Amusement park in the city. We listen to the screams of people on the VDNKh attractions. Feature:Soon the large attractions will be removed from the park, leaving only children's carousels

This summer, Moscow authorities decided to get serious about amusement parks. By September, all 105 attractions will be dismantled in Gorky Park. In the Kuzminki and Izmailovo parks they plan to purchase new attractions for 100 million rubles. A large-scale reconstruction awaits the park at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. And in early August, Mayor Sobyanin returned to the issue of creating a “Russian Disneyland” in the capital, conceived by Nikita Khrushchev. While these projects remain on paper, The Village found out where to go on rides in Moscow, how much it costs and which of them are intended only for children.


Address: VDNH metro station, Mira Avenue, 119, to the left of the main entrance

Attractions at the All-Russian Exhibition Center - the largest in the city amusement park with a large selection of all kinds of carousels for children and several attractions for adults: “Squadron”, “Space”, “Bell”, “Butterflies”. People also come here for entertainment on the water: “Canoe”, “Boats”, “Walking Balls”. On the American "Water Coaster" you are given a waterproof raincoat: the cabin comes out of the dive straight into the water twice. And on the Condor, visitors spin around a pole at a height of 35 meters. The zombie heads hanging at the entrance invite you to take a walk through the labyrinths of the Mystery horror room. The attraction was delivered this year, but rather quickly it acquired a gloomy reputation: children run out from the middle of the path, pale with fright.

Schedule: 10:00 to 22:00
on weekdays
and until 23:00
on the weekend.
Extreme attractions offer the “Photo on the Attraction” service: a photo with a distorted face will cost 150 rubles.

  • "Free Fall Tower" - 250 rubles
  • "Dream Ship" - 150 rubles
  • "Calypso" - 150 rubles
  • "Wild Mouse" - 200 rubles
  • Autodrom - 3 minutes/120 rubles


Address: VDNH metro station, Mira Avenue, 119, to the right of the main entrance

At the entrance, visitors are greeted by a large trampoline, on which mostly regulars jump, judging by their athletic form. Every now and then people fly into the air, twisting difficult figures. Nearby, park guests swing on the giant Mars swing and squeal as they go into the loop on the Cobra ride. There is also an alley of all kinds of shooting galleries, the classic “Hammer”, a basketball hoop and other entertainment for those who want to win a prize. There is a 5D cinema, where the effect of presence is formed not only due to a three-dimensional image, but also due to a movable vibrating chair, splashing water and the spread of odors. The chair conveys the feeling of falling into an abyss or acceleration - so viewers can plunge into the “Attack of Viruses” or take part in “Extreme Races”.

from 13:00 to 21:00
Some attractions from Gorky Park began to move here: “Black Hole”, “Big Ben”, “Fly Machine”, “Breakdance”, “Chain Carousel”.

  • Ticket to Mars - 200 rubles
  • 10 minutes on the trampoline - 150 rubles
  • 5D cinema ticket - 100 rubles
  • Racing at the Autodrom - 200 rubles
  • Ferris wheel open cabin - 300 rubles, closed cabin - 250 rubles


Address: metro station "Izmailovsky Park", Narodny Prospekt, 17

This year the amusement park in Izmailovo turns seven years old. There are about 20 carousels here, mainly for children: trampolines, carousels, playrooms, trains, “Canoes”, “Boats” and “Walking Balls”. Among the extreme attractions, the Kangaroo carousel with booths jumping in the air stands out. *Operators admit that this is a rather old attraction, some booths no longer work, and in the rest they seat people one at a time, otherwise the Kangaroo will not be able to bounce. Two adults can only sit in booth number 10.

from 12:00 to 21:00.
In winter, the attractions in the center of the park are removed and a skating rink is built in their place.

  • Children's carousels - 80 rubles
  • Slide "Dragon" - 200 rubles
  • "Kangaroo" - 120 rubles
  • Attraction "Waltz" - 120 rubles


Address: metro station "Sokolniki", Sokolniki Park

Children's route "Panda Park" - 150 rubles, and the highest - 300 rubles

Jump on a trampoline - 80 rubles

“Chain carousel” - 200 rubles

The park has a standard set of children's carousels, a shooting gallery, "Walking Balls", "Boats", a climbing slide, trampolines - from the most children's to the extreme. And also the “Chain Carousel”, Crazy Dance with booths dancing in all planes and a panic room with rumbling carts. On the way to the entertainment area there is “Panda Park” - a system of complex suspended rope paths hung on trees at a height of up to 6 meters. Safety precautions here are monitored by rock climbing specialists; every day before opening they check all the paths. According to them, most often girls show miracles of courage, and in the evenings, couples walking in the park like to climb here.

Schedule :
from 12:00 to 22:00.
Soon, large attractions will be removed from the park, leaving only children's carousels.
  • "Chain carousel" - 200 rubles
  • Children's route "Panda Park" - 150 rubles, most high route - 300 rubles


Address: metro station "Oktyabrskoye Pole", Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street, 34

  • Carousel on weekdays - 50 rubles, on the weekend - 60 rubles.
  • When purchasing tickets for 400 rubles one trip free.


Address: metro station "Sokolniki", Sokolniki park, Sand alley

The family park offers children to spend time with their parents on safe carousels, so you shouldn’t look for extreme sports here.There are 24 attractions in total, mostly children's carousels in the form of animals, Autodrom, and a 5D cinema. An analogue of the Caterpillar roller coaster rushes along the rails. The park has its own Ferris wheel 27.5 meters high.

Schedule :
from 10:00 to 21:00.

By September, a mini-zoo, tennis courts, a cinema, a sports ground and gazebos will be built in Sokolniki.

  • Attraction "Disco" - 250 rubles

*Reference: the operator monitors the attraction, seats passengers, and presses the “Start” button. He comes to work two hours before the park opens and, together with the mechanic, double checks all the mechanisms. No special education is required here, so most often students work as operators. The rides themselves are mainly of Italian and German origin, but are often assembled in factories in Belarus. If something breaks, parts must be ordered from the manufacturing country; they take several weeks to arrive.

Attractions at VDNKh no longer operate

After all the attractions were dismantled, the most popular place for thrill-seekers was probably the amusement park on. I don’t consider myself one of those amateurs at all; a visit was enough for me, where they turned me upside down and where I yelled obscenities at the whole thing. Entertainment Center, so the most I could do at VDNH was to ride in an open cabin of the Ferris Wheel.

At VDNKh there are attractions both to the right of the entrance (“Wheel at the All-Russian Exhibition Center”) and to the left (“Attrapark”). The bulk is on the right, so let's start with them.

We are greeted at the entrance attraction Mars. I don’t know why it was called that, either because it is painted red, or in the minds of its creators, people must be turned upside down during a flight to Mars. In general, it looks like this:

And this is what the people who ride it look like. Look at the man in the photo below, everyone behind is screaming and screaming, he and the woman next to him are sitting silently, clutching the arms of their chairs. Apparently, people of the older generation find it more difficult to tolerate such sensations.

The price of a ticket to Mars (sounds nice :-)) is 200 rubles.

At the entrance to the park there is also a shooting range. I must say that there are quite a lot of shooting ranges here, for every taste. You can shoot at regular targets, at virtual targets, at some monsters that fall if you hit the right point, etc. In general, if there is a queue at one shooting range, you can always find an alternative without any problems.

There are trampolines for children here.

Beyond Mars there is another attraction called Tropicana. He represents regular carousel, only the cradles in it move at a very high speed. The attraction is decorated in a tropical style with painted naked girls. Apparently, this is what the native women of a tropical island look like in the fantasies of a local graphic designer.

From the photo below you can roughly imagine how fast this “carousel” is moving.

Autodrom. Well, everything is clear here - you get into the car, drive around, crash...

Ticket prices:

  • Mars – 200 rub.
  • Tropicana – 250 rub.
  • Autodrom – 200 rub.

Carousel for the little ones. Price 150 rub.

And this is how the payment terminal was designed.

Virtual reality attraction. This is when you put on glasses and you virtually ride a roller coaster. At the same time, a person has a feeling of 100% participation. I saw how the girl squealed as if everything was really happening, they even specially held her so that she would not fall.

Its height is 73 meters. If you want to look at the surroundings from above, then this is the place for you. Which booth to choose - open or closed - decide for yourself. I’ll warn you right away that it will be a little cold in the open cabin, because... There is a strong wind blowing at altitude. But you can take pictures not through glass.

Pirates Caribbean Sea . This is a panic room. Ticket price is 200 rubles.

Attraction "Formula World"- they put you in the car and “miracles on turns” begin. Cost 250 rub.

Cobra– probably the shortest attraction. You fly from a height of 46 m vertically down at a speed of 100 km/h, then drive up a mountain, make a loop and come back. It feels somewhat like Mars, only the speed is higher and the time is shorter. Ticket price is 250 rubles.

For the little ones there is also a slide in the shape of a dinosaur and a regular absolutely free slide with a tower.

Now we smoothly move to Attrapark, which is located to the left of the main entrance of VDNH.

There are slightly fewer attractions here. Let's start with the highest. This is the Free Fall Tower. You will be lifted to a height of 52 m and sharply lowered to the ground, and so on for several minutes. Crowds of people are steadily lining up near the Tower to look at the screaming and screaming daredevils who decided to “ride” this attraction. Cost – 250 rub.

ShakeDance is an attraction where they put you in booths and start spinning them to energetic music. In the process, you may well do a somersault, front or back, more than once.

There is also an attraction similar to Formula World, also a car ride, only slightly different in appearance.

I am absolutely sure that when coming to VDNKh for a thrill, everyone will find a way to tickle their nerves :-). There are plenty of breathtaking attractions here!

Attractions in Moscow for children and adults are located mainly in parks - in Izmailovsky, Sokolniki and others. All-season indoor amusement parks, available in winter, are located in the buildings of shopping and entertainment centers.

Unfortunately, there are not many places left in Moscow where you can go on extreme rides - the largest complex in Gorky Park was dismantled back in 2011, the Cobra roller coaster and the giant Mars pendulum swing at VDNKh were closed. The Ferris Wheel is now only in Sokolniki and Izmailovsky Park.

Below in the article you will find a list of the largest metropolitan playgrounds with carousels, swings, slides and other entertainment and a map that shows where the attractions are located in Moscow, as well as an indication of who the playground is intended for - for children or adults.

Attractions at VDNH

As part of the creation of a theme park, a 17-hectare site in the southern part of VDNKh will feature new park attractions. Pavilions 9, 8, 7 (“Seeds”, “Young Technicians”, “Young Naturalists”) and the “Circular Cinema Panorama” cinema, located in the park area, will be restored.

SKAZKA attractions in Krylatskoye

SKAZKA Park is located in the western administrative district near the Zhivopisny Bridge. Most of the attractions are designed for little ones, but extreme sports enthusiasts will not be left out either.

Russian roller coaster "LIGHTNING". At the moment, this is the largest roller coaster in Moscow, allowing you to get a lot of adrenaline with steep turns at speeds of up to 65 km/h and the effect of free fall from a height of 25 meters!

  • The ticket price for the big Russian roller coaster “Molniya” is 250 rubles. on weekdays and 350 rub. on weekends and holidays.
  • Prices for other attractions range from 100 to 300 rubles.

Entrance from the street. Krylatskaya (opposite house 15 with the inscription Adidas), “SKAZKA” banners on the fence. Parking for 500 spaces will cost 150 rubles. per day.

Working hours:

  • Mon 12:00-21:00
  • Tue-Fri 10:00-21:00
  • Sat-Sun 10:00-22:00

Official website:

Attractions in Izmailovsky Park

Attrapark - Izmailovo

Attrapark in Izmailovo is located in the northern part of Izmailovo PKiO. There are about 20 children's carousels and several entertainments for adults. The Frozen roller coaster will cost 200 rubles, the rest are cheaper - from 80 to 120 rubles.

  • Opening hours: daily 12:00-21:00

Big Ferris Wheel

The height of the Ferris Wheel, which offers a magnificent view of the surrounding area, is about 50 meters. The Wheel is located in the central part of PKiO near the Round Pond. There are 40 booths in total; the wheel makes a full revolution in 7.5 minutes.

  • Ticket prices: adult - 150 rubles, children (up to 6 years old) - 50 rubles
  • Opening hours: weekdays except Friday - from 11:00 to 21:00, on Fridays, weekends and holidays— from 11:00 to 22:00


The children's carousel complex is located in the northern part of the Izmailovsky Park and Culture Park.

  • Cost - from 100 to 150 rubles.


About ten attractions for children in the central part of Izmailovsky, at the Main Entrance.

  • Price - from 80 to 200 rubles
  • Opening hours: from 11:00 to 21:00

How to get to the park by public transport: nearest metro stations: Partizanskaya, sh. Enthusiastov, Semenovskaya. From the Partizanskaya metro station you can walk or get to the Izmailovsky Park stop by buses No. 7, No. 131

Attractions in Sokolniki

A couple of years ago, the site in Sokolniki Park was replenished with 20 new attractions made in Italy. The most interesting entertainment— Air Race with a loop is an analogue of a very popular entertainment in New York’s Central Park; there is also a small Ferris Wheel.

  • Cost - from 50 to 400 rubles.
  • Opening hours: weekdays - from 11.00 to 19.00, weekends - from 10.30 to 20.00.
  • How to get there: Sokolniki metro station, then walk about 10 minutes. The site is located near the Main Entrance, to the left of the fountain.

Attractions in Gorky Park

At the moment, Gorky Park can only please with the playground of the children's Luna Park "Carousel".

  • Ticket prices range from 250 to 350 rubles.
  • Opening hours: daily, from 11:00 to 22:00
  • How to get there: Oktyabrskaya ring metro station, then 5-10 minutes walk along Garden Ring before the first entrance. Carousels and swings for kids are at the end of Pionersky Pond on the left.

Happylon Magic Park in the Filion shopping center

The largest indoor amusement park in Moscow, Happylon Magic, covers an area of ​​6,500 sq m and features 200 slot machines, a 5D cinema and 12 attractions, including the extreme roller coaster “Flight of the Dragon”.

  • Prices: from 60 rub. up to 380 rub.
  • Opening hours: on weekdays - from 11:00 to 22:00, on weekends - from 10:00 to 23:00.
  • Address: Moscow, Fili metro station, Bagrationovskaya metro station, Bagrationovsky proezd, building 5, Filion shopping center
  • Official website:

Pirates Park in the VEGAS shopping center

Attractions for adults and children are located on an area of ​​5500 sq. m. There is a children's 5-tier labyrinth “Pirate Town”, a Ferris Wheel, a falling tower “Jack's Mast”, a pendulum carousel “Tsunami”, a 5D cinema and a lot of other entertainment, video simulators and games machine guns

  • Prices: from 60 rub. up to 380 rub.
  • Pirates Park opening hours: weekdays - from 10.00 to 23.00, weekends - from 10.00 to 24.00
  • Address: Moscow, 24 km. MKAD (intersection with Kashirskoye Highway), Vegas shopping center
  • Official website:

Children's attractions Luna Park "Carousel" in the parks

Luna parks for children “Carousel” are located in many green areas of Moscow. Kids can ride on a variety of swings, trains and slides not far from home.

  • Ticket prices range from 100 to 300 rubles.
  • Opening hours: daily, from 11-00 to 21-00

Where are:

  • Friendship Park, Rechnoy Vokzal metro station
  • Northern Tushino Park, Planernaya metro station
  • Poklonnaya Gora, metro station Victory Park
  • Park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, Maryino metro station
  • Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye", metro station Kolomenskaya
  • Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Tsaritsyno metro station
  • Parks in Northern and Southern Butovo, metro station Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, metro station Gorchakova Street
  • Otradnoe Square, Otradnoe metro station

Official website:

There are also children's entertainment towns in the parks of Kuzminki, Fili, Perovsky, Babushkinsky and others.