The most famous squares of Kyiv. The most famous squares in the world The most famous squares in the world

If you are planning to travel this summer, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most famous squares. Why, you ask? In order to feel like a savvy guide for friends!

Grand Place, Brussels

One of the largest squares in Belgium. It is famous for its flower carpet, which unfolds every two years in August, occupies most of the area and attracts thousands of tourists. But besides the carpet, the square has something to offer the curious traveler: many historical monuments and buildings that are associated with the history of Belgium.

Market Square, Krakow

The square was formed in the thirteenth century, making it one of the oldest and one of the most attractive squares for tourists. The market square is surrounded by ancient mansions, administrative buildings and offices. Close Hall, St. Mary's Cathedral - these buildings make the square a real pearl of European architecture.

Times Square, New York

Of course, the most famous square in the United States is Times Square. Here you can find a wide variety of restaurants, shops and bars. This square looks especially good at night, when numerous screens and neon signs begin to glow with multi-colored lights. Every tourist who has been to the USA should visit Times Square.

St. Peter's Square, Vatican

This square is located near St. Peter's Basilica in the heart of Rome and the Vatican. This round square is decorated with a huge colonnade, which cannot fail to impress tourists who are interested in architecture. St. Peter's Square becomes a place of pilgrimage for many thousands of tourists every year.

Zocalo, Mexico City

The Mexican city of Mexico City is famous for its square, which many call the largest square in the world. She has truly impressive dimensions, but that’s not the only thing that makes her interesting. The square contains many interesting historical buildings that are worth visiting. There is the National Palace, the Cathedral and a huge flagpole with the Mexican flag. This square is the main venue for all city events: parades, holidays, marches, celebrations.

Piazza, Venice

It is also one of the largest squares in Europe. The piazza is interesting because it is surrounded along its entire perimeter by dense historical buildings, which makes it quite quiet and excellent for walking. However, the square has a small drawback: when it rains, it fills with water very much, since it is the lowest point in the city. During such flooding, it is not very comfortable to be on it and you have to choose a drier place.

Tiananmen Square, Beijing

The square is decorated in a rather unique style: the glorification of Chinese leaders, the predominance of red colors, and many government buildings. This is one of the most famous in all of Asia. Tiananmen is also great because people flock here from all over China, which provides a unique opportunity to look at the faces of different people from all over this rather large country. Bloody political events involving the deaths of many people took place on the square more than once, which makes Tiananmen a special place.

Piazza del Campo, Siena

This square is one of the most famous medieval squares in Italy. You can see medieval buildings on it, which creates an incredibly beautiful picture. It's safe to say that this is one of the most beautiful squares in the world. It is also a place for city cultural events: parades and holidays.

Plaza Mayor, Madrid

The most famous square in Madrid and one of the most famous squares in the world. This place becomes a must-see on any tourist route. It should be noted that previously this area was not used for tourist purposes. It hosted bullfights, noisy markets and executions. Now the square serves exclusively decorative and aesthetic functions. The square itself also contains several attractions: a statue of Philip III in the very center and a building that once belonged to the bakers' guild.

Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires

This is one of the main squares in Argentina, where the most important political events of this country took place. The revolution that took place at the beginning of the nineteenth century made Plaza de Mayo a political arena of national importance. Until now, in case of unrest or dissatisfaction with the authorities, residents come to this square to defend their rights. The square is a historical monument, as is the city council building located on it, which was built in colonial times by the first settlers from the mainland.

The most beautiful historical and cultural squares in Europe

Almost every city and center in Europe is located around a beautiful square, which in most cases represents the beating heart and an invaluable source of history and culture. Most of them are filled with architectural treasures; Some are full of boutiques, stylish cafes and medieval charm; Others attract visitors with their friendly, vibrant atmosphere.

Founded in the 15th century, on the site of a former stadium (Stadium of Domitian), Piazza Navona is one of Rome's most treasured squares and a place that hasn't changed too much over the years. In the past it has always been a spectacular place where various sports and races were held, and nowadays it still retains its liveliness with many street performers who entertain passers-by with their small shows. In addition to artists, musicians and souvenir sellers, the town square has a wonderful selection of stylish cafes and Italian gelato shops that keep it alive from dusk to dawn.

Piazza Navona is a square with a pleasant atmosphere and impressive architecture that makes it such a wonderful place. Fabulous fountains - of which the Fountain of the Four Rivers dominates the center, along with baroque buildings and elegant palazzos that overlook the square, creating a truly impressive atmosphere, making it feel like an open museum.

A monumental square in the Maria Luisa Park, Plaza de España is a remarkable architectural complex designed by Spanish architect Anibal Gonzalez specifically for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929 and one of the most remarkable attractions of the charming Andalusian capital. Geometrically, Plaza de España is a beautifully decorated semicircle with a diameter of 200 m. This shape was invented by the talented Anibal Gonzalez; a year later, the southern part of the square was rebuilt by the French architect Jean-Claude Forestier.

Main Market, Krakow

The Main Market (Rynek Glowny) is the largest medieval square in Europe. It is located in Krakow's charming Old Town and is filled with elegant historical buildings, majestic palaces and Gothic churches. It is the beating heart of the city, offering a variety of restaurants and trendy cafes, as well as excellent shopping opportunities.

A magnificent combination of architectural styles, legends and a turbulent past make Krakow's Main Market Square one of the most wonderful, vibrant and inspiring places in Poland. In addition, throughout the year, the square hosts various open-air concerts and festivals, including colorful Christmas and Easter markets.

One of the most beautiful and impressive squares in Spain, the Main Square in Salamanca does not sleep, but makes noise until the morning. It's a popular meeting point for locals and tourists, and a great place to shop, party and enjoy the great atmosphere of this Spanish college town.

Previously used for bullfighting, the 17th-century square amazes visitors with its unique elegance and baroque beauty, which convinced UNESCO to declare it a baroque monument of excellence and include it as a World Heritage Site alongside Salamanca's Old Town.

Piazza del Campo, Siena

Siena is one of the best preserved medieval cities in Italy, and its charming Piazza del Campo is without doubt the jewel in the crown. Piazza del Campo is often considered an outstanding example of architectural integrity and one of the finest medieval squares in Europe. It shares a charm between its great historical significance, the delightful late Gothic houses that surround the square and the friendly, relaxed atmosphere that permeates the air.

The site's main attractions include the majestic Signorili Palaces, the Gaia Fountain (Fountain of Joy) and the iconic Palio di Siena, the traditional horse race that takes place here twice a year (2 July and 16 August).

With its spectacular churches and magnificent architectural buildings, it is no wonder that Prague's Old Town Square is often considered one of the most beautiful historical sites in Europe. Dating back to the 12th century, the square contains a number of interesting sights, such as the Gothic Tyn Church, the 14th-century Old Town Town Hall, the fascinating Prague Astronomical Clock and the beautiful Baroque St. Nicholas Church.

Overall, Old Town Square has a great mix of architectural styles, as well as a great selection of pavement cafes, making it a great place full of life and character.

Another deserving UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Grand Place (Grote Markt) is Brussels' most famous landmark and a vivid illustration of the city's cultural life over the centuries. It's a wonderful mix of charming sidewalk cafes, stylish boutiques and historic buildings, including the Royal House, which houses the Brussels City Museum; Elaborately decorated guild houses; And the town hall with its striking Gothic tower. Every two years in August, the area is covered with a spectacular floral carpet of colorful fresh begonias.

Often considered the heart and soul of Russia, the fabulous Red Square, with its impressive history and magnificent architecture, exudes an aura of grandeur and prestige. And although a feeling of coldness and austerity still reigns in the minds of many people who pass by, Red Square remains a fascinating place, full of magic and architectural masterpieces.

St. Mark's Square, or St. Mark's Square, is the main square in Venice and one of the most iconic and beautiful landmarks in Europe.

Framed by romantic palaces, magnificent churches and impressive architectural buildings, this one-of-a-kind square overlooking the water looks like a huge marble hall filled with style and elegance. Among the most significant sights are the magnificent St. Mark's Basilica, famous throughout the world for its outstanding Byzantine architecture; The charming Doge's Palace, built in a magnificent Venetian Gothic style; The monumental Sansoviniana bookshop and, of course, the legendary Café Florian are one of the oldest coffee shops in the world and an important part of Venice's rich cultural life.

Although not as famous as the Grand Place in Brussels or the Red Square, Place Stanislas in Nancy was voted one of the most beautiful squares in Europe in 2010, along with two others. It is a vast, elegant square surrounded by stunning buildings, arches and lively cafes, and a favorite meeting place for tourists and locals alike.

Following a major renovation completed in 2005, the beautiful Stanislaus Square has been transformed into a true architectural masterpiece, an impressive display of 18th-century artistic styles.

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The most famous squares in the world

The squares of large cities keep historical memories. Previously, merchants sold goods here, public meetings gathered, executions were carried out and military campaigns began. Large areas of cities around the world are still the center of city life and the object of attention of tourists.

Grand Place, Brussels

One of the largest squares in Belgium. It is famous for its flower carpet, which unfolds every two years in August, occupies most of the area and attracts thousands of tourists. But besides the carpet, the square has something to offer the curious traveler: many historical monuments and buildings that are associated with the history of Belgium.

Market Square, Krakow

The square was formed in the thirteenth century, making it one of the oldest and one of the most attractive squares for tourists. The market square is surrounded by ancient mansions, administrative buildings and offices. Close Hall, St. Mary's Cathedral - these buildings make the square a real pearl of European architecture.

Times Square, New York

Of course, the most famous square in the United States is Times Square. Here you can find a wide variety of restaurants, shops and bars. This square looks especially good at night, when numerous screens and neon signs begin to glow with multi-colored lights.

St. Peter's Square, Vatican

This square is located near St. Peter's Basilica in the heart of Rome and the Vatican. This round square is decorated with a huge colonnade, which cannot fail to impress tourists who are interested in architecture. St. Peter's Square becomes a place of pilgrimage for many thousands of tourists every year.

Zocalo, Mexico City

The Mexican city of Mexico City is famous for its square, which many call the largest square in the world. She has truly impressive dimensions, but that’s not the only thing that makes her interesting. The square contains many interesting historical buildings that are worth visiting. There is the National Palace, the Cathedral and a huge flagpole with the Mexican flag. This square is the main venue for all city events: parades, holidays, marches, celebrations.

Piazza, Venice

It is also one of the largest squares in Europe. The piazza is interesting because it is surrounded along its entire perimeter by dense historical buildings, which makes it quite quiet and excellent for walking. However, the square has a small drawback: when it rains, it fills with water very much, since it is the lowest point in the city. During such flooding, it is not very comfortable to be on it and you have to choose a drier place.

Tiananmen Square, Beijing

The square is decorated in a rather unique style: the glorification of Chinese leaders, the predominance of red colors, and many government buildings. This is one of the most famous squares in all of Asia. Tiananmen is also great because people flock here from all over China, which provides a unique opportunity to look at the faces of different people from all over this rather large country. Bloody political events involving the deaths of many people took place on the square more than once, which makes Tiananmen a special place.

Piazza del Campo, Siena

This square is one of the most famous medieval squares in Italy. You can see medieval buildings on it, which creates an incredibly beautiful picture. It's safe to say that this is one of the most beautiful squares in the world. It is also a place for city cultural events: parades and holidays.

Plaza Mayor, Madrid

The most famous square in Madrid and one of the most famous squares in the world. This place becomes a must-see on any tourist route. It should be noted that previously this area was not used for tourist purposes. It hosted bullfights, noisy markets and executions. Now the square serves exclusively decorative and aesthetic functions. The square itself also contains several attractions: a statue of Philip III in the very center and a building that once belonged to the bakers' guild.

Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires

This is one of the main squares in Argentina, where the most important political events of this country took place. The revolution that took place at the beginning of the nineteenth century made Plaza de Mayo a political arena of national importance. Until now, in case of unrest or dissatisfaction with the authorities, residents come to this square to defend their rights. The square is a historical monument, as is the city council building located on it, which was built in colonial times by the first settlers from the mainland.

The Russian landmark also deserves attention - Red Square in Moscow. This ancient square is called red because in the old days the word “red” meant “beautiful”. Here is a magnificent architectural monument, St. Basil's Cathedral, as well as a symbol of the bygone Soviet era - the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin.

Maidan(Ukrainian) means " Independence Square") - the central square of Kyiv.

The "famous revolutionary square" in Kyiv became the center of the Orange Revolution in 2004. Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) is the heart of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. All the main events of the state take place here. The largest official institutions are located on this square, incl. International Cultural Center, Main Post Office, Conservatory, large shopping center "Globus". You can get to the square by metro, getting off at the station of the same name.

Many squares attract a large number of tourists from all over the world. But which ones are the most famous and most visited?

Today we will look at the 10 most famous squares in the world.

10. Zocalo (Plaza de la Consignon), Mexico City, Mexico

Located in the historical center of Mexico City, the Zocalo is recognized as one of the largest areas in the world. Along the perimeter of the Plaza de la Conciñon are the Cathedral, the National Palace and other historical buildings, and in the very center flies the national flag of the country, the raising and lowering ceremonies of which are held every day in a solemn atmosphere. Since the times of the Aztecs, the Zocalo has been the main gathering place for local residents.

9. Old Town Square, Prague, Czech Republic

Located between Wenceslas Square and Charles Bridge. During the summer season, the area is constantly flooded with tourists and locals. Bringing together an ensemble of various architectural styles, including Gothic (Tyn Church) and Baroque (St. Nicholas Church), the city square is a spatial oasis for travelers tired of the narrow streets of Prague. By the way, it is on the Old Town Square that you can see the world famous Astronomical Clock.

8. Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires, Argentina

On May 25, 1810, the square became a witness and, at the same time, a stage for the organization of the revolution, which subsequently gave Argentina independence. Since then, Plaza de Mayo has been the center of many political events more than once. In the center of the square is the oldest monument in Buenos Aires - the May Pyramid, and nearby, nearby you can see Casa Roda (literally - “Pink House”) - the official residence and executive office of the President of Argentina. Plaza de Mayo is considered the main attraction of Buenos Airos, and not a single tourist will leave the city without visiting it.

7. Piazza del Campo, Siena, Italy

Shaped like a shell, Piazza del Campo is the main public space in the historic center of Siena. Representing one of the greatest medieval squares in Europe, today it is renowned throughout the world for its beauty and architectural integrity. Twice a year, horse races are regularly held here, in which participants need to circle the square three times. After such an event, Piazza del Campo is always covered with a thick layer of dust.

6. Trafalgar Square, London, England

Erected to commemorate Lord Horatio Nelson's victory over Napoleon's fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The central monument of the square is a column, on top of which is the figure of Nelson, observing the life of London. The foot of the column is surrounded by four statues of huge lions and fountain complexes. Today, the square has gained worldwide popularity and is one of the important attractions for visitors to the capital of Foggy Albion.

5. Tananmen Square, Beijing, China

The largest area in the world. Tananmen's perimeter is surrounded by Soviet-style buildings and government buildings. Every day at dawn and after dark the ceremony of raising and lowering the national flag takes place. The square gained worldwide fame after the massacre (or, as it is also called, massacre) in Tananmen Square on June 4, 1989, as a result of which thousands of unarmed citizens died from the advance of troops with machine guns and tanks.

4. St. Peter's Square, Vatican

The square is located opposite St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. In its center is an Egyptian obelisk, transported from Egypt to Rome during the reign of Emperor Augustus, and then, in 1586, to its present location. In the Middle Ages, there were rumors that the ashes of Julius Caesar were hidden in the ball at the top of the monument. However, after opening the ancient ball, it turned out that it was empty.

3. Jemaa el Fna, Marrakech, Morocco

Jemaa el Fna is the highlight of Marrakech and one of the main attractions of Morocco. During the day, the square in the center of the medina is filled with snake charmers, people with monkeys, and stalls. Throughout the day, they are joined by storytellers, magicians and traditional medicine sellers. At nightfall, when the square has the highest number of visitors all day, the square is filled with food stalls.

2. Red Square, Moscow, Russia

Surrounded by St. Basil's Cathedral, the State Historical Museum, the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and the Kremlin, Red Square is located in the very heart of Moscow. Being the most recognizable landmark of Russia, Red Square is the first place where all visiting tourists go.

1. Times Square, New York, USA

The most famous square in the world is located at the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue and runs between West 42nd and 47th Streets. A major New York City landmark, Times Square attracts tourists with its glittering video screens, LED signs and glittering lights. The lighting can be seen during the daytime, but the most stunning view appears at night: all the signs and screens play with many lights. On New Year's Eve, one of Times Square's famous performances, Ball Drop, takes place here.

If you are planning to travel this summer, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most famous squares. Why, you ask? In order to feel like a savvy guide for friends!

Grand Place, Brussels

One of the largest squares in Belgium. It is famous for its flower carpet, which unfolds every two years in August, occupies most of the area and attracts thousands of tourists. But besides the carpet, the square has something to offer the curious traveler: many historical monuments and buildings that are associated with the history of Belgium.

Market Square, Krakow

The square was formed in the thirteenth century, making it one of the oldest and one of the most attractive squares for tourists. The market square is surrounded by ancient mansions, administrative buildings and offices. Close Hall, St. Mary's Cathedral - these buildings make the square a real pearl of European architecture.

Times Square, New York

Of course, the most famous square in the United States is Times Square. Here you can find a wide variety of restaurants, shops and bars. This square looks especially good at night, when numerous screens and neon signs begin to glow with multi-colored lights. Every tourist who has been to the USA should visit Times Square.

St. Peter's Square, Vatican

This square is located near St. Peter's Basilica in the heart of Rome and the Vatican. This round square is decorated with a huge colonnade, which cannot fail to impress tourists who are interested in architecture. St. Peter's Square becomes a place of pilgrimage for many thousands of tourists every year.

Zocalo, Mexico City

The Mexican city of Mexico City is famous for its square, which many call the largest square in the world. She has truly impressive dimensions, but that’s not the only thing that makes her interesting. The square contains many interesting historical buildings that are worth visiting. There is the National Palace, the Cathedral and a huge flagpole with the Mexican flag. This square is the main venue for all city events: parades, holidays, marches, celebrations.

Piazza, Venice

It is also one of the largest squares in Europe. The piazza is interesting because it is surrounded along its entire perimeter by dense historical buildings, which makes it quite quiet and excellent for walking. However, the square has a small drawback: when it rains, it fills with water very much, since it is the lowest point in the city. During such flooding, it is not very comfortable to be on it and you have to choose a drier place.

Tiananmen Square, Beijing

The square is decorated in a rather unique style: the glorification of Chinese leaders, the predominance of red colors, and many government buildings. This is one of the most famous squares in all of Asia. Tiananmen is also great because people flock here from all over China, which provides a unique opportunity to look at the faces of different people from all over this rather large country. Bloody political events involving the deaths of many people took place on the square more than once, which makes Tiananmen a special place.

Piazza del Campo, Siena

This square is one of the most famous medieval squares in Italy. You can see medieval buildings on it, which creates an incredibly beautiful picture. It's safe to say that this is one of the most beautiful squares in the world. It is also a place for city cultural events: parades and holidays.

Plaza Mayor, Madrid

The most famous square in Madrid and one of the most famous squares in the world. This place becomes a must-see on any tourist route. It should be noted that previously this area was not used for tourist purposes. It hosted bullfights, noisy markets and executions. Now the square serves exclusively decorative and aesthetic functions. The square itself also contains several attractions: a statue of Philip III in the very center and a building that once belonged to the bakers' guild.

Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires

This is one of the main squares in Argentina, where the most important political events of this country took place. The revolution that took place at the beginning of the nineteenth century made Plaza de Mayo a political arena of national importance. Until now, in case of unrest or dissatisfaction with the authorities, residents come to this square to defend their rights. The square is a historical monument, as is the city council building located on it, which was built in colonial times by the first settlers from the mainland.