The most amazing facts about the rivers of the world. A unique river in the world - The highest mountain river

It turns out March 14th was River Day. Holiday after holiday, but rivers are very important in the life of a person and the world around us. Therefore, don’t blame me, it’s late, but I’m releasing this repost.

I don’t know if this is actually one way or another. I vouch for the last two facts - this is an addition from me personally. The rest is taken from Nadezhda Marchenko’s Blog,

The river is constant water flow created by nature. It begins its movement at the source, and ends at the mouth, covering a long distance with the flow along its channel. Streams are a major part of the Earth's hydrological cycle. According to recent research, more than a billion large and small rivers flow around the world, and they carry billions of tons of water to the seas.
In this article we will look at the most interesting facts about rivers.

1.We remember from geography lessons that the most long river peace - Nile. However, thanks to recent research, it has become known that the Amazon has already surpassed it. The Nile is about 6695 km long and has two tributaries. His most most of Egypt accounts for 22%, the rest belongs to other countries - Burundi, Zaire, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. Interesting fact: The Nile was covered with ice only twice in its entire existence - in the 9th and 11th centuries.

2. The Amazon is the longest river of modern times. Its length is already more than 6800 km. It flows through South America and then falls into Atlantic Ocean. In 2011, the Amazon was recognized as one of the natural wonders of the world. It contains more water than any other river on the planet. The Amazon is also amazing because along its entire course only one bridge, the Rio Negro, was built. Its length exceeds 3.5 km.

3. Irtysh is the most clean river and is the main tributary of the Ob. Its length is 4248 km and flows through the territories of three countries: Russia, Kazakhstan and China. In Russia, the Irtysh is considered the longest river after the Lena River (more than 2 thousand km).

4. The most “load-bearing river” is the Kosi River. It flows through the territory modern India, and every year it lays a new channel, at the same time devastating a large area. The total volume of sediment per year brought by Kosi is up to 120 cubic meters. 8 freight cars can be filled with sand, pebbles and clay, which the river brings annually from the Himalayas

5. One of the most mysterious rivers is Caño Cristales in Colombia. The second name of this river is “five-colored”. It is very small - up to 100 km long, no more than 20 meters wide, and there are almost no fish in it. The mystery of Kanyo is that it comes in 5 colors - green, blue, yellow, red and black. This palette of colors is given to it by the reflection of the sky, algae and river sand. It looks especially colorful between the dry and rainy seasons.

7. The most polluted river is the Royal River, which flows through the territory of the modern state of Australia. It is polluted with chemical waste from the mining industry. Since 1995, more than 1.5 million sulfides have been released into the Royal River each year.

8. On the territory of modern Poland there is interesting place, where the Nelba and Velna rivers intersect at an angle of 90 degrees. And due to the large temperature difference, different levels and water flow velocities do not mix with each other.

9. The most water-rich state is Finland. There are 188,000 lakes and 650 rivers flowing on its territory.
10. There is only one country on the planet in whose territory not a single river constantly flows - this is Saudi Arabia.

11. Piana is the most winding river on the planet. Its length is more than 400 km. However, the distance from the mouth to the source is no more than 30 km. It is located almost entirely in the Nizhny Novgorod region, however, a very small part of it is located in the Mordovian lands.

12. The most popular fictional river is Styx. It flows through the territory of the underground kingdom of the god Hades. However, on Earth there is its “namesake” in the city of Perm. The “second” Styx separated the city from the Yegoshikha cemetery back in the 18th century. However, on this moment its bed is not visible, because the Styx was driven into the pipes.

13. Paradox! IN Voronezh region There are two rivers with the name Devitsa, which have tributaries with the names Rossoshka, and they both flow into the Don.

14. One of the mysteries of nature is also blue rivers. They flow through the territory of Greenland. During periods of comparative warmth and with the arrival of summer, the ice begins to melt, causing small streams that merge into very large streams and eventually become rivers. Much to your surprise, the water of these reservoirs is dark aquamarine in color. It is simply a combination of incredible beauty: eye-catching white snow and a sky-blue river.

15. Planet Earth is the owner of six rivers called Don.
16. In contrast to the Amazon, there is the most short river. Its name is similar to its length - the D River. It flows through the United States, and its length is only 36 meters.

17. One of the funniest rivers is the Los River, which flows through Moscow. Its largest tributary is also called the Elk.
Planet Earth is fraught with many amazing natural wonders. Today we discovered a few facts about rivers, just a part of what nature has in store for us. We hope it was entertaining.

To this article, which I did not change either in the text or in the pictures, although I was somehow able to link four photographs (the last ones) to the text, I will add two more facts of my own.

1).The Vakh River is a river in the central part of the West Siberian Lowland, the right tributary of the Ob, 964 km, flows into the river. The Ob is 10 km above the city of Nizhnevartovsk, originating in the east-northeast from the swamps of the western edge of the lowland on the watershed of the Ob, Yenisei and Taz rivers.

Geographically located in the Nizhnevartovsk region of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Tyumen region, where it is the second largest river after the Ob.

The river on the banks of which, in a small village of geologists, I lived for 22 years (photos from the 80s)

The Sym River, a left tributary of the Yenisei, 694 km, originates among the swamps of the eastern edge of the West Siberian Lowland, navigable 265 km from the mouth

So, in “ancient” times, merchants from Surgut “went” to their “colleagues” the Yenisei merchants with goods.

"For ten days big water, they say, “we got there.” First, upstream along the Ob and Vakh, then, a dozen miles away, to Syma and then downstream to Yeniseisk.

This path was kept secret.

2).The confluence of the Biya and Katun (Ikonnikov Island) declared a natural monument by a resolution of the Administration Altai Territory dated December 25, 2000. Located in the Smolensk region, between the villages of Smolenskoye and Tochilnoye. The Biya flows to the confluence from the northeast, the Katun from the southeast. Both rivers go around the vast island of Ikonnikov (area 1400 hectares) and opposite the village. Sorokino merge into a single stream - the Ob. The area occupied by the natural monument is 1240 hectares.

I already wrote in one of the articles about “Legends of Ancient Altai”

The confluence of the Biya and the Katun is very beautiful. Two rivers, simultaneously powerful, carry their waters, converging into an even more powerful stream - the Ob. But these two rivers have different colors. For some time, the rivers carry their waters, almost without mixing.

Unlike Katun, Biya maintains high water transparency all year round.

To understand the power of the element of Water, we have collected the most interesting and incredible facts about rivers.

1. Fewer rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean (the largest ocean on our planet) than into the Atlantic. It's connected with mountain range, which stretched along Pacific Ocean, therefore it absorbs 20% of the earth's land, while the Arctic and Atlantic oceans - 53%

2. By river flows An estimated 16 billion tons of rocks and debris are washed into the oceans and seas each year. If this amount is loaded onto a train, you will get a railway car that is equal to 30 circumferences of the Earth’s globe.

3. 70 rivers flow through the territory of Eurasia. Their length is about 1 thousand kilometers, and 50 of these rivers flow through the territory of post-Soviet countries.

4. One of the amazing rivers, one bank of which is in Europe and the other in Asia, is the Ural River.

5. Thanks a huge number heat that Siberian rivers carry with them, the climate of the North is considered not as harsh as it would be if there were no rivers there.

6. The Kosi River, India, creates a new channel for its waters every year, devastating fields and villages along the way.

Rivers are such a familiar element of the landscape that we sometimes don’t even notice them. We simply forget that it is to the rivers that we owe the availability of clean water suitable for drinking (after purification, of course) and for industry. But not in all corners of the planet with water resources things are looking so good...

  1. The deepest river in the world is the Amazon. It contains more water than the seven rivers next to it in this ranking combined.
  2. At school we were taught that the longest river in the world is the Nile. However, modern science has found that this is not the case. The longest river is the Amazon, it is longer than the Nile by literally a hundred kilometers.
  3. The most winding river in the world is the Piana, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in Russia (see facts about Russia). With a length of about 400 kilometers, the distance from its source to its mouth in a straight line does not exceed 30 kilometers.
  4. Once a year, the Mekong River ejects luminous fireballs from its depths, which burst out of the water and fly skyward. This natural phenomenon still not explained.
  5. The Ural River is notable for the fact that one bank of it is in Asia and the other in Europe.
  6. The mouth of the Venezuelan Catatumbo River attracts an abnormal amount of lightning (see lightning facts). On average, the number of lightning strikes at the mouth per year is about 450 thousand.
  7. The most polluted river in the world is the Royal River in Australia. However, Hudson in the USA is practically not behind her in this matter.
  8. The cleanest river is the Irtysh, which flows through Russia.
  9. The world's oldest river is the Nile, which flows mainly through Egypt.
  10. There is only one bridge across the Amazon.
  11. Every year, rivers carry about sixteen billion tons of earth and stones into the seas and oceans.
  12. The Cuyahoga River in the United States has burned repeatedly at least a dozen times. More precisely, the debris floating on it caught fire. However, since then the river has been thoroughly cleaned, but Cuyahoga retains the nickname “Fire River”.
  13. There are seventeen countries in the world that do not have a single permanent river. The largest of them is Saudi Arabia.
  14. At the beginning of the last century, American engineers reversed the flow of the Chicago River.
  15. The height of waves in the Amazon can reach four meters.
  16. The deepest river in the world is the Congo, its depth in some places is up to a quarter of a kilometer.
  17. Scientists have found that at a depth of about four kilometers underground there is an “underground Amazon” - a huge underground river flowing under the Amazon and having the same length, but a hundred times wider.
  18. The Kosi River in India carves out a new channel every spring.
  19. The widest river in the world is La Plata, in some places its width reaches 220 kilometers.
  20. The country with the largest number of rivers is Finland. 650 rivers flow through its territory.
  21. On Earth, six rivers are called “Don”.
  22. In Moscow there is the Los River. By the way, the cleanest river in this city.

Did you know that March 14th was the International Day of Action for Rivers, formerly known as the International Day of Action Against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life? .

At the beginning of the global anti-dam movement, in 1998, more than 50 protests took place on this day in more than 20 countries, including Brazil, India, Thailand, Australia, Russia, Japan, and the USA.

There are many amazing and unusual record-breaking rivers flowing around the world.

I want to tell you about them today.

The most colorful river - Caño Cristales

Caño Cristales is located in Colombia in the Serrania de la Macarena, Meta province. It is usually called the “river of five colors”. Such a variety of shades is created by the red, yellow, green and blue algae living in it.

The dirtiest river - Citarum

The Citarum River is located in Indonesia and is officially recognized as the dirtiest river in the world. The main reason is the five million people who live in its basin in West Java. Several years ago, the Asian Development Bank allocated half a billion dollars to clean up the river, but it did not bring the expected results. The river waters are the most important artery of this region, it is used to support Agriculture, water supply, industry, sewerage and as one large cesspool. It is very difficult to force five million people to change their attitude towards the river, even with such large cash injections.

The deepest river is the Congo

Previously, this river was called Zaire, it flows in the west of Central Africa. In terms of water content, Congo ranks second in the world and first on its continent, and its length is about 4,700 kilometers. This is the deepest river in the world - about 230 meters. In its upper reaches there is the famous Stanley Falls, a cascade of rapids over 100 kilometers long. It is considered among the most dangerous because it suddenly accelerates upon reaching the so-called “Hell's Gate,” a canyon about 130 kilometers long with many treacherous rapids. The total power of 32 high drops exceeds the total power of all rivers and waterfalls in the United States of America.

Kapuas River is the longest river on the island

It flows through the Indonesian territory of the island of Kalimantan and flows into the South China Sea, forming a branched delta. The Kapuas is the longest river in Indonesia, stretching for 1143 km.

The Row River is the shortest river in the world

Flows in Montana, USA. One of its arms is only 17.7 meters long.

Yarlung Tsangpo - the highest mountain river

The river flows through the South Tibetan plains, located at an altitude of almost 3000 meters above sea level.

The widest river in the world - Rio de la Plata

The river reaches a width of 225 km and is the result of the confluence of two rivers - the Uruguay and the Paraná.

Volkhov - a river flowing backwards

Volkhov is a famous river, this is the beginning of the path known from history “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” Overseas merchants traveled along the Volkhov to Novgorod. An interesting fact is recorded in the Novgorod chronicles: one day the Volkhov changed the direction of the flow. Since the river slope is small, due to heavy rains in the lower reaches and drought in upper reaches- the river water flowed back to Ilmen.

The most muddy river- Yellow River

As for the great Chinese Yellow River, in addition to official name The Yellow River, for its violent nature, received many rather eloquent nicknames, such as, for example, the Woe of China, the River that breaks the heart, or the River that brings thousands of troubles. And this is not surprising: after all, over the course of human memory, the Yellow River changed its course 26 times and caused enormous catastrophic destruction over 1,500 times when it overflowed its banks. Over the past 40 years alone, the volume of work on the construction and strengthening of dams on the banks of the river, the level of which often rises 10 m above the adjacent plains, has exceeded the volume of earthworks, for example, on the construction of the Panama Canal by three times, and the Suez Canal by two times. The Yellow River is the muddiest among the major rivers of the globe. One cubic meter of its turbulent water contains on average 35-40 kg of rocks, mainly forests, which make up the so-called Forest Plateau through which it flows.

The most big river, which does not flow anywhere - Tejen

The largest of the rivers ending in the desert is the Tejen River, which flows in Central Asia. Its length is 1124 kilometers. Within the boundaries of the former USSR, this river is partly dismantled for irrigation in the Tedzhen oasis, and partly is lost in the sands.

The most amazing rivers- Nelba and Velna

Have you ever seen rivers that intersect at right angles, and each of them after that... flows further along its own bed? Fantasy? No, reality! It turns out that there are such people on Earth. Near the Polish city of Wągraviec in the Poznan Voivodeship, two rivers Welna and Nelba intersect strictly at right angles. And their waters, imagine, without mixing at all, after that they flow on in their own channels. As scientists have found out, the secret of this unique phenomenon lies in the differences in water temperatures in these rivers. The fact is that in one river it is higher, and in another lower. In addition, they have different speeds and levels of currents. Experiments have been carried out here many times. Red paint was poured into Velna, and blue paint into Nelba. And at the intersection of the rivers, the colors did not mix: the red one ran in its own channel, and the blue one ran on top of the red one in its own.

The deepest river is the Amazon

This river, flowing in South America, due to its length, width and water content, is considered the longest (about 7,000 kilometers) and most dangerous river in the world. It accounts for 20 percent of river water entering the World Ocean. It spreads so widely that it is often called the “River Sea”, and its depth reaches 50 meters. During the high season, the Amazon floods the banks and islands, and high tidal waves appear on the river every now and then.

The longest river is the Nile.

The Nile, with a river length of 6,700 kilometers, is the longest river in the world. It is a vital river - people have settled along its banks since the Stone Age. The Nile flows from south to north. This is the only river in Africa that passes through the Sahara and brings its waters to the Mediterranean Sea.

The most acidic river is El Rio Vinegre

El Rio Vinegre river flowing in the area active volcano Purace (Colombia), has acidic water. Its length is about 1260 kilometers. Its water contains 11 parts of sulfuric acid and 9 parts of hydrochloric acid for every 1000 parts and is so acidic that not a single fish can live in it. One of the reasons for the high acid content in this river is the proximity of the volcano.

Based on materials:

A river is a constant flow of water created by nature. It begins its movement at the source, and ends at the mouth, covering a long distance with the flow along its channel. Streams are a major part of the Earth's hydrological cycle. According to recent research, more than a billion large and small rivers flow around the world, and they carry billions of tons of water to the seas.
In this article we will look at the most interesting facts about rivers.

1. We remember from geography lessons that the longest river in the world is the Nile. However, thanks to recent research, it has become known that the Amazon has already surpassed it. The Nile is about 6695 km long and has two tributaries. Its largest part is in Egypt - 22%, the rest belongs to other countries - Burundi, Zaire, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. Interesting fact: The Nile was covered with ice only twice in its entire existence - in the 9th and 11th centuries.

2. The Amazon is the longest river of modern times. Its length is already more than 6800 km. It flows through South America and then flows into the Atlantic Ocean. In 2011, the Amazon was recognized as one of the natural wonders of the world. It contains more water than any other river on the planet. The Amazon is also amazing because along its entire course only one bridge, the Rio Negro, was built. Its length exceeds 3.5 km.

3. The Irtysh is the cleanest river and is the main tributary of the Ob. Its length is 4248 km and flows through the territories of three countries: Russia, Kazakhstan and China. In Russia, the Irtysh is considered the longest river after the Lena River (more than 2 thousand km).

4. The most “load-bearing river” is the Kosi River. It flows through the territory of modern India, and every year it lays a new channel, while devastating a large area. The total volume of sediment per year brought by Kosi is up to 120 cubic meters. 8 freight cars can be filled with sand, pebbles and clay, which the river brings every year from the Himalayas!

5. One of the most mysterious rivers is Caño Cristales in Colombia. The second name of this river is “five-colored”. It is very small - up to 100 km long, no more than 20 meters wide, and there are almost no fish in it. The mystery of Kanyo is that it comes in 5 colors - green, blue, yellow, red and black. This palette of colors is given to it by the reflection of the sky, seaweed and river sand. It looks especially colorful between the dry and rainy seasons.

6. The deepest river in the world is the Congo. Its depth reaches 250 m!

7. The most polluted river is the Royal River, which flows through the territory of the modern state of Australia. It is polluted with chemical waste from the mining industry. Since 1995, more than 1.5 million sulfides have been released into the Royal River each year.

8. On the territory of modern Poland there is an interesting place where the Nelba and Welna rivers intersect at an angle of 90 degrees. And due to the large difference in temperatures, different levels and speeds of water flow, they do not mix with each other.

9. The most water-rich country is Finland. There are 188,000 lakes and 650 rivers flowing on its territory.
10. There is only one country on the planet in whose territory not a single river constantly flows - this is Saudi Arabia.
11. Piana is the most winding river on the planet. Its length is more than 400 km, but the distance from the mouth to the source is no more than 30 km. It is located almost entirely in the Nizhny Novgorod region, however, a very small part of it is located in the Mordovian lands.

12. The most popular fictional river is Styx. It flows through the territory of the underground kingdom of the god Hades. However, on Earth there is its “namesake” in the city of Perm. The “second” Styx separated the city from the Yegoshikha cemetery back in the 18th century. However, at the moment its bed is not visible, because the Styx has been driven into the pipes.

13. Paradox! In the Voronezh region there are two rivers with the name Devitsa, which have tributaries with the names Rossoshka, and they both flow into the Don.
14. One of the mysteries of nature is also blue rivers. They flow through the territory of Greenland. During periods of comparative warmth and with the arrival of summer, the ice begins to melt, causing small streams that merge into very large streams and eventually become rivers. To your great surprise, the water of these reservoirs is dark aquamarine in color. It is simply a combination of incredible beauty: eye-catching white snow and a sky-blue river.

15. Planet Earth is the owner of six rivers called Don.
16. In contrast to the Amazon, there is the shortest river on the planet. Its name is similar to its length - the D River. It flows through the United States, and its length is only 36 meters.
17. One of the funniest rivers is the Los River, which flows through Moscow. Its largest tributary is also called Losenok.
Planet Earth is fraught with many amazing natural wonders. Today we discovered a few facts about rivers, just a part of what nature has in store for us. We hope it was entertaining.