Tunisia. Everything about holidays in Tunisia: reviews, tips, guidebook Private guides in Tunisia

Even though the holiday season is in full swing, it is not always possible to plan a long-awaited vacation in advance. You were still planning to work a little, and then your boss sends you off for the day off. Now is the time to turn to last-minute tours. And if Turkey and Egypt have already been traveled far and wide, and tickets to Crimea are sold out in a patriotic rush, it’s time to discover Tunisia. This small African country with the familiar Mediterranean Sea in the north and the endless mysterious sands of the Sahara in the south. Tunisia's rich history and convenient location will satisfy both your need for a beach holiday and your thirst for knowledge. The famous city of Carthage, the Roman and then the Ottoman empires left here a rich historical heritage that has survived to this day despite all the efforts of the barbarians. For those who go on vacation not only for new experiences, but also for health, thalassotherapy centers have long existed here, of which Tunisians are especially proud. Well, for fans of George Lucas’s space saga “Star Wars,” Tunisia is a must-visit. It was here that the famous director filmed the desert landscapes of the homeland of Anikin and Luke Skywalker - the planet Tatooine. But first things first.

First, some background information. Tunisia is located in the north of the African continent and is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, which shapes the climate in most of the country. The flight from Moscow takes 4 hours. Tunisia borders Algeria in the west and Libya in the south. In that part, the sands of the Sahara already reign, so the climate there is drier. The population is small, just over 10 million people. Previously, Tunisia was a French colony, therefore, along with the Tunisian dialect of Arabic, the second common language here is French, English and German are slightly less popular. Most of the staff in the tourist area speak these languages, but more and more people can be found who can speak Russian. Well, universal sign language is known everywhere. The national currency is the Tunisian dinar. At the time of writing, one American dollar was worth 1.8 dinars. The rate is the same everywhere, so there’s no point in looking for a better rate - you can change it at the airport, or you can change it at the hotel. Just in case, keep the receipt from the exchanger. If at the end of the tour you have dinars left, they can be exchanged back upon presentation of the receipt. It is prohibited to export Tunisian dinars from the country.


One of the most popular resorts in Tunisia, the city of Hammamet. Since the beginning of the 20th century, this place began to gain popularity among European bohemia. Here is the Yasmine tourist area with the largest “marina” for yachts and an entertainment complex stylized as a medieval Arab medina (historical city center) with bazaars, cafes and the opportunity to rent a yacht for a boat trip or fishing. In addition to the new medina, there is also the old one. With a mosque built in the 13th century, a noisy oriental bazaar. After passing through the Sea Gate you can find yourself on a sandy beach.

Those looking for a relaxing holiday and families will love the city of Monastir. This is the birthplace of the country's first president, Habib Bourguiba, who, after the liberation of Tunisia from its colonial past, carried out large-scale secular reforms in the country. There is a calm, unhurried life here, good beaches and an ancient medina, located in the center of the Kasbah fortress, built in the 8th century. If you go up to the observation terrace, you will see a beautiful view of the sea from there - a good place to watch the sunset. Next is the ancient Kubba cemetery. The most expensive real estate is near its borders. In Tunisia, it is customary to consider such a neighborhood prestigious, as they say, no one will disturb you. The city has a large variety of cafes, but some of them are intended only for men. There they gather to discuss what men usually discuss - sports, politics, work. And it’s not a matter of discrimination, it’s just that in the East it’s not customary for women to be involved in these matters, let them, they say, take care of the house and children.

The second city suitable for a non-party family holiday is the former capital of the country, Mahdia. The beaches here are almost the best in Tunisia. The port is full of fishermen who can be hired to go out to sea for fish, and in the center of the city there are shops and workshops of merchants and artisans. Here you can buy fantastic silk products for ridiculous money. Here, at the Mahdia Palace THALASSO hotel, one of the largest thalassotherapy centers is located. A Russian-speaking doctor will conduct a diagnosis and prescribe exactly the procedures that you need.

The word thalassotherapy comes from the Greek. thalassa - sea and therapia - treatment. This is a branch of clinical medicine that studies the properties of the coastal climate, sea water, algae, mud and the mechanisms of their action on the body for therapeutic and prophylactic use. Wellness practices here, it must be said, turned out to be unexpectedly accessible. Having become accustomed to seeing pensioners from the eurozone at the resorts, it was gratifying to notice that among the visitors to the center there are many of our compatriots who are enjoying their well-deserved retirement. And not somewhere in the usual resorts of the Caucasus, but on the Mediterranean coast of Africa.

For the life of a big city, with everything you need: discos, noisy shopping streets, resort cafes - go to the city of Sousse. Like many cities in Tunisia, it is divided into two parts - old and new. Old Sousse is considered by some to be older than Carthage. There are really a lot of historical buildings there - these are ancient fortresses and monasteries, the Nador watchtower, which offers a magnificent panorama of the city and the sea, the Great Mosque with outstanding minarets of stone lace decoration. Here is one of the busiest and most inexpensive markets, where you can buy the most delicious fruits that you won’t be served even in the most star hotel. There are fish and nuts right there - your eyes widen and you want to buy absolutely everything. Don’t forget to bargain - you can cut the price by half, or even more! New Sousse is home to restaurants and cafes, discos and parks. In the tourist area of ​​Port El Kantaoui, it is worth taking a walk along the picturesque embankment, and then going to one of the coastal cafes and ordering a fish dish for dinner. Be sure to try the Sea Wolf, this very tasty fish is nicknamed by local fishermen for its cunning nature - it must be caught differently each time.


Relaxing by the sea and by the pool is, of course, good. But when you get tired of the hotel, you need to go on excursions. Fortunately, there is something to see in Tunisia. For example, take a historical tour of the ruins of Carthage, the destruction of which the Roman commander Cato insisted on every time, ending any of his speeches with the phrase “Carthage must be destroyed.” During the Third Punic War, the Romans nevertheless defeated the city that was annoying them and wiped it off the face of the earth.

After wandering through the ruins of baths, barracks and visiting a museum with various mosaics and marble statues, you can go to the town of Sidi Bou Said. This is one of the most romantic places in Tunisia. Almost all the houses here are white, and their doors and windows are deep blue. The Mediterranean architectural landscape with narrow cobbled streets and the leisurely flow of life puts you in a completely relaxed mood. In a local popular cafe overlooking the Gulf of Tunisia, a recipe for green tea with pine nuts was born, which later became traditional for the rest of Tunisia. Thanks to its picturesqueness, Sidi Bou Said became a place of pilgrimage for writers and artists of the Silver Age, where they came for inspiration. He remains so now. Nowadays, many episodes for films and TV series, including Russian ones, have been filmed here. There is also a historical house-museum where you can see the life of wealthy Tunisians during the Ottoman Empire. The main house is divided into two parts (male and female), after passing through which you find yourself in a very cozy courtyard with a beautiful garden, a well and a home school for children.

The largest market with the largest selection of various souvenirs is located in the medina of the capital of the state - Tunisia. Having walked through a real oriental crowd among shop windows and ruins, you can unexpectedly turn into the most ordinary door and find yourself in a chic restaurant. An ancient house from the Ottoman reign sets the mood for a measured oriental meal. Here you will be offered very tasty couscous and fantastic desserts. It’s worth taking a walk around Tunisia to understand what a metropolis in an Arab country is like.

One of the most worthwhile places to visit in Tunisia is the Roman Colosseum in the city of El Jem. The sixth largest in the Roman Empire, it was built in the 3rd century AD. and was designed for 35 thousand spectators. Here, having gone down to the underground catacombs where the gladiators’ rooms were located, you can feel like a real fighter of those times. And having risen to the upper tiers - Caesar, or, well, a citizen of the great Rome. The Colosseum has survived to this day in quite good condition, but in some places it has, nevertheless, been restored. Every year a symphonic music festival is held here. Classical works in such surroundings and with natural ideal acoustics sound especially bewitching here.

For lovers of sweets, I recommend visiting the ancient city of Kairouan, which is the fourth holiest shrine of the Muslim world. The very first mosque on the African continent is located here, built in 670 AD. Pilgrims who are unable to make the Hajj to Mecca go here. An incredible amount of oriental sweets are also prepared here. Be sure to try makrud - wedding cookies made from semolina, jam, dates and nuts.

The strongest impressions of a trip to Tunisia are left by a trip to the Sahara. If you have a couple of free days, take a two-day excursion to the most famous desert. You are guaranteed to get a lot of impressions and emotions. And for Star Wars fans, this tour is a must. It was in the Tunisian part of the desert that many episodes of the cult space saga were filmed. On the first day you will visit Matmata, located in the foothills of the Atlas Range. Having climbed to the observation deck, you can stand for a long time, contemplating the lunar landscapes. Here Lucas filmed the famous car races taking place on the planet Tatooine. Continuing along the serpentine road, you will notice dugouts located along the road. These are the homes of the Berbers, who honor their traditions, including in architecture. As a rule, you can visit houses that are located closer to the road and look at the life of the desert aborigines. They are happy to have guests. No one will bother you to take photos and you will even be treated to very strong and sweet tea with homemade scones. They may offer you a traditional Berber treat - a dish filled with olive oil with honey at the bottom. The taste is extremely interesting. For hospitality, it is customary to put as much as you don’t mind in a special jug at the entrance.

Another hour of travel and you are on the outskirts of the desert in the city of Duuz. Every year at the end of December an international festival is held here - camel racing. Owners of desert racing ships come here from all over the Maghreb. But if you come here in the summer, you still won’t be bored. You can rent a buggy or ATV and drive through the dunes, or dress in a Bedouin costume and, as part of a caravan on camels and horses, go deep into the desert for an hour. Or you can fly around the edge of the Sahara on a light aircraft, at the helm of which is a retired French civil aviation pilot, who, even when piloting such a small plane, does not take off his uniform shirt with the pilot's shoulder straps.

In the evening you will be transferred to your hotel to go to a real oasis for breakfast in the morning. After having breakfast in the shade of date palms and taking a tour of the local production of everything that can be produced from dates, you will go on off-road vehicles into the depths of the desert. Next stop is the planet Tatooine! The road itself along the sand dunes is already an adventure. If you ask, the driver will give you a real roller coaster ride. Buckle up and hit the sand!

As a result, you are brought to the Star Wars set, which was built here by Dorj Lucas' film crew a long time ago. They were repeatedly covered by sandstorms, but for the sake of the tourist flow they were dug up again and again. Fans of the saga will at first glance recognize the hometown of Anakin and Luke Skywalker - Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. Actually, Lucas gave the name of the planet in honor of the real city of Tataouine located here. By the way, thanks to satellite images of these scenery, scientists were able to determine the speed of movement of the sands.

There are many more interesting things you can tell about Tunisia, but as they say, it’s better to see once. Therefore, if you have the desire and opportunity to go somewhere, but still haven’t decided where, go to Tunisia, you won’t regret it.

The author expresses great gratitude to the travel company "Transaero Tour" and the Tunisian Ministry of Tourism for organizing the trip to Tunisia.

Tunisia is a mysterious country that embodies the customs of the West and the East, combining ancient African and modern European traditions, the nature of the coastal strip and desert, attracting with endless beaches, a gentle sea and the best thalassotherapy procedures in the world.

Tunisia has a very ancient history and, accordingly, a rich excursion program. The country is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, covers an area of ​​about 164 thousand square kilometers and is populated by almost 10.5 million inhabitants. The capital is the city of the same name, Tunis.

Resorts of Tunisia

The most popular Tunisian resort is Hammamet. The name translates as... “bathhouse”. Hammamet is the main health resort of the country - the best thalassotherapy salons are here. Moreover, recovery can be quite harmoniously combined with beach holidays and excursions. Entertainment lovers can visit various discos and clubs in this city, and those who prefer peace can contemplate the magnificent landscapes of eucalyptus and orange groves and the sea, the endless sea.

Great beach holiday in Sousse. Here you can stay in either a budget hotel or a five-star one. The resort is distinguished by a fairly long coastal strip, well-developed infrastructure - many restaurants, cafes, entertainment not only for adult vacationers, but also for young tourists.

Monastir resort is a beach, thalassotherapy, cultural program.

The town of Mahdia is less crowded - here you can enjoy a relaxing beach holiday, professional thalassotherapy procedures, good diving, and unforgettable shopping.

You can relax on the Tunisian island of Djerba all year round. The air temperature on the coast of Djerba never drops below +20 degrees. There are many premium hotels on the island, conditions for playing golf, excursions and entertainment. There is even its own crocodile farm.

How to get to Tunisia

Air travel is the fastest way to get to Tunisia in a matter of hours.

Planes fly from Moscow to Tunisia regularly; in the summer season, charters from Moscow, Minsk or Kyiv are possible.

Perhaps someone will choose a flight with a connection in Istanbul or Rome.

You can get to Tunisia by ferry from Italy and France.

If you contact the travel company “Spasibo Travel”, our experienced managers will select a travel option that is convenient for you.

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Climate of Tunisia

Tunisia is one of the few countries on the African continent that has a very comfortable climate for Belarusians - there is no need to acclimatize for a long time.

In summer the temperature rises to +35, but dry air compensates for the heat. The swimming season in Tunisia is most comfortable from the last days of May to the last of October (the water in the sea at this time does not drop below +20). Swimming on the island of Djerba is permissible all year round.

Winter temperatures in Tunisia can range from +10 to +21 depending on the area.

Beaches of Tunisia

The beaches of Tunisia are a source of special pride for the country. Being under the authority of the municipality, the beaches are kept clean, have free entry and paid beach equipment (with the exception of 4* and 5* hotels).

The beach cover of Tunisia is fine white sand. Almost everywhere there is a convenient entrance to the sea.

And almost everywhere there is an unforgettable view of the setting sun gently plunging into the sea!

The number of hotel stars in Tunisia does not always correspond to reality and turns out to be lower in level than stated. The exception is hotels belonging to world-famous chains. A big “advantage” of hotels in Tunisia is their location on the coast and the presence of well-groomed grounds. However, you can always find a decent three-star hotel with all-inclusive meals. In Tunisia, this food system is different from other countries, so before leaving you should check what is included and what is not.

Almost everywhere you will be offered health treatments.

It is better, of course, for Europeans to choose a “higher” level of accommodation - in inexpensive hotels local residents infiltrate the territory, which is not entirely comfortable.

The so-called charm hotels are popular - houses with 10-15 rooms, surrounded by picturesque landscapes. The owners of such hotels are usually local families, who create an authentic national atmosphere for guests and offer delicious local cuisine.

Banks, money, exchange offices

The dinar, which has 1000 millimeters, is the currency of Tunisia.

You can make an exchange in banks and exchange offices, post offices, at the airport and in hotels. There are also ATMs on the streets of the country, where the rate is more favorable, but no more than 500 dinars can be withdrawn per day.

Tourist safety

Tunisia is a country with a low crime rate, but standard security measures must still be observed. It is better to leave all the most valuable things - large cash, documents, expensive things - in the hotel safe.

In Muslim Tunisia, you should go out into public places, observing the culture in clothing - knees, chest, shoulders must be covered.

Women are not advised to walk the streets alone.

It is best to use bottled water for drinking.


There are well-developed air connections between the main cities of Tunisia.

The most common and convenient way to travel in Tunisia is by bus. You can get from one city to another quickly and for little money. In summer, due to high air temperatures, buses travel at night.

Trains of three classes (depending on travel conditions) transport passengers between cities and attractions. The ticket price depends on the distance.

A unique lightweight version of the metro connects Tunis, Carthage, Sousse, Monastir, and Mahdia.
Within cities, passengers are transported by buses and trams.

But tourists are better off using the services of a taxi with a red stripe, the fare of which should be agreed upon in advance. Such a taxi begins to move when it is completely filled with passengers. Taxis with a blue stripe operate on the same principle and can accommodate five passengers. Taxi with a yellow stripe is the most familiar form of transport for us. Payment here, oddly enough, is made according to the meter readings and after the trip (night travel will be more expensive).

Those interested can rent a car, but be prepared for surprises on the roads - local drivers do not really respect traffic rules.

Entertainment, excursions, sights of Tunisia

Tunisia attracts tourists from many countries with its rich history - there is quite a rich excursion program - Carthage, Hammamet, the city of Dougga, which is under the auspices of UNESCO, the city-museum of Sidi Bou Said, Mecca, Medina and many other sites worthy of attention.
A separate highlight of your stay in Tunisia is, of course, thalassotherapy, the services of which can be offered to you in any hotel and beyond.

Coral reefs are suitable for diving, and the sea is suitable for fishing.

Excursions to the Sahara Desert are organized from the city of Douz.

Shopping and shops

Tunisia is famous for its handmade carpets made of silk, wool, and cashmere. You can buy good leather goods, but you need to buy them in specialized stores.

Silk dresses and stoles, as well as clothes made from natural fibers will delight any fashionista, as well as good quality ceramics, silver jewelry and olive oil, oriental sweets.

In local markets, bargaining is quite appropriate; in supermarkets prices are fixed.

Cuisine and restaurants

Tunisian cuisine is closest to European. The country has a large number of establishments for every taste and budget, where you will be served delicious food.

Be sure to taste Tunisian couscous, which is prepared in a certain way from vegetables, meat, fish or seafood and cereals. Very tasty sweet couscous - date-nut-sugar.

Tuna is a popular component of many dishes - it can be used in baked goods and in salads.
The local analogue of cheburek, stuffed with potatoes, tuna, egg and parsley, is peculiar. Delicious chicken and potato omelette with onions and cheese.

No Belarusian will pass by grilled seafood - squid, cuttlefish and octopus.

Those with a sweet tooth gobble up Tunisian baklava, sweet balls, nut and date cookies, washing it all down with green tea infused with pine nuts.


You can import and export foreign money from Tunisia in unlimited quantities. In case of import and export of more than 1000 US dollars per person, they must be declared.

Local dinars and cultural and historical values ​​cannot be exported from the country.

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Tunisia is the beaches of Jebra, the azure shores of Hammamet, the blue expanses of Sousse, the greenery of oases and the sands of the Sahara, behind which the peaks of the mountains are visible.


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The beaches are good, clean, sandy, simply ideal for swimming and walking. The water is clean, sometimes after a storm algae washes up on the shore, but they are quickly removed here with special machines. There are places to eat inexpensively and tasty, and many cafes. The downside is loud music and too noisy animators. The beaches located above the medina are the most comfortable; palm trees, flowers are planted, there are many offers for sports and active recreation - sailing, windsurfing, catamarans. The sea is not always calm; there are high waves. Very annoying sellers often scurry along the beach, offering souvenirs, clothes, food, and photo sessions.

In the market you need to bargain, reducing the price by two, or even three times. In the area of ​​the old city - medina it is better to buy leather (very good). Bags, belts, paintings, souvenir camel skin drums, ceramic vases, beautiful stoles, rugs. Dishes, olive wood boards. As a souvenir gift - dates on a branch, packed in boxes, sets of spices, halva, olive oil, healing argan oil. All this is much cheaper than in Russia. Supermarkets sell unusual cactus fruit jam and local fig vodka Boukha.

The influence of France was reflected in the national kuna of Tunisia. At breakfast, lunch and dinner you can find a huge selection of cheeses and croissants. Very tasty food, wide choice. Rich fresh juices of peaches and oranges. Seafood is often on the menu - baked mussels, fried squid. Soup is only served for dinner.

Pros of holidays in Hammamet

Whether this is a plus or a minus, everyone will determine for themselves, but in Hammamet there are no morning and evening chants or calls to prayer. Strange, of course, for an absolutely Muslim country, but true. There is a fairly liberal attitude towards clothing here. Even outside the tourist area, you can meet a girl in a short skirt here. It is not very pleasant to enter such areas - there is a lot of garbage and dirt away from the eyes of tourists. Traffic on the roads is calmer than in Egypt. Drivers of public transport drive calmly, following the rules. There are racers among taxi drivers, but rarely. The people are responsive and have a reverent attitude towards tourists. A definite plus is that a visa is not required to visit the country.

People go to Tunisia to relax first class spa, bargain at the oriental bazaar, ride a camel through the largest desert in the world and, of course, have a wonderful time relaxing in hotels by the sea. Holidays in Tunisia have become a good replacement for holidays in Egyptian resorts: tours here are inexpensive, the service in the hotels is decent, and there is enough sand in the Sahara and ancient ruins for everyone.


Visa to Tunisia for citizens of the Russian Federation need not. All you need to visit Tunisia is to pay for a hotel, fly to one of the airports and fill out a short form.

Tours to Tunisia

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow are given.


If you are planning a beach holiday in Tunisia, then remember that the swimming season is starting from the end of May and lasts until the end of October. For travel, it is better to choose the off-season - late autumn or mid-spring.

There are many hotels in the resort areas of Tunisia, which literally dot the entire coastline. Those located on the first line have a large area, their own section of the beach, garden and swimming pools. Usually these are hotels of well-known international chains, but there are also local brands whose service is no worse. The most common hotels in the category 4 or 5 stars. We recommend choosing food by type "all inclusive".

Round-trip flights to Tunisia

Prices for tickets per person departing from Berlin are shown.

First of all, of course, it is worth planning a visit to the famous one - without visiting him, a trip to Tunisia will be incomplete. It will also be interesting to see the dwellings of the troglodytes and the places where the Star Wars episodes were filmed. It’s definitely worth wandering around the capital’s medina, looking around and taking fantastic pictures in the blue and white city, and feeding the giraffe at the Phrygia Zoo.


Currency of Tunisia - Tunisian dinar. One Tunisian dinar consists of 1000 millimes and is equal to approximately 50 cents.

What to bring

The three most popular souvenirs from Tunisia - olive oil, ceramics and desert rose.

Olive oil has been produced in Tunisia for a very long time; endless olive plantations can be seen along the roads. There are several varieties of olives growing in the country, so all kinds of oil are sold. It is only important to pay attention to the acidity - it should be at least 1%.

The Desert Rose is a beautiful souvenir that can only be found in North African countries. These are sand, salt and gypsum compressed by the wind, which form interesting figures that look like flowers. Average price for one “rose” - one dinar, but you can bargain and get “a bunch for a penny.”


Tunisia was under French rule for a long time, and this left a big imprint on the national cuisine. For example, they still serve the freshest and very tasty baguette for breakfast here, and they know how to make croissants very well. Chefs are also successful in preparing dishes from cereals and legumes- for example, chickpeas or couscous. But with meat everything is much sadder. Mainly mutton, cooked in the oven and generously seasoned with spices so that the lamb is almost unrecognizable.

Boiled vegetables (also with seasonings) are at a premium here. What Tunisians have no equal in is their sweets. Nuts in honey, baklava, Turkish delight, nougat - you can’t list everything!


Developed in Tunisia bus and train connections, as well as a taxi service. You can travel between cities by bus or train. The national carrier, which controls electric trains, offers carriages of varying degrees of comfort. Tickets are quite expensive - from 9 to 20 dinars. An amazing metro runs in the capital, like two peas in a pod, similar to interconnected trams - almost all lines are overground, there are no transfers between them.

In resort towns, it is best to travel from point A to point B by Taxi. It is very important to know a few rules so as not to end up on the city outskirts without money. Firstly, remember that getting into a taxi costs a fee (about 250 millimeters). Secondly, always ask for the counter to be reset and turned on. Thirdly, be prepared for a rather reckless driving style. At night, taxi prices increase by 50% - from 21:00 to 5:00 there is a special tariff. In general, traveling by taxi is convenient and very inexpensive if you follow all the rules. A trip from to, for example, will cost about 4 dinars, and from a coastal hotel to the city center, to the medina - 2-3 dinars.

How to get there

Tunisia is a country in northern Africa, neighboring Libya and Algeria. Its shores are washed by the gentle waters of the Mediterranean Sea. About a third of the country's territory is occupied by the Atlas Mountains, and it begins in the south of the country.

There are 9 airports in Tunisia, but Russian tourists land at 4 of them. Capital (Tunis-Carthage) accepts regular flights. New Enfidha airport accepts charters from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russian cities (Perm, Tyumen, Kazan and others). The transfer will take approximately 45 minutes.

Charters with Russian tourists also land in Habib Bourguiba airport in Monastir. Before


In 2015, Tunisia was rocked by another revolution and the unrest continues to this day. On excursions you can see fortified police and military vehicles. From time to time, local radicals organize clashes, most often this happens in the capital; in resort towns this is rare. After the sad incident of a terrorist attack on a hotel, the resort administration has strengthened security - the areas are equipped with video cameras, the hotels are guarded by people in uniform.

Good to know

  • Time in Tunisia is two hours behind Moscow.
  • Sockets in Tunisia are no different from Russian ones; an adapter is not needed.
  • The jellyfish season on the coast begins in August and lasts until early September.
  • Large shops are open until 19:00, small shops - until 23:00.
  • It is better for women not to appear in not too crowded places without a male escort and not to go alone into coffee shops with a male audience.