Almaty: interesting places, prices, reviews. Sights of Almaty: list, photos and descriptions What's interesting in Almaty

Truly it was a cultural center that represented the way of life and recreation of the Kazakh people. In Almaty, attractions are directly related to the history of the Soviet Union. The nature of the surroundings of Almaty captivates with its beauty. Mountain peaks give the city background a unique feel. In the city itself, two days are enough to explore all the interesting places, but outside the city you can explore for an eternity.

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What is the first thing a tourist should see in Almaty? Our short review of attractions will tell you where to go in Almaty.

1 Ice complex Medeu

A striking landmark of the city of Almaty - high-mountain ice complex "Medeu". The history of the complex begins in 1920. At an altitude of 1691 meters above sea level, a wonderful sports complex With artificial ice. The field area is 10.5 thousand square meters. m. It is unique in that it was here that more than 200 records were set. The skating rink is called “Record Factory”.

The hotel complex gives you the opportunity to stop and rest for several days. The local cafeteria allows you to enjoy excellent coffee or a cup of hot tea in the fresh air.

Where you need to come and see in Almaty is the Medeu sports complex, a bright star among the attractions.

After restoration in 2000, a cable car appeared here. It gives tourists the opportunity not only to ride, but also to enjoy the beautiful scenery and beauty of the area. In 6 minutes you can get from the city center to Mount Kok-Tobe. Highest point located 80 meters from the ground. In terms of quality of service, the road meets international safety standards. From the top platform you have an amazing overview of the entire city. Almaty at night is breathtakingly beautiful from a bird's eye view.

What else can you see on the mountain? Kok-Tobe:

  • go to a mini-zoo;
  • attraction "Fast Coaster";
  • visit a teahouse;
  • go to the Yurta restaurant;
  • make a wish at the “Fountain of Wishes”, which is made like an apple;
  • visit a climbing wall;
  • check out the art gallery and children's playground;
  • visit the monument to the rock group “The Beatles”;
  • buy a bunch of all kinds of souvenirs in local shops.

One day will not be enough to visit all the sights of Mount Kok-Tobe.

2 Botanical Garden

Most large park cities. It occupies an area of ​​103 hectares. In 1932, the first developments in scientific breeding work on plant acclimatization began. These works later helped in greening the city. Walking through the garden, you gradually move from one grove to another, where squirrels jump along the branches, bringing joy to children. To visit greenhouses with tropical plants you will need to take a special permit. A visit to the park will fill you with aesthetic pleasure and leave a good impression. Cleanliness is maintained not only by park employees, but also by visitors who understand the importance of preserving pristine conditions.

In the Middle Ages there lived a hero who fought against the Dzungars. And thanks to the right tactics he defeated the Dzungar Khanate. He is believed to have lived a good life and was buried with great honors. There is a beautiful legend. The wise old man had a presentiment of his death. And he asked to put him on a camel and bury him where the exhausted camel stopped. The burial was destroyed during the Civil War.

Then there were attempts to demolish the burials. By some miracle, the grave was preserved. There are also various legends about this. Initially, a granite stele was built in 1981, then a mausoleum was built in 1994. In 1991, one of the streets of Almaty was named after the commander and leader Raimbek Batyr.

4 Almaty Lake

Located in the gorge of the Bolshaya Almatinka River. The lake is wonderfully framed by three peaks - Tourist, Ozerny and Sovetov. The source of clean water is glaciers. The color of the reservoir is unique and changes with the seasons from sky-turquoise to light green. The lake is alpine, so it is cool here and the water temperature does not exceed 8° C. The leading road to the reservoir is quite steep. But it is filled with magnificent views. The pass connecting the two lakes and Lake Almaty add even more charm to this place. The beautiful places of Almaty attract tourists to come here and enjoy nature and clean mountain air.

Located in Kazakhstan large park of 18 hectares. It was founded in 1870 at the village cemetery and was called Starokladbischensky. During its existence, the name was changed several times; since 1942, it has been officially dedicated to 28 Panfilov fighters. Monuments, obelisks with the names of Kazakh heroes, and the Eternal Flame fill the park with pride and patriotism. Go to the House of Officers and visit the museum of folk instruments. See many monuments dedicated to the heroes of different warriors.

The pride of the city is the Schoolchildren's Palace. A beautiful building against the backdrop of the foothills. In operation since 1983. The unusual composition of the constructed buildings attracts guests to Kazakhstan. The 40-meter observatory tower, built of granite, spacious areas and alleys, and well-appointed buildings make it possible to accommodate 2,200 schoolchildren and make it possible to hold large events on the territory. For schoolchildren this is a wonderful place to spend their free time. They work here about 80 clubs in different directions, pool. Operating auditorium with 800 seats.

A circus of professionals known throughout the world operates in Kazakhstan. In 1972, a modern building was built specifically for the circus group on Abai Avenue. The architecture of the circus is made in national traditions. The building has everything for the convenience and training of artists. Equipped courtyards allow you to walk animals. What is important for four-legged artists. There were difficult times in the life of the circus, but now it has been restored and operates safely.

The beautiful places of Almaty attract people of different cultures and religions. There are a lot of religious buildings in Kazakhstan - mosques, Orthodox churches, monasteries.

Most famous:

  1. Central Mosque. Is historical monument, made in the traditions of Islam. The “Central Mosque” coin was issued by the National Bank of Kazakhstan in 2006 (made of 925 silver with a face value of 500 tenge with a circulation of 4 thousand pieces)
  2. St. Nicholas Cathedral. In 1954, as a sign of gratitude, the cathedral received an icon of St. John, with a particle of his relics.
  3. Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord. Recognized since 1982 cultural heritage Republic of Kazakhstan.
  4. Iversko - Serafimovsky convent . He does a lot of charitable work. A Sunday school for children is open at the cathedral.

Hi all! Anastasia Yusupova is with you.
In the article I will talk about Almaty attractions for tourists
and local residents. About the most beautiful places, the city and its surroundings.

Recently, I spoke on Skype with a person from Russia. She told me that I was blogging about my favorite city, that I was preparing an article about the sights of Almaty.

This man was very surprised... He thought that in Kazakhstan we only have endless steppes and, in principle, there is nothing to look at. If for some reason you think the same, in this article I will try to show how beautiful our Republic is. In particular Almaty and its surroundings.

First, I’ll tell you about the sights of the city itself. For guests who are passing through us and for those who do not have big amount time. Then I’ll tell you and show you the most beautiful places outside the city, for those who are ready for exciting adventures.
So read the article to the end!

Top attractions in Almaty

Now, as vividly as possible, I will imagine myself as a tourist who has recently arrived in Almaty and has already found a place to live for the duration of his stay in the city.

So, as a tourist visiting Almaty for the first time, I would like to know:

  1. What can I see in the first few days, if I’m passing through, for example, for 2-3 days
  2. Which attractions should you visit first?
  3. Where to go if I still have time and desire for longer excursions.

I will try to answer all these questions as detailed and accessible as possible.

It is worth noting that in our city, interesting places They are located quite compactly, in “islands” so to speak, and if you are in a hurry, you can visit several places at once.

For example, moving along Gogol (Pushkin) Street, you can pass through the Park of 28 Panfilovs, visit the Museum of Musical Instruments and look into the Palace of Officers, where rare exhibits from the times of the Great Patriotic War are stored. There in the Park there is a famous orthodox cathedral Voznesensky. And not far from the park, the Puppet Theater is located, at the intersection of Pushkin and Gogol streets.

If you follow further along Gogol, without turning anywhere, towards the general flow (Gogol is now one-way), you will just come across Gorky Park. The walk will take about 30 minutes, maybe less, depending on how fast you go.

1. Gorky Park - the central park of culture and recreation

A classic of the genre for lovers of quiet walks in picturesque places. Shady alleys, a pond with a fountain, benches. Both children and adults will enjoy relaxing in Gorky Park.
There is a children's area with many attractions and a real zoo.

Gorky Park on Instagram:

2. Koktobe Amusement and Recreation Park

Classics are classics, but Almaty is still famous for the beauty of its mountains. And it is simply impossible to miss a visit to Koktobe Park, which is located in the mountains at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level. In addition, it is located quite close to both Gorky Park and 28 Panfilovtsev Park.

We will climb there by cable car to fully enjoy the beautiful views.

To get to the Koktobe landing station, we must get to Dostyk Avenue, the exact address— Dostyk, 104B. If you take a taxi, you can tell the taxi driver that you need the Arman cinema. By the way, it can also be considered a tourist attraction. This is the first cinema that was built in Almaty and operates to this day. Also, for reference, I’ll say that the Koktobe cable station is located a little higher than the street. Abaya. (Dostyk Avenue intersects with Abay Street)

If you are not looking for easy routes, you can get to the park by a specialized bus. The bus station is located at st. Omarova, 41.
And you will most likely have to get to Omarova 41 by taxi, via the Eastern Bypass Road.

In Koktobe Park you can have a great time for adults and children, couples in love and lonely bachelors. It is here that pop stars often perform.
From here you can see the whole city at a glance. This is one of those places where you get unique photographs. Many photo zones await you in Koktobe. Come, you won't regret it.

Even more information:

Continuing the theme of the most beautiful mountain landscapes, we are approaching the next attraction of Almaty.

3. Medeo - high mountain sports complex

One of the main attractions of Almaty can rightfully be considered the Medeo ski resort. In addition to the fact that Medeo is an architectural monument of national importance, it ranks first in terms of the size of the ice field in the whole world. You can get there quite quickly and inexpensively by bus.

In winter, you can go ice skating there. If you go a little higher, to Shymbulak, there are trails for skiers and snowboarders.
In the warm season, Medeo is transformed. It becomes so beautiful there that it is difficult to describe in words.

The path to Medeo also runs along Dostyk Avenue. Bus number 12 goes from the stop Dostyk Ave. - ug. st. Kurmangazy, every day from 7:00 to 23:00.

A place where you want to return again and again. Fresh air, beautiful flower beds, singing fountains and a stunning view of the mountains. Perfect place for relaxation and walks.

Presidential Park is exactly the opposite of Gorky Park, and is located at the other end of the city, along Al-Farabi Avenue (intersection of Navoi Street). The park has a huge territory, but there is no children's play area.

If you are going for a walk in Presidential Park with children, think in advance about what you will do to keep them occupied. It is known that children do not like long walks, but they can chase, say, their glider for at least an hour. You can take a ball or crayons for drawing on the asphalt; if you have a glider at home, you can take it.

By the way, I have a separate detailed article about all the parks in Almaty with descriptions and addresses. Here . Be sure to check it out.

If after a walk through the Presidential Park you still have some energy left, you can go down to the Central State Museum. For this, on the street. Al-Farabi take bus 63 or 86. These buses will go straight all the time and only turn towards Furmanov (the new name is Nazarbayev Avenue). Immediately after the turn, you will need to get off at the first stop. The stop is called telephone network management. Then you will have to go down along Nazarbayev Avenue on foot. On the right you will see large building with blue roofs - this is the treasured museum.

5. Central State Museum

In fact, there are many different museums in Almaty. I focus specifically on the Central State Museum, since many halls dedicated to different topics provide an excellent opportunity to see everything in one place. Starting from the animals inhabiting our open spaces and ending with the culture and art of the Kazakh people. In addition, there are art exhibitions, a modern history hall and much more.

Central State Museum in Almaty

So, the places listed above do not require special preparation to visit. Getting to them is easy and quick. All you need is your desire.

Next we will talk about more exotic places. The road to them takes much longer. These trips should be planned in advance, as they require some preparation. These are so-called one-day tours.

6. Big Almaty Lake - abbreviated as BAO

photo of BAO from Instagram user witcher_yeti

The most beautiful place high in the mountains. Definitely, it is one of the main attractions of Almaty, which attracts many tourists. And it wouldn’t hurt for local residents to see what beauty is hidden just a few thousand kilometers away

Unfortunately, I haven’t been there yet, but a trip to BAO is high on the list of must-sees.

How to get there:

If you read the article from the very beginning, then most likely the words “Park of the First President” and “St. Navoi" should be at least a little familiar to you. This is important, since the path to BAO lies precisely along that same Navoi street.

Of course, the easiest way is to take own car. Moving straight along the asphalt road, you definitely won’t get lost, since there is only one road.
There is really a nuance, this road is very winding, there is dangerous places reminiscent of serpentine roads and prone to rockfalls, therefore, if you have recently gotten behind the wheel and belong to the category of novice drivers, it is highly recommended not to go there in your car.

By bus, it is also possible, but then you will have to walk about 11 km, since the bus only goes to a certain point. Moreover, you will have to go up all the time. Are you confident in your abilities? Then go ahead! In addition, when moving on foot, you will fully enjoy the landscape around you.

Alternatively, you can take a taxi from the First President Park and get to the pipe. From there, you can walk for about two more hours, you can even walk along the pipe itself.

If you're not intimidated by the route and are still planning to take a look at Big Almaty Lake, don't forget to bring warm clothes, plenty of hot tea, and your ID.
Since almost all of Almaty is supplied with water from this lake, do not be surprised if you see people in uniform there.

7. Turgen waterfalls

The village of Turgen, near the city of Almaty, is fraught with the most mysterious secrets. As many as three waterfalls, different from each other, can be seen while walking through the Turgen Mountains. It is best to travel by car or by tourist bus.
You will have to get to the waterfalls themselves on foot, moving along the path.

I myself only saw the first waterfall. The route to it is quite simple, considering that I was pregnant, already in my seventh month, and not at all tired. Even my nephew, who was three years old, walked almost the entire way by himself.

The splashes fly straight into the face, and my nephew’s happiness knows no bounds)))

The only way to get closer to the waterfall is to walk along a narrow rocky path above the cliff. Jumping from stone to stone, and the stones are wet and slippery. There, I was a little scared. Although, perhaps, it was the instinct of self-preservation that spoke in me then. After all, at that moment, I was responsible not only for my life.

I really enjoyed my holiday in the Turgen Mountains. On the way to the waterfall there are many gazebos and benches where you can have a snack and take a breath. In addition, there are many good clearings for a picnic.

Facts and prices

Number from 14949 KZT / 2570 rub.

Lunch from 2315 KZT / 398 rub.

Transport from 99 KZT / 17 rub.

Languages ​​Kazakh, Russian

Currency Kazakh tenge

No visa required

Alma-Ata, immersed in greenery, located at the foot of the snow-capped mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau, “ business card” of the city, was and remains one of the most charming “Soviet” creations in Central Asia. Today a prosperous Almaty middle class also owns expensive country real estate, and fully stocked supermarkets, gourmet restaurants, chic bars, nightclubs and even the latest ski resorts help this layer of society enjoy life to the fullest.

Of the main attractions of Almaty, it is worth highlighting the Palace of the Republic and the Central State Museum located opposite, the exhibition of which is dedicated to the history of Kazakhstan and presents more than 2 thousand monuments of material and spiritual culture, including a miniature copy of the “Golden Man” - the main archaeological treasure of the country. The museum is open to visitors every day, except Tuesdays, from 10:00 to 17:00, cost entrance ticket is 300 KZT for adults, 200 KZT - for students, 150 KZT - for pensioners, 100 KZT - for schoolchildren.

In the Park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen can be paid tribute to those who died on the battlefields of World War II, and in the Ascension Cathedral, located in its very center, built in 1904-1907. without a single nail, listen to the Orthodox service.

During its existence, Alma-Ata managed to be a military fortification, bore the name Verny and even had the status of the capital of Kazakhstan. Although formally the main city of the country is now Astana, Almaty has retained the right to be called the cultural and economic center of the state.

Thanks to its location in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau, the city had the opportunity to acquire the largest high-mountain sports complex in the world - Medeo. It appeared back in Soviet times, and was later modernized. On the streets of Almaty you can also easily find evidence from different eras nearby. Fountains play a special role in the urban structure. They are not only decorative objects, but also parts complex system irrigation. During particularly dry periods, 125 fountains do not produce green spaces die.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see and where to go in Almaty?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

1. Medeo

The world's largest high-altitude sports complex. Built in 1972, and in 2010 there was a major reconstruction. The local skating rink is called the “record factory.” Natural features have a positive effect on the results of speed skaters, which is why over 200 world records have been set in Medeo. In 2011, a cable car was built from here to the Shymbulak resort.

2. Mount Kok-Tyube

In the past it was called Verigina Mountain. From a height of 1130 meters there is a picturesque view of the city. You can get to the top by car or by cable car. For some time, starting in 2004, the mountain was closed to the public. There was a threat of landslides and ground falling into residential areas. Extensive work was carried out to prevent a disaster, after which the restrictions were lifted. There is a monument to “The Beatles” on Kok-Tyube.

3. Koktobe TV Tower

Built on the slope of the mountain of the same name. The construction work dragged on for almost 10 years and was completed by 1984, when the tower became fully operational. In terms of seismic resistance, it is one of the most reliable in the world. Height – 371.5 meters. At levels of 146 and 252 meters there are organized observation decks. There are 3 underground floors, which among other things can serve as a bomb shelter.

4. Monument to the Independence of Kazakhstan

The project, on behalf of Nazarbayev, was carried out by a group of authors led by Sh. Valikhanov. The monument was opened in 1996 on Republic Square. The stele itself has a height of 28 meters. At its top there is a six-meter “Golden Man”, under which there is a winged leopard. All this symbolizes Kazakh statehood and its resilience. Around the base of the stele there are 4 more figures: children on stallions, as well as embodiments of Earth and Sky.

5. Ascension Cathedral

Consecrated in 1907, construction took less than 4 years. The building turned out to be spacious and bright. Workshops in Moscow and Kyiv worked on the details of the interior design. The iconostasis was made by N. Khludov. Probably, all this taken together saved the cathedral from destruction under Soviet rule: the premises were transferred to a museum. Returned to the Russian Orthodox Church after renovation in 1995. It is an example of an earthquake-resistant structure.

6. Central Mosque of Almaty

One of the most large mosques Kazakhstan. Laid out in 1993, built by 1999. A 36-meter dome with a diameter of 20 meters was erected on the snow-white building. It is decorated with verses from the Koran, painted by Turkish craftsmen. During the renovation work, a modern sound reinforcement system was added, which is used on holidays. Up to 7 thousand people can pray in the mosque at the same time.

7. St. Nicholas Cathedral

Founded in 1909, when Almaty was still called Verny. The temple was placed on a high foundation and decorated with seven small domes. During Soviet times, the building housed a museum of atheism. After the war, parishioners returned to the cathedral without crosses and icons. This temple became the only one functioning in the city. A complete renovation was carried out in the 90s. In 2012, a monument to St. Nicholas was erected nearby.

8. Central State Museum of Kazakhstan

It is one of the oldest in the country and in the region as a whole. Founded in the 30s of the 19th century. Initially, the funds began to gather in Orenburg and came a long way before ending up in Almaty. The wandering of the collection to different premises ended in 1985, when the museum built its own building. Seven exhibition halls housed exhibitions on the history of Kazakhstan and cultural values.

9. Opera and Ballet Theater named after. Abaya

Initially it was a music studio, but a year after its founding in 1934 it received its current status. In 1941, the troupe moved to a new building. It was rebuilt many times in the future, but the classicism style was preserved. The building is an architectural monument and even appeared on the 2 thousand tenge banknote.

10. Russian Drama Theater named after. Lermontov

It was created on the basis of the Russian Drama Theater in 1933. It was named after Lermontov in 1964. The event was timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the birth of the writer. The theater building underwent major renovations for almost three years. The artists returned to the usual stage in 2008. The performances are designed for both adults and children. Performances are traditionally staged in Russian.

11. Museum of Musical Instruments named after. Ykylasa

Musical instruments of different nations are collected under one roof. The museum has been operating since 1980, and its collection is constantly expanding. On this moment the funds number about a thousand pieces of musical instruments. The focus is on Kazakh culture, but Russian Uighurs and Dungans are also not deprived of attention. Among other things, dombras that previously belonged to famous artists and poets are kept here.

12. Museum of Art. A. Kasteeva

The foundation was laid at the exhibition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakhstan SSR. In 1970 it opened as a museum of applied arts, and 6 years later it acquired its current status. The building where the collection is located is a cultural and historical monument. Since 1983, the museum has been named after Abylkhan Kasteev, an artist who stood at the origins of national fine art.

13. Kazakh State Circus

Formed in 1970, the troupe consisted mostly of beginning artists who had passed through the Moscow Variety and Circus School, as well as through local studios. After the collapse of the USSR, many changes occurred in the team; it was created almost anew. The circus has had its own building since 1972. Inside there is everything necessary for artists, including recreation areas and yards for walking animals.

14. Alma-Ata metro

The only one in Kazakhstan and the second in Central Asia. Opened in 2011. The length of the network is more than 11 km, and the number of stations has currently been increased to nine. The Alma-Ata metro is an unprofitable mode of transport for the state. It was built in difficult geological conditions. There are still some risks, so the operating rules are strictly observed.

15. Green Bazaar

Shopping arcades in the Medeu region have existed since the mid-19th century. By the 40s of the last century, awnings over retail outlets took shape. And in the 70s, the wooden structures were demolished and a large single building was built. The total number of places for trade became equal to a thousand in the summer. The next stage of expansion occurred in 2017, when they opened nearby new complex with an area of ​​20 thousand m².

16. Fountains of Almaty

They are not just a decoration of the city: in combination with the ditch network, they irrigate Alma-Ata and do not allow street plants to die during particularly hot and dry periods. The first fountain was opened in 1948. Now there are 125 of them, some of them are not single, but are presented in the form of fountain groups. All fountains are launched on May 25 and operate until October 25. The water supply schedule is the same for everyone and has not changed for decades.

17. The Beatles Monument

The opening took place in 2007 on Mount Kok-Tobe. Before taking on the project, sculptor Eduard Kazaryan asked Paul McCartney for permission. The singer did not come to the ceremony, but sent a friend. The sculptural composition is not similar to the monuments that were erected in honor of the Liverpool Four before. Bronze John sits on a bench with a guitar, and his colleagues are depicted standing.

18. Park named after the first president

The arboretum was established in 2001 on an area of ​​73 hectares. Here you can find all the elements typical for green urban areas: alleys, flower beds, recreation areas, boulevards. One of the oak trees was planted by President Nazarbayev himself. A multi-stage fountain decorated with numerous details, including zodiac signs, is the main attraction of the park. The area was chosen not only by tourists, but also by townspeople.

19. Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Gorky

One of the most popular vacation spots in the city. Founded in 1856 in the Malaya Almatinka floodplain. The territory was planted with seeds of plants characteristic of Central Russia, since the characteristics of the soil allowed them to germinate. Since 1934, recreation centers began to be built on the coast, and attractions appeared. At the present time, there is a need for reconstruction, although dilapidation has virtually no effect on attendance.

20. Park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen

It was laid out on the site of a cemetery in the 70s of the last century. The current name was given in honor of the feat of the defenders of Moscow. Panfilov and his associates were awarded a sculptural composition. On an area of ​​18 hectares you can not only stroll, but also find interesting architectural monuments and iconic city places, such as the Officers' House. In the central part of the park stands the Holy Ascension Cathedral.

21. Almaty Botanical Garden

Spread over an area of ​​more than 103 hectares. It has existed since 1932. His status changed many times. Nowadays, several research laboratories are working on the basis of the garden, studying different types plants planted here. In the 2000s there was a threat of liquidation botanical garden. It is located in a prestigious area, so there is a demand for land from developers. There are several restoration projects, but the process has not yet started.

22. Almaty Zoo

Since 1937, one of the oldest zoological parks in the country has been located on an area of ​​32 hectares. Most of The area is reserved for ponds with waterfowl. The zoo's inhabitants are divided into sectors for the convenience of tourists. The total number of species is about 500. Of these, 77 are listed in the Red Book. Excursions to the Sea Aquarium are popular. There are also particularly noteworthy animals in the zoo, for example, a pair of white lions.

23. Big Almaty Lake

It is of tectonic origin and is located at an altitude of 2511 meters above sea level. Coastline– approximately 3 km. Dimensions alpine lake fluctuate depending on the time of year. Water level differences reach 20 meters. The water surface changes its color in the palette from greenish to turquoise. Although Bolshoye Almaty is included in the line national park, it now belongs to the city.

24. Tamgaly-Tas

The tract is located 120 km from Almaty. Its peculiarity is numerous rock petroglyphs. There are Buddhist and runic writings and drawings from different periods. The territory off the coast of the Ili River is under state protection, but part of it was transferred to a long-term lease to a private company in 2016. Also Tamgaly-Tas - Buddhist temple open air.

25. Charyn Canyon

It is located 200 km east of the city. It is part of the national park of the same name. Numerous people go here tourist groups from Almaty. The length of the canyon is 150 km, height – up to 300 meters. Researchers believe that it is more than 12 million years old. Among natural features One can highlight a relict ash grove and a large number of birds nesting here - about 100 species.

Despite the fact that Almaty (in Soviet times - Alma-Ata) lost its official status almost two decades ago, it is still the largest and most interesting city of this country. In this regard, today Almaty has firmly secured the title of the southern capital of Kazakhstan. We invite you to take a short walk around memorable places this magnificent city, located at the foot of the Trans-Ili Alatau mountains.

Almaty: historical background

This city is located in the southeast and has a long history. So, according to scientific research, they appeared here more than two thousand years ago. Later, several urban settlements were founded on the territory of the modern Almaty region, one of which was called Almaty. It was from him that the name of the southern capital of Kazakhstan subsequently came. Not far from the city there was a route connecting Europe with China. In those days, local towns flourished. In the 13th century, Almaty fell into decay, like many other settlements in various countries due to the invasion of Genghis Khan. Soldiers breathed new life into the future Russian Empire, who founded a military fortification here in the middle of the 14th century. The city began to develop very quickly, mainly due to numerous immigrants from Russia. This locality given the name Verny. 10 years after Soviet power came to Kazakhstan, the city was returned to its ancient name with minor changes. At the same time, Alma-Ata became the capital of the Kazakh SSR. This city remained the capital after Kazakhstan gained independence in 1991. Then it was decided to rename it Almaty. The city lost its status as the official capital in 1997.

Today Almaty is the largest economic, financial and cultural center of Kazakhstan. More than two million people live here. The sights of Almaty and the Almaty region deserve special attention. We suggest further learning more about interesting places to visit in the southern capital of Kazakhstan.

Almaty, Kazakhstan: attractions

Many foreigners coming to the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in particular to Almaty, note the enormous natural wealth of this country. After all, there are tall ones here too. picturesque mountains, and a luxurious canyon, and rivers, and lakes. In addition, the historical and architectural sights of Almaty and the Almaty region deserve special attention. These include the high-mountain skating rink Medeo, the Kok-Tyube hill, which offers a magnificent view of the whole southern capital, parks, fountains, museums, monuments and other city buildings. So, if you have a map of Almaty with attractions in your hands, you will see that interesting places here are concentrated not only in the central part of the city, but are scattered in its most diverse areas. So, we suggest taking a closer look at the main places that tourists will be interested in visiting.


Usually, local residents The sights of the city of Almaty begin to be shown to their guests from Kok-Tyube. This name is given to the hill, whose height is 1130 meters, as well as the park area located on it. It should be noted that Kok-Tobe is not only a landmark of the city, but also a place of republican importance, because there is a three-hundred-meter television tower, which can be seen in all panoramic photographs of Almaty. You can get to Kok-Tube either by special shuttle bus, or by cable car. Usually tourists prefer the second option, since along the way the cable car offers a magnificent view of several areas of the city. To travel by cable car you will need to pay 2,000 tenge round trip, and by bus - 500 tenge. In addition, you can climb the hill on foot, but few people dare to do it. On Kok-Tyube you can stroll through a small park, look at the magnificent panorama of Almaty, watch the inhabitants of the mini-zoo, buy souvenirs, have lunch at a national restaurant, and also take a photo at the Beatles monument. Thus, if you are exploring the sights of Almaty and considering which one to visit first, we advise you to give preference to Kok-Tyube.

Palace of the Republic

The sights of Almaty necessarily include the Palace of the Republic. It is located at the intersection of Dostyk and Abay avenues. This architectural structure has been the pride of the city for several decades. Various concerts of both local and foreign performers, various special events, etc. are held here. At one time, the architects of the Palace of the Republic (then called the Palace of Culture) were awarded the USSR State Prize.

Park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen

Many sights of Almaty are inextricably linked with historical events of the Great Patriotic War. These include the Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen, located in the Medeu district of the city. The park is spread over a vast area of ​​18 hectares. It was founded in the 19th century and had different names. The park received its modern name in honor of 28 soldiers who accomplished feats in the defense of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War. The park area is very green and well-groomed. In addition, it is known for a number of its buildings, such as the Glory Memorial, Voznesensky Cathedral, Museum of Folk Instruments.

Ascension Cathedral

Sights of Almaty, photos of which can be seen in various guidebooks and on postcards, always include the Russian Cathedral Orthodox Church. It is located in the Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen. This wooden structure, erected at the beginning of the last century, is truly unique. Thus, the cathedral was among the few buildings in Almaty that survived the devastating ten-magnitude earthquake that occurred here in 1911. After the arrival of Soviet power in Kazakhstan, the cathedral ceased to be used for worship, and a local history museum was housed in its building. The temple was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church only in 1995. Today, regular services are held here, and numerous tourists come here to admire the beauty of this magnificent structure.

Memorial of Glory

This object is also located on the territory of the Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen. It was built in 1975 in honor of the thirtieth anniversary Great Victory. At the same time, the Eternal Flame was lit here.

The most popular attractions of Almaty for tourists: Medeo skating rink

This sports complex is located near Almaty in the Medeo tract of the same name and is the highest mountain skating rink in the whole world. It is located at an altitude of one and a half thousand meters above sea level. The Medeo skating rink is famous for its pure ice, which set 126 world records. It was built in 1972. With Kazakhstan gaining independence, the Medeo skating rink began to host international events that later became very famous. music Festival"Asia Dausy" or "Voice of Asia". In 2009, the sports complex underwent a large-scale reconstruction, and it again opened its doors not only to athletes, but also to residents and guests of Almaty. By the way, in winter several thousand people come here every day to go ice skating. The entrance fee to Medeo costs 1800 tenge. If you don’t have skates with you, you can rent them here for a fee.

Independence Monument

If all the sights of Almaty listed above appeared during the existence of the Soviet Union, then the Independence Monument, majestically rising on central square city ​​- this is already a tribute to a new milestone in the history of the country’s development. This is a large-scale object that reflects the entire history of the formation of Kazakh statehood. In its center there is a high pillar, on top of which there is a figure of the “Golden Warrior”.


In the summer, in Almaty you can see a huge number of working fountains of various shapes and sizes. In total, there are 120 such objects in the city. The first of them appeared in Almaty in 1948. Every year on May 25, the city celebrates Fountain Day, when at nine o’clock in the evening fountains begin to operate throughout the entire metropolis. You can enjoy the spray of water and the beauty of these structures from May 25 to September 15.