How to make a bird from plasticine. "Beautiful bird". Abstract of GCD on artistic creativity in the senior group

Inna Kutepova

Program content:

Continue to introduce children to Dymkovo toys.

To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards the products of folk craftsmen and respect for their work.

Continue to teach children to sculpt the details of the overall figure from separate pieces of clay, and then smoothly connect them using dabbing (stacks).

Practice rolling, flattening, and pulling techniques when performing individual elements.

Develop fine motor skills of the hand.

Learn to draw patterns on the bird in a stack.

Material: Clay toys, illustrations with Dymkovo toys, boards according to the number of children, water bowls, rags for hands, clay, stacks, tape recorder. Music: Russian folk, classical by D. Shostakovich.

Progress of the lesson

Calm Russian folk music sounds. - Hello guys! Do you want to know what I'm rich in today? Just smile at the guests first, bow, and quickly turn to me. – I made toys Yes, I invited you here. I want to make a wish for you riddle: A These toys are not simple, but magical painted: snow-white, like birch trees, circles, squares, stripes - the pattern would seem simple, but I can’t look away! -About which ones toys riddle? (Dymkovsky) .

The teacher invites the children to « Dymkovo village» Breathing exercises. - How there was a whiff of smoke! (children inhale deeply through their noses). – Do you smell smoke? - Look who's meeting us? (young ladies, horses, etc.) A game: "Zarya-Zaryanitsa" (the teacher and children are in Dymkovo village) - Why toys the ones you see are called Dymkovsky? - What material are they made of? - What did you like to sculpt? Dymkovo masters? - Why did they love to sculpt animals and people? - What kind of mood do these create? toys? - What paints are used? Dymkovo masters? - What elements you know Dymkovo painting?

Let's dream with you guys... Sit on the carpet, close your eyes, listen to my voice and music (relaxation)

We brought clay from a distant hillock. Well, let's get to work, miracle masters! I'll make a horse, I'll pet it. And I’ll attach a saddle with fringe on the back. Let's mold, dry - and into the oven! And then we'll write it down. We will toys"bake", the stove is glowing with heat. And in the oven - not rolls, but in the oven - Easter cakes, Not crumpets, not cheesecakes, but in the oven - toys!

Now, guys, sit down at the tables.

Someone skillfully made holes in the back of the bird. And the tit suddenly began to sing with the voice of spring itself. These birds are vocal and elegant like calico! Whoops, whew, whew, whew! Whoops, whoops, I see the nest! (riddle-poem about a bird)

What parts does a bird consist of? (head, body, tail, wings). – How will we divide the clay to sculpt the bird? - What shape does the head have? (ball). - What shape does the body have? (ovoid). - How are we going to sculpt the wings? (flatten). - How are we going to sculpt the beak and tail? (pull). - What will we use to connect the head and body? (using stacks). - We draw the plumage of the bird in a stack.

The teacher reminds the children of the rules for working with clay:

What if your hands get dry? (wet with water). - What if the clay cracks? (wipe with water, glass, a wet cloth). - If your hands are dirty? (wipe with a cloth).

To prepare our hands for work, let's play with our fingers.

Finger game "Ten birds - flock» (Clench your fists at the name of each birds bend one finger)

Sing along, sing along, Ten flock of birds: This bird - nightingale, This bird - sparrow, This bird - owl. Sleepy little head: This bird - waxwing, This bird - crake. This bird- starling Gray feather. This is a finch, This is a swift, This is a cheerful siskin... Well. And this is an evil eagle. Birds, birds go home! (The game is played 2 times at different paces).

Children do their work to the music.

Phys. Just a minute "Rooster"

A rooster walked along the shore. Steps with high lifting of legs and arms. I slipped and fell into the river! Move your arms in a circular motion, squat down. The rooster will know that from now on he will rise and shake his finger. You have to watch your step. Bend forward.

Prepared and conducted by: teacher of the senior group Martynova E.B.

Goals: Mastering the technique of working with plasticine using various methods of attaching the material to the background to produce voluminous work.


  • Teach children to relate real and fairy-tale images.

Based on the impressions received (in the process of preparatory work) propose to create in your work the image of a fairy-tale bird, conveying its unusualness and brightness, using appliqué elements.

  • Develop visual control of hand actions.
  • Give each child the opportunity to show independence in choosing ways to decorate their work and creativity.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others

Preliminary work: the guys made the background on A4 sheets using gouache and wet wipes.

Progress of the lesson:

The guys came to visit us today. Let's say hello to them.

Q: Who knows what holiday will happen soon? Who will we congratulate?

D: Mother's Day

Q: That’s right, the guys celebrate Mother’s Day on the last Sunday of November in Russia. Each of us has a mommy. Mom always gives warmth, beauty, and most importantly, happiness. What do you think happiness is?

(children's answers)

Well done! You are right when you say that happiness is when your mother is nearby. What can we do for mothers? Today we will make gifts for our mothers, but they will be unusual. People say that somewhere far away there lives an unusual bird in the world, it brings happiness - bright, joyful. What do you think the bird of happiness looks like? Close your eyes and imagine your bird of happiness. What do you see? (children's answers)

(children sit at tables, on a magnetic board there are illustrations of birds of happiness, above the magnetic board there are birds assembled from wooden puzzles).

Educator: Guys, look what these birds of happiness are. They are all different, because each person imagines his own bird of happiness in his imagination. Guys, you have silhouettes of these birds on your tables. You can decorate birds in different ways: with feathers, beads and paints. But we will decorate them using plasticine and colored paper.

Look at these birds of happiness (points to sample). We start decorating the birds from the head. What shape is the bird's head?

D: round

Q: Correct. Roll the ball, apply it to the silhouette and press it a little onto the paper. We make eyes and a nose. Next we move on to the body. The bird's body is oval. Take a piece of plasticine, roll it out into a sausage and place it on the contour of the body. In the same way we make wings for the bird.

(independent creative activity)

IN: (physical education minute) The guys all stood up:

A nimble tit jumps
She can't sit still.
Jump-jump, jump-jump
Spun like a top.

I sat down for a minute
Scratched her chest with her beak
And from the path to the fence

Q: Guys, our bird’s tail will be multi-colored. And we'll make it out of colored paper. You have rectangles of different colors and scissors on your trays. Let's remember how we work with scissors: we hold the scissors correctly, do not swing them, because this is very dangerous, and after work the scissors must be placed on a tray.

Using scissors, cut the rectangle into strips. Then, where the outline of the tail is drawn, roll up a ball, flatten it and apply it to the outline of the tail, and apply a strip to this ball. This way we will make feathers for our bird of happiness.

Guys, the more interesting and beautiful your Bird of Happiness is, the more joy and happiness it will bring.

(children independently place their work on a magnetic board. Review and analysis of children's work)

Q: Guys, look at the whole flock of Birds of Happiness. These birds carry on their wings good luck in all matters, peace in the house and throughout our land.

(the bird of happiness song sounds)

The beginning of creative work.
Everyone has their own Bird of Happiness
and decoration techniques are also different
And that's what we got!

"Beautiful bird"

Goal: To teach children to solve riddles, consolidate skills of speech-proof, develop speech-descriptions, develop imagination, logical thinking, memory, initiative and creativity of children, mastering visual skills.

Materials: sheet of paper, pencil, felt-tip pens, markers, colored pencils, gouache, boy doll Petya.

Preliminary work:

1.Looking at illustrations depicting different birds with children. Pay attention to their distinctive features: wings, tails, feathers, paws, crests.

2. Examination of the image of birds in folk crafts (Gorodets painting, Dymkovo toy), draw children’s attention to the fact that the artist changes the appearance of the bird.

3.Looking at images of birds in illustrations for fairy tales. pay attention to the fact that artists embellish birds.

4. Bird watching on a walk.

Progress of the meeting.

1. Organizational moment.

Presenter: A boy Petya (doll) came to visit us. In the summer, Petya visited his grandmother in the village. Guess the riddles: “What kind of poultry did Petya see in his grandmother’s yard?” (illustrations of birds are displayed) Domestic birds:

1.Not a warrior, but with spurs,

Not a guard, but crowing. (Rooster)

2. Clucking, clucking,

He calls the children and gathers everyone under his wing. (The mother hen)

3. He showed up in a yellow fur coat.

Goodbye, two shells! (Chicken)

4.on red legs,

Shouts: “HA-ha-ha!”

Not afraid of water.

What kind of bird is this? (Goose)

5. Pied quacker

Catches frogs.

Walks waddle-

Stumble! (Duck)

6.Puffs up, strains,

He starts chatting

It’s wonderful to shovel. (Turkey)

2.Look at pictures of birds with children.

Presenter: Tell Petya what different beautiful birds there are. What wings, tails, feathers, paws, crests? How does an artist change the appearance of a bird? (Gorodets painting, Dymkovo painting) How do artists embellish birds? (Look at illustrations for fairy tales).

3. Game-conversation: “Birds”.

Presenter: Let's show Petya how we can play. (physical education minute)

Guys, imagine that you are birds. Close your eyes and sit down - the birds are sitting on a branch and sleeping. The warm spring sun warmed up, and the birds woke up, spread their wings and feathers, and stretched.

They flapped their wings and flew across the blue sky, the birds flew and got tired, sat down on the grass near the stream, and drank some water.

Again the birds flew and landed in the poultry yard. They pecked at the grains and began to look at the inhabitants of the poultry yard, and whoever was in the yard: an important turkey, a proud rooster, laughing hens, naughty ducklings, a mallard duck, and a bully goose. The birds stayed with them and flew back home. And the sun had already begun to set, the sky darkened, the birds sat down again on the branches, folded their wings and fell asleep. Now let’s open our eyes and become children again and draw many beautiful birds for Petya.

4.The children happily agree, the presenter explains how to complete the drawing.

Educator: You need to spread your fingers, put your palm on a sheet of paper and trace it with a simple pencil, the teacher suggests presenting your palm to the child in the form of a bird, the tail of which is the fingers, and also shows the technique of completing the drawing of the head, paws, and wings.

5. Doing work by children. Children begin to work, and the teacher, if necessary, provides assistance to those who are having difficulty.

6. While performing work, perform eye exercises: Without turning your head, look to the right, left, up, down. Follow with your eyes the movement of the adult’s hand, without turning your head: up, down, left, in a circle.

“Run” your eyes along the contour of a large drawing. An adult can guide along the contour with a pointer.

“Nap”: close your eyes for a minute and relax.

7.Result of the meeting.

All drawings are laid out on the table. The teacher offers to tell Petya who lives in our poultry yard. Enable recording of poultry voices. Petya thanks, says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, general developmental kindergarten No. 26

Municipal formation Temryuk district

Open lesson summary

for older children

Topic: “Modeling a fairytale bird”

Educator: Batitskaya N.V.

Art. Starotitarovskaya


Summary of the lesson using ICT “Sculpting a fairytale bird” in senior group

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys! Today guests came to our kindergarten. Let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello. We're glad to see you.

Educator: Children, I suggest finger exercises in basins with warm and cool water (children put their hands in a basin with cool water).

Educator: Dry your fingers with a towel (children dry their fingers with a towel)

Educator: Please children occupy their houses. (Children stand on rectangles of different colors.) Look how wonderful this bird is (Showing a toy bird. Children looking at it)

Educator: Guys, pay attention to his body parts. What body parts does a bird have?

Children: Torso, head, legs, paws, tail.

Educator: I propose to draw in the air what shape of the body and head?

Children: oval, round (children draw with their finger in the air).

Educator: What is larger, the head or the torso?

Children: Torso.

Educator: I suggest you play the game “Correct the mistake”

The bird has a tail in front. (Children: head)

The bird has a beak at the back. (Children: tail)

The bird has its paws at the top. (Children: back)

The bird has wings at the bottom (Children: legs)

The bird has a tail on the side. (Children: wings)

Educator: Guys, look, our guest came to us alone. I suggest making friends for him so that he doesn’t feel lonely. Children, do you mind?

Children: No.

Educator: Alyosha, how do you suggest sculpting a bird?

Child: For modeling, take a lump of clay the size of a walnut (slide 1). Using circular movements of your hand, roll out the ball.

Educator: Guys, I suggest showing it in the air? (children imitate)

Child: (slide 2) Grab it with your fingers on one side and pull it out slightly - there will be a head.

Educator: Guys: show me how? (children imitate).

Child: (slide3) Let’s slightly extend and sharpen the beak. Let's smooth out the transition from head to body.

Educator: Show me how? (children show).

Child: (slide4) Let’s pull a little clay from the other side and form a tail.

Educator: Guys, show me how? (children show)

Educator: (ophthalmic training)

Sovushka - owl, big head,

During the day she slept, closed her eyes, (Children close their eyes).

At night she flew, her eyes opened wide. (Children open their eyes wide).

Educator: You are probably a little tired, I suggest you perform the movements and repeat the words after me.

Physical education (development of general motor skills)

Look at the branches (4 claps on the sides)

Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (palms to shoulders, circular movements with arms)

Feathers spread out, (move spread fingers)

Basking in the sun. (pat yourself on the sides)

They turn their heads (hands on the belt, turns their heads)

They want to fly away. (wave your arms like “wings”).

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly! (“drive away” birds)

Behind the blizzard, behind the blizzard! ("fly")

Educator: Let’s take our seats correctly. The legs were placed together.

The bird will be watching us. I propose to design a bird from a Voskobovich square (children design).

Educator: Help me sculpt a bird (the teacher sculpts).

Children: (Prompt) Let's take a lump of clay the size of a walnut and roll out the ball with circular movements of the hand. Grab it with your fingers on one side and pull it out slightly - there will be a head. Let's slightly extend and sharpen the beak. Let's smooth out the transition from head to body. Pull a little clay from the other side and form a tail.

Educator: Now we roll out the ball, flatten it, attach it to the body - a wing, a second wing. Roll out the columns and attach the legs to the body. We attach the eyes. The bullfinch is inactive, jumps on the ground in short leaps, dives into the snow and bathes.

Children: (sculpt on their own)

Educator: Well done, everyone can do it. (The teacher shows a bird toy). Our guest really liked the friends you made. Well done! Now place the birds on the snowdrift. (Children put it on). Occupy your houses. (Children stand on rectangles of different colors)

Educator: After drying, such a bird can be painted. How do we write it down? (Slide5)

Children: The top of the head, wings, tail and spot under the beak are black. The bird's back is bluish-gray, the bird's belly is red.

Educator: Why does a bird need a thick, short beak?

Children: To peck rowan berries and eat grains, peck maple and linden seeds.

Educator: Who wants to tell you about their fairytale bird?

Children: My fairy bird (what does it do)

Educator: reads a poem about a bird.

It turned white outside the window -

Everything is covered in snow.

What a vastness!

Like a rosy matryoshka

There is a live bullfinch on the porch.

You will see bullfinches through the window:

Hello, dear winter guest!

Come out onto the porch quickly,

Throw them a handful of ripe grains!

Educator: Look what a beautiful bird (Slide 5). Listen to her sing (includes audio recording)

Educator: Express your mood after class with emoticons. (Children attach emoticons to the board).

The attendants are cleaning the workplaces.