Atlantis antediluvian world. The ancient world of lost Atlantis. Arrogant descendants of Poseidon


Atlantis - according to the ancient Greek legend preserved by Plato, a once-existent huge fertile densely populated island in the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar, which sank to the bottom due to an earthquake. Questions about the existence and causes of the death of Atlantis remain controversial in science. (BES).

The search for Atlantis began in 50 AD and has actually continued for two millennia. During this time, a huge number of versions were expressed, but then scientists agreed to count only 40-50 points on the map of the Earth that corresponded to the legend with the greatest degree of plausibility. It has been suggested that similar events could have occurred in different time, V different places and a chronology of the alleged events is built. Presumably the events could have developed in the following order:

south of the islands Cape Verde, opposite the city of Conakry (Africa);

- near the southern part of the Mendeleev Ridge, but north of the island. Wrangel (Arctic Ocean);

- in the Caribbean Sea, west of the island. Haiti;

– in the northeast of Taimyr;

– north of the island. Crete;

– in the center of Bolivia (South America);

– in the South China Sea;

– in Novorossiysk Bay (Krasnodar Territory).

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 BC) in his two works “Timaeus” and “Critias” described a glorious history and a tragic end island state Atlantis. The plot is based on a story in the form of a dialogue conducted by Plato's great-grandfather Critias with his grandfather, who heard the story of Atlantis from his contemporary Solon, an Athenian legislator and poet, who, in turn, heard the story from an Egyptian priest. This island state was, according to Plato, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, as the Strait of Gibraltar was previously called.

Plato gives enough detailed description the island itself, its capital. In the center of the island there was a hill on which stood temples and royal palace Acropolis. Upper town protected by two rows of earthen embankments and three water rings-channels. The outer ring was connected to the sea by a 500-meter canal through which ships entered the inner port. The harbor could accommodate up to 1,200 ships, which could wait out any bad weather here.

The central part of the island was surrounded by stone walls. Molten copper was applied to the stone walls around the outer earthen ring of the Atlantean Canal, and the inside of the wall was covered with cast tin. The wall of the Acropolis was covered with orichalcum (an alloy of copper and zinc), which gave off a “fiery glow.” The floors of the temple of the main deity of the Atlanteans, Poseidon, were lined with gold, silver and orichalcum. Another temple dedicated to Poseidon and his wife Cleito, the ancestor of all Atlanteans, was also surrounded by a golden wall.

In the dialogue “Timaeus,” Plato explains some of the political structure of the island state: “On this island, called Atlantis, arose a great and amazing alliance of kings, whose power extended over the entire island, to many other islands and to part of the mainland, and beyond that , on this side of the strait they captured Libya as far as Egypt and part of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia...”

If you do not take into account a number of late geographical names(Europe, Tyrrhenia, Libya, Egypt), which can be attributed to translators, the narrative looks quite convincing, and Plato himself repeatedly repeats that he is writing the true truth. The information that underground passages led to the African and American continents raises some doubts.

The Olympian gods, angry at the greed of the islanders and Athens, who fought with them, decided to punish them for greed and violence. A monstrous earthquake and flood “in one terrible day and one night” destroyed the Athenian army and the entire Atlantis, which sank under the ocean waters.

Such is the legend. Many researchers were attracted by the treasures of Atlantis; everyone wanted to take possession of them. Most of the signs described by Plato pointed to the existence of something sunken in the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean; some believed that they had misinterpreted the main landmark and tried to look in the Mediterranean Sea, which in the old days could be compared to the ocean. New versions also appeared that the ancient philosopher did not know about: Brazil and the sea coasts of Siberia.

Interest arose with renewed vigor after the First World War in connection with the development of new underwater technology. This prompted adventurers to organize search companies in several countries at once. The companies failed one after another, but the interest did not wane; each new one believed that it was closer to the goal of the previous search engines. In the Soviet Union, the search for the sunken island began several decades ago. “The Russians found Atlantis!” - such sensational headlines circulated all the world's newspapers in 1979 and were accompanied by photographs of the seabed. In the photographs, longitudinal ridges were clearly visible under the layer of sand, reminiscent of the walls of a destroyed city. The impression of ancient city ruins was enhanced by the fact that other ridges ran along the bottom at right angles to the first. The underwater images were taken by scientists from the Moscow University research vessel Akademik Petrovsky. The place itself fit perfectly with Plato’s version and was located “beyond the Pillars of Hercules” in the area of ​​the shallows near the underwater volcano Ampere. Scientists were able to establish that the volcano once protruded above the water and was an island.

Three years later, the better-equipped Soviet vessel Rift launched the Argus submersible submersible at this location. A message from the commander of the Argus, V. Bulyga, was sent to the Institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences: “We were presented with a panorama of the ruins of the city, since the walls very much imitated the remains of rooms, streets, and squares.” Unfortunately, such encouraging impressions of the aquanaut were not confirmed by the subsequent expedition of the “Vityaz”, which took place in the summer of 1984. Two stones of regular shape were raised to the surface from one of the walls, but their analysis showed that these were the creations of human hands, but volcanic rock. The commander of the Argus crew, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A. Gorodnitsky, will write in his report: “Most likely, the stone is solidified lava that once poured out through the cracks of the volcano.”

This expedition examined another seamount, Josephine, an equally ancient volcano, and previously an island. A. Gorodnitsky proposed his vision of a geological catastrophe of the distant past: it occurred as a result of a sharp shift in the northern direction of the African tectonic plate. Its collision with the European plate caused the eruption of the Santorini volcano in the east, and in the west - the immersion of the named volcanic islands into the ocean. This hypothesis does not contradict the geological and geophysical data of modern science. Meanwhile, once again, the version of Atlantis turned out to be just another myth and scientists did not find traces of material culture.

The most plausible version of the study is worthy of attention by the Swiss archaeologist Eberhard Zangger, who, having compared some data relating to Troy and Atlantis, considered them identical. Quite close and important matches (number of ships in “twelve hundred”, strong north winds, which interfered with rowing vessels when passing into the Black Sea).

Not long ago, the wealthy English athlete T. Severin decided to follow the path of the Argonauts in a galley built according to an ancient model. Before entering the Sea of ​​Marmara, the rowers at the latitude of Troy were exhausted several times, struggling with the oncoming northern current coming from the Dardanelles Strait. Such a natural obstacle could allow Troy to firmly hold an important trade artery in its hands and levy tolls on merchant ships. The information we have confirms that the maritime tax was an important source of income for the Trojans. This also explains the presence of a large fleet and a spacious harbor. Currently, scientists using aviation and other equipment are looking for traces of the proposed canal to the inland port, 500 meters long.

An article by E. Milanovsky was published in one of the collections of Moscow State University, in which the author quite convincingly gives his version: “Many facts and details reported by Plato make it possible to identify the ancient metropolis of Atlantis, consisting of several rounded rings, as if “nested” into each other and horseshoe-shaped in terms of mountainous islands and polygenic straits, that is, for a long time and repeatedly active volcano central type." Each volcanic eruption was accompanied by partial subsidence of the central volcanic structure, which turned into a caldera - a basin left after the eruption. Repeated ejections of the volcano have piled up the calderas, like bowls of different diameters inserted into each other. The gaps between the edges of the bowls are those ring channels, if we talk about the structure of the port of Atlantis. From the standpoint of geology, we can reasonably assume that the island or archipelago described by Plato with a concentric relief structure and thermal springs and its sudden collapse into the depths of the sea, accompanied by an earthquake, tsunami and the appearance at the site of the failure of large masses of floating “fossilized mud” (pumice) are quite correspond to what has become known to geologists in the last 100-150 years."

In his works, E. Milanovsky sets out arguments in favor of the complete correspondence of geological events on the island of Thira to what Plato wrote about the catastrophe of Atlantis. He gives a detailed description of the ongoing excavations of the Tyrian city of Akrotiri, much like modern cities. The version of E. Milanovsky was recently confirmed by the Greek seismologist G. Galanopoulos. While studying the caldera on the island of Thira, he became convinced that a volcanic explosion of incredible force had occurred here, causing a tsunami up to 100 meters high. This wave washed away everything on the shores of the eastern Mediterranean.

The materials obtained by the famous underwater explorer J. Cousteau gave him the opportunity to build his own hypothesis: “The power of the Minoan empire rested on its seaside towns, conducting trade. Therefore, even if the palaces and cities located in the center of the island (Crete) were not damaged, if not all Cretans died (as well as the inhabitants of the Cretan colonies in Greece, the Cyclades or Asia Minor), if not all the fields were covered with ashes, With greatest civilization King Minos was finished. They began to forget about Crete. The Cretans moved from real life into the realm of myth. They were turned into a semi-legendary people and expelled from history. In Egypt they became Atlanteans. Solon or Plato had already forgotten about the greatness of Crete when the story of the greatness and fall of Atlantis was written down from the lips of the priest of the goddess Neith. There is other evidence that speaks in favor of identifying Crete with Atlantis.” Further, the scientist refers to the Bible, which contains the parables “about the ten plagues of Egypt” set out in the book “Exodus”. The parables can be interpreted as describing the consequences of a grandiose catastrophe in the eastern Mediterranean.

The hypotheses of the Russian and French scientists, as much as possible, complement each other and work in the same direction. The question inevitably arises: what is the point in continuing the search for Atlantis in other places? I think it’s worth it, at least for science to gain new information about the life of our ancestors.

In 2000, the August issue of the Megapolis Express newspaper published a sensational article by Yevgeny Surkov, “But a piece of Atlantis has surfaced!” Due to its small volume and solid information content, I present it without abbreviations.

“echoes of strong underground tremors were recently recorded by seismological stations in Russia and Canada. They did not cause any particular concern: the epicenter of the earthquake was in a remote corner of the Arctic Ocean. In photographs taken from space, in the zone of natural disaster, the outlines of some unknown land were clearly visible.

However, this did not cause any surprise. As they explained to the correspondent of the Exotic News Agency at the Institute of Physics of the Earth, unexpected rises and falls of the planet's surface under the influence of underground forces often occur. In general, it is one thing when the earth sinks into the abyss of water, carrying entire cities with it, and another when a small section of the bottom rises. What could be interesting here? But this time nature brought a surprise. An ancient civilization “surfaced” along with the “earth”.

Such an unusual event was witnessed by the crews of several ships sailing in a caravan from Murmansk to Pevek, accompanied by the icebreaker Ob. The sight of rising ice and “boiling” water plunged the crews into a state of mild shock.

- Look, Atlantis! – the watchman on the icebreaker suddenly shouted. In fact, right before the eyes of the sailors, an island with ruins emerged from the water. Massive columns in the Egyptian style were interspersed with gigantic buildings made of huge blocks. Piles of stone fragments stuck out from under the broken ice floes. "Streets" ancient city filled with muddy slurry that flowed into the ocean. Above all this chaos reigned a huge structure of regular geometric shape.

The captains of the ships gave the command “stop”. But even approaching the newborn island was out of the question: sometimes such “babies” behave too insidiously. Indeed, the sailors did not have to admire the fabulous spectacle for long. A few minutes later, shuddering, the island also suddenly began to slowly sink into the ocean.

The International Association for the Study of the Arctic Ocean (with headquarters in London) learned about what had happened only after the caravan returned to its home port. However, scientists interviewed eyewitnesses.

“It is reliably known,” commented the vice-president of the Russian branch of the association, Mikhail Buynov, “that it was in those latitudes that one and a half ten thousand years ago one of the highly developed cultures existed.” This is the so-called Arctida. Once, as a result of a global catastrophe, it was gradually flooded by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. However, evidence of it has been preserved in the myths of various peoples. Now, by a lucky coincidence, exactly that section of the bottom that archaeologists and historians have dreamed of for so long has risen from the deep.

By the way, seismologists predict a number of serious tectonic upheavals in the bottom of the Arctic Ocean in the near future. Therefore, the emergence of new islands with traces of Arctida between Spitsbergen and Franz Josef Land may resume.

The news of such an unusual find excited the scientific world. Any archaeologist dreams of finding the treasury of the ancient Aryans who inhabited Arctida. After all, according to legend, sacred knowledge written on gold sheets is stored in it. The Golden Library of the Aryans was located, according to the ancient traveler Pytheas, on the island of Thule, somewhere in the Spitsbergen region. According to Harry Smith, a doctor at the Illinois Archaeological Institute, this is nothing more than a bank of high technologies developed by one of the first civilizations on the planet. For those who master them, magic will become a simple routine.

A similar hypothesis is confirmed by another find. In 1935, Norwegian fishermen fishing in the Barents Sea discovered three “golden papyri” with unknown inscriptions among crabs and fish in their trawl. They disappeared during the occupation of Norway: apparently, the Germans tried to use them in their secret developments.

That is why the observation of Russian sailors interested not only scientists, but also the Russian General Staff. According to some reports, it was at his instigation that military experts are urgently calculating where the ruins of prehistoric cities may emerge in the near future. And the research ship “Georgy Sedov”, without wasting any time, set off to “patrol” the harsh waters of the Arctic.”

I cannot ignore one more version regarding the location of the legendary Atlantis. It is so customary in science that versions that belong exclusively to scientists are considered. Even the finds in Troy of Heinrich Schliemann were repeatedly called into question due to the “lack of learning” of the self-taught archaeologist. Despite this, Schliemann rendered an invaluable service to science by finding Troy and conducting excavations in Mycenae and other cities of antiquity. These circumstances forced the world of science to recognize the significance of his work.

In the port city of Novorossiysk lives our modest compatriot, who found his Troy and his Atlantis without leaving the city. V. Vladykin, having carried out comparative analysis all of the above sources, came to the conclusion that in ancient times these objects were located on the territory of modern Novorossiysk. His analysis is striking in the depth of his research using the length measures of that time and the correspondence of the values ​​given in the works of ancient authors. It is impossible to argue with the logic and accuracy of the author. He found absolutely all the signs of disappeared cities within and around Novorossiysk, including existing thermal springs. In other countries such a person would be carried in their arms, but historical places They would have erected buildings from the corresponding period and turned the city into a tourist Mecca, but things are still there...

The reluctance of the state to deal with such objects involuntarily leads to reflection: these facts do not fit into the plans of the Global Predictor, which determined our life according to the biblical concept. For the same reason, they continue to impose on us the history of Rus', limited by a thousand-year framework. I have always been outraged by the loose use of the words “prehistoric” and “antediluvian.” In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary, the first means “Belonging to the most ancient period, about which there is no written evidence,” and the second means “Outdated, old-fashioned, backward (literally: existing before the mythical flood).” Thus, the Cretan-Minoan civilization, with its multi-story buildings equipped with water supply and sewerage on all floors of the buildings, corresponds to the prehistoric period. All the “incomprehensible” objects of antiquity that could not fit into the consciousness of the nomadic Arabian people also belong to this period. You will involuntarily believe in the meaning of the word “history”, which is interpreted as “from the Torah” and fits perfectly into the biblical concept.

Concluding our excursion to the possible locations of Atlantis, I would like to draw your attention to the presence of “Russian” components of this name “from lan ida” meaning “land cut off from the mainland” or sea and ocean islands, in contrast to small river islands-sich. That is why globalizers are afraid to conduct serious searches for ancient civilizations, because they belong exclusively to the Russian people. The descendants of the “earth men” cannot, even in their wildest fantasies, “fly away” beyond five and a half thousand years of their history, and here are tens and hundreds of thousands of years of flourishing civilizations...

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Loss of ancient knowledge. Most of works of ancient authors is irretrievably lost or destroyed. However, it is not only time that is responsible for the irreparable loss of information about the past, especially in relation to the knowledge of the ancients. Knowledge gives a person a huge advantage over the people around him, and not all rulers like it.

This can be seen in the fate that befell the Mayan manuscripts and texts. In the 16th century Spanish monk Diego de Landa arrived in conquered Mexico with the goal of “turning the hearts of the pagans to the true God.” In one of the Mayan temples, he discovered a huge library with ancient manuscripts. All the books were burned by him. Of all the Mayan libraries, only three manuscripts have survived to this day.

What happened to the Inca writing? Her fate turned out to be no less regrettable. During the time of one of the Inca rulers, an epidemic began, and according to the custom of those times, they turned to the oracle for help. The answer was cruel: to save the country, “writing must be banned.” By order of the Supreme Inca, all written monuments were destroyed, and the use of writing was prohibited. Only in the Temple of the Sun several paintings describing the history of the Incas have been preserved. These handwritten panels already in the 16th century. The Spaniards sent it to Madrid, but the ship sank, and the manuscripts - the only monument to Incan writing - were lost to humanity forever.

The destruction of manuscripts and written monuments has the same ancient history, like writing itself.

All the works of the Greek philosopher Protogor (5th century BC) were burned. And how much has been lost: Sophocles wrote 100 dramas, and 71 have reached us. Of the 100 dramas of Euripides, only 19 have survived. Of Aristotle’s works, only one has survived. From the “history of Rome” by Titus Livy, out of 142 books, only 35 remain. Of the 40 books of Polybius, only five remain. And out of 30 books of Tacitus - four. Pliny the Elder wrote 20 books on history - all are lost. It is known that nothing remains of the 200 thousand unique volumes and scrolls of the library of Priam (Asia Minor), taken out by the Roman Emperor Anthony and presented to Cleopatra.

Also irretrievably lost were the libraries of the Temple of Iga in Memphis and the Temple of the Goddess Neith, where in the 6th century. BC e. Solon visited. An irreparable loss for humanity was the destroyed libraries of the Ptolemies and, of course, the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, founded in the 4th century. BC e. This library contained more than half a million ancient papyri. Most of them were unique.

The manuscripts about Atlantis were also irretrievably lost or burned in the fire of the library of the temple of the Goddess Neith. Until the 16th century. The question of Atlantis, thanks to the slander of Aristotle, who accused his teacher Plato of lying, was closed. True, despite the dark years of the Middle Ages, sailors went out into the Atlantic Ocean in search of Atlantis. This contributed to the discovery of many islands of the Atlantic Ocean: Madeira, Azores, Canaries. They were considered the remnants of the once existing Atlantis. And the monk Brandan, who left Ireland and lived on some amazing island. Brandan Island and the legend about it prompted many sailors to look for the “promised lands.”

The time of the great is coming geographical discoveries. Christopher Columbus carefully studies ancient maps and the Toscanelli map (XV century), on which the islands of Brandan, O'Brasil and even Antilia were plotted. X. Columbus, having discovered a new continent, did not know about it. After all, he went to China and India and, once on the mainland, was sure that he had arrived on the islands east coast Asia.

And only 200 years after the discovery of America by Columbus, it appears on geographical maps, and Brazil is considered the legendary Atlantis. In the 18th century A geographical atlas is being published, on which Atlantis has already been mapped.

The first scientist to believe that America was Atlantis was Francisco Lopez de Gomara. He already had the map of the Flemish Mercator. Gomara opened a new era in Atlantology, confirming Plato’s words about the American continent. And after this, the science of Atlantis came to life again. As reports began to emerge about the common cultures of the Old and New Worlds, more and more people discovered Atlantis. At first, Atlantis was placed only in the Atlantic Ocean behind the “Pillars of Hercules”, changing only places (Africa, America, Ireland, Azores, Canary Islands etc.).

In 1665, A. Kircher’s book “The Underworld” was published, where Atlantis was located on the map in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and North America. Many atlantologists are surprised by A. Kircher's map because the outlines of Atlantis correspond to the depths of the ocean, although they were not yet known.

In the 19th century I. Donnelly writes the book “Atlantis, the Antediluvian World,” which was considered the “bible” of atlantologists. Donnelly, relying on the achievements of oceanography and ethnography and knowing the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, places his Atlantis in the same place as A. Kircher. but significantly reduces in size. For I. Donelly, Atlantis was a biblical paradise, with the residence of the Greek gods and, of course, the country of the cult of the Sun. In his opinion, the cult of the Sun from Atlantis moved to Egypt and Mexico. Peru.

In the Middle Ages, Atlantis was rarely remembered. Only Renaissance humanists paid attention to Plato's story. Plato's description inspired several European thinkers to create utopian works, for example Francis Bacon wrote the utopia " New Atlantis" In it, Bacon describes a utopian society, which he called Bensalem. The author places a country similar to Plato's Atlantis in America.

Antediluvian world

In the second half of the 19th century, several famous scientists - Charles Etin Brasseur, Edward Herbert Thompson and Auguste Le Plongeon - suggested that Atlantis was somehow connected with the Mayan and Az-Tec cultures. In 1882, a book about Atlantis by Ignatius Donnelly was published. Antediluvian world”, which aroused great interest in this topic. Donnelly took Plato's views regarding Atlantis seriously and tried to prove that all known ancient civilizations descended from its high culture. He, in addition, argued that the lost Atlantis was a technologically advanced country. In particular, the Atlanteans invented gunpowder several millennia before the rest of the world learned a written language. At the end of the 19th century, the legends of Atlantis were combined with the stories of other lost continents like Lemuria. Theosophist Helena Blavatsky in her “Secret Doctrine” described the Atlanteans as a highly cultured civilization. Edgar Cayce in the 20th century suggested that the lost Atlantis was a continent stretching from the Azores to the Bahamas, and it was a highly developed civilization. He also predicted that parts of Atlantis would rise from the depths of the sea in 1968 or 1969.

The Mystery of Atlantis

The mystery of Atlantis also greatly attracted Nazi theorists. Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler organized a German expedition to Tibet in 1939 to find traces of the Atlantean Aryans. According to Julius Evola, an Italian thinker and esotericist who wrote about Atlantis in 1934, the Atlanteans were Hyperboreans - superhumans in eternal bliss who lived on the northern edge of the world. Alfred Rosenberg, one of the Nazi ideologists, shared the same opinion. However, the arguments of mystics and esotericists must still be confirmed. What do scientists say about this? Supporters of the version of the existence of Atlantis present quite weighty arguments that are difficult to argue with. Some Western hydrologists argue that in the 10th millennium BC the Gulf Stream did not exist. This warm current a large island blocked the way. After he went under water, the Gulf Stream rushed into Scandinavian waters and caused the melting of glaciers. Doctor of Chemical Sciences M. Zhirov, having examined the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, claims that the modern Mid-Atlantic Ridge was above water in ancient times. In other words, the topography of the ocean floor quite fully corresponds to the descriptions of Plato in his Timaeus and Critias. Artificial objects are constantly being recovered from the ocean floor. Back in the mid-1950s, approximately a ton of limestone disks with a diameter of 15 and a thickness of 4 centimeters were raised south of the Azores. Scientists have established their age: 12 thousand years.

Most of the possible places where Atlantis could be located are located in the area of ​​​​the Strait of Gibraltar, as well as Mediterranean Sea, on islands like Sardinia, Crete, Santorini, Sicily, Cyprus and Malta; as well as in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa. Indeed, in Crete and neighboring islands There was an ancient Minoan civilization, which fell into decline after a volcanic eruption in the 17th century BC. The explosion of the volcano caused a huge tsunami that hit the north coast Crete and other islands in this part of the Mediterranean Sea, and were accompanied by earthquakes. The Canary Islands are also cited as places where Atlantis may have existed. These islands are located near the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea, which is quite consistent with Plato’s data. Other islands or groups of islands in the Atlantic were also associated with the legendary island, with the Azores attracting particular attention from scientists. However, detailed geological studies of the Canary and Azores islands and the ocean floor surrounding them indicate a clear drawback of this version: no catastrophic decline of these islands was discovered during any period of their existence. The ocean floor around these islands has never been dry. Nevertheless, the version of the location of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean still remains the most popular among supporters of its existence. In their opinion, she could not be in any other place. After all, only in these latitudes can the central island with dimensions of 530 x 350 kilometers described by Plato and several other large accompanying islands fit.

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Everything that is hidden now will someday be revealed by time.

Quintus Horace Flaccus, “Epistle”, 6:20

A country that, thousands of years ago, could have conquered all of Europe. Huge marble palaces, multi-deck ships, tall, strong people, unprecedented weapons, the mysterious magic of priests, nobility and ambition - all this could have become the reality of our history, if not...

Thousands of books and articles have been written about the ancient country of Atlantis, buried by the ocean depths. What was Atlantis? An ancient and powerful human civilization? Or maybe a refuge for aliens from distant worlds? Why did Atlantis perish? Was she the victim of a natural disaster or a devastating war using mysterious weapons?

Other ancient authors also wrote about Atlantis and its inhabitants. True, almost all of them lived after Plato, which means they most likely relied on the data he provided.

The exception is the “father of history” Herodotus (485-425 BC), who mentioned the Atlanteans who lived in North Africa. However, this tribe received its name from the Atlas Mountains.

A surge of interest in the problem of Atlantis occurred at the end of the 19th century. In 1882, the American Ignatius Donnelly published the book “Atlantis - the Antediluvian World,” where he argued that this legendary land is the ancestral home of all humanity. To prove the theory, he used data from archaeology, biology and mythology, and compared legends, languages ​​and customs of peoples on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Donnelly's work marked the beginning of the modern view of the problem of Atlantis and became a source of inspiration for other authors. The result is more than 5,000 titles of scientific, popular science and fiction books.

Broken phone

As we see, atlantology is based on a shaky foundation. You are especially convinced of this when you soberly analyze Plato’s texts. The philosopher learned about Atlantis from hearsay, and the whole story resembles a children's game of “broken telephone.”

So what does Plato say? His great-grandfather Critias, being a 10-year-old boy, heard about Atlantis from his then 90-year-old grandfather, also Critias. And he, in turn, learned the tragic story of the Atlanteans from a distant relative, the great Athenian sage Solon (640 - 558 BC). Solon received the “baton” from the Egyptian priests from the temple of the goddess Neit in the city of Sais (not preserved to this day), who from time immemorial allegedly kept historical records in the form of hieroglyphs on temple columns. It turns out to be quite a long chain of intermediaries...

If we assume that Plato did not invent anything, there is still plenty of room for error. Critias the Younger claimed that the story of Atlantis shocked him, so he remembered it in detail. However, there are direct contradictions in the dialogue. For example, in one place Critias says that: “... the story was indelibly imprinted on my memory,” and in another - that: “... after such a long time, I did not remember enough the contents of the story.” Then it turns out that he had some notes. Memorable notes from grandfather or Solon? And Critias’s grandfather, in his 90s, could well have mixed up a lot of things, not to mention the fact that many details of the legend about the sunken land may be the fruit of senile boasting. “And I’ll tell you, grandson, a great-a-wonderful fairy tale!”

So perhaps Aristotle was completely or partially right. Plato could indeed have invented the story of Atlantis to illustrate his views (remember Thomas More's Utopia). Or, with all his honesty, the philosopher compiled dialogues from some other sources about Atlantis that have not reached us, historical and geographical works of various authors, legends, myths and his own conjectures. Well, Plato could simply have invented a chain of storytellers for greater reliability.

True, the ending of Critias is most likely lost. Perhaps the “lost files” contained all the answers?

"Pros and cons"

Plato describes the land of the ancestors of the Hellenes as follows: “It stretches from the mainland far into the sea... and is immersed on all sides in a deep vessel of the abyss.” But the ancient Greeks did not know about the presence of depths of more than a few tens of meters! Atlantologists believe that Plato’s words about the “deep vessel of the abyss” are evidence of knowledge preserved from the time of the Atlanteans. However, Plato could have used this phrase as a poetic comparison. Or, based on the presence of the steep shores of Attica, independently conclude that if the rocks drop sharply into the sea, it must be very deep there.

On the other hand, the war of the ancient Hellenes with Atlantis is very reminiscent of the wars of the Greeks with the Persians. The thought involuntarily creeps in that the philosopher projected the events of real history onto the distant past. The description of Atlantis in terms of relief and natural data resembles the island of Crete. The Temple of Poseidon, the main cult building of the Atlanteans, is very similar to the sanctuary of Aphrodite in Cyprus. The sculpture of the god of the seas on a chariot drawn by six winged horses is reminiscent of the very real statue of Poseidon by Scopas (4th century BC). Random coincidences or fraud?

Where is this street, where is this house?

Atlantologists also argue about the location of the legendary land, although from Plato’s dialogues it would seem to be extremely clear that the island was located precisely in the Atlantic.

Plato says that to the west of the Pillars of Hercules (the ancient name of the Strait of Gibraltar) lay a huge island, larger than Libya and Asia combined, from which one could easily cross over other islands to the “opposite continent” (America?).

Therefore, many atlantologists believe that traces of Atlantis should be looked for somewhere at the bottom of the ocean of the same name. Possibly near existing islands that may have been high mountain peaks sunken land.

At the same time, atlantologists stubbornly ignore the simplest fact - if an asteroid capable of flooding a hefty island crashed onto Earth, it would cause such an increase in atmospheric temperature that almost all life on the planet would be destroyed.

Myths of the peoples of the world

The “father” of Atlantology, Donnelly, and his followers consider mythology, or more precisely, several legends that coincide among many peoples, to be the key evidence for the existence of Atlantis.

Firstly, these are legends about the flood, which are found among almost all of humanity. The gods, tired of human dirty tricks, flood the entire earth with water, adding a number of other weighty means of re-educating sinners - in the form of fire rain, for example.

Secondly, legends about aliens from distant lands (not to be confused with aliens!). An unknown man arrives from somewhere far away, speaking an incomprehensible language and teaching the natives various useful things.

Thirdly, legends about cosmic cataclysms. Something huge falls from the sky - a stone, the Moon, the Sun, a Dragon. It doesn't bring anything good to people. The people left out of business are scattering in all directions...

Atlantis in the Mediterranean?

In addition to the Atlantic Ocean, the sunken island is also placed in other parts of the world. The Mediterranean Sea is especially loved.

Upon closer examination, this theory does not look crazy at all. Plato wrote that after Atlantis sank, “the sea in those places became... unnavigable and inaccessible due to shallowing caused by the huge amount of silt that the settled island left behind.” It is unlikely that in the Atlantic Ocean, with its considerable depths, muddy shallows would serve as a serious obstacle to shipping. But in the Mediterranean there are plenty of such places. And the nature of Atlantis can easily be correlated with almost any Mediterranean island.

The god of the seas, Poseidon, fell in love with a simple girl, Cleito, who bore him 5 pairs of twins, who laid the foundation for the Atlantean people.

The Atlantean state was similar to Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea - an archipelago of several islands, the length of the main one was 1110 km, width - 400 km. The climate is presumably tropical, as there were elephants on the island. On south side Atlantis had its capital - the city of Poseidonis with a diameter of about 7 km. In the center of the city there was a lake, in the middle of which lay an island with a diameter of 965 meters, riddled with canals, with palace complex An Acropolis surrounded by two earthen ramparts. The outer shaft was covered with copper, the inner one with tin, the walls of the acropolis were lined with orichalcum (a metal unknown to us). The Acropolis included the joint temple of Cleito and Poseidon, surrounded by a golden wall, and the temple of Poseidon himself with a huge statue of the sea god inside. Outside around the temple were images of the wives and relatives of the kings of Atlantis, offerings from their vassals.

The population of Atlantis was about 6 million people. The state system is a monarchy: 10 king-archons, the highest of whom bore the title “Atlas” and lived in Poseidonis. Every 5-6 years, council meetings were held - “courts” of the kings, before which “bull sacrifices” were organized (a similar custom existed in Crete).

The Atlantean army consisted of 660 thousand people and 10 thousand war chariots. Fleet - 1200 combat triremes with a crew of 240 thousand people.

Are Atlanteans the ancestors of the Russians?

Some scientists go their own way, placing the legendary land in the most exotic places. In 1638, the English scientist and politician Francis Bacon, in his book Nova Atlantis, placed Atlantis in Brazil, where, as is known, there are many wild monkeys. In 1675, the Swede Rudbeck argued that Atlantis was in Sweden, and its capital was Uppsala.

Recently, due to the lack of virgin places, they have turned to our endless expanses - the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas have also been honored to accept the completely lost Atlantis into their arms. There is also a charming theory that the Atlanteans are the ancestors of the ancient Russians, and the legendary land of Plato... the sunken city of Kitezh! True, after the stories that Adam and Eve were from somewhere in the Moscow region, the Russian-Atlantic version no longer looks sensational enough.

R. Silverberg in “Letters from Atlantis” shows the events of a thousand years ago through the eyes of a modern man, whose mind has moved into the body of an Atlantean prince (an obvious remake of Hamilton’s “Star Kings”).

A time traveler can also become a witness to the events of the past (“Dancer from Atlantis” by P. Anderson, “Atlantis Endgame” by A. Norton and S. Smith).

Sometimes Atlanteans became aliens from outer space (A. Shalimov, “Return of the Last Atlantean”), or were the first earthlings to come into contact with alien intelligence (V. Kernbach, “Boat over Atlantis”; G. Martynov, “Time Spiral”) . Perhaps it was vile aliens who destroyed Atlantis? Here is the hero of the "Atlantis" series by G. Donnegan, the tough special forces soldier Eric, together with his comrades from the Navy Seal squad, is trying to stop the insidious shadow aliens who once treacherously sank the unfortunate Atlanteans.

Many books tell about the adventures of outcasts who survived the disaster. Some have preserved the remnants of civilization under water (“Atlantis under water” by R. Kadu, “Marakot’s Abyss” by A. Conan Doyle, “The End of Atlantis” by K. Bulychev). Others ran away. To America (“The Temple. A Manuscript Found on the Coast of Yucatan” by H. P. Lovecraft), to Africa (“Tarzan and the Treasure of Opar” by E. R. Barrows); to Spain (“This distant Tartessus” by E. Voiskunsky and I. Lukodyanov); even to Britain ("Stones of Power" by D. Gemmell). For some Atlanteans, the shock from the death of their homeland turned out to be so strong that other planets seemed to them to be the best refuge (A. Tolstoy, “Aelita”; A. Shcherbakov, “Chalice of Storms”).

In V. Panov’s recent novel “The Pulpit of Wanderers,” the catalyst for powerful forces turns out to be ancient artifact Atlanteans Throne of Poseidon. Even Batman ("The Black Egg of Atlantis" by N. Barrett) joins the battle for the Atlantean legacy when the Penguin Man tries to take possession of an ancient object that gives dark power.

Why did Atlantis perish?

There is also no agreement on the reasons for the death of the island.

In addition to the basic, albeit completely unrealistic version of the fall of a giant meteorite, the hypothesis of a powerful earthquake is very popular. In history, there are known cases of sudden subsidence of the earth by several meters as a result of such a natural disaster. For example, the death of the pirate capital of Port Royal in Jamaica in 1692, when the city sank 15 meters into the sea. Large earthquakes, especially those with their epicenter on the seabed, can cause a tsunami. A typical example of such a disaster is the tsunami resulting from the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia in 1883, when the wave height was about 40 meters. Such a wave is quite capable of burying the coastal zone of the mainland or even an entire island.

In addition to more or less scientific explanations, there are also occult and fantastic theories about Atlantis, sometimes very specific. For example, members of the Rising Atlanteans sect, founded in the 70s of the last century, believe that the Atlanteans are the descendants of aliens, who then laid the foundation for the Egyptian civilization.

The bestsellers of the terribly popular ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev among some Russians also contain amazing discoveries. It turns out that the Atlanteans had extrasensory perception, and 75,000 years ago, with the help of psychokinetic energy, they built Egyptian pyramids. A number of great personalities - Krishna, Buddha, Christ - were also Atlanteans. And somewhere in the depths of Tibet, in caves, the surviving Atlanteans are still sleeping in a special type of suspended animation - samadhi.

Is Atlantis a myth?

Despite all the numerous disagreements, the only thing that cements the discordant ranks of atlantologists is the idea that Atlantis really existed. However, there are many who declare: Atlantis is a myth!

Their main arguments are as follows. Firstly, apart from Plato’s dialogues, there are no other reliable references to Atlantis. Secondly, the island had to be too large, and it would not be easy to fit it somewhere in terms of geography. Thirdly, modern geological and oceanographic studies do not confirm the sinking of large parts of land to the ocean floor. Fourthly, 10 thousand years ago there was no developed human civilization. But for any of these arguments, if desired (and many have it!), no less logical counter-arguments can be easily found.

The most impartial scientists still admit that Plato’s dialogues contain a rational grain and they describe real natural disasters, who have reached the Mediterranean - the same Crete.

The only thing that can draw a line under many years of discussions, indisputably proving the veracity of the legend, is the discovery of the remains of Atlantis on the sea or ocean floor. But is this possible?

Remnants of former luxury

Scientists from many countries constantly explore the seas and oceans, making valuable archaeological discoveries from time to time. True, nothing has yet been found that would prove the existence of a sunken continent or a huge island. Considering the constant improvement of the technical equipment of such expeditions, epoch-making discoveries may not be far off. Another question is what can scientists find at the bottom?

The main building materials of antiquity were marble, granite, basalt and sandstones. Over thousands of years, most buildings will completely dissolve in sea water, except for some marble structures. In addition, certain types of shellfish and the presence of strong underwater currents can have a destructive effect on sunken buildings.

In salty sea water, metals undergo accelerated corrosion. Iron oxidizes after 200 years in the sea, copper and copper alloys disappear after 400 years. True, if copper products are large (bells, cannons, anchors), a layer of carbonates forms on their surface, which can protect the object. But high-grade gold can lie in water for a very long time.

Wooden objects die within a couple of centuries, and high-quality ceramics lie at the bottom for thousands of years. At the same time, many objects, if they are quickly overgrown with corals, can also be stored for a long time - however, it is difficult to detect them in this case. In general, some of the Atlantean heritage can theoretically survive to this day.

Perhaps a miracle will still happen, and humanity will take a fresh look at its history? They also once made fun of Schliemann, but he, despite everything, discovered the legendary Troy...

This article is dedicated to the disappeared continent of Atlantis.

Atlantis is one of the darkest mysteries of our time: an island that didn't exist or an island that sank?

« Atlantis (ancient Greek Ἀτλαντὶς) is a mythical island-state. N The most detailed description of Atlantis is known from the dialogues of Plato of Athens; mentions and comments of Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Posidonius, Strabo, and Proclus are also known.

The testimony of the ancients about the location of Atlantis is uncertain.

According to Plato, the island was located to the west of Pillars of Hercules, opposite the Atlanta Mountains. During a strong earthquake, accompanied by a flood, the island was swallowed up by the sea in one day along with its inhabitants - the Atlanteans. Plato gives the time of the catastrophe as "9000 years ago", that is, about 9500 BC. e.

Interest in stories about Atlantis began during the Renaissance. In modern science, questions about the existence of Atlantis are controversial. There is a doctrine of atlantology, specially developed in the late 1950s. People involved in searching and summarizing any information about Atlantis are called atlantologists.

Atlantis is a popular subject in art."

There are NO reliable sources and evidence that Atlantis existed. There is evidence of those who lived in times not far from the life of Atlantis, there are assumptions, there is “ undersea world", a city in the ocean on the site of the supposed island(s), there are thousands of theories and legends about how everything was and where the continent disappeared, but there is no clear answer and convincing evidence that Atlantis existed.

Phrases from the film “National Geographic: “We consider the arguments of adherents and skeptics equally ...”, “A place where many generations lived in prosperity of equality”, “Then, over the course of one night, the island and its inhabitants sank to the bottom.”

It is believed that the continent was equal in size to Asia, consisting of fertile plains with a palace surrounded by moats in the middle. This island was a paradise created by the son of the Greek god Poseidon. The venerable residents worshiped bulls, feasted on coconuts, and walked with elephants. But the divine traits were supplanted by human nature, and they became warlike and greedy. Then, within one day and one night, as a result of an earthquake and flood, Atlantis sank to the bottom. This is a great legend, but how reliable is it? Some are confident in the existence of Atlantis.

The conviction of adherents of the idea of ​​the reality of the continent is not limited to the belief in the existence of Atlantis; some also believe that the Atlanteans (the inhabitants of Atlantis) survived and later left a historical, architectural, and cultural heritage in the form of various monuments.

The most likely assumption is that Atlantis was located in the Mediterranean Sea, the location is indicated on the maps. The most common versions: Strait of Gibraaltar, lake bottom Dominican Republic, the Canary Islands, the Ozores and, in principle, any point in the world... The Atlantic Ocean most succinctly fits the size of the island described by Plato (the central island is 3000 × 2000 stadia (530 × 350 km)), a number of researchers agree with this.

Plato does not give an exact answer regarding the existence of Atlantis, but describes the island in detail in the dialogues: “Timaeus” (briefly) and “Critius” (more extensively).

The Legend of Atlantis. Ancient world: Atlantis - myths and scientific hypotheses:

So, many versions, information, assumptions about the existence of Atlantis as a cornerstone rest on the search specific place where the island was, in search of evidence of the reality of the island. There are a lot of studies, theories, films, articles on this issue, but no one has yet established the exact location of Atlantis, much less found irrefutable evidence of the existence of the island.

But the mythical touch, or better yet, the mystical, leaves an alluring trail of attraction and increases interest in one of the most global mysteries of modernity and the prehistoric period. Legends, prototypes, inexplicable phenomena, beautiful stories- that's what surrounds this island. What worries people so much and keeps Atlantis from sinking to the bottom in the memory and imagination of many?

The fact is that this continent is connected (or people themselves have connected it) with many things that are absolutely important for humanity. Therefore, about the list of evidence of the reality of Atlantis, historical facts We won’t talk further - why list something that is described in thousands of articles and mentioned in millions of sources? We will talk about the philosophical aspect of the existence of Atlantis.

From the film (link above): “A healthy dose of skepticism will not hurt us. Perhaps Plato invented Atlantis to show the political and ethical side of violence, aggression, greed ... but deep down I want to believe that Plato simply inspired the folk legends about the destruction of the high culture of the island of Thira.

Is Atlantis just a fiction? But then why was it invented? Probably because people, even according to well-known psychological facts, need faith in something mystical, global-historical, in the existence of a grandiose past (sunk in one day), a higher race, a superman, superpowers, treasures and chests with gold and noble relics under earth. Therefore, there are myths, legends, and science fiction that inspire people with hope and support faith in all other legends. Bermuda Triangle, Mariana Trench, Atlantis, The spools of the Cheops Pyramids…

“The most common opinion among historians and especially philologists is that the story of Atlantis is a typical philosophical myth, examples of which are replete with Plato’s dialogues. Indeed, Plato, unlike Aristotle and even more so historians, never set out to communicate to the reader any real facts, but only ideas illustrated by philosophical myths. To the extent that the story is verifiable, it is not supported by all available archaeological material.

Indeed, there are no traces of any advanced civilization in Greece or in western Europe and Africa, either at the end of the glacial and post-glacial periods, or in the subsequent millennia.

As for the death of Atlantis, it is obvious that, having invented this country, Plato had to destroy it simply for external plausibility (to explain the absence of traces of such a civilization in the modern era). That is, the picture of the death of Atlantis is dictated entirely by the internal tasks of the text.”

Atlantis, in addition to scientific, theosophical, philosophical, psychological reasons for its appearance, also has more banal ones - we need Atlantis, we simply need it, on an everyday and dreamy level.

“The myth of Atlantis gives enormous scope for imagination; we dream of an ideal society where people live peacefully and amicably... We wonder why, if people lived like this before, we can’t live the same way today?”

This island is a prototype of Paradise after the Fall... the Atlanteans lived there - people with superpowers, they were looking for the origins of a higher race, Atlantis is called the cradle of the world, world culture.

Sometimes assumptions arise that if they eventually found Atlantis and reliably established that it existed, everyone would be disappointed: you never know, maybe a couple of pegs and ruins stuck out at the bottom of the sea. And so - emptiness, abyss, everything and nothing - space for imagination and admiration.

Both fiction and complete acceptance of the existence of the island are two extremes, which essentially give nothing to mere mortals. What, for example, did Atlantis exist for the villagers today or not? What about the great cultural heritage of the poor people of Africa, where people are dying of hunger?

But in general for the world (for the scientific, prosperous part of the population) - Atlantis is a separate planet, with values ​​that cannot be found today, people-geniuses lived there - Atlanteans, who made achievements and discoveries incomparable even with the modern century, and confirmation of the fact of existence Atlantis would radically change the whole history.

Therefore, according to adherents of the idea of ​​​​the reality of the continent, it is worth believing that the island was worth it, if only because it gives hope that in the future we will be able to achieve more than the Atlanteans.

None of us can either deny or confirm the existence of the island in the past. Therefore, different versions have the right to life - not only those saying that Atlantis is a fiction.

Helena Blavatsky saw Atlantis as far from being a myth; moreover, the island, in Blavatsky’s opinion, was considered a myth by narrow-minded and uninitiated people. And other followers of mystical teachings gave Atlantis a special place in world history:

“In the book of H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, it is stated that the evolution of the Fourth Root Race, which preceded modern humanity, took place in Atlantis.

In 1882, the famous theosophist A.P. Sinnett stated that he allegedly received an answer to his questions about Atlantis from the Tibetan Mahatma K.H. K.H. wrote:

“The subsidence of Atlantis (a group of continents and islands) began during the Miocene period - (as now, there is a gradual subsidence of some of your continents) - and it reached highest point first in the final disappearance of the largest continent - an event that coincided with the rise of the Alps, then came the turn of the last of the islands mentioned by Plato.

The Egyptian priests of Sais told Solon that Atlantis (the only remaining big Island) died 9000 years before their time. This was not an imaginary number, for they had carefully guarded their achievements for thousands of years. But then, I say, they only mentioned Poseidonis, and would never have revealed their secret chronology even to the great Greek legislator...

The great event - the triumph of our “Sons of Light”, the inhabitants of Shambhala (then an island in the Central Asian Sea) over the selfish - if not completely vicious - magicians of Poseidonis happened exactly 11,446 years ago. Read the incomplete and partially veiled explanation in this regard in Isis, Volume 1, and some things will become clearer to you.”

Theosophists believe that the Atlantean civilization reached its peak between 1,000,000 and 900,000 years ago, but collapsed due to internal contradictions and wars resulting from the illegal use of magical powers by the Atlanteans.

W. Scott-Elliot, in The History of Atlantis (1896), states that Atlantis eventually split into two big islands, one of which was called Daitya and the other Ruta, which was later reduced to the last remnant known as Poseidonis.

Charles Leadbeater claims that in Tibet there is an occult museum that contains samples of the cultures of all civilizations that have ever existed on Earth, including the civilization of Atlantis.

The four maps of the continent, showing the history of its destruction, included in Scott-Elliot's History of Atlantis, are copies of maps from the Tibetan museum mentioned."

In addition, a number of researchers talk about the cyclical nature of earthly processes and phenomena, about the patterns of certain events. For example, that previously the percentage of land was much higher, many cities went under water, and Atlantis also disappeared. And also: Atlantis, how

the world during the global flood, like Sodom and Gomorrah and many other “sinful” areas with a concentration of “corrupt” people, went under water precisely in order to punish from above for its corruption.

After all, many say that the inhabitants of the island lost human dignity, committed lawlessness, went mad with power, subjugated nearby areas, wanted more, having already had so much - for which they paid. This story has both a moralizing and philosophical meaning: people are always people, they are not perfect, money, wealth, power spoil everyone. And even the most beautiful paradise will always collapse, because at the root of human nature lies a deviation from virtues.

Excerpt from the book “Atlantis Unveiled” by E. Blavatsky:

“These people [initiates] believed in the story of Atlantis, they knew that it was not a fable, and they argued that in various eras of the past, huge islands and even continents existed where now only deserted waters rage.

In their sunken temples and libraries the archaeologist would find, if he could explore, materials to fill in the gaps in what we imagine to be history.

It is said that in a distant era a traveler could cross what is now Atlantic Ocean, almost the entire length by land, moving only by boat from one island to another, where at that time there were only narrow straits.”