History of the Gagra resort. A holiday worthy of the Prince of Oldenburg. Prince of Oldenburg Palace: a dream of an ideal world Tourist features attractions

The Abkhazian resort town of Gagra is a very interesting place for tourists. One of its many attractions is the Prince of Oldenburg Castle, which can be seen during a visit to the Seaside Park and Abaata Fortress, attractions located close to it.


Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg is one of the representatives of the ancient ducal and princely family of German origin - the Oldenburgs. He was a close relative of the Romanov dynasty and the great-grandson of Paul I. It was Alexander Petrovich who established a resort on the coast of Gagra after he built the famous castle. By that time, the healing effect of local air was already widely known.

The construction of the castle was completed in 1902, and the process was led by the architect I. Lucerne, who was distinguished by his love for new, non-standard styles of art. Thanks to him, the architecture of the castle received an Art Nouveau style. A year later, a Seaside Park was opened near the castle, which was filled with various bushes and trees from all over the world.

During the reign of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, the castle turned into the Chaika sanatorium for the Soviet elite. After the collapse of the USSR, no one needed the building, and after that the castle was also badly damaged during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. The building survived, but complete reconstruction was not carried out and is now in disrepair.

The premises were looted by the armed forces of the parties to the conflict, and the outer walls of the castle were badly damaged by bullets, shells and fires - these traces can still be seen. After the war, vandals operated here, and time is not kind to buildings that are not taken care of.

Since 2010, the building has belonged to an unknown legal entity. It is stated that reconstruction is underway, but it is almost not felt. Little has changed over the years.

Excursions to the castle

The Prince of Oldenburg Castle is officially closed and renovation work is being carried out. Although, the Gagripsh restaurant sometimes conducts excursions for its clients on different days, the cost will be about 700 rubles.

You can try to get behind the fences on your own, but you should know that the territory is guarded by Central Asian shepherd dogs (alabais). However, there is usually a “businessman-security guard” at the main entrance, he will let you into the territory and observation deck. Price per person - 150 rubles.

Attractions nearby

Seaside park around the castle - perfect place for a pleasant pastime. The diverse flora of this place creates a fragrance and an indescribable atmosphere. For vacationers there are special areas with benches and fountains. Also of interest to visitors is the pond where herons live. They are completely tame and are not afraid of people or camera flashes.

Nearby is the Gagripsh restaurant, whose history is closely connected with the castle of the Prince of Oldenburg. It was built immediately after the castle with materials ordered from Paris. It is noteworthy that no nails were used during construction.

In addition to delicious food, visitors here can also admire the original interior. In appearance, the restaurant resembles a train station with a clock, the structure of which can be seen behind a transparent wall inside the building. Famous historical figures stayed here: I. Bunin, M. Gorky, F. Chaliapin.

Unfortunately, little remains of the former grandeur of the Prince of Oldenburg's castle. Now the building is abandoned and moving around it can be dangerous and extremely difficult given the collapsed ceilings and stairs. There is still a lot to see, but I would like to hope for the restoration of this unique architectural monument.

Also very close is the medieval fortress of Abaata. It was built in the 5th-4th centuries, but is still perfectly preserved thanks to renovations. The place is run by an Abkhazian Orthodox Church, the entrance is free.

How to get to the Prince of Oldenburg Castle in Gagra

The castle of A.P. Oldenburgsky is located in the old part of Gagra, on the slope of Mount Mamzykhsha. The Joekvara River flows nearby. The area has good infrastructure - there are hotels, a temple, cafes and restaurants, grocery stores.

Oldenburg Castle in Gagra - Google panorama Maps

You can get there by public transport - not far from the castle there is a stop “Yuri Gagarin Square”. Bus number 5 and minibus number 2 stop. Please note: it is not possible to get there by cable car from the Primorsky Park; it has long been abandoned and remains one of the many stalker attractions of the resort.

Route from Gagra to the castle of the Prince of Odelburg - Google Maps

Also, only Abkhaz taxi agencies operate in Gagra. For example, Arrivo, Prestige, Garuda Express. The cost of trips starts from 100 rubles. Applications like Yandex.Taxi and Uber will not help you here.

Video: tour of the Prince of Oldenburg Castle

If you ask any passerby “Which, in your opinion, is the most beautiful and most famous landmark of Abkhazia?”, everyone will certainly answer - the castle of the Prince of Oldenburg.

This truly magnificent building represents the cultural and historical value of the resort city of Gagra. In addition, the residence of A.P. Oldenburgsky is considered a step in the history of the entire city, as it is the starting point in the development of Gagra.

Prince Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg, the great-grandson of Paul I, comes from the oldest Oldenburg family, ruling in the Duchy of Oldenburg. The Oldenburgs were related to the Romanov dynasty. Alexander Petrovich was born in 1844, held high government positions, and before the fall Russian Empire had membership in the Imperial House.

His merits are countless, but the main thing is that the prince founded the first resort town of Gagra on the Caucasian coast. It is with the construction of the palace that the transformation of Gagra into a resort town, “Russian Nice” begins. The castle of the Prince of Oldenburg is located on a slope near the place where the Joekwara River flows into the Black Sea.

This part of the city is considered one of the most picturesque. In addition, a park has been established along the entire coastline, in which various “exotic” plants grow, such as palm trees, cypress trees, as well as lemon and orange trees, which creates an even more attractive environment. This park is called Primorsky, it gives you the opportunity to once again enjoy all the beauties of Gagra.

History of the castle

Despite the fact that some researchers call 1898 the date of foundation of the palace, the castle of Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg was built in 1902. It became a kind of “noble nest” of the Oldenburgskys.

The place for the construction of the palace was chosen by the prince himself. The architect of the building was Alexander Petrovich’s longtime friend Grigory Ippolitovich Lyutsedarsky. Many sources name the creator of the project and the manager of the construction of the palace, Grigory Ippolitovich, who managed to bring to life one of the most beautiful creations of classical modernism.

The palace has incorporated all the most beautiful elements of Art Nouveau: the red tiled roof harmonizes perfectly with the many balconies, and the chimneys of the fireplace in no way spoil the view, but only emphasize the status of the building. In addition, researchers note the importance of the Falconer's Tower, located on the territory of the residence. According to local residents, Prince Alexander Petrovich himself was very fond of falconry, which is why he ordered the construction of the Tower.

The Prince of Oldenburg had many more plans to transform not only the castle and the Seaside Park, but the entire city. But the outbreak of war did not allow all plans to be realized. The prince was quickly summoned to St. Petersburg, from where he was later forced to emigrate abroad.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, the prince's palace was converted into a sanatorium named after Stalin. The highest officials of Soviet society came here every year to rest. Later, the palace was given the status of a boarding house, after which it began to bear the name “Chaika”.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Oldenburg Castle fell into disrepair, it was looted and even suffered a fire, which destroyed part of the building. By the end of the 1980s. The castle of the Prince of Oldenburg was classified as an architectural monument.

Gradually, restoration work began to unfold here. But further events interrupted the restoration of the palace. Georgian-Abkhaz war 1992-1993. this creation of architecture did not pass by. The constant military operations that took place here caused serious damage to the building, leaving behind traces of bullets and shells.

Legends about the castle of the Prince of Oldenburg

There are quite a few legends associated with the palace of A.P. Oldenburgsky. One of them relates to the construction and foundation of the residence.

According to legend, after many unsuccessful attempts to lay down and begin the process of constructing a building, the Prince of Oldenburg decides to call the architect Yahya Abbas-oglu, an Iranian by origin. Allegedly, there were no long conversations between the prince and the builder. Abbas-ogly undertook to complete the construction of the castle within a certain time frame. If this condition was not met, he had to bear all financial expenses. Yahya did not hesitate and immediately got to work.

As construction was nearing completion, minor problems arose. All that remained was to complete the final part, which required spending money. But the prince had no funds, and the Iranian himself had to get out of the situation - borrow money from acquaintances and friends. As a result, the work was completed on time. When the time came for Alexander Petrovich to settle accounts with Yahya Abbas-oglu, the prince did not want to pay according to the agreement.

In addition, Yahya’s situation was aggravated by the conflict with the governor of Kutaisi, who, according to contemporaries, was envious of the successes of other people. The Iranian, in turn, by this time had become quite popular and had great authority. In connection with this conflict, Abbas-ogly could be arrested.

The builder could not come to terms with such injustice, both on the part of the governor and on the part of the prince, and decided to go to St. Petersburg with a complaint. Despite the fact that the trip took considerable time, it was still crowned with success. Ultimately, for his hard work and professionalism, Nicholas II awarded Yahya with a diploma and a medal “For Diligence,” and Prince A.P. of Oldenburg was forced to pay off his debts with the Iranian.

Despite the fact that this legend does not have documentary evidence, it is still impossible to deny the fact that Yahya Abbas-oglu really took part in the construction of the prince’s castle.

What is a castle like these days?

Today, the palace of Prince Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg is an echo of a bygone era. Now, looking at the residence building, we will no longer see the architectural beauty that existed before.

A sagging roof, partially destroyed walls, traces of fires and bombings - this is all that remains of that marvelous palace that many guests came to admire. But even in this form, the castle does not lose its popularity and attracts the attention of many tourists, because, in fact, it has reached us almost unchanged.

On this moment the residence was purchased by a private person; large-scale restoration of the building is planned. The castle itself is in disrepair. You can get to the castle thanks to the Gagripsh restaurant, which quite often organizes excursions for everyone.

Approximately, the cost of such an excursion will be in the area 700−1000 rubles. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the building is in disrepair, and therefore the excursion may be refused.

How to get there

  • The residence of the Prince of Oldenburg is located near the pier and the terminus of the city public transport. You can get to the castle through the Seaside Park, which can be reached by minibus or by booking a tour in advance from the administration of the Gagripsh restaurant. The cost of travel by minibus will be about 30-60 rubles, excursions - 700-1000 rubles.
  • On foot. Most budget option will become walking to the Seaside Park, then going up, you will find yourself there.
  • By cable car. Directly to the castle, starting from the Seaside Park, leads cable car. This option is suitable for lovers of not only beautiful and picturesque places, but also extreme sports. The approximate cost of such a walk will be from 200 rubles.
  • Taxi. The fastest and most comfortable option is to use a taxi, which will cost about 150 rubles.

reference Information

Castle address: Prince of Oldenburg Castle, Old Gagra district, Gagra city, Republic of Abkhazia.

Coordinates: 43.325583; 40.225367

Address of the restaurant "Gagripsh": Gagra, st. Nartaa.

Restaurant opening hours: from 11:00 to 0:00.

Average bill at the establishment: 1700 RUB.

*Prices are valid for February 2016.

The Prince of Oldenburg Park has a century-old history - it was created in 1902 in Gagra. Initially, it was not so large, but over time, plants began to be brought here from different parts of the world. The Prince of Oldenburg himself dealt with issues of importing new plants, birds and animals - but he lacked knowledge in biology and botany: many of them simply did not take root. In Soviet times, the park became an excellent example of park architecture - the best landscape designers of the country worked on this for a long time. Today, more than a thousand plants grow here, most of which are evergreen. This place is often called the Seaside Park, since it is located almost on the coast.

How to get there?

The easiest way is to use the services minibus. The park is located near the final stop - when you get off the minibus, you immediately find yourself at in the right place. The cost of the trip is 30-60 rubles. You can also get there by car or by taxi - the average cost of this service is 150 rubles. The Abaata train stop is located nearby.

  • Prince of Oldenburg Park covers an area of ​​about 14 hectares. Plants grow here Canary Islands, China, South America, Africa, Syria and other parts of the planet.
  • The park was visited by interesting and important personalities. In 1912, Nicholas II visited here along with his daughters and high-ranking guests. In Soviet times, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Igor Severyanin, Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Vysotsky and other creative personalities shared their creativity on the park's stage.
  • In Soviet times, films were filmed here - “Jolly Fellows”, “Duel”, “Star of Captivating Happiness”.
  • At the junction of the park and the Primorskaya Alley, created after the foundation of the park, there is an openwork colonnade built in the 50s of the last century.
  • Combine a walk in the park with a visit to the Prince of Oldenburg Castle - the resulting emotions will last for a long time!
  • Among all the plants in the park, date and coconut palms, Himalayan cedars, agave and the candy tree deserve special attention - but don’t think that you’ll find candy on the latter!

Another amazing place in Gagra - the castle of Prince Oldenburg. Every tourist who comes to Gagra should visit there, because this castle is the initial step in the history of the development of Gagra. Like any tourist, I was attracted by this castle for its interesting story, architecture and picturesque surroundings. If you are vacationing in Gagra, then you should definitely take a walk to the castle of Prince Oldenburg. Now I’ll tell you how to get to it without difficulty.

How to get to the castle

So, the very first question is how to get there?

The castle of Prince Oldenburg is located in the old part of the city of Gagra. It is located near the Zhoekvara River, on the slope of Mount Mamzyshkha. If you want to take a walk and relax, then next to the castle there is a magnificent Seaside Park where you can enjoy the surrounding nature.

Thus, you can get to the castle of the Prince of Oldenburg:

History of the Prince of Oldenburg Castle

The castle begins its history with one of the most noble families of Oldenburg. What kind of dynasty is this?

This branch begins with a small branch, namely the Holstein-Gottorp family of the Oldenburg family. Once they were excellent rulers of this small possession, and a little later the glorious county of Oldenburg was formed. If we recall the history of the Romanov dynasty, then Prince Alexander Petrovich was their closest relative. Thus, the great-grandson of Emperor Paul was Prince Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg.

One of his most important decisions is the establishment unique resort on the coast of Gagra. In those days it was called the second Nice. It is here that the prince decides to begin building his castle. The architect I. Lucerne was appointed to supervise all construction work, since he was very educated and loved new styles and trends in the art of that time. Therefore, the castle was built in a completely new and unique Art Nouveau style. This was very atypical for that time!

The palace was finally completed in 1902. And the next year, near the castle they broke beautiful place recreation - Primorsky Park.

A variety of bushes and trees from all over the world were brought and planted here. Cypress trees, date palms, cork oak, pink olendra, magnolia, araucaria and many, many others.

During Soviet rule, the house of the Prince of Oldenburg was converted into a sanatorium named after. Stalin, it was here that the entire Soviet elite came to rest.

Somewhat later it became known as the “Chaika” sanatorium.

The castle fell into the combat zone during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict (1992-1993) and was very badly damaged. Walking past it, you can see traces of bullets and other projectiles. But the palace survived and has survived to this day.

Description of the castle

And so we arrived at the castle of Prince Oldenburg. The huge stone structure with a bright red tiled roof immediately catches your eye.

Every tourist wants to look at it not only from the outside, but also to take a walk inside the castle itself. I note that this must be done very carefully, since it is in disrepair.

Still, we took a chance and went into the castle itself. I immediately drew attention to the rooms that once shone with expensive decoration with paintings still remaining on the walls, beautiful columns near the landing, fireplaces and windows of different shapes and sizes.

Unfortunately, we were only able to walk through a few rooms; the rest were completely destroyed. Peeling paint, debris and broken glass indicate that urgent repairs and restoration are needed.

Extreme seekers can be advised to get to the round window and watch the area from the top Old Gagra. From there you have a beautiful view of the sea and the city itself!
When we left the castle, we were immediately struck by a picturesque tower called Sokolnichnaya. In my opinion, it is one of the most beautiful buildings of the castle. It is clearly visible from anywhere in the Old Gagra area, especially from the embankment. They say that it was from this tower that the prince once hunted local birds.

Excursions to the castle

The Gagrypsh restaurant sometimes conducts excursions to the castle for its guests. Its approximate cost is 700-1000 rubles. May be on different days (they may change, so you need to check with the organizers).

Those who want to save money can get to the castle on their own. Many travelers come here on their own to admire the beauty.

It is worth clarifying very much important point. Since the castle is in disrepair, it is now officially closed for excursions (except for excursions for guests of the Gagrypsh restaurant). However, no one forbade anyone from entering the territory of Oldenburg Castle.

Therefore, if desired, tourists can even go up to the top floor. True, I did not do this for security reasons.


We were very pleased with our trip to the castle of Prince Oldenburg! Despite the fact that today it is in a very poor condition. We, like every tourist visiting the castle, believe that one day it will be transformed and shine like in the old days. Then you will be able to see all its original beauty both inside and outside!