Ancient Lycia and unique Lycian tombs. Lycian Tombs in Turkey Lycian Rock Tombs

(Turkish: Likya kaya mezarları.; English: Lycian rock-cut tombs)

Opening hours: daily from 9.00 to 19.00 - from April to October, and from 8.00 to 17.00 - from November to March.

How to get there: To get to the Lycian Tombs, you first need to get to Demre (Myra). You can get to Demre from Antalya (from the bus station, travel time 2.5 hours) or Kas, as well as other cities located on the D400 highway (Finike, Kemer, Tekirova, Olympos, Cirali and others). By bus you need to get to the bus station (center of Demre), and then, following the signs, walk to the Lycian Tombs (sign “Peace”). The Lycian tombs are located next to the amphitheater, approximately 1.5 km from Demre.

Lycia is an ancient country in the south of Asia Minor, which was located on the territory of the modern Turkish provinces of Mugla and Antalya. This country was distinguished by its original culture: architecture, writing and language.

Ancient Lycia was located between modern Antalya and Fethiye, and was a federation of 19 cities, of which, today, only ruins remain. One of the most interesting Lycian cities can be considered Myra - a city on the Andrak River, at the mouth of which there was the harbor of Andriake. According to legend, the Apostle Paul landed in this harbor before his departure to Rome. The exact date of the foundation of Myra is unknown, but, according to some Lycian inscriptions, the city already existed in the 5th century BC.

Perhaps the most impressive place in ancient Myra is the Lycian tombs, carved into the rocks. This is a real necropolis of the city, located on the top of the cliffs, it is amazing a huge amount Lycian rock tombs.

The Lycian tombs are an ancient burial place created approximately in the 4th century BC. This is the oldest and rarest form of funerary monuments. Famous people were usually buried in such tombs. As a rule, such tombs were located on the base or directly on the rock, and consisted of two rooms. All Lycian tombs are connected by stone stairs.

Why were tombs carved into rocks? The fact is that the ancient Lycians firmly believed that the souls of dead people migrated from their tombs and turned into winged siren-like creatures. There was a belief that the higher a person is buried, the faster his soul will reach heaven. That is why they tried to make the tomb as high above the ground as possible.

The Lycian tombs are a unique type of funerary art, preserved in excellent condition to this day. The tombs were carved out of rocks– soft limestone and stone, none Additional materials were not used.

The facades of the tombs were usually made in the shape of a house with carved doors, pitched roofs, lintels, inside of which one or several rooms were cut out. Many of the tombs have rich canopies, and their entrances are often very similar to small Greek temples or houses with a gable roof supported by pylons.

Most of the crypts have beautiful facades, with inscriptions and excellent relief images. Each tomb, from the outside, is decorated very richly and intricately. Buried people were depicted in clothes, from which one can draw conclusions about the profession of this or that person. Another common theme for bas-reliefs was funeral scenes.

The sarcophagi found in Lycia are impressive in size and consist, in most cases, of a base, a burial chamber itself, and a lid decorated with a comb.

Even at a sufficient distance, the Lycian tombs make a strong impression. This is perhaps one of the most impressive necropolises on earth. This is a place that amazes with its beauty, makes you think, delve into the history of these places and all of humanity. The Lycian tombs are a piece of eternity, perfectly integrated into the surrounding landscape.

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Lycian tombs in Turkey can be seen throughout the former Lycia. Most of the tombs are located in the ancient city of Mira, modern Demre, where we visited. You can also look at the Lycian tombs in Dalyan and Fethiye; in total, archaeologists count more than a thousand Lycian burials. There are several types of tombs among which the most common are burials carved directly into the rocks - Lycian rock tombs.

Briefly about Lycia

Lycia is an ancient territory in the south of modern Turkey. In the first thousand cell years BC Lycia was inhabited by the Lycians,descendants of the Luwians. From the middle of the 6th century. BC Lycia was under the rule of the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans. IN 43 AD Emperor Claudius formed on the territory of Lycia and Pamphylia a Roman province. Only in the future Theodosius separated it from Pamphylia, making Myra the Lycian capital. And later the Arabs and Turks came. It was Short story Lycia - the land of the sun.

Lycian Tombs of Myra

Of all the Lycian monuments and structures, the best preserved tombs. The Lycians believed that the souls of dead people after death turn into winged creatures similar to sirens, and the higher the tomb is, the easier it will be for the soul to get to heaven. That is why Lycian tombs are often were located onrocky slopes mountains In addition, tombs were easier to carve in tufa than to build from heavy stones.

Burials on the mountainside in Myra date back to the 4th-6th centuries BC. This, of course, was a very long time ago, but for example, it is several thousand years older.

The Lycian tombs of Myra were carved into the rock from top to bottom. No other building materials were used to create the necropolis. The facades of the burials were made to look like houses or temples. It was difficult to reach them, so the burials were preserved. Generally speaking, these structures are more reminiscent than the tombs of the Lycian kings.

It is believed that the groups of tombs were family crypts of the Lycian aristocracy; not only Lycian kings, but also simply wealthy residents were buried here. Currently, the tombs are not in the best condition. All the graves have long been opened and there is nothing left inside. Now there is no access to the tombs, they are guarded, however, modern inscriptions can be seen inside.

An ancient amphitheater adjoins the Lycian tombs in Myra.

Ancient antique amphitheater in Demre

Near the site of the Lycian tombs, excavations revealed an ancient amphitheater. He It was repeatedly destroyed by earthquakes and rebuilt several times. In the 12th century, the ancient amphitheater, like all ancient Mira, was buried under mud as a result of a severe flood of the Miros River that occurred due to another earthquake. The Lycian amphitheater was excavated only at the end of the last century; now the amphitheater in Myra is being restored.

This amphitheater belongs to the Greco-Roman. The amphitheater in the form of a classical theater was erected when Lycia belonged to the Greeks. After Lycia came under the rule of the Roman Empire, the Romans made changes to it to their taste.

The Greco-Roman amphitheater at Demre was built in Turkey in the 2nd century AD by Lysinus Lanfus. Construction cost 10,000 silver denarii. The diameter of the amphitheater is about 110 meters. In total, the Lycian amphitheater of Myra has 35 rows - 29 lower and 6 upper, separated by a passage between the rows. This theater could accommodate about 10-15 thousand people. Construction was carried out without the use of mortar.

Not only performances and productions took place in the amphitheater, there were also trials and executions. Presumably gladiator fights could have taken place here. However, the side entrances are not built here, which is not typical of those Greek amphitheaters that the Romans rebuilt for battles.

The proskenium of the amphitheater separated the stage from interior spaces actors.

Antique friezes look quite elegant.

Photos cannot convey the majesty of the ancient amphitheater of Lycia, so I added here a circular panorama from Google. In the next picture, you can use the mouse to move the image to the sides.

The tomato greenhouses that built up almost the entire ancient Myra reach right up to the amphitheater and Lycian tombs.

Cost and operating time

For visitors, the Lycian Tombs of Myra are open daily: from April to October from 9.00 to 19.00, from November to March from 9.00 to 17.00.

Paid entrance. The price is 15 liras - about $3. The ticket price includes the opportunity to visit the ancient amphitheater and the Lycian Tombs.

Lycian tombs on the map of Turkey. Where are they located and how to get there

The Lycian tombs of Myra and the amphitheater are located in the northern part of the city of Demre on south coast Turkey. From which is located 2 kilometers to the south you can walk if you are not afraid of getting lost in the endless labyrinths of tomato greenhouses.

You can get to Demre as follows:

  • by bus from the bus station of your Resort, closest from Kemer, furthest from Bodrum and Alanya;
  • By car you can take the D400 highway; at the entrance to Demre you need to follow the signs “Myra”. You can rent a car, you will get mobility, comfort and freedom of movement. You can travel around the entire coast, and renting a car, per person, can even be cheaper compared to purchasing several excursions. In Turkey, you can rent a car inexpensively on one of these sites:

Lycia is a wonderful country that gave modern world almost completely destroyed cities with magnificent structures created by famous masters of that time. Much was lost thousands of years ago, but some creations of architectural art have reached us. They look, of course, not the same as then, but they still amaze people from all over the Earth with their unusualness.

Numerous huge amphitheatres, aqueducts and sacred places still preserve rich history amazing country Lycia.

But all these beauties are not as numerous and interesting as the famous Lycian tombs - graves on the island of Teke, which appeared long before the beginning of our era.

You can find them throughout the country. Archaeologists have found a huge number of burials that have come down to us in an unchanged condition. They arouse great interest with their unusual shape and decorations, created according to all the canons of Lycian culture.

All tombs are divided into four main types: Kaya, Tapinak, Dakhit and “Houses”.

Kaya city of the dead

In Lycia you can find tombs carved directly into the rock. These are one of the very first Lycian burials. A large number of burials can be found in the city of Mira, which is located a few kilometers from modern city Demre. Kaya tombs are collected in entire complexes and from afar can resemble entire empty settlements.

They are very difficult to reach, so these burials are better preserved than others. Particularly impressionable tourists, arriving in Lycia, do not immediately understand that they are visiting burial grounds, and not an abandoned city.

The tombs consist of a square-shaped foundation and are decorated with carved columns. Above them is a burial chamber. The facade and columns are decorated with carvings and Lycian ornaments. Currently, some burials are not in the best condition, but this does not make them any less beautiful.

Tapinak temples of the dead

You can meet them almost throughout the territory. But most of the graves are located in the ancient city of Kaun. The most popular burial place was the tomb of Amyntas, which is located in Fethiye.

All tombs are created in the form of temples with two columns. On the outside they are similar to Kaya, but interior architecture varies. The entrance to the tomb is flanked by a small portico, which is an empty space. Immediately behind it is a burial room.

Homes for the dead

These tombs are very similar to the national Lycian houses. They have several floors and a decorated entrance in the form of a rectangle.

The entire area of ​​the tombs is covered with icons and drawings in the Gothic style. Hidden inside them is a burial chamber similar to Tapinak.

Unusual sarcophagi

The tombs are scattered all over the world; you won’t surprise anyone with them anymore. But Lycia is famous for its sarcophagi, which, due to their layered structure, have the shape of a tower. All sarcophagi have three levels.

The first level is represented by the base of the tomb, the second is the burial, and the third is the roof, reminiscent of the roof of an ordinary house.

Servants and slaves were kept on the lower level. The upper ones were intended for gentlemen and the elite and were decorated with frescoes.

The most famous sarcophagus was found in Xanthos. The frescoes that decorated it are kept in.

Sign of respect

All the tombs were made very elegantly and refined. It can be concluded that the Lycians respected and worshiped death.

They even created a defense system against robberies. A note with a curse was placed near each tomb, warning of what could befall the infidels in the event of robbery. Entire families guarded the graves. Fines were imposed for looting.

The amount was determined either by the closest relatives, or by the deceased himself while still alive.

Lycian tombs- these are ancient tombs preserved in the rocks in the city of Demre in Turkey, in the territory ancient city Mira.

Description of the Lycian tombs

The Lycian rock tombs in the city of Demre in Turkey are considered one of the most interesting of all the other burial sites in what is now Turkey.

They date back to the 6th century BC. and represent an almost exact reproduction of ancient dwellings of that era. The Lycian tombs at Demre themselves consist of one or more chamber-rooms in which the dead are buried on a stone podium, as expected - with jewelry, clothing and food. The rock tombs in Myra have only one entrance, which was locked with a large stone. Currently, almost all of them are looted and gaping with open holes. The Lycians believed that the higher the tomb was made according to the height of its location in the mountains, the closer the deceased became to the Gods.

The windows and doors at the front of the tombs are decorated with images from the lives of the dead.

The most famous is the tomb of Amyntas, which is a platform with a portico carved into the rock and two Ionic columns. On the wall of the tomb there is an inscription in Greek “Amintas, son of Hermagios”.

Many people are concerned about what happens after death. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is extremely difficult to find in tombs. But we can say for sure that some of them are among the popular tourist spots. Below is a list of the ten most famous tombs in the world.

Mausoleum of Seyyid Yahya Bakuvi is a small mausoleum built around 1457–1458 in the capital of Azerbaijan, the city of Baku. Centrally located palace complex called the Palace of the Shirvanshahs. Among local residents known as the "dervish" mausoleum. It was named after the philosopher, thinker and astrologer Seyid Yahya Bakuvi, who is buried there.

Tomb of Jahangir

The ninth place in the list of the most famous tombs in the world is the Tomb of Jahangir. This is a mausoleum built between 1627–1637 for the fourth ruler of the Mughal Empire, Jahangir (1605–1627). Located in the northern suburbs of Lahore, Pakistan. This structure, with a zigzag inlay of white and yellow marble, has four minarets 30 meters high.

Shahi Zinda (translated as “living king”) is a monument of medieval architecture, consisting of eleven mausoleums of the Samarkand nobility, which were alternately built on each other during the 14th–15th centuries. The entire complex consists of twenty buildings and includes an ensemble of mausoleums and other ritual structures located in the northeastern part of the city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan. According to one legend, the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, Kusam ibn Abbas, is buried here.

The Mausoleum of Cyrus is a small stone structure located approximately 1 km southwest of the ancient Persian city of Pasargadae in Iran. Around the 4th century BC. e. was looted. According to Greek sources, one of the greatest monarchs in history is buried here - the Persian king Cyrus II the Great, who ruled in 559–530 BC. e. However, the identity of this monument as the mausoleum of Cyrus is considered undocumented.

Church of the Holy Sepulcher - world famous Christian church, located in Jerusalem, Israel, supposedly on the site where, according to legend, Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and then resurrected. It has been a place of pilgrimage for Christian believers from all over the world since the 4th century. This architectural complex includes Golgotha ​​with the site of the Crucifixion, a fairly large rotunda, the Catholicon, the underground Church of the Finding of the Life-Giving Cross, the Church of St. Helen Equal to the Apostles and several chapels. On the territory of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher there are also several active monasteries, as well as a number of auxiliary buildings, galleries, etc.

Castel Sant'Angelo or Hadrian's Mausoleum is an architectural monument and mausoleum originally intended for the Roman Emperor Hadrian, his family and heirs. However, later the castle began to be used as a tomb for other emperors (Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Septimius Severus, Caracalla), and even later as a fortress. Currently, it is one of the most visited museums in Italy. Its construction began in 135 and was completed in 139. The castle is located on the right bank of the Tiber River, near the Vatican, Italy. At one time it was considered the most tall building in Rome. Its height is about 20 meters.

Coming fourth on the list of the world's most famous tombs is Lenin's Mausoleum, a famous mausoleum located on Red Square in Moscow, Russia. It was built according to the design of the architect Alexei Shchusev between 1929–1930. The embalmed body of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin has rested here since 1924. In 1953, the body of Joseph Stalin was also placed here, but on October 30, 1961, by decision of the XXII Congress of the CPSU, Stalin’s body was buried next to the Kremlin wall under a simple granite monument.

Pyramid of Cheops or Great Pyramid Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramids which is a tomb Egyptian pharaoh IV dynasty of Khufu (Cheops). It is believed that it was built approximately 2645–2613 BC. e. designed by the architect Hemion. The pyramid is located on the banks of the Nile, in the necropolis of the city of Giza and is a complex of ancient monuments that, during the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, were part of the ancient city of Memphis (today part of Greater Cairo). It is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids of Giza, and the only surviving structure from the Seven Wonders of the World.

Terracotta Army- the name of the burial site discovered in March 1974. It is located in Lishan Mountain, a suburb of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China, near the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Represents at least 8,099 full-size terracotta (fired clay) statues of Chinese warriors and their horses, whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife. Interestingly, the height of the warriors varies from 185 cm to 209.77 cm and they are all different from each other. It is believed that archaeological find was built around 240 BC. e. According to the testimony of the then historian Sima Qian, more than 700 thousand workers and artisans were involved in the creation of the mausoleum, and it lasted 38 years.