Presentation of the natural attractions of Korea, the most interesting places. A guide to South Korea for beginners. South Korea in different seasons

In South Korea, modern buildings coexist with buildings from the times of ancient kings. Among the attractions of this country are ancient palaces and temples, natural parks and monuments that were built relatively recently, but have already gained worldwide fame.

South Korea - the country of three seas

The official name of the country is "Daehanminguk", which translates to "Republic of Korea". Koreans themselves call their state “Hanguk”. The capital of the republic is Seoul.

Location and population

The Republic of Korea is located in the southern half of the Korean Peninsula. To the north it neighbors the DPRK (North Korea). In the east the peninsula is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan, in the west by the Yellow Sea. The south of the country is separated from Japan by the Korea Strait and the East China Sea. South Korea is characterized by predominantly mountainous terrain - plains occupy only 30% of its total area.

More than 51 million people live in South Korea. The vast majority of them are native Koreans. Also, just over 20 thousand Chinese live here. The country's national currency is South Korean won.


In the Republic of Korea they speak Korean. English is taught here in schools and in specialized courses, but ordinary Koreans still know it poorly. Moreover, many signs (in the metro, airports, train stations, etc.) are duplicated in English.


The most widespread religions in South Korea are Buddhism (this religion is professed by almost 23% of the population) and Christianity (18% of Protestants and 11% of Catholics). Approximately 46% of the country's citizens are not followers of any religion. Confucianism, traditional for this territory, is now practiced by only a small part of the population.

Tourism in South Korea

People go to South Korea to look at monuments of ancient dynasties and ancient temples, relax at beach and ski resorts, visit tangerine plantations and watch pearl divers.

For a tourist trip to South Korea, citizens of Russia and the CIS countries do not need to obtain a visa, but their stay in the country is limited to sixty days.

Where to stay

South Korea has a developed network of hotels (hotels) and motels (yogwans). The first ones are more expensive and comfortable, the second ones are 2–3 times cheaper. Yogwans vary in their living conditions. So, for 25–30 dollars in Seoul you can stay in a small room with a bathroom, TV and air conditioning.

How to get around

Inside cities you can move in the following ways:

Transport operating between cities includes:

  • buses are the most popular way. From Busan to Seoul you can drive in 4 hours. The cars are clean, air conditioning works inside in the summer. Buses connecting major cities depart every 15–30 minutes;
  • airplanes are a more expensive way (a ticket costs twice as much as a bus), but a faster way to travel. There are airports in all major cities of the country;
  • Trains are convenient, but not very popular transport among Koreans.

To get around, you can also rent a car, but this should only be done if you are an experienced driver with strong nerves. Many tourists call the local traffic chaotic.

Sights of the country

Popular tourist routes include the following cities in South Korea:

  • Seoul is the capital of the state for more than 600 years. Here you can walk through ancient palaces, see ancient temples and explore the main city of the country from the heights of modern skyscrapers;
  • People go to Busan for beach holidays and recreation, but there are also ancient attractions here. Among them are temple complexes and the largest aquarium in Asia;
  • Incheon is famous for its ancient quarters in the city center. Here you can try on the national costumes of Koreans, and live in some temples for several days according to the customs of Buddhist monks.


In Seoul there is a must-see for any tourist - “Five Grand Palaces”. This group includes buildings erected more than five hundred years ago by kings from the Joseon Dynasty:

  • Gyeongbokgung, or the Palace of Radiant Happiness, is the largest of the group. This was the main residence of the royal family. The throne room and pavilion are included in the list of national treasures of Korea. The closest subway station to the palace (just 5 minutes walk) is Gyeongbokgung. The complex opens for visits at 9:00, closes at 18:30 in summer, at 18:00 in autumn, and at 17:00 in winter. Every Tuesday is a day off. An adult ticket costs 3 thousand KRW, a child ticket is half the price. A child under 6 years old can enter for free. It is better to explore the sights with a guide;
  • Gyeonghigun (Western) Palace was built taking into account the features of the terrain (hill slopes). 10 royal families lived here. In addition to the pavilions, you can visit the school and the bridge that connected this complex with Deoksugung Palace. It is a 15-minute walk from Seodaemun Subway Station. An adult will need to pay 3 thousand KRW for entry, a child - 2.4 thousand KRW, children under 6 years old are admitted free. The palace is open from 9:00 to 18:00, but on Saturdays, holidays and winter it closes at 17:00. Closed - Monday;
  • Deoksugung, or Palace of Virtuous Longevity, is the smallest of the group. Of the 180 structures, only 12 have survived to this day. On the territory of the complex there are buildings made not in traditional Korean style, but in European style. Worth seeing here is the Daehanmunjeong Pavilion, which was built wide enough for carriages to enter; the Jikchodan Coronation Hall and the Jeongwangheon Pavilion, where tea ceremonies were held. It is a 5-minute walk from Sichon Subway Station. The complex is open from 9:00 to 21:00, closed on Monday. For a ticket you need to pay 1 thousand KRW, but children receive a 50% discount. Children under 6 years old and pensioners do not have to pay for admission;
  • Changgyeonggung, or the Palace of Unbridled Fun, was used by the royal family for summer vacations. The complex contains separate pavilions for the ruling couple, gazebos, pagodas and a botanical garden. And on the site of the pond there was once a rice field where the king himself loved to work. The palace often hosts concerts, carnivals and festivals. The best way to get here is by metro (Hehwa Station). The palace opens at 9:00 and is open until 18:30 in summer, until 17:30 in winter and until 18:00 in spring and autumn. It is better to explore the complex as part of a tour. A ticket costs 1 thousand KRW for an adult visitor and 500 KRW for a child;
  • Changdeokgung Palace, or the Palace of Prosperous Virtue, is the only one of the five preserved in the same form in which it was originally built. In the Injeongjeong Pavilion, coronations and weddings were held, negotiations were held with foreign ambassadors, and meetings were held. Three-hundred-year-old trees have been preserved in Huwon Garden. In the evening and at night, excursions for lovers are organized here (cost is about 30 thousand KRW). The closest metro stations to the complex are Anguk and Jongno-3. Depending on the route, you will need to pay 3-8 thousand KRW for an adult and 1.5-4 thousand KRW for a child. In summer the palace is open from 9:00 to 18:30, in spring and autumn - from 9:00 to 18:00, in winter - from 9:00 to 17:30. Closed on Monday.

Video: Changing of the Guard ceremony at Gyeongbokgung Palace

Other famous attractions in Seoul include:

  • the presidential residence of Cheongwadae, which the capital's residents call the Blue House by analogy with the White House in Washington. On an area of ​​25 hectares there are not only buildings, but also a park, fountains, statues, as well as the Nokjiwon garden, where each leader of the country planted one of the trees with his own hands. Entrance to the territory is free, but due to the fact that this is the active residence of the president, it can only be entered as part of a group tour;
  • The Yuksam Building skyscraper is located in the center of Yeouido Island in Seoul. The height of the building is 249 m and can be seen from both banks of the Han River. Of the 63 floors, 60 are located above ground level. An elevator takes visitors to the free observation deck at a speed of 54 m/s. You can come here either as part of a sightseeing tour or for the whole day to also check out the aquarium and the Wax Museum;
  • Banpo Bridge, or Rainbow Fountain, laid over the Han River. The pumps release approximately 190 tons of water per minute of operation. The fountain is environmentally friendly: filters are installed in its system, water is supplied directly from the river, and then, once purified, it is discharged there. You can get to the bridge by metro (stations 338, 734 and 923) or admire it during a river boat trip;
  • Jongmyo is the oldest Confucian temple in the country. It was erected in the 14th century. The building is included in the UNESCO list as a World Cultural Heritage Site. Funerals of Korean rulers were held here and sacrifices were made to deities. There are 49 memorial tablets preserved in the temple. It is a 5-minute walk from Jeongak Subway Station and from bus stops No. 1, 2–1, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 15. In spring and summer, the complex is open from 9:00 to 18:00; in autumn and winter it is closed at half an hour earlier. For a visit you need to pay 1 thousand KRW, a ticket for a child costs half as much;
  • Temple of 1000 Buddhas (Seonggoksa), which houses many statues of Buddhas and bodhisattvas from different countries. The sculptures differ in size and appearance. Until now, Buddhists from different parts of the world bring Buddha figurines here;
  • Statue of King Sejong in Gwanghwamun Square. The 9.5 m high monument is made of bronze. It is dedicated to the country's achievements in science, culture and agriculture during the time when this monarch ruled the country;
  • Olympic Park, created in 1988, when the Olympic Games were held in Korea. It occupies more than 1 thousand hectares. There are Olympic monuments and museums, gyms and health centers;
  • Namdaemun (Great South Gate), considered the oldest wooden structure in the capital. It was built at the end of the 14th century for the defense of the city. The fortress gates were restored several times, and after a fire in 2008, the monument had to be restored within 5 years. Namdaemun is located a couple of blocks from Hoehyeon subway station;
  • Myeongdong (Immaculate Conception) Cathedral, listed as a national monument in the country. The relics of the holy martyrs who died during the period of persecution of Christians in South Korea are kept here;
  • Independence Gate, erected at the end of the 19th century, when the war between China and Japan ended. The height of the memorial is 14 m, width - 11 m. The Independence Gate symbolizes the strength of determination of the Koreans in the struggle for freedom.

    Due to a lack of money for the construction of the monument, the country announced a fundraiser, so the Independence Gate can be called the most “popular” monument in Seoul


Some of Busan's most famous attractions include:

  • Haedong Yongungsa Temple, built on the seashore in the 14th century. In addition to pagodas and sacred Buddha statues, there are several springs whose waters are considered healing;
  • Buddhist temple of Pomos, founded in the 7th century. It is considered the oldest religious building in South Korea. The area of ​​the complex is more than 8 thousand m2. It houses about 160 cultural and architectural relics;
  • The aquarium in Busan is the largest in Asia. Its area is 36 thousand m2. More than 35 thousand aquatic creatures live here. These are fish, amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, etc.

Hwaseong Fortress in Suwon

Hwaseong (Blooming) Fortress is a complex that includes 40 structures. Among them are wooden palaces, watchtowers, a pagoda, and a fortress wall. You can get inside through one of four gates, oriented to the cardinal points.

The complex was built at the end of the 18th century by order of King Jeongjo. He dedicated the building to the memory of his father, who was starved to death by the monarch's grandfather.

Entrance to the fortress is free, but to visit the palaces you will need to pay about 1500 KRW.

National Village in Yongin

The Korean Folk Village is an open-air ethnography museum. Here you can see exact copies of ancient houses in which representatives of different social strata lived. Household and interior items will tell about the peculiarities of life of peasants, landowners and feudal lords. The area of ​​the village is about 730,000 m2.

The official website of the Korean National Village says that it was created to pass on the wisdom of our ancestors to future generations.

You can get to the village in Yongin from Seoul by bus, subway or train. For admission, an adult will need to pay 27 KRW (in a group - 21 KRW), a child - 20 KRW (in a group - 17 KRW). It is also worth taking some money with you for souvenirs and tasting national Korean food.

Video: wedding in the Korean National Village

Sinheungsa Temple in Sokcho

The ancient Sinheungsa Temple is located on the slopes of the Seoraksan Mountains. . This is the oldest Zen Buddhist religious building in the world. It was erected at the beginning of the 7th century. Here you can see ancient statues, shrines and a three-story stone tower, which is included in the list of national treasures of South Korea.

You can get to the temple by city bus. From the center of Sokhcho it takes approximately 25 minutes, the time between departures is 10 minutes.

Demilitarized Zone

The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is 7 cities on the border between South and North Korea. It appeared in the summer of 1953 during the truce in the Korean War. The most famous village that is part of the DMZ is Panmunjom. A truce agreement was concluded here. Negotiations between northerners and southerners on peninsula issues are still taking place at the border checkpoint.

Photo gallery: sights of the demilitarized zone

In the Imjingak Peace Park there are exhibitions dedicated to the Korean War. Binoculars installed on the observation deck can see the propaganda villages of the DPRK. Through Tunnel No. 3, 1635 m long, it was possible to cross from one country to another. The monument symbolizes the desire for the unification of Korea. The border checkpoint in the village of Panmunjom - the place where negotiations between representatives of South and North Korea take place. The locomotive is on display in the form in which it emerged from the military confrontation - with traces of bullets and shrapnel

Attractions for the most inquisitive tourists

There are other unusual and interesting places in South Korea:

  • At the Seoul Museum of Optical Illusions, an augmented reality effect is applied to each exhibit. Before entering, visitors download a special application and have the opportunity to launch this option, take photographs and videotape everything that happens. You are allowed to touch and interact with exhibits. To enter, an adult needs to pay 15 thousand KRW, a child - 12 thousand KRW. The museum is open daily from 09:00 to 21:00;
  • Seoraksan National Park is famous for its mountains and diversity of flora and fauna. The territory of 373 km 2 is home to more than 1.5 thousand species of animals (among them the musk deer and the Asiatic bear) and more than 1.1 thousand species of plants grow. From Seoul to Sokcho, where the park is located, can be reached by bus in 2.5 hours. A ticket to Seoraksan costs 3200 KRW;
  • Jeju Loveland on Jeju Island houses 140 erotic sculptures: 100 in the open air and 40 in the gallery. 20 artists worked on the creation of the statues. The purpose of such a theme park is to increase sexual awareness among young people. For this purpose, educational films are regularly broadcast here;
  • Jeju, or the Island of Three Abundances, is the largest in South Korea. It is famous for volcanic rocks that are more than 400 million years old, extinct volcanoes, mountain caves and tangerine plantations. The three abundances of this island are ancient stones, volcanoes and women, who in the local families act as the main breadwinners;
  • Dong-hak-sa Monastery is the oldest institute for nuns. Now about 150 nuns live and study here. They study and practice Buddhism. Due to the fact that the monastery is active, the educational part of the temple is closed to tourists;
  • Daewon Observatory in Seongnam. From the Cloud 360 observation deck you can admire views of the city. Visitors are taken to the observation deck by two elevators.

What to see in South Korea in a short trip

In one day you can walk through the five main palaces of Seoul, and if you have time, it’s worth going up to the Yuksam Building observation deck and viewing the entire capital from above.

Two or three days in Korea can be spent exploring the center of Seoul and a trip to the national village, Jeju Island or one of the amusement parks if you are traveling with a child.

In a week you will be able to see the main attractions of Seoul and Busan, go to the demilitarized zone, visit Seoraksan National Park or Jeju Island. If you are interested in Buddhism, spend a couple of days at one of the Icheon temples.

Where to entertain a child in South Korea

Children will be interested in exploring the palaces of Seoul, taking a walk in Seoraksan National Park and visiting entertainment centers, including:

  • COEX aquarium in Seoul, consisting of 12 thematic zones. Here you can see 650 marine inhabitants (more than 40 thousand individuals), rare birds and animals. The latter live surrounded by vegetation specially brought from their natural environment. The best time to visit the aquarium is from 13:00 to 16:00. At this time, the sea creatures are feeding. This entertainment center is located in the famous Gangnam district of Seoul. You can get here by metro (Muyoksento stop). For admission, an adult needs to pay 22 thousand KRW, a child - 17,500 KRW;
  • Grand Park in Seoul, which includes a zoo, botanical garden, rose garden, dolphinarium, Museum of Contemporary Art and Seoulland, which is called the “Korean Disneyland”. You can get there by subway (Seoul Grand Park Station). A ticket to the zoo costs 3 thousand KRW, the same amount you need to pay to visit Seoulland;
  • Everland Park in Yongin, divided into 5 thematic zones with attractions, a zoo and a water park. This is the largest entertainment complex in South Korea. About 6.5 million people visit it every year. Various shows and festivals are held here. Everland is open from 10:00 to 22:00. A ticket, which includes access to any attractions, costs 54 thousand KRW for an adult and 43 thousand KRW for a child. Children under 3 years old have free admission.

Traveling at certain times of the year

South Korea is worth visiting at any time of the year:

  • in winter, walks through the palaces of Seoul can be combined with relaxation at ski resorts;
  • in the spring, when the cherries bloom, it’s good to go to natural parks and cities famous for historical sights;
  • in the summer you can go to Jeju Island and Seoraksan Park, soak up the beaches and swim in the waters of the three seas;
  • In the fall, it is worth strolling through the temples and going to Seoraksan National Park.

Korean holidays and festivals

Traditional holidays in South Korea are celebrated according to the lunar calendar. Some of the country's most spectacular celebrations and festivals include:

  • New Year, which is celebrated twice in this country. The first - together with the whole world, January 1st. The second - Seollal - is celebrated at the end of January or beginning of February. It coincides with the first day of the lunar month. On this day, many Koreans travel to the east coast of the country to greet the first dawn of the new year;
  • Samiljeol - Korean Independence Movement Day. The holiday is celebrated on March 1st. On this day, people who fought to liberate the country from the Japanese occupiers are remembered;
  • in the city of Gyeongju, a festival of liqueurs and rice cakes is held at the end of March;
  • Buddha's birthday is celebrated in April or May. The streets are decorated with paper lanterns, religious ceremonies are held in temples, and lotus lantern parades are held;
  • a festival dedicated to King Sejong is held in May in the city of Yeoju;
  • Children's Day is celebrated on May 5th. Thematic festivals with entertaining children's shows are organized in different cities. Many amusement parks operate free of charge;
  • the Andong International Costume Dance Festival is held at the end of September;
  • In September or October, Koreans celebrate the harvest festival - Chuseok. They visit their parents, visit the graves of deceased relatives. Various competitions are held on the streets, round dances are held;
  • in October, a traditional cuisine festival is held in the Nagan folk village;
  • The founding day of the state - Kaecheoncheol, or Opening of Heaven - is celebrated on October 3. In different cities, celebrations are held with songs, dances, parades, and martial arts demonstrations. In temples, believers pray for the prosperity of South Korea and burn sandalwood incense sticks;
  • in mid-October, a folk song festival is held in Jeongseon;
  • Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. Streets and houses are decorated with festive lights, Christmas performances and masquerades are held.

Budget tourism

South Korea is a rather expensive destination. But there are several ways to save money while traveling:

  • live in hostels (yogwans);
  • travel during low season;
  • sightseeing with free admission or a nominal fee for visiting;
  • stroll through the old quarters of cities, where you can see traditional Korean architecture for free;
  • travel by bus and metro.

The bravest tourists who are not afraid of extreme sports can try hitchhiking and spending the night in Korean temples. Travelers say that they were rarely denied an overnight stay under the roof of a church, but even then, sympathetic Koreans tried to help and offered other economical or free accommodation options. For example, visiting them. You can also find a friendly couchsurfer in advance who is ready to host adventure lovers for free.

3. Seoraksan National Park (Sokcho)

Bright colors of the mountain landscape of Seoraksan Park in Sokcho

Seoraksan National Park is a cozy corner of nature. Travelers who have not decided what to visit in South Korea can safely go here to enjoy the incredible scenery. The park has become famous throughout the world for its waterfalls and geysers. The Buddhist temples, which date back centuries, did not go unnoticed. It is interesting that territory was allocated for this landmark of South Korea in four neighboring cities. Local residents consider the park the main advantage of the country.

The national park successfully combines jagged peaks, beautiful waterfalls, deep caves and dense forests. While walking around Seoraksan, tourists can come across the Shinheungsa Temple, which is one of the most ancient Buddhist buildings of religious significance.

Many travelers come to the park to enjoy the wildlife. They are fascinated by the amazing mountain slopes with non-standard shapes and outlines. The forests of Seoraksan look most advantageous in the autumn, when the foliage of the trees begins to change color. On the mountain slopes you can see many rare representatives of the flora world, which you will not find anywhere else.

4. Hwaseong Fortress (Suwon)

Watchtower and part of the fortress wall of Hwaseong Fortress

When traveling to South Korea, be sure to set aside a whole day to visit the “blooming castle” in the provincial capital of Gyeonggi-do. You will need exactly one day to be around the fortress to your heart's content. After all, Hwaseong is so large in scale that it could be a worthy competitor to the Moscow Kremlin.

On the territory of the “Diamond Fortress” (another name for the castle) there are numerous palace buildings and tall former watchtowers - 40 buildings in total. You can get inside by passing through the majestic gates located along the perimeter of the castle to all four cardinal directions. It is still possible to explore the walls, which are more than five kilometers long, on foot, but walking around them is not an easy task.

Some of the fortress buildings are located on the top, while the other part is on steep hills. Although a special tram may arrive to help travelers.

The title of “blooming” was awarded to the fortress for its picturesque panoramic views. The mighty stone walls of the castle rise proudly among the green gardens. If you haven't seen Hwaseong, then you haven't seen the real sights of South Korea .

5. Hahoe Village (Andong)

This picturesque place, located on the banks of Naktong, is called what name. This is a “folklore” village or land near a “winding river”, and they identify the village with a “lotus flower floating on the water”, and even talk about Hahoe as a symbol of the unity of two polar principles. All these names and descriptions actually reflect the world that opens before the eyes of a tourist who finds himself in the atmosphere of an ancient era.

In terms of the number of cultural heritage items that the village stores, all other attractions of South Korea pale in comparison. . There is a real school of Confucianism and architectural structures from the Joseon Dynasty here. The air in Hahoe is steeped in tradition, so be sure to take a tour to learn the history straight from the scene. . Another pride of the village is wooden carnival masks. Local residents master the craft of making them perfectly and still practice it today. These works of art can be purchased as souvenirs. The village of Hahoe gives every tourist the opportunity to take a piece of history with them.

6. Jeju Island (Korea Strait)

Stone sculptures made of black basalt on Jeju Island

If you are wondering what to see in South Korea, then you have not been to the “Island of Three Abundances” yet. Countless treasures are stones of volcanic origin that have absorbed the history of more than four hundred million years. The island is home to several extinct volcanoes, the most famous of which is called Hallasan.

Another natural feature of Jeju is a real riot of elements, when powerful gusts of wind roam freely among the rocks. The island has also become famous for the distinctive national character of the local residents. After all, here the main breadwinner is the woman, and the man takes care of the housework and raises the children. And the islanders themselves are already like specific attractions of South Korea, with their curious local dialect, which sometimes even native Koreans do not understand.

In addition to the breathtaking island nature, with its waterfalls and mountain caves, tangerine plantations, bonsai and orchids, here you can admire unusual stone sculptures - giant three-meter tolharubans, which are considered the guardians of Jeju. You should also definitely visit the famous Bridge of the Seven Nymphs. You definitely need to see all this with your own eyes!

7. Hyedong Yeongungsa Temple (Busan)

Buddha statue at Hyedong Yeongungsa Temple in Busan

The attractions of South Korea are very diverse: architectural monuments, natural parks, historical heritage and much more. A good example is Hyedong Yeongungsa Temple, located on the outskirts of the city.

The Hyedong Yongungsa Buddhist Temple is considered one of the most beautiful among those that can be seen in the south of the state. But this is not the only thing that makes him popular. There is an ancient belief according to which every sincere prayer or wish made from the bottom of the heart within the walls of the temple will certainly come true. You can ask for anything: health, financial well-being, family happiness and much more.

Another feature of this attraction is its unusual location. Most of these buildings occupy a place somewhere in the mountains. Hedon Yongungsa is located a few meters from the sea. According to one legend, the sea king, who appeared to the monk in a dream, advised him to build it here. The latter in desperation asked for help for the country, which was suffering from severe droughts, famine and crop failure. The sea king said that a temple built by the sea would make Korea happy forever. Thus, in 1376, the foundation of Hyedong Yongungsa was laid.

On the territory of the temple you can see a lot of interesting things: altars, pagodas, healing springs, sacred Buddha statues, etc.

8. Namisom Island (Chongpyeong Dam)

Colorful autumn landscape of Namisom Island

The natural attractions of South Korea begin with Namisoma Island. In area it occupies more than 450,000 m2 and is a crescent. Namisom owes its appearance to the Jeongpyeong Dam.

The island has a lot of features and interesting places:

  1. Burial of General Nami, who lived from 1441 to 1468. He is responsible for suppressing the uprising that occurred in 1467, when King Sejo of the Joseon Dynasty ruled the country. By the way, the name of the island comes from the name of this general.
  2. A cable car that was installed to draw attention to eco-tourism. It is considered the largest road in all of Asia. Its height reaches 80 m.

Another distinctive feature of the island is the complete absence of telegraph poles. The wires are carefully routed through the ground. Thanks to this, Namisom looks very natural.

What to visit in South Korea on Namisom Island? In addition to sightseeing, tourists can engage in active recreation, such as swimming in the pool, water skiing or rides in the park. You can also take a walk through the forest to see with your own eyes the huts, similar to the dwellings of ancient Koreans. And, of course, tourists have the opportunity to try amazing Korean cuisine.

9. Demilitarized Zone (4 km zone between South and North Korea)

Demilitarized Zone facility

Another must-see attraction in South Korea is the facilities located in the demilitarized zone. This is an area covering 4 km. It is located between two states - South and North Korea. The DMZ appeared in the summer of 1953, during the period when a temporary truce was declared in the Korean War.

DMZ is 7 cities. It is almost impossible to visit them all in one day due to the abundance of interesting places:

  1. Imjingak Peace Park. It can accommodate more than 20,000 people at a time. Contains a large number of various exhibits and artifacts related to the Korean War.
  2. Tunnel No. 3. It is a structure for the transition from North Korea to South Korea. They first learned about it in 1978. The length of the tunnel is impressive - 1635 m.
  3. Panmunjom. This village, formerly called Nolmuri, is located on the military demarcation line. There are two buildings on the territory of the village: one building is white, and the other is blue. The first is run by the UN military, and the second by the North Korean army.

When deciding what to see in South Korea, the demilitarized zone should not be the last place. It's a reminder of how far war can take you.

10. Jongmyo Temple (Seoul)

Ancient Jongmyo Temple in Seoul

If you are sightseeing in South Korea, you need to start from the capital. is a city that harmoniously combines history and modernity, religion, architecture and beautiful nature. And one of the interesting and beautiful places is Jongmyo Temple.

This building is part of the world cultural heritage. According to scientists, Jongmyo is the oldest Confucian temple that has survived to this day. It was erected back in 1394 by King Taejo. It was then that Seoul received the status of the capital of the state.

Jongmyo was once the longest building in all of Asia. But during one of the wars it was destroyed. After restoration in 1601, only part of the buildings survived. And this despite the fact that the temple was always restored first.

Now Jongmyo consists of two large halls and several additional buildings that perform economic functions. One of the halls is called Jeongjong. Funeral ceremonies are usually held there. The second hall is called Yeongnyeongjeong or the Room of Calm and Peace. In front of the entrance there is an amazingly beautiful park where tourists can relax and hide from the bright sun.

Jongmyo Temple is open to both tour groups and individual tourists.

Sights of South Korea: what else to visit while in South Korea

In addition to well-known monuments and parks, the country has many tourist sites about which there is not much information. So that you can choose taking into account all your preferences, we offer descriptions and photographs of truly unusual places. You can visit them either independently or with an experienced guide.

11. Seoul Tower (Seoul)

What to visit in South Korea? When answering this question, every guide will mention the Seoul Tower. This building is included in the list of the ten most popular places in the Korean capital. What's so special about it?

Seoul TV Tower is a kind of observation deck. It is located on Mount Namsan at an altitude of more than 240 m. The height of the tower is 236 m. It turns out that it allows you to admire Seoul from a height of 479 m.

Construction of the structure began in 1969. Just 2 years later it was ready, and after another 4 years a cafe, museum, observation deck, etc. opened there. The first visitors appeared here in 1980.

A visit to Seoul Tower is an unforgettable experience. The view it offers of the capital will amaze even the most experienced tourists. This explains the fact that more than 8 million people visit it every year.

The structure consists of 3 parts, each of which has its own characteristics. For example, Lobby N has a living museum and gift shop. In Tower N there is a unique Teddy Bear Museum, and in Plaza N, which occupies 2 floors, you can relax on the terrace and have a snack in the cafe.

All the sights of South Korea, including the Seoul Tower, help you get to know not only the history of the state, but also the life of modern people.

12. Myeongdong Cathedral (Seoul)

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Seoul

What to see in South Korea in its capital? A great option is Myeongdong Cathedral. Its second name is the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It belongs to the Archdiocese of Seoul. The Virgin Mary is the patroness of the city, so the cathedral is the main shrine of Korean Catholics. In addition, the cathedral is one of the most interesting examples of the neo-Gothic style in architecture.

Myeongdong Cathedral has many features:

  1. The height of the structure is 23 m. If we take into account the spire with the clock hanging on it, then the height is 45 m.
  2. In the fall of 1977, the temple became part of the list of National Historic Monuments, which includes many other attractions in South Korea.
  3. Stained glass windows attract special attention from tourists. They depict the birth of Jesus, the wise men bringing gifts, and Jesus along with the 12 apostles.
  4. The remains of Christian martyrs who accepted death for their religious views are kept on the territory of the cathedral. These people were canonized by the Pope in 1984.

There are not many ancient artifacts on the site of Myeongdong Cathedral. By the standards of the Christian religion, he is still very young. But, as religious scholars say, its construction in Korea in the 19th century is a real breakthrough.

13. Pul Guksa Temple (Gyeongju)

Pul Guksa Temple was created during the prosperity of the United Kingdom of Silla. He became the personification of the concept of Buddhism. Like many other similar religious buildings, the temple surprises with the sophistication of its forms and unique beauty.

The gate of Pul Gux is guarded by eternal guards - painted giants made of wood. Each of them faces one of the cardinal directions. Behind the gate there is a stream with a bridge across it. It is believed that this is the path between reality and the world of Buddha. The stream itself originates in the pond. There is one beautiful legend associated with it that has existed for many centuries. You can hear it from local residents.

The monastery, which tourists can see today, is a restored version of the temple. In the last century, the president issued a decree to reconstruct this landmark of South Korea, but only the main premises, which were a small part of the entire complex, were restored. But even this restored part makes it possible to understand the beauty of the Pul Guksa Temple in its time. It still evokes genuine admiration among city guests, as it allows you to plunge into the history of this place.

14. Olympic Park (Seoul)

To find out what to see in South Korea, you need to look at a tourist guide. In it, the traveler will definitely find the Olympic Park in Seoul, which is of great interest to guests of the country.

In 1988, Korea was honored to host the next Olympic Games. It was for this occasion that the Olympic Park was built. It houses gyms, health centers and various equipment rental centers. The park covers an area of ​​at least a thousand hectares. Especially for guests of Seoul, museums were built in this landmark of South Korea to make its visit not only interesting, but also educational.

Tourists take great pleasure in taking photographs near the architectural structures that are located throughout the Olympic Park. There are more than two hundred sculptural and other figures that were created by the best masters of modern art.

In the very center of the park square there is a unique composition of various stones. They differ in size and origin. Each stone bears the signature of one of the participants of the past Olympics. For many, this composition has become the personification of the sports spirit and record victories.

15. Korean National Village (Yongin)

Ethnographic Museum Korean National Village in Yongin

The city of Yongin has a unique attraction that is definitely worth seeing. The ethnographic museum, located right in the open air, received a lot of positive feedback. It was called the Korean National Village.

A huge territory was allocated for this attraction of South Korea. It is noteworthy that not only tourists, but also local residents come here. For many, the village has become a family holiday destination. The purpose of creating a national village was to show visitors from other countries the life and culture of the Korean people. The idea was realized thanks to the placement of a huge number of exhibition items in the tourist area. In the village there are exact replicas of houses that belonged to people of different social circles. The craftsmen have not forgotten about the market, where traders offer traditional treats and outfits for sale.

Talented dancers and performers are responsible for the entertainment part. The national village often hosts all sorts of traditional ceremonies, including weddings. They allow guests of South Korea to become more familiar with the daily life of the indigenous people.

16. Myeongdong Street (Seoul)

Central shopping street of Seoul

South Korea has long positioned itself as a country of fashion and style. Tourists from all over the world flock to its capital not only to explore the sights, but also for grand shopping. In addition to the already sensational South Korean cosmetics, there is a lot of things here that you will want to fork out for. What is worth visiting is the large shopping district of Seoul - Myeongdong. An area of ​​0.91 square kilometers is home to a multitude of boutiques and branded stores that sell clothes, shoes and accessories of high-quality and well-known brands, and all this can be bought at relatively affordable prices. In addition to boutiques, you can also see here: Chinatown, where national cosmetics, food and medicine are sold, numerous beauty salons, restaurants with national and European dishes, theaters, hotels and much more interesting things.

17. Rainbow Fountain Bridge (Seoul)

Rainbow Fountain Bridge in color design in the center of Seoul

Nowadays, few people can be surprised by fountains. But the Korean masterpiece will surprise the most sophisticated tourist. The Rainbow Fountain Bridge is both a bridge and a fountain, combined into an original design and creating an indescribably beautiful spectacle. From the pipes installed on both sides of the Banpo Bridge along its entire length, streams of water burst out, which, describing a huge arc, noisily fall into the Han River. This spectacle is complemented by the illumination of water streams, which shimmer with different colors of the rainbow and create a truly enchanting spectacle. Therefore, this creation is especially beautiful in the evening and at night, if you observe it from the southern bank of the river. The Banpo Bridge has two tiers, and it is also interesting to be on its lower tier to feel as if you are inside a waterfall.

18. Deoksugung Palace Complex (Seoul)

Traditional Korean building of Deoksugung Palace complex in Seoul
Panorama of the Deoksugung Palace complex in Seoul

There is a palace complex in Seoul that includes 5 royal palaces. Deoksugung is the smallest of them and is the only one decorated in European style. The remaining buildings have traditional South Korean facades. It is also noteworthy that on the territory of Deoksugung Palace there are several buildings designed by a Russian architect at the beginning of the last century. In total, the castle complex once included 180 structures, but most of them were destroyed during the Japanese colonial period and in a fire in 1904. Today, in the western wing of the castle you can visit a branch of the National Art Center, and in the eastern wing you can see a collection of palace treasures.

19. Pomos Temple (Busan)

Colorful Buddhist statues at Pomos Temple
Buddhist temple complex Pomosa on the edge of Mount Geumjeongsan in the city of Busan

Religion, like the culture of South Korea, is based on ancient traditions and customs that have their own unique history. Buddhism, being the main religion of the country, has absorbed the ancient interpretations of Confucianism. The holy places of South Korea testify to the history of the formation of the Buddhist religion, which dates back more than 2 thousand years. The top five most important South Korean shrines include the Pomos Temple in Busan. The temple complex covers an area of ​​about 8 square kilometers, on which there are 160 different structures - priests' huts, rooms for solitude and other buildings. There are also a number of valuable cultural relics here, such as the 3-story pagoda, Iljumun Gate or the main building of Duencheon, which is an example of the beautiful architecture of wooden structures from the Joseon era.

20. Cheomseongdae (Gyeongju)

“Star Observation Tower” in Gyeongju National Park
The famous Cheomseongdae Observatory in the Wolseong area of ​​Gyeongju National Park

Despite the fact that Seoul is a real treasure trove of valuable historical, cultural and natural monuments, other cities in South Korea also deserve attention. For example, the city was the capital of the state for a thousand years, during the reign of the Silla dynasty. Among its attractions is the Cheomseongdae Astronomical Observatory, which is included in the list of national treasures of the country. This structure was erected back in the 7th century AD. during the reign of Queen Seondeok, from 362 granite blocks (according to another version - 366), the number of which symbolized the number of days in the lunar year. At one time, the observatory was used not only for observing the stars, but also for weather forecasting.
Panorama "Unicorn" at the Busan Museum of Illusions

The Optical Illusion Museum is a Busan landmark that is loved by both locals and visitors to the city. The establishment, opened in 2013, has gained enormous popularity in its short period of existence. Because the exhibits of the museum are 3D paintings that you can not only look at, but also take part in the three-dimensional scenes drawn. These paintings are all interesting and funny in their own way, and the photos against their background turn out to be as realistic as possible, thanks to the authors’ skillful use of perspective features. Both adult visitors and children are delighted with the opportunity to become the hero of a scene with a sea monster, sit next to the “real” Mona Lisa, launch Angry Birds from a slingshot, feel like a prince on a white horse or find yourself inside a soap bubble. The largest ice skating rink in the indoor area of ​​the underground level of the Lotte World SJ Yang amusement park

Like a number of other unique objects, the world's largest indoor park is located in the capital city of Seoul. True, the Lotte company, which created the Lotte World amusement park, did not limit itself to only creating an indoor area. An outdoor complex was also built - an entire island with countless attractions. The total area of ​​the park is 128 thousand square meters, and every year new entertainment, cafes, and souvenir shops appear on its territory, so the complex continues to delight even those who have been there dozens of times already. The indoor area includes four above-ground floors with attractions, food courts, restaurants, and one underground floor with an ice skating rink. The outdoor area features a variety of attractions and cafes, as well as the fabulous Aurora Castle, where you can simply walk and watch a show.

23. Bukhansan National Park (Seoul)

Bukhansan National Park is popular among nature and tourism lovers

Sometimes the sights of North Korea and South Korea are so close that it would seem that you can cover both in one trip. But, alas, the political regime of these countries makes its own adjustments, and crossing the border, which is very close, is very problematic. Very close to the border, in the north of Seoul, right within the city limits, there is the beautiful Pukhasan Nature Reserve. You can quickly get from the bustling city to the picturesque mountain landscapes by metro, and you can climb to the heights along one of the many routes - all of them are so well thought out that you can master any of the trails without special preparation. The height of the mountains reaches 1000 meters, and from there there are magnificent views of numerous gorges with crystal streams and waterfalls. Trading and preparing fish dishes at the Jagalchi fish market in Busan yeowatzup

One of the most colorful places in the Republic of Korea is the Jagalchi market in Busan, one of the largest markets in the entire Asian space. Its territory stretches for as much as 11 kilometers and has become not only a shopping area, but also a place of numerous entertainments, holidays, festivals and even rock concerts. As for products, the shelves of this market offer a wide variety of seafood - the emphasis is mainly on trading in the freshest, most often live, marine life. This is where Korean restaurateurs most often stock up on seafood to offer their visitors excellent national dishes. Any visitor can stock up on some delicacy here and take it to the restaurant, where a delicious dish will be prepared literally before his eyes.

25. Cheonggyecheon (Seoul)

Cheonggyecheon Stream is a popular walking spot in central Seoul among locals and tourists.

If you are traveling to South Korea in the spring and are looking for what to see in Seoul in May, it is worth noting that it is too early to start a beach holiday during this period, but visiting beautiful parks and various natural monuments is the right time. This is facilitated by the most comfortable weather of the year, with a predominance of sun and average daily temperatures of 20-25 degrees. Cheonggyecheon Park is one of the most suitable places: a recreation area about 10 kilometers long is located right in the center of Seoul, along the stream of the same name. This is a real oasis among the concrete jungle of the metropolis: almost along the entire length of the stream there are alleys, benches, beautiful fountains, and in the evening and at night this place becomes truly magical, thanks to thoughtful lighting and flickering from the surrounding skyscrapers.

Next to South Korea is the country of sakura - Japan. While in Korea, think about visiting the land of the rising sun. Read about and be inspired for your further journey through Southeast Asia!

Tempting and mysterious South Korea attracts tourists not only with its rich cultural and historical heritage, but also with its special atmosphere. Buddhism, who has lived here for many years, undoubtedly played a significant role in this.

What so interesting can this ancient country tell us? Let's try to figure out which attractions are worth visiting in South Korea first, and also admire the beautiful photos of these places with their detailed descriptions.

Religious buildings

South Korea is home to many ancient temples and shrines, mostly Buddhist. Sinheungsa Temple, located on the slopes of Seoraksan, is now considered the oldest Zen Buddhist temple in the world.
The temple was built in 653 AD, however, it soon completely burned down in a fire, and it was restored in 710. Later, in 1645, the temple suffered another fire, three years after which it was completely restored again.
On the way to the temple you will be greeted by a huge Buddha sculpture, made of gilded bronze, weighing up to 108 tons!

It is very unusual Temple of 1000 Buddhas, located in the middle of the mountain forests of South Korea. It consists of several hundred tall Buddha statues gathered in a circle, in the center of which there is a beautiful multi-meter statue of a bronze Bodhisattva sitting on a lotus.

The oldest Buddhist temple, located in Seoul on the slope of Sudo, is Boneungsa Temple. It was built back in 794, but, unfortunately, at the end of the 20th century it was almost completely destroyed.

Today the temple has been restored again and is open to tourists. Moreover, this place is unique in that anyone can transform into a monk for 1 day, trying to live the life they live.

Surprisingly, on the streets of Seoul you will also find a Catholic church - Myeongdong Cathedral. Built not so long ago, in 1898 The cathedral is beautifully designed in the neo-Gothic style. The height of the temple reaches 45 meters! At first XX centuries, the relics of Korean martyrs were buried here.

Here are some more interesting temples in South Korea:

  • Seokguram Cave Temple (top of Thokhamsan);
  • Dong-hak-sa Monastery (Garyongsan);
  • Haedong Yeongungungsa Temple;
  • Bongwonsa Palace (Ahn);
  • Jongmyo Shrine;
  • Temple of Pomos;
  • Bulguksa Buddhist Monastery.


Gyeongbokgung Palace, located in the capital of South Korea, is one of the most important architectural landmarks of Seoul. For many years, it served as the residence of the kings of the Joseon Dynasty, which is why it is called “royal”. Unfortunately, in the middle of the last century, most of the palace was destroyed during the occupation of South Korea, but its restoration began in 1990.

Now you can see it here:

  • Imperial Throne Room;
  • Gyeonghoeru Pavilion;
  • Hexagonal Pavilion Hyangwonjeong;
  • Gwanghwamun Gate.

Imperial Throne Room

Gwanghwamun Gate

One of the most famous palaces in South Korea is also Changdeokgung Palace, which translated means “Castle of Prosperous Virtue.” It is also located in the capital of the Republic, in one of the largest parks in the city - Jongno-gu. This palace also did not escape partial destruction during the Japanese occupation, but even now it attracts with its beauty and grandeur.

On its territory there is also a beautiful Huwon Garden, where the royal family once often vacationed.

Changdeokgung Palace

Huwon Garden

Deoksugung Palace, located in Seoul, was also at one time the residence of the rulers of the Joseon Dynasty. Translated, its name means “palace of virtuous longevity.” This is an entire architectural ensemble that amazes with its beauty. On its territory there is a beautiful garden with graceful paths. And here you can get acquainted with Royal Museum, which displays a collection of objects from the Joseon Dynasty and a collection of works by contemporary artists.

There are also modern buildings in Seoul that are striking in their grandeur. This is Seoul Tower, located in the city of Namsan. Its height reaches 237 meters, and due to the fact that it is located on a hill, in general, from its observation deck you can look at the city from a height of 480 meters!

In addition to the observation deck, in the tower you can visit many restaurants and cafes, souvenir shops, a cinema, an observatory and exhibition centers.
We also recommend watching:

  • Unhyeonggung Palace(Seoul);
  • Changdeokgung Palace(Seoul);
  • Bell tower "Posingak"(Jongno Ave., Seoul);
  • Dongdaemun Gate(Seoul);
  • Namdaemun Gate(Sunnyemun, Seoul);
  • Incheon Bridge(Seoul);
  • Banpodaegyo Bridge(Rainbow Fountain, Seoul);
  • Gwanghwamun Square(Seoul);
  • Jinju Fortress(Jinju city);
  • Baekje Dynasty Cultural Complex(Buyeo city);
  • Hwaseong Fortress;
  • Cheomseongdae Observatory.


One of the most important monuments in South Korea is the Republic of Korea War Memorial, located in Seoul. It is both a monument and a grand museum.

It contains objects and documents relating to all military actions in which South Korea has ever taken part. And military equipment was located in the open air.

Independence Gate- also one of the important attractions of Seoul.

Made of granite, the memorial reaches 14 meters in height and 11 meters in width.

One of the most unusual attractions in South Korea is perhaps Erotic sculpture park. It is located on Jeju Island, which is traditionally a destination for newlyweds, and was created for educational purposes.

There are about 140 sculptures of people in various erotic poses on display here. Educational films for young people are also shown in the park.

In South Korea you can also visit:

  • Monument “38th Parallel” (Seoul);
  • Statue of Admiral Lee Sun-sin (Seoul);
  • Statue of King Sejong (Seoul);
  • Kobukson Ship Monument (Yeosu);
  • Monument to Lee Sun-sin (Yeosu);
  • Monument to Kim Si Min (Jinju);
  • Monument to King Sejong the Great (city of Dejong).


National Museum of Korea- the main museum of the country, which displays the entire history of its development. The museum is now located in Yongsan Family Park. On the ground floor you can see a large exhibition of archaeological finds from the Paleolithic to the present day. The second and third floors feature fine art galleries.

National Folk Museum of Korea, located in Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul, is a rich art and history museum. It has more than 4 thousand exhibits showing the daily life of ordinary Koreans at different times.

National Folk Museum of Korea

National Museum of Korea

The exhibition is divided into 3 parts:

  1. History of the Korean people from the Paleolithic to the Bronze Age;
  2. Folk crafts and art;
  3. Rituals and traditions of Korea.

Those interested in the traditional way of life of the Korean people may be interested in visiting a number of “traditional folk villages”:

  • Hahoe Folk Village;
  • Traditional Korean village Namsangol Hanok;
  • Korean folk village near Suwon.

Also in South Korea you can visit:

  • "Seoul Cultural Station 284" (old building of Seoul Station);
  • Wax Museum “63” (Seoul);
  • Kansong Art Museum (Seoul);
  • Gallery of drawings on hanji paper by Cho Su-jeong (Seoul);
  • Seodaemun Prison Historical Museum (Seoul);
  • Trick Eye Museum (Seoul);
  • Car Museum (Jeju Island);
  • Huam Historical Park (at the foot of the city of Kejoksan);
  • Independence Museum (Cheonan);
  • Beautiful Tea Museum;
  • Science Museum (Daejeon).

Natural attractions

Bukhansan National Park- one of the largest and most beautiful in South Korea. It is located near Seoul.

Most of the park is occupied by beautiful forests, and in some places you can see granite rocks that reach 1 km in height!

The park is also famous for the fact that ancient Buddhist temples and medieval fortresses have been preserved on its vast territory.

No less popular among tourists Seoraksan National Park, located in Gangwon Province. This amazingly picturesque place is a combination of granite peaks, high waterfalls, mysterious caves, rich forests and ancient Buddhist temples.

And the special pride of the park are the wonderful mountains Sorakasan. The park is also home to many rare species of animals and plants.

An amazing holiday destination in the center of Seoul that has no analogues in the world is Cheonggyecheon Park.

The walking area, located along the stream of the same name, is paved with paving slabs and is 8 km long. Throughout the park, graceful bridges rise above the stream, and there are also many beautiful fountains. If you want to visit other countries where Buddhism reigns, then this will help you. India is the birthplace of religions such as Buddhism and Jainism. This country has thousands of ancient attractions that will be of interest to any traveler. There are a large number of attractions, spa resorts, as well as ski and beach resorts, for example Goa:

Where to go in South Korea with children?

South Korea has a lot of interesting places and entertainment for children. We recommend visiting:

  • COEX Aquarium (Seoul);
  • Entertainment complex "Lotte World" (Seoul);
  • Everland Amusement Park (Seoul);
  • Seoul Great Park (Seoul);
  • We hope your trip to South Korea will bring you many pleasant impressions and useful knowledge. And if you have already been to this ancient country and want to share your thoughts about its attractions, we will be glad to hear your comments.

South Korea is a unique country in which the modern technological era coexists everywhere with ancient monuments carefully protected by the state. In addition to palaces and Buddhist temples, the amazingly picturesque nature of South Korea is of great interest. We present to your attention the 15 most beautiful places in this country.


1. Donggun Palace and Wolchi Pond in Gyeongju.

A palace complex of the 7th century, near which there is an artificial lake, covered with lotus flowers in summer.

2. Chongsando Island.

The southern island of Cheongsando is known for its untouched beauty - terraced rice fields, panoramic ocean views and fields of yellow rapeseed flowers.

3. Dongdaemun Design Plaza Cultural Center in Seoul.

Exhibition center with an area of ​​38 thousand square meters, built according to the project of Zaha Hadid Architects. Dongdaemun Design Plaza includes numerous meeting rooms, design museums, exhibition halls, a library and a fine arts center.

4. Samgwangsa Buddhist Temple in Busan.

Samgwangsa Temple is famous for its annual lantern festival to celebrate Buddha's birthday, which attracts more than a million visitors each year. During the festival, thousands of colorful lanterns light up in the night sky.

5. Boseong County.

About 40 percent of the country's green tea supply grows in Boseong areas. The endless green fields attract photographers and filmmakers, as well as ordinary tea lovers.

6. Chinhaegu city.

The coastal town of Jinhaegu, located west of Busan, is best known for hosting South Korea's largest cherry blossom festival each year. Tourists come here to admire the hundreds of thousands of flowering trees growing throughout the city and surrounding area.

7. Ulleungdo Island.

This volcanic island boasts spectacular scenery and spectacular cliffs overlooking the coast.

8. Jirisan National Park.

Established in 1967, it is the oldest official national park in the country. In addition to beautiful mountains, valleys and temple complexes, this area is home to the habitat of Asian black bears.

9. Chuwansan Mountains National Park.

The park is famous for the vertical rocky cliffs of Juwansan, high waterfalls and Jusanji Pond.

10. Jogyesa Buddhist Temple in Seoul.

This 620-year-old Buddhist temple is one of the most photographed places in the Insadong area. The temple is distinguished by many beautiful multi-colored lanterns on the ceiling and the unique shape of the windows.

11. Buddhist temple in Haedong Yongungsa in Busan.

Haedong Yeongungsa Temple is not only beautiful in itself, but also located in a very picturesque location overlooking the sea in the northwestern part of Busan.

12. Cheonjiyon Waterfall.

Located on Jeju Island, this 22-meter-tall waterfall is surrounded by hiking trails, lemon trees, and a pond filled with tropical eels.

13. Dawn meeting area at Cape Homigot. 14. Nagan Eupseong Folk Village Open Air Museum.

Time seems to stand still in this village, where houses, castles and monuments remain almost the same as 600 years ago. Visitors to Nagan Eupseong Folk Village can stay in special tourist lodges, watch traditional dance performances and take tea ceremony etiquette lessons.

15. Gyeongbokgung Palace Complex in Seoul.

Built back in 1395, Gyeongbokgung Palace is the largest and perhaps the most beautiful of Seoul's five palaces.

There are two states that bear the same name, but are irreconcilable enemies. Countries with different political, cultural and economic conditions have viewed each other as occupiers of their ancestral territory for more than 70 years. Korea is united only by people of the same nationality and a common historical past.


Located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, it is considered one of the most closed and mysterious in the world. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea lives by its own rules, which are strikingly different from the usual standards. It is possible to take a trip that will take you back to the distant Soviet past as part of a tour, but independent trips are prohibited.

Features of tourism in North Korea

There are restrictions on movement: you can bring a laptop and a camera, but you will have to hand over your mobile phone at the airport (it will be returned before departure). You won't be able to leave the hotel to go for a walk on your own in search of local attractions. The entire route is drawn up in advance, and you cannot deviate from it. The receiving party is very concerned about what impression the foreigner will have after the trip, so everything that the tourist sees is carefully thought out.

The Republic of Korea

South Korea, whose attractions are varied and very interesting, appeared after the division of the state and at one time came under the jurisdiction of the United States. The chosen course towards a democratic system and a thriving economy attract numerous travelers from the farthest corners of our planet. In recent decades, this destination has become incredibly popular among tourists. In fairness, it must be admitted that the name South Korea is colloquial, and it does not appear in any official document.

Colorful Seoul

The attractions of which are of particular interest to European guests are an ultra-modern paradise with entertainment for every taste. One of the ancient cultures left its traces on architectural monuments, most of which are concentrated in the capital - Seoul. The colorful metropolis that connects the incongruous makes an indelible impression on all tourists. The city, home to about 10 million people, is recognized as the most high-tech in the world, but the traditional culture remains as intact as it was several centuries ago.

Gyeongbokgung Palace

So, what should a tourist visiting the bustling city for the first time see in Seoul? The main palace complex, which is the pride of local residents, consists of open pavilions that communicate with each other. Built for the ruling Joseon dynasty in 1395, the historical and architectural monument was destroyed and rebuilt several times. Three hundred and thirty buildings originally made up Gyeongbokgung Palace, and now local architects have restored almost half of the majestic structures.

The pentagonal building houses two national museums that welcome visitors. Tourists admired by the beauty of the complex will find luxurious apartments, picturesque gardens and incredibly elegant ponds, which are so pleasant to walk near in the heat. Korea is rightfully proud of the open-air museum, called the pearl among the historical palaces of Seoul. The attractions occupying an area of ​​432 thousand hectares will surprise even travelers who have seen a lot.

Cheonggyecheon Stream

Eleven years ago, local authorities restored the river canal, long hidden underground. Flowing in the historical part of the city, today it is visible to all vacationers. Local residents and surprised tourists walk along the banks of the Cheonggyecheon stream. Here original fountains gush out, creating a comfortable microclimate, and couples in love freeze on bridges colored with lights in the evenings. Therefore, when guests of the metropolis have a question about what else to see in Seoul, we recommend going to the recreation area open to everyone in the very center of the city.

Entertainment center

Forty years ago, a theme park appeared, owned by the famous company Samsung. Divided into five zones, it is on the list of must-see tourist routes. Located in the city of Yongin, Everland is visited by more than six million people every year.

The entertainment complex includes not only spectacular attractions, but also a huge water park; in addition, in the summer, laser shows, colorful festivals, and costume processions are held that will be remembered by guests of South Korea. And in winter, visitors can expect no less interesting snow performances.

Castles of South Korea

Not far from Seoul is the Namhansanseong fortress, which appeared in 672. Once upon a time, monks who protected the king took refuge in it from the enemy, but over time it lost its significance and began to collapse. More than 50 years ago, it and the surrounding area were declared a national park.

Korea, whose sights remind of military actions that took place over many centuries, did not destroy the objects built by the invaders. One of these buildings is the castle, which is located in the metropolitan city of Ulsan. Built by the Japanese during the invasion of Korea, the stone structure of Sosenpo Vaesong will surprise you with its architectural style, which is unusual for the country.

Lesser-known Korean cities with their own flavor

Of course, Seoul, with its unusual sights, impressive shopping malls, super-fast subway, and ideal roads, is adored by foreign visitors, but there are also lesser-known cities in Korea that are definitely worth a visit. For example, ancient Incheon attracts with its picturesque coastline, thermal springs and numerous Buddhist temples.

One cannot ignore the so-called summer capital of the state - Busan. This is where the most famous beaches and equipped embankments are located. The city that hosts hundreds of thousands of tourists will find something to do for everyone. You can go to a huge fish market offering a variety of delicacies, stroll through the famous natural park, and visit the national marine reserve. Therefore, try to build your route so as not to pass by this Korean city, which has a developed infrastructure.

UNESCO-protected museum villages are located in Andong, a major cultural center of the country. Considered the birthplace of philosophers, it was completely destroyed during the war, but was rebuilt, and if tourists want to immerse themselves in ancient history, then there is no better place.

In our article we talked about the sights of South Korea - a hospitable state that boasts an abundance of interesting places for tourists. A variety of ancient and modern monuments, unique nature, and excellent shopping attract Russians who want to relax in an exotic country.