Danilovskoye Lake. Danilovo Lake (Omsk region): recreation, legends. Lake Danilovo: underwater, video

Danilovo Lake is located on the territory of the Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region, on the very border with the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region, but is more popular among residents of the Omsk region than the Novosibirsk region.

Danilovo Lake is part of the group of so-called “Five Lakes”, which also includes, according to various sources, Lenevo Lake, Shaitan Lake, Shchuchye or Urmannoye Lake and the most mysterious semi-mythical Hidden Lake.

The diameter of the lake is about a kilometer. This is the largest of the Five Lakes. The depth of the lake is 17 meters, which is 10 meters more than that of the Tara River flowing nearby, and the transparency of the water is 5 meters. The depth of the lake significantly exceeds other lakes in the region. The banks are flat, overgrown with cattails and reeds near the water, and pine, birch and aspen above. Around Lake Danilov there are two shafts, one and a half meters high and with a distance of ten meters between the crests.

There are legends among the people that the lake was formed at the site of a meteorite fall, hence its amazing property - clean water with a high content of silver. There is another version, more like a fairy tale, that an unidentified flying object fell here, and the alloy of an unknown cosmic metal enriched the water with life-giving components for earthly organisms.

The lake was discovered around the 1950s, and since then its fame has been constantly growing. The lake has a firmly established reputation as a healing lake, and is also surrounded by various legends.

The place is truly amazing. The lake is not like any other body of water in the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, and rather it resembles a mountain lake: practically not overgrown with aquatic vegetation, very deep, with clean, transparent water.

It is believed that this water successfully treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and various skin diseases. The water of Lake Danilov does have a healing effect, but not at all the kind that people attributed to it. A research expedition of Omsk geologists visited the lake and comprehensively studied Danilovo Lake. The water samples taken were examined in the laboratory of a technical university. The range and amount of metals in the water turned out to be quite earthly and ordinary, even the silver content does not exceed normal standards. It is contained in negligible quantities in the lake water. But it was discovered great amount free oxygen: the water in the lake is constantly changing thanks to many underground sources rich in oxygen. According to scientists, this explains the healing properties of the lake’s waters. Free oxygen improves metabolic processes in the body and activates its protective mechanisms.

Another result of the study is a clue to the origin of the lake. It’s a pity, but it looks like we’ll have to part with the beautiful legend about a meteorite or UFO: the theory of extraterrestrial origin has not received scientific confirmation. Scientists analyzed a two-meter section of soil from the ramparts on the shore of the lake and compared its composition with the composition of the soil on the shore of Tara. They turned out to be identical. This inclined scientists to believe that the lake most likely owes its origin to the work of underground water. It washes away soft sedimentary rocks, forming voids and failures. At the site of one of these failures, Lake Danilovo was formed.

In the summer, many vacationers come to Danilovo, and the results of human activity are already beginning to affect the cleanliness of the lake. Local fishermen also caused considerable damage to the lake by digging a trench from the river to the lake during the spring flood. They hoped that fish would come into Danilovo, but instead they only released dirty river water into the lake. And although the lake is coping with the negative impact so far, scientists believe that it should be treated more carefully. In theory, the lake should be given the status of a natural monument with limited use. It’s worth it: in addition to the unique natural properties of water, plants listed in the Red Book grow on Danilov - beautiful egg capsules and water lilies.

Legend and mysteries

Near Danilov there are lakes Linevo, Urmannoye and Shaitan Lake. The fifth lake has not yet been found, although it is believed that it is in plain sight, but no one notices it. And they are looking for it because a local legend says: you can get rid of all diseases if you swim in all five lakes in a certain sequence. There is a connection here with Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”: after swimming in each lake, you can emerge from the last one rejuvenated and healthy. Pyotr Ershov lived in Omsk at that time and, of course, heard local legends. He wrote this fairy tale for 19 years. Works written at a more mature age are practically unknown. It can be assumed that the fairy tale itself was perceived by Ershov from the Information Field of the Earth...
Places near Okunev amaze with an abundance of mysteries. Various visions appear out of nowhere. For example, Okunev residents saw a round dance of girls in sundresses on the banks of the Tara River, above which three huge translucent figures appeared in mournful poses. Or a huge dog, which, having swum across the moonlit night to the other side of Tara, turned into a huge human being, dressed in white clothes... UFOs in these places are permanent guests.
And not far from Okunev there are Porechensky pits - huge holes in the ground. Their origin has not been studied...

Healing properties

Having explored the miracle lake, Novosibirsk scientists said that if people knew the true healing power its water, then the lake would most likely cease to exist, since it would be dredged to the bottom along with the dirt!
Lake Danilov has a triple bottom: thick layers of algae are located in the water, as if in three floors. Probably, due to the huge concentration of these algae in the lake, valuable biologically active substances accumulate. The water contains a lot of silver and a huge amount of free oxygen: the water in the lake is constantly changing thanks to many underground springs that bring oxygen. And on the shore there are outcrops of healing silver-containing blue clay. The water in the lake is soft and so clean that you can drink it without fear (tested for yourself!). This is all the more surprising since forest lakes are characterized by muddy water!
Even photographs of Lake Danilov have healing powers. And in Shaitan Lake, water has more than once helped people suffering from eczema or psoriasis. There have been cases where it was used to get rid of liver cirrhosis and even cancer!

From a scientific point of view
The lakes were formed as a result of the fall of fragments of a huge meteorite. Geophysicists who explored places near Okunev encountered many mysteries. Magnetic and gravitational anomalies were discovered, like in an iron ore deposit, which is not in sight here! Seismic receivers recorded continuous vibrations, unusual for this area. In an urban environment, such fluctuations are caused by the operation of transport, industrial enterprises, power lines, etc. But where did they come from in this deserted place?
Inexplicable bursts of radiation were also recorded, sometimes reaching 64 microR/hour with a general background of 12-16 microR/hour.
At the bottom of Lake Danilov, the echo sounder discovered a hole 67 meters deep, with a diameter of about 8-10 meters. This is despite the fact that the lake itself has a diameter of 500 meters! The scuba divers saw a cornice hanging over the pit, on which stood trees - old, completely mossy, somewhat similar to corals...
Scientists also discovered ancient burial grounds and many objects from ancient eras near Okunev.

Mystery of the Temple
Clairvoyants from different ends They say in Russia: Okunevo is an active energy center, a kind of gateway to parallel worlds. They also talk about the same information that they receive from space. Three hundred thousand years ago on the territory of Western Siberia there existed highly developed civilization, during which the temple of the Hindu god Hanuman was erected. He was revered as the greatest healer and patron of the sciences; a magic crystal was sent down from Space to him, promoting the spiritual growth of humanity. It is believed that it is still kept in this temple and emits powerful energy, and not only all the knowledge of bygone worlds is recorded in it, but also the key to the salvation of our civilization is encrypted.
The same information is indirectly confirmed by the modern Hindu saint Shri Babaji. He considers Siberia the most sacred place in Russia, because it was in these parts that Rama’s battles with evil forces described in the Hindu epic “Ramayana” took place, which the mighty Hanuman helped the hero cope with. Therefore, Rama granted his comrade Siberia, where a beautiful city with many temples was built. This city is supposedly located near Okunevo.

Back in 1945, the famous Western seer Edgar Cayce predicted that as a result of a global cataclysm there would be flooding most of Northern and South America, England, Japan. The revival of civilization will begin in Western Siberia, which is intended to become " Noah's Ark"for earthlings. The teachings of another prophet, miracle worker and clairvoyant Sathya Sai Baba echo Cayce's predictions. As his disciples assure, Sathya Baba preaches a religion that was brought to India from Siberia. And now this religion has returned to Siberia - it was brought by a follower of Shri Babaji, Rasma Rosites She founded an ashram here, now Babajists from all over the world make an annual summer pilgrimage to Okunevo, which is sacred to them.
Following the followers of Shri Babaji, the Vedoruses, Old Believers, and Orthodox Christians set up a chapel in Okunevo. There is even a real Sufi sheikh, a member of the ancient Tijani order. Both of them say: in Okunev the sky comes closer to the earth, here wishes come true and dreams are born.
Tatars from the nearby village of Inciss call Lake Danilovo Kusha, which means “Brilliant, emitting light.” The name of the Tara River is translated from Sanskrit as “Savior”.

What is happening in Okunevo? So far, three hypotheses have been put forward to explain the existence of anomalous zones, flying objects and other things there.
Disciples of Satya Baba and the English Old Believers believe that all these are traces of ancient civilizations.
Ufologists believe that Okunevo is a kind of base for spaceships, messengers of extraterrestrial civilizations.
According to the capital's scientists, in the Okunevo area there are channels for the “flow” of energy and information from parallel worlds. Then signals in the form of vibrations, UFOs and strange music should be perceived as messages from these worlds. Messages that are waiting to be deciphered.

On my own behalf, I can add that, after living on the lake for a week, we never saw a UFO. But we survived a terrible thunderstorm: from 11 pm to 5 am in the tent it was as bright as day, because the lightning flashed non-stop! And the thunder was incessant, deafening, as if heavy bombers were taking off next to us. I was scared!
The lake is very beautiful, the water is clean, next to it is a forest with blueberries and strawberries.

The water is so clear that all the algae are visible

Not far from the regional center of Muromtsevo (about 250 km from Omsk to the north), there is the unremarkable village of Okunevo. In this village local residents have been observed for many years mysterious phenomena.

After reading a lot of materials on this topic, we decided to go there ourselves. In 2002 and 2003 we visited this village twice. What's unusual about this place? The village of Okunevo is located on the high bank of the Tara River. Ordinary houses made of logs seem to be ordinary villagers, but in nature there are some inexplicable things.

For example, in the forest around the village, many trees have their tops knocked off, as if something flying had caught them. There are a lot of trees that are twisted, or grow straight, and then, in some incomprehensible way, bend, and then grow straight again.

Local residents have been living next to the Babaji community for several years now, who started it from one house in the village about seven years ago. They outlined a circle, approximately 3 meters in diameter, through which energy supposedly flows from space to the Earth. This circle is located 2 kilometers from the village.

About 5 people permanently live in the community, the rest come for several days, not only from our region, but even from other countries. Goes very large group Babajists, who meditates near the chapel in a circle for several hours, trying to see what is inaccessible to an ordinary person. Locals call the most dedicated of them wizards. All this could not fail to resonate with our christian church, which after some time installed a chapel and a cross for Christians on the site of the circle.

The presence of Babajists and other believers in the village could not but affect the local residents, who, although they say that there are no aliens here, the conversation constantly reveals some kind of respect and fear for the place where they live.

For example, in a store, talking with two sellers, the latter told us that unexplained phenomena occur here mainly in winter. Both women saw unusual glows at night, when it becomes as bright as day, and luminous balls across the river. There is no reason not to believe them; they are ordinary villagers.

Another unusual place this is Shaitan Lake, which is located 7 km from the village. On our last trip, we tried three times to get to the lake, in which, according to legend, there lies a crystal. But weather we were not allowed to do this; as soon as we started getting ready there, clouds rolled in and it rained; as soon as we abandoned the hike, the rain stopped. It was as if a prophecy was coming true that not everyone is given the opportunity to visit the lake. Local residents view Shaitan Lake as a lost place. They say that the horses refuse to approach the lake, that the lake has a double bottom, that only a crazy person would swim in the lake, because the water is transparent and the bottom seems to be visible, but in fact there is practically no bottom. But we were never able to see it with our own eyes.

Not only Babajists come to Okunevo, but also people of other faiths. On our last trip, we observed a group of 17 people who went to the lake during the day, and in the evening they meditated around a fire, sang songs, and all shouted spells together. It all ended with a night hike with candles from the fire to the river. The candles were lowered into the water on planks; I must say, it was a very beautiful sight when 17 candles floated down the river at night.

In general, summing up the results of our two trips, I must say: there is something incomprehensible in this place, at least, everything that happens in Okunevo should be treated without ridicule.

Below we present material from the newspaper “Top Secret”, 09/04/2001, n9, after reading which we went to Okunevo.

Siberian writer Mikhail Rechkin reported that in his native land, namely in the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevo district, Omsk region, which stands on the high bank of the Tara River, strange flying objects ("plates") in the form of luminous balls and large spots of yellow have long been seen , orange and red. They were noticed in the forest and meadows, on the Tatarsky ridge (hills), on the banks of the Tara, and even in their own garden. When people approach, objects quickly fly up or disappear. But the “plates” do no harm to anyone, but coexist peacefully with the Okunevo people.

According to the writer, in different times Villagers witnessed inexplicable visions. Then I saw a pillar of light in a meadow outside the village outskirts, and next to it were the figures of girls in bright sundresses. Then two huge translucent figures of women in mournful poses appeared above the girls.

That former front-line soldier, a man of no timidity, seriously frightened, said that on a summer moonlit night he saw a huge dog, which, having swam to the other side of the Tara, turned into a huge human being, dressed in white clothes.

In 1947, a local teacher near Shaitan Lake suddenly heard the gentle, unearthly ringing of bells coming from somewhere above. She raised her head to the sky and was amazed to see horses rushing through the air, so beautiful that it was impossible to describe. “I can still see their golden manes curling in the wind, I just have to close my eyes,” she said. Other village women also saw some signs in the sky.

Not far from Okunevo there are lakes - Linevo, Shchuchye, Danilovo, Shaitan Lake, where both water and mud are healing. Siberian clairvoyants claim that these lakes were “born of the Cosmos” - they were allegedly formed as a result of fragments of a huge meteorite falling to Earth, that there were five of them. And now we must definitely find the fifth “magical” lake, because diseases will soon appear that can only be cured with water taken from the five lakes. It is curious that the author of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” Pyotr Ershov, once lived in Omsk. According to Rechkin, in the 19th century he could hear legends about horses flying in the sky, about miracle lakes, by swimming in which one by one, you can become a handsome, good fellow...

According to a hypothesis put forward by a group of Siberian historians, 300 thousand years ago in Western Siberia there was a highly developed civilization, where many religions of the world originated.

Back in 1945, the famous Western seer Edgar Cayce predicted that as a result of a global cataclysm, most of North and South America, England, and Japan would be flooded. The revival of civilization will begin in Western Siberia, which is intended to become a “Noah’s Ark” for earthlings who survived the “end of the world.” The teachings of another prophet, the miracle worker and clairvoyant Sathya Sai Baba, who, according to legend, appeared in India in November 1926, echoes Casey’s predictions. Satya Baba is called upon to establish a “golden age” on Earth - to unite humanity into one fraternal family, to awaken the desire to live in love and cooperation.

As the disciples of the prophet claim, he preaches a religion that was allegedly brought to India from Siberia. Satya Baba himself said that in the center of Siberia in ancient times there was a temple of Hanuman, where he was the High Priest. In Indian mythology, Hanuman is “a divine monkey, the son of the wind god Vayu. He is able to fly through the air, change his appearance and size, and has the power to tear hills and mountains out of the ground.” Hanuman was granted eternal youth and is revered as the greatest healer and patron of the sciences. The priests of this god allegedly owned a magic crystal sent down from Space, promoting the spiritual elevation of humanity. (One of the Siberian clairvoyants claimed that the temple was built by aliens, and the crystal was a means of cosmic communication with extraterrestrial civilizations; another claimed that the history of the disappeared Siberian civilization was recorded on the crystal).

In 1989, a student of the Indian guru Sri Babaji, a native of Latvia, Rasma Rozitis, went in search of the place where the Hanuman temple was located.

From the story of Rasma Rozitis: “Archaeologists told me that in the Okunevo region a place had been found where rituals were held in ancient times. I stayed in a tent near the village. I fasted and prayed for five days. On the fifth night I observed light phenomena: the light floated around, Luminous creatures came to me, I saw the likeness of machines woven from light, and I heard unearthly music."

Outside the village, on Tatarsky Uval, Rasma and members of her community built an altar of stone. Interestingly, in the 1960s, it was on these hills that local children found two stone slabs polished to a shine. Without delving into thoughts about their mysterious origin, the village housewives found a use for them - breaking the slabs into pieces and using them as oppression when pickling cabbage.

Several years ago, a large wooden cross and an Orthodox chapel appeared on Tatarsky Uval, in which a priest from Omsk serves on major holidays. Old Believers who call themselves Ynglings come here. They believe that 100 thousand years ago this is where the famous Belovodye was located. And in the Okunevo area there was a big temple complex and... "channels of intergalactic communication." The Ynglings even allegedly saw a large alien ship above one of the lakes.

Ufologists also did not ignore Okunevo. For most of them, local UFOs are alien probes collecting information about the inhabitants of the Earth. But some people believe that “plates” are spaceships capable of changing shape and size.

Okunevo is frequented not only by lovers of all sorts of mysteries, but also by people who simply dream of taking a break from the noise big cities. Relaxation here is wonderful: there are fish in the rivers and lakes, mushrooms in the forests, berries in the clearings, a riot of herbs and flowers in the meadows. Swim, sunbathe, walk, heal with mud. The silence is ringing, the air is breathless (there are no industrial enterprises in the area), the landscapes, sunsets and sunrises are of unwritten beauty! Of course, they leave these places peaceful and healthier, and most importantly, convinced that they have received a powerful energy “recharge.”

A couple of years ago, several businessmen, natives of the Muromtsevsky district, decided to build a health center near Okunevo. And in order to better plan everything, we turned to Moscow geophysicists for help.

Last year, scientists examined the area and discovered two types of anomalous areas. As a joke, the first one was called the “darkness”, and the second - the “luminary”.

In the “dungeons” (there are few such areas around Okunevo) the level of natural electromagnetic radiation is much lower than in the entire district. There is little vegetation here; the trees, twisted by an unknown force, have dried up. In such places, Muscovites felt very uncomfortable, they were overcome by some kind of oppressive state, they wanted to get away as quickly as possible.

Local residents showed geophysicists an abandoned village house. Its owners celebrated a housewarming party, but could not live in the house - they were constantly sick, everything was not going well for them. When examining the house, it turned out that the level of the electromagnetic field here was the same as in the “dark”.

In the “luminaries” the level of the natural electromagnetic field was one or two orders of magnitude higher than in the area. Such a field affects the human body in two ways. If its level is higher by
order (zone A), then it seems to “feed” a person - well-being improves, performance increases. It is undesirable to linger in areas with the level of electromagnetic radiation one and a half to two orders of magnitude higher (zone B). Zone B is located ten kilometers from Okunevo, next to a huge field. This is an oblong clearing (200x50 meters), overgrown with grass and bordered by bright wildflowers. There is quite a dense forest around the clearing. One of the pilgrims, who tagged along with the geophysicists, after hanging out in the zone for two or three hours, suddenly began to dance, as he later assured, to the music, but no one except him heard this music. But for the businessman, who had traveled a long way to Okunevo after lengthy negotiations and a sleepless night, a short stay in the clearing had a beneficial effect. After lying on the grass for an hour, he stood up cheerful and full of strength.

Zone B presented geophysicists with more than one surprise. Firstly, magnetic and gravitational anomalies were noted here, as in an iron ore deposit, of which there is no trace here. Secondly, geophones recorded continuous vibrations, unusual for this area. In an urban environment, such fluctuations are caused by the operation of transport, industrial enterprises, power lines, etc. But where did they come from in this deserted place?

After the seismic survey results were processed, it turned out that in zone B, in the thickness of the soil consisting of loams, sands and loose sandstones, at a depth of 8 to 15 meters there is some kind of large dense massif.

One could assume that there is some kind of artificial structure underground and that it is this that is the source of the recorded vibrations, but no one has ever built anything here... Neither scientists nor customers have yet decided to drill a well. And the clearing will lose its original appearance, and it is unknown what will happen to the “object”.

By the way, this summer, during the second expedition, Moscow scientists recorded the same fluctuations in two more places - on the northern shore of Shaitan Lake (where the Hanuman temple supposedly stood) and in the bend of the Tara River. It is possible that mysterious objects may be discovered underground here too. And in the very center of the bend they found a small “darkness”.

In Okunevo, a woman who came here on vacation from Omsk contacted geophysicists. This is the second year that her family has been renting a house in the village for the summer. And in this house in the evenings, somewhere after 10 p.m., strange music began to sound.

It is impossible to understand where it is coming from. At first they blamed the neighbors, but they were either already asleep or watching the news on TV.

The music didn't cause any particular concern. Perhaps one thing was unpleasant - people involuntarily began to wait for the “musical hour”. Evening comes, but there is no music; the next day they were no longer waiting for it, but it suddenly began to sound. Quietly. But the melody could be heard. For some it reminded the sounds of an organ, interspersed with the ringing of bells, for others - the work of some mechanism. Unfortunately, it was not possible to record it on a voice recorder. But a UFO was seen several times near this house.

Muscovites did not immediately become acquainted with these flying objects. On their first visit, only after two weeks they began to notice orange reflections, yellow-orange fog and white balls. We tried to photograph objects using a Samsung Zoom-145C and four-layer Fujicolor film with a sensitivity of 800 units. In Moscow they printed photographs taken at the foot of the Tatarsky Uval and in a field six kilometers from Okunevo. All of them were wearing a large orange “spinning top”, its configuration reminiscent of the UFO that was observed in 1961 in the skies of Latvia.

“Yula” in its wide part looks like a bluish-green dish, in the center of which, if you look closely, there is something like a rocket nozzle, and just below there is a ball bright, like an electric light bulb. The same ball is at the sharp end of the “spinning top”. Most often it moved with the “nozzle” down.

This summer, we managed to photograph the “yule” in a field southwest of Lake Shaitan, at the Bergamak cordon, in the Tara bend and in the ravine that runs immediately beyond Okunevo.

"Yula" landing under big tree in the bend of Tara, she even fooled around with the photographer: as soon as he was about to “click” her, she r-r-az - and flew to another place. He crept up to her again, but the minx disappeared behind a tree. Finally, she condescended to let herself be photographed, after which she flew up and melted...

And once a spinning top sat down next to a working geophysicist. He didn't even feel it. But when one of the Muscovites tried to touch the “spinning top” with an antenna (it was used to measure the electrical component of the electromagnetic field), the device immediately went “off scale”: the “spinning top” could strike, perhaps, no worse than ball lightning.

At the Bergamak cordon, Muscovites saw an unusual lizard - about forty centimeters long, thick, gray-spotted, it looked more like a monitor lizard. It is possible that the reptile was affected by a long stay in zone B.

Next year, Moscow geophysicists plan to complete their work in Okunevo. Doctors should begin research.

So what is happening in Okunevo? So far, three hypotheses have been put forward to explain the existence of anomalous zones, flying objects and other things there. Disciples of Satya Baba and the English Old Believers believe that all these are traces of ancient civilizations. Ufologists believe that Okunevo is a kind of base for spaceships, messengers of extraterrestrial civilizations. According to the capital's scientists, in the Okunevo area, there may be channels for the “flow” of energy and information from parallel worlds. Then signals in the form of vibrations, UFOs having a certain spectrum, and strange music should be perceived as messages from these worlds. Messages that are waiting to be deciphered.

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Russia is famous for its water resources, and is no exception: the famous “five lakes” of the Omsk region are located on its territory.

This is a mystical place, according to many, surrounded by many rumors and speculations.

In contact with

Description, geographical location, map

Omsk region occupies less than 1% of the entire territory of Russia, its area exceeds 140 thousand km. One of its attractions is the “Five Lakes” system.

It is located in the Muromtsevo district on the border between the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions and includes five lakes.

The unifying factor is their common origin and all sorts of legends that are associated with them. Some believe that the lakes are also connected by an underground river.

This gave rise to speculation about the “celestial” origin of the reservoirs: some researchers suggest that a large meteorite fell to the ground, the fragments of which “dug” several holes. They, in turn, filled with water during the Ice Age.

Danilovo Lake

It is also called Silver. Perhaps the most famous of the Five Lakes group. Location - Kyshtovsky district, Novosibirsk region. The diameter of the reservoir reaches one km, the depth is 16 m, and transparency reaches 5 m.

The latter greatly distinguishes Danilovo from its neighbors: the water is so clean that it can be compared with mountain water. A transparent reservoir with virtually no vegetation.

Danilovo Lake

The banks of the reservoir are flat, overgrown with reeds and cattails. There were also birch, pine and aspen trees there.

It is important to know: Danilovo Lake is beautiful place holiday for a large number of tourists from all over Siberia. Hotels for tourists are located 2 km from it, and the village of Kurganka is located on the very shore.

On the shore you can rent a catamaran and scuba gear, but the entrance to the lake is paid - you won’t be able to get to the shore for free. Near the shores of the reservoir there are deposits of green-blue clay, which has medicinal and cosmetic functions.

Lake Linevo

The lake is located west of Danilov, the Tara River flows near it. Its size is much more modest: it is almost 2 times smaller, but this does not prevent the lake from attracting tourists with the beauty of its landscapes.

The depth reaches 11 meters, transparency – 2.5 meters. Water lilies grow on the surface of the water; on the shore there is a pine forest with mushrooms, berries and many wild inhabitants: ducks, hedgehogs, squirrels. The lake itself contains a large number of fish: pike, perch, roach, carp.

Among vacationers, Linevo Lake is the most popular: there are several tourist centers here, there are places for sports recreation and fishing. For example, the wonderful Kurshavelka recreation center, where you can rent a house, a tent or just a parking lot and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Although this is not a sanatorium, thanks to the healing climate and clean water, we can safely say that the effect of staying in this area will be comparable to treatment in an institution.

Note: Since 2014, the reservoir has been a natural reserve and is protected by the state.

It should not be confused: in the Kurgan region there is a lake with the same name - Linevo, which is famous for its fishing spots and beautiful landscapes.

Pike Lake

Petropavlovka and Nadezhdinka villages. Its dimensions are even more modest - 2 times smaller than Lake Lineva, the depth reaches only 6 meters.

Pike Lake

Unlike its larger “brothers”, the reservoir is very quiet, almost deserted, and is best suited for fishing: pike, crucian carp, bream, and roach are found here.

For lovers of the latter, fishing and tourist bases have been built on the shore.

Shaitan Lake

The second name is Urmannoye, which in translation means “Devil’s”. The reservoir is located near the villages of Inciss and Okunevo and is in great demand among tourists, despite some difficulties in reaching it.

It is surrounded by swamps, which is why it looks almost inaccessible. The only access to the water is along the wooden flooring. There are not many fish in the reservoir, but there are quite a lot of mushrooms and berries in the neighboring forests. You can also swim in it, but due to problems with passage, few people decide to do this.

Take note: however, the lake is famous not only for its natural beauty: its water is considered healing, and there are many rumors and legends among the people.

The five lake system is considered anomalous zone, strange things happen here, magnetic and seismic vibrations and other strange things. Most tourists come specifically for the mysteries, and local residents, trying to expand the flow of visitors, happily share stories about ghosts, buried treasures and flying saucers.

hidden lake

The second one is called Krivoe. The place is mysterious, little known. This lake is a quarter of a kilometer from the Tara River, on the left side is the village of Okunevo.

The lake is not distinguished by its external beauty: it is small and located in a heavily overgrown area. However, in its waters there are twice as many more fish than in the above mentioned “neighbors”.

hidden lake

Also sometimes included in the system is Nameless Lake - it is located near the village of Porechye. The water in this lake is saturated with oxygen, as in Danilov.

Interesting fact: Legend also says that the reservoir has no bottom. Some scientists believe that it may be the exit from an underground tunnel, but no research has been conducted on this topic.

In the Omsk region there is Lake Skokovo in the Kolosovsky district, as well as others: Bakangul, Pestroye, Lebyazhye, where many noble birds of the same name once lived. Or Zhiloye Lake, rich in crucian carp, in the village of Novosoldatka.

Legends and mysteries

There are many legends about the “five lakes” that attract tourists:

    1. The most famous legend is about the origin of the reservoirs from a meteorite that split into five parts when it fell. Unfortunately, scientists cannot yet completely refute or prove this legend.
    2. The next legend is connected with the first: the water in Danilov is unusually clear, with a lot of silver. This is where the second name of the reservoir came from - Silver. Legend claims that silver was brought to the site of the reservoir by a meteorite.
    3. It is believed that Danilov’s “silver” water is healing and can cure severe skin diseases such as psoriasis. Unfortunately, medicine has not yet confirmed this fact.
    4. But not only the first lake can boast of healing properties: legend says that a person who plunges into all five lakes in turn will be completely cured of all diseases and will become younger. The researcher of the water system, Rechkin, even connected this legend with the fairy tale “About the Little Humpbacked Horse” by Ershov: his Ivan the Fool also plunged into three cauldrons in turn and became prettier, and the king who rushed after him was scalded.

  1. Popular rumor ascribes not the best fame to Shaitan Lake. They call him filthy, rotten. It is believed that horses do not drink water from it, since it contains dead water - this legend is reflected in fairy tales, where the hero was asked to bring “dead” and “living” water. Swimming in it was also not recommended. Most likely, the ban was due to the swamps and the inability to get close.
  2. “Living” water is found in the first three lakes. Alas, beneficial features were found only in Danilov, although their strength has not been conclusively confirmed.
  3. The complete list of lakes does not always include the fifth, Secret, which has the shape of a regular circle. It is believed that it does not allow everyone to approach it, but only a select few. Therefore, it was practically impossible to plunge into all five bodies of water to gain strength. It is worth noting that the shape of Crooked Lake looks like an elongated horseshoe.

All the legends today can be easily heard among local residents, but whether to believe them or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Scientific research

Since the beginning of the 21st century, about 9 expeditions of geophysicists and biophysicists have been organized to the “five lakes”, the first one took place in 2003.

In 2008, an expedition from the Siberian University of Physical Culture and Sports took place. She turned her attention to Lake Danilovo and took a sample of water; her tasks also included examining the bottom to prove the fall of a meteorite.

And although both problems have not yet been solved, this gave impetus to the study of reservoirs. Today, those who wish can explore the reservoirs on their own by renting scuba gear. In addition, this made it possible to increase the interest of tourists in Pyatiozerye.

But the “five lakes” are famous not only for their secrets and beautiful legends:

  1. The writer Ershov, the author of “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” lived in the Omsk region and probably heard more than once about dipping into bodies of water.
  2. The so-called Okunevskaya anomaly is well-known and is of great interest: in photographs taken by tourists, extra incomprehensible objects are clearly visible, for example, fireballs, laser beams, tracks of huge footprints similar to those of a bird, coming from nowhere, and much more.
  3. Indian myths say that it was in this place that the great battle between Rama and Evil took place. The victorious hero Hanuman received Siberia as a reward and established a temple near Okunev, inside which the cosmic crystal of Wisdom was kept.
  4. It is believed that the temple mentioned above was located exactly on the site of Shaitan Lake. That is why, at the end of the 20th century, Rajni, a follower of the Indian guru Sri Babaji, unofficially settled nearby. In summer, the Solstice festival takes place here.
  5. During the exploration of Lake Danilov, a depression was discovered, over which hung a “cornice” with old trees. Perhaps its bottom was once the surface of the earth, and then sank down.
  6. Today it is believed that the meteorite could have crashed into the earth at an angle. This is evidenced by the displacement of the earth at the bottom of Lake Danilov;
  7. In 2007, the Municipal State Institution “Five Lakes - Muromtsevo” was created, uniting all tourist centers and youth camps in the region.

Places for rest

The area of ​​“five lakes” is located 200 km from Omsk and 800 km from Novosibirsk, that is, travelers can stay in major cities and get to the place.

It is also worth considering that local residents largely live off tourism. You can stay with them or choose one of the many recreation centers. They can be located right on the shore or several kilometers away, renting out only rooms or entire houses.

On the shores of several lakes, scuba and catamaran rental points are organized for tourists, and there are places for fishing. On the official website you can find detailed information of interest, for example, where to stay.

For interesting data about five lakes in the Omsk region, see the following video:

Lake Danilovo is one of the most famous small lakes in the Novosibirsk region. According to legend, it was formed as a result of a meteorite fall. Due to its origin, the lake has an amazing property: its purest water contains an abnormally large amount of silver. The legend led to the appearance of a second name for the reservoir - Silver. The lake is part of the group of mythical “Five Lakes”, each of which promotes good health and longevity.

The shape of the lake is an oval, with a length of 0.78 km and a width of 0.45 km. Area – 29 hectares. The depth of the reservoir increases towards the center according to scuba divers. In 1975, the expedition of D.N. Fialkova set the depth at 18 m in the center of the lake.

The banks are surrounded on all sides by centuries-old pine trees, there are lonely bushes of bird cherry, rowan, viburnum and honeysuckle, aspen, and a birch forest adjoins the Malokrasnoyarsk direction. Along the shore, thickets of marsh cinquefoil, reeds, reeds and cattails rise from the water.

The water is very clear, the bottom is visible at a depth of 3–5 m, and schools of fish fry are visible in the shallow water. By mid-June it warms up well, and favorable conditions are created not only for swimming, but also for scuba diving.

On the shore of the lake there is a deposit of green-bluish clay, which is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Water also has medicinal properties due to the high silver content. Infusions and decoctions prepared from Danilov water are very effective, and the water rejuvenates the body well. Helps not only in curing skin diseases, but also against toothache. Cancer can even be treated with this water.

There is a recreation area next to the lake. There are tents and campsites for vacationers along the entire southern sandy coast. Tourists come from Omsk, Novosibirsk regions, as well as other regions of Siberia. You can also meet foreigners. After exploring the surroundings of Lake Danilovo, guests can take a steam bath in an authentic Russian bathhouse with birch brooms. The rental point provides tents for different numbers of places. Fishing available. They catch pike, perch, rudd, and tench.

Location: Novosibirsk region, Kyshtovsky district, land use territory of the village of Malokrasnoyarka, at a distance of 12 km from the village of Malokrasnoyarki, Kyshtovsky district and at a distance of about 1 km from the village of Kurganki, Muromtsevo district, Omsk region

How to get there: the distance from the village of Kyshtovka (the regional center of the Kyshtovsky district) to Lake Danilovo is 64 km by car, from Novosibirsk to the lake - 660 km by car (to the village of Malokrasnoyarki, Kyshtovsky district and 10 km by forest road to the lake).
There is a bus service from the Novosibirsk bus station (Krasny Prospekt, 4) to the village of Kyshtovki. A bus also runs from the village of Kyshtovka to the village of Malokrasnoyarki. You can get from Malokrasnoyarka to Lake Danilovo by taxi, in addition, from the village of Kyshtovka there is also a taxi to the lake.

You can see the natural and other attractions of the Novosibirsk region at