New world attractions interesting places. I'm going to the New World: what attractions and entertainment await tourists here. Where is the village located in Crimea

The urban-type settlement of Novy Svet, located in the southeast of the Crimean peninsula, near the urban district of Sudak, has a rich history. This is the most beautiful place in Crimea, which is constantly visited by numerous tourists. On the territory of the New World there are a large number of departmental sanatoriums and recreation centers where vacationers are constantly received.

Local residents are very proud of the history of the village of Novy Svet and show tourists local attractions. They offer various activities through travel agencies and travelers choose where to go to see interesting places.

Features of the mountain landscape of the sea coast

The unique nature in Crimea is diverse and rich. In the south of the peninsula, relict plants that grew back in the Cenozoic era have been preserved. In the vicinity of the New World, ancient junipers and Stankevich pines grow. Unique plants grow here that the ancient glacier, which stopped its movement near this place, could not destroy.

The attractions of the village of Novy Svet include ancient coral reefs covered with vegetation. They form low mountains of bizarre shapes on the coast of the Crimean peninsula, reminiscent of various animals in their outlines. Local hills hide many grottoes, caves, ponds, and form bays on the coast with exotic names.

Mountain formations surprise travelers with incredibly beautiful landscapes. Anyone who is not afraid of heights and loves strong winds can climb to the top of the hill and see a landscape of extraordinary beauty from a bird's eye view. On the way to their destination, travelers encounter rare plants, large birds and various representatives of the local fauna.

On the territory of the village there is Mount Sokol. This is the largest coral reef on the Crimean peninsula. If you climb to its top, where there is an observation deck, you can see Sudak, the ancient Genoese fortress and all the bays of the Novy Svet village.

At this local landmark there is the Nastasinsky spring, the water of which was also used in ancient times. Near the reservoir you can find the remains of an ancient road connecting two Byzantine monasteries, the ruins of which can still be discerned by an experienced archaeologist. The road is reinforced with hand-made retaining walls. Along it you can see pipes - this is a water supply system that delivered water for watering the vineyards in the 19th century.

Mount Eagle, located on the territory of the New World, bordering the Blue Bay on one side, hides many kilometers of adits in its depths. This mountain belongs to a protected area and entry to it is prohibited. Many tourists ignore the ban and get to the observation deck to look from above at the Blue Bay and Cape Kapchik, located on the other side of the bay. Here the village of Novy Svet is clearly visible, the noise of cars and the voices of people talking loudly are clearly audible.

The sights of the village of Novy Svet include Cape Kapchik. There is a hiking trail along it, allowing you to take long mountain walks. The cape extends far into the sea, dividing two picturesque bays, which are united by a through passage formed inside the ancient formation. The passage was called the Through Grotto, and tourists love to see this miracle of nature. This cave, formed during an earthquake, was ennobled at the end of the 19th century. Local winemaker Prince Golitsyn equipped the entrance to it, installed doors, and arranged stairs for convenient descent to the water.

The entrance to the cave is blocked by a forged lattice. Visitors can only view the grotto from the outside because it is life-threatening for people inside. The long passage is inhabited by a huge colony of bats, and collapses occur in the cave. Speleologists claim that inside this amazing cape there are seven more caves and a salt lake.

Where do tourists have fun?

Tourists who have explored all the surroundings of the New World can find entertainment in the village. They visit park areas adjacent to boarding houses located in the district. All holiday homes have well-groomed areas planted with shrubs and flowers of extraordinary beauty. Access there is open to everyone.

The guides show as a landmark the Variety Grotto, in which Prince Golitsyn held musical evenings. Its walls have good acoustics, and the singer’s voice was clearly audible, which was important in the days of chamber singing. In the grotto, visitors are shown stone arches that once served as storage facilities.

Those wishing to learn about Golitsyn’s life can visit the history museum located on his estate. This man spent a lot of time and effort creating beautiful places to relax in this area.

The picturesque bays of Crimea with grottoes and sandy beaches attract a large number of vacationers. The attractions of the village of Novy Svet include colored bays. Green Bay, so named for the emerald color of the water, once served as a port for merchant ships. This part of the village is the most landscaped for a comfortable stay by the water. On the beach there are rental points for catamarans and other accessories for outdoor activities at sea. Here you can book a walk around the bay, sunbathe and swim.

The beach line turns into a beautifully designed embankment, built in the New World for vacationers. This part of the coast is built up with restaurants, cafes and souvenir stalls. The embankment area is equipped with recreation areas and flower beds with exotic plants that grow only in the south of the Crimean peninsula.

For lovers of scuba diving and a relaxing holiday, Sinyaya Bay is suitable.

Popularly it is called Robber's. There are many grottoes here, and at the bottom there are several sunken ships. Legends mention this place as a haven for pirates.

Filmmakers love this bay. Many famous films were shot on its shores, the action of which takes place on the Crimean peninsula or the sea coast of a conventional country.

Blue Bay has a second name. It is called Tsarskaya because the last Russian Tsar rested in this place. It is closed for swimming because the edge of the shore is very narrow and there is always a danger of a collapse.

What else can you see

The sights of the New World do not end there. These include the ancient ruins of a fortress and a monastery. Their remains have been almost erased from the face of the earth by time, but upon closer examination one can see the approximate location of the buildings.

Not far from the village there is an ancient road with a narrow passage in the mountains called the Iron Gate. Here the ancient inhabitants defended their village from the invasion of enemies. The peaks of nearby mountains allow you to examine in detail the surroundings and sights of the New World, which was once important for people sitting on patrol.

For anyone who is bored of being in a resort village, you can visit Sudak for fun. There tourists explore the Genoese fortress. This is the main attraction of the city. The city was built up after Crimea joined the Russian Empire, and there are many architectural monuments of the Classical era, which is also interesting to see for general development.

The attractions of the city also include places for entertainment for vacationers. The city has a huge water park, which is called the best on the Crimean peninsula. Numerous sandy beaches, well equipped with areas for sunbathing and active recreation, attract crowds during the swimming season.

Buses leave from the village of Novy Svet to any major city located on the Crimean peninsula. For tourists vacationing at the boarding house, they offer a large number of excursions that allow them to see all the sights available throughout the Crimean Peninsula.

The Golitsyn Trail, the famous Champagne Wine Factory, bays, beaches, grottoes - these are all the attractions of the New World, a resort village on the eastern coast of Crimea. From here it is very convenient to take walks or bike rides in the surrounding area, getting a lot of positive impressions and incomparable health benefits.

Golitsyn Trail, New World, Crimea

It starts on the shore of Green Bay and leads to a huge natural grotto - one of the so-called wonders of the New World. The length of the trail is almost 5.5 km, it passes near the most beautiful corners, such as the botanical reserve, Chaliapin’s grotto (former Golitsyn wine library), Green, Blue and Blue bays, Tsarsky Beach, a 77-meter-long through grotto, and a juniper grove. When going for a walk along the Golitsyn Trail, don’t forget comfortable shoes (preferably special ones or at least walking sneakers.

Nature Reserve New World, Crimea

This botanical reserve was created in 1974 with the aim of preserving the unique vegetation of the area. Relict tree-like junipers and relict pines (Stankevich or Sudak pine) grow here.

Several endemic species are also protected in the reserve. There are two ecological trails here - the Golitsyn trail and the second, starting at the western part of the New World and passing through the Karaul-Oba mountains, a staircase in the rock (probably carved by Taurians), on the way there are also two cave dwellings and tracts - “Hell”, “Paradise” ", "Adam's Bed". At the very top of the mountain, Golitsyn's Chair was carved out.

Champagne wine factory, New World, Crimea

It was founded by Prince Golitsyn. In 1978, in honor of the centenary of the House of Champagne Wines, the Museum of the History of the Factory was organized in the house of Lev Golitsyn, the father of Russian champagne winemaking.

Contemporaries preserved the house-museum in its original form. He can tell about the extraordinary personality of the prince and about the most important business of his life - the production of champagne. In addition to several halls and rooms, furnished and equipped with interior items belonging to Golitsyn himself, you will visit the basement under the house, where barrels of wine and bottles of the best drinks were stored, which even Nicholas II himself tried in his time. In the tasting room you will taste wine by candlelight - just like in the time of Lev Golitsyn.

Beaches of the New World, Crimea

Tsarsky Beach, where, according to legend, Nicholas II rested during boat trips, is closed to the public today. But there are still a lot of interesting and stunningly beautiful beaches in the New World.

Green Bay of Crimea is one of the three Bays of the New World. This is where the main beach of the village and the beautiful embankment are located. The beach is open to the public and entry is absolutely free. The bay is located in a botanical reserve; the water here is always crystal clear and there is no wind or waves (the beach is protected on both sides by high rocky mountains). The surface is sand and pebbles, it’s a bit painful to walk without shoes. Both the beach and the embankment are perfectly landscaped, there are plenty of cafes and shops.

Pirate (Robber) beach is located in Blue Bay. Once upon a time, back in the 12th and 13th centuries, it was an ambush site for pirates and smugglers. The beach itself is narrow and not particularly convenient, since it is covered with medium-sized boulders, and at the bottom there are stones overgrown with algae. It was here that the films “Amphibian Man”, “Pirates of the 20th Century”, “Three + Two” were filmed.

Few people have not heard of the village of Novy Svet - the birthplace of the famous “Soviet champagne”. This wonderful piece of paradise in Crimea is truly worth a visit. And, as a rule, someone who has been there once is drawn there again and again. Why is the history of the village interesting? And what attractions of the New World (Crimea) have been attracting tourists there for how many years now? But first, about where exactly this unforgettable place is located.


This village is hidden in the vicinity of Cape Kapchika (the southern coast of Crimea, near Sudak) and is protected from the north, west and east by mountains. It was thanks to the surrounding mountains that the New World retained its pristine beauty, because for a long time the way there was accessible only from the south, from the sea. Now there is an asphalt road from Sudak to the village: about 10 minutes by car - and amazing landscapes and sights of the New World open up to your eyes. Each one is unique in itself, and the village of Novy Svet is a true miracle.

Climate and vegetation

The mountains protect from cold winds from the peninsula, so there are no sudden weather changes here. Winters are mild, warm, almost always with above-zero temperatures, and snow rarely falls. Already at the end of February, spring comes to the New World (Crimea).

The attractions here are rare tree species: crooked Crimean and Sudak pine. There are also entire juniper groves here.

History of the New World

The fact that this fabulous corner was inhabited back in the Middle Ages is evidenced by Genoese chronicles. During the time of Italian rule on the peninsula, there was a village here. Although archaeological evidence has recently been found that people lived here at least as far back as the 8th century.

If we talk about the time when Crimea already belonged to the Russian Empire, then these lands often changed hands. The first owners of the New World did not fully realize their happiness in owning such a piece of paradise, so they did not stay there for long and did not develop the village. No attractions of the New World (Crimea) have yet attracted high society there. Perhaps the village owes its first name Paradise (translated as “paradise”, “garden”) to the nobleman de Galere, who received these lands as a gift from Empress Catherine the Second. But who really played the most important role in the development of this resort was the prince who acquired this estate in 1878.

Winemaking is a specialized industry

This descendant of a noble princely family, who studied wine production in France, put all his heart into the new property. He decided to develop winemaking there, since the climate was more than favorable for this. He began by planting European grape varieties on his land to observe how the Crimean sun affected the quality of wine. The prince built a factory and invested almost all his money in it.

Crimean champagne

Since 1882, Golitsyn has been conducting quite successful experiments in the production of sparkling wines.

After ten years of experiments, the best grape varieties for these purposes were determined; they turned out to be Pinot Gray, Pinot Black, Aligote, Chardonnay and Murdver. Winemakers also reached the optimal percentage of each variety in sparkling wine. As a result, the creation of such well-known brands of Crimean champagne to this day as “Paradise”, “New World”, later called “Coronation”. Both ordinary workers (the prince sold wine at very affordable prices) and the world community (Golitsyn wines participated in the Paris World Exhibition in 1900) could appreciate their taste.

Victory at the exhibition

It was there that the Coronation champagne, produced in 1899, received the Grand Prix. In this regard, we cannot fail to mention the amusing misunderstanding that took place at the gala dinner in honor of the end of the exhibition. As always, the competition participants were treated to wine that received the main awards. The chairman of the tasting commission, Count Shandon, raising a toast to the winner, was sure that this was his wine, and therefore loudly gave glory to his winemakers. But in fact, he was holding a glass of Coronation champagne in his hands, and Golitsyn thanked him in front of everyone for free advertising of his production. It was thanks to this drink that other sights of the New World (Crimea) became famous.

Emperor Nicholas II, while relaxing, tasted the champagne he made. They say that he said the phrase: “Now I see life in a new light,” and this name stuck with the village. Whether this is so is difficult to say.

Factory today

After a 30-year period of stagnation (1906-1936), the plant resumed its activities and in 1936 gave the world “Soviet champagne”, recognized even by the French, which is still produced today. Since it is produced not by bottle, but by reservoir method, the same French do not require replacing the word “champagne” (that is, produced in the province of Champagne) with “sparkling” in the name.

And recently (in 1997), the Novosvetsky plant repeated the success of Golitsyn wines at the Paris exhibition - again the Grand Prix. Now they produce 10 types of sparkling wines.

Of course, thousands of tourists come here to see with their own eyes the bizarrely shaped capes, bays with clear water, mountains shaped like figures of people and animals. Although many amazing places have been created by people, it is precisely the landscape richness of nature that is the main reason that people flock to the New World (Crimea) on the sea. The must-see attractions are:

And these are just some of the sights of the New World (Crimea). Among others, we can mention the Blue Bay, Tsarsky Beach, Paradise Gate, Anastasia Spring.

The sights and history of the New World (Crimea) impress absolutely everyone. There are fewer and fewer places with such untouched nature left on the planet.

In the southeastern part of the Crimean peninsula, a small one was lost, occupying a secluded place on the coast of Sudak-Liman Bay. On the territory of the village and in its surroundings there are many attractions that will not leave indifferent active tourists hungry for vivid impressions.

The village of Novy Svet in Crimea

Sights of the New World on the map:

Chaliapin's Grotto

Chaliapin's Grotto (Golitsyn, Estradny) is a small cave of natural origin up to 30 m high and up to 17 m deep, located in Mount Koba-Kaya (Cave) on the Crimean Peninsula.

The grotto begins its history in the Middle Ages, when a Christian monastery was located here. Afterwards, Prince Lev Golitsyn equipped his wine library in the cave, building a series of stone arches for storing bottles of champagne and wine, a small well with cool fresh water in the center of the site, as well as a small stage on which opera singers and musicians performed.

Since 2000, the festival named after F. Chaliapin has been held in the grotto. Thanks to the unique acoustic properties of the cave hall, music and voices sound especially beautiful here, and in combination with many burning candles they evoke unforgettable emotions among listeners.

Address: Republic of Crimea, town. New World, st. Embankment, 3.

Cost of visiting: free.

The distance to Alushta is 88 km, to Sudak - 8 km. The 5th bus runs from Gagarin Street in Sudak, from the final stop of which the Chaliapin Grotto is within walking distance.

Golitsyn Estate

In 78 of the 19th century, the lands of the Crimean peninsula called “Paradise” were bought by Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn, where he subsequently planted vineyards, built an estate, a champagne factory and wine cellars.

The estate includes two large objects:

  1. Visitors' house located in the central part of the village on Golitsyn Street, it consists of 4 three-story towers with jagged roofs, located in the shape of a square, connected by lower passages along the perimeter. The central entrance to the inner stone courtyard is represented by an arch in the wall, also decorated with battlements along the top.
  2. Lord's one-story house built on the outskirts of the village near the mountains on the street. Chaliapin 350 meters from the guest house. This is a white building with a red tiled roof, carved wooden verandas and a basement of 315 sq.m. Now the Golitsyn Museum is open here, allowing you to get acquainted with the living conditions and winemaking activities of the prince, taste wines in the basement hall, and see the famous collection of champagne.

Address: Republic of Crimea, town. New World, st. Golitsyna, 18, st. Shalyapina, 11.

Phone: +7 978 914 02−02, +7 36 566 3 28−91.

Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday from 10-00 to 18-00.

Price for excursion tickets: 150 rubles, with tasting - 1000 rubles. Children under 12 years old are free.

Golitsyn trail

The length of the ecological route Golitsyn Trail is about 3 km, taking into account the loop through the village of Novy Svet - 5.4 km. The trail existed long before L. S. Golitsyn, who turned it into a work of construction art: fences were erected, stairs were made, and observation platforms were equipped.

The Yalta earthquake of 1927 significantly damaged some structures, which began to be actively restored in the 80s of the 20th century. Today it is the most popular pedestrian attraction on the Crimean peninsula.

The trail begins and ends in the New World and passes through:

  • Green Bay,
  • slopes of Mount Koba-Kaya,
  • Chaliapin's grotto,
  • Blue Bay,
  • underwater cave “Legend”,
  • Through grotto,
  • juniper grove,
  • Blue Bay,
  • Royal Beach.

Address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, town. New World, st. Embankment, 3.

Cost of visiting: free, with a guide - up to 300 rubles.

Cave Monastery

The history of the monastery, according to archaeologists, begins in the 8th century. Archbishop Gabriel mentioned the discovery of the destroyed monastery in the 19th century, and in the 20s of the 20th century, local historian N. Lezin confirmed its existence. Subsequently, archaeological excavations were organized, as a result of which the ruins of a cave temple appeared.

Currently, the monastery consists of 3 cells, the remains of steps, window openings, benches, bookshelves, and ceiling vaults. Images of crosses are visible on the cave walls.

The cave monastery is located between and the New World on the slope of Mount Sokol.

Address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sudak district, Monastyrsky Cape.

You can get to the beginning of the route - Monastyrsky Cape - by MT No. 5, which regularly runs from Sudak to the New World, stop. Observation deck.

The main street of the village of Novy Svet is the Embankment, about 0.7 km long. It starts from the pier, from where boats depart to Sudak. The embankment is wide and picturesque: along it grow many bright flowers, delicately scented acacias, various trees and shrubs, and offer wonderful views of the sea and mountains.

On one side there is a sand and pebble beach, on the other there are restaurants, cafes, and a market. For relaxation, there are numerous benches located in the shade of trees. In the evening, the lights are lit here and music is played.

Address: Crimean Republic, town. New World, st. Embankment.

There are regular buses to the New World from the bus stations of Simferopol and Feodosia, and boats and minibuses from Sudak.

Source of St. Anastasia

In the vicinity of the village of Novy Svet, on the slope of Mount Sokol at an altitude of 252 m above sea level, there is a spring known as the Source of St. Anastasia.

Nowadays it has been landscaped and is a small rocky clearing, in the center of which spring water flows from a pipe - clean, tasty, cool - a reward for tourists who reach the source. Nearby there is a stone bench, a font equipped with steps for descent, next to which there is a high cross.

There are two trails leading to the source of St. Anastasia: a difficult one with a steep climb, 1.4 km long, and an easier one, 2.5 km long. At excursion bureaus you can purchase a tour to the source or get to it yourself, having previously collected information about the location of the trails.

The road to the spring is accompanied by wonderful views of the mountains, the Novosvetsky amphitheater, and the Black Sea coast.

Departure points:

  • highway New World - Sudak (coordinates: 44.833 051, 34.913 593),
  • sign “Wine hotel in the New World” (coordinates: 44.834 974, 34.919 644).

Attention! There may be snakes along the way.

Mount Falcon

Not far from the village. The New World and the city of Sudak lie Mount Sokol (Kush-Kaya), adjacent to the seashore and limiting the New World from the east. This is a rocky massif with steep slopes 1.2 km long, 1 km wide and 474 m high above sea level, which was a coral reef in ancient times. The Novy Svet - Sudak route runs along the southern slope of the mountain.

In the translation of the Crimean Tatar Kush-Kaya - "bird rock". On the territory of the massif and its surroundings you can actually see various birds of prey: eagles, falcons, kites, hawks, owls.

It is not difficult to find a guide for traveling to Mount Sokol. There are many options for climbing, almost all of them are accompanied by dangers and difficulties; the choice is up to tourists, who should realistically assess their endurance and level of preparation for such a hike.

Address: Crimean Republic, Sudak urban district, town. New World.

Note to tourists: the roads to the village are difficult and uneven, you need to be prepared for this.

See also an interesting video - aerial photography of Mount Sokol from above: