Meteor is a hydrofoil. "Meteors" - magnificent river rockets of the Soviet era Hydrofoils

Meteor is a series of river passenger hydrofoil ships. These are reliable, economical, high-speed vessels. As of 2017, Russia is the only country in the world that has resumed production of hydrofoil ships, maintaining and improving the technology of design and construction of ships.


Meteor is a series of hydrofoil river passenger ships designed by Rostislav Alekseev.

The first experimental Meteor was launched in 1959. Serial production of Meteors was launched at the Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after. A. M. Gorky. From 1961 to 1991, more than 400 ships of this series were built.

The history of the creation of these vessels dates back to the early 1940s, when Alekseev became interested in the topic as a student and in 1941 defended his graduation project on the topic “Hydrofoil glider.”

Alekseev's project used Effect low-submerged hydrofoil (Alekseev effect). Alekseev's hydrofoil consists of two main horizontal load-bearing planes - one at the front and one at the rear. The dihedral angle at toe is either small or absent, the weight distribution is approximately equal between the front and rear planes. Submerged hydrofoil rising to surfaces, gradually loses lift, and at a depth approximately equal to the length of the wing chord, the lift approaches zero. It is due to this effect that the submerged wing is not able to fully come to the surface. At the same time, a relatively small hydroplaning (sliding along the surface) water) the fender liner is used to help with “coming out on the wing”, and also does not allow the ship to return to displacement mode. These fender liners are located in close proximity to the front struts and are mounted so that they touch the surface of the water while moving, while the main wings are submerged to approximately a depth equal to the length of their chord.

Due to different flow rates in accordance with Bernoulli's equation, a vacuum is created on the upper surface of the hydrofoil, and increased pressure on the lower surface - this leads to the formation of lift. As the depth decreases, the pressure on the upper surface of the wing increases, because in the boundary zone, fluid particles are slowed down, as a result the lifting force decreases and the ship stabilizes.


– reliable, economical, high-speed vessels,

as of 2017, Russia is the only country in the world that has resumed serial production of hydrofoils, maintaining and improving the design and construction technology ships.

Technical characteristics of the hydrofoil vessel “Kometa 120M” of project 23160:

The new generation sea passenger hydrofoil "Kometa 120M" of Project 23160 is designed for high-speed transportation of passengers during daylight hours in cabins equipped with aircraft-type seats.

Characteristics: Meaning:
Vessel class KM SPK – A
Operation area seas with a marine tropical climate R3-RSN (h at 3% 2.0 m)
Overall length, m 35,2
Overall width, m 10,3
Displacement, t 73,0
Overall draft afloat, m 3,5
Speed, knots at least 35
Crew, man 5
Passenger capacity, person: 120
business class cabin 22
economy class cabin 98
Engine power, kW 2 x 820
Hourly fuel consumption, kg/hour 320
Cruising range at full displacement, miles 200
Sailing autonomy, hours 8
Distance from port of refuge in the open seas, miles 50
Seaworthiness (wave height h3%), m <2,0 (крыльевой режим) /2,0-2,5 (водоизмещающий)
Fuel consumption, kg/hour 320

Note: description of the technology using the example of the hydrofoil ship “Kometa 120M” of project 23160.

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  • The most beautiful and famous hydrofoil motor ship “Meteor”, built in 1959 by the Gorky shipyard “Krasnoe Sormovo”, is still used on the rivers of our country to this day. "Meteor" is a high-speed motor ship that carries passengers along freshwater lakes and reservoirs and navigable rivers during daylight hours.

    History of the development of hydrofoils

    For the first time, a small hydrofoil vessel (SPK) was tested in France on the Seine River in 1897 by a Russian citizen, Charles de Lambert. However, the power of the steam engine used was not enough to lift the ship's hull above the water. At the same time, the Italian inventor E. Forlanini accelerated an experimental ship on multi-tiered wings to 68 km/h. At the beginning of the last century, tests of SPK models were carried out by inventors in the USA, Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, and Italy. In 1919, Frederick Baldwin's HD-4, approved by the US Navy, set a world record on two engines, reaching a speed of 114 km/h through the water. The single-wing models of the British shipbuilder D.I. Thornycroft had a length of about 7 meters and reached a speed of about 64 km/h.

    In the 40s, the German design bureau under the direction of Hans von Schertel built a winged ship that could reach speeds of up to 74 km/h with a cargo on board of 20 tons. In the 50s, Schertel, having founded the Supramar company in Switzerland, built a wooden ship with partially submerged wings, which was the first in the world to carry out commercial transportation of 32 passengers between the cities of Italy and Switzerland. In 1956, under license from Supramara, the Rodriguez company began mass production of RT-20 hydrofoils for use at sea. The RT-20, having a displacement of 32 tons, carried 72 passengers through the Strait of Messina, developing a speed of about 62 km/h. For 20 years, Supramar developed a series of models on partially submerged hydrofoils and more than 200 ships were built under its license in Italy and Japan.

    In the United States in the 60s, Boeing participated in the development of military patrol and missile-carrying boats. The Pegasus-class fast armed ships were part of the US Navy from 1977 to 1993. Since 1974, Boeing has produced about 20 Jetfoil marine civil vessels, carrying from 167 to 400 passengers on board. Today, Jetfoils are built under license by the Japanese company Kawasaki.

    In the 60-70s of the last century, the Canadian and Italian navies were armed with high-speed armed hydrofoil boats.

    The appearance of "Meteor"

    In the USSR, most SPCs were designed under the leadership of the talented engineer Rostislav Evgenievich Alekseev. In 1941, in his diploma work “Hydrofoil glider”, R.E. Alekseev. described the operating principle of a low-submersion hydrofoil. The examination committee of the Gorky Polytechnic Institute learned about a ship that has no analogues in the history of shipbuilding.

    In the early 50s, military torpedo boats on bow hydrofoils were built in the Soviet Union. During 1963-1967, 16 patrol and 12 border hydrofoil boats were built according to the Antares project and 2 anti-submarine ships Sokol.

    In the 60s, several single experimental SPKs “Strela-1, 2 and 3”, “Chaika”, “Burevestnik”, “Sputnik”, “Vikhr”, “Typhoon” were built. Volga hydrofoil boats were used in the service of ship supervision and at rescue stations. The Soviet Union exported passenger SECs to dozens of countries around the world.

    During testing in November 1959, the experimental motor ship "Meteor" completed its first journey - from Gorky to Feodosia. After wintering in May 1960, Meteor returned to Gorky. The ship's successful test voyage made it possible to exhibit the passenger motor ship "Meteor" as an exhibit at the river fleet exhibition in Moscow for presentation to the leadership of the Soviet Union. Demonstration of the first motor ship "Meteor" to the head of the USSR N.S. Khrushchev was held under the joint direction of R.E. Alekseev and the famous aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev.

    Serial production of the motor ship "Meteor"

    The river fleet of the Soviet Union had the largest fleet of cruise ships. More than 1000 high-speed boats and hydrofoil motor ships were used on the rivers and lakes of our Motherland. Floating riverboats increased speed and became an attractive means of transport for local passenger transport and quick trips between cities. River travel attracted Soviet residents with its comfort, speed and economy.

    Since September 1961, serial production of the Meteor motor ships was carried out in Tatarstan by the Zelenodolsk shipbuilding plant named after A. M. Gorky. Over 30 years, more than 400 motor ships of the Meteor series were launched. The increase in passenger traffic required new, more spacious and comfortable ships. And in May 1962, Meteor-2 left the plant’s waters, carrying 115 people on board with a bar and cafe.

    Nizhny Novgorod Design Bureau for SPK named after. R.E. Alekseeva developed a modification of the motor ship "Metor-2000", equipped with imported engines and a comfortable interior with air conditioning. Since 2007, the line that produced Meteora has been reconstructed for the production of new motor ships of the A45-1 series.

    Description of SPK "Meteor"

    The single-deck duralumin hydrofoil river motor ship "Meteor" is equipped with a diesel engine. In autonomous mode, without refueling, the ship delivers passengers a distance of no more than 600 km along navigable rivers and freshwater lakes of Russia. Tourist excursions or intercity business trips on the Meteor ship are carried out only during daylight hours. Remote control of the vessel's movement from the wheelhouse is carried out by a team of 3 people.

    Three passenger cabins for 124 people, located in the bow, stern and middle parts of the ship, are equipped with soft comfortable chairs and a single audio system for transmitting information to passengers. In the middle salon there is a bar, and in the bow salon the picturesque surroundings float past the huge panoramic windows. Through the deck of the ship there is a passage between the passenger salons, to the toilet, to the utility room and the engine room.

    Technical characteristics of the motor ship "Meteor"

    The Meteor motor ship operates at a speed of 60-65 km/h, although it can accelerate to 77 km/h in open spaces. With a vessel length of 34.6 m and a width with a wingspan of 9.5 m, the empty ship has a displacement of 36.4 tons, and when fully loaded - 53.4 tons. During mooring, the height of the vessel is 5.63 m and the draft is 2.35 m. While moving on the wings, it “grows” to 6.78 m and settles by 1.2 m.

    The high fuel consumption of the motor ship "Meteor" is a significant drawback of the winged vessel. The first models of the ship consumed approximately 225 liters of diesel fuel per hour. The use of new modern engines reduces this figure to 50 liters per hour.

    Meteor engine

    The main engines on the ship are 2 twelve-cylinder four-stroke diesel engines of the M-400 type, which have a turbocharger, a reversible clutch and water cooling. The rated power of each engine at 1700 rpm is 1000 horsepower. Auxiliary propulsors are a pair of five-blade propellers 710 mm in diameter. Ship needs are served by a unit consisting of:

    • Diesel engine with a power of 12 horsepower at 1500 rpm.
    • Generator (5.6 kW).
    • Compressor.
    • Self-priming vortex pump.

    The design of the wings includes load-bearing (bow and stern) steel wings and two flaps made of magnesium-aluminum alloy mounted on the struts of the bow wing.

    Electricity in running mode is supplied by two DC generators installed on the main engines, each with a power of 1 kW. During the stay, an auxiliary generator is used, and the ship is equipped with an automatic parallel operation of the generator with batteries.

    Safety on board the ship

    All devices and mechanisms of the ship are controlled by the ship's control system. Smooth movement and reliable operation of engines is guaranteed by regular, thorough maintenance of passenger ships. The deck and passenger compartments are protected from the weather by a durable roof. Comfortable seats and safety on the Meteor motor ship make you ready for exciting trips and river walks with your family or friends.

    Everyday life of Meteor today

    Despite the fact that the Meteor hydrofoil motor ships are no longer produced, these ships are still used today for passenger transportation in Russia, the CIS countries and abroad. In the difficult 90s, many river shipping companies, left without work, were forced to sell Meteora to travel companies in Greece, China and Vietnam. In Italy, Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia, the Meteor motor ships and other hydrofoils made in the USSR are still used to this day.

    In Russia, regular flights operate during the navigation period along the routes Irkutsk - Bratsk along the Angara, from Petrozavodsk to Shala, Kizhi and Velikaya Guba along Lake Onega, along Ladoga to Valaam from Sortavala. Between the cities of the navigable rivers Volga, Don, Lena, Amur and Kama, passengers are happy to use motor ships rather than electric trains and trains.

    "Meteor", project 342E- a series of river passenger hydrofoil ships designed by Rostislav Alekseev.


    M/v "Meteor"

    Produced from 1961 to 1991 at the Zelenodolsk shipyard named after. A. M. Gorky. In total, more than 400 motor ships of this series were built. The Nizhny Novgorod hydrofoil design bureau named after Rostislav Alekseev developed the Meteor-2000 modification with imported engines and air conditioners, which was also supplied to China. By 2007, the Meteor production line at the plant was dismantled, and motor ships of the new A45-1 project were laid down.


    The motor ship Meteor of project 342E is a duralumin, diesel, single-deck, twin-shaft hydrofoil motor ship, designed for high-speed transportation of passengers during daylight hours along navigable rivers, freshwater reservoirs and lakes in areas with a temperate climate. The remote control and monitoring system provides control of the ship directly from the wheelhouse.

    Passengers are accommodated in three salons equipped with soft seats: bow, middle and stern - with 26, 44 and 44 seats, respectively. The transition of passengers from the middle to the aft salon is carried out along a deck that has a roof (visible in photographs as a “hump”), from the deck doors lead to the toilet, engine room and utility room. There is a buffet in the middle salon.

    The wing structure consists of bow and stern load-bearing wings and two flaps mounted on the side and bottom struts of the bow wing.

    The main engines on the ship are two diesel engines of type M-400 (12CHNS18/20) of right and left rotation, twelve-cylinder, four-stroke, turbocharged, water-cooled, reversible clutch, rated power 1000 hp. each at 1700 rpm, converted from aviation M-40. Propulsors - two five-bladed propellers of a fixed pitch ø 710 mm. To service the power plant and ship needs, a combined diesel-generator-compressor-pump unit was installed. The unit consists of a 12 hp diesel engine. at 1500 rpm. with starter and manual start, 5.6 kW generator, compressor and vortex self-priming pump. The mechanical installation of the ship is controlled from posts in the wheelhouse and in the engine room.

    Electricity sources

    The main source of electricity in running mode are two running DC generators with a power of 1 kW each at a normal voltage of 27.5 V, installed on the main engines. There is an automatic parallel operation of the generator and batteries. To power electricity consumers in the parking lot, an auxiliary DC generator with a power of 5.6 kW and a rated voltage of 28 V is installed.

    "Meteor-236" on Lena

    • The first captain of the Meteor SPK was the famous pilot Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Devyatayev, who during the Great Patriotic War was able to escape from captivity by hijacking an enemy bomber.
    • In the center of the Sormovsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, on Burevestnik Square, a Meteor model was installed. At this time, the model has been moved to the park in front of the Polytechnic College near Sormovsky Park.
    • A Meteor model was installed near the Kazan River Technical School.

    Motor ship Meteor-86

    VIP class ship!
    In 2011, the ship's interior was completely renovated, the decoration and layout of the room were changed (the bow and middle compartments were combined). Equipped with leather seats with folding wooden tables, a wardrobe and separate tables for negotiations.
    Passenger capacity = 86 people
    There is a bar on the ship; meals can also be arranged on board by delivering snacks using special carts (like on an airplane). In addition, there is a well-equipped closet.
    The windows are tinted and there is a built-in air conditioning system.
    The ship's hold was also given due attention: new rivets, straightened floras, fresh paintwork. The ship's hull also received the necessary care.
    The ship is equipped with the latest radio navigation equipment of class O2.0. A separate cabin is equipped for conducting special communications when accompanying VIP flights.
    In addition, the diesel power plant was updated: the company carried out a major overhaul of two M419 engines (2200 hp in total). Additionally, a Westerbeke 220 V generator is installed.

    In contact with

    "Meteor-193" was built at the Zelenodolsk plant named after. A.M. Gorky in 1984. Export version, built for sale in Brazil. It was equipped with Czechoslovakian aircraft seats. He worked in Kazan until 1997, belonged to the Volga United River Shipping Company, and later to the Tatflot company, and in 2004 it was installed as a monument in front of the Kazan River Technical School named after Mikhail Devyatayev in honor of the centenary of this educational institution.

    Address and coordinates of the object: Kazan, st. Nesmelova, 7, Kazan River College (now the Kazan branch of the Volga State University of Water Transport). Monument on Wikimapia.

    Photographs of the monument are dated August 2011.

    View from the nose:

    View of the bow salon:


    Nose wing device:

    Feed wing device:


    History of creation

    The hydrofoil "Meteor" is the second winged passenger motor ship, developed by designer Rostislav Alekseev in 1959. The history of the creation of these ships dates back to the early 1940s, when Alekseev became interested in the topic as a student and defended his graduation project on the topic “Hydrofoil glider.” In those years, the design did not attract the attention of the top management of the navy, but interested the chief designer of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, where Alekseev worked as a tank test master during the war. Alekseev was allocated a small room, designating it as a “hydraulic laboratory,” and was allowed to devote three hours a day to his favorite topic. The development and testing of hydrofoil boat models and the search for an optimal design began. In 1945, on the A-5 boat of his own design, Alekseev reached Moscow under his own power, which finally attracted the attention of the military and received the task of equipping the 123K torpedo boat with hydrofoils, which he successfully completed (having worked out the next modernization of his know-how on the A boat -7 and at the same time familiarized himself with the design of the captured German SPK TS-6) and received the Stalin Prize for it in 1951.

    Rostislav Alekseev:

    In parallel with this, the designer developed a project for the first river passenger hydrofoil ship “Raketa”. But with the implementation of the project, everything turned out to be not so simple: the engineer had to knock on the thresholds of ministries for years, fight bureaucratic inertia, conservatism, skepticism, and get funding... Real work on the “Rocket” began only in the winter of 1956, and the ship was launched was in 1957. Its demonstration at the World Festival of Youth and Students was a great success, then the Raketa was tested for a year on the Gorky-Kazan line, and from 1959 the ship went into production. A revolution was accomplished in the transportation of passengers along the river: the winged motor ship was almost five times faster than a conventional displacement ship.

    The first “Rocket” on the Volga, 1958 (photo from the collection of the University of Denver):

    Following the successful “Rocket”, the “Meteor” appeared - a ship larger, twice as spacious and faster than the first-born, and even capable of coping with a higher wave height. It carried up to 120 passengers and could reach speeds of up to 100 km/h (the actual operating speed was still lower - 60–70 km/h). The first Meteor went on a test flight from Gorky to Feodosia in the fall of 1959, and in 1960 it was presented in Moscow to the country's leadership and the public as an exhibit at an exhibition of the river fleet.

    Sketches by R. Alekseev (from the book “From Concept to Implementation”):

    The lead ship of the series (photo from the archive of E.K. Sidorov):

    Two fragments of Soviet newsreels from those times, in which we are talking about a new outlandish ship:

    Since 1961, Meteor went into production. "Meteor-2" was launched in September 1961, and on May 7, 1962, on the eve of Victory Day, led by the legendary pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Petrovich Devyatayev, left the waters of the Zelenodolsk shipyard named after. A.M. Gorky, where these ships were built. He was assigned to the Kazan river port. The next "Meteor" went to Moscow, the next - to Leningrad, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don... Over the course of several years, the vessels of the series spread along the rivers and reservoirs of the entire Soviet Union.

    "Meteor-47" on the channel named after. Moscow (photo from the Moscow Canal Avenue):

    "Meteor-59" on the Volga (photo from the archive of V.I. Polyakov).

    The cargo ship "Partisanskaya Slava" delivers "Meteor-103" to Komsomolsk-on-Amur from the Black Sea (photo from the magazine "Marine Fleet":

    In total, from 1961 to 1991, almost 400 ships were built, and they spread not only throughout the USSR, but also around the world: “Meteors” operated in Yugoslavia, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, and Germany.

    With the decline of the Union's economy and the advent of the market era, high-speed passenger transportation along rivers began to be massively reduced and closed: it was unprofitable. State subsidies disappeared, fuel, oil, spare parts became expensive, and passenger traffic became scarce: many passengers acquired personal transport, villages that winged ships connected with cities were deserted, and competition appeared from bus routes. As a result, over the course of several years, many hydrofoil ships were cut into scrap metal. Some Soviet Meteors were luckier; they did not fall under the knife, but were sold abroad, and are now working in China, Vietnam, Greece, and Romania.

    Greek "Falcon I"Greece - former Ukrainian "Meteor-19":

    Vietnamese “Greenlines 9”, former Ukrainian “Meteor-27”:

    Chang Xiang 1, China:

    "Meteor-43" went to Romania and was renamed "Amiral-1":

    In Russia, only a few dozen Meteors are now operating: the main part are on tourist routes in St. Petersburg and Karelia, a few still carry passengers along the Volga (in Kazan, Yaroslavl and Rybinsk), a dozen and a half in total are collected on the northern rivers .

    "Meteor-282" on the Ob (photo by Anatoly K):

    Yaroslavl "Meteor-159" arrives in Tutaev (photo by Dmitry Makarov):

    Kazan "Meteor-249" (photo Meteor216):

    "Meteor-188" on Lena (photo by Vladimir Kunitsyn):

    “Meteor-242” in the Kizhi skerries (photo by Dmitry Makarov):

    "Meteor-189" on the Malaya Neva (photo by Seven_balls):

    Serial production of Meteors ceased in 1991, but several more ships rolled off the stocks of the Zelenodolsk Shipyard. In particular, in 2001 and 2006, two Meteors were built for OJSC Severrechflot. In addition, the Nizhny Novgorod hydrofoil design bureau named after Rostislav Alekseev developed the Meteor-2000 modification with German Deutz engines and air conditioners, and several of these ships were sold to China. By 2007, the Meteor production line was finally dismantled, and they were replaced by planing ships of the A145 project.

    Chinese “Chang Jiang 1” of the “Meteor-2000” project:

    But the fate of the Krasnoyarsk “Meteor-235” was unusual: from 1994 to 2005 it served in the Yenisei River Shipping Company, after which it was sold, and a few years later, having changed owners again, it was modernized at the Krasnoyarsk Shipyard according to project 342E/310 , turned into a luxury yacht and was christened “Faithful”; According to rumors, it was the personal “Meteor” of the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is easily recognizable by its futuristic appearance and dubious aesthetic value interior decoration with an abundance of leopard skins.

    Design and technical characteristics

    "Meteor-193" is a vessel of project 342E, developed by the Central Design Bureau for SPK (chief designer - Rostislav Alekseev) in 1959 and produced by the Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after. A.M. Gorky. Type - two-screw passenger hydrofoil motor ship. The hull length is 34.6 meters, the width (according to the span of the hydrofoil structure) is 9.5 meters. The draft afloat is 2.35 meters, when moving on the wings it is about 1.2 meters. Displacement with full load is 53.4 tons. Operating speed - 65 km/h (record - 108 km/h). Cruising range (without replenishing fuel) - 600 km.

    The Meteor has three passenger cabins: in the bow, middle and stern parts of the ship. The total passenger capacity is 124 people.

    Bow salon (photo by Dmitry Shchukin):

    Middle salon (photo by Vladimir Burakshaev):

    Between the middle and aft salons there is a small semi-covered (promenade) deck.

    Promenade deck (photo by Vladimir Burakshaev):

    The ship's control stations are located in the pilothouse, recessed into the semi-superstructure in the bow of the ship.

    Wheelhouse (photo by Alexey Petrov):

    The main engines are two V-shaped 12-cylinder turbodiesels of the M-400 type (a version of the M-40 aviation diesel, converted into a marine one) with a power of 1000 hp each. every. They rotate two five-bladed propellers with a diameter of 710 mm, which set the ship in motion.

    Engine room (photo by Alexey Petrov):

    Under the hull of the Meteor there is a wing device - bow and stern load-bearing wings and two hydroplaning wing flaps mounted on the struts of the bow wing. The wing flaps help the ship when it “takes wing”, and while moving, it does not allow it to return to displacement mode, sliding along the surface of the water.

    The principle of their operation of the Meteor wings is the same as that of an airplane wing: the lifting force arises due to the occurrence of excess pressure under the wing profile and a rarefaction zone above it. As speed increases, the pressure difference “pushes” the vessel upward, the hull moves from the displacement position to the surface position, which significantly reduces the area of ​​contact with water and its resistance, which allows it to develop greater speed.

    The Meteor's wing device uses the effect of a low-submerged hydrofoil, also known as the “Alekseev effect.” As a result of his research, Alekseev obtained such hydrodynamic characteristics of a hydrofoil in which it, rising to the surface of the water, gradually loses lift due to the braking of liquid particles in the zone close to the boundary of the media. Due to the fact that at a certain depth the lift of the wing approaches zero, it does not jump out of the water.

    P.S. If dear participants find any inaccuracies, please report them.

    The boat "Meteor" is a river passenger ship. It is a hydrofoil-powered vessel. It was developed by the domestic shipbuilder Rostislav Alekseev.

    History of "Meteor"

    The boat "Meteor" dates back to 1959. It was then that the first such experimental vessel was launched. Sea trials took almost three weeks. Within their framework, the very first boat "Meteor" covered the distance from Gorky to Feodosia. The ship was built at a plant called Krasnoye Sormovo.

    The Meteor spent the winter in Feodosia. He set off on his return journey only in the spring of 1960. This time it took him five days to swim from Feodosia to Gorky. The tests were considered successful by all participants.

    Mass production

    Everyone was happy with it, so already in 1961 it was put into mass production. It was established in the name of Gorky, who was located in Zelenodolsk. Over 30 years, more than 400 ships from this series were produced here.

    At the same time, the design bureau did not stand still. New and improved versions were constantly being developed. Thus, Nizhny Novgorod designers proposed making the Meteor on hydrofoils. In this case, imported engines and air conditioners were used. The history of this ship ended only in 2007, when the line was finally dismantled and rebuilt for ships of a new class.

    Inventor of "Meteor"

    The shipbuilder Rostislav Alekseev is rightfully considered the creator of the Meteor boat. In addition to aircraft on air wings, his merit is the appearance in our country of ekranoplanes (high-speed vehicles flying in the range of an aerodynamic screen) and ekranoplanes (using the screen effect for flights).

    Alekseev was born in the Chernigov province back in 1916. In 1933 he moved with his family to Gorky, where he developed a successful working career. He graduated from the Industrial Institute and defended his thesis on hydrofoil gliders. He started working as a shipbuilding engineer.

    During the Great Patriotic War, he was allocated resources and people to create hydrofoil combat boats. The leadership of the Soviet Navy believed in his idea. True, their creation was delayed, so they never had time to take part directly in hostilities. But the resulting models convinced skeptics of the feasibility of this project.

    Work on "Meteor"

    A group of scientists began to develop the “Meteor” hydrofoil under the leadership of Alekseev. Initially it received the symbolic name "Rocket".

    The world community became aware of this project in 1957. The ship was presented at the international festival of youth and students, which took place in Moscow. After this, active shipbuilding began. In addition to the Meteor boat, whose technical characteristics turned out to be impressive, projects were created under the names Burevestnik, Volga, Voskhod, Sputnik and Comet.

    In the 60s, Alekseev created an ekranoplan for the navy and a separate project for the airborne troops. If the flight altitude of the first was only a few meters, then the second could rise to a height comparable to airplanes - up to seven and a half kilometers.

    In the 70s, Alekseev received an order for the landing ground effect vehicle "Eaglet". In 1979, the world's first ekranolet ship was adopted by the navy as an official combat unit. Alekseev himself regularly tested his vehicles. In January 1980, while testing a new model of a civilian passenger ekranolet, which was supposed to be completed for the Moscow Olympics, it crashed. Alekseev survived, but received numerous injuries. He was urgently hospitalized. Doctors fought for his life, two operations were performed. But on February 9, he still died. He was 63 years old.


    The hydrofoil Meteor is a striking example of ships of this class. It has hydrofoils under the hull.

    Among the advantages of such aircraft are high speed of movement, low resistance when moving on the wings, insensitivity to pitching and high maneuverability.

    However, they also have significant disadvantages. Their main disadvantage is low efficiency, especially in comparison with slow-moving displacement vessels, and they begin to have problems when the water is rough. In addition, they are not suitable for unequipped parking lots, and to move they need both powerful and compact engines.

    Description of "Meteor"

    "Meteor" is a hydrofoil motor ship, which is designed for high-speed transportation of passengers. It runs on diesel and is single-deck. Used exclusively during daylight hours on navigable rivers. It is also possible for it to move through freshwater reservoirs and lakes, but only in areas with a predominantly temperate climate. It is controlled remotely, its movement is controlled directly from the wheelhouse.

    Passengers are seated in three salons with comfortable and soft seats. They are located in the bow, middle and stern parts of the vessel. A total of 114 passengers can be accommodated. Movement between parts of the vessel is carried out through the deck, from which doors lead to the toilet, utility rooms and engine room. In the middle salon there is even a buffet for those who want to refresh themselves.

    The wing device includes load-bearing wings and flaps. They are fixed to the sides and bottom racks.

    The main engines are two diesel. At the same time, to service the power plant, a combined unit consisting of a diesel engine with a power of up to 12 horsepower is required. The mechanical installation is controlled from the wheelhouse and engine room.

    Power supply of the ship

    "Meteor" is a motor ship for which two running DC generators are considered the main source of electricity. Their power is one kilowatt at a stable and normal voltage.

    There is also an automatic machine for simultaneous operation of batteries and a generator. There is also an auxiliary generator, which is used directly to power consumers.


    The passenger ship "Meteor" has enviable technical characteristics. The empty displacement is 36.4 tons, and the full displacement is 53.4 tons.

    The length of the vessel is 34.6 meters, width is nine and a half meters with a hydrofoil span. The height when parked is 5.63 meters, when moving on the wings - 6.78 meters.

    The draft also differs when stationary and when moving on the wings. In the first case, 2.35 meters, in the second - 1.2 meters. Power varies from 1,800 to 2,200 horsepower. "Meteor" can reach a maximum speed of 77 kilometers per hour, as a rule, it is operated at a speed of 60-65 kilometers per hour. Autonomously, the ship can sail about 600 kilometers.

    One of the disadvantages of Meteor is fuel consumption. Initially, it was about 225 liters per hour, but thanks to the use of new modern engines, today it can be significantly reduced - by about 50 liters of fuel per hour.

    The crew is small - only three people.

    Countries where Meteor is distributed

    Currently, serial production of Meteors has been discontinued, so new ships of this type are no longer appearing. But their exploitation continues today. In particular, they are used by the river fleet of the Russian Federation, and they are also common in other countries.

    Until now, they can be seen in Hungary, Greece, Vietnam, Italy, Egypt, China, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

    These river hydrofoils were actively used in Bulgaria until about 1990, in Latvia until 1988, in Ukraine until 2000, in the Netherlands until 2004, and in Germany until 2008. Now in these countries they have been replaced by more modern ones vehicles.

    Safe Travel

    Exciting river trips and walks are still organized today using Meteor. Safety on board the ship for passengers is guaranteed by a special control system and regular thorough maintenance of all devices and mechanisms. Therefore, we can say with confidence that when you set sail on the Meteor, you do not risk anything.

    You can take a ride on this river boat in different parts of the country. For example, excursions from St. Petersburg to Peterhof and back are very popular today. The ship sets off through the picturesque places of the Neva, tourists can enjoy the amazing beauties of Northern Palmyra. Moreover, everything is done for the convenience of people; it is not even necessary to waste time in line at the box office; it is enough to purchase a ticket online.

    This high-speed river boat will delight you with a smooth ride, which is provided by powerful and reliable modern engines. On board each vessel there are radio navigation control, communication and air conditioning systems.

    In three comfortable cabins, passengers are protected from any vagaries of nature. In soft chairs that take the form of a tourist, they can fully relax, have a snack, using folding wooden tables hidden in the armrests.

    Between the chairs there are also round tables made of natural wood, which are much larger. They will come in handy if you are traveling with a friendly group.

    Service for tourists

    It is worth noting that today these vehicles are mainly used for tourism purposes. Therefore, they organize the most comfortable pastime. Great attention is paid to service.

    Companies organizing such river cruises provide a full range of services, providing everything a vacationer might need. For example, tourism services, which include not only the transportation and accommodation of passengers, but also the organization of nutritious meals, exciting entertainment programs and educational excursions.

    By using the convenient form for ordering tickets for these river ships on the Internet, you will not only save time, but also fully enjoy an unforgettable journey along the great rivers of Russia.

    There are many fascinating and useful facts about the Meteor ship that will not only broaden your horizons, but also make a trip on this ship even more exciting.

    Most of them are collected in a book called “Winged”, which combines all the most interesting things about this unusual type of water transport.

    For example, one of the captains of the Meteor ship, which moved on hydrofoils, was the famous Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Mikhail Devyatayev. While fighting against the Nazi invaders, he was captured, but managed to free himself and even hijack an enemy bomber.

    A successful escape was achieved in February 1945 from a concentration camp located in Germany.

    And in 1960, the new ship was demonstrated to the leader of the Soviet Union, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. The famous aircraft designer Andrei Tupolev, who was present, was so impressed by what he saw that he even asked the main developer, Alekseev, for permission to jointly control the ship.

    Today, the Meteor has been replaced by the passenger ship Lena, which is also produced at the shipyard in Zelenodolsk. In the future, this project is being developed at a shipbuilding plant located in Khabarovsk. It is capable of covering a distance of 650 kilometers. At the same time, it develops an average speed of up to 70 kilometers per hour. Capable of accommodating 100 passengers or 50 with VIP accommodation. And the crew is only 5 people.