The largest mountains in Africa. Umbwe Trail. Routes for specialists

Kilimanjaro is a word familiar to us from childhood, also known from the stories of the writer Hemingway. Every tourist and traveler dreams of seeing with his own eyes the “crown of Tanzania” at least once in his life, and maybe even climbing to its top, to an unreal height, into the kingdom of eternal snow (by the way, it is she who appears in “The Lion King”). Let's take a little closer look at Tanzania's most famous landmark, the... high mountain Africa, which local residents called the "sparkling peak", from Kilimanjaro.

Transfer to the airport and departure from Marrakech to the Czech Republic. Air transportation from the Czech Republic to Morocco is not included in the cost of the trip. If you don't have your own favorite ticket provider, we will be happy to arrange your tickets. Direct flights from Prague to Marrakesh are ideal. Start and end of the program: Airport in Marrakesh. We sell from 54 to 8 people.

To travel around Morocco, we use local buses and rental minibuses, which are included in the price of the trip. While in Marrakech we stay in a simple hotel in the center of the Medina. In the mountains our huts will be mainly mountain huts and guest houses.

Location of Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is not really a mountain, as many people believe, it is a dormant volcano, it was formed from a huge number of layers of tephra, frozen lava flows and ash. According to scientists, Kilimanjaro was formed as a result of the movement of layers earth's crust millions of years ago. So, it is located in Tanzania, in East Africa and rises 5895 meters above sea level.

The vast majority of the tour expects full board. You don't need to eat food from the Czech Republic. Moroccan water is not potable and must be prepared or disinfected. In cities, water is usually available for packaging. The event is suitable for good skiers in good physical condition.

A more detailed list of required and recommended equipment. For groups of 2 people we will organize this event on the date of your choice. Africa is an extremely diverse continent. Visitors from wealthy Europe offer real exoticism and often even adrenaline.

Animals of Kilimanjaro

The enormous size of this volcano has created a unique and amazing climate that cannot be found anywhere else on the planet. Here you can see many small rivers and streams; they are formed when glaciers melt. In the lower part there is a spacious savannah, here you can find funny monkeys, a family of leopards and lions, servals, funny and slightly clumsy honey badgers, huge elephants, giraffes, zebras and many small rodents. In addition to the diverse animal world, Mount Kilimanjaro boasts mountain swamps and endless meadows, which are strewn with flowers and lush herbs, and a little up the mountains, a real African desert begins, where only lichens, moss and cacti reign.

We bring you a small selection of the best, from amazing mountain outings through national parks to herds of big animals to meet ethnic groups. On your own: visiting Namibia to South Africa with cheaper flights. You must have a Namibia visa in advance.

The white demo of African national parks might be Etosha, a vast protected area in the remote northern region of Far Namibia. Etosha means "big white space" in the indigenous language because the core of the area is a huge salt pan, most years without water - and, therefore, with a whitish surface. Outside its own brine, the park's mostly flat terrain is covered with sparse savannah, followed by antelope, zebra and wildebeest, giraffe and elephant, and less commonly, buffalo, hyena and lion.

Kilimanjaro weather and climate

Since the mountain is located almost on the equator of our globe, there is almost always good weather, so nothing will interfere with your ascent, with the exception of the rainy season, when quite a lot of precipitation falls in the area. Experienced travelers say that best time for climbing - these are the periods from August to October, and from January to March, it is at this time that warm, clear weather sets in.

Due to the size of the park, which is larger than, for example, Slovenia, it is good to reserve at least three days. You can stay at several places on the outskirts of the park, both hotels and camps. In Namutoni you'll notice an ancient fortress that German colonists built at the turn of the century - sunsets are best viewed from the "big white place".

On your own: fly to Johannesburg and then rent a car. One of Africa's most important protected areas - national park The Kruger is one of the oldest - the core of the area is protected as a large area of ​​north-eastern South Africa is covered predominantly by savannah, but there are also several big rivers. Thanks to this, various ecosystems are found in the park that are suitable for different types animals. And just watching the animals is Kruger's biggest attraction. You have the opportunity to observe all the "big five" - ​​elephants, buffalo, rhinoceroses, lions and leopards - and, of course, different types of antelope, zebra or giraffe.

The peculiarity of Mount Kilimanjaro is that in its example you can see all types of climate on our planet, at the base you will be greeted by the humid tropics, and as you climb an arid desert, a dank hill with endless cold winds and, finally, a snow-capped peak where it never melts snow. Therefore, if you still decide to climb the mountain, prepare for sudden changes in temperature: from + 30, to +15, 0 and minus temperatures, it all depends on the level of ascent, time of year and route.

Kruger Park is well equipped for both communication and residential visitor traffic. You can sleep in hotels, lodges or two dozen camps. This is a very popular park, however due to its size there is no need to worry about flushing.

On your own: Fly to Nairobi or Mombasa and continue to rent a car. Free-roaming groups of elephants, sprawling giraffes, thousands of herds of antelope and zebra throughout the majestic cone of Kilimanjaro. This is the impression of the most popular National Park in Kenya, Amboseli. In addition to large mammals, thanks to several wetlands, you can also see many species of birds - more than 400 species have been identified here.

Tours to Mount Kilimanjaro

If you decide to visit Kilimanjaro National Reserve, the first thing you need to do is find the town of Moshi, it is the closest to the reserve. There you can easily find
a travel agency that cooperates with the reserve and buy a tour. A professional guide, personal porter and cook will gladly accompany you on your adventure. As they say, every whim is for your money. But the sensations and incredible views that await you at the top are worth your money, your work, and several days of travel. You will be able to see the inner crater of the volcano, eternal ice, and also enjoy the stunning scenery of the valley and the reserve. In addition, the tourist will be able to easily see the seven trails along which the climb to the most unique attraction of Tanzania occurs.

You see confidence in ungulates and elephants, which is worse than lions. As in other countries, foreign visitors must pay high entry fees. Logistics: Organized trips to Rwanda and Uganda are often Czech Republic, but you can easily organize your trip yourself. The so-called Visa East Africa can be arranged online in advance.

A unique set of reserves in the heart of Africa, bordering Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, is home to the last of the mountain gorillas in the wild. Currently, four national parks are home to gorilla. Seeing mountain gorillas with your own eyes, just a few meters away, can be found in the Rwandan Volcanoes National Park or in the two parks on the border with Uganda, Mgahinga and Bwindi, impenetrable. Virungu National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo cannot currently be visited due to security reasons.

Video: Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

The most interesting routes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro

The first conquerors of Kilimanjaro were Hans Meyer and Ludwig Purtscheller, this happened more than 100 years ago in 1889. Since then, experienced climbers have laid out more than a dozen routes, which differ in the complexity of the climb and the level of mountaineering training; there are trails for beginners and real pros. If you still decide to conquer this peak, then the total time, which includes ascent and descent, will take approximately 5 to 9 days. And now we present to your attention the most interesting and popular routes for climbing Kilimanjaro.

Seeing mountain gorillas with your own eyes is an experience of a lifetime: you will go in a small group, accompanied by a guard, for two to three hours of forest, and when you arrive at the gorillas, you will have about an hour to observe these unique mammals. Since the movement of gorilla groups is constantly monitored, the group of guards moves in the desired direction, and the success rate is almost 100%.

Online authorization in advance: high fees, despite the fact that places are sold for a long time, and the number of “benefits” per day is limited to a few dozen. The inland delta of this river in northern Botswana is one of the richest areas in Africa - as the area of ​​river beds, swamps and swamps is still very little accessible today. You meet elephants, buffalos, hippos and black and white rhinoceroses.

Lemosho Trail

Lemosho is located on the western part of the mountain, it is considered the most suitable for acclimatization of tourists in the area. Climbing this route costs more than usual, so you won’t find a huge number of tourist groups. The high cost is more than compensated by the amazingly beautiful views, because Lemosho is considered one of the most picturesque trails on Kilimanjaro.

Among the few areas in North Africa that offer good conditions for animal viewing is the Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal. In addition to the "common" species such as elephants, buffalos or hippos, less common animals such as the Derby antelope can be seen.

On your own: Fly to Marrakech and then hire a car. Although Merzouga can be reached by public transport, connections are sparse. High Atlas Mountains, forming the backbone of Morocco, divide the country into two completely different parts. The area south of the Atlas rarely reaches collisions coming from the Atlantic, and therefore the area is very dry. The Western Sahara region reaches almost to the foot of the mountains. This part of Morocco is sparsely populated, but there is basic infrastructure and you have the chance to see the Erj - the huge sand mountains - in a safe and relatively comfortable environment.

Marangu Trail

Many people know this route under another name: the Coca-Cola route. It received this name during the first trips to the mountain, when tourists simply threw garbage along the side of the road, and most often it was plastic bottles of a well-known drink. Now the route is carefully monitored, garbage is systematically removed, sprinkled with gravel, and where the path passes through deep streams, small bridges have been built. The trail is located in the southeast of the mountain and is the most popular among tourists due to the ease of climbing. Moreover, this is the only

a route trail where stationary camps for overnight stays are located at various levels of ascent, where there are all the benefits of civilization: electricity, a toilet, a small canteen, a medical and rescue center.

The small village of Merzouga, near the Algerian border, has been reached by a paved road for several years, greatly improving access. The regular tourist program includes one to two nights in the village - it is also possible to sleep in Bedouin tents - the dunes can be taken by camels or camels. Unforgettable impressions include dawn: with the advancing sun's disk, the sand changes color tones every minute.

Although relatively easy to access, it is a remote location; the closest airport location, Ouarzazate, is 350 kilometers away. To explore the surrounding desert, it is advisable to rent a car. Algeria is not one of the most visited countries North Africa, mainly due to the uncertain security situation. However, in last years the indicators have improved and therefore, according to certain principles, this huge country can be visited. And since eighty percent of Algeria's surface is covered by the Sahara, the desert areas are among the most attractive areas.

Machame Trail

Machame is located on the western part of the mountain and is considered one of the most difficult to climb, with frequent ascents and descents, so it is popular only with experienced travelers and climbers. If you come to the Kilimanjaro Nature Reserve during the rainy season, it is better to use another trail, as the route is very eroded and dangerous for climbing.

Unlike places in Morocco or Tunisia, which lie on the edge of the Sahara, Algeria can be reached directly from the inside. The "capital" of the Algerian Sahara is Tamanrasset, an oasis city located on the ancient Sahara road connecting the coast Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Guinea. Tamanrasset has mainly Tuareg people, as well as a small museum dedicated to their culture; The main attractions are located nearby. Far from the city rise the beautiful volcanic cliffs of the Agaggar Mountains.

A hundred kilometers from Tamanrasset to Assebro there is a lunar terrain full of fantastic rocks and desert valleys. The current climate of southern Algeria is hot and dry - visiting the area is only possible from November to March, but this is not always the case. This is evidenced by Neolithic cave drawings The surrounding porticoes were created by the inhabitants of the area, at a time when the area covered savannah and many living animals lived there. Visiting these places is usually only possible through one of the local agencies.

Rongai Trail

Rongai is the only one northern route, a narrow path leads to Kibo (the central volcano of Kilimanjaro), through one of mountain peaks– Mawenzi. This is perhaps the least crowded route, but it is recommended for climbing during the rainy season, since this area has minimal precipitation and there is no strong wind.

On your own: Tuzir has good transport connection, but for an individual visit interesting places around you you will need a car, which can be rented locally. Visas to Tunisia are no longer required even for individual visitors. The area is easily accessible, has good tourist infrastructure and is safe.

The salt marsh itself lasts most of the year without water, and in its close proximity there is a "sea dun", endless horizons sand dunes, which, depending on the wind, constantly change their shape. The main center of the region is the city of Tuzir, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of palm trees.

Umbwe Trail

Umbwe passes through south side and is rightfully considered the most difficult route to climb. This is a short, winding and straight trail starting from Camp Barranco. The descent takes place along another trail - Mweka. Due to the rather sharp ascent, steep descents and dense jungle, you will have absolutely no time for acclimatization, so the route is intended only for strong travelers who are confident in their strength and body. Climbing Umbwe takes 5-6 days, but if you want to enjoy incredible views and wonderful nature, then spend 7-8 days on the route.

Due to the distance from the coast, tour operators offer trips to the area with mostly one night stay. On your own: nearest airport, international Airport Kilimanjaro is located near Arusha about 50 km from the park. The Kilimanjaro trek is provided by many local agencies; inform other travelers about the contract price. You will receive your Tanzania visa at the border.

Of all the mountains on the African continent, it is the highest, but not only that: the volcanic massif of Kilimanjaro rises like a ghost above the grassy savannas of northern Tanzania, surpassing the surrounding villages by many kilometers. Although it has attracted the attention of European travelers since the middle of the century, when the first explorers and missionaries arrived in the area, the first access dates back only a year.

Mount Kilimanjaro is the heart of Africa, it is a stone giant, it is a real treasury of Tanzania. If you are ever lucky enough to travel around this African country, then do not miss the chance to take part in what is probably the most incredible and exciting adventure of your life, to appreciate the majestic thousand-year-old volcano and wild, untouched nature.

Just 320 km south of the equator there is a place where the snow never melts. This place is the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa - 5895 m. There are different opinions about the origin of its name. So one point of view claims that in Swahili it means “mountain that glitters.”
Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania, near the Kenyan border. This is a huge isolated volcanic massif with a base 100 km long and 75 km wide. They call him the highest lonely standing mountain, since there are no other mountain ranges adjacent to it that could distract attention from the main peak.

It is customary to distinguish three peaks of the Kilimanjaro massif. The lowest of them, Shira, arose, according to scientists, after the initial volcanic eruption. The collapse and erosion led to the formation of a plateau, which rises to 3778 m above sea level. Another peak, Mawenzi, looks like a shapeless block, a complex structural formation, with several peaks, the main one reaching 5353 m. An 11 km long flat saddle connects Mawenzi with Kibo. The Kibo Dome, the youngest of these three formations, contains a volcanic crater with a diameter of 2500 m and a depth of 299 m. Inside it there is a smaller crater, from the crater of which sulfur dioxide gases are released. Kibo is the only one of the three peaks that is above the current snow line: one edge of its glacier from the north descends into the crater, and the other slides from the southwest to a level of 4500 m. It is the largest glacier in Africa. However, its size is rapidly shrinking and, apparently, in a couple of decades there will no longer be ice on the top of Kilimanjaro.

National Park.

Occupies an area of ​​756 square meters. km, includes the highland zone, the Shira plateau, the peaks of Kibo and Mawenzi. There are currently six gates open i.e. corridors permitted for passage into the national park. The reserve regime was first established here by the British in 1921. The Park itself was established in 1973 and officially opened in 1977.

Geological history.
The Great African Rift (Rift) is a grandiose geological formation that has no analogues on our planet. In the period from 2 to 1 million years ago, it was formed in its modern form. In particular, a grandiose ridge 100 km long, 65 km wide and about 3 thousand meters high was formed. At its base, the Kilimanjaro volcano began to form. Approximately 750 thousand years ago, the volcano began to grow, lava poured out in three main craters: Kibo, Mawenzi and a little later - Shira. Approximately 500 thousand years ago, the volcanic domes reached a height of 5000 meters. After which Shiro's dome collapsed and turned into a caldera. 350 thousand years ago, the Mawenzi volcano ceased active activity, which then began to actively erode and gradually acquired modern forms.
Kibo's most significant eruption took place approximately 360 thousand years ago. Then a large amount of lava poured out, forming a huge cover on the northern and southern slopes of the mountain.

Approximately 100 thousand years ago, a huge collapse occurred, forming modern Kibo Barranco, a huge cliff looking directly south. At the same time, volcanic activity became sporadic. Now only isolated phenomena are observed, mainly in the main crater of Kibo. Active role in the formation modern look surface glaciation played a role in the mountains. The glacier reached great lengths and left behind numerous glacial landforms.

Discovery for science.
Africa is generally recognized as the cradle of humanity and its birth took place somewhere near Kilimanjaro. However, the slopes of this massif themselves are not optimal for life: poor soils, problems with water. Of course, people lived here for hundreds of thousands of years, but very poor traces of their activity remain. Apparently the tribes inhabiting this territory changed periodically. How historical fact one can only note that approximately 250 years ago the foothills of Kilimanjaro were colonized by the fairly developed Wachagga tribes, who master the art of agriculture. The influence of the Sultanate of Zanzibar led to the adoption of Islam by the majority of the region's inhabitants, but the area soon became the object of active missionary activity christian church.

Europeans reached vague evidence of a snowy mountain in the equator region back in the days of Ptolemy and the Alexandria Observatory. However, there is a very specific date, May 11, 1849, when the German missionary Johan Rebman saw this mountain. His scientific report was met in Europe with great distrust, but after some time other confirmations were received. In November 1862, the German explorer Baron von der Decken reached an altitude of 4300 meters. On August 28, 1867, the English missionary from Mombasa, Charles New, reached the snow zone.

First ascent.
The decisive contribution to the definitive exploration of the summit belongs to the German patriot, geographer and publisher from Leipzig, Hans Mayer (1858 - 1929), who organized five well-funded, heavily government-supported expeditions to Africa. Mayer was the son of a famous publisher, also named Hans Mayer. It was his father who came up with and put into practice the project of the main German encyclopedia - “Meyers Lexicon”.
Mayer Jr.'s companion on the first journey was an Austrian climber from Salzburg, Ludwig Purtscheller (not quite correctly called a guide). At that time, he was one of the most qualified climbers, but was not a professional, working as a gymnastics teacher at a gymnasium. In 1887, Mayer and Purcheller reached the rim of the crater at an altitude of 5500 meters. Two years later, in 1889, on October 3, climbers reached the ridge by climbing the Ratzel glacier. And on October 5 they climbed to highest point, 5895 meters, giving it the name Kaiser Wilhelm Peak.

Hans Mayer

Mayer's Expedition Porters

A few days later, Mayer and Purcheller climbed one of the lower peaks of the Mawenzi massif, which presents considerable difficulty. Thanks to the research of Mayer and other travelers from Germany, most of Kilimanjaro's names have German names. Famous scientists Drigalski, Ratzel, Penk, and Heim are immortalized here. In addition, the names of the colonialists who were also involved in the exploration and development of the area - Peters and Wissmann, and the architect of the German Empire, the Iron Chancellor Bismarck, have been preserved.

Germany (quite rightly) considered itself deprived in terms of colonial possessions. And of those few “scraps” that she got, Tanganyika was the most valuable territory. However, in general, the difficulties of managing a remote territory did not allow the Germans to make any breakthrough in the development of the African continent. The station in Dar es Salaam and the mentioned geographical names.

During the First World War, the territory of Tanganyika came under the control of the British as a result of hostilities. The name Kaiser Wilhelm Peak was naturally revoked. It was during this period that a large Indian community settled, which was lured here by the British to strengthen their power and traces of which are still visible today. Attempts to develop the territories by settling plantation farmers did not yield much success; the local population unenthusiastically put up with the dominance of whites and Indians. The example of the liberated neighbors maintained the intensity of passions. Decolonization of the country was inevitable. At the end of 1961, Tanganyika gained independence, uniting with Zanzibar, they soon formed Tanzania. The new authorities proclaimed the then fashionable course towards socialist construction, and President Gilius Nyerere soon issued a decree that from now on highest peak Africa will bear the name Uhuru (i.e. "Freedom").

Climatic features.

The proximity to the equator determines the equatorial, monsoon type of climate. However, on the other hand, the significant altitude above sea level determines the altitudinal zonation and above 5500 meters the climate can be called arctic. At the foot of the mountain, the air temperature varies slightly throughout the year, fluctuating around 30 degrees. However, it is not so much the seasons that are clearly distinguished as the dry and wet seasons. Dry months, when conditions for climbing are most favorable, include December - February and August - September. The rainy seasons include April - June and October. March, July and November are considered transition months.

Service staff.

Africans show themselves to be hardworking, resilient, very reserved and friendly people. Mostly representatives of the Chaga ethnic group work with the groups. You really should be careful, as sometimes their attitude towards life is too “easy”. Constant monitoring of personnel activities is required, otherwise there may be delays, tardiness, etc...
Guides, porters, cooks - everyone is very focused on receiving “tips”, since the owners pay them little. You should immediately agree on the amount with the head of the guides and from time to time threaten that the “tip” will be reduced if the work is sloppy.

In cities, you should avoid independent walks and long walks through markets and related places. Everywhere you will find intrusive service with offers to buy some souvenirs at half price.


A yellow fever vaccination is required. It is very easy to do in Moscow. Tablets are also prescribed to prevent malaria.

Constant attention to hygiene is welcome. Although, in general, Africa does not seem as scary as children's books say. The places where tourists pass are quite clean, flies and mosquitoes are not particularly bothersome, although mosquito nets do not seem superfluous in campsites near national parks on safari.

However, there are many ways for infection to enter; you need to be careful. As a rule, in good hotels and the route offers food of good quality and freshness. However, blindly trusting chefs is not entirely correct. It is still recommended to take alcoholic drinks for disinfection, not in large quantities, of course.

Climbing routes to Kilimanjaro.

some humiliation for the route. Many consider it the worst option for climbing to the top. The main reason for this is its crowded nature; a large number of poorly prepared climbers go on this route, the huts are overcrowded, and the rigid schedule of transitions leads to excessive load on poorly prepared tourists. It is also noted that it has the least variety of panoramic views compared to other routes.

However, the significance of all these shortcomings is usually exaggerated and there is no big difference between the routes. The advantages of Marangu Route are obvious - there are hut complexes provided with a sufficient number of places, toilets, water, and a very convenient trail for climbing. Also note that the rescue service works best on this route.

The route goes from the east and starts at the gate national park Marangu (1800m).
On the first day after registration and payment of all fees for the Park, go to the Mandara Hut huts (2700 m). The ascent follows a wide, well-groomed path through the equatorial forest. Although the altitudinal zone already has an effect here. The trek takes on average 4 hours, with a short stop for a snack. Often in this area you can see flocks of blue monkeys.

Mandara Shelter is a vast area occupied by houses, mainly with two rooms for 4 people each. There are 60 places in total. There is a large dining room, toilets, water, and standard camp security from wild animals. The next day there is a transition to the Horombo shelter (3720 m). About 30 minutes after leaving, the forest ends and bushes begin. Here, everyone's attention is attracted by giant tree-like plants, reaching 7 m in height - senacia. To the right there is a view of the Mawenzi volcano. The distance to the shelter is approximately 6 hours or about 15 km.

The Horombo huts were once built by the Norwegians and look better from the outside than from the inside. However, in general the conditions are not bad, although the general mood also depends on the weather. There are a little more places on Horombo than on Mandara and there are more people here. This is due to the fact that they often stay here an extra day for acclimatization. For this purpose, go to Zebra Rock or to the foot of the Mawenzi volcano.

The next day - transfer to the Kibo Hut shelter (4700 m), located at the very foot of the volcano. Here the main premises are large stone barracks, with a total of 60 places. There is a separate toilet, but eating usually takes place in the living rooms.

The ascent is planned for approximately midnight. The tedious and monotonous climb in the light of lanterns forces many novice climbers to turn back; the influence of altitude is greatly affected. In general, given the type of tourists who come to Kilimanjaro, it is not surprising that for many, the day of ascent becomes “the most difficult physical test of their life.” By dawn, the groups reach the rim of the crater, which is designated Gillman's Point (5685 m). The last meters are along a rocky outcrop and are especially difficult. In good weather, views of the entire inner Kibo crater open up. The path to the main peak follows a path along the ridge formed by the eastern edge of the large Kibo crater. In the area west of the so-called Stella Point (5700m), two main streams of climbers connect. Climbers along the Coca-Cola Route are joined by a single team from the Machame, Mweka and other routes that go around the main peak from the south. From here to the main summit of Uhuru Point is the hardest hour, although usually less...


This is the only popular route leading from the north, more precisely from the north-northeast. It is not as beautiful as the western options, the only decoration being the steep walls of the nearby Mawenzi volcano. But we don’t visit Rongai that much. Therefore, it is for those who are annoyed by the crowd of “like him” mountain lovers; here the illusion of more direct communication with nature is created. There are about ten times fewer climbers going to Rongai than to the popular Maranga Route. However, it is preferred by some of the world's leading tour operators, such as Exodus and DAV Summit Club. However, it should be taken into account that in the upper part on the day of the assault the path largely coincides with the popular Marangu route; most often climbers spend the night at the Kibo hut shelter. For most climbers this is not a problem. As well as the need to spend the night in tents along the route. And they are located on Rongai in picturesque places, especially for spending the night near the Kikelev cave at 3600 meters.

The Rongai route is slightly in the “shadow” of the wettest winds, so this route is recommended during periods of unstable weather, the so-called transition months. The normal Rongai route is planned by host operators for 6 days. This is the easiest route from a technical point of view. It is quite straight forward, without long approaches, which not everyone likes. They usually descend along a different route (Marangu or Mweko).

Mweka Ruth

One of the two most direct and steepest routes. They're probably too straight to be popular. Tourists simply do not have time to experience the much-needed communication with nature. Currently, Mweka is used almost exclusively for descent, mainly from the western variants and, above all, from the long Machame variant, along which no one wants to go back.

The Mweka route was first climbed in 1966 as an alternative to the Umbwe route, which had been climbed a little earlier. It starts right from the northern outskirts of the city of Moshi, from the College Wildlife(Wildlife Management) near which they leave the bus (altitude 1400m). At an altitude of 3000 meters there is the Mweka hut, two metal buildings with 8 seats each. Only special enthusiasts spend the night there; groups usually sleep in tents brought by porters. There is no permanent toilet either here or at the upper hut - Barafu Hut (4600m). Barafu also has two small huts (8 beds each) and also places for traditional tents. This place is usually a crowded place, as climbers come here along the popular Machame route.
The final climb leads to the edge of the crater in the Stela Point area, the trail leads along steep scree steps, the path does not seem easy or comfortable. In case of snowfall in some places, insurance is required.


In the original version - the most direct route to Kilimanjaro. He is considered more beautiful than Mweko. Despite this, it is rarely visited, since direct access to the edge of the crater is considered unsafe. And the detour from Mweko reduces the route’s own attractiveness. The official national park guide recommends this route primarily for descent.

The beginning of the route is approached from the south, from the Moshi - Arusha highway, the road leads to the so-called Mission Umbre (1400m). The trail passes through the forest to an altitude of 2100 meters, then along the ridge between the two valleys of Lonzo (to the west) and Umbwe. Depending on when you start your trek, you will spend the night at a place called Bivouac 1 (a small hut at 2800m) or Bivouac 2 (a place under a large rock overhang, 3780m).

The next crossing leads to Barranco's hut. This is a popular overnight spot. However, not a simple hut with 6-8 places, but several standard tent sites. The most popular site is almost half an hour higher, in the caves at the foot of the rock outcrop of Barranco Wall. From Barranco it's about 3 hours to Lava Tower Hut, the starting camp for the western version of the climb to Uhuru.

Western routes: Machame, Shira and Lemosho. They are considered the most beautiful routes on Kilimanjaro, but also quite difficult and physically demanding.


The South Circuit route is now very popular, which involves climbing the western slopes, traversing the massif along the southern slopes, under the magnificent rock-ice wall of Breach Wall. It is often opposed to the Marangu route. To emphasize its greater complexity, or perhaps just as a joke, it is called “whisky root” - against the “Coca-Cola” of Marangu.

All routes coming from the west unite into one in the upper part from a place called “Shira Plateau” at the Shira Hut shelter (3840m). Machame is the most direct of all the routes if you start from the city of Moshi. As a rule, the ascent is planned for five days. This route is very popular and in terms of the number of climbers, according to some data, is even sometimes ahead famous route Marangu. The overnight sites are often overcrowded, with up to 300 climbers gathering. In such conditions it is rarely possible to avoid inconvenience for tourists.

In the upper part the route follows a path called Barafu. This is one of the most beautiful routes on Kilimanjaro, with several varied terrains along the way. Physically, this is one of the most difficult routes, also requiring good coordination and self-confidence. That is, the route is not recommended for absolute beginners.

The Machame Path starts from the entrance to the Machame Gate National Park, altitude 1830 m. On the first day, a 5-6 hour trek through the forest leads to the so-called “moorland”, wet plains overgrown with bushes. The Machame camp is located here (3100m).
From it a steep slope leads to a desert area with sparse alpine-type vegetation, this is the Shira plateau, on which the Shira Hut hut is located. Here, at an altitude of 3840 meters, several climbing routes converge. Accommodation is usually in tents, which allows you to somehow arrange good service. The next day there will be an ascent to the top of the Lava Tower (4630 m) and a descent to the Barranco camp (3860 m). The height is approximately the same as Shira Hut, but the vegetation is a little more varied - there are many senacia around. The next day we have to overcome the steep rise of the so-called Barranco Wall, the path leads to the Karanga Camp camp (4200m). After a rest, the group follows a further traverse through two valleys and the final climb leads to the Barafu Camp camp (4600m). This is an assault camp from which they leave at night to climb to the top. At first the path is simple, then you have to follow a serpentine path along rocky outcrops. The edge of the crater is located at an altitude of 5685 meters, this is the so-called Stella Point. From here to the top of Uhuru is about one hour. The descent passes Barafu Camp to the edge of the forest, to the Mweka Camp camp at an altitude of 3100 meters. On the day of ascent, the transitions take 10-12 hours, sometimes more. On the final day, the exit descends from Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate (1830 m), where the bus arrives.


The Shira route is the longest route on Kilimanjaro. It requires at least 6 overnight stays. Three of them, as a rule, take place in conditions closest to wild ones, that is, on this route the greatest acquaintance with the pristine nature of these places is achieved. True, from the Shira plateau hut (3840 m) the route (Barafu) goes a common route, common to all western climbing routes, and the number of people on it exceeds the desired size.


The route runs parallel to the Shira route, but goes around the Shira peak on the other side. It is very similar to the previous route. And we visit even more rarely. At the top it also connects with all the routes of the “western group”. However, the small number of tourists is the main advantage of the last two routes.

Direct options for reaching the summit from the west.

“Shira Western Beach Camp Crater” - a route coming from the west, but in the upper part not along the Barafu path, but through the “crater” with an overnight stay at the Crater camp. Or without an overnight stay, with a descent in the other direction. This is direct access to the summit from all western options.
This route is called SHIRA WESTERN BREACH CAMP IN CRATER ROUTE In any case, this option seems to be rarely used and dangerous. Moreover, in case of fog and lack of visibility, finding a passage between the rocky walls is quite difficult. At optimal choice route, there are rocky sections of the 1st category of difficulty on the route. The Arrow Glacier area served as the site of the standard assault bivouac for many years. However, there have been numerous collapses there, which even resulted in casualties. It was because of these victims that the reputation of the “direct” route from the west was ruined. It is rarely used for commercial groups.

Routes for specialists.

More challenging routes are located in the area of ​​the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro and the famous Breach Wall. These are more difficult routes where there are objective dangers (rockfalls, avalanches, steep sections...)

Breach Wall - extreme climbing routes. Several routes were laid in the 70s by the aces of world mountaineering, Canadian John Temple, Italian citizen Reinhold Messner, and Austrian Fritz Loetscher.