Luggage on long-distance buses. Rules for traveling on a trolleybus. Procedure for paying for travel

Travel between settlements, located at a short distance from each other, convenient by bus.

At the same time, passengers rarely travel to neighboring cities lightly. In this article you will learn what things you can take with you on a trip and how to carry luggage on the bus.

What luggage can you carry on the bus?

Items that a citizen travels with are usually divided into two types - hand luggage and luggage. In the first case, we are talking about objects that can be easily carried in your hands and taken with you into the bus. In this case, hand luggage should not interfere with other passengers, otherwise it must be transferred to the luggage compartment.

Baggage is usually called things that are checked into a special luggage compartment when boarding a bus. Typically, the items handed over to the conductor are large or heavy.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not allow transportation on buses:

  • items that are too heavy (from 60 kg);
  • flammable, toxic, malodorous and dangerous substances;
  • things that can stain the luggage of other passengers or the interior of the bus;
  • oversized luggage;
  • items packaged improperly;
  • weapons (for example, hunting) without appropriate packaging and in a loaded state.

Other items may be carried in the luggage compartment or taken into the cabin as hand luggage.

Rules for carrying luggage on the bus

Passenger's personal belongings must be packed properly. Baggage is accepted without opening the packaging. Loading luggage onto the bus (into the cabin or luggage compartment) and unloading it is the responsibility of the owner of the items.

Baggage transportation in intercity bus is carried out in accordance with the Rules established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 112 of February 14, 2009.

The fact of acceptance is accompanied by the issuance of a corresponding receipt containing the individual number assigned to the luggage. It is used to issue items. Large luggage (for example, strollers, bicycles) should be kept in a special section and not in the bus compartment, so as not to disturb other passengers.

The owner himself is responsible for the safety of the cargo. For example, if a bag checked into the luggage compartment contains perishable products transported without special cooling agents, the carrier is not responsible for their damage in transit.

The passenger has the legal right:

  • transport in the luggage compartment, for a fee, cargo that, in the totality of three dimensions, does not exceed 180 centimeters (in this case, it is permissible to transport items in the amount of up to two pieces of luggage, but their total dimensions are limited by the specified limit);
  • at no additional cost, take into the cabin as hand luggage items not exceeding 120 centimeters in size (we are talking about one piece of luggage);
  • carry free a pair of skis in a case, a children's sled, a stroller, a wheelchair or a cage with a small pet.

A citizen traveling by bus has the right to check in luggage with a declared value in the luggage compartment. In this case, the owner of the items must be charged an additional fee for transporting such cargo. The amount of the fee depends on the carrier's prices.

Features of transporting luggage abroad

When crossing the border Russian Federation When traveling to foreign countries, the rules for transporting luggage may differ slightly.

When traveling long distances, the bus driver has the right to insist on transferring the passenger’s personal belongings to the luggage compartment if they may interfere with movement around the cabin.

Is it possible to transport an animal?

In accordance with 22 clause of Federal Law No. 259 of November 8, 2007, a citizen can carry a cage with a small animal (for example, a canary, cat, parrot, small breed dog, etc.) inside the bus. In this case, payment for transporting the pet is not required.

Carrying a large animal (for example, a dog) is accompanied by payment of an additional fee, established at the discretion of the carrier company.

The pet must have a muzzle and a leash. In this case, you will have to buy seats in the back. vehicle. It is worth noting that the dog should not be allowed to move freely around the cabin.

Previously, transporting animals required special veterinary accompanying certificates. From January 10 of this year, for the transportation of most animals (decorative, pet, service), there is no need to obtain these documents if a citizen plans to travel through the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is important to take into account that the new rules apply to owners traveling with their pets to other cities not for business purposes or to attend specialized exhibitions.

How much does it cost to carry luggage on the bus?

The cost of transporting luggage on the bus depends on the size of the items and the prices of the carrier company. As mentioned above, luggage is allowed in the cabin if the total combination of three dimensions does not exceed 120 cm, and in the luggage compartment - 180 cm.

Finding out the dimensions is not so difficult: just measure the width, length and height of the packed luggage and add up the results.

However, you should know that hand luggage carried free of charge in the cabin should not weigh more than 30 kg. Items that can take up no more than two pieces of luggage can be checked into the luggage compartment; the weight of each piece of luggage is limited to 60 kg.

If the cargo does not exceed the dimensions established by the Rules, baggage transportation on the bus is free of charge. In another situation, you will have to pay extra for transporting things.

The cost of transportation depends on the carrier's prices and is usually 20% of the ticket price. You can pay for transportation directly at the ticket office at the bus station or when boarding the bus (money is accepted by the conductor or driver).

Every traveler traveling by any type of transport has luggage, that is, personal items that are packed in various bags, and therefore must know the rules for transporting luggage on a train, plane and bus.

Rules for transporting baggage on an airplane

There are many airlines, and each of them has its own rules for transporting baggage on an airplane, but they all must comply with established legislation. In accordance with these rules, each person, starting from two years old, can carry up to 10 kg of luggage free of charge. Some airlines raise this figure to 20-30 kg. In addition, hand luggage is provided, which can be taken with you into the cabin. This could be a case, laptop, baby food, umbrella, etc. Hand luggage is not weighed, but according to the rules it should not exceed 5 kg. If the baggage is large or weighs more than 32 kg, payment for its transportation will be at the established rates.

When transporting valuables in luggage, you can evaluate it. But transportation of assessed baggage requires additional payment. After receiving a numbered baggage tag, responsibility for its preservation passes into the hands of the airline. All baggage must be transported on the same flight and released at the destination.

Rules for transporting luggage on the train

While traveling around railway Every passenger must know the rules for transporting luggage on the train. Each passenger can carry up to 36 kg of luggage, not counting hand luggage. SV carriages and 2-seater compartments provide for the carriage of luggage up to 50 kg, but not exceeding 180 cm in height.

Hand luggage includes various types of packages that are placed in specially designated places in the compartment. When traveling on local and long distance Passengers must comply with the following rules for transporting luggage on the train:

1. In addition to hand luggage, you can carry luggage weighing no more than 14 kg at the “carry-on” fare.

2. You can carry luggage weighing up to 50 kg in your compartment, having in your hands an additionally purchased travel ticket for one seat at full price.

3. Carriage of luggage weighing up to 150 kg is possible only in a separate compartment, having paid for all four places.

The passenger himself is responsible for the safety of his luggage. Placing hand luggage in aisles, corridors, vestibules and passenger areas is strictly prohibited.

Rules for transporting luggage on the bus

Each passenger has the right to transport his personal belongings on suburban and intercity flights, while observing the rules for transporting luggage on the bus:

1. Baggage weighing up to 30 kg and size not exceeding 40x60 cm is carried free of charge. This includes the transportation of small animals in cages.

2. According to the baggage tariff, baggage not exceeding 50x100 cm in size is transported.

3. In the luggage compartment of the bus it is allowed to transport personal items measuring no more than 60x100 cm for the payment of two pieces of luggage.

The rules for transporting luggage on a bus state that all checked luggage must only be in good packaging. It is prohibited to transport poisonous, flammable, explosive and poisonous substances.

According to this document, suitcases, boxes, strollers, bicycles are transported carried in a special luggage compartment of the bus, without burdening the owner with them and without disturbing other travelers.

The cargo is accepted from the owner without requiring to open its packaging, and loading and unloading is performed by the passenger himself (this is also stipulated in the rules).

The passenger is responsible for the safety of his cargo, if these are perishable products and the vehicle is not equipped with refrigeration units.

Items cannot be sent on the road with declared value - all risks in this situation are borne by the owner of the capricious cargo.

The fact that the carrier took the suitcase from the citizen is documented with a receipt. In some cases, this may be a special token with a number that is assigned to the bag.

How much? According to the rules, the passenger has the right to carry a certain amount of cargo free of charge, for the rest you will have to pay at the established rates.

Restrictions and prohibitions

It is a mistaken belief that a person who has bought a ticket can take any cargo with him. at your own discretion. There are a number of restrictions that you need to be aware of so as not to find yourself in a sticky situation.

Here are the types of cargo that will not be allowed on the bus:

  • flammable;
  • toxic;
  • hunting weapons without the necessary packaging;
  • objects that stain vehicles, belongings and clothes of other passengers;
  • objects that are too heavy (more than 60 kg) and exceed the permissible dimensions;
  • oversized items that cannot be placed in the luggage compartment;
  • improperly packaged cargo (this applies, for example, to the transportation of poultry).

If we are talking about transportation carried out to another country, the carrier is given the right to refuse the passenger to accept the cargo “on board” if, in the opinion of the carrier, it may complicate the customs procedure and cause a flight delay for long term.

What counts as baggage?

Baggage refers to items that travel separately from the passenger.. This is their main difference from the so-called carry-on luggage.

What could be treasure?? You can carry free items, the total volume of which does not take up more than one place you paid for.

It is prohibited to “capture” space intended for other passengers. Also You cannot use the space in the aisles between the seats at your discretion.

Measure the parameters of your trunk in advance: if the sum of three dimensions - length, width and height - does not exceed 120 centimeters, then you can take the trunk to the salon. Larger items are luggage.

By the way, these conditions of transportation and the dimensions for transporting things were developed back in the days of the USSR (in 1987) and have remained unchanged since then.

This is explained by the fact that a bus is one of the “conservative” types of transport; any modifications do not make it possible to significantly expand its luggage capabilities and, as a rule, are aimed at making travel more comfortable for the traveler in the cabin.

Luggage on the bus: dimensions and payment

Knowledge of mathematics will be useful to a passenger burdened with boxes, bags, and suitcases.

With free hand luggage we have already decided, its parameters cannot be more than one meter and twenty centimeters (the sum of three values). The weight of this cargo should not exceed thirty kilograms.

For a fee, it is allowed to transport cargo that has parameters 100x50x30 centimeters.

If the vehicle is equipped with a special luggage compartment, you (subject to payment) will accept two pieces of cargo, each with parameters 100x30x30. The weight of each piece cannot exceed 60 kilograms.

When do you need to pay?

Carry-on luggage does not require payment, but for other bags you have to pay at established prices.

Typically the cost is twenty percent from the money spent on the passenger's ticket.

Payment can be made either directly on the bus (the conductor or driver will accept the money from you), or at the bus station at the ticket office.

Need to know that can be accepted for transportation free of charge (in the form of hand luggage) a pair of skis or sleds for a child, small animals and birds in a cage.

Will accept a baby stroller free of charge, a chair for a disabled person - both must be folded.

When going by bus to any European country, you need to ask in advance how much it costs to transport a suitcase on this transport abroad and whether there are any special requirements that may be presented to you.

A label with a number is placed on each piece of cargo, and a similar sticker is pasted into the ticket. This helps avoid confusion when issuing.

If you have exceeded the limit set for free transportation in one country or another, then the average surcharge for each piece of cargo will be from 10 to 15 euros. Transporting a bicycle (folded) will cost 10-20 euros.

Oversized cargo will also require additional payment., and even then it may not be accepted if there is no space in the luggage compartment that matches its size.

How to transport an animal?

Without knowing the conditions, transporting a pet can become a hopeless situation for you when you have to travel, and the four-legged traveler is not allowed into the cabin.

Different animals require different approaches. The rule is that the smallest ones travel with the owner for free.

Large dogs will require a ticket. In this case, a muzzle and a leash are required.

Seats for passengers with large dogs, including hunting dogs, are usually allocated in the rear part of the cabin.

The animal must be restricted in movement, and if the bus schedule includes stops, the dog owner must not leave the cabin, leaving his pet unattended.

Be prepared to be asked to provide a certificate from a veterinarian about the health of your dog and about its vaccinations (the most important is against rabies).

Experienced dog walkers warn: if you are asked to show documents for the animal, then they will definitely pay attention to the dates when the vaccinations were done.

As for rabies, the vaccination against this disease is valid only for a year, no more.

And further important point: don’t be lazy to print and take with you information from the website of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, which stipulates all the conditions for transporting animals.

This will be an argument for you if the cashier for any reason refuses to sell a ticket for an animal. Defend your rightness, because in this matter no one has the right to set their own rules.

Inside the bus, do everything to avoid provoking a possible conflict, for example, bring bedding for the animal if it was dirty and damp outside.

How is the cost calculated?

Costs may vary for different carriers.. As an example, let's look at how much this service costs in the Moscow region.

Carrying a suitcase whose total dimensions do not exceed 180 centimeters will cost 22 rubles (for a distance of up to 25 km), 44 rubles (from 25 to 50 km), 66 rubles (over 60 km).

In international transport, a fixed tariff is usually used. For example, the company FlixBus estimates the cost of an excess unit at nine euros.

The same amount will have to be paid for the bicycle (if it is maximum weight 25 kg) and for especially large musical instruments in a case.

The journey will not be difficult for you if You will not be too lazy to ask the carrier in advance about the conditions for transporting cargo and your pets.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to save money (tariffs are tariffs), but you will be able to save your nerves.

1. When traveling in a vehicle carrying out regular transportation of passengers and luggage, the passenger has the right:

1) transport for a fee in the luggage compartment of a vehicle or in a separate vehicle luggage in the amount of no more than two pieces, the length, width and height of each of which in total do not exceed one hundred eighty centimeters;

2) carry with you free hand luggage in the amount of no more than one piece, the length, width and height of which in total do not exceed one hundred and twenty centimeters, one pair of skis in a case, a children's sled, a baby stroller.

2. The carrier has the right:

1) establish standards for the carriage of baggage, the carriage of hand luggage, including free of charge, of a larger size or in greater quantities than provided for in Part 1 of this article;

2) refuse to accept luggage for transportation or carry-on luggage to a passenger if the properties or packaging of the items included in the luggage or hand luggage do not meet the requirements established by the rules for the carriage of passengers;

3) refuse to allow a passenger to carry hand luggage if its placement in the vehicle will prevent passengers from entering the vehicle or exiting the vehicle.

3. The carrier is obliged to inform the passenger about the rules and terms of payment for the carriage of baggage and carry-on luggage.

4. Acceptance and delivery of baggage are carried out in the manner established by the rules of passenger transportation.

5. When checking in luggage for transportation, the passenger has the right to declare its value. Acceptance for transportation of baggage with declared value is carried out in the manner established by the rules for the transportation of passengers. For transportation of baggage with a declared value, the passenger is charged an additional fee in the amount established by the carrier.

6. Baggage accepted for transportation separately from the passenger must be delivered to the destination and issued to the passenger no later than the day the passenger arrives at this point in accordance with the passenger carriage contract.

7. For storage of baggage that is not claimed at its destination for more than 24 hours from the date of its delivery (partial days are considered full), a fee will be charged in the amount established by the carrier.

8. If baggage is delivered to its destination before the passenger’s arrival, no fee is charged for storing such baggage from the day of its delivery until the day following the day of the passenger’s arrival.

9. Baggage is considered lost and its cost is subject to reimbursement if it is not delivered to its destination ten days after the end of the delivery period established by the passenger carriage contract.

10. The carrier has the right to sell baggage that is not claimed within thirty days from the date of arrival of the vehicle at the baggage destination. Sales by carrier said baggage carried out under a purchase and sale agreement based on the value of the luggage confirmed by documents or, in the absence of such documents, based on the price that, under comparable circumstances, is usually charged for similar goods, or on the basis of an expert assessment.

11. During the limitation period, the bearer of the baggage receipt has the right to receive the amount received by the carrier from the sale of baggage, less payments due to the carrier, as well as costs associated with the sale of unclaimed baggage.

Traveling by bus is not yet as popular as traveling by plane or train. And if no one has any questions about luggage and hand luggage on a flight for a long time, then how many bags or suitcases can you take with you on the bus? What is considered hand luggage? What if you need to carry something very large, for example, a bicycle or a snowboard? How to take your favorite dog or cat with you? Today we will find out the answers to all questions.

What is considered baggage and what is carry-on luggage

To begin with, we note that the procedure and rules for transporting luggage on buses are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2009 N112 “On approval of the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport.”

The norms for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage, including free baggage, can be set by each individual carrier, but they must not contradict the requirements provided for in Article 22 of the Federal Law “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”.

Baggage These are things that travel separately from the passenger. This is their main difference from the so-called carry-on luggage. You can take one piece of checked baggage and one piece of hand luggage free of charge. To understand how much this is, measure your suitcase in advance: if the sum of three dimensions (length, width and height) does not exceed 120 centimeters, and the weight does not exceed 30 kilograms, you fit into the baggage allowance. This suitcase will need to be checked in as luggage.

If you have several large bags, this is additional luggage. For an additional fee, you can transport bags with dimensions of 100x50x30 centimeters. If the bus is equipped with a special luggage compartment, you will receive two pieces of luggage, each with dimensions of 100x30x30 centimeters. The weight of each piece cannot exceed 60 kilograms.

Carry-on luggage is a small bag that will travel with you in the cabin. This bag should take up no more than one seat you paid for. If you can’t fit it on your lap, in your legs, or under the seat in front, then it’s no longer carry-on luggage, but luggage, and you’ll have to check it into a special compartment. Taking an adjacent seat or placing a bag in the aisle is prohibited by transportation rules.

Where will your luggage go?

Photo: @ghpvisuals / @paulrysz

Suitcases and bags, as well as strollers, bicycles and other large luggage are transported in a special luggage compartment of the bus. The bus driver most often accepts the luggage, and either the passenger or the driver puts the luggage in the compartment and unloads it.

Baggage acceptance is issued by a receipt: it can be either a paper form or a token with a number that is assigned to the suitcase.

How much does extra luggage cost?

We have already indicated above what size luggage you can take with you for free. If your suitcase is larger or you want to take several bags with you, you will have to pay for them at the rates set by the carrier. Unfortunately, they are not regulated; each bus company sets them.

Average cost extra baggage is 20% of the ticket price. You can pay for your luggage either directly on the bus (the driver will accept the money) or at the ticket office at the bus station.

For example, in the Moscow region, carrying luggage whose parameters exceed the established norm will cost 22 rubles if you are traveling 25 kilometers or less from the city, 44 rubles (distance from 25 to 50 kilometers) or 66 rubles (over 60 kilometers from Moscow ).

If you travel by bus to Europe, fares will be in euros. The average surcharge will be from 10 to 15 euros per bag. Transporting a folded bicycle will cost 10-20 euros, depending on the carrier.

Please note that they can accept a child’s sled, a pair of skis, small animals and birds in a cage for free - but this will be hand luggage, and you will have to fit them in the cabin.

In addition, strollers and wheelchairs will be accepted free of charge and without questions asked. Both will need to be added.

Please also note that oversized cargo may not be accepted even with an additional payment if there is not enough space in the luggage compartment. It is better to clarify this issue in advance at the bus station or directly with the carrier.

How to transport an animal on a bus

Photo: @freestocks

It all depends on what kind of animal you take with you. According to the rules for transporting luggage on buses, small animals (dogs, cats, rabbits) travel with the owner for free: they are considered hand luggage. For a large dog you will have to buy a ticket, as well as a muzzle and a leash.

A small dog or cat will have to be placed in a special container, bag or carrier basket. It is best to carry it in your arms: it can shake on the floor, the sound of the engine can be heard better and the legs of passing passengers flash, which is not very good for the animal’s condition (transportation itself is stressful, do not aggravate it).

If you are traveling with a large dog, you will be seated in the back of the bus. You cannot let the animal off the leash while driving, and at stops, if you go out to get some fresh air and stretch your legs, you will have to take it with you.

Be prepared to present a certificate from a veterinarian about the health status of your pet (Veterinary Certificate, Form No. 1). The certificate must contain information about vaccinations, including against rabies (it is valid for 1 year).

What can't be carried as luggage on a bus?

On buses, as on trains and planes, there are a number of luggage restrictions. So, you cannot take the following with you on the road.