Elvish names of castles. Granite cities of Ulakhan-Sis. City of elves. Minas Tirith on Tol Sirion

The city of elves is very small and quite compact. It is hidden in a forested area south of Peak 588 on a slight rise between two ravines. It’s clear where else to live for elves if not in the forest. From the east, from the side where gloomy Mordor rises through a ravine completely littered with dead forest, the city of the elves is closed by a powerful fortress wall. The evil fiery breath extends to the very walls of the fortress, dead trees lie everywhere. But the walls and the warriors on the walls can withstand the blow. And further beyond the wall is a peaceful and kind town, where there is no tall buildings, more of a stone village than a city. But the elves don’t need much, the main thing is the forest.

1. Fortress wall.

2. View of Mordor from the fortress wall.

3. Detachments of warriors are always on guard at the fortress wall.

4. This expressive character stands right behind the wall if you go around it to the left. He doesn’t have a name yet, but someday Tolkien fans will come and call everything here. But here you can clearly see the separation characteristic of granites, which is sometimes called mattress-like. During weathering, the rock is divided into these separate, somewhat rounded blocks.

Let's walk through the city of elves.




8. The fortress wall from a different angle.

9. Quarters and streets of the city of Elves.





14. Even the animals of forest dwellers are not very timid.

City of elves on the map.

The city of elves in a space photograph.

In patch 8.1, they will bring a lot of cool and interesting things - mounts, pets, content, a plot about Vol'Jin, raids, and so on. In general, really a lot! And among all the other things, there was one change that does not particularly affect the gameplay, but shows , how the developers know how to please and be attentive to details.We are talking about the fact that the night elves will learn to change the color of their eyes!

However, this will not happen just like that, but will be justified by the plot. To be able to turn our eyes black, we will have to go through the quest chain “The Ascension of Tyrande”, in which we will find out how much the burning of Teldrassil affected the elven ruler.

For those who like SPOILERS - the following paragraph briefly talks about the chain:

More precisely, about the final scenario, in which the heroes, together with Tyrande, attack Auberdine in order to expel the Horde from there and save the prisoners. After this, they will perform a special ritual of the “Warrior of the Night” and try to capture Nathanos Blightcaller. For now, this is all that is known about the chain.

Completing the quest chain will give us an achievement and the ability to change the appearance of our night elves. Included with black eyes is a special skin color, which you will see in the screenshots below.

The interesting thing is that after the ritual, Tyrande will also change, her eyes will lose their shine and become darker than the night itself, and she will also change her bow to another weapon, and in general her appearance will be closer to the one we saw in the “End Times” dungeon. , where we were presented with visions of a possible future.

Does this mean that Tyrande will lose Elune’s protection and will take a dark path?..

Elven geography of Arda

Elven cities

Avallone (Avallone) is an elven port city on the island of Tol Eressea. Translated from Quenya it means “located near Valinor”.

Alqualonde (Alqualonde, Quenya "Swan Harbor") is a port city in Eldamar (Valinor). Teleri settlement. During the Exodus, the Noldor, who followed Feanor, carried out massacres in the harbors, shedding the blood of their relatives and capturing ships. Part of the army, led by Feanor and his sons, moved to Middle-earth, after which the ships were burned. Second, most of troops led by Fingolfin went to Middle-earth by a roundabout route along the ice of the northern sea.

Annuminas - the capital of Arnor, founded by Elendil. Located on the shores of Lake Evendil. In the Third Age it was desolate, in the Fourth it was rebuilt and turned into a second capital.

Gondolin - the city and hidden kingdom of King Turgon in the Rim Mountains. It lasted longer than all the elven kingdoms and fortresses during the wars between the elves and Morgoth in the Pre-Primary Age.

Lothlorien - forest and state of the elves at the foot of the Misty Mountains, not far from the gates of Moria. Since 1980 of the Third Age, Celeborn and Galadriel have ruled there. In the Fourth Age it was deserted after the mass migration of elves across the Sea.

Menegrot - the capital of Doriath, the kingdom of the Sindar elves in the First Age. It was taken and plundered by the dwarves in their campaign for Nauglamir, then finally destroyed in internecine wars with the sons of Feanor.

Ost-in-Edhil - translated from Sindarin as “city of the elves.” The capital of Eregion, destroyed in 1697 of the Second Age during the war of the Elves with Sauron.

Rivendell (Rivendell, Imladris) - a city of elves ruled by Elrond, located in the Misty Mountains on the Bruinen River.

Silver Haven (Mithlond) - a port on the western coast of Middle-earth, inhabited by elves. It is under the rule of Cirdan the Shipwright. From Silver Harbor the ships of the elves, who wished to part with Middle-earth, sail to the Far West.

Elven kingdoms

Haman (Blissful Kingdom of Amana, Va?linor, Far West)- the westernmost continent of Arda, where the Valar came after the destruction of the lamps of Illuin and Ormal.

In the West it is washed by the Ekkaia Ocean, and in the East it is surrounded by the Pelori mountain range (protection from Morgoth). There was only one passage through the mountains, Kalakirn. On the continent of Amana were the lands of the Valar - Valinor (located on a vast plain) with its capital Valimar. Near the shores of the sea was Eldamar, the home of the elves. The outlines of Aman have remained virtually unchanged since the creation of the world, however, at the end of the Second Age, after the armies of the Númenóreans tried to seize these lands, Aman and Tol-Eressea were, by the will of Ilúvatar, removed from the circles of the world and henceforth it was possible to get there either on an elven ship (Aman - the home of all elves except Avari, but even they could), or with the permission of the Valar.

To the south is the Avatar Desert.

Lorien (translated from Quenya - “land of dreams”) - a forest between the Anduin and Celebrant rivers, east of the Misty Mountains, in the territory of Middle-earth. Another name is Lothlorien.

First mention

Just as in Mirkwood in the north, the inhabitants of Lórien were forest elves - the Galadhrim, descended from the Avari. Initially, they lived for a long time in the forests located on both banks of the upper Anduin.

At the end of the first era, the elves moved to the eastern bank of the Anduin to avoid the proximity of the dwarves. At that time the forest was called Loridan. The culture of the Wood Elves was subsequently enriched by the fusion with the Elves who came from the western mountains at the beginning of the second age, and even the language of the Wood Elves was gradually replaced by the Sindarin language.

Among the newly arrived elves was Amdir, who became the first lord of the elves. It was Amdir who led the army of Lórien during the War of the Ring. Along with him came Galadriel and Celeborn, who also crossed the mountains and Anduin, fleeing the destruction of Eregion during the War of the Elves and Sauron. Celeborn was an elf from the Sindar tribe, Galadriel belonged to the Noldor.

Second mention

Gradually, with the growing influence of Sauron in the lands east of Anduin, some of the elves moved further to the north.

The remaining elves chose Galadriel and Celeborn as their lords.

Galadriel planted mallorns in Lorien - huge trees that grew only in this place of Middle-earth - until Galadriel gave a mallorn sapling to Sam Gamgee.

After this forest west bank Anduin received the name Laurelindorenan (Valley of Golden Singing) - this was the oldest name, which, however, was not forgotten: this is how Lorien was called by Treebeard and Faramir. Later, Laurelindorinan became known as Lothlorien - blooming Lorien. The forests on the eastern bank of the Anduin were called Lorinand (Golden Valley), and later - "Lorien". The dense silver foliage of the trees of Lothlorien turns bright gold in the fall and remains on the branches until the arrival of spring. In spring, last year's leaves fall, covering the forest glades with gold, and on the branches, along with new leaves, golden-yellow flowers bloom, filling the air with a honey fragrance.

The dwellings of the inhabitants of Lórien are located on wooden platforms in the branches of the mallorns. On the highest of the mallorns on the hill of Caras-Galadon were the chambers of Celeborn and Galadriel. To the southeast of it lay the gardens of Galadriel, and in them lay her magical Mirror, in which everyone could see their destiny.

The forests are best known by the name Lórien. In the Rohirrim language, these places are called Dwimordene - a magical forest (from "dwimor" - "ghost", a hint of the magic of the elves).

This magic manifested itself in full when Galadriel received a magic ring, the power of which filled the earth, saving the vegetation covering it from death. With the help of this ring, Galadriel created a powerful defense for her land from the forces of evil. Only the coming of Sauron himself could break her.

In the middle of Lórien is Cerin Amroth, the Mound of Sorrow, on which the first ruler of Lórien is buried. As the Scarlet Book says, there “even in the most harsh winters The Eldar’s always fresh flowers do not fade, and the evergreen grass rustles about the past.” South of Kerin Amroth is the hill of Karas-Galadon, surrounded by a moat and a high earthen wall, the abode of the lords of Lórien. Also on this hill were the dwellings of the rest of the Lorien elves - as they were otherwise called, the Galadhrim. These dwellings - talans - were wooden platforms in the branches of mallorns. At the top of the hill stands the tallest of the mallorns - the chambers of Celeborn and Galadriel were located there. To the southeast of this mallorn lay the gardens of Galadriel, in which one could, with the permission of the mistress, look into her famous Mirror.

Third mention

Lórien remained aloof from the war against Sauron for a long time. Like Doriath, Lorien until now did not participate in the battles against Sauron and remained a mystery to the inhabitants of the surrounding lands. During the War of the Ring, it was attacked three times by orcs from Dol Guldur, but Lórien survived. With the fall of Sauron, the Lorien army captured Dol Guldur. Soon after this, at the beginning of the fourth age, Galadriel left Middle-earth, and Celeborn took his subjects to Mirkwood, and with their departure the history of Lórien ended.

Mirkwood , in other translations "Twilight", "Black or Dark Forest" - a vast forest in Rhovanion (Middle-earth), east of the Misty Mountains, beyond the Anduin River. A remnant of the primeval forest that in ancient times covered a significant part of the territory of Middle-earth. In the north, Mirkwood approaches the Gray Mountains itself, in the east it borders on Erebor, and from its southern tip the Brown Plains begin.

Initially, this forest was inhabited by forest elves, ruled by King Oropher, and later by his son Thranduil. The forest was called "Great Greenwood", "Great Forest" ("Eryn Galen") until about 1100 of the Third Age, when the shadow of the dark lord Sauron fell on the forest, and people began to call it "Taur-e-Ndaedelos" ("Forest of Great Dread") ") - in English, Mirkwood ("Mirkwood"). Sauron established himself in the fortress on the hill of Dol Guldur, forcing Thranduil and his people to withdraw to the northeast. Over time, more and more evil creatures appeared in Mirkwood - orcs, trolls, giant spiders. The forest was crossed from east to west by the old Dwarven Road of Men-i-Naugrim, but due to its relative proximity to Dol Guldur the road was abandoned. The elves used a path to the north - it ended somewhere in the swamps south of Esgaroth, on the Long Lake.

In 2941 of the Third Age (these events are described in the novel The Hobbit, or There and Back Again), Bilbo Baggins, along with Thorin Oakenshield and twelve other dwarves, passed through Mirkwood. There they came across giant spiders. Bilbo saved the dwarves, but soon after they were captured by the wood elves, escaped captivity and liberated Erebor from the dragon Smaug. Around this time, the White Council attacked Dol Guldur and Sauron fled to Mordor, after which his influence in Mirkwood waned for some time.

Many years later, Gollum, after being released from Mordor, was captured by Aragorn and brought to Thranduil, but escaped, taking advantage of an orc raid.

In the spring of 3019 of the Third Age, orcs attacked Thranduil's elves, but the elves withstood the onslaught and drove the orcs south to Dol Guldur. At the same time, the orcs attacked Lórien, but the elves of Celeborn were victorious and moved to the eastern bank of the Anduin in pursuit of the orcs. On April 5, 3019, Thranduil, Galadriel and Celeborn meet near Dol Guldur, and the combined forces of the wood elves of Mirkwood and Lórien destroy the remnants of the orcs, the Dark Tower is destroyed, and "Mirkwood" has since been called "Eryn Lasgalen" ("Forest of Green Leaves" ).

In the south of the forest, Celeborn has since ruled, in the north - Thranduil; the central part of the forest was inhabited by people, the descendants of Beorn.

Rivendell (Rivendell, translated as Razdol, Doln)- “The Hewn Valley” is the hidden refuge of Elrond the Elfinite, created by him in Eriador in 1697 CE for protection from Sauron. This place was located in a deep valley at the western foot of the Misty Mountains and remained hidden thanks to the Ring of Elrond - Vilya - until the end of the War of the Ring. After the destruction of the One Ring, Vilya's power dried up, and Elrond sailed overseas, but Rivendell remained under the rule of his sons, Elladan and Elrohir.

From 1697 to 1701 CE, Rivendell was unsuccessfully besieged by the armies of Sauron.
Rivendell was visited by the characters from The Hobbit - Gandalf, the dwarves Thorin and Bilbo.
Aragorn was brought up in Rivendell, and his future wife, Elrond's daughter Arwen, also lived there.
There Frodo, Merry, Sam, Pippin and Aragorn hid from pursuit of the Nazgul.
The famous Council of Elrond took place there, where it was decided to destroy the One Ring and the Fellowship of the Ring was formed.

Other names
Imladris(Imladris) - elven name. Imlad is a word meaning "valley" or "ravine", and rice is "gorge, dell".
Carningul(Karningul) - the name of Rivendol in Westron. Denotes a deep valley with steep slopes.

The number of names and titles found in the book is enormous, so here are brief information about each character or place. Of course, they cannot reflect everything that is in the book itself; Most of the central characters are given only extremely condensed information - but the Index was still too long, and I shortened it in different ways.

If English translation and the Elvish name are used independently, as, for example, Menegroth and the "Thousand Caves", then I usually gave one article, and English names with reference to the main article was given only if they were used independently or if the Elvish name remained unknown (for example, “High Sovereign”). (We give here only Elvish names and titles. - Trans.) Translations are indicated by quotation marks; most of them appear in the book itself, although not all. In the “Appendices” you can find information about those titles that remain untranslated.

Christopher Tolkien

Avalon is a city and harbor of the Eldar on Tol Eressea; so named because "it is the closest of all cities to Valinor."

Avari, "Refused" - the general name of the elves who refused to leave the shores of Kuivienen to the West.

Avatar, "The Misty" - a desert region on the coast of Aman south of the Gulf of Eldamar, where Melkor met Ungoliant.

Agarvane - see Turin.

Aglarond - "Shining Caves" in Helm's Deep in the White Mountains.

Aglon is a pass between Dorthonion and the highlands west of Mount Himring.

Adanedel - see Turin.

Adunakor, "Lord of the West" - this name was first adopted in Adunaic, the Númenorean dialect, by the nineteenth King of Númenor; his Quenya name is Erunumen.

Adarant is the sixth and southernmost tributary of Gelion in Ossiriand. The name means "double stream", apparently given due to the fact that the river bed goes around the island of Tol Galen in two branches.

Azagal - ruler of the Dwarves of Belegost; wounded Glaurung in the battle of Nirnaeth Arnoediad and was killed by him.

Aiglos is the spear of Gil-galad.

Eilin-yuel, “Twilight Lakes” at the confluence of Aros and Sirion.

Ainur, "Sacred" - Powers created by Ilúvatar first, even before the creation of Ea.

Ainulindale, “Music of the Ainurs” - Great Music of the beginning of the World; this was also the name of the legend about the Creation of Ea composed by Rumil of Tirion.

Irene is a relative of Kurin from Dor Lomin; Brodda of the Vastaks took her as his wife; she helped Morwen after Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Aldaron, "Lord of the Woods" is the Quenya name of the Valar Oromë.

Alcarinque, "The Most Glorious" is the name of the star.

Alcarondas is the huge ship of Ar-Parazon on which he sailed to Aman.

Alqualonde, "Swan Harbor" - main city and Teleri harbor on the banks of the Aman.

Almaren - the first dwelling of the Valar on Arda; an island in the middle of a huge lake located in the center of Middle Earth.

Aman - “Blessed Land” in the West, beyond the Great Sea, where the Valar lived after leaving Almaren.

Amandil, "Loving Aman" - last ruler of Andunie in Númenor, descendant of Elros and father of Elendil; set sail to Valinor and did not return.

Amarië is an elven girl from the Vanyar, the beloved of Finrod Felagund, who remained in Valinor.

Amlah - son of Imlah, son of Marach; leader of the People of Estolad, who began to serve Maedhros.

Amon Obel is a mound in the Forest of Brethil.

Amon Rood - a mountain south of the Forest of Brethil; the home of Mim and the lair of the vagabonds of Turin.

Amon Sul - Mount Weather in the Principality of Arnor.

Amon Erebus is a mountain between Ramdal and the River Gelion in East Beleriand.

Amon Ethir is the “Watch Hill” built by Finrod Felagund east of Nargothrond.

Amrod is the twin brother of Amros, the youngest of the sons of Feanor; died along with Amros during an attack on the settlement of Earendil in the Sirion delta.

Amros - see Amrod.

Anadune – “ Western Land", the name of Númenor in Adúnaic (Númenórean dialect).

Anar is the Quenya name for the Sun.

Anarion is the youngest son of Elendil, who, together with his father and brother Isildur, escaped from the dying Númenor and founded the Númenorean principalities in Middle-earth; ruler of Minas Anor, died during the siege of Barad-dur.

Anarrime is the name of the constellation.

Anakh – pass from Dortonion to western part Ered Gorgorata.

Angabar is a mine in the mountains north of the Valley of Gondolin.

Angband, the "Iron Hell" is Morgoth's huge underground fortress in the north-west of Middle-earth.

Anglahel - a sword made of meteorite iron, which Thingol received from Eol and gave to Beleg; reforged for Turin, he received the name Gurfang.

Antrim is the father of Gorlim the Wretched.

Angrist is a blade created by Telkar of Nogrod; Beren took it from Carafin and with its help extracted the Silmaril from Morgoth's crown.

Angrod is the third son of Finarfin, who, together with his brother Aegnor, defended the northern slopes of Dorthonion; died in the Fire Battle.

Angenor - a chain made by Aule; Morgoth was bound with this chain.

Andor, "The Gifted Land" - Numenor.

Andram is a giant waterfall dividing Beleriand into northern and southern.

Androf - caves in the mountains of Mithrim, where the Gray Elves raised Tuor.

Anduin, "Long River" - The Great River east of the Misty Mountains.

Andunie is a city and harbor on the western coast of Numenor.

Ancalagon is the greatest of the winged dragons of Morgoth, slain by Eärendil.

Annael - Gray Elf from Mithrim, stepfather of Tuor.

Annúminas, the “Stronghold of the West” (i.e. Númenor) is the city of the Kings of Arnor.

Anfauglir is the nickname of the wolf Carcharoth.

Anfauglyph - see Ard-Galen.

Apanonary - see Atani.

Aragorn is the thirty-ninth heir of Isildur in a direct line; King of the reunited Arnor and Gondor after the War of the Ring; husband of Arwen, daughter of Elrond.

Aradan was the name given by the Sindar to Malach, son of Marach.

Araman is a wild desert region on northern coasts Amana.

Aranwe is an elf from Gondolin, father of Voronwe.

Aratan is the second son of Isildur, who died with him in Obolon.

Arachorn is Aragorn's father.

Arvenien - the coast of Middle-earth west of the delta of Sirion.

Arda, "Kingdom" is the name of Earth as the Kingdom of Manwë.

Ard-Galen, "Green Land" - a vast green plain north of Dorthonion; after the ruin it received the name Anfauglyf.

Ar-Gimilzor - the twenty-second King of Numenor, who pursued the Faithful.

Argonath, "Stones of Kings" - Gate of Kings, stone sculptures at the northern borders of Gondor, depicting Isildur and Anarion.

Aredel - sister of Turgon of Gondolin, wife of Eol of Nan Elmut, mother of Maeglin; she was also called Ar-Feiniel, "White Maiden of the Noldor."

Ar-Zimrafel - see Miriel (2).

Arien is Maia, chosen by the Valars to accompany the ship of the Sun.

Armenelos is the city of the Kings of Numenor.

Arminas - see Gelmir (2).

Arnor, "Land of the King" is a northern principality of the Númenóreans in Middle-earth, founded by Elendil after the destruction of Númenor.

Aros is a river in the south of Doriath.

Ar-Parazon, "Gold-faced" - the twenty-fourth and last King of Númenor; his name in Quenya is Tar-Kalion; he captured Sauron and was subsequently deceived by him; he led his fleet against Haman.

Ar-Sakaltor is the father of Ar-Gimilzor.

Arfad is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

Ar-Feiniel - see Aredhel.

Ascar is the northernmost tributary of Gelion in Ossiriand (later called Rafloriel). The name means "violent, indomitable."

Astaldo, "The Valiant" - Valar Tulkas.

Atalante - "Fallen Earth" in Quenya.

Atanamir - see Tar-Atanamir.

Atanatars, “Forefathers of Men” - see Atani.

Athani - "Second People" in the speech of Ilúvatar and in the language of Valinor - People. Elvish names for Men: Hildors Who Came Next; Apanonara, the Afterborn; Engwars Susceptible to Disease; Firimar, Mortals. In Beleriand the Sindar and Noldor for a long time met with Men only from the Three Houses of the Friends of the Elves, who were called Athanathar, "Forefathers of Men"; the Sindar form of Adana belongs to them.

Aule - Valar, one of the Aratars, husband of Yavanna, blacksmith and craftsman who created the dwarves.

Aegnor is the fourth son of Finarfin, who, together with his brother Angrod, defended the northern slopes of Dorthonion; died in the Fire Battle. The name means "Cruel Fire".

Balan - see Beor.

Balar is a huge bay in the south of Beleriand, at the mouth of Sirion; also an island in this bay, where after Nirnaeth Arnoediad lived Cirden and Gil-Galad.

Baragund - father of Morwen, Hurin's wife; nephew of Barahir and one of his twelve companions in Dorthonion.

Barad Dur - Sauron's "Black Fortress" in Mordor.

Barad Nimras - "White Horn Tower", built by Finrod Felagund on a promontory west of Eglarest.

Barahir - Beren's father; saved Finrod Felagund in the Battle of Fire and received the ring from him; killed at Dorthonion.

Barlog is the Sindarin name for the spirits of fire who served Morgoth. In Quenya they were called Valaraukar.

Bar-en-Denwed, "House of Ransom" is the name of the cave on Amon Rúd that Mim provided to Turin and his companions.

Bauglir - see Morgoth.

Beleg - famous archer, chief of the guards of Doriath; had the nickname Cutalion, “Tight Bow”; friend and companion of Turin, who fell by his hand.

Belegaer is the “Great Sea” in the west, between Middle-earth and Aman.

Belegost, the "Mighty Fortress" is one of two Dwarven cities in the Blue Mountains; Sindar version of the Dwarven name Gabilgathol.

Belegund is the father of Rian, wife of Huor; nephew of Barahir and one of his twelve companions in Dorthonion.

Beleriand - they say the name originally meant "Land of Balar" and referred to the lands near the mouth of Sirion. Later the whole coastline northern Middle-earth south of the Gulf of Drengist and the interior regions from Hithlum to the Blue Mountains, divided by Sirion into Western and Eastern Beleriand. At the end of the First Age, Beleriand was destroyed by an earthquake and flooded.

Belfalas is the southern region of Gondor, adjacent to the gulf of the same name.

Beor is the real name of Balan; leader of the people of Men, who was the first to come to Beleriand; founder of the House of Beor, the oldest of the Houses of Hadan. He took the name Beor in the service of Finrod Felagund.

Bereg is the grandson of Baran, son of Beor; leader of the disaffected in Estolad; returned to Eriador.

Beren is the son of Barahir; obtained a Silmaril from the crown of Morgoth as a wedding ransom for Lucien, daughter of Thingol, and was slain by Kargaroth, the Wolf of Angband; the only one of the people, he returned from the halls of Mandos and lived with Lucien on the island of Tol Galen; great-grandfather of Elrond and Elros and ancestor of the Numenorean Kings. He was called Kamlost and Ergamion, "One-Armed".

Berenduin - "Brown River" in Eriador, flowing into the Sea south of the Blue Mountains; Hobbit name - Brandydwin.

Bor is the leader of the Vastaks, who, together with three matchmakers, supported Maedhros and Maglor.

Boran is the eldest son of Beor.

Borlad - son of Bor; together with his brothers he was killed in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Borlach - son of Bor; together with his brothers he was killed in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Boromir - great-grandson of Beor, grandfather of Barahir, father of Beren; first ruler of Ladros.

Borfand - son of Bor; together with his brothers he was killed in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Brandir, nicknamed "The Lame" - took over the rule of the People of Halef after the death of his father Handir, was in love with Nienor; killed by Turin.

Bregolas is the father of Baragund and Belegund; died in Dagor Bregolah.

Bregolah - see Dagor Bregolah.

Bregor is the father of Barahir and Bregolas.

Brethil - forest between the Teiglin and Sirion rivers, where the Haladins (People of Halef) lived

Brillfort, the "Shimmering Stream" is the fourth tributary of Gelion in Ossiriand.

Brithumbar is the northern of the Falas Havens on the coast of Beleriand.

Britun is a river that flows into the Great Sea near Britumbar.

Brodda is a man of the Vastaks, who after Nirnaeth Arnoediad lived in Hithlum and married Aerin, a relative of Hurin; killed by Turin.

Vase, "Fickle" - the name of the Sun among the Noldor.

Vaira, "Weaver of the World" - one of the Val, wife of Namo Mandos.

Valaquanta, "The Tale of the Valar" is one of the tales that make up The Silmarillion.

Valakirka, "Sickle of the Valars" - the constellation Ursa Major.

Valandil is the youngest son of Isildur, the third king of Arnor.

Valaraukar - Quenya means "Mighty Demons", the same as the Sindar "barlog".

Valaroma is the horn of the Valar Orome.

Valars - “Forces”, Elements; the name of those Ainurs who came to Arda at the Beginning of Time, becoming its creators and guardians.

Valinor is the land of the Valar in Aman, beyond the Pelors.

Valmar - city of the Valar in Valinor; in the song Galadriel ("VK", vol. 1, book 2, Ch. 8) appears in the form of Valimar as the equivalent of Valinor.

Vals - “Women (Queens) of the Valars”; the word is used only in Valaquent.

Vana, "Forever Young" - one of the Val, sister of Yavanna and consort of Orome.

The Vanyars are the first of the Eldar peoples to set off from the shores of Kuivienen to the West. The name itself means "Light", which refers to the golden color of the Vaniars' hair.

Varda is the greatest of the Val, the wife of Manwe, who lives with him on Tanikvatil. She is called the “Mistress of the Stars” - Elbereth, Elentari, Tintalle.

Wilvarin is the name of the constellation. The Quenya word means "butterfly" and apparently refers to the constellation Cassiopeia.

Vingilot, "Flower of the Seas" is the name of Eärendil's ship.

Viniamar is the palace of Turgon in Nevrast under Mount Teras.

Voronwë, "The Steadfast" - an elf from Gondolin, the only survivor of the sailors of the seven ships sent by Turgon to the West after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad; Tuor's guide to Gondolin.

Vayal is one of the Three Rings of the Elves, the Ring of Air or sapphire ring, which was wielded by Gil-Galad and later by Elrond.

Gabilgathol - see Belegost.

Galadriel – daughter of Finarfin and sister of Finrod Felagund; one of the leaders of the Noldor rebellion against the will of the Valar; married Celebern of Doriath and remained with him in Middle-earth after the end of the First Age; keeper of Naina, the Ring of Water, in Lothlórien.

Galathilion - White Tree of Tyrion, similar to Telperion.

Galdor - nicknamed the High, son of Hador Lorindol and ruler of Dor Lomin; father of Hurin and Huor; killed at the fortress of Eithel Sirion.

Gan is a huge hunting dog from Valinor, which Orome gave to Celegorm, friend and assistant of Beren and Lucien; died in a battle with Kargaroth, defeating him.

Gwindor - elf of Nargothrond, brother of Gelmir; fled from the mines of Angband; assisted Beleg in his search for Turin; brought Turin to Nargothrond; killed in the attack on Nargothrond.

Gelion is a major river in East Beleriand, rising from Himring and Mount Reir and fed by the rivers of Ossiriand flowing from the Blue Mountains.

Gelion the Elder is a tributary of Gelion, originating from Mount Reir.

Gelmir (1) - elf of Nargothrond, brother of Gwindor, captured at Dagor Bregolach and put to death at the walls of Eithel Sirion before Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Gelmir (2) - an elf from the clan of Angrod, who, together with Arminas, brought news of danger to Orodref in Nargothrond.

Gil-galad, "Shining Star" was the name by which Ereinion, son of Fingon, was known. After Turgon's death he became the last High King of the Noldor in Middle-earth and remained in Lindon after the end of the First Age; together with Elendil, he was the leader of the Last Alliance of Men and Elves; died in a duel with Sauron.

Gildor is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

Gil-Estel, "Star of Hope" was the Sindarin name of Eärendil during his voyages with the Silmaril across the celestial seas.

Gimilzor - see Ar-Gimilzor.

Gimilkad is the youngest son of Ar-Gimilzor and Inzilbeth, the father of Ar-Parazon, the last King of Numenor.

Ginglit is a river in West Beleriand that flows into Narog near Nargothrond.

Glaurung - first of Morgoth's dragons; fought at Dagor Bregolach, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, in the attack on Nargothrond; enchanted Turin and Nienor; killed by Turin.

Gloredhel - daughter of Hador Lorindol of Dor Lomin, sister of Galdor; wife of Haldir of Brethil.

Glorfindale is an elf from Gondolin who died in a duel with a barlog while the inhabitants were fleeing from the dying city. The name means "golden-haired".

Holodrim are a Sindar form of "Noldor" in Quenya.

Gondolin, Onolinde - "The Hidden Rock", the secret kingdom of King Turgon.

Gondor, " Stone Edge" - a Numenorean principality in the south of Middle-earth, founded by Isildur and Anarion.

Gonhirrim, "Lords of Stone" is the Sindarin name for the Dwarves.

Gorgorath (1) - see Ered Gorgorath.

Gorgorath (2) is a plateau in Mordor between the converging spurs of the Ash and Gloomy Mountains.

Gorlim, nicknamed the Wretched, is one of Barahir's twelve comrades in Dorthonion, who betrayed Barahir's refuge to Sauron.

Gorthol, "Deadly Helm" was the name taken by Turin as one of the Two Chieftains in the Land of the Bow and the Helm.

Gorthaur is the name of Sauron among the Sindar.

Gothmag is the leader of the Barlogs, the military leader of Angband, who killed Feanor, Fingon and Ecthelion.

Grond, the "Hammer of the Underworld" - the huge hammer of Morgoth, with which he defeated Fingolfin. The same name was given to the ram used during the assault on Minas Tirith (“VK”, vol. 3, book 6, chapter 4).

Gundor is the youngest son of Hador Lorindol; killed along with his father in Dagor Bregolah.

Gurfang was the name given to Anglahel, Beleg's sword, after it was reforged in Nargothrond for Turin.

Galvorn is a metal invented by Eol.

Gandalf is the name of the magician and sage Mithrandir among people; see Olorin.

Dagnir is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

Dagair Glaurung, "The Curse of Glaurung" - Turin.

Dagor Aglareb, "The Victorious Battle" is the third of the great Battles of Beleriand.

Dagor Bregolah, "The Battle of Fire" is the fourth of the great Battles of Beleriand.

Dagorlad is the site of the great northern battle between the forces of Sauron and the Last Alliance of Men and Elves at the end of the Second Age.

Dagor-nuin-Giliath, "The Battle of the Stars" was the second of the Battles of Beleriand, fought in Mithrim after Fëanor's return to Middle-earth.

Dairuin is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

Darin - Sovereign of the Dwarves of Khazad-Dum (Moria).

Daeron is the minstrel of King Thingol, versed in ancient knowledge, who created Kirt, the rune alphabet; loved Luchien and gave her away twice.

Denethor - son of Lenwe; leader of the Nandors who crossed the Blue Mountains and settled in Beleriand; slain on Amon Erebus in the first of the Battles of Beleriand.

Dimbar is the region between Sirion and Mindeb.

Dior - son of Beren and Lucien, heir of Thingol, father of Elwing, mother of Elrond; after the death of Thingol he came to Doriath from Ossiriand; owned the Silmaril by inheritance; killed in Menegroth by the sons of Feanor.

Dol Guldur, the "Witch Mountain" - Sauron's fortress in the south of Twilight in the Third Age.

Dolmed, the "Wet Peak" is a peak in the Blue Mountains near the dwarven cities of Nogrod and Belegost.

Dor Dinen, "Land of Silence" is a desert region in the upper reaches of Esgalduin and Aros.

Dor Dadelot, "The Land of the Dread Shadow" - the lands of Morgoth in the north.

Doriath, the "Fenced Kingdom" - so called because of the Belt of Melian; ancient name– Eglador; the kingdom of Thingol and Melian in the forests of Neldoreth and Region, with its capital Menegroth on the river Esgalduin.

Dor Caranthir, "The Land of Caranthir" - Thargelion.

Dorlas - a man from the Haladin in Brethil; together with Hurin and Hunter he went to fight Glaurung, but fled in fear; killed by Brandir the Lame.

Dor Lomin is a region in the south of Hithlum, the possessions of Fingon, which he gave to the House of Hador; home of Hurin and Morwen.

Dor-nu-Fauglif, “The Land Hidden by Ashes” - see Anfauglyf.

Dorthonion, "Pineland" - the wooded highlands of northern Beleriand, later called Taur-nu-Fuin.

Drauglin - a werewolf killed by Gan; in his guise Beren entered Angband.

Drengist is a large bay jutting deep into the land in the region of Ered Lomin, the western border of Hithlum.

The Duilwen is the fifth tributary of Gelion in Ossiriand.

The Dunadans, "Adans of the West" - Númenóreans.

Dungortheb - see Nan-Dungortheb.

Ibun is one of the sons of the dwarf Mim.

Ivrin is a lake and waterfalls at the foot of Ered Wethrin, where the Narog River originates.

Idril, called Celebrindel, "Silverfoot" - the only daughter of Turgon and Elenwe; the wife of Tuor, the mother of Eärendil, who fled with him to the Delta of Sirion; went to the West with Tuor.

Isengard - Saruman's fortress in the Misty Mountains; translation into the language of Rohan of its Elvish name Angrenost.

Isil is the Quenya name for the moon.

Illuin is one of the Torches of the Valar, created by Aulë. Illuin stood in the north of Middle-earth. At the site of its fall, the inland sea of ​​Helkar was formed.

Ilúvatar – “Father of All”, Eru.

Ilmen is a heavenly land; location of the stars.

Imladris - Doln, Elrond's home in a valley near the Misty Mountains.

Imlach is the father of Amlah.

Ingwe is the leader of the Vaniars, the first Eldar to set sail from the shores of Cuivienen to Valinor. In Aman he lived on Taniquetil and was considered the High King of all Elves.

Indis - from the Vaniar people, a relative of Ingwe; second wife of Finwë, mother of Fingolfin and Finarfin.

Inziladan is the eldest son of Ar-Gimilzor and Inzilbet; subsequently took the name Tar-Palantir.

Inzilbet is a queen from the House of Princes of Andunie, wife of Ar-Gimilzor.

Irmo - Valar, usually called Lorien, after its habitat.

Isildur is the eldest son of Elendil, who, together with his father and brother Anarion, escaped from the dying Númenor and founded the southern Númenorean principality in Middle-earth; ruler of Minas Ithil. He took the One Ring from Sauron's hand and was killed by orcs while crossing the Anduin.

Istari are magicians. See Caranir, Saruman; Mithrandir, Gandalf, Olórin; Radagast.

Yavanna, “Giver of Fruits”, is one of the Vals ranked among the Aratars, the wife of Aule.

Khazad is the self-name of the Dwarven people.

Khazad-Dum – largest settlement Dwarves from the people of Darin in the Misty Mountains (Moria).

Kalakvendi, "Elves of Light" - elves of Aman (High Elves).

Kalakirya, "Passage of Light" - a gorge in Pelori, in which the green hill of Tuna was erected.

Calenardhon, "Green Edge" - the name of Rohan at the time when it was the northern part of Gondor.

Karanir - see Saruman.

Caranthir is the fourth of the sons of Feanor, nicknamed the Dark One; the most rude and hot-tempered of the brothers; ruler of Thargelion; killed in an attack on Doriath.

Karafin is the fifth son of Feanor, nicknamed the Skillful; Celebrimber's father. For the origin of the name, see Fëanor; for history see Celegorm.

Karafinwe - see Feanor.

Kargaroth - a huge wolf from Angband, who bit off Beren's hand, which was clutching the Silmaril; killed by Gan in Doriath. The name means "Red Throat". Also called Anfauglir, "Insatiable Maw".

Cardolan is a region in the south of Eriador, part of the Principality of Arnor.

Carnil is the name of the red star.

Quendi is the self-name of all elven peoples, including Avari, meaning “those who speak with a voice.”

Quanta Silmarillion - "The History of the Silmarils."

Quenya is an ancient speech common to all Elves, in the form it took in Valinor; it was brought to Middle-earth by the exiled Noldor, but it was not used for everyday communication, especially after the decree of King Thingol. It was also called the High Speech of the West; the tongue of Valinor; Noldor dialect.

Kalvar is an Elvish word found in Yavanna's request to Manwë and means “animals; living beings capable of movement."

Celebern (1) - "Tree of Silver", the name of a tree on the island of Tol Eressea, a descendant of Galathilion.

Celebern (2) - elf from Doriath, kinsman of Thingol; took Galadriel as his wife and remained with her in Middle-earth after the end of the First Age.

Celebrant, the "Silver Stream" is a river that flows through Lórien and flows into the Anduin.

Celebrimber, the "Silver Hand" - son of Carafin, who remained in Nargothrond; in the Second Age - the greatest of the blacksmiths of Eregion, who created the Three Rings of the Elves; killed by Sauron.

Celebrindel - see Idril.

Celebros, "Silver Rain" or "Silver Splashes" is a stream in the Forest of Brethil, flowing into Teiglin at the Crossroads.

Celegorm is the third son of Feanor, nicknamed the Light One; before the Fiery Battle, he ruled Himlad together with his brother Karafin; lived in Nargothrond; captured Luchien; owner of the dog Ghana; killed by Dior in Menegroth.

Kelon is a tributary of the Aros, a river flowing from Mount Himring to the southwest. The name means "stream flowing from the heights."

Kementari - "Queen of the Earth", the title of Yavanna.

Kim is the son of the dwarf Mim, killed by an arrow from a bandit from Turin.

Kirden "Shipbuilder" - elf from Teleri, ruler of Falas (western coasts of Beleriand); after the defeat of the Havens in Nirnaeth, Arnoediad, together with Gil-Galad, took refuge on the island of Balar; during the Second and Third Ages he remained the guardian of Silver Harbor.

Kirion is the third son of Isildur, who died with him in Obolon.

Kirt are runes originally invented by Daeron of Doriath.

Crissaegrim is a mountain peak south of Gondolin, the nesting site of the Eagles of Thorondor.

Kuivienen, "Waters of Awakening" - a lake in Middle-earth where the first elves, later found by Oromë, awoke.

Cuthalion - see Beleg.

Laikwendi - "Green Elves" who lived in Ossiriand.

Lalaith, Two-Bit, daughter of Morwen and Hurin, died in infancy.

Lammoth, the "Great Echo" is a region north of the Gulf of Drengist, so named after Morgoth's fight with Ungoliant, when Morgoth's cry echoed through the mountains.

Lantir Lamach - "Waterfall of Echoes" was located next to Dior's dwelling in Ossiriand; In his honor, Elwing received her name, meaning “star scattering.”

Laurelin, the "Golden Song" is the youngest of the Two Trees of Valinor.

Legolin is the third tributary of Gelion in Ossiriand.

Lembas is the later Sindarin name for the “road bread” of the Eldar (from the ancient Lennbass, Koimas in Quenya).

Lenwë - leader of the elves from the Teleri who refused to cross the Misty Mountains during the campaign from the shores of Cuivienen (later called Nandor); Denethor's father.

Linaeven is a huge “Bird Lake” in Nevrast.

Lindon - the name of Ossiriand in the First Age; later the name was retained for the surviving lands west of the Blue Mountains.

Lindorie is Insilbet's mother.

Loughran - leader of the Vastaks of Hithlum after Nirnaeth Arnoediad, who took Tuor into slavery.

Lomion - see Maeglin.

Laurelin is a lake in Lórien in Valinor, favorite place recreation Vals Este.

Lórien (1) – gardens and habitat of the Valar Irmo. Over time, Valar himself began to be called by this name.

Lorien (2) - a region ruled by Celebern and Galadriel between the rivers Celebrant and Anduin. Perhaps the name was borrowed from Lorien Valinor. In Lothlorien, "lot-" means "flower".

Lorindol - see Hador.

Losgar is a place near the Gulf of Drengist where Feanor burned the Teleri ships.

Lothlorien - see Lorien.

Lothlann, "wide and desolate" - the region north of Maedhros's Frontier.

Luinil is the name of a blue star.

Lumbar is the name of the star.

Lun is a river in Eriador that flows into the Sea near Silvery Haven.

Lucien is the daughter of King Thingol and Maia Melian, Beren’s beloved, who shared the fate of Mortals with him.

Mablung, "Heavy Hand" - an elf from Doriath, the chief commander of Thingol, a friend of Turin. Killed in Menegroth by dwarves.

Magor is the son of Malach Aradan; took part of the people of Marach to Western Beleriand.

Maia - Ainur less powerful than the Valar.

Malach - son of Marach; his elven name is Aradan.

The Malduin is a tributary of the Teiglin. The name probably means "Yellow River".

Manwe is the chief of the Valar, also called the Lord of Arda and its Supreme Ruler.

Mandos (the name means "Justice") is the habitat that became the name of the Valar Namo in Valinor.

Marach is the leader of the third of the human tribes that came to Beleriand, the ancestor of Hador Lorindol.

Mardil - nicknamed the Faithful; first ruling Steward of Gondor.

Mahal is the name given to Aule by the dwarves.

Mahtan is the great Noldor blacksmith, father of Nerdanel.

Maeglin, "Sharp Eye" - son of Eol and Aredhel, Turgon's sister. His mother named him Lomion, "Son of Twilight." Born in Nan Elmouth; achieved influence in Gondolin and surrendered the city to Morgoth; killed by Tuor during the defense of the city.

Maedhros is the eldest son of Feanor, nicknamed the High; was chained to a rock in Thangorodrim and freed by Fingon; defended Mount Himring and surrounding lands; convened the Alliance of Maedhros, which ended with the Battle of Nirnaeth Arnoediad; at the end of the First Age he died after taking possession of one of the Silmarils.

Melian - Maia, who left Valinor and went to Middle-earth; wife of King Thingol; surrounded Doriath with the Enchanted Belt of Melian; Lucien's mother.

Melkor - in Quenya the name of the rebellious Valar, by origin the most powerful of them, who laid the foundation for Evil, later he was called Morgoth, Bauglir, the Dark Lord, the Enemy, etc. The name Melkor means "Rise in Glory."

Menegroth, "A Thousand Caves" - the palace of Thingol and Melian in Doriath on the river Esgalduin.

Meneldil is the son of Anarion, King of Gondor.

Menelmakar, "Sword Bearer of Heaven" - constellation Orion.

Meneltarma, the "Pillar of Heaven", was a mountain in the center of Númenor, on the top of which was the sanctuary of Eru Ilúvatar.

Meret Adertad - "Feast of Reunion", hosted by Fingolfin at the Ivryne Falls.

Mim is a little dwarf in whose house Bar-en-Denved on Amon Rúd Turin hid; betrayed his guest to the Enemy. Killed by Hurin in Nargothrond.

Minas Anor, "Fortress of the Sun" - the city of Anarion at the foot of Mount Mindolluin, later - Minas Tirith, "Fortress of the Guard".

Minas Ithil, "Fortress of the Moon" - the city of Isildur, built on a spur of the Gloomy Mountains, later - Minas Morgul, "Witch Fortress".

Minas Morgul - see Minas Ithil.

Minastir - see Tar-Minastir.

Minas Tirith (1) - “Watchtower” built by Finrod Felagund on the island of Tol Sirion.

Minas Tirith (2) - see Minas Anor.

Mindeb is a tributary of the Sirion between Dimbar and the Forest of Neldoreth.

Mindolluin, the "Blue-Eyed Tower" is a peak near Minas Anor.

Miriel (1) - Finwë's first wife, Feanor's mother, who died after his birth.

Miriel (2) - Tar-Miriel, daughter of Tar-Palantir, forcibly taken as a wife by Ar-Parazon and took the name Ar-Zimraphel.

Mithlond, the "Silver Haven" of the elves in western Middle-earth.

Mithrandir, "Grey Wanderer" is the name of one of the Istari, the Mage Olórin, among the Elves.

Mithrim is a huge lake in the east of Hithlum and the land around it to the mountains in the west that separate Mithrim from Dor Lomin.

Morwen is the daughter of Baragund, nephew of Barahir, Beren's father; wife of Hurin, mother of Turin and Nienor. She was called Eledwen, "elven light", and the Lady of Dor Lomina.

Morgoth, "The Black Enemy of the World" is the name given to Melkor by Fëanor after the theft of the Silmarils.

Morgul - see Minas Morgul.

Mordor, the "Black Country" is Sauron's domain east of the Gloomy Mountains.

Morikvendi - Night Elves.

Moria - see Khazad-Dum.

Mormegil - see Gurfang.

Maglor is the second son of Feanor, a great poet and minstrel; defended Maglor's Gorge; at the end of the First Age, together with Maedhros, he took possession of two Silmarils, but was forced to throw his own into the Sea.

Nair – one of the Three Elven Rings, the Ring of Fire; it was kept by Cirden, and later by Mithrandir.

Nazgûl – Ring-bearers, bearers of the Nine Rings, slaves of the One Ring and servants of Sauron.

Namo - see Mandos.

Nandor - the word supposedly means "those who returned": the elves from Teleri who refused to cross the Misty Mountains during the campaign to the West from the shores of Cuivianen; Some of them, under the leadership of Denethor, subsequently came to Ossiriand.

Nan Dungortheb - a gorge between the chasms of Ered Gorgorath and the Belt of Melian; the name is translated in the text as “valley of terrible death.”

Nan Tafren - “Willow Valley” at the confluence of Narog and Sirion.

Nan Elmut - a forest east of the Kelon River where Elwe Thingol and Melian met; later Aeolus lived in this forest.

Nargothrond - “mighty underground fortresses on the river Narog”, founded by Finrod Felagund and destroyed by Glaurung; the city itself and the lands around it.

Narn and Hin Hurin - "The Tale of the Children of Hurin", an ancient long ballad retold in the 21st chapter; attributed to the poet Dyrhavel, a man who lived in the Sirion Havens during the time of Eärendil and died when attacked by the sons of Feanor.

The Narog is the main river of Western Beleriand, rising at the Falls of Ivryn and flowing into Sirion at Nan Tafren.

Narsil - sword of Elendil, forged by Telkar of Nogrod; he was broken in the duel between Elendil and Sauron, and then reforged by Aragorn and given a new name - Andril.

Narsilion is a song about the Sun and Moon.

Nauglamir, "Necklace of the Dwarves" - jewelry forged by the Dwarves for Finrod Felagund; Hurin brought it to Nargothrond, and it caused the death of Thingol.

Naugrim, "Low People" - the name of the Dwarves in Sindarin.

Nahar is the horse of the Valar Oromë.

Nevrast is a region in the west of Dor Lomin, beyond Ered Lomin, where Turgon lived before leaving for Gondolin. The name means “Local Shore” and originally referred to the entire western coast of Middle-earth, as opposed to the “Far Shore”, Harast - Aman.

Neldoreth is a huge beech forest in the northern part of Doriath.

Nenar is the name of the star.

Nen Girith, "Trembling Water" - waterfalls on Celebros in the Forest of Brethil.

Nennin is a river in Western Beleriand, flowing into the Sea at the harbors of Eglarest.

Nerdanel is the daughter of the blacksmith Makhtan, the wife of Feanor.

Nimbrethil - birch groves of Arvenien in the south of Beleriand.

Nimloth, “White Flowers” ​​(1) – White Tree of Numenor. Isildur saved his life-giving fruit White Tree Minas Ithil.

Nimloth (2) – wife of Dior, Heir of Thingol, mother of Elwing. She died in Menegrot during the attack of the sons of Feanor.

Nymphelos is a huge pearl given by Thingol to the ruler of the Dwarves, Belegost.

Niniel - see Nienor.

Nirnaeth Arnoediad, "Countless Tears" - The Fifth Battle of the Wars of Beleriand, which ended in a crushing defeat for Elves and Men.

Nifredil is a white flower that bloomed in Doriath at dusk when Lucien was born; he also grew up on the mound of Kerin Amroth in Lórien.

Nienna is one of the Val, the Maiden of Sorrow and Pity, sister of Mandos and Lorien.

Nienor, "Sadness" - daughter of Hurin and Morwen, sister and wife of Turin; Bewitched by Glaurung, she forgot her past and found herself in the Brethil Forests. Unaware of the relationship, Turin gave her the name Niniel, "Wet-Eye"; Having learned the truth, she rushed into the waters of Teiglin.

Nogrod is one of two dwarven cities in the Blue Mountains.

The Noldor are the Wise Elves, the second people of the Eldar, who went to the West under the leadership of Finwë. In Sindarin this word sounds like Holodrim.

Numenor (full form in Quenya - Numenore) - “Western Land”, huge island, created by the Valars for the Adans at the end of the First Age. Its other names are Anadune, “Western Land”; Andor, "The Gifted Land"; Elenna, "Land-under-the-Star", and after death - Atalante and Mar-nu-Falmar.

Nurtale Valinorev - “Song of the Hiding of Valinor.”

Nein - one of the Three Elven Rings, the Ring of Water; Galadriel kept it.

Nessa is one of the Val, sister of Orome and wife of Tulkas.

Oyolossë, "Eternal White" is the Elvish name for Tanikvaetil. "Valakwanta" only refers to the peak of Tanikwetil.

Olvar is an Elvish word heard in Yavanna's request to Manwë and means "those who hold their roots to the earth."

Olórin is a Maia, one of the Istari, the magicians, known among the Elves as Mithrandir, and among Men as Gandalf.

Olwe - together with his brother Elwe (Thingol), led the Teleri people to the West from the banks of Kuivienen; ruler of the Teleri of Alqualonde.

Ondolinde, "Stone Song" is the original Quenya name for Gondolin.

Orcs are creatures created by Melkor as a mockery of the elves.

Ormal is one of the Lights of the Valar, created by Aulë. Ormal stood in the south of Middle-earth.

Orodref - second son of Finarfin, ruler of the fortress of Minas Tirith on Tol Sirion; King of Nargothrond after the death of Finrod; Father Finduilas.

Orodruin, "Mountain of Furious Flame" - a volcano in Mordor where Sauron forged the One Ring; also called "Mount Doom".

Orome - Valar, great hunter, husband of Vana; he led the Eldar from the banks of Kuivienen to the West. The name means "Sound of Horns".

Orthanc is an ancient Numenorean tower in the ring of rocks of Isengard.

Osgiliath, the "Star Citadel" is the capital of ancient Gondor on the Anduin.

Ossiriand, "Seven Rivers" - the region between Gelion and its tributaries flowing from the Blue Mountains, inhabited by the Green Elves.

Osse - Maia from the retinue of Ulmo, living in the waters of Arda; Teleri's friend and mentor.

Okhtar, "Warmaster" - Isildur's squire who brought the wreckage of Narsil to Imladris.

Palantir, “Seeing Through the Distance” - seven Vigilant Stones created by Feanor and brought to Middle-earth by Isildur.

Parazon - see Ar-Parazon.

Pelargir is a Númenórean harbor above the Anduin delta.

The Pelors - “enclosing or protective heights”, also called the Mountains of Aman, were erected by the Valar after the destruction of their home on Almaren; they covered Aman in a semicircle from the east.

Periannath - Hobbit people, Halflings.

Ragnor is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

Radagast is one of the Istari (Mages).

Radruin is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

Rana, "The Wanderer" is the name of the Moon among the Noldor.

Rafloriel, "Golden Channel" - the name of the river Askar after the treasures of Doriath were thrown into it.

The region is dense forests in the southern part of Doriath.

Reir is a mountain north of Lake Helevorn, where Main Gelion begins.

Rian is the daughter of Belegund (nephew of Barahir, Beren's father); wife of Huor and mother of Tuor; after her death, Huora died of melancholy on the Mound of Tears.

Rivil is a river that flows north from Dorthonion and flows into Sirion near the Marshes of Serech.

Ringvil is a stream that flows into Narog near Nargothrond.

Ringil is the sword of Fingolfin.

Romena - harbor on east coast Númenora.

Rohan - "Land of Horses". This was the name in Gondor for the huge grassy plain at the northern borders of the kingdom.

Rohirrim - "Lords of Horses", the people inhabiting Rohan.

Rhudaur is a region northeast of Eriador.

Rumil - Noldor from Tirion who invented writing and supposedly wrote down the Ainulindalë.

Raros - huge waterfalls on the Anduin River,

Salmar - Maya, who came to Arda with Ulmo; he made the horns of Ulmuri for Ulmo.

Saruman - "Craftsman"; translation into the Universal Language of the name Karanir.

Sauron - “The Inspiring Terror”, in Sindarin - Gorthaur; the greatest of Melkor's servants, originally Maya from the retinue of Aule.

Saeros - an elf from Nandor, one of Thingol's main advisers in Doriath; he insulted Turin at Menegroth and was killed by him.

Seregon – “blood of stone”, a plant with dark red flowers; grew, in particular, on Amon Rudh.

Sereh is a huge swamp north of the Sirion Gorge at the confluence of the Sirion Rivila.

The Silmarils are three stones created by Feanor before the Two Trees of Valinor perished, and filled with their light.

Silmarien - daughter of Tar-Elendil, fourth King of Numenor; mother of the first ruler of Andunie, ancestor of Elendil.

Sindar - Gray Elves. This was the name of all the Elves from Teleri who were found by the Noldor when they returned to Beleriand, except the Green Elves of Ossiriand. Apparently, the name is due to the fact that the elves of Hithlum, who lived in the gray, gloomy northern lands, were the first to meet them; or with the fact that these elves did not belong either to the Light Elves of Valinor, or to the Avari, the Night Elves, and received the nickname of the Elves of Twilight. Perhaps there is a connection between this name and the nickname Elwe - Thingol (in Quenya - Sindakollo, Singollo - “Silvermancer”). The self-name of the Sindars is Aedile.

Sirindae - see Miriel (1).

Sirion is the “Great River” that divides Beleriand into Western and Eastern.

Soronume is the name of the constellation.

Sulimo is one of the names of Manwë, in Valakvant it means “Lord of the Breath of Arda.”

Talah Dirnen is the Guardian Plain north of Nargothrond.

Talah Rhunen - "Eastern Valley", the ancient name of Thargelion.

Talion - see Hurin.

Talos is the second of the tributaries of Gelion in Ossiriand.

Thangorodrim - mountains raised by Morgoth over Angband; were destroyed in the Great Battle at the end of the First Age.

Taniquetil, "High White Peak" - highest peak the Pelorian Mountains and all of Arda; here is Ilmarin, the home of Manwe and Varda.

Tar-Ancalimon - fourteenth King of Numenor; During his reign, the Numenoreans were divided into two warring parties.

Tar-Atanamir is the thirteenth King of Numenor, to whom envoys of the Valar came.

Thargelion is the region beyond the Gelion River, between Mount Reir and the Askar River, the possession of Caranthir.

Tar-Kalion is the Quenya name for Ar-Parazon.

Tar-Ciriatan is the twelfth King of Numenor, the "Shipwright".

Tar-Minastir is the eleventh King of Númenor, who helped Gil-galad in the wars against Sauron.

Tar-Miniatar was the name that Elros adopted as the first King of Numenor.

Tar-Miriel - see Miriel (2).

Tarn Iluin is a lake in Dorthonion, the last camp and the place of death of Barahir and his squad.

Tar-Palantir, the "Seer" is the twenty-third King of Númenor, who took his name in Quenya according to ancient custom. See Inziladun.

Tar-Elendil is the fourth King of Numenor, father of the Silmarians.

Taur im Duainaf - “Forest in Mesopotamia”, a wild region south of Andram, between Sirion and Gelion.

Taur-nu-Fuin, "Forest in the Night" - a later name for Dorthonion.

Taur-en-Faroth is a wooded hillock west of Narog, above Nargothrond.

The Teiglin is a tributary of the Sirion, beginning at the Ered Wethrin and skirting the Forest of Brethil to the south.

Telemnar is the twenty-sixth King of Gondor.

Telkar is the most famous of the blacksmiths of Nogrod, who created Angrist and Narsil.

Telperion - White Tree, eldest of the Two Trees of Valinor.

Telumendil is the name of the constellation.

Tilion is Maya, the guide of the Moon.

Thingol "Silvermancer" was the name by which Elwe, leader of the Teleri, became King of Doriath and was known in the First Age in Beleriand.

Tinúviel is the name that Beren gave to Lucien; the word means "Daughter of Twilight", a poetic name for the nightingale.

Tyrion is the “High Watchtower” of the elves at the top of Tuna.

Tol Galen - "Green Island" on the Adarant River in Ossiriand, where Beren and Lucien lived.

Tol Morwen is an island formed after the flooding of Beleriand on the site of the death of Turin, Nienor and Morwen.

Tol Sirion is an island in the Pass of Sirion, on which Finrod's watchtower, Minas Tirith, was located, which was later captured by Sauron.

Tol Eressea is the “Lonely Island” on which the Vanyar and Noldor (and later the Teleri) crossed the Great Sea with the help of Ulmo. It was later placed in the Gulf of Eldamar and became the home of the Teleri before their migration to Alqualonde.

Thorondor - “King of the Eagles”, who bring Manwe news of everything that happens in Middle-earth.

Thranduil - elf from the Sindars, king of the Green Elves of Twilight; Legolas' father.

Tulkas - Valar, "The Greatest in Courage and Strength", the last to come to Arda, his nickname is Astaldo, "The Valiant".

Tumladen - “Wide Valley” in a ring of mountains, in the center of which Gondolin was built.

Tumunzahar - see Nogrod.

Tumhalad is a valley between Ginglit and Narog, in which the army of Nargothrond was defeated.

Tuna is a green hill in the Kalakirya gorge, on which Tirion, the city of the elves, was built.

Tuor is the son of Huor and Rian, taken in by the Gray Elves of Mithrim; he came to Gondolin as the messenger of Ulmo; husband of Idril, daughter of Turgon, and father of Eärendil; On the ship Earrame went to the West.

Turambar - see Turin.

Turgon - second son of Fingolfin; lived in Viniamar in Nevrast, and then founded the secret settlement of Gondolin, which he ruled until his death; father of Idril, mother of Eärendil.

Turin is the son of Hurin and Morwen; protagonist of The Tale of the Children of Hurin; his nicknames or adopted new names are Neifan, "The Insulted"; Gortol, "Deadly Helm"; Agarvane, "Bloodstained"; Mormegil, "Black Sword"; Turambar, "Master of Fate."

Touringvetil – evil spirit in the service of Sauron, who had the appearance of a huge bat; in this guise, Lucien entered Angband.

Teleri are the third and most numerous people of the elves, who went to the West from the shores of Kuivienen under the leadership of Olwe and Elwe. Their self-name is Aindar, “Singing”. The name Teleri, “The Last,” was given to them by the elves who went on the journey before them. Part of the Teleri did not leave Middle-earth; The Nandors and Sindars are of Teleri origin.

Teras is a peak on the coast of Nevrast; at its foot was Vinyamar, the dwelling of Turgon before his departure to Gondolin.

Uinen - Maya, wife of Osse, Lady of the Seas.

Ulars - Ring-bearers, Nazgul.

Ulvar - son of Ulfang the Black, killed by the sons of Bor in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Uldor the Damned is the son of Ulfang the Black; killed by Maglor in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Ulfang the Black - leader of the Vastaks; together with his three sons he served Caranthir and betrayed him in the battle of Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Ulfast - son of Ulfang the Black, killed by the sons of Bor in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Ulmo - Valar, one of the Aratars, "Lord of the Waters and King of the Seas."

Ulmuri are the huge shell-horns of Ulmo, created by Maya Salmar.

Umaniars are the name of the elves who went to the West from the Kuivianen berets, but never reached the Blessed Land.

Umbar is a huge harbor and fortress of the Numenoreans south of Belfalas.

Ungoliant is a huge spider who, together with Melkor, destroyed the Two Trees of Valinor. Shelob is the last offspring of Ungoliant.

Urfel is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

Utumno is the first of the fortresses of Melkor in the north of Middle-earth, destroyed by the Valars.

Falas – West Coast Beleriand south of Nevrast.

The Falathrim were elves from the Teleri who lived in Falas under the leadership of Kirden the Shipwright.

Falmari - Sea Elves; The Teleri who left Middle-earth and went to the West.

Feanor is the eldest son of Finwe (the only child of Finwe and Miriel), half-brother of Fingolfin and Finarfin; the greatest of the Noldor, who created the Silmarils, the instigator of the schism; killed at Mithrim in Dagor Nuin Giliath. His given name is Karafinwe, from “kara” - skillful; the name Feanor, "Fiery Spirit", was given to him by his mother.

Felagund - see Finrod.

Finarfin is the third son of Finwë; remained in Aman after the expulsion of the Noldor and ruled the remaining Noldor in Tirion.

Finwë - leader of the Noldor during their campaign from the shores of Cuivienen to the West; father of Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin; killed by Morgoth in Formenos.

Fingolfin - second son of Finwë, High King of the Noldor of Beleriand, who lived in Hithlum; killed by Morgoth in a duel.

Fingon is the eldest son of Fingolfin, nicknamed the Valiant; saved Maedhros, chained by Morgoth to the rock of Thangorodrim; High King of the Noldor after the death of Fingolfin; killed by the Barlogs in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Finduilas - daughter of Orodref, beloved of Gwindor; was captured in Nargothrond and died at the Crossroads on Teiglin.

Finrod is the eldest son of Finarfin, nicknamed “The Faithful”; founder and King of Nargothrond, hence the nickname Felagund, “Lord of the Caves,” from the Dwarven “fe-lak-gundu,” “cave stonemason.” He was the first to meet in Ossiriand the tribes of people who came from beyond the Blue Mountains; rescued by Barahir in Dagor Bregolah; fulfilling the oath given to Barahir, he left with Beren to mine the Silmaril; died defending Beren in the dungeons of Sauron on Tol Sirion.

Firimars - see Atani.

Formenos is the fortress of Feanor and his sons in the north of Valinor, built after Feanor left Tyrion.

Fornost - Northern Fortress of the Numenoreans in Eriador.

Frodo - Bearer of the Ring.

Hador, nicknamed Lorindol, "Golden-Haired" - ruler of Dor Lomin, father of Galdor, grandfather of Hurin; killed in Dagor Bregolah.

The Haladins are a tribe of people who were the second to come to Beleriand; were later called the People of Haleth and lived in the Forest of Brethil.

Haldad - the leader of the Khaladin, who led the defense against the orcs in the forests of Thargelioia, where he died; father of Khalef and Haldar.

Haldan - son of Haldar; leader of the Khaladins after the death of Halef.

Haldar is the son of Haldad of the Haladins, brother of Halef. He died along with his father during the attack of the orcs on Thargelion.

Haldir - son of Halmir of Brethil; the husband of Gloredhel, daughter of Hador of Dor Lomin, died in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Halef is the leader of the Khaladin, who led the migration from Thargelion to the western lands of Sirion.

Halmir - ruler of the Haladins, son of Haldan; after Dagor Bregolah defended the Gorge of Sirion together with Beleg from Doriath.

Handir - son of Haldir and Gloredhel, father of Brandir the Lame; leader of the Haladin after Haldir's death; killed in Brethil in a battle with orcs.

Hunter - a man from the Haladin of Brethil; went with Turin against Glaurung and was killed by a falling stone while crossing the gorge.

Haradrim - people from Harad ("From the South"); inhabited the lands south of Mordor.

Kharef - daughter of Halmir from Brethil; wife of Galdor of Dor Lomin; mother of Hurin and Huor.

Hathol is the father of Hador Lorindol.

Haud-en-Arwen - "The Lady's Tomb", the burial mound of Halef in the forest of Brethil.

Haud-en-Ndengin - The Mound of Tears in the Anfauglyf Desert, where the bodies of Men and Elves who fell in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad were buried.

Haud en Ellef is a burial mound of Finduilas near the Crossroads on Teiglin.

Hafaldir, nicknamed the Young, is one of Barahir's twelve companions in Dorthonion.

Helevorn, "Black Glass" is a lake in the north of Thargelion near Mount Reir, in the domain of Caranthir.

Helkar - The Inner Sea in the northeast of Middle-earth, where the Pillar of Illuin once stood; Lake Kuivienen, where the first elves awoke, is described as one of the bays of this sea.

Hildorien is a region in the east of Middle-earth where the first people awakened.

Hildors - see Atani.

Himlad is a plain south of the Aglon Pass, the possession of Celegorm and Karafin.

Himring - a peak west of Maglor's Pass, where Maedhros's fortress was located; translated in the text as “Ever-cold.”

Hirilorn is a huge beech tree with three trunks in Doriath, where Lucien was kept in custody.

Hisilome is the Quenya name for Hithlum.

Hithlum, the “Land of Smokes,” is a region bounded on the east and south by the Ered Wethrin range, and on the west by the Ered Lomin mountains.

Huor - son of Galdor of Dor Lomin, husband of Rian and father of Tuor; visited Gondolin with his brother Hurin; killed in Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Hurin, nicknamed Talion, "The Steadfast" - son of Galdor of Dor Lomin, husband of Morwen and father of Turin and Nienor; ruler of Dor Lomin, vassal of Fingon. He was with Tuor in Gondolin; enchanted by Morgoth, he spent many years in captivity on Thangorodrim. After his release, he killed Mim in Nargothrond and brought the Nauglamir to Thingol.

Halloween - Sirius star.

Ea – the Existing World, the material Universe; Ea in Elvish means "let him abide"; with this word Ilúvatar gave existence to the World.

Earwen is the daughter of Olwe of Alqualonde, brother of Thingol; wife of Finarfin of the Noldor; her children Finrod, Orodref, Angrod, Aegnor and Galadriel were allowed to cross the borders of Doriath.

Earendil, "Beloved of the Sea" - he was called "Elfinite", "Blessed", "Shining" and "Seafarer"; son of Tuor and Idril Celebrindel, who escaped from Gondolin; married Elwing, daughter of Dior; went with her to Aman and asked for help against Morgoth; together with the ship Vingilot and the Silmaril, obtained in Angband by Beren and Lucien, he became the star of the heavenly seas.

Earendur (1) - ruler of Andunie in Númenor.

Earendur (2) – tenth King of Arnor.

Eärnil is the thirty-first King of Gondor.

Earnur - son of Earnil; the last King of Gondor, with whom the line of Anarion ended.

Earrame, "Sea Wing" - Tuor's ship.

Eglarest is the southern of the Falas Havens on the coast of Beleriand.

Eglaf, the "Forgotten People" - this is how those of the Teleri who remained in Beleriand to search for Elwe Thingol called themselves after the rest of the Teleri had gone to Aman.

Edrahil is a warlord of the elves of Nargothrond, who went with Finrod and Beren and died in the dungeons of Sauron.

Ezellohar - the green mound of the Two Trees of Valinor; also called Corollaire.

Eilinel is the wife of Gorlim the Wretched.

Eithel Sirion is a fortress at the source of Sirion.

Ecthelion is one of the princes of Gondolin, who, during the destruction of the city, killed Gothmag, the Leader of the Barlogs, and died with him.

Elbereth, "Lady of the Stars" is Varda's common name among the Sindar.

Eledwen - see Morwen.

Elemmire (1) – the name of the star.

Elemmire (a) - an elf from the Vanyar who wrote the Lament for the Two Trees of Valinor.

Elenwe - wife of Turgon; died while crossing the ice.

Elendil is the son of Amandil, the last ruler of Andunie in Númenor, a descendant of Eärendil and Elwing, but not in the direct line of the Kings; together with his sons Isildur and Anarion, he escaped from the dying Númenor and founded the Númenorean kingdoms in Middle-earth. He died along with Gil-Galad in the battle with Sauron at the end of the Second Age. The name can be translated as "Friend of the Elves" or "Lover of the Stars."

Elenna, "The Land Shown by the Star" is the Quenya name for Númenor, given in honor of the voyage of the Adani along the course indicated by the Star of Eärendil.

Elentari - see Varda.

Elerrina, “Crowned with Stars” – Taniquetil.

Elrond, the son of Eärendil and Elwing, at the end of the First Age chose the fate of the Firstborn and remained in Middle-earth until the end of the Third Age; Lord of Imladris, keeper of Vaial, one of the Elven Rings he received from Gil-galad.

Elros, the son of Eärendil and Elwing, at the end of the First Age chose the fate of Mortals and became the first King of Numenor.

Elu is the Sindar form of Elwe.

Eloured - Dior's eldest son; died along with his younger brother Elurin during the attack of the sons of Feanor on Doriath. Both names mean "In memory of Elu (Thingol)."

Elurin - see Elured.

Elwing is the daughter of Dior, who preserved the Silmaril after the death of Doriath; wife of Eärendil, mother of Elrond and Elros; She went to Valinor with Eärendil.

Elwe - he was called Singollo, "Silvermancer" (Thingol in Sindarin); together with his brother Olwe, he led Teleri west from the banks of Quivienen until he got lost in Nan Elmut; subsequently - the Lord of the Sindars, who ruled Doriath together with Maia Melian; killed in Menegroth by dwarves.

Eldalie, "Elven People" - the same as the Eldar.

Eldamar is a region in Aman where the Elves lived; a huge bay with the same name.

Eldar, “Star People” - according to the legends of the elves, the Valar Oromë called all the elves this way, but this word was used only for the Three Nations (Vaniar, Noldor and Teleri), who undertook a campaign to the west from the shores of Quivienen, as opposed to Avari.

Emeldir - wife of Barahir and mother of Beren; after the Dagor, Bregolah led the children and women of the People of Beor from the besieged Dorthonion.

Emin Beraid - "Tower Hills" in the west of Eriador.

Engvar - see Atani.

Eol, nicknamed the Dark Elf, is a skilled blacksmith who created the sword Anglahel; he lived in Nan Elmut and took Aredhel, Turgon's sister, as his wife; Maeglin's father.

Eonwe is one of the main Maya; herald of Manwë; led the host of the Valar in the war against Morgoth at the end of the First Age.

Ergamion - see Beren.

Eregion, the Holy Land - the state of the Noldor west of the Misty Mountains, where the Elven Rings were forged in the Second Age.

Ered Wethrin, the Twilight Mountains, is a huge, curved mountain range between the plain of Taur-nu-Fuin (Anfauglyph), Hithlum and West Beleriand.

Ered Gorgorath - Gorgorath Highlands, Mountains of Terror, located north of Nan Dungortheb.

Ered Lindon, the Sounding Mountains is another name for Ered Luin, the Blue Mountains.

Ered Lomin, the Singing Mountains - the western border of Hithlum.

Ered Luin - Blue Mountains, also called Ered Lindon. After the destruction of Beleriand at the end of the First Age, they formed a coastal range at the western tip of Middle-earth.

Ered Nimras, White Mountains - a mountain range south of the Misty Mountains.

Ered Engrin, the Iron Mountains, is a mountain range far to the north.

Ereinion is the son of Fingon, better known as Gil-galad.

Eressea - see Tol Eressea.

Erech is a peak in the west of Gondor with the Stone of Isildur.

Eriador is the land between the Misty and Blue Mountains. The principality of Arnor was located there, and later the Hobbit Shire.

Eru - The One, Ilúvatar.

Erumor is a Numenorean renegade who achieved power over the Haradrim at the end of the Second Age.

Erunumen, "Lord of the West" is the Quenya name of Ar-Adunakor.

Esgalduin is a river in Doriath that separates the forests of Neldoreth and Region. The name means "Veiled River".

Estolad is the land south of Nan Elmut, where the tribesmen of Beor and Marach lived after crossing the Blue Mountains. The name means "Encampment".

Este - one of Val, wife of Irmo (Lorien); her name means "peace".

Ephel Duat - a mountain range between Mordor and Gondor; Gloomy Mountains.