Interesting facts about the river. Interesting things on the web! The Row River is the shortest river in the world


The wind subsides, and then the plants become motionless. The seas are not always agitated, calming down, and their surface reflects the blue of the sky. And only the flow of the river is never calm. He always strives forward, usually towards the ocean. A river is like a living organism, it is constantly changing, something is always agitated, moving, overflowing in it. This is an emotional perception of the river flow. What interesting facts about rivers can be educational?

However, nothing about the deceptive maiden is found in the ancient scriptures. For this purpose, a strong echo is repeatedly mentioned, which also multiplies the flow noise at this point. In the Middle Ages, echoes are still attributed to dwarfs who are said to live in the caves of Loreleiberg. Later it will become an attractive force for boatmen and river travelers in the Rhine. They detonate horns and fire rifles to cause echoes.

The Middle Rhine Valley - geologically old and young at the same time

Flat terraces extend from the steep slopes where the river valley reached 2.4 million years ago. The steep cliffs on Laurel are the result of many millions of years of geological processes. About 400 million years ago, hard rock was deposited as loose layers at the mouth of a large river—alternately coarser sandy layers and finer clay layers. Only under high pressure did they turn to stone. The energy came from the movement of the earthen plates. When two such plates collided, the “Laurele stone” was pushed many kilometers into the depths, exposed to high temperatures and literally baked.

  1. The Amazon is the queen among the rivers of the Earth. It carries a seventh of all river waters on the planet. Its numerous tributaries, many of which are major rivers themselves, flow into different time. The pulsation of the Amazon depends on this. It can quickly change channels and get in the way of unlucky travelers, flood huge areas of the surrounding territory, and the width of its delta is simply amazing. There is not a single bridge across the Amazon, only the banks of its tributary, the Rio Negro River, were connected by a single bridge in 2010.
  2. The divine river, the creator of human civilization, the omnipotent being - the Nile. He always allowed people to get big harvests and we owe our legacy only to him Ancient Egypt. The Nile and the Amazon compete for the title of the longest river in the world.
  3. The Yellow River is the second longest river in Eurasia. The Yellow River carries yellow waters through yellow land into the Yellow Sea. Not a single river on Earth changes its course as often and with such catastrophic consequences as the Yellow River. Traces of changes in its course remained throughout the Great Chinese Plain. An even more impressive structure than the Great Chinese Wall- These are dams along the banks of the Yellow River, built by the local population throughout the history of China.
  4. The Ganges is the sacred river of the Hindus. They make a pilgrimage to the river to wash their bodies in its waters and cleanse themselves of all sins. The bodies of believers who died at the bosom of the Ganges are burned, and their ashes are scattered over the waters of the river stream.
  5. During its existence, the main artery North America The Mississippi River created a huge lowland. Its delta is also continuously increasing in size. It grows about 100 meters per year. Until the 18th century, the Mississippi was the frontier separating America from the Wild West. The cities on its banks represented freedom and gave peace to African Americans fleeing slavery.
  6. The Danube crosses Europe and connects it with Asia. This is the most important transport artery, which has acquired special significance since the heyday of the Byzantine Empire.
  7. The state of Kievan Rus was formed in the basin of one of the greatest rivers in Europe - the Dnieper. The river was part of the legendary route “From the Varangians to the Greeks.”
  8. The Diyala River, formerly called Gind, flows through Iraq. The sacred white horse of King Cyrus II drowned in it during the campaign against Byzantium. For this, the king executed the river, forcing numerous canals to be dug from it.

Almost every corner of the earth has its own river or stream. Every waterway is home to some living organisms. All rivers abound in fish; since ancient times they have served as routes of communication between countries and settlements. And you can tell some incredibly interesting facts and legends about each one.

On the one hand, the shales that were created are highly stratified and are therefore also used in the region as tiles. On the other hand, it is also intersected by transverse cracks so that it can be easily disassembled into cubic blocks - and provides an attack surface for the diving force of water.

Ten million years ago the Rhine still emerged near Strasbourg and today exited into the North Sea at Bonn. Middle Rhine also looked completely different than it does today. Just 2.4 million years ago, the river flowed here in a wide, thinly cut valley, about 250 meters from the current Rhine valley. This is evidenced by today's flat terraces above the cliffs. With the onset of the Ice Ages, sea levels dropped and the river gained a greater gradient. The flow of the Rhine increased significantly, and the water quickly flowed into the Rhine slant.

The river is considered a familiar element of every landscape. There are a lot of them today. The Ob, Oka, and Volga rivers hide many secrets. Interesting facts about these and other rivers of the world are not familiar to everyone. Not all facts about rivers are taught in geography classes at school. There are many more of them.

1. Interesting facts about rivers confirm that the most long river considered to be the Nile. Its length is approximately 6853 km.

Dangerous Rain in Laurel

However, for hundreds of thousands of years, water did not wash away all layers equally well. Again and again, rock ridges stopped in the river and made passage through the Middle Rhine valley dangerous. Very close to Laurel, high above the Rhine at Castle Rheinfels, there is evidence to this day. In addition to rocks below the water's surface, sandy banks and rapids threatened skippers. And especially the whirlpools behind the sandy shore were very dangerous for boats. Written sources say that the Aquarian monk Gohar settled there to take care of all the castaways who were doomed to the Lorele whirlpools.

2.The Amazon River contains the most water.

3.The most clean river is Voncha. Located in the Republic of Mari El.

4.The most mysterious river is located in Colombia and is called Caño Cristales. It consists of 5 colors.

5.The Congo is the deepest river in the world.

6. The most polluted river in the world, Citarum, is located near the city of Jakra, the capital of Indonesia. Australia also has the most polluted river and its name is the Royal River. It receives pollution mainly from the chemical industry.

Mythical stories grew around this dangerous place in the river. Therefore, it was assumed that the river flows there in underground tunnels, which will be connected underground to the second dangerous place in Bingen. At this point there are records from many centuries of a shipwreck.

Romantic view of the Rhine

The figure of Lorelei is a literary invention. In writings and paintings before the beginning of the century there is not a single mention of the Maiden Loreli. But then people looked at the Rhine. During the Romantic era, they discovered the special landscape of the Middle Rhine Valley as an unusual idyll. At the same time, they were delighted with the medieval heritage of the Rhine Valley. With him, she is still a sorceress who throws herself out of heartache on the Rhine.

7. In Poland, the rivers Welna and Nelba intersect at an angle of 90 degrees.

8.Finland is considered the most water-rich country. About 650 rivers flow through its territory.

9. There is a country on whose territory there is not a single river. This is Saudi Arabia.

10.The Styx is considered a popular fictional river. This is a river that flows in the underground kingdom of Hades.

Since then, Lorelli has attracted tourists in droves. But the dangerous rocks on the Rhine have long since been blasted, and the echoes have fallen victim to construction work for trains and cars. Remains unusual landscape. Rhine, castles and palaces. And not so old is the myth of Laurel, which suits the place so well, least geologically one of the oldest in Germany.

Unique river of the world - Multi-colored river

Out of stock at the bookstore, oh Historical Museum in Strom, Bingen and the museum in the Middle Rhine, which Koblenz is yet to receive. Deep Valley The Grand Canyon is a deep, steep-sided valley carved by the Colorado River in Arizona. The Grand Canyon is considered one of the Seven Wonders of Nature.

11. Blue rivers are a mystery of nature. They flow through Greenland and look like small streams.

12. On planet Earth there are 6 rivers with the same name Don.

13. The funniest river is the Los River, and there is also Lysaya Balda (a river in the village of Zaryanoye, Ukraine) Bolotnaya Rogavka (a village in the Novgorod region)

14. Once a year, the Mekong River spews fireballs from its depths that glow.

Unusual rivers of the world - Very short rivers

Width and depth vary greatly depending on location. The Colorado River has exposed nearly two billion years of Earth's geological history. The river gradually broke through various layers of rock to reach its current depth. The specific geological processes that formed the Grand Canyon and the time frame in which it occurred remain controversial among geologists. New evidence suggests the Colorado River established its orbit through the Grand Canyon more than 17 million years ago.

15.Most ancient river considered to be the Nile.

16.Waves on the Amazon River can reach a height of 4 meters.

17.Every spring, the Kosi River, located in India, makes a new channel for itself.

18. Most rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean.

19.One bank of the Ural River is in Asia, and the second is in Europe.

20. The Volga River has powerful hydroelectric resources.

Since then, the river has shaped the current appearance of the Grand Canyon. Today, geology is still changing very slowly. You can find out more about the object World Heritage and the Grand Canyon in general on its website. Tourist attraction National Park The Grand Canyon is the most popular natural attraction in the world, attracting approximately five million visitors a year. Many people consider the Grand Canyon to be one of the places to visit at least once in a lifetime.

Activities There are many different ways to see the Grand Canyon. A tour that starts in Las Vegas is a very popular choice. However, physically strenuous activities such as multi-day treks or challenging rafting are also possible. Large differences The depth of the valley and the height of the edges result in large temperature differences between the edges and the ground. The desert climate also provides temperature differences between winter and summer. Summers are very hot and temperatures can sometimes reach 50 degrees Celsius.

21. La Plata is considered the widest river on Earth.

22. It happened when the river was sentenced to death. When King Cyrus, redirecting across the river, lost the life of his horse, he ordered the river to be removed.

23.The Lena River is characterized by powerful ice jams and ice conditions.

24. Once upon a time, diamonds were found at the bottom of rivers.

25. In the film about Willy Wonka there was a chocolate river, which was made from water and chocolate. Soon after this she had a rather unpleasant odor.

Nile or Amazon: Which is the longest river in the world?

Very interesting fact What you may be ignoring is that 65% of the water we drink daily comes from rivers. Hence the importance of protecting them and promoting their conservation. There is a scientific debate about knowing which is the longest river in the world, the Nile or the Amazon. Traditionally, the African was considered to be the one who held this category, but in recent times it has tended to be considered that the Brazilian is older.

River Ganges: sacred site

For Hindus, the Ganges River is a sacred place. They believe that its waters are pure and that even for many years it has not been polluted. It has healing properties due to numerous plants and minerals. The award for the most beautiful river in the world is not up for debate: it goes to Caño Cristales, a river located in northern Colombia. Very rare algae color their waters with colors that resemble a large aquatic rainbow.

26.In 2010, the first bridge across the Amazon River was opened.

27.More than 26 thousand gravestones are located in the Delaware River.

28. A photograph of the Rhine River is considered the most expensive in the world. It was sold at auction for 4 million.

29. The “Ghost” River flows under Manhattan.

30.About 20 hidden rivers flow under London Bridge.

Why do floods happen?

An estuary is a place at the mouths of rivers where the tides and river flow combine to mix fresh water with salt water. When it rains in a region, rivers usually fill with water, so much so that it runs out, crossing its fields and expanding. This process is called flooding and causes significant loss of human life.

A unique river in the world - A river that exists only at night

The deepest river in the world is the Congo River, located on the African continent with a depth of over 220 meters. It also ranks third in the river with the largest volume of water. Rivers are powerful agents of transport. The faster a river moves, the more things it can carry with it - water, stones, dirt. These tributaries can transport half the sediment that a large storm moves.

31.The Ural River is considered the natural water border between Asia and Europe.

32.It is near the Amazon that the largest a tropical forest in the world.

33.The Congo is considered the deepest river in Africa and the only river that crosses the equator twice.

34.The world's first river police was created on the Thames River, which flows in London.

These rivers are undoubtedly one of the most important geographical formations on Earth. Always remember that one percent of people on the planet do not have access to clean water. Let's take care of the rivers and learn how to repair them. With life expectancy increasing due to improved health and technological advances, every day we are bigger, we consume more, and therefore we throw away much more waste than we did just a century ago. It is an emerging evil that comes with excessive population growth and there seems to be nothing we can do to stop it.

35.The Moscow River originates from the swamp.

36.The Amur River is also extraordinary. Facts confirm that this river has two sources: Zeya and Bureya, and its discoverer was Vasily Poyarkov.

37.River in South Korea has the nickname "river of the dead". Many corpses are caught from it.

38.The sacred river of India and its spiritual center is the Ganges River.

This is evident from these impressive 15 pollution data that can help us understand the serious consequences this planet is suffering, that in a figurative sense we are little. An average of 14 billion pounds of trash, mostly plastic, is dumped into the ocean each year. Just another piece of information to encourage you to cooperate with recycling programs and activities.

Pisces change their gender. The suspected cause of this change is believed to be due to hormones contained in wastewater produced by humans, such as birth control pills. Worldwide, 15 million children die before their fifth birthday due to diseases caused by drinking water. Obviously we need water to survive, so you don't have to be a genius to figure out that it's polluted water.

39. The Oka River is considered the largest tributary of the Volga.

40.Approximately 12 reservoirs were built in the Lena River basin.

41. Of the 70 rivers in Asia and Europe, 50 rivers flow through the territory of the former Soviet Union.

42.The name of India comes precisely from the name of the Indus River, because the valleys where this river flows became the home of the first settlers of the state.

In the United States alone, people use more than 8 billion disposable diapers, 220 million tires, and 30 billion plastic cups per year. This gives an idea of ​​the amount of waste, just of this type, that we produce year after year.

This coupled with the amazing number of fish being killed by water pollution. Cadmium, a pollutant that reduces fertility, is present in most of the things we eat and drink. Lake Karachay in Russia, a nuclear waste zone, is the most contaminated place on the planet. 5 minutes in the surrounding area without proper protection can kill you. Definitely not everyone can handle the tourist attractions in Russia.

43.There is not a single bridge across the Amazon River.

44.The Piana is considered the most winding river in the world.

45.The Amazon is the queen of all rivers.

46.The Dnieper River, located on the territory of Ukraine, was part of the legendary route “From the Varangians to the Greeks.”

48.The beginning of the famous route “From the Varangians to the Greeks” was the Volkhov River, along which overseas merchants traveled.

Approximately 46% of lakes in America are too polluted for fish, aquatic life, or simply swimming. Which basically reduces them to beautiful decorations for our landscapes, if you can even call them "beautiful". Death Square in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Mississippi River dumps about 65 million tons of trash into the Gulf of Mexico each year, creating a "death zone" the size of New Jersey. China is the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, producing more than the United States and Canada combined. Even worse, that's up 171% year over year.

49.The Yellow River is also called the Yellow River because it is the muddiest of all existing sources in the world.

51. The El Rio Vinegre River, located on the territory of the Purace volcano in Colombia, is considered the most acidic.

52.A river with turquoise water flows through Argentina and Chile, and it is called Futaleufu.

53.Approximately 2 million people visit the Zambezi River every year. It attracts the eye with its cascades.

54.The Danube covers 10 European countries. This is the main waterway of Central Europe.

55.The most winding river in Africa is the Gambia.

56.The Shuya River, located in Karelia, changes its direction approximately 20 times a year.

58.Mississippi means “Big River”.

59.The Teesta River is considered a lifeline.

60.In the 9th and 11th centuries, the Nile River was covered with ice twice.

61.The shortest river in the world is Reprua. It flows out of an underground cave near the Black Sea and immediately flows into it.

62.V Voronezh region There are 2 rivers called Maiden.

63.The river flow of the Amazon is greater than that of the 10 next largest rivers.

64.The Amazon River has more than 500 tributaries.

65. “Rio” is translated from Portuguese and Spanish as “river”. That is why many cities located on rivers Latin America begin with the word Rio.

66.There is a night river in Chile. During the day, the bed of this river dries out to such an extent that it is impossible to wet your feet.

67. A river in Australia called Gascoyne flows upside down.

68.The Kapuas River flows, creating a branched delta.

69.The Kuku River has the most fun name.

70.The Yellow River caused trouble 1,500 times.

71. When you pull fish from the Puarenga River on the North Island, you can immediately cook it. The river is fed from cold and hot springs, and the water in it does not have time to mix.

72.No fish live in the Sour River located in Colombia. It contains about 11 grams of sulfuric acid.

73.The ancient Egyptians always worshiped the Nile River and created hymns in honor of it.

74.The Amazon is considered the queen of all rivers. It is here that the largest river dolphin lives.

75.The Amazon was recognized as one of the wonders of the world in 2011.

76.The Nile is the cradle of human civilization.

77.The Pyramids of Giza, the temples of Karnak and Luxor and the Valley of the Kings are located on the banks of the Nile.

78.There are 2.5 million rivers in Russia.

79.The water of the Ob River in summer and autumn has a striped structure.

80.The Hudson is a deep river, and its depth can reach 65 meters.

81.The most picturesque waterway in Europe is the Rhine River. It was she who shaped the history of Europe more than other sources.

82.Only the Spree River runs through the heart of the old kingdoms such as Bohemia, Saxony and Bavaria.

83.The Brahmaputra River flows the fastest.

84. Every second Amazon resets Atlantic Ocean 200,000 m3 of water.

85.The River Severn is considered the longest in Great Britain.

86.The Congo River has another name, Zaire.

87. There are no living creatures in the Jumna River.

88.The Caño Cristales River is also called the “rainbow” river, and it is the most beautiful of all existing in the world.

89.Lenin’s pseudonym comes from the Lena River.

90.The Volga River is considered the symbol of Russia.

91.The Hudson River is the political and geographical border of two American states: New Jersey and New York.

92.Near the Missouri River flows another river - a natural “heart”, which is shaped like a heart.

93.Only near the Mekong River can you still find river markets.

94.The name of the Rhine River is translated from Celtic as “flow”.

95. Every second the Congo River carries 500 cubic meters of water.

96.The most famous and big river Ukraine is considered the Dnieper.

97.In Australia, only one river named Murrumbidgee constantly flows.

98. About 280 lightning strikes per hour over 10 hours strike the mouth of the Catatumbo River.

99.The length of the smallest river is only 18 meters.

100.For a river to exist, it needs food.