini and not attract too much attention to themselves
- Not the best clean place in Goa, there are visible problems with garbage
- Annoying beach vendors
- There are no permanent lifeguards on the beach


Mandrem Beach is known to travelers as a very relaxing place to relax. This is a clean and long beach where you will only find a few rare stones and not very good waves. big size. There is no one here to stop you from shopping and just enjoying your holiday, and you don't have to worry about someone stealing your things (theft is not very common in Goa, but cases of things being stolen on the beach do occur).
Mandrem has several high-class hotels, and Bollywood stars often vacation here.

Pros of Mandrem:
+ Clean beach
+ Relatively few people
+ A good place For family vacation
+ There are luxury hotels, but there are also cheap accommodations
+ Perfect Beach for long walks and sports
+ Waves are sometimes ideal for surfing
+ There are lifeguards on the beaches
+ Girls can relax freely in bikinis

Cons of Mandrem
- Weak infrastructure
- You often have to pay to rent sun loungers


Ashvem Beach is like a continuation of Mandrem, but life on it is more vibrant. Although Ashvem used to be similar to its northern neighbor and remained a tranquil place, today it is gradually turning into a party resort. Recently, famous clubs have appeared here, and Bollywood stars have begun to come here periodically. Sometimes these clubs even host fashion shows. Ashwem used to be a nesting site for Olive Ridley turtles, but due to poaching, too much light and sound interference, these animals began to choose other nesting sites. Now the government seems to be taking an interest in saving the turtles.

Pros of Ashvem:
+ Relatively clean beach
+ There are hotels for every taste and budget
+ Lifeguards available
+ Good place for parties
+ A good place for girls who come on vacation without men

Cons of Ashvem:
- Weak infrastructure
- You often have to pay for sun loungers


Morjim is the last village in the south of Pernem district and one of the last relatively calm beaches in north Goa. The area is another important nesting site for the endangered Olive Turtle, which is why the government has decided to use only part of Morjim Beach for tourists.
Morjim is famous not only for its wild life, but also for being called "Little Russia". Soon enough you will realize that more signs are written in Russian and even some of the locals have learned the language well. The village of Morjim has become famous over the last 10 years thanks to the Russians and I have often heard local Russians talking about how much they love living in this part of Goa.

Pros of Morjim:
+ Relatively clean beach, although sometimes there is a lot of trash
+ Good selection of budget accommodation
+ There are lifeguards
+ Tourists from Russia will feel at home here

Cons of Morjim
- Food in restaurants and cafes is not of the best quality
- Weak infrastructure
- No real Goan atmosphere

Vagator Beach

Vagator was one of the first beaches to be discovered by foreign visitors. Surprisingly, until recently, Vagator was a very calm place, but today it has turned into one of the noisiest beaches in Goa. This is a very popular beach, but not among foreign tourists, but mainly among local tourists and Goans. Luckily there are 3 main parts of the beach so you can find more or less quiet place. The first beach, which cannot even be called a beach, is actually located in the village of Chapora and has the same name. The southernmost, rocky beach is better known as Ozran or Spaghetti (due to the large number of Italians). Between these two beaches is Tel Aviv Beach, so named because it is a favorite among Israelis. Here you will find a couple of shakes that serve quite good food. This beach is mostly visited by Western tourists. It is located on it famous place Discovalley, where noisy parties are held.
Many of the major parties are held in Vagator, including the SunBurn and India Bike Week festivals. Due to this, Vagator turns into the most polluted area in Goa for several days.
The best places to eat in this resort area are the Greek restaurant Thalassa and the Italian restaurant Fusion.

Pros of Vagator:
+ Lifeguards available
+ Good infrastructure
+ Multicultural place
+ Good selection of hotels and guest houses
+ Plenty of parking in the main parking lot

Cons of Vagator
- Lots of stones
- There are very annoying traders
- Dirty beach
- Often overcrowded during high season
- Not the best place for unaccompanied girls


Anjuna was once a beach paradise for all the enthusiasts and travelers in Goa. Not that it doesn't exist anymore, but for last years this resort has lost some of its qualities. However, Anjuna Beach has some of the best activities in all of Goa! Parties under open air still popular, just like swap meet, which is still held every Wednesday. Plus, you can catch some fun live performances by talented foreign and Indian artists at some establishments in the area. If you come to Goa mainly for partying, then Anjuna is the right place for you.
Some places to eat in Anjuna include German Bakery, Italian restaurant Basilico and Tibetan and Indian restaurant Rosegarden.

Pros of Anjuna
+ There are lifeguards
+ Well-developed infrastructure, there are various amenities
+ Authentic Goan atmosphere
+ Multicultural place
+ Abundance of cheap housing

Cons of Anjuna:
- Lots of stones on the beach
- Lots of merchants
- Dirty beach area
- There are a lot of people
- The necks are very close to each other, so there is not much free space on the beach
- Constant noise from shakes on the beach


Baga is another beach that was discovered by hippies, like Anjuna. However, these days it is more reminiscent of Ibiza. This is a commercial resort so if you love shopping and clubbing then this is the place for you. Here you can get almost anything you want for money.
Baga Beach itself is long, starting from the river of the same name in the north and smoothly transitioning to Calangute Beach. It is difficult to find the boundary between them. Currently, Baga is mostly visited by local tourists. There are also a lot of British people here. There are countless shakes, restaurants and clubs in Baga. Overall, Baga Beach is one of the busiest resorts in Goa with thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of visitors every year!
As mentioned above, there are many shakes on Baga, but if you want to have lunch or dinner in some good restaurant, we recommend paying attention to the French restaurant Le Poisson Rouge or the Portuguese restaurant Casa Portuguesa.

Pros of Bugs:
+ There are lifeguards
+ Long beach
+ Well-developed infrastructure
+ There is a large selection of hotels to suit every taste

Cons Bugs:
- Annoying merchants and beggars
- One of the worst places in Goa for unaccompanied girls
- Very dirty beach with mountains of garbage
- There are a lot of people
- The necks literally stick to each other
- Shakes are literally trying to drown out their neighbors with their music, so there is always a lot of noise on the beach


The character of Calangute is very similar to Baga, but this beach is even more popular. In fact, this is the most popular resort in all of Goa, not only in North Goa. it's the same best resort for shopaholics and gourmets. Today, Calangute resembles a bustling Indian city rather than a coastal resort. This place is famous for its Tibetan market, where you can buy various goods, not only from Tibet.
In terms of the number of shakes, restaurants, cafes and other food places, Calangute has no competitors on the entire coast of Goa. Therefore, it makes sense to select several establishments that are worth visiting in advance. I won’t even recommend anything to you, because even I have many favorite establishments in this area.
In general, Calangute can be called a paradise for clubbers, shopaholics and lovers aquatic species sports

Pros of Calangute:
+ Beach lifeguards
+ Long beach
+ Well-developed infrastructure
+ Huge selection of restaurants, cafes, shops, bars, etc.
+ You can easily travel by bus to Panaji
+ You can easily find a rickshaw or taxi
+ The choice of hotels and guest houses is very large, so you are sure to find something suitable

Cons of Calangute:
- Very annoying traders and beggars
- A lot of garbage
- A lot of people
- It’s impossible to find a quiet place on the beach
- Relaxing on the beach is very uncomfortable due to a huge amount to the people
- A lot of Indian tourists
- Unaccompanied girls on this beach will definitely be harassed by Indians


The area is known as a high class resort in general. There are many good hotels, there are boutiques and decent restaurants. However, Candolim is not as crowded compared to Calangute and Baga, with the exception of the New Year period, when the famous electronic music festival is held in Goa for three days.
The main attraction of this area is a ship stuck in shallow water, which has not yet been removed.
The beach itself is quite clean and tidy, and the crowd here is more decent than on Calangute and Baga. However, there are still a lot of tourists here, including not the most adequate tourists. So don't think that Candolim is a paradise with a calm atmosphere.

Pros of Candolim:
+ There are rescuers
+ Quite a long beach
+ Much cleaner than Calangute
+ Well-developed and constantly improving infrastructure
+ Many good hotels, although there are also budget accommodations
+ Candolim can be considered the most elite area of ​​Goa
+ Unaccompanied girls will feel more comfortable here than in Calangute or Baga

Cons of Candolim:
- Relatively expensive area (in general, prices for accommodation and food are higher than in other beaches in North Goa)


This beach is mainly known for its Taj Hotel. Sinquerim is located just south of Candolim. In fact, it is difficult to make out where Sinquerim Beach begins, since there is no physical border between it and Candolim. Sinquerim is famous for the Portuguese fort of Aguada, which was used for several centuries to defend against attacks from the sea. There was also a prison here. Today you can visit the fort, but not the prison, as the latter was used relatively recently.

Pros of Sinquerim:
+ There are lifeguards
+ Pleasant light sand
+ Very little waste
+ Located close to “civilization”

Cons of Sinquerim:
- Relatively expensive area


Miramar Beach is famous for its sunset views and some of the finest remains of Portuguese architecture in Goa. This beach attracts mostly locals and the eateries serve typical Goan and Indian dishes.
Miramar Beach itself is quite long and large, but it is not suitable for safe swimming in the water. In any case, there are lifeguards watching over visitors. Essentially, Miramar offers nothing of interest other than its stunning sunset views.

Pros of Miramar:
+ There are beach lifeguards
+ Good place to watch the sunset
+ Good place to try Indian and Goan dishes
+ Location close to “civilization”
+ There are luxury hotels nearby

Cons of Miramar:
- Not suitable for swimming
- Very dirty beach

Dona Paula

Most of the Dona Pola resort is mainly located on a cliff facing the town of Vasco de Gama. Many celebrities and famous wealthy families own villas at these heights. The infrastructure here is well developed and the entire village enjoys a special status in Goa. Some of the most famous hotels are located in Dona Paula, and each of these hotels has a small private beach and a swimming pool. The village of Dona Paula has a completely different atmosphere compared to the rest of North Goa.

Pros of Don Paula
+ There are beach lifeguards
+ There are well-equipped beach areas belonging to resort hotels
+ Pleasant light sand
+ Very clean beach
+ Very good infrastructure
+ There are luxury hotels

Cons of Don Paula:
- Access to beaches is mainly limited to hotel guests
- Quite expensive area


As you can see, all the beaches of North Goa have many differences. But there is one thing that all these beaches (except Dona Paula) have in common - cows and dogs relaxing or roaming along the beach. After all, Goa is India! But don't worry, as cows and dogs pose no serious danger to beachgoers (although they can pose a danger to those driving a car, bike or bicycle). Many foreign tourists really like the fact that animals rest next to them, but, of course, this reduces environmental friendliness.
Don't expect North Goa to be your second Dominican Republic, Cuba or Greece and don't try to compare it with Thailand because Goa has its own character and many tourists love it for that.

What country is Goa in? Show on map of Goa. Detailed map Goa in Russian. Map of roads, streets, attractions and hotels on interactive map Goa.

Where is the state of Goa on the world map?

Goa is the main beach resort of India, located in South Asia on the western side of the Hindustan Peninsula. Geographic coordinates Goa: 21°07′32″ N. w. 78°18′38″ E. d.

Where is Goa located on the map of India?

The state of Goa is located in the western part of India and borders the states of Maharashtra in the north, Karnataka in the southeast and is washed by the Arabian Sea in the west. The length of the state's coastline is about one hundred kilometers.

Interactive map of Goa with hotels and attractions

Goa has more than a hundred kilometers of stunning beaches that attract tourists from all over the world. The state of Goa is divided into North and South, and the Aguada Fort separates them. The southern part of the resort is considered more expensive, where Europeans and other wealthy guests enjoy their holidays. Most popular cities The southern part is Bogmalo, Dona Paula, Benaulim, Colva, Cavelossim, Palolem, Mobor and Majorda. The northern part is the exact opposite of the southern part: prices here are more affordable, and the vacationers are simpler and noisier. The main resorts of North Goa are: Arambol, Anjuna, Aguada, Vagator, Calangute, Baga, Mandrem, Morjim and Ashvem.


Tourists who travel abroad often find themselves in a simple situation: they do not know where the beaches are, what they are called and how to get to them. But this is a problem, and not everyone local will help solve it. Firstly, there is a language barrier, and secondly, many residents of tourist cities will not help for free. Therefore, it is better to find out everything yourself in advance. AND new map South Goa with beaches and hotels in Russian will help you navigate the resort. Using the map, we will independently find the beach you need, find out where this or that hotel is located and can easily move around the area. And since our map is interactive, you can enlarge it, look at photos and panoramas, and easily get directions to any place you need.

Why do tourists choose south Goa?

The Indian state of Goa is divided into two regions: southern and northern. Most people choose south Goa, and there are a number of reasons for this. The first reason is that the southern part is more developed in terms of infrastructure. The hotels here are more modern, there are many cafes and shops. Here you can easily find entertainment and do whatever you want. On the south Goa beaches equipped with everything necessary for relaxation.
The second reason is that the south is much warmer than the north. This is true everywhere, because the south is always warmer than the north. South Goa has more sun, less wind and almost half as much rain. Plus, the daylight here lasts at least a little longer.

Another reason is cows. It is no secret that in India this is a sacred animal. And cows can walk around cities, walk on roads and do any things without any problems. In south Goa it's a little different. There are fenced off beaches, and cows do not get on them. The hotel areas are fenced off and cows cannot enter here either. And the beaches themselves are clean and almost free of garbage. While in the northern part of Goa many beaches are littered and cows walk on them.

What's the weather like in Goa? What is the climate?
The weather in Goa varies depending on the time of year. There is a dry season and dry rainy season. Also, some tourists highlight transition seasons. These are the segments when one season ends and the second begins. But the so-called transition seasons are deceptive. One year it could be hot, and another year it could be rain and wind. Therefore, it is better to divide your holiday in Goa into two seasons: rainy and dry.
The dry season begins in November. There is practically no rain, it occasionally still falls at night. The air temperature has stabilized and the sun shines from morning to evening. There are very few cloudy days, especially in the winter months. The dry season ends at the end of April. That’s when the winds start, it starts to rain, and in such weather you don’t even want to go outside.

The rainy season in Goa is a time when there are practically no tourists. Very few people come to the state these days. There's simply nothing to do here. It rains for days, the beaches are closed, and to go on an excursion you have to really love art. After all, you will have to see the sights in squally rain.

How to get to Goa from Russia?
From Russia you can only go on holiday to Goa by plane. It's easier, faster and cheaper. Of course, you can go by car, but then you will have to fill out a lot of documents, visas for the car, and so on. And your gasoline will cost you a pretty penny.

Goa is so popular among tourists from Russia that of all big cities people fly here regularly charter flights. During the rainy season there are none or they fly once a week. But in the winter season, charters fly daily from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Kazan, Novosibirsk and other cities with a population of over a million.

If there is no charter from your city to Goa, then you can fly on a regular Aeroflot route to Delhi and from there get to Goa. Usually, if you buy a vacation tour from a company, then the flight and transfer are included in the tour and there are no problems. But many independent tourists are faced with a ticket problem. Since charter companies enter into agreements with travel agencies, there are no extra tickets for flights.

Maps of beaches and hotels.
Even if you are flying to south Goa, it is still better to have a map of the entire resort. You never know if you want to go somewhere else. Next, see a map of the entire coast of Goa. You can save the map to your computer:

Now let's look at the map of south Goa. As we have already said, the map is interactive and you can manage it and even look at photos of tourists and panoramas.

These are old Hindu and Portuguese temples, these are the bright colors of the night market and an incredible palette of tastes in a plate of seafood generously seasoned with curry...

Goa is a state of delight, where whole families come “for the winter” or, having simply visited once, return again and again.


Goa is a year-round resort; the air temperature here does not drop below +20 °C. There are three main seasons: summer, winter and monsoon (rainy season). Munsun begins in June and lasts until September, winter (tourist) lasts from late October to early April, summer - from May to September.

The best time to travel to Goa is in the months from October to March. The air temperature at this time ranges from +21 to +32 °C. At this time there is no stuffiness and sweltering heat, which begins in April.


There are many hotels in Goa of various categories - from luxury hotel complexes with a huge territory to small hostels with a single proud star. “Stars” are very arbitrary and very different from European ones. In Goa, as in Thailand, most tourists stay in two- or three-star hotels.

Hotel Features

Expensive hotels with a large territory and a high level of service

A huge range of hotels - from small hostels to luxury boutique hotels. Prices for accommodation below, than in .

Most built on the first line(no closer than 250 m from the beach)

Most of the hotels are built across the road from the beach.

The hotels are located at a distance from the villages, all infrastructure is inside hotels.

Excellent infrastructure– there are restaurants, shops, markets near the hotels.

The hotel beaches are wide (there are fenced areas), the areas are cleaned, there are almost no locals.

The beaches are public, sunbeds and umbrellas are paid, many are local.

Entertainment outside the hotel almost not.

Many about discos, night bars, entertainment for every taste.


The state of Goa is divided into three parts - Northern, Central and. They differ greatly from each other in the level of service and range of entertainment. is considered a respectable resort where wealthy Europeans relax; chosen by budget travelers and creative youth; Central Goa combines the properties of other parts of the state and is a major transport hub: there is an airport, railway station, port, and bus stations.

North Goa

A large spacious beach, many nightclubs and bars, and an interesting flea market.

The beach is spacious and there are several bars. In the evenings there are parties. The holiday is suitable for noisy companies and active youth. Located furthest from the airport.

Distance from the sea is 1.5 km. Many expensive comfortable hotels. Suitable for tourists with children.

A wide beach with volcanic sand, separated from the village by a river. A relatively quiet resort, suitable for families with children.

The oldest resort in all of Goa. Suitable for any type of holiday. The beach is wide, a river flows nearby.

Popular with creative youth. Known for its late-night parties. There are several beaches with rocky shores.

The most famous beach in all of Goa and the most popular resort. Wide range of hotels

Quiet resort with expensive hotels. The beach is sandy, wide, and the Portuguese fort of Aguada stands right on it. Located closest to the airport.

Located between two rivers. Accommodation for tourists is mainly in bungalows.

Calm resort with good infrastructure. Popular with Russian tourists.

A small quiet village with budget hotels and a clean beach.

Small village near the airport. Very clean beaches with white sand, mid-price hotels.

Large resort with spacious beaches and good choice hotels. Quiet place, suitable for relaxation.

A secluded village with a very good level of hotel service. The spacious, clean beach is suitable for families with children.

A popular resort with good infrastructure and budget hotels.

Popular resort. Suitable for holidays with small children. Located closest to the airport.

A resort with good infrastructure and expensive hotels. Surrounded on three sides by water.

One of the most beautiful beaches in all of Goa. Located furthest from the airport. One of the most expensive resorts.

Small village with beautiful beach. Very quiet resort, suitable for privacy lovers


Tourists usually begin their acquaintance with Goa at Dabolim Airport in the city of Vasco da Gama. The city is named after the famous navigator. The Portuguese heritage is well preserved in this Indian state and tourists will always find something to see.

Both have their own set of attractions. Excursion routes are organized to all attractions; they are easily accessible from any corner of Goa.

For example, in Old Goa(city in) beautiful cathedrals, ruins of churches and narrow streets have been preserved. In Panaji, the capital of Goa, you should definitely wander through the old Fontainhas district and see the architectural complex of Largo da Igreja. The Portuguese forts of Aguada and Alorna are also at the top of the list of Goa attractions. The Aguada fortress is located on the outskirts of Candolim beach - after sunbathing and swimming, you can look at this ancient stronghold.

On Wednesdays and Fridays in Goa there are grandiose markets. On Friday you need to go to Mapusa to bargain and buy colorful items of clothing, souvenirs, painted plates, spices, incense and a lot of what your heart desires. There is a flea market in Anjuna - it opens every Wednesday early in the morning and bustles until sunset.

The biggest christian temple in Asia - cathedral St. Catherine's Cathedral (Old Goa). The relics of the Baptist of Asia, Saint Francis, can be seen in the Basilica of Jesus, one of the most famous churches not only in Goa but in the whole of India.

The most popular excursions in Goa are in Savoy spice garden and to the waterfalls. Spice plantations are not only interesting, but also very educational, and also delicious, because every tourist is sure to be fed dishes generously seasoned with curry and aromatic herbs. There are a lot of spice plantations in Goa; Savoy is located 23 km from the state capital of Panaji. Dudhsagar Falls Throws down streams of water from a height of more than 300 meters! It is also called the “milk ocean” - for the white color of the water. The waterfall is located in the eastern part of Goa and can be reached in a few hours by bus.

In the Cotigao Nature Reserve you can wander through a multi-story jungle. The reserve is located 12 km from the beach in.

There are many centers in Goa Ayurveda, where you can create your own healing program with medicinal herbs, massage and drugs based on natural ingredients.


Most tourists rent bike and travel around the outskirts of the state. To rent, you will need to leave a deposit in foreign currency (from 60 to 200 dollars). A driver's license is rarely required. Traffic in Goa, as throughout India, is chaotic, so we recommend brushing up on your driving skills in advance and being extremely careful on the roads. There are almost no gas stations in Goa; gasoline can be bought secondhand at roadside stalls and shops (sold in ordinary water bottles).

Those who do not risk riding a bike in India use the services Taxi. Taxis are quite expensive, all areas are divided between taxi drivers. Almost no one has meters.

Another option for moving between Goa resorts - bus. This service is very developed in India; buses call even the most remote villages. Travel there is very cheap (from 5 to 40 rupees), and locals enjoy using it. The fee depends on the distance of the trip. The buses are old, they have no air conditioning, and the windows are protected by bars (from monkeys).

There is no direct connection between the resorts of Goa; you need to go with a transfer at a bus station (in Mapusa, Panaji or Margao). The buses do not have numbers; the route is written in the local language, but conductors and drivers loudly announce the direction at the stops. By the way, there are no stops in the usual sense; the bus stops anywhere on demand. Bus intervals are on average once every 15 minutes.

A trip on an Indian bus is like an attraction - a bright old bus rushes through the jungle to Indian music, the conductor jokes with the passengers, women in bright saris laugh...

Goa bus stations


Most of the souvenirs that tourists bring from their trips to Goa are ethnic. People often buy saris (national Indian women's clothing) and bloomers (loose pants), textiles (bed linen, bedspreads, towels), jewelry with gems, incense sticks, and henna. Spices, toothpaste with red pepper, and natural cosmetics from the Hymalaya brand would be a good souvenir. Sandalwood and ebony deity figurines start at $3.

Popular dishes include lamb stewed in milk with curry, meatballs in spicy yogurt, and chicken in orange sauce with herbs. famous for its abundance of vegetarian dishes, such as rice cakes and curried lentil dumplings (dosa and samba). Vegetables are served with curry and rice.

Seafood and fish are incredibly popular in Goa. The fish is fried over a fire, baked in dough, stewed in yogurt with curry... Try mailai - shrimp with the same curry and coconut. Dhai - curdled milk with spices - is a great refreshing drink in the heat. Alcohol is sold freely in Goa; local moonshine called “feni” is made here - this is fermented coconut and cashew juice.

Good to know

  • All tourists fly to Dabolim Airport. The flight from Moscow takes approximately 7.5 hours.
  • Goa time is 2.5 hours ahead of Moscow.
  • The Indian dialect Konkani, Portuguese and English are spoken in Goa.
  • Sockets in Goa are no different from Russian ones.
  • The currency in Goa, as elsewhere in India, is the rupee. There are 100 paise in one rupee. In August 2017, the exchange rate of the rupee and the ruble was approximately the same: for 1 ruble they gave 1 rupee and 6 paise.
  • From India to Russia, no more than 3 liters of alcohol per person over 18 years of age can be exported duty-free, up to 5 liters - with payment of a duty.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits purchased at markets thoroughly. Drink only bottled water.


More and more tourists are vacationing abroad. They prefer to independently explore the sights of the city in which they are vacationing. This has to do with a few things. Firstly, it’s cheaper - you don’t need to pay a guide. Secondly, no one limits you in time, you don’t need to listen to the guide and always be in a hurry. After all, he is paid in hours and is in a hurry, but you want to take a photo, admire it, and drink coffee. Thirdly, considering Beautiful places on your own, you always know when and where you will go. But the guides have everything planned out, and you’ll just get exhausted and have time to take a couple of crooked pictures. But to see everything yourself, you need a new map of Goa with attractions. In Russian, such a map will be much more useful. Our users have created their own map, thanks to which you can easily find the place you need, create a route to it and easily get there. Look at the map, use it and relax wisely.

Main attractions of Goa

The Indian state of Goa has many attractions. We will tell you about the main ones, and you will be very surprised.
Let's start with the beaches, which are considered attractions here. For example, the beach is om. As you know, Buddhists always make this sound when they meditate. The beach was named so because it is beautiful and calm. You can relax on it, enjoy life and not rush anywhere. Everything that Buddhists love. And the sound “OM”, according to Buddhists, is the beginning of our universe. She is beautiful, just like this beach.

Another attraction that has to do with water is the Arvalem waterfall. Its noise, the sound of water flying from the rocks, can be heard for many kilometers. At the bottom of the waterfall is a lake that is so beautiful that tourists can’t hold back and swim in it. The waterfall itself is large and scary at first. Huge streams of water fly down the high speed. If you look at it. It seems as if it is not water, but milk. At such a speed of flow and fall, the water takes on the color of milk and becomes white-white.

But still, most of the attractions in Goa are temples and monasteries with churches. India has always been considered a religious country. For this reason, hundreds of thousands of temples and monasteries were built throughout its territory. There is no point in listing them all. When you are on the peninsula, it is enough to visit 2-3 temples, and you will understand a lot about the culture of the country.

Reserves and National parks are also the attractions of Goa. Animals and birds that are on the verge of extinction are bred in the reserves. Exotic animals are brought here from all over the world. And national parks are the pride of the country. Animals live there wildlife, but are guarded by people.

India has always been famous for its spices. In the state of Goa there is a whole plantation, which is called a spice plantation. Various spices are grown there and shipped all over the world. When you go there, tie a scarf on your nose. The various smells of spices can make you sneeze and choke.

When is the best time to visit Goa for attractions?
This can be done all year round. but it’s still better to choose the right time. For example, in the winter months there is high beach season, and a lot of tourists. Prices are too high and during this period of time it is better to relax on the beach. Plus the air temperature is very high.
In summer, it rains in Tata territory. They will not prevent you from visiting temples, monasteries, museums and exhibitions. But walking in the pouring rain is not very pleasant. And if you get bored with exploring the culture and want to relax by the sea. It won't work. Rain, strong wind, high waves– You can’t relax here in the summer.
The most best time for a trip to Goa for sightseeing – the beginning of spring and the end of autumn. During these periods the weather is not hot, but there may be rain. There are few tourists, hotel prices are modest. These days there are a lot of tourists walking around the cities, visiting exhibitions and having a great time.

Now it's time to look at the map. The most interesting places according to tourists. The map can be controlled, it can be rotated and rotated. Click on the icons on the map. And find out more about this place.