Tour operators. Belarusian tour operators Belarusian travel company

A few months ago, our portal began conducting a survey among travel agencies in Belarus in order to find out the ratings of preferences for cooperation with tour operators. We selected 10 destinations for voting, including countries that have long been popular in our market, as well as some new destinations.

We think that the survey results will be of interest not only to industry professionals, but also to ordinary visitors to the portal. Why? Because the end consumer – the tourist – is offered tour options based on the preferences of agencies’ cooperation with operators. Operators, we remind you, are responsible for the quality of the tourism product, agencies - for its sale.

We emphasize that the survey was conducted on the eve of the active season and reflects the actual situation at that time.

So, which tour operators do Belarusian travel agents prefer to work with? We plotted the charts in percentage terms, obtaining the corresponding ratings. We also talked with the agencies and provided some comments to these ratings.

The system for counting votes and, accordingly, generating percentage ratings is simple. A list of leading operators by area was proposed for voting. In addition, agencies could supplement the list of operators with their own options. Each agency that took part in the voting electronically noted the operators with whom it works in one direction or another. The operator received a given number of votes and the corresponding number of percentages from all agencies that took part in the survey. Thus, the rating reflects the total percentage of votes cast for a particular operator.

To begin with, which countries did agents consider the most promising for working in the 2017 season?

Predictably, the top three were Greece, Bulgaria and Türkiye. It is interesting that in our survey Greece and Bulgaria received exactly the same number of votes, thereby putting an end to the long-standing dispute - who owns the palm in a kind of competition for the hearts of Belarusian tourists? It is also curious that not far from visa-free Turkey, a global destination that for many years was No. 1 among foreign destinations in our market, but lost its position due to the difficult events of recent years, small Montenegro, which does not require visas from Belarusians, was also in the top.

Next come Spain and Cyprus, which are clearly growing, one might say, experiencing a renaissance in our market. Also, perhaps, we should note the following curious fact - more than half of the agencies this season are looking favorably towards Albania - a country about which nothing was known before. Anticipating possible questions, let us say right away that we did have a targeted survey, the purpose of which was to find out the “weight” of the largest Belarusian tour operators operating in the same directions, that is, those that are in the “heavy”, usually “air charter” weight category . Perhaps that is why such popular destinations in their segment as Belarus and Georgia received a very small number of votes - a few percent each. A small number of survey participants also indicated the Baltics, Romania, sea cruises, Egypt and Tunisia among priority destinations.


The undisputed leader in the ranking of cooperation preferences of Belarusian travel agencies was the tour operator Mouzenidis Travel - a company that in our market has made popular not only itself, but, in fact, the product itself. As you can see, in the table “Mouzenidis Travel” is located with a significant lead over its competitors. According to our survey, only one agency out of ten operating in Greece does not sell tours from this operator. At the same time, of course, no one prohibits the agency from booking tours from various operators, comparing prices for packages and terms of cooperation.

Further, close to each other, TEZ TOUR, AeroBelService, INTERCITY and Coral Travel are located. There are also relative newcomers to this ranking. These include the Greek tour operator Canulas Travel, which this year is consolidating a charter to Corfu from Minsk. Also, among the operators who work in the Greek direction, Belarusian travel agencies mentioned the Ithaca company several times. Let us remind you that this oldest Polish tour operator has been present on the Belarusian market for just over two years; in Brest, its interests are represented by the travel agency “Tsvet Travel”; in Minsk, you can also book “Ithaca” tours through “AlatanTour”.


As you can see in the diagram, almost all operators are present - recognized leaders in this segment. Bulgaria, of course, like Greece, is a strategic direction in our market. Perhaps there is not such a variety of products as in Greece - nevertheless, the latter offers a wide range of island holidays, and the service in Greece is higher and the nature is more interesting, but Bulgaria beats its competitor in price and attractiveness of holidays for families with small children. According to our survey, the majority of agencies, voting for an operator in the Bulgarian direction, prefer INTERCITY. The company, of course, has made a big leap in the last few years, it’s impossible not to notice. The reason, in our opinion, is not only in the expansive growth policy, but also in the technological gap, which is consistently demonstrated in the Belarusian market by two domestic agencies - INTERCITY and Rosting. However, Rosting, TEZ TOUR and AeroBelService are very tightly located in the second, third and fourth positions. At the end of the top ten, the bus operator Podevus, which has more than 20 years of difficult work with children’s camps in Bulgaria, is modestly but reliably located. And - ding! - for the first, but not the last time, the star of the Ukrainian tourism industry appears in the ranking - the tour operator Join Up, to which we will devote a little text below - in the Turkish section.


Here the clear leader is the company TEZ TOUR - a company that is associated with the Turkish direction with the Quality Mark. Also, AeroBelService demonstrates a significant lead over other operators in the ranking of travel agency cooperation preferences. In third position we see, also at a relative distance from the leading three, Coral Travel.

It should be noted that the top 3 in Turkey turned out to be quite predictable for us - the fact that TEZ TOUR and AeroBelService, so to speak, “hold the market” is not a surprise! But below it gets interesting! Immediately after INTERCITY and, surprisingly, before Rosting, we find the already mentioned Ukrainian Join Up. The company quietly, as they say, without noise and dust, but quite actively penetrated our market. The company's representative office has been operating in Gomel for several years, and from this year the company is also represented in Minsk. As for the Turkish direction, the company has a block of charter seats to Bodrum from Minsk, and the operator is also active on the Antalya coast.

The Turkish market in Belarus is, of course, very densely populated by tour operators, however, the Ukrainians, apparently, have found a price niche here and are successfully offering flights from Kyiv. By the way, no area in our survey generated as many related comments as Turkey. Thus, some agents indicated that if the preference rating for cooperation with tour operators involved departures from different cities, it would look different. For example, like this: from Kyiv – JoinUP!, AnexTour, Pegas Touristik, TEZ TOUR, TUI, Coral Travel, from Moscow – AnexTour, Pegas Touristik, Tez Tour, Coral Travel. We present this option solely as an example, since we did not compile separate ratings for departures from the ports of neighboring countries. The last line in our ranking is occupied by the German operator TUI.


Let us emphasize once again that the overwhelming number of agencies surveyed – 87.5% – expressed a desire to work with this small but truly popular country among Belarusians. This is how it happens: the country is small, and there are not as many operators here as in Turkey, for example, nevertheless, the product from the point of view of cooperation between a tour operator and a travel agent is also very interesting.

We remind you that the strategic host partner for our tour operators in Montenegro is R-Tours, which provides Belarusians with hotel facilities, excursions, transfer services and has been a customer of charters for many years. As for domestic operators directly, here we again see INTERCITY as the leader in the direction - 71.6% of respondents choose this partner for work in Montenegro. Next, but with a noticeable lag, is Rosting. The third place is occupied by Time Voyage. Next comes Aerotravel, which was once exclusively an air broker, and in recent years has been successfully promoting itself as a tour operator. Also in the ranking were “TradeVoyage”, “Top-Tour”, “Smolyanka” and “Voyagetour”. Pac Group and the same Join Up gained several percent each.

Note that we did not find a single vote for Biblio Globus in the survey, which, as we remember, once came to the market with a separate charter to Montenegro and at some point made the leading players worry. As the agencies emphasize in the comments to the destination, this year Montenegro may “burn out” in the sense that there are enough tickets, but it can be difficult to find accommodation for the required dates. Our “rescue” option is villas with guarantees provided by the listed operators.


Let us remind you that, in addition to the popular Catalonia, where Belarusians fly on regular Belavia flights to Barcelona, ​​from Minsk you can get direct charters to Mallorca and Valencia. It is this geography of opportunities that our rating reflects. The first place in it is occupied by TEZ TOUR, already mentioned as a leader in the Turkish direction. 74.7% of surveyed agencies prefer to cooperate with him. In second position is AeroBelService, with just over 60% of agents voting for it. In third place is INTERCITY (with enviable regularity, present in high positions on almost all routes departing from Minsk - it’s impossible not to notice!). Coral Travel is literally breathing down his neck. Closely followed by Voyagetour and Natalie Tours (remember that the company has been transporting Belarusians from Minsk to Spain on the Vueling low-cost airline for many years now). The same number of votes – 26.5% each – was received by “Rosting” and “Vneshintourist” (the latter thanks to the Spanish bus chains!). 14.5 and 13.3% of the votes, respectively, are in the treasury of “Top-Tour” and “Turlux”.


In our opinion, the picture of agent preferences in Cyprus is quite interesting. The leader – 70% of voters – is TEZ TOUR. Next - with 56% - is Mouzenidis Travel, which, let us remind you, has been working in this direction for the second year. The third position is held by AeroBelService. INTERCITY and Biblio Globus are located very close to each other - 52.4 and 50%, respectively. Rosting received 32.9% of the votes. Well, at the end of the table are “AlatanTour” and “CenterResort”. Here, of course, we must keep in mind that we are not talking about a charter, but about regular transportation. A significant number of Belarusians traditionally prefer to buy tickets and book inexpensive villas in Cyprus on their own.


Direct charter flights to Italy from Minsk fly to Sicily, Trieste, Rimini, and in the fall it is expected that there will be a flight to Tuscany. Apparently, we need to mention the regular flight to Nice, which allows tour operators to offer tourists Italian Liguria with direct, convenient delivery. To date, we have not found a tour operator - a clear leader with an overwhelming number of votes - in our survey. Five tour operators enjoy a fairly stable reputation among agents - AeroBelService, INTERCITY, TEZ TOUR, Danko Travel and Coral Travel, but all of them have less than 50% of the votes. Rosting, Pac Group, Solemare and Bel-Orientira also have good positions (the last two agencies, we recall, specialize in Italy). In addition, the rating includes Voyagetour, Aerotravel and Interlux. Let us add that the Italian direction has always been quite difficult on the Belarusian market. This also applies to the hotel base on various coasts of Italy, and the pricing policy, and, as a rule, the lack of Russian-speaking service.


Albania has made a good start this year. It is very interesting to see how agent sympathies are located at the “entry point” in relation to operators who this season risked offering this complex product, in other words, taking guaranteed charter blocks. At the moment, it is perhaps also difficult to identify a clear leader in the direction. Although the presence of INTERCITY in the first line, taking into account all the previous achievements of the tour operator, speaks for itself. Thus, INTERCITY has the first position and 53.2% of agent sympathy. In second place, with a very slight lag, is Aerotravel, thanks to which (as well as its Montenegrin partner R-Tours) we now have such an interesting new product of the season. Aerotravel has 48.4% of the votes. There was also no doubt about the rest that they would want to “be in the game” in this direction - these are those specializing in Montenegrin holidays “adjacent” to Albania - “Time Voyage”, “Rosting”, “TradeVoyage” and “Smolyanka”.


Previously the number one destination (in the near abroad), which in the best years attracted up to half a million Belarusian tourists - Ukraine, which once owned Crimea, has now shrunk to Odessa and the resorts of the Odessa region. However, it is certainly a popular product at its price point. Suffice it to say that if last summer there were 14 bus lines from Minsk to Odessa, then this year there are 41! Here, with operators, judging by the comments of the agencies attached to the survey, everything is quite complicated. Nevertheless, we have compiled a rating. It looks like this:

“Podevus” received 40% of the votes; agents are more likely to book a tour to the Black Sea coast of Ukraine than anyone else. The tour operator “Fairytale Tour” can also be considered a leader in this segment – ​​28.2% of the votes. Ukrainian Join Up and Belarusian Ditrib, apparently, are equally popular among domestic travel agents - 13% each. Further in the list we find a number of operators with similar positions.

Northern Cyprus

Well, our survey ends with another new product of the season, which was actively presented by operators in the spring - Northern Cyprus. Apparently, this season premiere was less successful compared to Albania. Although Northern Cyprus also gets its client - thirsty for discovery and a kind of geopolitical exoticism. The leader in our survey is the tour operator AeroBelService; it is preferred by 84% of voting agencies. In second position is Aerotravel, with 52% of the votes. Also mentioned in the survey were tour operators Anex Tour and Top Tour. Let us remind you that AeroBelService offers Belarusian tourists to get to Northern Cyprus through Istanbul, Aerotravel - through Larnaca.

In the comments to the survey, speaking in general about cooperation with tour operators, agents pay attention to several important factors of interaction with a tour operator, as well as the reasons for the final choice in favor of one or another operator.

First of all, of course, the price and size of the commission are important, secondly - personal contact, and thirdly - some bonuses. Without personal contact, it is impossible to quickly resolve problematic situations, which, no secret, often happen in tourism (such is this business!). And here operators could listen to a lot of interesting criticism addressed to them.

It is no secret that some agencies even prefer to book operator tours through “intermediaries” (which are privileged travel agents), losing 1-2% of the commission, but gaining confidence that scarce tickets will be available if necessary, and -major there will be a quick adequate reaction.

As travel agents say, today there is no longer a clear “reputational” affiliation of operators: this one is “expensive”, and that one is a “discounter”. All have a live, “dynamic” price, which changes depending on many factors, including clicks and views of a particular offer at the moment. Everything is visible in booking systems, which are often a separate headache for a travel agent.

As far as we understand, travel agents do not always welcome new tour operator booking systems - according to reviews, it was easier to work with the old ones. But time, as we know, does not stand still. Technologies are changing, tourist demand is changing, and, as we see, the leaders of the Belarusian tourism market are also a moving phenomenon. In the fall we will definitely sum up the results of the season! Stay with us!

Lilia Kobzik

infographics - Boris Kvitkevich

They provide their clients with the opportunity to visit interesting places and return from there with a good mood and pleasant memories. Thanks to their services, people from different countries and cities can easily go on a long-awaited trip, spending an acceptable amount on it.

Finding Belarusian tour operators in Moscow is not so difficult. Therefore, you can apply for a ticket to some interesting place quite quickly. Below we will present the best Belarusian tour operators, whose branches are located not only in the capitals of states, but also in other cities.


Many Belarusian tour operators enjoy special respect among tourists. One such company is TradeVoyage. The tour operator began its work in 2002 and in fifteen years was able to establish itself as a professional in the tourism market.

"TradeVoyage" is located in the city of Minsk, on M. Bogdanovicha Street, 7. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, the tour operator receives clients from 10.00 to 19.00, on Wednesday - from 11.00 to 19.00.

The company offers a fairly wide range of travel services of the highest quality. Employees can always develop individual tours based on customer requests. The main directions are:

  • beach holidays in Spain, Croatia, Montenegro, Turkey, Bulgaria and so on;
  • children's holidays on the sea coast;
  • sightseeing tours throughout Europe;
  • medical and recreational trips to Hungary and the Czech Republic;
  • event tourism.

In addition, the company helps in obtaining visas, booking airline tickets and hotels, obtaining insurance, and so on. The tour operator's staff is always happy to welcome new clients, because they will be able to satisfy all their desires.


The best tour operators also include a company that was founded in 1994. Today, AeroBelService is the leading Belarusian tour operator in countries such as Turkey, Cyprus, Georgia, Spain, Bulgaria, France, Italy and the UK.

This tour operator is located in Minsk, on Storozhevskaya Street, 6. On weekdays the company is open from 10.00 to 19.00, on Saturday - from 11.00 to 16.00, Sunday is a day off.

The main goal of the company is to provide clients with the opportunity to see with their own eyes the most interesting places in the world, admire their beauty, smell the smells of different countries and experience the foreign atmosphere for themselves. The main areas of work are:

  • air cargo transportation;
  • tours around the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens;
  • organization of tours outside Belarus;
  • formation of new recreation programs based on the interests of clients.

"Respector Travel"

Tours from Belarusian tour operators have always attracted the attention of travelers from different countries. This multidisciplinary tour operator is liked by people due to its services:

  • bus and air tours in European countries;
  • weekend tours to the CIS;
  • weddings and weddings in the Czech Republic;
  • obtaining higher education at Czech universities;
  • corporate tourism;
  • therapeutic trips.

"Respector Travel" is located in Minsk, on Engelsa Street, building 34 (office 303, third floor). You can ask for help only from 10.00 to 18.00.

"Trust Aero Tours"

Most often, people pay attention to Belarusian tour operators in Minsk, which have been operating for a long time. "Trust Aero Tours" has been providing services to clients for more than fifteen years. During this time, the company managed to gain a foothold in one of the leading positions in the list of the largest tour operators in the Republic of Belarus.

The tour operator can be found at the address: Minsk, Ulyanovskaya street, 30. The company operates from 9.00 to 19.00 from Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 15.00 on Saturday.

The company cooperates with many tour operators in Russia, Belarus, Western Europe and Asia, so its clients can go anywhere in the world without problems. Throughout the entire trip, tourists are accompanied and supported by company employees, which is their main task.

"Master VG Tour"

Another company that should be considered one of the best Belarusian tour operators in Minsk. She allows her clients to go to interesting cities at any time of the year and have a pleasant time there. New Year's tours to France, the Czech Republic, Italy and, of course, Belarus are extremely popular.

"Master VG Tour" is located in Minsk, on the street. Chkalova, 12 (second floor of office 229). The tour operator operates from Monday to Friday inclusive from 9.00 to 19.00, but on Saturday the company receives clients from 10.00 to 18.00.

"Time Voyage"

Among the largest Belarusian tour operators there is also a company that has been operating for more than 25 years. Time Voyage specializes in the following areas:

  • last minute travel packages;
  • holiday on the sea coast;
  • ski tours;
  • event tourism;
  • study abroad.

The tour operator is located in Minsk, on Pobediteley Avenue, 13. You can contact Time Voyage only on weekdays from 9.30 to 19.30.


This company has been successfully operating in the tourism market since 1993. From that time to the present day, the goal of the tour operator is special attention to each visitor, regular expansion of geography and constant improvement of the quality of work.

Tour operator "AlatanTour" is located at the address: Minsk, Internatsionalnaya Street, 33B. The company is open from 9.00 to 18.00 on weekdays and from 10.00 to 16.00 on Saturday. If you want to go on a tour from Moscow or another city, just contact the tour operator. All contact information can be found on the company's official website.

An important point in the work of a tour operator is the organization of business trips and, of course, receiving guests from different countries in Minsk and others. Individual VIP tours are no less popular. By using the services of this company, clients automatically express confidence in the experience of professionals.


The ranking of Belarusian tour operators ends with the well-known “Belintourist”. It has been operating on the international tourism market since 1955. The company's clients have the opportunity to go on a tour of Belarus and many other countries. "Belintourist" transports travelers to desired destinations in the world by plane, train and bus.

You can find a tour operator at the address: Minsk, Pobediteley Avenue, 19. From Monday to Thursday it is open from 9.00 to 18.00, on Friday - from 9.00 to 16.45, from 13.00 to 13.45 - lunch break.

The main task of a tour operator is to realize the plans and interests of each traveler. Any person who uses the services of Belintourist has the opportunity to discover Belarus from a new perspective or have a great time abroad. The company provides educational, sports, educational, cultural, hunting and, of course, business tours. The staff is always ready to organize interesting meetings and decent rest for visitors, help them spend their time productively and enjoy the magnificent views.

Holidays abroad today are not a luxury for many. Increasingly, people prefer overseas resorts to domestic ones, especially if everything in their beloved homeland is covered with snow and a nasty cold wind blows in their faces. Of course, you can buy tickets yourself and fly to any country at your own peril and risk. But it’s still better to contact specialists who will select the ideal tour, taking into account all the client’s wishes. In every country there are companies offering services in the field of tourism. The tour operators in Belarus described below are considered the best according to customer reviews.

JSC "Master VG Tour"

The company closely cooperates with Bulgaria. Therefore, in this direction, it can offer any option for recreation: family, with children, youth, summer, skiing. Children's creativity festivals are regularly held in Bulgaria, tickets to which can be purchased from this tour operator. The company organizes New Year's tours in Belarus is also a priority. With "Master VG Tour" you can go on an exciting journey through mystical Egypt, exotic Thailand, fragrant Turkey, and mythical Greece.

The tour operator also works with the Czech Republic, Russia and the Baltic states. It is no coincidence that “Master VG Tour” is a leader in the local tourism market. Other large tour operators in Belarus offering similar services are even inferior to this company in some respects, since it is also an independent travel agent, which allows it to cooperate and develop warm relationships with other tour operators and agencies.

The professionalism of the company's employees is at a high level, which guarantees responsible customer service. Tour operator "Master VG Tour" is located in Minsk, on the street. Chkalova, 12, office 125 (on the first floor).

LLC "1000 tours"

Belarusian tour operators will help you get to anywhere in the world. The list continues with the certified "Thousand Tours". The agency's calling card is its responsible and friendly employees. They will quickly select the required tour and complete all the documents. The company provides comprehensive information about the country the client wishes to visit, and also provides guarantees. This and much more allows the agency to occupy the top position in the list of “Best Tour Operators in Belarus”. "1000 Tours" not only designs customized tours according to the client's requirements, but also supports clients during the trip until they return to their homeland.

The company specializes in organizing excursion tours to European countries and Belarus, wedding tours, exotic holidays, family holidays, individual tours, and also provides visa support.

The tour operator's office is located in Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 49/413.

Tour operator "Tez Tour"

The leaders in their segment are represented by another company that occupies a stable position and is extremely popular among tourists. The operator "Tez Tour" is famous for pampering its regular customers with tempting discounts. And not only permanent ones. The company guarantees to provide a special price to those who book a tour on the official website. The company primarily offers tours to Spain, Turkey, Bulgaria, Maldives, Thailand and Egypt.

The company is considered the leader in the number of tourists sent to the Dominican Republic, Australia, Cuba, Brazil and Mexico. Tez Tour employees guarantee the most favorable tariff to their clients. The company has more than 12 destinations and several thousand hotels around the world. It’s very difficult to make a choice on your own, but with Tez Tour experts it’s as easy as shelling pears.

The tour operator is located in Minsk, on the street. Kulman Kh.A., 9, office 30.

Tourist center "Southern Region"

Belarusian tour operators will help you go on the best trip of your life. The rating will be continued by the travel company "Southern Region". The operator specializes in both budget tourism and tours for VIP clients to almost any country in the world. Qualified specialists take full responsibility for organizing the holidays of their clients, taking into account their preferences, wishes and income. Here you can book sightseeing bus tours, exotic trips, sea cruises, health trips, and ski tours.

"Southern Region" takes a responsible approach to choosing partners, therefore it cooperates exclusively with international companies that have extensive experience and an excellent reputation. And this, in turn, provides better relaxation conditions.

The center is located in the center of Minsk, open seven days a week on weekdays until 20.00, on weekends - until 18.00.

Tour operator "7 wonders of the world"

The company provides a full range of services related to organizing any type of vacation. The main countries of outbound tourism are Latin America, Bulgaria, Singapore, France, Peru, Vietnam and many other exotic countries. The operator also organizes tours to European countries, health tours and honeymoon trips. Foreign citizens can book an individual or group tour of local attractions. It is also possible to book and stay in the best hotels in Minsk and other

Almost all tour operators in Belarus provide visa support for foreign citizens. This company is no exception. Residents of Belarus can also find many favorable conditions here both for domestic tourism and for trips abroad. Address: Minsk, Pobediteley Ave. 11, office 1103.


The company has been providing a wide range of tourism services for 11 years. The company's management takes a responsible approach to improving the qualifications of its employees. The travel agency constantly participates in international exhibitions and conferences. Employees regularly attend training seminars and information tours. This contributes to the formation of a close-knit team of professionals capable of providing quality service not only to citizens of Belarus, but also to foreign guests. The main activities include excursion and beach holidays in Montenegro, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Egypt, Lithuania and Poland, as well as the organization of weekend tours.

One of the directions of the travel agency is

You can order a tour dedicated to a concert, conference or exhibition almost anywhere in the world. The company takes care of all paperwork. You can find "TradeVoyage" at the address: Minsk, st. M. Bogdanovich 7, office 4.

Tour operators in Belarus are faithful assistants in any matters relating to tourist holidays.

Dear tourists!

We inform you about the beginning of the sale of tours to Russian tourists since January 2017

with departure from Minsk, Vitebsk, Gomel and Mogilev.

For consultation, booking and payment for tours, please contact the following contacts:

3% discount!

Why is it necessary to search for tours from Belarusian tour operators?

Everyone, without exception, needs rest, this is especially true in the current rhythm of modern life. Vacation is the best time for relaxation, which provides the opportunity to have a great rest, visit those corners of our planet where you have not been yet, but have dreamed of going there since childhood, or simply go with your family to the popular resorts of Turkey, Bulgaria, Egypt. Such a vacation will not only bring your entire family together even more, but will also give a very noticeable influx of health and fresh strength.

Currently, you can have a good and inexpensive vacation not only with all well-known international tour operators, but also with our domestic ones Belarusian tour operators. Even if they are not so famous and popular, they create worthy competition in the tourism services market.

1. Below is a service for selecting a tour from the bases of Belarusian tour operators
2. You just need to click on the button for each of them in turn and fill out all the parameters you need in the form that opens
3. select the desired tour from Belarusian tour operators

Today in the tourism services market Belarusian tour operators can offer tours with departure from Minsk to popular resorts in Turkey, Bulgaria, Egypt, Montenegro, Thailand and other countries at very attractive prices. Our managers will be happy to answer all questions regarding the selection of tours from Belarusian tour operators, as well as all questions of tourists regarding the choice of hotels, resorts, departure dates, departure times, seats on the plane, etc. at the following telephone numbers:

If you have not found a tour suitable for you, or the tours proposed above do not suit you for some reason (for example, you need more nights, different accommodation: 2 adults + a child 7 years old, a different type of food, and so on), call us at:

City +375 17 355-80-60 Velcom +375 44 550-25-25 MTS +375 29 550-25-25


If the selection of a tour does not show a tour that you have seen before or if, upon opening the detailed description of the tour, it shows you that there are no places available (at the hotel or on the plane), then call us and we will check. The system is imperfect.

What to do if you have found a tour that suits you:

1 Open a detailed description of the tour (by clicking on the price or the "DETAILS" button)
2 Find the tour number (at the top of the page, usually consists of six digits).
3 Call us and provide this number.
4 Or click the "SEND APPLICATION" button - it's absolutely free and we will call you back.
5 Ask all your questions and our consultants will answer them.

When choosing a tour on your own, you are provided 3% discount!

For offers based on Promo, Extra, Gold, RED, Best, Fix, FastPay, Comfort, etc. tariffs. The discount amount may vary.

Domestic Belarusian tour operators must be given credit for the fact that in today’s fierce competition in the air tour tourism market, they can often offer the best price for a particular tourism product. Only thanks to the coordinated work of their close-knit teams, our tourists can relax much cheaper. The laws of the market are the same in all countries - the higher the competition in a particular industry, the lower the price of their products falls. As a result, a logical conclusion can be drawn: the more international and domestic tour operators create tours departing from Minsk, the lower their price will ultimately be.

We relax with Belarusian tour operators at competitive prices!