Bol croatia city. Report on a trip to Croatia - Bol, about. Brach. Food, drink and nightlife in Bol

Answer from Maxim Vygnansky[guru]
Everything flows, everything changes and the list of the largest cities in the world also has to be revised.
Many large cities have grown so much that they swallowed up nearby settlements and literally merged into an agglomeration. And the question arose, what is considered a city? Scientists have come up with a simple solution, writes the authoritative source, a method for determining the actual city (continuous development) - by a light image. To do this, a photo of the city at night is taken from an airplane and the boundaries of the city are determined by the continuous light, which districts are already part of the city and which are not. Using this technique, you can name the largest cities in the world.
1. Tokyo, 37.5 million people
The largest cities. Tokyo
Country Japan. The capital, the largest center for culture, finance and industry throughout Japan. Located in the southeastern part of the island of Honshu. This is the most Big city in the world.
2. Jakarta 29.9 million people
The largest cities. Jakarta
Country Indonesia. The capital and largest city of Indonesia. The city is located on the northwestern coast of Java.
3. Delhi 24.1 million people
The largest cities. Delhi
Country India. The largest city in India - "the capital of seven empires", a place with a rich history, on its territory there are 60 thousand monuments of world importance. The city is located in the north of India on the banks of the Yamuna River.
4. Seoul 22.9 million
The largest cities. Seoul
Country South Korea... The capital of the state, a major world industrial and financial center, is located on the banks of the Hangang River. Of the sights, 5 palaces of the Joseon dynasty.
This small hand tool is a great gift for any man
Android-based glasses, inside a display for accessing mail and SMS.
Kovalski robots in Ukraine. The beauty is not overturned
5. Manila 22.7 million
The largest cities. Manila
Country Philippines. The capital of the state is located on the shores of the Manila Bay. One of the most densely populated areas in the world.
6. Shanghai 22.6 million
The largest cities. Shanghai
Country China. The largest city in China, located in the Yangtze River Delta. One of the world's leading financial centers. The habitat of the elite of China, the concentration of culture, fashion, bohemian life.
7. Karachi 21.5 million
The largest cities. Karachi
Country Pakistan. A large port city located on the coast of the Arabian Sea. All the largest corporations in the country are located in Karachi. The city is major center higher education in the islamic world
8. New York 20.6 million
The largest cities. New York
Country: USA. The largest city in the United States, the most important world financial, political, economic and cultural center. Located on the shore Atlantic Ocean... The city is home to the famous skyscrapers of the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, etc.
9. Mexico City 20.3 million
The largest cities. Mexico City
Country Mexico. The capital of the state, the political, economic and cultural center of Mexico. The city is located in an intermountain basin in the Mexican Highlands. Mexico City was built on the site of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, destroyed by the Spanish conquerors. The city is experiencing colossal transport problems caused by overpopulation.
10. Sao Paulo 20.2 million people
The largest cities. Sao Paulo
Country Brazil. The largest city in the southern hemisphere, located in the valley of the Tiete River. One of the most modern cities, almost completely built up with skyscrapers.

In September 2012, my mother and I visited the town of Bol. It is located on the island of Brac, in the Dalmatia region of Croatia. The former fishing village has become a fairly well-known resort thanks to the Golden Cape (Golden Rat) beach.

Beach Golden Cape in Bol

We got to Bol from Split. There is a direct ferry to Bol only once a day and departed from Split at 16:00. We wanted to get to the island early and therefore went to Supetar (a city on the island of Brač, where ferries from Split regularly run). For two, tickets cost 33 kuna (1 kuna is equal to about 5 rubles). The ferry is three-deck. On the first floor there are cars, on the second there are blue leather sofas with the opportunity to order coffee and buy chocolates, and on the third there is an open deck with rows of plastic yellow chairs. We stayed on the second. Our suitcase was too heavy and had to be lugged up the stairs.

Arriving in Supetar we saw route taxis and for 40 kn for two with two suitcases we got to Bol. There was nothing to look for in Supetar. Directly behind the ferry there is a bus station with buses and taxis.

The same ferry sails to Supetar

Ferry pier to Supetar in Split

Ferry timetable from Split to Supetar

Second floor by ferry from Split to Supetar

Third floor by ferry from Split to Supetar

A wonderful view of Split opens on the departing ferry

Wonderful view from the ferry

Bol is a small town with only three streets along the coast. Most of the tourists (in my opinion, about 70%) in those two days of our trip were German pensioners, some of them were with grandchildren of 10-14 years old. There are several restaurants and bars on the main street, beautifully restored. In the very center of the city, near the monument to fishermen, the post office and the Kastil hotel, there is a Konzum supermarket.

Monument to fishermen on the central embankment

We checked into the central hotel of the city of Kastil, indicated in all the travel guides to Croatia that I have seen. A room with a sea view for two cost 78 euros. The hotel is good, the room is small. In the morning you can have breakfast on the lovely veranda. There was wi-fi in the lobby. However, in some of the sea-facing rooms, it is difficult to fall asleep until late at night due to the restaurant located on the ground floor, which plays live music until late at night. Although they covered Led Zeppelin and Radiohead, it was difficult to listen to the singing due to the deafness of the soloist.

Kastil Hotel

Hotel room

Hotel room

View from the window

Restaurant under the window

We came to Bol because we wanted to see the legendary Golden Cape beach. My mom loves beaches and I thought it would be nice to be there with her. Many Russian tourists come to Bol by boat from Makarska for 3 hours and, as we overheard on the beach, are not thrilled with swimming on the beach of the Golden Cape. They arrive after hitting the beach on a tourist train or on a boat, missing the most beautiful thing in Bol - a walk along a cobbled marble, pine-framed 1.5-kilometer road to the beach along the sea. This is a wonderful walk useful for people (German pensioners know about this and therefore go to Bol), there are many benches on the way that allow people to sit on them and relax. Also along the road there are lovely sculptures of white stone, a variety of Mediterranean vegetation blooms, which made my mother very happy. You can, of course, go down to the sea earlier and not go to the beach itself. But this walk was easy and pleasant, probably all thanks to the combination of pine forest and sea air.

The road to the beach Golden Cape

The road to the beach Golden Cape

Sculpture on the pier

Rest bench

Rest bench

Sculpture of the Virgin Mary and Child>

Pines and sea

Color of the sea

The Golden Cape beach is like the tongue the land shows to the sea. In 2009, Lonely Planet included him in the top ten best beaches the world. It is free, like the rest of Croatia's beaches, a fee is charged for sun loungers and umbrellas, but nothing prevents you from lying on your towel. The beach is not sandy, but with small pebbles. Walking with bare feet is tolerable. However, it is a little disappointing because it is nowhere near as beautiful as in the bird's-eye view (see first photo). The shape of the beach is quite unusual, but it is also found in Russia, in the city of Yeisk on the Sea of ​​Azov. There are advantages to this unusual shape. On the one side (on the left) the bank is flatter and it is convenient for children to swim in this place, and on the right side it becomes deep after a few steps - there are usually adults without children. Further behind them are small coves, where nudists (or naturists) settle. On the beach itself, nudism is prohibited, as the sign proudly proclaims at the entrance to the beach.

Also in the pine trees there is a room where you can go to the shower and toilet for a fee.

Bol himself turned out to be a lovely town. But it's totally touristy. You can relax here quite calmly and relaxed. But at the same time, the one who seeks complete solitude will not find it there. In the afternoon, boats come to the beach. My mom summed up at the end of the stay that two days are great, but that more time would be boring. She herself would probably return there in early spring or late autumn, when the town is empty and it will be possible to walk along the embankment and on the way to the beach look at the amazing color of the turquoise sea, and the color of the fir trees under the rays of sunlight, and at night at the stars and lights on neighboring island... In restaurants there food is tasty and satisfying.

In the morning at 6.30 we sailed on a catamaran to Split. Tickets for it are sold without a seat and can be bought at the kiosk in front of the catamaran parking, which starts working at around 6 am.

Bol (Bol) - the most ancient city on the island of Brac and at the same time one of the most famous tourist centers of the Adriatic. It is located in the southern part of the island at the foot of the Bolska Kruna mountain range (this is where the most high peak on the Adriatic islands - 778 m above sea level). It is the largest tourist center in the south of the island. There are many fun bars, restaurants offering an abundance of local cuisine, and the island's most popular disco.

The name of the city comes from the Latin word vallum - “fortress”.

A little more than 1600 people live in this city. Previously, Bol was a village in which fishermen, sailors and winegrowers lived, but since 1923 the fate of the city has changed dramatically, people began to come to it from different countries people on vacation. And not a few people per season, but thousands. The best time to relax here is July and August.

Bol'skoy beach Zlatni Rat (Golden Cape) - the most popular in Croatia, changes its shape depending on the ebb and flow.

Types of Bol

How to get there

A popular way to get to Bol from any city in Croatia is first by car to the village of Makarska (from Zagreb the journey takes 6.5-8 hours, from Dubrovnik - 4.5-5.5 hours), and then by ferry to the island of Brac. A more colorful option is to take a motor ship at the Split seaport, sailing to the town of Supetar on Brac (flights depart every day), and from there by car to Bol.

Search for flights to Split (nearest airport to Bol)


Public transport in Bol is represented only by buses. There are also taxis; the road is paid strictly according to the counter, the price is slightly more than 1 EUR per 1 km. To travel to the islands or the mainland, you need to rent a boat.

Bol Cards

Hotels and apartments

Tourism has been developing in Bol since 1923, in 1928 the first hostel appeared here, and since the middle of the 20th century. here we have relied on rest. Hotels range from modest budget-friendly hotels to elegant chain hotels with designer furnishings, fine dining and 24-hour service. It is not a problem to rent a private villa in Bol, but you need to take care of it in advance. For a complete list of hotels and apartments, see the Bol Hotels page.

Cuisine and restaurants

Separately, it should be said about the cuisine typical for the entire island of Brac and for Bol in particular. Brač is an island, which means that dishes are prepared from over 30 species of fish and shellfish. The food is incredibly tasty, healthy and very beautiful, for example, grilled lamb roast, prosciutto, vegetables in incredible combinations. Lots of sardine and anchovy appetizers will precede dinner, and for dessert you will be offered a variety of spring rolls, sweet rolls, puff pies. Usually lunch at Bol's restaurant costs 12-20 EUR per person. But it is not possible to eat these huge portions alone, so it is much more profitable to go here to relax with a company. Prices on the page are for November 2018.

Bol beaches

One of the best local beaches, located in the south of the island near Bol, is called Zlatni Rat (Golden Cape or Golden Horn). This cape of small pebbles periodically changes its shape under the influence of wind and waves, it protrudes into the sea for 300 meters and is buried in a pine grove. Half of the cape is a nudist beach. Zlatni Rat - perfect place for windsurfing and tennis (20 clay courts).

In the sea in the area of ​​Bol are found sea ​​urchins, it is better to stay away from them so that the rest does not turn into a continuous treatment.

Bol entertainment and attractions

Near Bol there are the most famous sights of the island of Brac: Vidova Gora, Golden Cape beach, Dragon's Cave, the Glagolic Monastery of Blaca.

Cape Golden - by itself unusual place, which attracts travelers from all over the world, besides, archaeologists have found next to it ruins of a roman villa rustica- rural villas in an open area. Vidova Gora nearby is the highest peak on the islands of the entire Adriatic Sea (778 m). At its top, the most courageous tourists can see the ruins of the Church of St. Vid, in whose honor the mountain got its name, as well as benches, cafes, and an observation deck.

In the Bolska Kruna mountain range, at the foot of which Bol stands, there was once the Glagolic Monastery of the Dragon's Cave(Zmajeva spilja or Drakonjina spilja) 15th century. Here lived the monk Polzhich, who managed to turn the lonely hermitage into a famous monastery. In the Dragon Cave, they began to store handwritten spiritual chronicles - Glagolitics, one of them, created in the 13th century, is now stored in Dominican Museum.

In the same mountain, but on the western side, far from settlements, is carved into the rock Blaca monastery(Pustinja Blaca). In the 15th century. from the mainland of the country, Glagolic monks arrived here, having escaped from the Turks, and settled an entire city-state in the mountain. There is everything you need for life, including premises for the production of wine and olive oil - the monks exchanged them for the goods they needed. Even the bee hives were carved in stone! But the Blaca monastery is not only an amazing architectural structure, but also the center of the scientific life of the island. It has a large library with books on German, globes, powerful telescopes, astronomical maps, and a school for rural residents.

An interesting attraction of Bol is the art gallery named after. Branislav Deshkovic Bold in the city hall. The most famous artists of Croatia, including contemporary ones, are exhibited here.

Bol's microclimate is very suitable for asthmatics.

At the disposal of sports fans and active rest 25 tennis courts, a bowling alley, mini-football, basketball and volleyball courts. All conditions are created for surfers and fans of others aquatic species sports, schools for diving and underwater fishermen. For tourists in Bol, the largest disco on the island is arranged; there are establishments that are less noisy and bright, but also attractive.

The local club offers speedboat excursions for its members. The program includes visits to nearby islands, caves, of which there are many in Croatia, and coastal cities.

Report on a trip to Croatia - Bol, about. Brač, Croatia

We returned: my husband is in sorrow, I am freezing.

We had a great rest, but the time somehow flew by too quickly.

We somehow immediately, even during pregnancy, decided that we would go to Croatia. Because: the Velvet season, sea-sun-pine trees, a short flight - 3 hours, and if the water is cold, we will at least wet our legs and breathe sea air.

But this time we were unexpectedly lucky - the weather was wonderful, the water was at least 27 degrees, it rained once, and even then at night. Warm clothes were not needed. This time we chose a place to the south (last time we were in Istria) - Dalmatia, Bol on the island of Brac, not far from Split.

In general, I liked it here more - it is warmer and the beaches are better.

Tickets were bought on the Aeroflot website, direct flight Moscow - Split. It turned out 18,000 rubles. per adult and about 1,500 rubles. tax for a child under 2 years old without a seat.

As always, they did everything at the last moment, so the apartments were not the best and the cheapest - 612 euros for 2 weeks from 1.09 to 15.09. But on the island housing is a little cheaper than on the mainland and the famous Golden Horn beach is located relatively nearby. Booked through, Villa Vallum apartments - 40 meters, small kitchenette, balcony. A baby cot was booked for a child (they gave a cot on arrival) for 4 euros per day. They sent a confirmation, the money was withdrawn from the card quickly, the letters were answered promptly. Since we had to arrive quite late, we also ordered a transfer, specifying that we would need a child car seat - 110 euros.

On the day of departure, a pediatrician came to us and gave us the go-ahead. She said what to take from the medicines for the trip.

The list is as follows:

Zelenka - Hydrogen peroxide

Sterile alcohol wipes

Nurofen syrup

Efferalgan, candles

Thermometer - Smecta

Baby kalm


We even had everything in stock.

Plus we took the usual hygiene items for the child (Aquamaris, diaper cream, scissors, etc.) and a pack of 88 Merrises (not enough for 1 day!).

Most of the space in the suitcase was taken by food for the boy - 7 cans of Nutrilon GA (they found out in advance, this mixture is not sold there) - they took it with a small margin, brought back one and a half. In between, they stuffed their things - everything else is childish. I also had to pack glass bottles in a suitcase and buy 1 plastic Avent in the nearest store - by phone the airline company told us that glass cannot be taken on the plane, as well as a thermos with boiling water, and that a cradle is not provided on this flight. Everyone lied. Nobody inspected the bag with baby food, was not interested in a thermos, they gave a cradle and even said that you can take a stroller to the side of the plane with you, although we do not have a cane at all. But we have already packed it, strapping a Babybjorn chaise longue and diapers to it.

In general, I really liked flying outside the peak season - the airport is empty, there is no one at check-in, the employees are friendly.

After reading the Internet, in addition to foreign passports, they took with them a birth certificate, a marriage certificate (my husband and I have different surnames), bought insurance for Sveti and demanded that the owners of the villa send us a voucher for accommodation. All they needed was passports, but they say it's rare.

We flew quickly and without stress, once we fed our son at the airport, once on the plane. Split airport is very small: we got off the plane and after 7 (!) Minutes we were in a taxi. The driver took us to the port, from where the ferry departs for Brac, showed us where to buy tickets, said that he had warned the second driver on the island who would take us from the ferry to the apartment. The schedule of ferries in advance looked here.

We checked in at 2 a.m. Moscow time (we still lived Moscow time, although the difference with Croatia was 2 hours, so as not to interrupt the child's regime), immediately asked for a crib, an electric kettle (for some reason it was not there, although the description was it says that the kitchen is fully equipped) and the password for the Wi-Fi network :)

From the pros:

Apartments are located on the outskirts of the city

Not noisy

Clean modern, pleasant owners (they even took children's clothes into the wash)

Near a not very crowded beach with a shade - good internet! (although the description indicated that only in public areas)

A long comfortable promenade under the pine trees to the Golden Horn

But this is a plus for those who are not too lazy to walk 5 km in one direction :)


Third floor and a bunch of steps to the villa from the road

They pumped up their legs, dragging a baby with a stroller

A large supermarket is 2 km up the hill (in small ones nearby, for example, there is no baby food, toilet paper, etc.)

Not very good soundproofing: for sure, we also interfered with the neighbors when the child yelled, and they woke him up in the evening if they knocked with something

It is very good that we took a chaise longue and a kangaroo - indispensable things for a non-walking child at sea. The chaise longue is lightweight and folds down - you come to the beach, put your child down and enjoy life.

I was surprised that all restaurants-cafes have absolutely the same menu, whether on the island, in Split or at the airport. Anton joked that they probably give the same in prison.

In our opinion, poor thing: 3 soups, 3 salads (shit!), Standard spaghetti, a small selection of fish (sea bass, dorada, tuna) and steaks. Garnish everywhere french fries. Risotto made from regular rice, not arborio / carnaroli. Here we are so fussy :)

The card is accepted everywhere - in supermarkets, cafes, pharmacies.

At first they wanted to rent a car, but the toad strangled something - about 1800 rubles. the most unpretentious day, 1400 rubles. stool. So we walked for kilometers, and upon arrival home, it turned out that both had lost a lot of weight :)

Taxi is also not cheap - 50 euros (from Bol to Supetar - the port on the island of Brac) + 50 more (from Split to the airport). So on the way back we took a transfer only to Supetar, bought ferry tickets, and then a bus to the airport - it turned out very economically - 400 rubles. +330 RUB

In general, we had a very good rest, we were too lazy to work!

Information from

Hello, dear readers of the site "I and the World"! We are glad to welcome you again! What do you think is the largest city in the world and what is the name? In our new article, we want to talk about cities and present the top 10 largest in the world in terms of area and population.

10th place - New York - 1214.4 sq. km

America starts the list. If you look at the population for 2017, the city is small - 8 405 837 people. Quite young, about 400 years old.

In the territory where it is now NY there were tribes of Indians. Arrows, dishes and other Native American attributes are found here. Throughout the 19th century, emigrants from different countries came here, due to which it grew. It includes several islands, the largest of which is Manhattan. People of almost all religions live in, but Christians predominate.

We give the 9th place to Mexico City - 1485 sq. km

The population of the capital of Mexico is 9,100,000. Mexico City was founded by the Aztecs in 1325. According to legend, the Sun God ordered them to come to this place.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Mexico City was the most beautiful in the Western Hemisphere, until it was destroyed during the reign of Cortez, but was soon rebuilt again. It is located at an altitude of over 2000 km above sea level and is surrounded by mountains.

London is in 8th place - 1572 sq. km

London is the capital of Great Britain and the largest city in the country. It was founded in 43 AD. NS. Today, 8.6 million people live in London.

The terrible plague of the 17th century claimed about 70,000 lives. This is a place of remarkable historical and architectural monuments: the Tower, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral and others.

On the 7th place we put - Tokyo - 2188.6 sq. km

But the population is quite large - 13 742 906 people. Tokyo is one of the modern cities and the capital of Japan. Even after living here for a month, you will not see all the sights.

The bulk is solid concrete and wires. Tokyo has been inhabited by human tribes since the Stone Age. Over the years from 1703 to 2011, Tokyo suffered many earthquakes, and as a result of one of them, 142,000 people died at once.

On the 6th place - Moscow - 2561.5 sq. km

Moscow is the capital Russian Federation, is located in the interfluve of the Oka and Volga rivers. It is home to 12,500,123 people. In length, Moscow is quite long - 112 km. It is an important tourist center of Russia.

The age of the city is still not known exactly, but there are facts that the first settlements appeared on this territory around 8 thousand years BC. NS.

Mid-Top - Sydney - 12,144 sq. km

The development and history of Australia began with a small settlement. The navigator Cook landed here 200 years ago. Sydney - largest metropolis and the capital of the state of New South Wales.

The capital is home to 4,500,000 people. The city is spread out in one of the most beautiful bays in the world, where business skyscrapers adjoin cozy beaches, which is always full of tourists.

In 4th place - Beijing - 16,808 sq. km

Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China. Huge and noisy, it has a population of 21.5 million.

In the 13th century, it was almost completely burned by Genghis Khan, but rebuilt 43 years later in a different place. There is a famous architectural monument here - Forbidden City- the residence of the rulers.

At the beginning of the 20th century, it was occupied by the Japanese. After the victory of Russia in the Second World War and the fall of Japan, the capital became free again.

We give the 3rd place to Hangzhou - 16847 sq. km

The city is home to 8,750,000 inhabitants. The metropolis is famous for tea plantations and the beauty of nature.

Previously, it was the capital of China, and now it is a major religious center. In the 19th century, as a result of the uprising, it was partially destroyed and restored in the 50s, where industry began to develop rapidly.

The weaving of folk products, the collection of tea leaves and the production of bamboo products are still hand-made.

In second place is Chongqing - 82,300 sq. km

Chongqing - the largest city in the world in terms of population - is home to about 32 million people. The highest population density is 600 people per sq. km.

The metropolis emerged 3,000 years ago and at that time was the capital of the kingdom of Ba. Now it is a huge industrial center. There is a large base for the production of cars - 5 factories and 400 - for the production of parts for cars. Real estate construction here is proceeding at such a fast pace that 10 years of construction for Moscow - 1 year for Chongqing. Old buildings are being demolished very actively, in the place of which skyscrapers appear. It is more businesslike than architectural. And the main attraction is the flyovers that entangled the whole city.

We give 1st place to the unusual city of Ordos - 86752 sq. km

Ordos is a ghost town. Where is the strange metropolis, the largest in terms of territory, but empty? In China - it began to be built 20 years ago for people involved in the extraction and sale of coal.

Was built Big City with museums, theaters, stadium. There is everything for the life of a city dweller. But almost no one wanted to move here. Over the past few years, the number of people has increased to 300,000. The huge settlement has so few inhabitants that even in broad daylight, the streets are completely empty.

Beautiful, abandoned houses, museums, cinemas. There are even unfinished buildings - there is no one to build for. Everywhere is cleanliness and well-groomed. And silence! A metropolis inhabited by "ghosts". There are several of them in China.

Also, there are cities beyond the Arctic Circle and it is rather cold to live there. The largest "cold" city is located in Russia - this is Murmansk - 154.4 square meters. km. It is rather small in size and has a population of 298,096 people.

We have shown you the rating of major cities in the world in the photo and with a description. Ten different metropolitan areas, with different numbers of inhabitants, lengths and architecture. 2018 will be a new year for everyone and everything, and our ranking may change. In the meantime, if you liked the information, share it with your friends.