Supersonic passenger plane: from the president’s idea to reality. Supersonic passenger aircraft - the wings of a superpower Passenger supersonic aviation

In the very near future, Russia can again return supersonic passenger airliners to the skies, and an excellent help for this is the continuation of work on the final creation of the Tu-244 supersonic jet aircraft, developed back in Soviet times.

According to the most modest official statements, the Tu-244 aircraft will most likely be put into operation in 2025, that is, literally in 10 years. Of course, it is expected that its appearance will be somewhat different from the developments of Soviet aircraft manufacturers, but in general, the aircraft will remain as intended.

The Tu-244 supersonic jet aircraft will have 4 turbojet engines, allowing the aircraft to be lifted to an altitude of up to 20 thousand meters, which will significantly relieve the load on aircraft used. this moment directions. However, along with this there is a need for a long runway, but this task is quite feasible and relatively inexpensive, especially since a number of airports can already accept such aircraft.

The technical characteristics of the supersonic airliner are also very modern, although the work was carried out back in 1971. The estimated speed of the aircraft should reach 2175 km/h, but the possibility cannot be ruled out that it will be increased to 2500 km/h. The estimated number of passengers that can be accommodated on board the airliner is about 300 people, which, in principle, corresponds to modern trends civil aviation. Supersonic jet aircraft Tu-244 will have enormous dimensions - its length will be about 88 meters, its wingspan will be 45 meters, and its height will be about 15 meters. However, at the moment, aircraft engineers are solving two very important problems that will truly make the aircraft truly modern:

  1. Increasing the flight range, since Soviet engineers considered that a flight of 9,200 kilometers would be optimal, but in reality, this is very little;
  2. Reducing the fuel consumption of the aircraft, since we recall that it was precisely for this reason that the whole world abandoned the use of jet airliners.

If the first problem is solved relatively easily, then the second one may have a number of difficulties. However, work on the implementation of this project is underway, and it is quite possible that in the very near future we will be able to see a supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-244 in the sky.

The advantages of using supersonic jet airliners are undeniable:

  1. Flights between regions, states and continents will become as fast and comfortable as possible, as passengers will be able to fly to their destination three or more times faster;
  2. Due to the large capacity of the aircraft, it will be possible to slightly reduce the cost of air travel;
  3. The ease of aircraft maintenance will increase, since one large aircraft will be serviced much faster than two small airliners.

Tu-244 history

Review of the project supersonic aircraft The second generation of SPS-2 began approximately between 1971 and 1973. Engineers from the Design Bureau, citing the experience of creating the Soviet Tu-144 and the American SPS, prepared the announced project for the Tu-244.

Focused on specifications already existing and designed types of subsonic passenger aircraft. The calculations also included the aircraft's competitiveness in terms of cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness and passenger amenities.

In the efficiency criterion, the emphasis fell on the greater performance of the SPS-2 in comparison with subsonic vehicles. That is, the number of aircraft of the Tu-244 type is much smaller, but the efficiency is higher. On the one hand, SPS-2 required a large amount of fuel, but, on the other hand, the air carrier would need half as many such aircraft as compared to conventional scheduled aircraft.

From an environmental point of view, SPS-2 was both beneficial and not. During the years of creation of the supersonic aircraft (60s - 70s), they did not pay much attention to environmental factors. But the same sonic booms, the release of harmful substances, noise in the area and the negative impact on the ozone layer had negative consequences for the creation of the aircraft.

The creation of SPS-2 took more than 25 years. During this time, OKB employees designed several versions of the Tu-244. They had differences in terms of aerodynamic layout, power plant, airframe and flight characteristics. If we compare SPS-2 and SPS-1, we can observe a huge difference in the level of aerodynamics, efficiency of power plants and overall weight and dimensions. Initially, all work on SPS-2 was carried out personally by A. Tupolev, but after some time the responsibilities were assigned to the designer A. Pukhov. M. Kazakov was engaged in technical management of the Tu-244 aircraft.

The first planned project for the Tu-244 was a variant produced in 1973. It was planned to install four engines with a total thrust of 37,500 kgf. Cruising supersonic mode – 1.23 kg/kgf per hour. Take-off weight - 360 tons, payload - 30 tons. Depending on the layout options, the aircraft could carry from 264 to 321 passengers. total area wing - 1100 m 2. When reaching cruising speed, the device could fly at a distance of up to 8000 km.

The base for the aircraft was the Tu-144. To increase the Kmax value of the aircraft, engineers reduced the relative midsections of the engine nacelles and fuselage, and attached a more elongated wing. Mechanization of the leading edge of the wing was used in the form of deflectable nose parts. Separate engine nacelles with axial air intakes were placed behind the maximum wing thickness mark.

At the end of 76, the military-industrial complex under the Council of Ministers of the USSR put forward a decision on SPS-2, which determined the procedure for creation and the main data on the Tu-244. According to this decision, the first SPS-2 should have small dimensions with a take-off weight of up to 275 tons. The wing area is 750 m 2, the take-off weight of the engines is up to 27,500 kgf. But the decision took into account the possibility of creating a larger device.

By 1985, OKB employees prepared a technical proposal for the Tu-244 with the presence of a DIC, giving take-off thrust up to 24,000 kgf. The use of variable cycle engines would allow the most favorable optimization of the process of operation of the power plant in different flight modes and would create the possibility of performing highly economical subsonic flight over areas with a high population density.

A draft version of the SPS-2 using liquid hydrogen engines was also considered.

In 1993, two Tu-144D units were converted into flying laboratories to carry out work on the second generation SPS project.

In the 80s and 90s, when creating such aircraft, the question arose about the necessity and rationality of their use in general. All leading countries (France, USA, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, USSR, Japan and Italy) began to coordinate on environmental and economic factors.

Full information about the future aircraft became available to everyone at the Paris Air Show in 1993. The planned date for the aircraft to enter service is 2025. It is planned to create approximately 100 passenger aircraft.

Design of the Tu-244 aircraft

The layout aircraft is designed to provide high aerodynamic efficiency, regardless of the flight mode.

The trapezoidal wing of the Tu-244 has a bevel with complex deformation of the middle surface and a variable profile along the span. Ailerons provide roll and pitch control and balancing. A motorized type of deflectable toe is attached to the leading edge. From a structural point of view, the wing has a middle section (passes through the fuselage), a front section and a console. The middle part and consoles use multi-spar and multi-rib power circuits, the anterior one is ribless. For the most loaded wheel, it was decided to use material made of high-strength titanium alloy VT-6Ch.

From a structural point of view, the vertical tail is similar to a wing, and a two-section rudder is responsible for direction.

The fuselage includes a pressurized cabin, nose and tail compartments. Depending on different layouts, the diameter of the fuselage may be different. Also, the diameter is directly proportional to the future number of passenger seats. For example, if there are from 250 to 320 passengers, optimal choice the diameter will be 3.9 m. In this case, the seats will be placed in this way: tourist and business class – 3 + 3, and first class – 2 + 2. The new height of 4.1 m solves the problem of installing a convenient trunk under the floor of the passenger compartment. Additionally, you can conveniently load containers. The fuselage section of the Tu-204 aircraft is similar. Accordingly, the Tu-244’s pressurized cabin will be made of aluminum alloys, and the tail and nose compartments will be made of composite materials.

It should be noted that the aircraft does not have a cockpit canopy or a tiltable nose, as on the basic Tu-144 model. In flight, the necessary visibility will be provided due to the glazing of the cockpit, and during ground movements (runways), landing and takeoff, the necessary visibility will be provided by providing an optical-electronic viewing system that operates in all weather conditions and regardless of the time of day.

The chassis includes the front strut and three main ones. In turn, the outer struts are three-axial and are retracted into the wing, and the central one has a biaxial bogie and is hidden in the fuselage. A similar nose gear strut is found on the Tu-144 aircraft. The use of three main supports in the design is carried out to ensure the impact of specified loads on the runway concrete. Navigation and flight equipment will provide landing according to ICAO category IIIA.

Tu-244 characteristics:

Fuselage length, m 88,7
Wingspan, m 54,77
Wing area, m2 1200
Wing extension 2,5
Wing sweep along the leading edge center section 75 o
consoles 35 o
Fuselage width, m 3,9
Fuselage height, m 4,1
Luggage compartment volume, m3 32
Take-off (maximum), kg 350000
Aircraft without fuel, kg 172000
Fuel weight, kg 178 000
Power point
Engines 4 DTRD
Thrust (forced), kG 4х 33000
Flight data
Cruising speed, M 2,05
Practical flight range, km 9200
Flight altitude, m 18000-20000

In the very near future, Russia can again return supersonic passenger airliners to the skies, and an excellent help for this is the continuation of work on the final creation of the Tu-244 supersonic jet aircraft, developed back in Soviet times.

According to the most modest official statements, the Tu-244 aircraft will most likely be put into operation in 2025, that is, literally in 10 years. Of course, it is expected that its appearance will be somewhat different from the developments of Soviet aircraft manufacturers, but in general, the aircraft will remain as intended.

The Tu-244 supersonic jet aircraft will have 4 turbojet engines, allowing the aircraft to be lifted to an altitude of up to 20 thousand meters, which will significantly relieve the load on currently used routes. However, along with this there is a need for a long runway, but this task is quite feasible and relatively inexpensive, especially since a number of airports can already accept such aircraft.

The technical characteristics of the supersonic airliner are also very modern, although the work was carried out back in 1971. The estimated speed of the aircraft should reach 2175 km/h, but the possibility cannot be ruled out that it will be increased to 2500 km/h. The estimated number of passengers that can be accommodated on board the airliner is about 300 people, which, in principle, corresponds to modern trends in civil aviation. The Tu-244 supersonic jet aircraft will have enormous dimensions - its length will be about 88 meters, its wingspan will be 45 meters, and its height will be about 15 meters. However, at the moment, aircraft engineers are solving two very important problems that will truly make the aircraft truly modern:

Increasing the flight range, since Soviet engineers considered that a flight of 9,200 kilometers would be optimal, but in reality, this is very little;

Reducing the fuel consumption of the aircraft, since we recall that it was precisely for this reason that the whole world abandoned the use of jet airliners.

If the first problem is solved relatively easily, then the second one may have a number of difficulties. However, work on the implementation of this project is underway, and it is quite possible that in the very near future we will be able to see the Tu-244 supersonic passenger aircraft in the sky.

The advantages of using supersonic jet airliners are undeniable:

Flights between regions, states and continents will become as fast and comfortable as possible, as passengers will be able to fly to their destination three or more times faster;

Due to the large capacity of the aircraft, it will be possible to slightly reduce the cost of air travel;

The ease of aircraft maintenance will increase, since one large aircraft will be serviced much faster than two small airliners.

Tu-244 is a Soviet-Russian project of the 1970s for a second-generation long-range supersonic passenger airliner. After the cancellation of the first Soviet supersonic passenger airliner, the Tu-144, in 1978, plans for the SPS-2 design were revised and cancelled.

However, work on the development of the Tu-244 is still underway and the expected commissioning date has already been set - 2025.

The main difference between a supersonic aircraft and a jet is its flight speed, which reaches and exceeds the speed of sound, which is approximately 331 m/s or 1191.6 km/h in air. This is precisely the reason for the significant difference in the design of the aircraft from the longitudinal biplane (classical passenger aircraft).

A supersonic airliner has a swept or delta wing shape, as well as a thinner wing profile, pointed tail, nose fuselage and leading edges of the wings. All these models are equipped with a jet (sometimes air-breathing or rocket) engine.

Their development began in the 1970s of the 20th century, as a logical step after the creation of jet and turbojet winged aircraft and as another symbol of the progress of the socialist system in the country.


Initially, the creation of supersonic aircraft became the task of the military industry. This was caused by the advent of jet fighters and bombers in the 40s, whose higher speed gave them a significant advantage in the air.

Already in the 60-70s, the first Soviet supersonic fighter MiG-19 was created, and later a number of other reconnaissance aircraft, fighters and bombers. Their high speed made it possible to increase the flight ceiling over 20 km, which was extremely useful.

In the 1970s, the first supersonic passenger airliners were created - the Soviet Tu-144 and the British-French Concorde.

Work on the Tu-144 was carried out at the Tupolev Design Bureau, an experimental aviation design bureau that was considered the most knowledgeable in the construction of passenger airliners. At that time, they also owned the design of the Tu-22, a supersonic bomber.

The aircraft itself consisted of a large number of advanced developments and solutions. For example, for the construction of the wing, a special flying laboratory was created based on the MiG-21I fighter.

The first test flight occurred on December 31, 1968, beating its British-French rival by 2 months. The Tu-144 could also reduce its speed when landing, which allowed it, unlike its competitor, to land at almost any airport in the country.

But this was the end of the lucky streak for the first Soviet supersonic airliner - in 1973, during a demonstration flight in Le Bourget, Tu-144 No. 77102 crashed along with all 6 crew members, also taking the lives of 8 more civilians on the ground.

The actual cause of the crash is still unknown. The most popular is making a sharp maneuver to avoid a collision with the French Mirage, invited to the show for photographs.

Despite the disaster, already in 1977 the Tu-144 performed its first passenger flight (after 2 years of transporting mail and cargo) from Moscow to Almaty. Two Tu-144 aircraft were piloted by specially trained Aeroflot and Tupolev Design Bureau pilots. The cost of such a flight was only 1.5 times higher than the price of a ticket for a regular subsonic passenger airliner.

However, after 7 months, the operation of the aircraft was suspended due to commercial unprofitability - special maintenance and high fuel consumption were not covered even by the increased cost of tickets, and it was pointless to increase the price further.

Another reason was technical problems - the initial goal of the Tu-144 was a higher flight range of 5-6 thousand km, and the Moscow-Khabarovsk route was planned. But it was not possible to increase the fuel reserve, and the route was shortened, but this did not eliminate the problem - if the Almaty airport had not been accepted, and the alternate airport in Tashkent had closed due to weather conditions, there would have been nowhere to land the plane. Because of this, every such flight the entire ministerial apparatus and the management of Aeroflot were on their ears.

The actual reason for the end of operation was another accident during a training flight of the Tu-144D at the end of May 1978, in which two people died.

This video briefly talks about the history of the design and operation of the first supersonic passenger airliner Tu-144.

All this did not cancel the development of the SPS-2 Tu-244 project, which began in the early 1970s in the design bureau of the Tupolev Design Bureau. Several prepared schemes for 1973 differed in the functional solutions of the airframe, engines, aerodynamic layout, etc.

A significant event in the development of the long-range supersonic jet airliner was the equipment of the Tu-144LL, a flying laboratory called “Moscow”, which was based on the Tu-144D in close cooperation and with significant US funding.

Detailed information about the Tu-244 appeared in the general public in 1993 at an air exhibition in the capital of France.


  • Liner length: 88 m (initially - 88.7 m);
  • Wingspan: 45 m (in the foreground - 54.47 m);
  • Airliner height: 15 m;
  • Fuselage diameter: 3.9 m;
  • Wing area: 965 sq. m (initially 1200 sq. m);
  • Wing sweep along the leading edge: 75╟/35╟;
  • Aircraft wing aspect ratio: 2.5;
  • Passenger seats: 254 (according to other sources - 269, initially - 300);
  • Turbofan engines: 4 with take-off thrust of 25 tons each (initially 4xTRDDx33000 kgf);
  • Airliner weight without fuel: 172 tons;
  • Fuel weight: 150 t (in the first plan - 178 t);
  • Commercial load weight: 25 t;
  • Take-off weight: 300 t (initially - 350 t);
  • Maximum flight range: 7500 km (according to other sources - 9200 km);
  • Airliner cruising speed: 2.0 (originally 2.05);
  • Required runway length (at sea level at: 30 °C, 730 mm Hg): 3000 m;
  • Cruising aerodynamic quality: 10 at cruising speed equal to 2, 15 at equal to 0.9;
  • Cruising altitude: 20 km.


The wing structure is similar to the SPS-1, but also has several significant differences: the main part has the smallest sweep angle along the leading edge, with the same large sweep of the float element, which makes a compromise solution between flights at supersonic and subsonic speeds possible.

The trapezoidal overlapping wing has a variable spanwise profile and complex deformation of the central plane. The vertical tail, like a wing, has a rudder with two sections. Elevons provide balancing of the airliner, as well as pitch and roll control; leading edge with deflectable toe.

The nose element of the SPS-2 fuselage is not deflectable. The required visibility is achieved by an optical-electronic device and a glazed cabin.

The fuselage consists of a pressurized cabin made of aluminum alloys and a tail and nose compartment made of composite materials.

The Tu-244 chassis consists of 1 front and 3 main struts. The outer ones have three-axle bogies and are hidden in the wing, and the middle pillar has a two-axle bogie and is hidden in the body.


Now designers are faced with several tasks:

  1. Increased flight range.
  2. Creation of an engine with minimal fuel consumption.
  3. Development of an airframe and aerodynamic shape of such a design that the aircraft creates the smallest possible number of low-intensity shock waves to suppress flight noise.


Tu-244 is the second generation of supersonic passenger airliners of the USSR, which has more than 25 years of history, and whose operational date is 2025.

The Tu-244 is based on the Tu-144, a supersonic passenger airliner that operated passenger services for 7 months in the late 1970s but was canceled due to unprofitability. However, SPS-2 has a number of significant design differences and should solve all the problems that arose with SPS-1.


At OKB im. A.N. Tupolev, development is underway on a second-generation supersonic passenger aircraft (SPS), which has been given the name Tu-244.

Work on SPS-2 was and is being carried out at the A.N. Design Bureau. Tupolev for 30 years. Over the years, several different Tu-244 designs were prepared (Tu-244-400, Tu-244A-200, Tu-244B-200 and others), differing in aerodynamic layout, specific design solutions for the airframe, power plant and flight performance data .

The chief designer on the SPS-2 theme is A.L. Pukhov, technical supervision of work on the Tu-244 is provided by M.I. Kazakov.

The Tu-244 aircraft embodies the “tailless” design, with the absence of horizontal tail, the aircraft will have four turbojet engines, placed one at a time in separate engine nacelles.

The layout of the Tu-244 is aimed at ensuring high aerodynamic quality both at supersonic cruising and at takeoff and landing modes to reduce noise levels, as well as creating increased comfort for passengers.

The wing of the Tu-244 is trapezoidal in plan with an influx, has a complex deformation of the middle surface and a variable profile along the span.

The wing contains fuel caisson tanks and niches for cleaning the main landing gear.

The fuselage consists of a pressurized cabin, nose and tail compartments. The choice of the optimal fuselage diameter depends on passenger capacity. For a number of passengers of 250-320, the optimal fuselage is 3.9 m wide and 4.1 m high.

The plane does not have a fixed nose, like the Tu-144. There is no ordinary cockpit “canopy” either. The glazing of the cockpit provides the necessary visibility during flight, and during takeoff, landing and movement on the ground, the required visibility of the runway is ensured by an optical-electronic vision system that operates in all weather conditions.

The landing gear consists of a front strut and three main ones, of which the outer ones have three-axle bogies and are retracted into the wing, and the middle strut has a two-axle bogie and is retracted into the fuselage. The prototype of the nose support is the strut of the Tu-144 aircraft.

The SPS-2 Tu-244 project has been worked out quite deeply and, in principle, can be implemented. But we need money, and a lot of it.


Take-off weight, kg 325,000

Empty weight of the aircraft, kg 172,000

Fuel mass, kg 160,000

Passenger capacity, persons 268

Cruising speed, km/h M=2 Flight altitude, m 18,000-20,000

Flight range, km 9200

Aircraft length, m 88

Aircraft height, m ​​15

Wingspan, m 45

Wing area, m2 965

Fuselage diameter, m 3.9

Required runway length, m 3000

Supersonic aviation will find its place on passenger routes. Supersonic aircraft of the new generation will already differ significantly from their older brothers (Tu-144, Concorde) in speed, altitude, design, and materials.

The birth of a passenger “supersonic” aircraft that meets all modern international standards and norms is not only a structurally complex task, but also a very expensive one.

March 17, 1996 at the flight test base of the Design Bureau named after. A.N. Tupolev in Zhukovsky a ceremonial rollout of the modified Tu-144LL took place. And on November 29, 1996, the first flight of the Tu-144LL took place. It was lifted into the sky by the leading test pilot, chief pilot of the Tupolev company S.G. Borisov and co-pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR B.I. Veremey.

Russia’s significant contribution to the development of SPS-2 was the creation of the Tu-144 LL “Moscow” flying laboratory on the basis of the serial Tu-144D. Work on the Tu-144LL was carried out within the framework of international cooperation with the United States, with active funding from the Americans. For conversion into a flying laboratory, the serial Tu-144D was chosen, on which the RD-36-51A engines were replaced with NK-321 engines (modifications of the NK-32 of the Tu-160 strategic supersonic bomber). Maximum takeoff thrust - 4x21,000 kg. New engine nacelles with modified air intakes were installed on the plane, the wing was strengthened, the fuel and other systems were modified, and a large amount of monitoring and recording equipment was installed on board.

According to the program, it was planned to carry out two ground and six flight experiments on the supersonic Tu-144LL. A total of 32 flights and all on Russian territory.

After completing the planned research program as part of the creation of the second-generation supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-244, the Tu-144LL aircraft turned out to be unclaimed, and in 2001 it was sold through an Internet auction to an anonymous resident of Texas (USA) for $11 million. This is not the first time that the Tu-144 has been sold abroad. In October 2000, a German museum bought one such aircraft for half a million dollars.


Take-off weight, kg 20 700

Empty weight of the aircraft, kg 96,810

Flight range, km 6500

Flight altitude, m 18,800

Cruising speed, km/h M = 2

Maximum speed, km/h M = 2.37

Lift-off speed, km/h 370

Approach speed, km/h 280

Fuel capacity, kg 102,000

Crew (in experimental version), people. 7

Aircraft length, m 65.7

Wingspan, m 28.9

Wing area, m2 507

Aircraft height, m ​​12.6

Run length, m 2225

Run length, m 1310

In the second half of the 90s at the OKB im. A.N. Tupolev on his own initiative, chief designer of SPS (supersonic passenger aircraft) A.L. Pukhov prepared a technical proposal for the conversion of the serial missile carrier-bomber Tu-22MZ into the administrative supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-344. They were offered several options for reworking the basic design of the Tu-22MZ. It was planned to place 10-12 and 24-30 passenger seats in the fuselage for business flights. The expected flight range of the Tu-344 in subsonic mode is 7,700 km.

The project of the supersonic administrative aircraft Tu-444 seems to be the most promising. This is essentially the SPS-2 concept on a scaled down scale.

JSC Tupolev has created the appearance of the supersonic administrative aircraft Tu-444, which will be able to carry 6-10 passengers over a distance of 7500 km.

Airplane. The Tu-444 is made according to the “tailless” aerodynamic configuration with a low-mounted cantilever wing with developed root overhangs. The vertical tail is single-fin, all-moving.

On the serial Tu-444 it is planned to use the AL-32M afterburning turbojet engine from NPO Saturn.

The aircraft will be equipped with a full range of systems and life support equipment for passengers and crew in flight and emergency rescue equipment.

There are great difficulties on the way to creating such an aircraft, the main of which are related to the environment. If the aircraft does not meet the requirements of the KAO for local noise, then the market for it will be extremely narrow. The fact is that in this case the plane will be allowed to fly at supersonic speed only over the ocean. Over land, a supersonic executive aircraft will be forced to fly at subsonic speeds, no different from modern business class aircraft.

Serial production of the Tu-444 will begin after the necessary funds have been found.

Aircraft designers believe that supersonic business jets have a bright future, even despite their high cost.

Undoubtedly, the implementation of this program will become a real link between the Tu-144 and promising supersonic civil aviation.


Maximum take-off weight, kg 41,000

Empty weight, kg 19,300 Maximum payload, kg 1000

Maximum fuel weight, kg 20,500 Cruising speed:

Supersonic, km/h 2125

Subsonic, km/h 1050 Practical flight range

with fuel reserve, km 7500

Number of passengers, people 6-10 Crew (pilots + flight attendants), persons. 2+1

Number of engines 2

Engine starting thrust, kg 9700

Aircraft length, m 36

Wingspan, m 16.2

Wing area, m2 132

Aircraft height, m ​​6.51

Rowing length B P P, m 1830

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The exploration of the sky has been an unattainable dream for mankind for many centuries. After the expanses were finally conquered, the aircraft became more and more sophisticated and durable. A significant achievement in this field was the invention of supersonic military and passenger aircraft. One of these airliners was the Tu-244, the features and characteristics of which we will consider further. Unfortunately, this project did not develop into mass production, like most similar developments. Funds are currently being sought to resume development of this project or similar aircraft.

How did it all begin?

Aviation began to develop rapidly after the Second World War. Various projects of aircraft with jet engines were developed, which were supposed to replace conventional power units. An important point the creation of supersonic airliners was not about achieving the speed of sound, but about overcoming this barrier, since aerodynamic laws change at such speeds.

Similar technologies began to be used en masse in the fifties of the last century. Among the serial modifications are domestic MiGs, American North American fighters, Delta Daggers, French Concordes and many others. IN passenger aviation the introduction of supersonic speeds was much slower. The Tu-244 is an aircraft that could not only compete in this industry, but become a world leader in it.

Development and creation

The first experimental civil aircraft capable of breaking the sound barrier appeared in the second half of the sixties of the 20th century. From then until now, only two models have been put into mass production: the Tu-144 and the French Concorde. The airliners were typical aircraft for ultra-long flights. The operation of these machines ceased to be relevant in two thousand and three. Currently, supersonic airliners are not used to transport passengers.

There have been attempts to create new modifications of civilian jet airliners, but most of them remained under development or were closed altogether. Such long-term projects include the Tu-244 supersonic passenger aircraft.

It was supposed to replace its predecessor and have improved characteristics borrowed from prototypes - Concorde and some American aircraft. The project was fully developed by the Tupolev design bureau; in 1973, the aircraft under development received the name Tu-244.


The main objective of the project being developed was the creation of a supersonic jet aircraft capable of transporting passengers safely, quickly and over long distances. Moreover, the device had to be significantly superior in all respects to conventional jet aircraft. The designers placed a special emphasis on speed.

In other aspects, supersonic aircraft were inferior to their counterparts. Firstly, transportation was not economically profitable. Secondly, flight safety was lower. By the way, the serial production and use in civil aviation of the predecessor of the Tu-244 was discontinued precisely for the second reason. During the first year of operation, the Tu-144 suffered several accidents that led to the death of the crew. The new project was supposed to eliminate the shortcomings.

Tu-244 (aircraft): technical characteristics

The final model of the airliner in question was supposed to have the following tactical and technical indicators:

  1. The crew piloting the aircraft includes three pilots.
  2. Passenger capacity varied from 250 to 300 people.
  3. The estimated cruising speed is 2175 kilometers per hour, which is twice the sound barrier.
  4. Power plants - four motors with turbine fans.
  5. The flight range is from seven to nine and a half thousand kilometers.
  6. The carrying capacity is three hundred tons.
  7. Length / height - 88 / 15 meters.
  8. Working surface area - 965 sq. m.
  9. The wingspan is forty-five meters.

If we compare the speed indicator, the projected Tu-244 passenger aircraft, the history of which is quite interesting, has become a little slower than its direct competitors. However, due to this, the designers wanted to increase capacity and increase the economic benefits of operating the machine.

Future prospects

The development of a new project, the result of which was supposed to be a supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-244, dragged on for many years. A lot of changes and improvements were made to the design. However, even after the collapse of the USSR, the Tupolev Design Bureau continued to work in the given direction. In 1993 they even introduced details about the project.

Nevertheless, the economic crisis of the nineties had a negative impact on this area. There was no official message about the closure of developments, nor any active actions. The project was on the verge of being frozen. Specialists from the United States are joining the work, negotiations with whom have been ongoing for a long time. To continue research, two aircraft of the one hundred and forty-fourth series were converted into flying laboratories.

What's next?

The supersonic Tu-244 (the aircraft whose photo is presented below) unexpectedly disappeared from the design documentation as an object of research. It was adopted in two thousand and twelve and assumed that the first hundred units of passenger airliners would enter service no later than 2025. This leapfrog with documentation raised a number of questions and misunderstandings. In addition, several other interesting and promising developments have disappeared from this program.

This prospect was seen in a negative way. Facts indicated that the project was frozen or closed completely. However, there was no official confirmation or denial about this. Given the instability of the economy, a lot of assumptions can be made in a subjective configuration, but the facts speak for themselves.

Today's realities: Tu-244 (aircraft)

History of creation of this aircraft was stated above. How are things going now? Considering all that has been said, it can be assumed that the project in question is currently at least hanging in the air, if not completely covered. There is no official submission of a statement about the fate of the development, as well as the reasons for the reduction and suspension of the project. It is quite possible that the main problem is insufficient funding, economic inadequacy or obsolescence. Alternatively, all three of these factors together may be present.

Not so long ago (2014), information leaked in the media about the possible resumption of the Tu-244 project. However official version Again, no action was taken on this issue. For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that foreign developments of passenger supersonic airliners are also far from complete, many of them are closed or are under big question. I would like to believe that this grandiose machine will be built according to all modern standards in the near future.

A little about the predecessor

The development of TU-144 by decision of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union began in nineteen sixty-nine. Construction of a supersonic civil aircraft started at MMZ "Experience". The estimated flight range of the airliner should be three and a half thousand kilometers. To improve aerodynamics, the aircraft received a modified wing planform and an increased area.

The length of the fuselage is designed to accommodate internal accommodation of one hundred and fifty passengers. Two pairs of engines were placed under each wing. The jet aircraft made its first flight in 1971. The factory test program included about two hundred and thirty flights.

Comparative characteristics

The supersonic Tu-244 is an aircraft whose dimensions are somewhat larger than those of its predecessor. It has distinctive parameters in other tactical and technical meanings. For comparison, consider the performance of the Tu-144 airliner:

  • crew - four people;
  • capacity - one and a half hundred passengers;
  • length / height - 67 / 12.5 meters;
  • thrust with afterburner - 17,500 kg/s;
  • maximum weight - one hundred eighty tons;
  • cruising speed is 2,200 kilometers per hour;
  • practical ceiling - eighteen thousand meters;
  • maximum range - six and a half thousand kilometers.

The main external difference between the new aircraft (Tu-244) and its predecessor was supposed to be a change in the design of the curved nose.

The cardinal feature of the two hundred and forty-fourth project from its prototype under the symbol “144” is the absence of a downward deflecting nose. The cabin glazing is minimally equipped. This solution is designed to provide the necessary visibility during the flight, and takeoff and landing, regardless of weather conditions, are controlled by an electronic vision optics unit.

It is worth noting that modern environmental requirements for civil airliners significantly impede the creation of a supersonic aircraft of this class, since its operation a priori becomes economically detrimental. Developments have been undertaken to create a supersonic business class aircraft capable of overcoming supersonic barrier. However, the Tu-444 project was also suspended. Its advantages over its competitors are its relative low cost compared to the Tu-244 airliner, as well as the solution to technical issues related to environmental requirements for modern aircraft. For reference: the supersonic airliner in question was presented to the general public in France (1993, Le Bourget air show).


If all Soviet initiatives in aviation had been finalized and implemented, it is quite possible that this industry would have made a huge leap forward. However, economic, political and other problems significantly slow down this process. One of the most prominent representatives in the world of supersonic civil aviation was to be the Tu-244 airliner. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, the project is still in development or in a “suspended” state. I would like to hope that there will be people who will finance the project, and this will ultimately lead to the creation of not only the fastest passenger aircraft, but also the transport of the future, characterized by efficiency, capacity and safety.