Six famous geyser fields of the world. Geysers

1. Valley Geyserov, Russia The Valley of Geysers opened 7 years after the founding of the Kronotsky Reserve. It happened in the summer of 1941 during the Expedition of Tatiana Ustinova and Anisifora Brushchenina. The inaccessibility of the Valley of Geysers did not allow to detect this unique place before. However, today far from everyone can see kamchatka geysers. First, you can get to them, perhaps on a helicopter, and secondly, a visit exclusively with the permission of the administration. The Valley of Geyserov is a gorge of up to 4 km wide and a length of 8 km, along the bottom of which the Geyser river flows. For 6 km from the mouth of the river, the slopes of the canyon "sealed" about 40 geysers, thermal sources, mud boilers and volcans. The pride of the valley is the Geyser Giant. He erupts not often - its cycle is 5-7 hours. But when he wakes up, a jet of boiling water under pressure rises by 20-30 meters upwards, and the couples can reach 300 meters!

Fort Yellowstone All buildings with a red roof and many fireplaces in the Mammoth area are part of the historic Fort Yellowstone. Since Cavalry expected to stay there for a short time, they built a temporary base near the military base terrazas called Campo Sheridan. After five cold and harsh winters, they realized that their stay in the park would be longer than they expected, so they built Fort Yellowstone, a permanent base. Robert Raymer, famous architect from Yellowstone, developed a huge stone arch for travel to the park. During the construction of Luke, the President Park Theodore Roosevelt attended the park. Therefore, he put the cornerstone of Luke, which then got its name.

  • Since then, the historical Fort Yellowstone was the headquarters of Yellowstone.
  • Arka Roosevelt The first main entrance to Yellowstone was on the northern border.
Torre district is one of the most durable parts of the park and is good place To view wildlife.

Five years ago, 14 km from the Valley of Geysers scored the youngest geyser of Russia. He became an unexpected discovery for the employees of the Kronotsky Reserve, when September 28, 2008, a jet of boiling water rose from under Kamchatka land in the midst of one of the most active hydrothermal systems of Kamchatka in the Valley of the Uzon. It is assumed that the source "pulsating" was billed earlier. Name the newly formed "fountain" was allowed to tourists who were at that moment near. If the employees of the reserve did not fall on time, Geyser received the name "cool". In the end, called it "muddy". Initially, he was erupted every 15-20 minutes, in a year - approximately every 12 minutes, in 2010 - an hour and forty minutes. Today, the couple's jet rises 5-6 meters every 2-3 hours, but its cycle depends on the weather. Geyser reacts to strong winds and temperature drops, which is reflected on its activity.

The Lamar Valley, located east of the tower, is home to one of the most affordable wolves of the flock of the park, as well as salmon, snow rams and other large animals. There are also excellent examples of imitation of petrified leaves, coniferous rocks and microscopic pollen with numerous species that no longer grow in the park. Drop Tower This 132-meter waterfall is easily accessible from the main road road and framed by eroded volcanic vertices. Calcite Springs This hot springs along the Yellowstone River indicates the lower end of the Grand Canyon Yellowstone. Cool columnar basalt cliffs on the opposite side of the river are the remains of the ancient stream of lava, which give an idea of \u200b\u200bpast volcanic forces that were most Yellowstone landscape. Canyon and cliffs provide habitat for numerous wildlife species, including mouflons, red-haired hawks and smallpox. Ranch Buffalo Rancho Buffalo from Lamar was built at the beginning of the century to increase the size of the herd of several buffalo residues in Yellowstone, preventing the dangerous disappearance of species. The reproduction of buffaloes continued in Lamara to a decade. The valley was irrigated to make the hay, and the pots and fences were scattered throughout the area. Four of the early ranches are located in the historic district of Rancho Lymar Buffalo and are in the National Registry historical places. Tourists can go to the historic buffalo ranch, but in this place there are no amenities available to the public. Station Tower Ranger and the National Historic District Roosevelt Tower of the Ranger Tower, although not included in the national register of historical places, is a reconstructed reconstruction of the second tower of a soldier, which was built in his rustic building, which was characteristic of architecture style developed by the National Parks Service Completed In Western National Parks during this period. Big Canyon Yellowstone and Yellowstone Waterfalls.

2. Yellowstone, USA

On the other side Pacific Ocean There is a geyser who erupts above Kamchatka Giant and all other active geysers in the world. This source is located in national Park Yellowstone (USA) and carries the name steamer (eng. Steamboat). It throws the water stream of 91 meters upwards, which is almost equal to the height of the Freedom Statue (93 m from the Earth to the Torch tip). His force is so great that old pines growing nearby were broken and washed away with water during one of the eruptions. By the way, it lasts from 3 to 40 minutes. This geyser is unpredictable: he can wake up every four days, and can fall asleep for 50 years, as it was in 1911. After a long closure, the steamer woke up in 1961 - two years after one of the strongest earthquakes (magnitude 7.5), which occurred in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Hebgen. This year, July 31, Geyser for the first time over the past eight years has shown activity. Another popular Geyser of the Park, which is called an old servant (Eng. Old Faithful), erupts significantly more often and is famous for its punctuality. Almost every 90 minutes, it throws the jet of hot water to a height of more than 40 meters. A large prismatic source (GRAND PRISMATIC Spring) is not less popular among visitors - a boiling boiler, the dimensions of which are 91 m in length and 75 m in width. It is known for its acidic colors varying depending on the time of year due to the living in the reservoir pigmented bacteria. By the way, in the National Park Yellowstone there is a record number of geysers. About 3 thousand hot springs flies on an area of \u200b\u200b8983 square kilometers, which is two thirds of the total number of all the geysers of the world.

The village of Canyon received its name from Big Canyon Yellowstone and has access to this amazing natural landscape. Recreational capabilities include tourism and monitoring of wildlife - the Hayden Valley region is likely to be the best place In the park to see buffaloes.

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone Grand Canyon Yellowstone is the main geological object in the canyon district. It is about 20 miles long, measured from the top fall to the area of \u200b\u200bthe fall tower. Chemical processes over time left strips and stains of different colors on the rock of this canyon. The trails lead to the North and South edges of the canyon, but by passing the entire path in one day, it leads to a long and tedious day. If you are a fan of photos, plan your walks, so the sun illuminates the opposite side for stunning photos. Upper waterfall and lower Yellowstone Waterfall. The lower waterfall is a height of 109 feet and can be seen from the edge of the trail of the upper waterfall and from uncle Tom Treil. Lower waterfalls with a height of 308 feet and visible from Miradora, a red cliff, the point of the artist, the edges of the lower waterfall and from different points on the southern rim. The lower waterfalls are often described as twice the size of the Niagar, although this applies only to their height, and not to the volume of water flow. The third waterfall can be found in the canyon between the upper and lower waterfalls. Crystal Falls is the mouth of the Cascade Creek in the canyon. It can be seen from the southern rim going east of the Uncle Tom district. This is an excellent place to find brown bears, especially in the spring and early summer, when they can attack newborn buffaloes and moose. Large flock of buffalo can be seen in the spring, at the beginning of summer and during the autumn routine, which usually begins at the end of July - early August. Coyotta can almost always be seen in the valley. Avifauna in abundance and along the river. In the mud apartments of Alum Crying, you can see a lot of small birds. A pair of Canadian cranes usually nests in the southern part of the valley. American white ducks, geese and pelicans float along the river. The valley is also an excellent place to search for bald eagles and sparrow hawks. Mount Voshburn Mount Voshburn is the main peak of the Washburn Ridge, rising by 243 feet above the western side of the canyon. These are the remnants of volcanic activity that have occurred long before the formation of the current canyon. Height can affect some tourists, so it's best to get used to high altitudes Before going up. In addition, bring an extra coat with you, even in the summer, since the top can be windy and cool. Despite the fact that some people considered the development of the architecture of the moment, none of the existing buildings in the complex can be considered historical. However, still remains of the old hotel, hostels and related objects. The Upper Geyser Swimming Pool Yellowstone, in general, owns about sixty percent of world geysers, and in the basin of the upper geyser, most of these fragile objects found in the park are dominated, including the iconic old geyser faithful. Old faithful, most famous geyser in the world, has big eruptions that occur on average every eighty minutes, although the time between each eruption varies depending on the hour and increases in last years . Rangers can predict the eruption of geysers for about ten minutes, if it is known that the duration of the previous eruption is known. In addition to the old faithful, this pool contains an additional 150 geysers within one square mile; This unusual number, the eruption of the castle, the Great, Chamomile, Riverside and Old Believers are regularly provided with naturalistic staff. Pedestrian bridges allow access to the most interesting areas. Do not leave traces; The surface here is thin and unstable and has a real chance that it will fall into the pool of boiling water, if she goes there, where she should not. Lower Geyser Swimming Pool This large area of \u200b\u200bhydrothermal activity can be inspecting on foot along the platform path in pots of fountains with paint and drive through three miles to the fiery lake. The latter is a one-sided unit, where the sixth geyser is predicted by the older faithful staff: a great fountain. Patience is a virtue with this geyser, which is sent twice a day, as predictions allow you to use 2 hours in the window of the capabilities. Also along this road is the only portion of the passage for people with disabilities in the area of \u200b\u200bold faithful Huseynov. Pool Midway Geyser This geyser pool is located on a hill overlooking the fire river. From smaller sizes that are available in other areas of geysers in the zone, the drainage of its thermal characteristics flows into the river, allowing you to soar, traces of colors in its passage. Also in this amazing basin is the largest of all Yellowstone fountains, a beautifully painted great prismalist fountain. This feature is 370 feet in diameter and more than 121 feet in depth. There is a trail that goes along the back of the dock, which has a small detour, which allows fearless climbers to rise 400 feet over the fountain and catch the entire pool in one form. There is a magazine that is in Keshe near Geyser, to monitor the geyser time and their types of eruptions. This pool has tracks and should be particularly cautious when traveling on them. You should use the routes in the pool. To remote thermal areas, such as the present should be treated with respect, knowledge and care. Be sure to emphasize the personal security and protection of resources at the entrance to the watershed outside the district. His mining valley was "hollow", and the name was born. The Firehol River has a world-famous reputation for boat flights. Brown, rainbow and manual trout give fisherman careful goal in this stream. Waterfall Kepler is the easiest available waterfall in the area. The famous sign located south of the old faithful and within walking distance of the car provides visitors easy access to see this 125-foot waterfall.

  • It is better to make two days of shorter excursions.
  • In addition to geysers in the area, numerous hot springs live.
Today it's time to talk about geysers.

3. Hawkadalur, Iceland

The word "Geyser" occurred from the Icelandic "Geysa", which means "rush". The very first of the documented and famous peace Geysers, GEYSIR (Geysir) was opened in 1294. He gave the name to all boiling and fountain sources of the world. Like most Iceland geysers, Gaysir is located in the southeastern part of the island, in Haukadalur Valley, which literally means the "Garden of hot springs". Unfortunately, the legendary Geysier has lost its activity as a result of the 2000 earthquake. But he was replaced by Strokkur (Strokkur). It erupts every 5-10 minutes, throwing a jet of hot water to a height of up to 20 meters. Thanks to his restlessness, it is considered one of the most active geysers in the world.

Those sources of natural origin that throw sheets of hot water into the air are repeatedly, in most cases with fairly accurate frequency. In addition, most of them are located in completely defined areas, such as Iceland or Yellowstone national Parkwhere hundreds of them.

Why are they so localized? Well, the reason is that they are only in certain places, because they must be created, they need certain conditions, such as. Since the Yellowstone National Park, and Iceland are located on the territory with a large number of volcanic activity and are located in areas with a large hydrographic network, these conditions are relatively simple, you get a large number of geysers. It is also the reason why in Spain we have no geysers, and we cannot enjoy the show without traveling.

It is noteworthy that the Icelandic Valley of Geysers, until recently, was owned by the director of Sigurdour Jonsson, who handed it to the state. He acquired this locality in 1935. Previous owner James Craig, manufacturer whiskey, and later Prime Minister Northern Ireland, I fenced the sources by the fence and charged with people a fee for the entrance. Today, anyone can see Icelandic geysers for free. By the way, there are about 30 acting geysers in the country.

4. Wamimanu, New Zealand

The North Island of the country has long been known for his geysers, in honor of which the aborigines nicknamed this part of the New Zealand "country of hot water". As a result of the eruption of the Tarahchera volcano, which occurred on June 10, 1886, the most powerful geyser in the world appeared on the world, Whimmangu (Waimangu), which was active from 1900 to 1904. For the "session" he threw about 800 tons of water. In 1902, the hot water fountain rose to a record 450-meter height. But two years later, in 1904 the legendary fountain ceased to exist. He was replaced by geysers of a more relaxed gear, to admire which you can enjoy 20 km from Rotorua town, in the Valley of Wyamantu. In its territory there is a complex of geothermal sources, the most powerful of which is a geyser by lust. Every hour he splashes a jet of hot water 30 meters away. The company is an equally well-known Geyaser "Prince Welsh Prince", which pleases numerous tourists with a hot show every 20 minutes.

5. El Tatio, Chile

On Earth, there are five large geothermal areas with acting geysers - four of them are located in Iceland, New Zealand, USA and Kamchatka. The fifth Valley of Geysers hid far and high. At the border of Chile with Bolivia, at an altitude of 4320 meters above sea level in Andes, there is the most high-altitude geyser field in the world - El Tatio (EL Tatio). About 80 geysers are produced from the depths of the earth of boiling water, reaching height from 75 cm to 6-7 m. Better time Dawn is considered to visit the valley. At a time when the air temperature reaches the marks below zero, each of the sources surrounds a special steam halo. In addition, sources begin to fountain before dawn and cease their activity to nine in the morning.

6. Beppu, Japan

In the northeast of the Islands of Kyushu is the capital of hot springs of Japan - the city of Beppu. The Sacred Sources of the same name sheltered about 2,800 keys, fumarole and micro-maizers on their territory. Special attention of visitors attract the so-called "nine circles of hell" - nine unusual sources, each of which is characterized by a kind of highlight. For example, the source "Shaved Head" (OniishIbozu Jigoku) resembles a large boiling gray puddle. The unusual name appeared due to bubbles resembling shaved heads of Buddhist monks. But perhaps the most famous source is considered Bloody Pond (Chinoike Jigoku). The unusual name appeared due to the red color of the reservoir, "painted" iron-containing minerals.

In childhood I had an encyclopedia about unusual natural phenomenaAnd I especially liked the article about geysers. Encyclopedia, of course, I will certainly not find, but I can tell about the most impressive geysers of the earth. First, get acquainted with the concept itself.

What is geyser

Geyser is hot spring which through some time intervals able to throw out a huge pillar of water and / or a couple tall up to sixty meters.

Geysers b.places of volcanic activity,they are the marker of her late stage. They may look like a swimming pool or have a shallow garloh, in which is recruited water.

Geizers are always close to each other, accumulate in one place. Such clusters are called valley geysers.

Where are the biggest geasers

Total there is about a dozen geyser valle on Earth.. However, there are among them the most famous areas with unique sources in their collection.

  1. Yellowstone ,. Located here most the largest geysers peace and two thirds of their total. The most huge - Giant and Steamer. Second, being the most big Geyser On Earth, throws pillar of a couple tall before ninety meters. For comparison: the height of the Statue of Freedom in New York is 93 meters. Total in Yellowstone about three thousand booming pools.
  2. Valley Haukadalur ,. A source Great Geysyrwho gave the name to all geysers on the planet, you can see by visiting this valley. This is the very first geyser, with whom Humanity was acquainted - it was opened in 1294! Now the ancient source has already lost its activity, but in return to him in the territory of Iceland there are three more dozen geysers.
  3. Valley Geysers, Kamchatka. The biggest geyser - Giant, erupts every day or every few hours. Unfortunately, to get to the giant is very hard: it can Do unless on a helicopterAfter passing a complicated procedure to obtain permission.
  4. Uaimanu ,. Here from 1900 to 1904 acted the strongest of all geyserswhose activity was planning. Uaimanu In 1902, the plank at 450 meters reached, but two years later he stopped erupting forever.