A message on the topic of world attractions. Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia. Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland

Machu Picchu, recognized as one of the New Wonders of the World, is located in modern Peru, on the top of a mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. It is called the “city in the sky” or “city among the clouds”, sometimes called the “lost city of the Incas”. Some archaeologists believe that the city was created as a sacred mountain retreat by the great Inca ruler Pachacutec around 1440, and functioned until 1532, when the Spanish invaded the Inca Empire. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.
2. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is one of the six most large mosques in the world. Named after Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, the founder and first president of the United Nations United Arab Emirates. Unlike many other Muslim temples, everyone is allowed into it, regardless of faith.
3. Taj Mahal, Agra, India

The Taj Mahal Mausoleum is one of the most recognizable landmarks not only in India but throughout the world. The structure was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth. The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, as well as a symbol of eternal love.
4. Mezquita, Cordoba, Spain

Walls decorated with intricate patterns, mosaic ornaments, hundreds of thin openwork columns - this is how the Cathedral Mosque of Cordoba appears today. Many centuries ago, there was an ancient Roman temple on this site, then it was replaced by a Visigothic church, and in 785 the Mezquita appeared. It became the second most important mosque on the planet, and the pilgrimage to Cordoba was even equated to the obligatory hajj to Mecca for every Muslim. But then the Catholics replaced the Moors, and Mezquita was turned into christian temple.
5. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican, Italy

The heart of the Vatican and the entire Catholic world, St. Peter's Basilica is one of the main attractions of Rome. Here you can view Ancient Rome from a bird's eye view, admire the interior of the cathedral from the top of the dome, celebrate Mass and even receive the blessing of the pontiff.
6. Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Cambodian temple Angkor Wat is the largest religious building ever created, the history of which goes back almost 9 centuries. Even its name speaks about the monumentality of the temple complex, because Angkor Wat literally translates as Temple City. It covers an area of ​​200 hectares and is surrounded by a moat 190 meters wide. This colossal structure is dedicated to the god Vishnu, revered in this area.
7. Temple complex Bayon, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Bayon is one of the most amazing temples located on the territory of Angkor Thom and was its religious center. The “highlight” of Bayon are the towers with many faces carved from stone, silently looking from above over the vast territory of Angkor Thom, and during the heyday of the state, over the entire Khmer Empire. Initially, there were 54 towers, which symbolized the 54 provinces under the rule of the king. Today, only about 37 towers remain.
8. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on the Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, better known as the Church of the Savior on Blood, became the only Russian attraction on Trip Advisor's list. The Savior on Spilled Blood attracts tourists from all over the world not only with the splendor of its domes and interiors, but also with its unusual history, which has given rise to many legends and speculations. Many of them are related to the fact that the temple was erected on the spot where on March 1, 1881, the People’s Volunteer I. Grinevitsky mortally wounded Alexander II, who was popularly called the Tsar Liberator for the abolition of serfdom.
9. Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg National Military Park is not a park in the traditional sense. Here you will not find shady alleys and flowering flower beds. This is the site where an important battle took place in 1863 civil war in the United States.
10. Walls of the old city, Dubrovnik, Croatia

In 1979, UNESCO introduced Old city Dubrovnik to the list World Heritage, including a significant part of the ancient walls of the city. They surround the city on all four sides and contain a venerable collection of historical monuments, including towers, fortresses, churches, monasteries, squares and streets, schools, museums and galleries. Built for defensive purposes, these stone walls have protected its citizens since the founding of Dubrovnik in the 6th century.

11. Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar

Shwedagon Pagoda is the tallest spiritual building in Myanmar, or, as it is also called, the Land of Pagodas. The entire complex of the giant pagoda occupies more than five hectares of land, on which, in addition to the main structure, there are many smaller spiers and countless sculptures of mythical and real animals : golden griffins and elephants, dragons and lions. The Shwedagon Pagoda became what it is today in the 15th century, during the reign of Queen Shinsobu. It was then that the gigantic temple was finally given the shape of an inverted begging bowl and sheathed in gold from top to bottom.

The most significant temples are: Karnak and Luxor, both dedicated to the god Amun. The most expressive monuments of Egyptian art are tombs and temples. The column types of Egyptian temples are divided by its capital. Sphinx: Represents the body of a lion and a human. They were placed in the entrance alley of the temple to ward off evil spirits. Obelisk: These were placed in front of temples to materialize sunlight.

Egyptian sculptors represented pharaohs and gods in a serene position, almost always in front, showing no emotion. They intended to turn the illusion of immortality into stone. To this end, they often exaggerated the proportions human body, with the numbers representing an impression of strength and greatness.

12. Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool, Washington, DC

The Lincoln Memorial is a majestic temple made in the ancient Greek style and somewhat reminiscent of the Parthenon. It is supported by 36 white marble columns, representing the number of states that belonged to the United States at the time of President Lincoln's death. In the center of the temple is a statue of the world's most respected American president sitting in a chair. Its height is 5.79 meters.
13. Ancient City of Petra, Petra/Wadi Musa, Jordan

In the heart of Jordan, in the Wadi Musa valley, deep in the sandy mountains is located amazing city antiquity of Peter. Petra was originally a temporary refuge for the nomadic Nabatean tribes. From several fortified rock caves, it gradually grew into a large fortified city. There is only one way to get to the city - through the narrow Siq gorge, which was once the bed of a mountain stream. Petra still belongs to the Bedouins, who warmly welcome guests to their land.
14. Section of the Great Wall of China Mutianyu, Beijing, China

On no other section of the Great Wall of China were restoration work carried out as well as on the Mutianyu section. This site, with 22 watchtowers that have retained their original appearance, is a real architectural masterpiece. The phrase Mutianyu with Chinese language translates as “valley in which you can admire the views of the fields.” Among all the sections of the Great Wall of China, Mutianyu is the longest fully restored section open to tourists.
15. Ancient city of Ephesus, Selcuk, Türkiye

The largest and best preserved ancient city on the shores of the Aegean Sea and the second most important after Pompeii in the Mediterranean, ancient Ephesus- the most visited attraction in Turkey. Legends connect the appearance of the city with the name of Androcles, the son of the ruler of Athens, Codra, who, on the advice of an oracle, arrived in these places to found the temple of Artemis. The city got its name from the Amazon Ephesia, Androcles' lover.
16. Alhambra, Spain

Alhambra (Arabic Al Hamra - literally "Red Castle") is ancient palace and the fortress of the Moorish rulers of the province of Granada in southern Spain. The castle occupies the top of a rocky plateau on the southeastern border of Granada. The name Alhambra probably comes from the color of the sun-dried clay or bricks from which the castle walls are made. However, some historians suggest that the name came from the “red flame of torches” that illuminated the many years of construction of the castle, which went on around the clock.
17. Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia

The Australian War Memorial is the main memorial dedicated to the memory of soldiers killed during the First and Second World Wars. Today it is considered one of the most significant monuments of its kind in the world. The memorial is located near the Parliament building, from the balcony of which a 360-degree panorama of the monument opens.
18. Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy

According to the chronicles, at the beginning of the 13th century, the inhabitants of the city-state of Siena, which acted as the main competitor and adversary of Florence, “called upon their leaders to build a temple more magnificent than that of their neighbors.” So, between 1215 and 1263, on the site of the old temple, the Duomo of Siena was founded according to the plan of the Gothic master Niccolò Pisano. Today this majestic temple is the main attraction of the city.
19. Milan Cathedral (Duomo), Milan, Italy

The most important place in Milan is the Cathedral of Santa Maria Nascente (Duomo), a pearl of Italian Gothic architecture, which was built from 1386 to the beginning of the 19th century. The third largest Catholic church on the planet can easily be considered one of the wonders of the world. Its hundred-meter spiers tower over the center of Milan, and the golden statue of the Madonna on the longest spire (four meters high) is visible from many areas of the city.
20. Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, ​​Spain

The Basilica of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is one of the most famous long-term construction projects in the world: its construction began almost 150 years ago and continues to this day. Although Antonio Gaudi initially had nothing to do with the construction of this temple, a year after the start of work he headed this project. Gaudi built the temple for 30 years until he died. The reason for such a long construction period is that the Sagrada Familia is built solely on donations from parishioners.
21. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

If you look at a Google map, you can understand why the bridge (not golden, but red) is called a gate. The main local attraction seems to “let you in” Pacific Ocean into San Francisco Bay, connecting the city to Marin County. This grandiose building was built from 1933 to 1937. At the time of its opening, it was the largest suspension bridge in the world.
22. Christ the Redeemer Statue, Rio de Janeiro

The Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most famous and popular monuments in the world. Every year, millions of tourists climb to its foot, from where a stunning panorama of the city and the bay opens up. picturesque mountain Sugar Loaf, the famous beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, the huge bowl of the Maracana stadium.
23. Teotihuacan, San Juan Teotihuacan, Mexico

The name of the ancient settlement of Teotihucan is translated from the Aztec language as “the city where people become gods.” According to legend, after the Great Flood, the gods returned to Teotihuacan to re-create the world. Modern researchers believe that the area of ​​this ancient settlement was 26-28 square kilometers, and the population was about 200 thousand people. This is one of the oldest and major cities Western Hemisphere, the exact age of which is still unknown.
24. Golden Temple - Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar, India

Harmandir Sahib is one of the oldest and most revered temples in India and is the Mecca of the Sikhs. Its upper tiers are covered with gold, which is why it is also known as the “Golden Temple”. The road to the entrance to the temple goes along a narrow marble bridge over a pond, the water of which is considered healing. Pilgrims believe that it consists of the elixir of immortality and holy water. The road over the bridge symbolizes the path from the sinner to the righteous.
25. Sydney Opera theatre, Sydney, Australia

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. Its architect was the Dane Jorn Utzon. Having designed the original roofs, somewhat reminiscent of shells, he gave Sydney a magnificent gift - a symbol of the city. Today, every tourist planning to visit Australia definitely includes an excursion to the majestic opera house in his travel itinerary.

There are quite a large number of famous places on our planet that fascinate with their beauty. What are the most famous places peace? The list of these places will be discussed in detail below.

Ustiavites were miniature funerary figures, usually enameled in blue and green, intended to replace the dead pharaoh in the most thankless jobs in the future, often covered with inscriptions. Egyptian bas-reliefs, which were almost always painted, were also an expression highest quality achieved by artists in their work. They covered columns and walls, giving a special charm to the buildings. The hieroglyphs themselves were often copied into bas-relief.

Ad Deir and Al Khazneh, Jordan

Colorful decoration was a powerful addition to religious settings. His General characteristics. The Law of Frontality, which determined that a person's chest was always presented from the front, while his head, legs and feet were visible in profile. Regarding the hierarchy in painting: people of greater importance in the kingdom were represented more, that is, in this order of greatness: king, king's wife, priest, soldiers and people. The female figures were painted ocher and the male figures were painted red.

The first to be mentioned is the famous Eiffel Tower. It justifiably takes first place in the list of the most popular places in the world. The Eiffel Tower is an outstanding architectural part of Paris, one of the most famous symbols of the city. It is impossible to imagine Paris without this attraction.

The Egyptians wrote using pictures, they did not use letters like we do. They developed three forms of writing. Demoticism is a popular letter. The Book of the Dead, that is, a roll of papyrus containing funerary rituals that was placed in the sarcophagus of a dead pharaoh, was illustrated with very vivid scenes that accompany the text with exceptional effectiveness. It was formed from papier truss fibers that were beaten and pressed into sheets.

In addition to preserving this valuable heritage, the work paid tribute to the most famous and enterprising of all pharaohs. Nine meters have gone, thanks mainly to the corrosive effects of pollution coming from Cairo. It took about 2 million blocks of stone and the work of 100,000 people over twenty years to raise it. The Egyptians developed a variety of mathematical knowledge. Thanks to this, they were able to build works that have survived to this day. Temples, palaces and pyramids were built in honor of the gods and pharaohs.

Its height is 300 m. The Eiffel Tower has already attracted more than 200 million guests and is the most visited attraction in the world. It is the most frequently photographed subject in France. This structure is a subject of curiosity and admiration for millions of people.

To climb this beautiful structure, you can use the elevator or stairs. From the height of the tower you can see a wonderful panorama of Paris.

They were great and impressive because they were meant to show the full power of the pharaoh. They were built from stone blocks, using slave labor for heavy labor. The Temple of Luxor, next to the Temple of Karnak, was one of the greatest monuments of the city of Thebes, in Ancient Egypt. Although colossal in size - about 275 m in length - it presents at the same time simple geometric lines. The columns, walls and architraves were covered with motifs inspired by the pharaoh's victories in vibrant colors. In front of the temple were colossal statues and two obelisks, which are now located on the Place de la Concorde in Paris.

She is a symbol of China. Great Chinese Wall is a great ancient Chinese military structure, a real miracle in the history of world architecture. She looks like a giant dragon. This landmark is more than 2000 years old. Some parts of it have disappeared, others remain in the form of ruins. Part of the wall has passed the test over the years; great dynasties ruled the country under it.

Egyptian architecture combined splendor and simplicity. All its forms originated from the residential building. It had a rectangular plan and was built around the trunks of palms or other trees. Even after the Egyptians adopted other materials - such as stone - plant themes remained: lotus, palm, papyrus.

Section of the Great Wall of China Mutianyu, Beijing, China

With the expansion of the power of the clergy, the temple became the dominant architectural form; in them, rows of sphinxes surrounded the sacred road. The columns were painted, with a motif plant nature. The capital, completely geometric, had decorations at the base and top of the column laying a lotus flower.

This famous structure remains the most fascinating historical monument peace. This is all due to the grandeur of the architecture and historical significance. The Great Wall of China is considered the greatest miracle that was achieved by the people of China. Every year more than 10 million travelers from all over the world come to see this attraction.

The rigidly designed furniture was richly decorated with colorful decorations - in the same style of architecture. Lotus and papyrus flowers, buds, wreaths and animals appear on furniture decorations. The colors were always vibrant, and the lines were very simple, geometric, both in architecture and in clothing. Note that the bowl is also shaped like a lotus flower.

Sculpture then served architecture, completing it, usually in the form of bas-reliefs, which - in stone or bronze - represented both daily scenes and the victories of the pharaohs or simplified landscapes. There is never any perspective: in the figures the eyes and shoulders appear from the front, although the rest of the body is in profile; a pharaoh is always much higher than a priest or a military man, a courtier, a servant, a defeated enemy.

There are different ways to look at the Great Wall of China. Some people want to look at famous objects, enjoy the panorama, do beautiful photo, walk along the wall, take the cable car. Others want to study parts of the wall that have disappeared, unreconstructed or abandoned. But this route is not very safe.

The most common colors were gray and blue, as well as black. The pyramids are undoubtedly the paradigm of Egyptian architecture. Thus, Mastabas were buildings that emerged from the ground in Egyptian tombs, and were formed by a compact module of stones or bricks, the walls slanted and rectangular in shape. This step pyramid of Jezer, idealized by the architect and physician Imhotep, is the first structure of this type. Constructed from stone instead of adepsa, this was a novelty that left the traditional Mastaba, much simpler in form.

The Great Wall of China is the greatest phenomenon in the field of engineering, one of the most famous monuments of human civilization. In 1987, this attraction was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the largest defensive structure.

Indian Taj Mahal

This is a very significant monument to India, which was erected in the name of love and devotion to a woman of extraordinary beauty. This famous landmark has no parallel in grandeur. The Taj Mahal is a reflection of the wealth of the era. This structure, made of white marble, was the last gift of the Mongol Emperor Shah Jahan to his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

Pyramids of Cheops, Quefrem and Mykerinos. They were usually divided into two or three chambers: the first for secular ones; the second for the pharaoh and nobles; and the third to the high priest. Entrance to the Abu Simbel Temple. The treatment area is first given a coating of white plaster and then paint is applied to the plaster. This ink was a kind of glue produced with mineral inks.

The Egyptians in sculpture and painting had to relate to the events of their time, the history of the pharaohs, gods and their people to a lesser extent, since people could not be represented next to the gods or inside temples. They probably did not intend to leave us with the “art” of their creators.

The emperor was ordered to find the best craftsmen. The Taj Mahal is included in the list of the 7 most majestic monuments on the planet. It is decorated with gold and semi-precious stones. It is one of the favorite subjects for photography. The Taj Mahal is the jewel of Muslim culture in India. He was an inspiration for many poets and artists.

The size of people and objects did not necessarily characterize the distance from each other, but rather the importance of the object, power and social level. The meanings of the Egyptians were eternal and stable. His laws lasted about a thousand years. The pharaoh represented men next to gods and gods next to men, and was also responsible for the well-being of the city, being considered also its own God.

Art and architecture of Egypt, buildings, paintings, sculptures and applied arts of ancient Egypt, from prehistory to the Roman conquest in the 30s. All artistic manifestations were mainly in the service of the state, religion and the pharaoh, who was considered the god on earth.

There is a beautiful garden around the Taj Mahal. The garden is considered the personification of heaven on Earth.

Famous Pyramids of Giza

This is an ancient tourist attraction. It is also considered a symbol of ancient Egyptian civilization.

The largest of the pyramids is the Great Pyramid. There are 2.3 million stone blocks in it. Great Pyramid considered the only surviving miracle Ancient World. In our time, this is the most massive building erected in the entire history of mankind 4500 years ago. The largest of the pyramids is considered to be Khufu. It contains 2.3 million stone blocks. The average weight is 2.5 tons, the maximum is 15 tons. They adjoin each other so tightly that no mortar was used during construction.

From early times, belief in afterlife dictated the rule to bury bodies with their best property, to ensure their transit in eternity. The regularity of natural cycles, the annual rise and flow of the Nile, the continuity of the seasons, and the solar course that caused day and night were considered gifts of the gods to the people of Egypt. Egyptian thought, culture and morality were based on a deep respect for order and balance.

Art was meant to be useful: it was not said in beautiful works or works, but to be effective or efficient. Cultural exchange and novelty have never been considered important in themselves. To a modern viewer, artistic language can seem rigid and static. His fundamental intention was undoubtedly not to create a real image of things as they appeared, but to capture for eternity the essence of an object, man or animal.

This pyramid took about 20 years to build. Based on this, a new block was installed every 5 minutes. The Great Sphinx has the body of a lion and the head of a man. It is considered the largest monolithic statue in the world. Its length is 73.5 m, width - 6 m, height of the statue - 20.2 m.

The Sphinx is the most interesting monument Ancient Egypt. The reason for the construction of such a large sculpture is unknown. There is a version that the Sphinx protected 2 great pyramids (Cheops and Khafre).
The pyramids are the most recognizable symbols of Egypt, as well as the center of the country's tourism. Every day from 6 to 10 thousand travelers come to see these attractions.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

The first prehistoric settlers settled on lands or plateaus formed by sediments deposited by the Nilo River in their time. Objects and tools left behind by Egypt's earliest inhabitants show their gradual transformation from a semi-nomadic hunter-gatherer society to sedentary farmers.

During the early dynasties, important funerary complexes were built for the pharaohs at Abydos and Saqqara. Hieroglyphs, the writing form of the Egyptian language, were at the first level of evolution and had already shown their character as something living, like all other decoration.

Roman Coliseum

It is the legendary amphitheater of Rome. In the Colosseum, people doomed to death fought and died in order to entertain the free citizens of Rome. 80 inputs and outputs were read in the structure. The capacity of the Colosseum is about 50,000 spectators. Modern sports buildings don't even have that much capacity. This testifies to its greatness 2000 years after its construction. This is a famous and at the same time mournful monument to the Roman power of the emperors and its cruelty. Inside, behind close-knit rows of arches and columns, the Romans for centuries coolly watched the murder of tens of thousands of condemned criminals, captured warriors, slaves, animals. Almost 2000 years later, it still attracts great interest from visitors.

From this time on, it is the famous monumental group of Giza, where the pyramids of Cheops, Quefren and Mykerinos are located. The sculpture was characterized by a hieratic style, rigidity, cubic forms and appearance. First a rectangular stone was cut; then the figure or object to be represented was drawn on the front and sides of the stone.

The relief sculpture served two fundamental purposes: to glorify the pharaoh and to prepare the spirit for the path to eternity. In pottery, the richly decorated pieces of the pre-dystatic period were replaced by beautiful, unpainted pieces of polished surface in a wide variety of shapes and patterns designed to serve everyday objects. Already jewelry was made from gold and semi-precious stones, including shapes and designs, animals and vegetables.

After the reconstruction carried out 5 years ago, the underground tunnels in which in ancient times the chained gladiators waited to enter the arena were opened for viewing for the first time.

He created a new style or new type of funerary monument, probably inspired by the funerary collections of the Old Empire. Formed by a mastaba, topped by a pyramid and surrounded by porticoes on two levels, the walls were decorated with reliefs of the pharaoh in the company of the gods. The sculpture of the Middle Empire was characterized by a tendency towards realism.

The custom among nobles being buried in tombs built in their own centers of influence rather than in the capital remained in force. Although many were decorated with reliefs, such as the tombs of Aswan in the south, others, such as Beni Hasan and El Bersha in Middle Egypt, were decorated exclusively with paintings. The painting also decorated the rectangular wooden sarcophagi characteristic of this period. The drawings were very linear and showed great detail.