Amazing rivers. Rivers: interesting facts. Unique river of the world - Multi-colored river

What could be interesting about an ordinary river? It's just flowing water, isn't it? In fact, rivers can be surprisingly interesting. They may seem unremarkable, but even the answers to questions about where rivers originate, where they flow, where and how they flow can lead us to amazing conclusions. For example, how can you measure the length of a river? And if it has one or more sleeves, how to measure its width? Moreover, scientists have discovered rivers on Saturn's moon, Titan. Just incredible, isn't it? However, even on Earth, rivers play a much more important role in the life of every person than one might imagine.

There are only five species of dolphins that can thrive in fresh water, and del Amazon is one of them. Many people believe that all dolphins live in salt water, so this is interesting to know if you didn't know about it. There are several subspecies of dolphins that you can learn about.

Depending on where they live, river dolphins will vary in size. Some can be up to 8 feet long, but most are much smaller. They can also be found in a variety of colors. Some of which are known to exist include grey, black, brown, pink, yellow and white. Because of their many different colors, they are often mistaken for other forms of aquatic life.

In fact, rivers shaped the direction of civilizations. People settled along the banks of rivers, transported goods along them, and also used them as protective barriers. In fact, most ancient civilizations arose along the course of rivers. They flourished and faded depending on the flow of the rivers. Today, rivers remain an important part of the transport system, as well as a source of food. We present to your attention twenty-five interesting facts about rivers that you might not know.

The most acidic river is El Rio Vinegre

The River Dolphin, as the name suggests, lives in rivers, which means they can survive in fresh water. They tend to stick to brackish and coastal areas. Amazon, Ganges, Yangtze, Mekong and Indus. Many of these rivers are home to very poor rural communities and the areas can be very dense.

Many of these rivers are filled with dark, muddy water And big amount pollution. What is very interesting is that they can live in conditions that other species of dolphins cannot. It is not clear why this is possible and more research needs to be done. Since there are so few species that can live in fresh water, there are some theories, but no definite answers at this time.


Initially, diamonds were not mined, they were simply found at the bottom of rivers.


There is evidence of the existence of an underground river, which is located at a depth of approximately 4 kilometers under the Amazon. It is similar in length to the Amazon - its length is 6,000 kilometers, but it is several hundred times wider. This river was named Hamza (Rio Hamza).


River dolphins are very social and, like others, they form pods. There may be only a few of them or more than 100 in a container. They form very strong bonds and they are completely protective of each other. The young are usually anchored in the middle of the pod to keep them safe. It was also noted that women care for each other's young in a joint effort.

These dolphins are considered to be highly social and have a complex hierarchy that is difficult to understand. They tend to have multiple pods that are dominated by either females or males. This may be part of their social organization. Fish are the main components of a dolphin's diet, and they can eat large quantities of them daily. They use many different technologies to easily obtain schools of fish. These efforts typically involve teamwork and collaboration that are highly synchronized and fun to watch.

Every year, fireballs rise from the surface of the Mekong River, located in Thailand. These balls are known as Naga fireballs and some people believe that they are the result of methane accumulations. Nevertheless, these balls became the source of inspiration for a huge number of local legends.


The oldest river in the USA is actually called the New River. Some scientists believe that this is the only river whose age exceeds the age of the African Nile River.


The chocolate river in the movie Willy Wonka was made of real chocolate and water, which caused it to spoil and become a source of a very unpleasant odor.


For large pods, they are often broken down into smaller groups for feeding purposes. The time of year for mating may vary depending on the location of the Dolphin River. Females are usually ready to mate at around 8 years of age, while for males it is around 10 years of age. Males can compete strongly with each other to mate. The young will be born between 10 and 12 months, tail first.

The largest river that does not flow anywhere is Tedzhen

The body is very protected and they will help the mother during childbirth. They will protect the young calf and help it on the surface for air. They will also help deter predators. The young grow quickly due to the fat content of the milk the mother produces. They will drink milk for 1 ½ to 2 years, but they will also start consuming fish when she is about 6 months old.

Every year, every day for three weeks, the full moon causes a tidal wave to rush with great force up the Amazon. Because of this phenomenon, the longest waves in the world are increasing. Some surfers zipped along them for a distance of 10 kilometers!


Martin Strel from Slovenia swam along the entire course of rivers such as the Mississippi, Amazon, Danube and Yangtze.


The Mongols were so treacherous and cruel that they changed the courses of entire rivers in order to exterminate the population of the city they wanted to destroy.


Conservation and Threat State

The Dolphin River is considered vulnerable to critically endangered. It's hard to know how many there are because different types and their habitats. IN river dolphin there are many problems to worry about in your natural habitat. They can be caught in fishing nets or run into boats. Heavy pollution plays a vital role in reducing their numbers in many places.

Some of the conservation efforts include fishing with better equipment and tools. However, since the rivers where large numbers of dolphins live are around very poor crops, which may be difficult to improve. Overfishing is also a concern as villagers rely heavily on food for survival. However, this may leave a shortage of food for the dolphins to survive. Pollution problems are also higher in areas where they do not have proper water supply and sanitation systems.

The first bridge across the Amazon was opened in 2010.


There are 17 countries in the world that do not have any rivers. Saudi Arabia is the largest of them.


The river separates one of the safest cities in North America(El Paso, Texas) from one of the most dangerous (Juarez, Mexico)


Interesting list of facts about the Nile River

The last time one of them was seen in wildlife. The river's two main sources are Lake Victoria, which feeds the White Nile branch, and Lake Tana, which feeds the Blue Nile branch. The average discharge of rivers is about 300 million cubic meters per day. In nine countries the Nile and its tributaries flow. These countries are Egypt, Zaire, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya. The Nile basin is very large. This includes areas of Tanzania, Congo, Kenya, Burundi and Rwanda. Ancient Egypt may never have become one of the greatest civilizations in history, if not for the Nile. They named it because the annual flow left black sediment along the banks of the river. There are a few major cities, which are located along the edge of the Nile. These are the largest crocodiles in Africa. Numerous animals live in and around the river include Nikola crocodiles, Nile monitors, frogs, mongooses, turtles, tortoises, hippos, wildebeests, baboons and over three hundred species of birds. The fertile soil and water supplied by the Nile allowed Egypt's ancient civilizations to form and flourish. Before stopping at the dams, the Nile would overflow every year, leaving rich soils in reserve. The river serves as the main source of transport. This is especially true during the flood season, when road transport is impossible in many areas along the river. The major dams built on the Nile include the Aswan High Dam, Roseries Dam, Owen Falls Dam and Sennar Dam.

  • This is the longest river in the world.
  • Both flow into the Mediterranean Sea.
  • There are two main branches of the Nile; these are the White Nile and the Blue Nile.
  • The White Nile occurs in East Africa, and Blue Nile takes place in Ethiopia.
  • These two branches merge in Khartoum.
  • Ancient Egypt relied on agriculture for its wealth and power.
  • The ancient Egyptians called the river Ar or Aur, which means "black".
Rivers and streams are amazing geological and geographical features.

Imjin River in South Korea received the nickname “river of the dead” because of the huge number of corpses of North Koreans who were carried down by the current.


For approximately six months and 10 hours a day, the mouth of the Catatumbo River in Venezuela receives hundreds of lightning strikes per hour. This “lightning storm” has been happening here every year for hundreds of years.


Not only do they provide humans with sources of food and water, but they are also capable of making massive changes to the Earth's surface in the form of valleys and canyons formed by erosion. Since they can flow for millions of years, it's no surprise that they are extremely powerful and intriguing.

The rivers begin at high point, for example, uphill, and flow down. Since rivers flow from high to low, they can flow from north to south or from south to north. Rivers can also occur when a lake overflows and the water sinks down to a lower altitude. As the river flows, smaller bodies of water called tributaries add to the volume and speed of the water. Because of this, the river is the smallest at its point of origin and has the largest volume by the time it reaches it. The end point is called the mouth and is often found near larger bodies of water such as the ocean or sea.

There are more than 26,000 headstones in the Delaware River. When the local cemetery was converted into a parking lot, the headstones were used as foundations for the construction of the Betsy Ross Bridge.


In 1720, when the South Sea Company folded, the British Parliament considered putting bankers in bags filled with snakes and then throwing them into the Thames.


Amazon contains more water than in the 7 largest rivers after it combined.


It occurs on Lake Victoria in central Africa and its mouth empties into the Mediterranean Sea. However, there is some disagreement about the name itself long river. Amazon River in South America has many different mouths, so its exact ending is not agreed upon. However, since it has so many mouths to feed, Amazon is by far the most big river by volume. Up to 20% of all freshwater released into the oceans comes from the Amazon.

Rivers not only provide food in the form of fish and other aquatic creatures, but also help other people. According to some estimates, up to 65% of drinking water comes from rivers. Rivers also help produce electricity. Rivers are also some of the most powerful forces on Earth. Currents in rivers are strong enough to lift and move objects as large as cars. Because water is always in motion, it is constantly being carved into the land over which it flows. Continuous erosion of the land can create valleys and canyons. In fact, the Grand Canyon was created by the flow of the Colorado River over a period of 70 million years.

The New Madrid Earthquakes (among the most powerful in US history) were so strong that they reversed the flow of the Mississippi River.


The Hudson River is so polluted that scientists are studying the evolutionary processes in its waters, where organisms learn to adapt.


The Cuyahoga River in Ohio is another extremely polluted river. In fact, the river has spontaneously combusted 13 times already!


Unusual rivers of the world - Rivers that don't flow anywhere

Although it is generally associated with Egypt, only 22% of the Nile's course passes through Egypt. In Egypt, the Nile River creates a fertile green valley through the desert. It was on the banks of the river that one of the oldest civilizations in the world began. The ancient Egyptians lived and farmed along the Nile, using the soil to produce food for themselves and their animals.

Quick facts about the Nile River. It originates in Burundi, south of the equator, and flows north through northeast Africa, eventually flowing through Egypt and finally draining into the Mediterranean Sea. Why did the ancient Egyptians live near the Nile River? Most Egyptians lived near the Nile because it provided water, food, transportation, and excellent soil for growing food.

At the turn of the 20th century, engineers reversed the flow of the Chicago River. It still flows in the opposite direction to this day.


The most expensive photograph in history was a photograph of the Rhine River (called Rhine II (Rhein II)). It sold at auction for over $4 million and was heavily Photoshopped.


In Germany there is a water bridge across the Elbe River. It allows ships to cross the river.


By volume of water

Why was the Nile River so important to the ancient Egyptians? Ancient Egypt could not exist without the Nile River. Since there is virtually no rainfall in Egypt, floods are the only source of moisture for crops to survive. Every year, heavy summer rains in the Ethiopian Highlands sent a torrent of water that overflowed the banks of the Nile. When the floods came down, it left behind thick, rich mud that was excellent soil for planting seeds after it was plowed.

The ancient Egyptians could only grow crops in the mud left behind when the Nile flooded. So everyone had fields along the Nile River. Learn about Egyptian agriculture. What else did the Nile do for the ancient Egyptians? Reeds called papyrus grew along the Nile. The Egyptians made paper and boats from reeds. Learn about Egyptian writing.

A “ghost” river flows under Manhattan. It is known as Minetta Brook and, according to legend, some buildings were built with grates in the basement, allowing the river to flow through them unimpeded.


There are almost 20 hidden rivers running beneath the streets of London.


There is a river in Australia called Merrica. January 16th, 2016

What could be interesting about an ordinary river? It's just flowing water, isn't it? In fact, rivers can be surprisingly interesting. They may seem unremarkable, but even the answers to questions about where rivers originate, where they flow, where and how they flow can lead us to amazing conclusions. For example, how can you measure the length of a river? And if it has one or more sleeves, how to measure its width? Moreover, scientists have discovered rivers on Saturn's moon, Titan. Just incredible, isn't it? However, even on Earth, rivers play a much more important role in the life of every person than one might imagine.

The Nile also provided Egyptian food. They used spears and nets to catch fish. They would also use nets to catch birds that flew close to the surface of the water. Another way the ancient Egyptians helped the Nile was through trade. Neil was the fastest and in a simple way travel from place to place.

What was the area next to the Nile River? This area was known as the Black Earth. Further from the river was Red Earth, an area of ​​inhospitable desert. Melting snow and heavy summer rains in the Ethiopian mountains sent a torrent of water, causing the banks of the Nile River in Egypt to overflow on the flat desert land.

There are only five species of dolphins that can thrive in fresh water, and the Amazon is one of them. Many people believe that all dolphins live in salt water, so this is interesting to know if you didn't know about it. There are several subspecies of dolphins that you can learn about.

Depending on where they live, river dolphins will vary in size. Some can be up to 8 feet long, but most are much smaller. They can also be found in a variety of colors. Some of which are known to exist include grey, black, brown, pink, yellow and white. Because of their many different colors, they are often mistaken for other forms of aquatic life.

In fact, rivers shaped the direction of civilizations. People settled along the banks of rivers, transported goods along them, and also used them as protective barriers. In fact, most ancient civilizations arose along the course of rivers. They flourished and faded depending on the flow of the rivers. Today, rivers remain an important part of the transport system, as well as a source of food. We present to your attention twenty-five interesting facts about rivers that you might not know.

25. Initially, diamonds were not mined, they were simply found at the bottom of rivers.

24. There is evidence of the existence of an underground river, which is located at a depth of approximately 4 kilometers under the Amazon. It is similar in length to the Amazon - its length is 6,000 kilometers, but it is several hundred times wider. This river was named Hamza (Rio Hamza).

23. Every year, fireballs rise from the surface of the Mekong River, located in Thailand. These balls are known as Naga fireballs and some people believe that they are the result of methane accumulations. Nevertheless, these balls became the source of inspiration for a huge number of local legends.

22. The oldest river in the USA is actually called the New River. Some scientists believe that this is the only river whose age exceeds the age of the African Nile River.

21. The chocolate river in the movie Willy Wonka was made of real chocolate and water, as a result of which it spoiled and became a source of a very unpleasant odor.

20. Every year, every day for three weeks, the full moon causes a tidal wave to rush with great force up the Amazon. Because of this phenomenon, the longest waves in the world are increasing. Some surfers zipped along them for a distance of 10 kilometers!

19. Martin Strel from Slovenia swam along the entire course of rivers such as the Mississippi, Amazon, Danube and Yangtze.

18. The Mongols were so treacherous and cruel that they changed the courses of entire rivers in order to exterminate the population of the city they wanted to destroy.

17. The first bridge across the Amazon was opened in 2010.

16. There are 17 countries in the world that do not have any rivers. Saudi Arabia is the largest of them.

15. A river separates one of the safest cities in North America (El Paso, Texas) from one of the most dangerous (Juarez, Mexico)

14. The Imjin River in South Korea received the nickname “river of the dead” due to the huge number of corpses of North Koreans who were carried down by the current.

13. For approximately six months and 10 hours a day, the mouth of the Catatumbo River in Venezuela receives hundreds of lightning strikes per hour. This “lightning storm” has been happening here every year for hundreds of years.

12. There are more than 26,000 headstones in the Delaware River. When the local cemetery was converted into a parking lot, the headstones were used as foundations for the construction of the Betsy Ross Bridge.

11. In 1720, when the South Sea Company folded, the British Parliament considered putting bankers in bags filled with snakes and then throwing them into the Thames.

10. The Amazon contains more water than the 7 largest rivers after it combined.

9. The New Madrid Earthquakes (one of the most powerful in US history) were so strong that they reversed the flow of the Mississippi River.

8. The Hudson River is so polluted that scientists are studying the evolutionary processes in its waters, where organisms learn to adapt.

7. The Cuyahoga River in Ohio is another extremely polluted river. In fact, the river has spontaneously combusted 13 times already!

6. At the turn of the 20th century, engineers turned the flow of the Chicago River back. It still flows in the opposite direction to this day.

5. The most expensive photograph in history was a photograph of the Rhine River (called Rhein II). It sold at auction for over $4 million and was heavily Photoshopped.

4. In Germany there is a water bridge across the Elbe River. It allows ships to cross the river.

3. A “ghost” river flows under Manhattan. It is known as Minetta Brook and, according to legend, some buildings were built with grates in the basement, allowing the river to flow through them unimpeded.

2. Almost 20 hidden rivers flow under the streets of London.

1. In Australia there is a river called Merrica.