Which country is better to go to work? Where to go to earn money? Work in the north. Is it worth going to Poland to work? Grain regions of the country

The desire to earn good money is quite natural for all people. Russia is a huge country; wages in different regions differ many times. If wages in Moscow or Tyumen suit the majority of the population, then the same cannot be said about residents of Pskov, Tambov and many other regions. For those living in depressed regions, the best way to earn more money is to move to regions with high wages. But not all of our compatriots want to work in Russia; many fundamentally want to go abroad to work. The average salary there is significantly higher, and living conditions are much better. Quite often, after temporary work, a family is transported to the country and documents for permanent residence are issued.

Before making a final decision about going out to work, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. Abroad, they pay not as much as you want, but as much as you are worth in the local labor market.

  1. Knowledge of languages. It's a big plus if you know the language of the country you work in. Employers have little desire to waste time explaining your responsibilities. This takes up a lot of their time, which is ultimately paid for by the worker himself. Accordingly, you should not count on a large salary without knowing the language. This applies to all professions, including highly paid ones.

  2. Availability of qualifications. In Russia, it is traditional to value jacks of all trades. A completely different attitude towards professional skills abroad. They believe that they should master one specialty, but thoroughly. Specialists who know a lot, but do not do any work professionally, are not respected in the West. For example, it is better to be a professional mason with extensive practical experience than to have a little knowledge of construction, cars and plumbing, but not really be able to do anything.

  3. Floor. It is much more difficult for women not only to look for a well-paid job, but also to get a job in general. A cleaner, a farm worker, or at best a nurse - this is a list of the most realistic jobs that women can count on. It’s easier for men; there is a large list of specialties that do not require a thorough knowledge of the language.

  4. Visa. If you are looking for a job in tourism, then you should not hope for high earnings. The employer takes a risk, violating the laws of his country, and deducts money from the employee for the risk. Only an official work visa allows you to hope for a salary that meets your expectations.

When choosing a country, pay attention not only to salaries, but also to the cost of living. This refers to food, accommodation, transportation, medical services, etc. The general trend is that the higher the salary in the country, the higher the average cost of living. This is often not mentioned when signing a contract.

There are two ways to search for income: independently and with the help of specialized companies.

Searching for earnings with the help of companies

Currently, there are quite a few such companies, but not all of them operate in the legal field. In connection with the increasing incidence of fraud, the Federal Migration Service has developed a special document with practical advice.

What does the FMS advise you to pay attention to?

Signs of a company's dishonestyBrief description of actions
License numberAll licenses officially issued by the Federal Migration Service begin with the number 152, the next two indicate the year of issue, then the country is indicated, the last digits indicate the license number. For example, the official license number should look like this: 15215РФ296. There are cases when a license is issued by the regional migration service, then in the number the abbreviation of the Russian Federation is replaced by a two-digit code assigned to the given territory. For example, the license number is 1521554210. The number 54 means the region of the Federal Migration Service. If the company has other numbers, then you should not trust them.
Company nameIf the founders of the company are individuals or various representative offices of foreign companies, then you cannot contact them. These entities do not have the legal right to engage in employment on the territory of the Russian Federation. An exception is that some embassies provide employment services on their websites, but you need to do this search and submit documents yourself.
The website must accurately indicate the name and surname of the general director and contact informationAll information must be checked at the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation or at territorial offices.

One more word of caution. If you are promised a high salary for an unskilled worker, then they are scammers. Such workers receive no more than $1,200–$1,500 per month.

The company should not provide only information servicesThe task of official, bona fide employment companies is to apply for a job in the chosen specialty with the signing of an agreement. There is no need to pay for providing information; the contract must contain a clause on the return of money in case of refusal to hire.

According to statistics, only 20% of companies provide legal services for employment abroad, all the rest are scammers.

Independent search for income

There are two ways.

The first is that acquaintances who have been abroad for a long time find work. In this case, problems with obtaining a visa must be resolved independently. Try to have your friends send you a request personally from the employer.

Secondly, on the websites of some embassies there is a list of available vacancies with official invitations from employers. For example, Canada has been engaged in such employment for a long time; the application can be filled out on the website. You are allowed to submit multiple applications at once and wait for a response. This way of finding income is the most reliable, completely safe and legal.

Which countries are better to go to to earn money?

Here the choice depends, first of all, on knowledge of the language, and secondly, on the state of affairs with the labor force in these countries. If you speak excellent English, then there is no point in going to Spain or France. Without knowledge of the language, you will receive significantly less, and this despite the fact that you work in the same specialty. Each country reacts differently to foreign workers.

Comparisons of average salaries in European countries
- 671 € - 441 € - 364 €
- 651 € - 426 € Macedonia - 353 €
- 566 € - 402 € - 332 €
- 541 € - 398 € Albania - 320 €
- 487 € - 377 € - 232 €
- 486 € - 370 € Moldova - 190 €


Willingly hires foreigners, but only legal ones. Keep in mind that Germans are very law-abiding citizens. If you manage to get a job illegally, then some neighbor or ordinary passer-by will definitely call the police and report a violation of the law.

Engineers of various fields, medical workers, and programmers are gladly accepted for legal work. There are no big problems with builders either. The state strictly monitors the observance by employers of the rights of hired workers; nationality and country of arrival does not matter.

You can work using a special “blue” card, but it is issued only to specialists with higher education who have at least five years of practical experience in their specialty. The employer making the request must guarantee a minimum annual salary of at least 45 thousand euros.

By the way, the “blue card” allows you to submit documents for a permanent residence permit after 33 months; if your knowledge of the German language meets level B1, you can obtain it after just 21 months of work.

Video - The whole truth about illegal work in Germany

Great Britain

Unskilled labor is not particularly valued; going without confidence in getting a job is a risky undertaking. Knowledge of the language is considered an important advantage. But it’s worth a try, England has some of the highest earnings. Tangible problems with finding work began after 2014, when restrictions on the employment of citizens of Romania and Bulgaria were lifted. Only a qualified specialist has a chance to receive a work visa. You can only get a job in construction or in the service sector through illegal means.


The salary level is on average 7.5 thousand dollars, in addition, overtime is paid. The work is physically difficult, and most often you will have to take care of your living expenses on your own. You can earn about 3 thousand dollars from fishing. But there is one problem - it’s difficult to apply for it. Although there are many examples of our compatriots working illegally on a tourist visa. The police in Alaska are loyal to such individuals.

Alaska on Google Maps

Scandinavian countries

The easiest way is to get a seasonal job collecting forest products: mushrooms, cloudberries, cranberries, blueberries, etc. You can earn 1.5 thousand euros per month. No permits are required for these jobs; you can go on an ordinary visa. You can legally get a job at shipyards with a salary of 3 thousand euros. But this is only if you have a work visa, and it is very difficult to obtain.


Women most often go here, there are many jobs for them as nurses, nannies, cleaners, etc. The salary is approximately 1000 euros, much depends on the region of the country and the ability to negotiate. It is difficult to obtain a work permit right away, but Italy, at the request of the Vatican, often legalizes illegal immigrants. The legalization process is very simple and covers almost everyone staying in Italy.

Your chances of finding a decent job increase if you speak Italian fluently


The country is attractive for young Russians; the easiest way to find work is in the tourism sector. A prerequisite is that you need to have an excellent knowledge of not only the history of the country, but also architectural monuments, national traditions and the English language. It is needed even for those who plan to be a guide for Russian-speaking tourists. Before going to work, you should prepare. The average salary is 1.5 thousand dollars.

Working in Thailand is difficult and requires physical and mental effort

Thailand on Google maps


Russian girls can find work here. They are willingly taken to various show clubs and hotels. There are many jobs available for English teachers, but excellent subject knowledge is required. By the way, it is not necessary to have a document on professional education.

Video - How to find a job in China

What jobs can you hope for in which countries?

In order to interest a responsible employer, you need to have solid practical experience in your specialty. Unskilled labor is much cheaper in all countries. True, their low wages are often higher than our high ones.

Name of classesWhere can I get a job and under what conditions?

Such work can be found in countries with a developed tourism industry: Tunisia, Egypt, Spain, etc. You need to work at least six days a week with irregular days. Knowledge of English is required; additional knowledge of French and German provides significant advantages. Salary depending on the country: 800–1000 dollars.

This is what the job of a nurse, housekeeper, or nanny is called. There are vacancies in Italy, Germany, America, Canada. Advantages: The employer pays for housing and food. Disadvantages – long working hours and a maximum of one day off. In some countries, you can get such a job without a work visa. Payment up to $3,000

Waiters, assistant cooks, dishwashers, office cleaners, etc. You can get such a job in Italy, Germany, England, Spain, and the Czech Republic. Salary up to 2 thousand dollars. Knowledge of the language at a conversational level is required.

Such people are expected in Poland, Denmark, Sweden, England. In order to earn normal money, you have to work 12 hours a day. Issues with accommodation and food are resolved by the employer. Salary is piecework in the range of 2-3 thousand dollars.

There are many vacancies and very favorable conditions for confirming an education diploma in Eastern European countries. Their employees left for Germany, England, France, and today there is a large shortage of personnel there. Earnings from 3000 euros.

When concluding a contract for work in any country, you need to pay attention that it indicates the type and nature of the work, working conditions and amount of payment, social and health insurance, rights and obligations of the parties.

Video - Where to go to earn money

Evgeniy Malyar


# Business ideas

The most profitable professions and regions of the Russian Federation

Among the regions, the most profitable in the Russian Federation are considered to be the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Moscow and the Magadan Region.

Article navigation

  • Earning options
  • Who earns the most in Russia
  • Where in Russia you can earn good money
  • Where to go to work in Russia
  • Brief conclusions

The problem of obtaining a high income is relevant for all humanity. People who do not belong to the classes of entrepreneurs or successful top managers wake up early in the morning on weekdays, have a quick breakfast and head to work, where they spend nine hours (including lunch) working to earn their daily bread.

From time to time, almost every employee has thoughts about how good it would be to receive a big salary, but more often than not, they are soon forgotten in the daily bustle. At the same time, there are ways to improve well-being, and there are many of them. The article is about how people in Russia earn money today, and what can be done to stop counting money from paycheck to advance payment.

Earning options

To begin with, let's present a list of simple vacancies for which you can apply via the Internet.

Job vacancy Description Apply now
Taxi driver in Yandex.Taxi Flexible schedule, you can work without your own car. High earnings. Go to website
Taxi driver at Citymobil Flexible schedule, earnings up to 180 thousand rubles per month. Go to website
Courier in Yandex.Food Earnings up to 3500 rubles per day. Go to website
KFC employee Official employment, meals provided by the restaurant, decent salary. Go to website
Burger King employee Work as a cashier, cook or cleaner. Flexible schedule. Salary from 30 thousand rubles. Go to website
Vostbank Agent Representative of Vostochny Bank. Employment from one hour a day. Salary from 20 thousand rubles. Go to website
Work at Tinkoff Three formats of work: in the office, traveling, from home. Salary twice a month. Go to website

Other useful job search services:

  • Yandex.Talents - automatic search for employers.
  • Careerist – tens of thousands of current vacancies.
  • HeadHunter is the largest job search site in Russia.
  • Netology is a university of internet professions.

There are objectively many problems in Russia, but they do not prevent it from being a country of great opportunities. This can be confirmed by the fact that there are a huge number of labor migrants who annually cross the state border in search of a better life. There is also an internal movement of labor resources, characterized by flows of workers in the direction of the most developed regions.

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Complete training

A law-abiding citizen who has decided to radically improve his financial situation is faced with a choice between possible radical changes in his lifestyle (nothing will happen without them). There aren't many options:

  • change the nature of activity;
  • master a new profession;
  • move to another region where they pay more for the same work;
  • go away to work from time to time.

The first radical method most often involves a transition from the category of hired workers to the category of entrepreneurs, who, by definition, decide for themselves how to make money, where to find working capital, what goods to produce or resell, etc. This path can lead to high income or complete ruin - these are the laws of business.

The short format of the article does not allow us to consider in detail all the income schemes for an entrepreneur: there are a lot of them. Depending on the initial conditions and personal qualities of the likely future businessman, he can choose electronic trading, a career as a stockbroker, the fate of a small store owner, or many other types of occupations.

In the end, there is an option not to engage in economic activities at all, but to become, for example, a fashionable writer, an author of scripts for TV series or a progressive painter - they earn a lot. The nature of activity in this case changes most radically, but it should be borne in mind that in these fields, luck smiles on a few.

In reality, most often a hired worker, tired of low incomes or experiencing the need for a sharp increase due to life circumstances, is looking for a new place of employment. Sometimes he is ready to change his profession to a higher paying one. This issue is especially acute for young people who have not yet received special knowledge and education.

Who earns the most in Russia

This information is useful for those who want to get a specialty that promises high earnings. The list of profitable professions is compiled on the basis of statistical data and does not take into account factors such as:

  • accessibility of training;
  • primary education degree;
  • age limit;
  • mental capacity;
  • restrictions due to medical reasons;
  • region of residence.

In other words, knowing that a particular specialty brings a lot of income does not always have practical benefits. For example, everyone knows that top managers (heads of large organizations and main business areas) receive at least 220 thousand rubles a month (sometimes up to a million). This is amazing. There is only one problem left - to get such a position.

The most “earning” professions in Russia form the following list:

Speciality a brief description of Range of remuneration amount thousand rubles/month.
Senior management personnel There are no clear educational criteria, but having a prestigious diploma is a plus. Rapid career growth is extremely rare: it usually takes at least a decade. The principle “if I learn, I will become a big boss” does not always work. 220–1000
IT specialist Developers of websites, mobile applications and other highly qualified programmers are well paid. There are no barriers to professional growth except your own laziness and lack of desire to improve yourself. Higher education is desirable, but practice shows that it is not a prerequisite. Income growth is 2-3 times faster than that of a manager. 58–70, while mastery of various tools sharply increases the salary level: SQL - up to 150 thousand, Java - up to 200 thousand, and a leading specialist can receive 600 thousand.
Civil aviation pilot Airlines pay pilot-in-command more, but you have to work your way up to it by flying as a co-pilot for quite a long time. However, in any case it turns out well. Not only education is required, but also experience (flight hours), as well as the ability to retrain for other types of machines and health conditions. 350–650
Marketer (lead) Without a higher economic education, you cannot apply for the position of marketing director in a large company. You also need proven successful experience in solving non-standard problems. 260–300
Head of Purchasing Department A person who has not proven his qualifications in lower positions will never be assigned this job. 200–350
Tax lawyer Without legal education and special knowledge, it is impossible to protect an enterprise from fines and various types of penalties. At the same time, the salary of a tax lawyer grows by an average of 13% annually if management understands his usefulness. 70–110
Repairman, installer of complex equipment In the field of adjustment and repair, for various reasons, there is a shortage of qualified personnel. You can’t learn this quickly, but an experienced specialist is highly valued. 47–133
Builder The influx of builders from the CIS countries to Russia indicates the prospects of this area. The work is hard, but the pay is good. The observed restoration of order in employment can only improve the situation. 45–140

What type of income is gaining popularity can be judged by industry-wide indicators. Of course, the salary range is wide, but on average the picture looks like this:

Industry Average salary, thousand rubles. per month
Ordinary personnel Highly paid workers
Finance and insurance 68,5 253,7
Mining industry 66,9 197,3
Fishing industry 64,4 266,1
Communications, computer science and communications 57,6 201,3
Science and research 57,5 199,3
Petrochemical industry 53,3 183,8
Repair, installation, adjustment of technological equipment 47,3 132,4
Construction 45,9 139,3

Whose salaries are growing faster? This question also concerns every person who chooses a type of professional career. Everyone wants to see perspective, which serves as one of the main incentives for any work activity. Here is data on some of the most in-demand specialties:

Speciality Average salary, rub. Average annual salary increase, %
Oracle Database Programmer 100–120 21
Foreign exchange specialist 55–70 20
Head of Software Testing Department 120–165 18
International Law Lawyer 80–120 18
Internet project manager 100–150 17
Programmer (Java language) 100–130 14
Programmer (PHP language) 90–120 12
Systems Analyst 90–140 11

According to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the most in demand in the near and medium term will be the following professions:

  • specialists in mechanical engineering and metalworking;
  • scientists and researchers;
  • cultural figures;
  • builders;
  • transport workers.

Employment specialists consider the profession of a chef to be very prestigious and promising. The possible income of a culinary master is even difficult to estimate - some prestigious restaurants sometimes pay huge salaries to especially talented ones, without skimping on bonuses.

Where in Russia you can earn good money

The second way to increase your income is to move to a region or city where you can earn a lot of money. Relatively recently, the capital of Russia was mainly chosen. It is there, according to many citizens, that there are the most opportunities, both career and financial. Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • a large cost of living;
  • expensive real estate and rental housing;
  • high level of competition in the labor market.

However, the shortcomings of Moscow life have always been compensated by large salaries.

Currently, employment in the capital has lost a significant share of its attractiveness. In many regions of Russia, vacancies have appeared in which people make very good money. For example, the average salary in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in 2017 was 80 thousand 870 rubles, in the Tyumen region 55 thousand 090 rubles, in the Magadan region. – 66 thousand 340 rubles. etc. (for comparison in Moscow 73 thousand 846 rubles). The full table of average wages by region of the Russian Federation in 2017 is available here.

But of course, it's not just about the numbers. Northern and Far Eastern working conditions are difficult and food prices are high. Where they earn more, the current costs are corresponding. There are many people who are not afraid of this. However, an ordinary worker who has a massively in-demand profession usually has a desire to combine the advantages of a remote region with the familiar conditions of their “small homeland.” In practice, this means temporary employment for a highly paid vacancy in the form of rotational work.

Where to go to work in Russia

Where to move to live in Russia to earn money for good was discussed in the previous chapter. Internal labor migration is becoming common, although this phenomenon is not yet very familiar to our compatriots.

For example, the average American family moves to another state every twenty years in search of a more profitable job, and this is considered normal.

Which regions can you go to to earn money? Is it necessary to go to the North or Far East? Well, there are such options, but others are not excluded either.

Although the Russian capital has lost its monopoly on profitable employment since the 90s, it has retained significant attractiveness. Even jobs that do not require high qualifications (janitor, cashier, security guard, etc.) on average require a payment of forty thousand rubles per month. If an employee has a skill in demand, he can qualify for a more substantial remuneration:

  • designer – 54 thousand rubles;
  • sales manager – 74 thousand rubles;
  • programmer – 83.5 thousand rubles;
  • plumber – 80 thousand rubles.

We should not, of course, forget about the costs already mentioned. Food will cost 10 thousand, housing rent - from 20 to 30 thousand, and transportation costs will cost about five thousand, plus all sorts of little things. It's the capital after all. How profitable it is to go to Moscow to earn money is up to everyone to decide for themselves, based on the amount remaining in their pocket.

Resort towns. This refers primarily to Sochi and Krasnodar: there is work here during the season, and there is a lot of it. Housing costs less than in Moscow, but it also costs a lot (from 10 to 15 thousand per month). The products will cost the same ten thousand at a minimum. In total, a resident of another region who comes to work will spend at least 25 thousand rubles in a month.

The vacancies are mainly related to the service sector. Waiters, security guards, cooks and administrators of restaurants, hotels and cafes (with experience) can easily find jobs. How much someone manages to earn depends on skill, endurance and hard work, but on average it turns out to be 37 thousand. Employment is highly seasonal.

Ural. The harsh region of metallurgists promises an average salary of 40 thousand rubles. An important limitation is that qualifications are highly desirable. Salaries in Yekaterinburg are approximately as follows:

  • electrician – 80 thousand rubles. per month;
  • electrician – 50 thousand rubles;
  • metallurgist - 37 thousand rubles;
  • engineer - 36 thousand 600 rubles.

If such conditions suit you, it may make sense to take a closer look and think about moving for good, but first it’s better to try.

Oil-bearing regions. In Tyumen, the average salary in 2017 was more than 50 thousand rubles. Shift workers are offered from 30 thousand rubles, but if they are qualified as a gas cutter or substation electrician, this amount can double. The work of an engineer-surveyor (geologist) of a field party is highly valued - up to one hundred thousand. An excavator or bulldozer operator can earn 90 thousand rubles. In general, where there is black gold, there is money.

Volga region. A very promising region, and there is both permanent and temporary work in it. Not the highest average salary in the Volga Federal District (Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Engels, Volgograd, Saratov) is compensated by more affordable prices, including accommodation. Ultimately, a temporary worker is interested in the amount remaining after inevitable expenses, and not in the size of the salary.

Brief conclusions

A person with initiative can earn money in Russia, and a lot of it.

The amount of income is influenced by the demand for the profession and the ability to study.

In different regions, the same work is paid differently, but the cost of living also varies.

The option of going to work in the northern and Far Eastern regions of the country, as well as popular resorts, is becoming increasingly popular.

You can get good money for your work not only in Moscow.

Bsadsensedinamick 11 ratings, average: 4.09 out of 5)

First of all, remember that in the Tyumen region salaries are the highest in the Russian Federation. It should be added that during a crisis, raw materials are purchased quite actively, unless the crisis is of a global scale. This crisis is very local, planet Earth is actively developing, so our oil and gas are in demand. Tazovsky, Khanty-Mansiysk, Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoy, Salekhard, Korotchaevo... this list can be continued for a long time. In the Tyumen region, in addition to hydrocarbon production, they also catch valuable species of fish. Fishermen are also needed in this region.
Tyumen itself is also not poor; it lives off its territories where gas and oil are produced. In the regional center you can find any job and live comfortably.

The Moscow region is not inferior in terms of salary to the Tyumen region. Podolsk, Mytishchi, Kolomna, Odintsovo, Khimki, Pushkino, Reutov and many other satellite cities have many available job vacancies. Need I say that Moscow lives richly and happily? The capital concentrates 2/3 of the Russian Federation's money. This figure is staggering. Banks, markets, factories, corporations, firms, workshops, restaurants - all of this in Moscow operates around the clock. It's difficult to stay there without work. Of course, salaries there have now decreased everywhere, but you can survive in Moscow and the region, especially if you have somewhere to rest your head.

In the Krasnodar Territory on the Black Sea coast you can earn good money as a security guard, waiter, restaurateur, cook, etc. Holidays on the Black Sea, Adler are waiting for you with open arms. But in Crimea the situation is more complicated. The once rich cities of Crimea flourished: construction work was carried out, bars, restaurants, etc. were opened. Now there is a complete stop of any work there. Everything froze for an unknown period. Many Tatars and Ukrainians are unhappy with the fact that it has become Russian territory. Among Russians there are also supporters that Crimea should have remained where it was. All this brings confusion into the lives of citizens, and there is no end in sight to this madness.

In the Urals you can make money in the metallurgical industry in Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk. The work there is hard, but the money is good!

In the Volga region, you can also find work in Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Engels, Volgograd, Saratov and other cities. But don’t think that salaries there are higher than Tyumen and Moscow salaries.
Always buy tickets only for round trips with an open date. Risking everything and everyone is not wise.

Where to go to work abroad? A brief overview of salaries and countries where it is much easier to obtain a visa and work permit, educational program for guest workers from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and other CIS countries.

Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine have now received a visa-free regime in the EU. In Russia they laugh at him, saying that he does not give the right to work, although in reality no one bothers him to simply go to Europe with a foreign passport, find a job, and fill out all the paperwork.

Russians will have to apply for a visa, at least a tourist visa for entry. Or choose Turkey, Thailand, Israel.

The advantages of working abroad are obvious:

  • There is plenty of work;
  • Salaries from 1000 euros and above;
  • Payment in hard currency;
  • Throwing is very rare, almost impossible;
  • Address - politely;
  • Conditions are normal;

In addition, working abroad is interesting, it greatly broadens your horizons, gives you a lot of life experience, not to mention the knowledge of new languages. An ordinary person who has gone to work in Europe or the USA no longer wants to work for a foul-mouthed uncle in Ryazan or Kryzhopol.

Best Countries to Work

Türkiye. Ideal for Russians or Ukrainians who want to work in the tourism sector. This is work in Turkey without knowledge of languages, with training, accommodation and meals. There will be an opportunity to swim. Anyone who learns Turkish can get a job as a nanny, nurse or nurse. With education in Turkey, there are few vacancies, there is a lot of competition among the local population. The average salary is small, approximately $500 per month.

Germany. The best choice for all residents of the CIS, but a visa is required. Very high average salary, approximately 1500 euros. There is a lot of work, we need builders, drivers, finishers, factory workers. Germany is good because you can find dust-free work in transport with a high salary. You need to know German, at least superficially. There is little English in the country.

Italy. There is a lot of work, but the salaries are small. Italian is required, but the population usually speaks English as well. Italy is good for service workers, caregivers, waiters, tractor drivers, drivers, couriers. Attractive for its good climate, excellent location, and low housing prices. The average salary is 800-1000 euros.

Poland. A very popular country among Belarusians and Ukrainians. The language is easy to learn, there is a lot of work, both in industry and in agriculture. The legislation is more friendly to foreigners. But the average salary is not so high, usually about 700 euros.

France. The most romantic country, but there is very little work for Russian speakers. Mainly due to the competition of local Russians who receive a French education, as well as Moldovans who speak 4-5 languages. France is good because English is often used. The average salary for a guest worker is approximately 1200 euros. But in Paris there are many vacancies for work that pay per hour, for example, as a nurse or to pick up children from school. That is, you can also find a part-time job.

Finland. A very popular country for seasonal work - harvesting crops, berries, and vegetables. A huge plus for Russians who do not know the language. It’s also good because groups are organized for this with accommodation, meals, and so on. Disadvantages - few people can stand it, you need a visa. Also in Finland, if you know the language, you can make good money as a driver, worker, or builder. The average salary for assemblers is 700-1000 euros; those who know the language and get a permanent job are 1800-2500 euros.

USA. There are all kinds of Work&Travel programs, but few manage to make money from them. It's better to go with a green card. There is plenty of work in the USA, the average salary is $2,500, but if you try and earn money, you can easily find one for $4,000. The downside is that accommodation is not cheap, and the visa regime is very strict. The advantages are civilization, opportunities, career.

Canada. The visa regime is simpler than in the USA, but still complicated. Very difficult work, no freebies. In the last 10 years, there have been problems with search, but it is possible to find a vacancy. The average salary is $4,000. Canada is popular for drivers, technologists, mechanics, welders and others - there is plenty of work in industry, and it’s still not like washing the asses of old people in Naples.

China. Work for Russians in China is usually limited to recruiting girls for an elite sauna. There are a lot of Chinese, they quickly learn Russian themselves, so they don’t really need our compatriots, especially for unskilled labor. But many find a place in trade. The average salary is 500 euros.

These are the most popular countries where you can go to work abroad. You can also consider the Baltic states, Romania, where salaries are already higher than in the Russian Federation, but it’s worth going there if you speak the language.

But to earn money for a business or a major purchase, you should only consider Norway, Germany, Canada, Finland and the USA. Working in other countries is not very profitable; it’s easier to go to Moscow or on a shift.

However, Europe remains a good place to gain experience, even in Bulgaria or Romania you can see civilization, since the economy there has stepped forward a lot in recent years (if you look at real statistics and not read pro-Kremlin media).

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website will tell you about 11 reliable ways that will help you fully provide for yourself while traveling.

1. English teacher

English teachers are in high demand, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America. At the same time, in order to teach English at school, it is not necessary to have a teaching degree or be a native speaker of the language.

But some serious schools may require you to show a certificate of passing the international TESOL, TEFL or CELTA. But the salary will be appropriate: for example, about a year in Japan and a year in the United Arab Emirates.

2. Working on a cruise ship

Working on a private yacht or cruise ship is a good way to see different countries and visit exotic places. At the same time, on the ship you will be provided with free accommodation, food, insurance and a hotel in case of a stop in another country. And on many large liners there are separate shops, Internet cafes, gyms and recreation areas with billiards for crew members.

There are many types of work: chef, flight attendant, tour manager, photographer, engineer and many other vacancies. For some professions, it is not even necessary to know an additional language.

To get on the ship, you need to enter into a contract with one of the companies and prepare the necessary documents. As a rule, all documents are paid for by the employee himself, and the contract is concluded for at least 6 months.

3. Blogger

How much can you earn: in different ways, depending on the number of subscribers, topic and type of blog.

Where can you find a job: popular platforms Instagram, YouTube, Facebook or your own separate blog site.

4. Work in a hostel

Many hostels and small hotels are ready to hire foreigners for various jobs: cleaning the area, preparing rooms, settling guests or meeting visitors at the airport. At the same time, in addition to salaries, employees are provided with free housing, and sometimes 3 meals a day and insurance.

Of course, this is not a dream job, and the salary in such hostels is small, but you are guaranteed new acquaintances and the opportunity to touch the culture of a particular country and visit many interesting places.

5. Flight attendant

Working on board an airplane allows you to visit many countries, make new acquaintances, and at the same time gives you a discount of up to 90% on air tickets, hotels and rentals for yourself and your family. The plus is a very good salary, which averages from $45,000 to $100,000 per year.

Sounds great. But there are also difficulties here. This type of work usually takes about 80 hours per month. In addition, to get a position, you will have to go through a fairly tough selection process.

6. Buying things in different countries

To recoup travel costs, you can first agree with a small store (or with an individual) that you will bring an item from another country. In this case, the store will receive a rare product, and you will receive a good bonus for delivery.

Some people buy things that are known for their quality and place of origin: Italian leather, Turkish ceramics, Chinese tea, etc. Then they simply sell this product through an advertisement or negotiate with sellers.

How much can you earn: depends on the type and quantity of goods.

Where can you find a job: negotiate with a store, a person, or sell through ad sites.

7. International courier

Many large online stores, in order to deliver goods in a matter of days, entrust delivery to tourists who are just returning home from a trip or, conversely, flying on vacation.

  • A tourist planning to fly home must leave information about himself and his flight on a special delivery website or on the store’s website, and store employees will select the desired package (usually gadgets or clothes). Upon arrival, the tourist is greeted by a service employee, the money for the goods and the delivery bonus are returned to their PayPal account or card.

If you travel by car, you can work as a car courier. If there is free space in the car, then you can grab the cargo and transfer it to a neighboring city, thereby recouping some costs.

8. Bartender

Many clubs and restaurants hire staff all over the world. Therefore, by acquiring bartending skills, you get an excellent opportunity to visit new countries, exotic places, expensive parties and make many new friends. In addition, as a rule, staff are provided with free housing, food and all sorts of bonuses.

Of course, with such work it is important to know at least basic English or be able to accept orders in the language of the country where you are going to work.

How much can you earn: from $500 to $2,000 per month.

Where can you find a job: on domestic or international job sites using the query “bartending”.

9. Remote work

If you have a laptop, the Internet and certain skills, then you can earn money from anywhere. Many companies prefer to work with employees remotely. Designers, programmers, managers, writers and SMM specialists are in particular demand. For some specialties, free distance learning is even provided.

You can also agree at your current job that you will perform your duties remotely. But in this case, as a rule, in order to be met halfway, you must be a really good specialist and an irreplaceable employee.

10. Au Pair work

Au Pair (French for “on equal terms”) is an international cultural exchange program that allows you to live with a host family, learn a new language, and get to know the culture and country as a whole.

The peculiarity is that the participant comes and lives with the host family as a family member, like an older brother or sister. Moreover, all expenses for the program, as well as food and wages for the visitor, are provided by the family itself.

The one who arrived is required to do various housework: picking up children from school, helping with housework, going to the store and performing various simple errands.

You don't have to work.