Simeiz whether. Simeiz resort - where is it? Sanatoriums of Simeiz in Crimea

In prehistoric times, not far from Simeiz - in the Besh-Tekne basin, on the northern slopes of Mount At-Bash - there was a site of ancient people. The first historically attested inhabitants of Simeiz were the Taurians. In the vicinity of the village, they left behind dolmens and a fortified settlement on Mount Koshka. At the foot of the mountain there is the largest Taurus burial ground in Crimea, consisting of 95 graves. The permanent settlement in the Simeiz area dates back to Hellenistic times.

The former fortified settlement of the Tauri in the Middle Ages turned into a feudal castle that dominated the rural area. At the same time, the Byzantines, who at that time belonged to the southern coast of Crimea, founded a fortified monastery nearby. Perhaps it was during this era that the settlement received its name Sembos. After the power of Byzantium weakened, Sembos, along with the entire southern coast, became part of the Genoese Captaincy of Gothia. The Genoese turned the Byzantine castle into a fortification, the ruins of which have partially survived to this day.

After the conquest of the Genoese possessions by the Ottomans in 1475, Sembos became a small village that was part of the Mangup Kadylyk of the Kefin Sanjak. Based on materials from the 1520 Kefin Sanjak census, attributed to Inkirman In the village of Sembos there were 30 families, exclusively Christians. By 1542, Sembos was reassigned to Baliklaga, but it remained a Christian village: 31 full families, 1 that had lost a male breadwinner and 3 adult single men. Since the 17th century, Islam began to spread on the southern coast of Crimea. Simeiz belonged to the Crimean Khanate for only 9 years - from the Khanate gaining independence in 1774 until the annexation of Crimea to Russia (8) on April 19, 1783, but by this time there were apparently no Christians in the village - in the reports about Christians removed from Crimea to the Azov region A.V. Suvorov and Metropolitan Ignatius in 1778 Simeiz does not appear.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia (8) April 19, 1783, (8) February 19, 1784, by a personal decree of Catherine II to the Senate, the Tauride region was formed on the territory of the former Crimean Khanate and the village was assigned to the Simferopol district. After the Pavlovsk reforms, from 1796 to 1802, it was part of the Akmechetsky district of the Novorossiysk province. In a new way administrative division, after the creation of the Tauride province on October 8 (20), 1802, Simeiz was included in the Makhuldur volost of the Simferopol district.

View of Simeiz

By Gazette about all the villages in the Simferopol district, including which volosts contain the number of households and souls... dated October 9, 1805, in the village of Simeiz there were 22 households and 148 inhabitants, exclusively Crimean Tatars. On the military topographical map of Major General Mukhin in 1817, the village Simeis marked with 21 courtyards. The Simeiz estate was founded by the famous industrialist Second Major Ivan Akimovich Maltsov in 1828 and a few years later had an area of ​​567 acres of land. A significant part of the estate was occupied by vineyards and orchards. After the reform of the volost division of 1829, Simeiz, according to “Gazette about the state-owned volosts of the Tauride province in 1829”, were transferred to the Alushta volost, and, after the formation of the Yalta district in 1838, the village was transferred to the Alushta volost. On the map of 1842, Simeiz is marked with the symbol “small village”, that is, less than 5 households.

As a result of the zemstvo reform of Alexander II in the 1860s, the village was assigned to the Derekoi volost. According to “List of populated places of the Tauride province according to information from 1864”, compiled based on the results of the VIII revision of 1864, Semeiz- state-owned Tatar village with 38 courtyards, 157 residents and a mosque by the nameless river. On three-verst The map of 1865-1876 shows 48 households in the village. In 1886 in the village Sales, according to the directory “Volosts and Most Important Villages of European Russia,” 319 people lived in 47 households, there was a mosque and a shop. According to “Memorable book of the Tauride province of 1889”, according to the results of the X audit of 1887, in the village of Simeiz there were 77 households and 349 inhabitants. On verst The map of 1890 in the village shows 79 households with a Tatar-Russian population.

After the zemstvo reform of the 1890s, which took place in the Yalta district after 1892, the village remained part of the transformed Derekoi volost. By “...Memorial book of the Tauride province for 1892” in the village of Semeiz, which made up the Semeiz rural society, there were 358 residents in 70 households. By “...Memorial book of the Tauride province for 1902” in the village of Simeiz, which made up the Simeiz rural society, there were 402 residents in 51 households. IN in the Derekoi volost of the Yalta district the village of Simeiz is already listed.

At the beginning of the 20th century, on the initiative of the brothers Nikolai Sergeevich and Ivan Sergeevich Maltsov, a resort village arose on part of the territory of their estate, which they sold for the construction of dachas and boarding houses New Simeiz. Soon the village became one of the most prestigious and comfortable bourgeois-aristocratic resorts in Crimea. During this period, a resort park was laid out, a number of villas were built, which have survived to this day (“Xenia”, “Miro-Mare”, etc.). Most of the houses in the village were built according to designs by engineer Yakov Petrovich Semyonov. In 1912, Emperor Nicholas II and his family visited Simeiz and met with Ivan Sergeevich Maltsov. The village of New Simeiz was recorded as an independent village Statistical reference book of the Tauride province 1915 as part of the Derekoi volost of the Yalta district.

Villa Ksenia

After the establishment of Soviet power in Crimea, by resolution of the Crimean Revolutionary Committee of January 8, 1921, the volost system was abolished and the village was subordinated to the Yalta district of the Yalta district. Since 1921, boarding houses and sanatoriums have been created on the basis of dachas and boarding houses nationalized by the Bolsheviks. In 1922, the counties received the name okrugs. According to List settlements Crimean ASSR according to the All-Union Census of December 17, 1926, in the village of Simeiz, the center of the Simeiz village council of the Yalta region, there were 153 households, of which 112 were peasants, the population was 622 people, of which 431 Crimean Tatars, 119 Russians, 31 Greeks, 25 Ukrainians, 7 Belarusians, 3 Jews, 1 German, 5 recorded in the “other” column, there were Russian, Tatar and Greek schools of the first level. Also included in the village council was the resort of Simeiz Novy, with 174 households (9 peasant) and 591 inhabitants: 451 Russians, 40 Ukrainians, 31 Jews, 25 Tatars, 11 Poles, 10 Belarusians, 4 Latvians, 3 Germans, 3 Estonians, 1 Greek, 12 are recorded in the “other” column. In 1927, the Simeiz resort was visited by about 10 thousand people. Almost all Simeiz sanatoriums specialized in the treatment of consumption. In 1930, the Seaside Park was founded, and starting in 1932, the resort became year-round.

With the beginning of the German occupation of Crimea in the fall of 1941, many residents of Simeiz went to the mountains and became members of the Yalta partisan detachment. In the fall of 1942, sailors made several landings on the shore Black Sea Fleet. Many residents of the village died at the hands of the invaders, who practiced reprisals against civilians in response to partisan attacks. The Red Army liberated Simeiz on April 16, 1944; on May 18 of the same year, the Crimean Tatars from the village, according to GKO Resolution No. 5859 of May 11, 1944, were deported to Central Asia. On August 12, 1944, Resolution No. GOKO-6372s “On the resettlement of collective farmers to the regions of Crimea” was adopted, according to which to the region from Rostov region 3,000 families of collective farmers were resettled in the RSFSR.

In the post-war years, active restoration and development of the resort began. All the destruction of the war years was completely eliminated by 1955. The main sanatoriums and holiday homes created in the post-war period: the Simeiz sanatorium (formerly named after the XXII Congress of the CPSU), the Moscow children's sanatorium, the sanatorium named after. N. A. Semashko (now one of its buildings is the Ligo Morskaya hotel), children's sanatorium "Pioneer", sanatorium "Yunost" (formerly named after Lenin, and before that "Selyam"), sanatorium "Red Lighthouse", sanatorium "Blue Bay".

In the post-perestroika period, the condition of the resort deteriorated significantly: the garbage left by vacationers and businessmen is poorly removed, the regime in protected areas, which should be prohibited, is not observed, rare trees are cut down relict plant juniper tree.

Since the 1950s, the “wild” beach near Simeiz has been favored by nudist vacationers who came here from all over the USSR.

Simeiz, view from Mount Koshka


In 1926, on the territory of the Simeiz village council of the Yalta region there were 327 households, of which 117 were peasants, the population was 1,123 people, of which 570 Russians, 456 Crimean Tatars, 65 Ukrainians, 33 Jews, 32 Greeks, 17 Belarusians, 4 Germans, 4 Latvians, 3 Estonians, 17 are listed in the “others” column. In the summer months, the population of the village increases many times due to visitors.


The basis of the village's economy is serving vacationers. Simeiz - famous seaside climatic resort, there are anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums.
In neighboring Alupka there is a branch of the Massandra winery.


Simeiz is connected by minibuses to the following cities:

  • No. 115 Simeiz (bus station) - Alupka (bus station) - Yalta (bus station);
  • No. 107 Katsiveli (water park) - Simeiz (Blue Bay) - Simeiz (bus station) - Alupka (bus station) - Yalta (bus station)
  • No. 142 Simeiz (bus station) - Alupka (nursery) - Yuzhnoberezhnoe highway - Yalta (11 microdistrict) - Yalta (bus station).

One of the antennas of the Simeiz department of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory

The science

In Simeiz, on Mount Koshka, the Simeiz department of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory is located, known as the Simeiz Observatory. The world's first lunar spacecraft tracking station was located here, which was used to monitor the flight of the Luna-1 (January 1959) and Luna-2 (September 1959) spacecraft, and later took the first photographs of the far side of the Moon ( spacecraft"Luna 3", October 1959).

One of the components of the Intercosmos system is located in Simeiz. It is an experimental laser station for observing artificial Earth satellites.


Near the village, on Mount Koshka, there are the remains of the Limen-Isar fortifications. (VIII-I centuries BC). The cliffs of Diva and Panea rise above the sea, around which the remains of a small settlement and several temples were found.

There is a mosque in the village and Orthodox church Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Some of the most beautiful buildings: villas Ksenia and Mechta, early 20th century. (restoration work has been carried out since 2017).

Next to Villa Xenia there is a cypress alley with copies of ancient Greek statues.

Famous people

In Simeiz in different time lived Sergei Rachmaninov, Mikhail Kotsyubinsky, Dmitry Milyutin, Sergei Aldoshin, Ilya Selvinsky, Konstantin Paustovsky, Ostap Vishnya, Leo Tolstoy and the traveler, founder of Harbin, travel engineer N. S. Sviyagin.

Simeiz in culture

  • The film “Chapiteau Show” takes place in Simeiz.
  • A short film called “The Last King of Simeiz Beach” takes place in Simeiz.

Films filmed in Simeiz

  • Some scenes from the film Personal life Queens" was filmed on the Simeiz beach.
  • In the film “New Adventures of the Elusive” the episode where Yashka the Gypsy jumps into the sea was filmed at the Simeiz pier. Understudy ( local) jumped from the cliff Diva.

Simeiz is simply a magical place.

Even the ancient Greek sailors understood this, which is why they gave it that name. Translated from Greek, “simeiz” means “sign”, “omen”. Something distinctive, characteristic. The coastline and quaint coastal rocks served as landmarks for tired sailors, hence the name. I fully support the ancient Greeks and completely share their opinion. I have never felt as good and comfortable in any Black Sea village as in Simeiz. I consider myself incredibly lucky because I was lucky enough to visit this small branch of Heaven on Earth.

Well, it would seem, another turn from the highway to another resort village with another name incomprehensible to Slavic ears. Classic Crimea: several beaches, a couple of mountains in the surrounding area, a couple of abandoned castles - villas - fortresses, a bunch of cafes and souvenir shops.

But as soon as I stepped off the minibus on my first visit there, I immediately sensed that something was wrong with this place. That is, on the contrary, everything is the same with him. This is not an ordinary resort village, where crowds of tourists swarm around kvass stalls and, sweltering from the heat, line up in long lines for excursions, and you can’t escape anything from the cunning and annoying traders.

Simeiz is an incredibly cozy place, the home of a wide variety of people of the most interesting origins. A place with a surprisingly friendly and welcoming atmosphere that immediately embraces you affectionately as soon as you find yourself there. A place with a rich history and unique nature. A place where, once you get there, you don’t want to leave it at any price.

How to get there

The Crimean Peninsula can be reached from all corners of the world by everyone possible types transport: by plane, train, bus, bicycle, boat and even on foot. These are not the hard-to-reach Kamchatka hills, but practically Europe, with access to the sea and an extensive network of roads. Therefore, there will be no logistical difficulties here.

By plane

There is only one civil airport in Crimea, in Simferopol - international Airport SIMFEROPOL. There is a military airfield in Sevastopol, but planes full of tourists, unfortunately, do not fly there. But you can fly to almost all leading airlines. There are on average 5–7 flights a day from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other cities with a population of over a million, and if you take care of tickets in advance, they will be quite cheap: about 7,000 rubles. You can search for tickets for convenient dates on well-known search engine services, and it is convenient to compare prices from different sellers. The travel time will be about 3 hours, so this is the best option.

As at every airport, you will be greeted here by friendly but greedy taxi drivers. A trip from Simferopol to Simeiz, including luggage, will cost between 3–4,000 rubles. The journey will take about one and a half hours. An hour and a half of fast driving along a picturesque winding road, and you are there.

For fans of public transport, there are several options for the development of events. You can’t do this without a transfer: first you need to get to Yalta. If you want to take a leisurely ride along the South Coast Highway, stopping at every stop and enjoying the mountain and sea views, then you can use trolleybus No. 52, which follows the airport - route. The cost of such a trip is 100 rubles, duration is about 3 hours. Trolleybuses depart every 20 minutes. Also, Yalta can be reached by buses and minibuses departing from the airport every half hour. They do not have specific route numbers; they simply have a sign on the windshield indicating their destination. Travel time is about 2 hours, cost is 150 rubles.

The bus station, from where trolleybuses and minibuses depart, is located right on the airport square, opposite the main entrance.

Having reached the Yalta bus station, you will need to go to its upper platform. There are departures from there to Simeiz every 15 minutes minibuses No. 115 and No. 142. Travel time on the first is 1 hour 15 minutes, because it goes along the lower road and makes many stops in coastal villages, on the second - 30 minutes; the minibus is coming along the highway all the way to Semeiz, rarely stopping.

In Simeiz, the stop of these minibuses is located on the road ring at the beginning of the main street of the village, the main tourist thoroughfare, st. Sovetskaya, you can walk to the center from there in 15 minutes.

By train

For lovers of the romance of trains, Russian Railways came up with a “Single Ticket” to Crimea. By train of all major cities countries you can get either to Anapa or to Krasnodar, from there by bus to ferry crossing. Then you find yourself in Kerch and there you take other buses to travel to the villages and villages of the Crimean Peninsula.

This route can be found on the Russian Railways website.

But personally, I don’t see the point in such a ticket: making a bunch of transfers in the heat, and even the risk of being stuck at the crossing for several hours is very high. The tourists traveling with the “Single Ticket”, whom I met at the stations, had a very sad and “rumpled” look, they were no longer happy about coming to Crimea, fatigue from numerous road scrapes took over.

This option may be relevant for residents of remote regions, where flight fares are quite high, in order to save money. How to get to Crimea by plane from Central Russia not at all difficult.

By car

From Moscow you can get to Simeiz by private car in 20 hours (pure driving). The road will run through Ukraine. From Moscow you need to take the E105 highway, which leads directly to Yalta, the length of the route is 1,481 km. From Yalta to Simeiz you need to follow the South Coast Highway (M2) 23 kilometers until the sign for Simeiz.

The journey from St. Petersburg will take about 30 hours. There are options: go either only through Ukraine, or through Belarus and Ukraine. The average is 2,200 km.

If you drive only through Ukraine, then you should take the E95 highway, in Bryansk get onto the E101, follow it to Belgorod, and then change the road to E105. This is the most optimal, simple (less chance of getting lost at junctions and turns) and fastest option.


Simeiz - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Ekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season? When is the best time to go

It's no secret that best time for a holiday on the Black Sea coast - this is mid-August - late September. The heat is subsiding, the night is no longer stuffy, the sea has warmed up enough. And local fruits, berries, nuts and vegetables are already quite ripe, so grannies begin to sell them and freshly made preserves and pickles at markets. In general, absolutely all, without exception, the delights of southern resort life can be enjoyed during this period.

Off-season trips are also very atmospheric, but, of course, radically different from summer ones. They are good for those who do not like to be in noise and crowds. The streets of the village are deserted, many cafes are closed, and souvenir stalls are boarded up. But there is an opportunity to wander alone on the beaches, without stepping over densely lying sunbathers, to feel the enormity of the elements, to listen to the waves, and not the screams of crayfish sellers and crying children, not to huddle among the thorny rosehip bushes, trying to disperse the oncoming flow of tourists on narrow rocky paths . Well, housing, of course, is rented during this period for more low prices.

Like Brodsky:

Coming to the sea in the off-season, in addition to material benefits, has another reason that it is temporary, but it is a way out of the brackets of the year, out of the prison gates

Simeiz in summer

The sea warms up to a comfortable temperature (about +23 °C) by mid-June and maintains this temperature until the end of September. Until this time, bathing has some hardening and invigorating effect: +18–20 °C.

Warm weather has been established in Crimea since May. But the hottest time is at the end of July - beginning of August (usually it lasts 2-3 weeks). The heat is simply sweltering, and at night the earth does not have time to cool down, and it is terribly stuffy. And the sea is not at all refreshing; at this time it is disgustingly warm. Even the local southerners, fried by the sun to the very bones, are languishing in the heat and don’t know where to go. What can we say about us, cold northerners and other Vikings.

Well, of course, in the summer there is the largest influx of tourists. There are queues and crowds at all the attractions, and traffic jams on the narrow two-lane Crimean roads are only slightly worse than those in Moscow.

Simeiz in autumn

In my opinion, autumn is the best time to visit Crimea for the reasons already noted above.

And, if you want to relax comfortably without the crowded tourist bustle and heat, but with warm sea, admiring the red-red landscapes of the forest, maple and oak alleys, then autumn is the time for you.

Simeiz in spring

Spring in Crimea is a very special time! From the end of April to the end of May everything blooms and smells fragrant. Moreover, even a tenth of the total diversity flowering plants unknown to our northern eyes. You walk and are surprised by every inflorescence, admire every flower and the genius of nature as a whole. Below under your feet, high on the slopes of the mountains, in the gardens at eye level, there are colorful spots and intoxicating aromas all around.

There are not many tourists at this time, but there are already some. The main influx here is on May holidays, and then Crimea has a short break before the main season. The sea is still cold, +15 °C, only walruses enjoy swimming. It’s quite warm during the day, +25 °C, at night +17 °C.

There are no fresh local fruits yet, everything is imported. But the flowering makes up for all the other shortcomings; these colorful landscapes alone are worth the trip. In general, Crimea in the spring is the joy of every impressionist.

Simeiz in winter

In winter, all coastal villages are empty. Simeiz is no exception. From the beginning of November, cafes, stalls and small seasonal hotels begin to close, tourists leave, and the streets become empty. It’s very rare if, while wandering somewhere around the village, you meet three people. To see one is good luck. At this time, employees of large industrial enterprises are mainly on vacation, the union of which issues vouchers to Crimea precisely for this time.

Temperatures in winter vary. It happens that it reaches -10 °C. This temperature is perceived as very disgusting due to the high humidity. Sometimes a piercing icy wind blows from the mountains or from the sea, when it simply blows you off your feet. Sometimes snow will fall, lie there for a day and then immediately melt. And most often, of course, sunny warm days from 0 to +5 ° C. Comfortable temperature for outdoor operation.

Even in winter it is often stormy. And if you want to look at a truly raging element with two-meter waves and clouds of spray, then winter is ideal for this.

At this time, all attractions are open and excursions are held. Only without queues and crowds of onlookers. There is less greenery all around: the vineyards have been harvested, the deciduous trees have shed their trim, only cypresses and Crimean pines do not give in to winter.

But in winter it’s easier to find accommodation in a location convenient for you without advance reservations three months in advance and at lower prices.

Simeiz - weather by month


Simeiz - weather by month

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

In Simeiz you can live in sanatoriums, in the private sector, or hotels.

Sanatoriums are located on the coast, hotels are mainly on the street. Sovetskaya, private owners rent out a variety of housing everywhere.

In my opinion, it is best to live with private owners. They offer authentic, colorful Crimean housing. You can search for accommodation options either on the spot. In the narrow streets and small verandas you will have a unique opportunity to feel the spirit of ancient Crimea. Such antique wooden and stone houses with attics and mezzanines can be found above the street. Soviet. There are whole labyrinths of small streets with affectionate domestic cats on the fences and the soaring aromas of freshly prepared southern dishes. Closer to the sea there are more modern buildings, but even there you can find guest houses and private houses for rent.

Those who like to be in the center of events will find housing on the street itself. Soviet. In hotels or, again, at the ubiquitous private owners. Many of them are now not entirely “computer” literate and post information about their apartments on the Internet. The information there is not always reliable, photographs can distort reality, so if you are not burdened with huge suitcases and four children hanging on you in clusters, then go and look at different options. There are a lot of aunties and uncles with “Housing” cardboard boxes during the high season.

Walking for half a day, choosing a comfortable and friendly place to live for the remaining time, is not so scary. If you are vacationing with children, then it is better to book everything in advance, choosing for yourself what is more important to you: whether to live by the sea, in the depths of quiet ancient alleys or on Central Street. Both there are very pleasant locations, cozy and convenient for relaxation, without distinguishing between bad and good areas. You can book accommodation on, and see if there are better prices somewhere.

What are the prices for holidays?


In high season, accommodation can be found for 700 rubles per person. These prices are offered private sector, small guest houses, hostels.

In hotels, prices vary from 1,200 to 5,000 rubles, depending on conditions and location. You can also search for tours to Simeiz on well-known search engines.

In winter, housing prices are 30–40 percent lower.


Prices for food in stores and on the market do not differ from mainland prices. Meals in a cafe can cost from 200 to 1,500 rubles, depending on the status of the establishment.


A minibus to Yalta will cost about 30 rubles, a bus to Simferopol 150 rubles.

You can save money here only in the markets if you have the art of bargaining. :)

Main attractions. What to see

Simeiz itself is one big attraction due to its unique atmosphere for a resort village. The air, the people, the streets, and the houses here are completely special. First of all, it's quiet. Even near the souvenir shops there are no crowds or boorish bargaining. And the sellers seem calm, serene and lazy. And not kites looking for their next victim.

Secondly, what, in my opinion, is the most important thing, is the contingent. Hippies, backpackers and other rebels flock to Simeiz.

You walk along its quiet winding streets and never cease to rejoice at the diversity of life forms on earth: you meet old and young people, paddling around barefoot, with long hair and dreadlocks. Barefoot musicians again play the most bizarre musical instruments right on the road. Their music is very specific, but this only supports the unique free atmosphere of Simeiz.

What also distinguishes Simeiz from classic resort villages is the abundance of vacationers from sexual minorities. There they have their own club and an unofficial but socially recognized beach, as well as Blue Street. In fact, the street is named Blue because it leads to a village called Blue Bay, but more often its name has a different meaning. Locals and tourists treat them tolerantly, and they feel comfortable. You can meet many such couples in the park and on the beaches.

Of course, you can’t do without a nudist beach in such a place. It's down below the Swan's Wing rock, where fellow nudists huddle on huge white blocks of limestone. Very beautiful wild beach: there is a tall cliff nearby, and oddly shaped stones are scattered along the seashore; there are a lot of fish, crabs and colorful sea plants in the water.

There, not far from the beach, backpackers huddle in tents, a small self-organized campsite. According to local climbers, they live there all year round and feed from neighboring gardens.

But, of course, Simeiz is not only a haven for various free-thinking citizens. Young families, elderly couples, vacationers from nearby sanatoriums - everyone has fun and finds their niche, because in Simeiz there is something for every taste.

Top 5

Even though Simeiz is a small resort village, it is not short on attractions. Thanks very much rich history, diverse owners in different eras, many peoples who inhabited it and rich nature, Simeiz is simply a “bank” of the most incredible and attractive attractions.

Beaches. Which ones are better

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

In Simeiz there is one Orthodox church and one mosque.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

There are no museums in Simeiz itself. Unless you consider the village itself a museum of architecture under open air.

There are a lot of ancient villas and dachas in the village that once belonged to the Moscow aristocracy. Many of them are already falling apart and abandoned, some have been used as sanatorium buildings since the times of the Soviet Union. But all of them are unique monuments of modern and eclectic architecture.

Looking at them is quite entertaining and also atmospheric. I have never seen such outlandish villas in any other city. They are all located on the streets of the village, and for sure, on your walks you will pass by and pay attention to them.


There is only one park in Simeiz, a small one. But it’s beautiful, shady, with a small pond. Since it is the only one in the village and has no competitors, it is called that - a city park. No special names were assigned to it. Simple and unsophisticated.

Winding gravel paths lead past rare trees and beautiful flower beds. Old Soviet flowerpots, stairs and colonnades look somewhat shabby, but noble. The park is crowned with observation platforms on a rocky cliff, from which a magnificent view of the sea and the Diva rock opens.

How to get there: it is located to the left of Cypress Alley when facing Mount Cat. The entrance to the park is not to be missed - behind the remarkable arched portal, dense greenery immediately begins.

Directly from the park you can go down a long dilapidated staircase to the city beach. And on a hot afternoon, sit on long Soviet benches with wide seats and high backs.

Tourist streets

The main street of Simeiz is also the main tourist route.

On Sovetskaya Street you will find a bus station, markets, cafes and restaurants, parks, shops and all the main attractions.

What to see in 1 day

In one day you can go around the whole of Simeiz and see its sights. Only this will not be enough. Although the range of tourist places there is not large, there is no desire to leave it at all. So attractive and cubby.

When you get off the minibus at the roundabout, first of all look around. All around you can see huge mountains, their wooded and rocky slopes - scale, space! Then take a deep breath. The sweet smell of cypress trees and the salty wind from the sea teasingly tickle your nose. Having tuned in to the positive wave of southern adventures, smile broadly and hit the road to discover the unknown and get a thrill from new places.

From the ring, walk along the street. Soviet. Don’t spare your neck, turn your head as intensely as possible! Look into all the shops and cafes that seem attractive to you, gaze at the local quaint houses and strange plants.

When you get to the market, be sure to stop by: southern sweets will lift the spirits of a tired traveler and give strength for further travel, and souvenirs for family and friends will weigh down your backpack so that in the event of a hurricane you will not be blown away to distant shores. The path will run past the Dream Villa, it rises above the road, and its turrets can be seen most way, enjoy the view.

Now you have reached Cypress Alley. Sit down, drink a freshly prepared mojito, admire the slender trees, take a photo of the Apollos and Villa Xenia. If you’re not afraid to walk through abandoned buildings, you can go into the villa itself and appreciate the remains of the previous decoration and layout, just don’t forget to turn on the flashlight on your phone: the villa hasn’t seen electricity for a long time.

Having received aesthetic pleasure from the sculptures and architecture of Simeiz, it is worth joining the natural attractions. Through Cypress Alley, following the signs, you will come to. Although you are quite smart, this is a mountain you have to climb. A well-trodden, well-marked path leads to the top. Take water with you: the climb is steep and you will get thirsty on hot days. Sneakers on your feet will also be a plus in this case.

Having climbed Koshka, you won’t be able to catch your breath: the view of the sea, rocks, village, and forest takes your breath away. After enjoying the scenery, contemplating and thinking about the meaning of life, you can begin your descent. Be careful: going down is always more dangerous than going up! Loose Crimean stones are ideal for slipping and rolling down. Make sure your foot is on a firm surface before you shift your weight to your other foot.

You can relax after the climb in the Simeiz park. It is located right behind Cypress Alley. Sit in the shady alleys, admire the sea and coastal cliffs - what could be better on a hot day?

From the park you can go down to the sea. If the weather permits, you can lie in the sun, soak in the gentle sea waves, and taste beach delicacies.

Food. What to try

There are no problems with cafes and restaurants in Simeiz. Here the most sophisticated and most unpretentious travelers will be able to satisfy their gastronomic needs. There is everything here: from chebureks to delicious seafood dishes.

Since Crimea is famous for its rich Tatar culture, establishments of Crimean Tatar cuisine are most common here. And you should definitely try pilaf, pasties, lagman and other Tatar gastronomic delights.

Well, of course, it would be blasphemy if you don’t eat crayfish, corn, dried Black Sea fish and churchkhela on the beach.

I personally gravitate towards two establishments in Simeiz, more about them below.

  • For those who want to try Crimean Tatar cuisine, I would recommend checking out Cafe "Selyam", on the street Sovetskaya, 60. All his employees are one big and friendly Tatar family. They are very friendly and hospitable. In the cafe you will taste high-quality, lovingly and conscientiously prepared pilaf, shurpa, dolma and other meat delights at completely justified and adequate prices (a hearty two-course lunch with a cheburek to boot will cost 500 rubles here). The cafe has an indoor hall and open terraces on balconies.
  • Another, more expensive restaurant of Tatar cuisine "Arzy", which is on the street. Sovetskaya, 10. It has a richer interior and also serves European cuisine. The service and design are at the level, the dishes are delicious, beautifully served. Lunch here will cost 700–800 rubles, but the courteous and tactful service justifies it. It’s simply cozy and pleasant to spend time at Arzy.


  1. cafe "Simeiz" (Gorky St., 2);
  2. waterfront eateries.


  1. cafe “Selyam” (Sovetskaya St., 60);
  2. cafe "Dedni" (Sovetskaya St., 17).


  1. restaurant "Tortuga" (territory of the Water Park);
  2. restaurant "Arzy" (Sovetskaya str. 10);
  3. restaurant at an oyster farm in Katsiveli.

Safety. What to watch out for

In summer in all resort towns You should be wary of “guest performers” in Crimea. These are pickpockets and scammers who come from other regions during the high season “to earn money.” While you are swimming or walking through the market with your mouth open, while you are taking a photo with a monkey or chatting with a fruit grower, your bag can be skillfully “worked off”, leaving you without money and a phone.

There is no need to be skeptical about this, like, what kind of fairy tales are from the 90s. This is still relevant, and the police will not help you here: they were paid in advance by these same tricks. So always close your bags, in markets and embankments, wear backpacks on your chest, do not leave things unattended, and, if you live on the ground floor, close the windows when you leave or sleep, use the air conditioner at night. While you are snoring sweetly, unfrozen on a hot summer day, you can be “robbed.”

And on the beach, when you sunbathe, it is better to put your bag with things under your head.

Clever as magicians, scammers easily and gracefully collect a “harvest” of bags while walking among relaxed tourists basking in the sun. Be careful, as they say.

There is nothing more to fear in Crimea. Everything is calm and safe here.

Things to do

It’s stupid to come to Crimea and sit in Simeiz alone. You need to travel to other cities and attractions. But you won’t get bored in Simeiz itself, take my word for it.

Shopping and shops

The most interesting shopping in resort villages takes place in the markets. So this is not shopping, but “marketing”. Souvenirs, local delicacies, beachwear, spices, Crimean teas and soaps, T-shirts with slogans about the Black Sea and others like them - everything that makes Crimea Crimea can be found at the market.

There is also a market in Simeiz, of course. On the same Sovetskaya street. A little further from the bus station, on the right side of the road. If you want to have fun bargaining with sellers of all nationalities: Ukrainian, Caucasian, Tatar and Armenian, then this is the place for you. Of course, you won’t find branded clothes there, although they will tell you that this swimsuit is nothing more than Victoria’s Secret.

Bars. Where to go

The largest number of bars are located on the embankment. Every summer, the owners and names may change, but the atmosphere in them is the same - beach resort. They serve draft Crimean beer and snacks to go with it (some even have fresh crayfish), and classic cocktails. They operate approximately until 02:00–03:00 in the summer. They close in October.

The most famous bar is perhaps “Jerzy”, which is located on Cypress Alley. But this establishment has become famous for the fact that gay people of both sexes gather there, and I can’t say how they treat people who aren’t their own, because I was too embarrassed to look there myself.

Clubs and nightlife

Discos are located in the same beach bars. They play regular popular and club music, as well as radio hits of this season. Don't expect hyped DJs or original mixes there. Some bars are designed for a crowd of 50+, and Rosenbaum and other chanson stars are shouting there at the top of their lungs.

The Treasure Island nightclub on the embankment offers new program: stripteases, concerts of local musicians, foam parties, karaoke and billiard tournaments. Parties start at 22:00 and end around 03:00. Some parties have a fee, but in most cases entry is still free. During the day, the establishment functions as a bar and cafe. Only in the summer months, of course.

Extreme Sports

Simeiz is a paradise for rock climbers and rock climbers. On Mount Cat, the Swan Wing and Diva rocks there are a bunch of well-trodden routes of all categories. Neither beginners nor pros will get bored there. And you can live right under the routes in a tent, so as not to walk far.

The routes are all quite long, so you need to take a rope for at least 60 meters. One route requires 12–13 quickdraws. As for multipitches, there are 3 multipitches on Koshka just for those who are still learning, all the ropes in them are of 4a–5c difficulty categories, routes of 4, 5 and 6 pitches.

When climbing on the Swan Wing, you need to take into account the wind: if it blows strongly from the sea, then at the top, at the end of the routes, it can actually blow away and make climbing and snapping difficult, sometimes the rope blows and pulls so much that you can’t snap it.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

The question of what to bring from Crimea does not cause any difficulties. Wine, spices, teas, soaps, Yalta onions, Crimean nuts, jams and pickles, seeds and sunflower oil, bracelets and necklaces made of shells, paintings by local painters, pottery ceramics, toys carved from wood. All this can be found in the markets.

Advice: To avoid being deceived with wine, it is better to buy it in stores at wineries. Various fusel fish may be released at markets. But not in factories. From Semeiz it is not so far to Inkerman and Massandra.

How to get around the city

According to Simeiz himself public transport does not go. It is not big enough to travel on the subway.

There is only one main street, the rest are small, narrow branches from the central one, with many stairs and sharp turns.

Minibuses go to the ring, intercity buses (,) go to the bus station, which is 500 meters from the ring on the street. Soviet.

You can get around Simeiz by car or on foot. The second is much more pleasant: wandering through the ancient southern streets is a pleasure. You still need to find a place for the car, and this is not so easy during the high tourist season.

Taxi. What features exist

It is mainly local car owners who drive taxis throughout the villages; they leave their business cards in every cafe and souvenir stall.

The prices are almost the same for everyone. Getting to Yalta from Simeiz will cost on average 500 rubles, to the airport - about 3,000.

Sometimes taxi drivers stand at the roundabout and wait for their clients, sometimes it’s better to call and order. The specificity of Simeiz taxi is that it is not a taxi fleet with a bunch of cars. These are private traders who work in their free time from household chores. Therefore, serious trips to the airport or other remote places need to be booked in advance: a day or two in advance.

Simeiz - holidays with children

In my opinion, Simeiz is ideal for families with children. Quiet shady streets, no noisy or dusty roads, safe beaches, a water park nearby, an alley with playgrounds, a cozy park for walking with a stroller or kids.


Rent a Car- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

Anything to add?

Simeiz- an urban-type settlement in the south of Crimea, territorially belongs to the Greater Yalta region. It is located 100 kilometers from the republican center - Simferopol, 20 kilometers from the center of Yalta. Simeiz has been developing as a resort place since the end of the 19th century; since the 50s of the 20th century, the village has become one of the most popular holiday destinations on the southern coast of Crimea, and it was then that large sanatoriums, boarding houses and leisure facilities appeared here. Today, Simeiz continues to hold a leading position in terms of the number of tourists among the resort villages of the peninsula. This section of the portal also provides information about holidays in the villages neighboring Simeiz: Lowering, Katsiveli And Blue Bay.

Rest in Simeiz. There are many reasons for the great popularity of Simeiz. For example, a real Mediterranean climate, which allows you to relax here throughout the year. The richest nature, combining delightful mountain and sea landscapes and abundant subtropical greenery. The democratic atmosphere of Simeiz, which attracts tourists here on holiday without complexes. In the area of ​​​​Simeiz and Katsiveli there is always a clean and transparent sea: sea ​​currents provide good water exchange, all beaches are pebbly and rocky, so no suspended matter appears in the water. The symbol of Simeiz is amazing rock Diva, which is located near the main beach of the resort. Climbing the rock and admiring the sea views is a mandatory part of the holiday program in Simeiz. Entertainment includes: a large water park, dive centers, boat trips, beach attractions; It is also convenient to make excursions from Simeiz to all the most interesting and important places on the southern coast of Crimea. You can choose any living conditions in Simeiz. Cheap rooms are available for rent in modest guest houses, many private hotels and villas have appeared with pretensions to chic, and the maximum range of various services is offered by the good old boarding houses and sanatoriums.

As in most parts of the southern coast of Crimea, Simeiz has a rather difficult terrain, so if it is very important for you to quickly and without much difficulty get to the sea, then you need to approach the choice of housing very carefully and book it as early as possible. All the most convenient places are often “crowded” with adherents of holidays in Simeiz for years to come. The best way to get to the resort is by own car. Or by plane to Simferopol and then by taxi. All other options may be cheaper, but will require several transfers from bus to bus.

Miskhor, Koreiz. This is actually a continuous chain of luxurious parks, hotels, sanatoriums, palaces, dachas, small streets with centuries-old ancient buildings, and Simeiz is the most striking of them.

The Crimean coast is distinguished by its landscape - the southern coast in these places, even in our time, can be called “wild”. Of course, sanatoriums, inns, hotels, boathouses, boarding houses, cottages, villas, parks and all elements of resort life are here, but nevertheless, a section of the southern coast of Crimea calleddiffers from the rest of the coast, for example from the same popular Yalta.

Here, the coastline of the resort for several kilometers is almost in pristine condition - rocks and natural parks stretch out like natural attractions of Simeiz. Even the highway, “Simeiz-Simferopol” and “Simeiz-Sevastopol”, which runs along the coast, passes here, higher, without disturbing the harmony of the village. The coastal strip is no more than five kilometers long, and the cliffs of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains hang over Simeiz like a stone wall.

Despite the fact that Simeiz is a very small resort village on south coast Crimea is a unique place in its nature and healing climate. From the south, Simeiz is washed by the Black Sea, from the west it is protected by Mount Koshka, covered with juniper, and from the north - by the Ai-Petri mountain range, which provides Simeiz with a warm subtropical climate.

There are many hospitals and sanatoriums here for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, including tuberculosis; phytoncides produced by junipers and pines contribute to their treatment.

There are many in Simeiz observation platforms, which offers wonderful views of the village itself and the surrounding nature. You can also take a walk to the “back” of Mount Koshka, there is a well-equipped ecological trail, which offers a magnificent view of the Blue Bay, and Simeiz in full view. There are also juniper trees growing here, which are several thousand years old, and you can come across ruins defensive structures brands

18 km west of Yalta, on South coast there is a picturesque resort village. Surrounded majestic mountains, at the beginning of the 20th century gained fame as an amazing seaside resort.
Mountain ranges provide the village with natural protection from cold and stormy winds. Due to this, the climate here is significantly warmer than in windy or coastal areas. The average temperature in February (the coldest month) is +3 °C, and at the height of summer the thermometer stays at +24.4 °C.
Mild short winters, long, hot summers, clean sea water and healing air made rest in a unique “inhalation” for people with pulmonary diseases.

History of Simeiz.

The noticeable rocks surrounding the village have long served as a landmark for sailors and travelers. These natural “lighthouses” gave the name to the village: translated from Greek stands for "sign, omen".

At the time of the annexation of Crimea to Russian Empire, was a small village of no particular interest. For a long time, the village remained a fishermen’s village, and only at the beginning of the 20th century did it begin to acquire the features of a resort. Its founders were the Maltsev brothers, who sold part of the land for the construction of dachas and boarding houses. From now on holiday in Simeiz begins to attract representatives of the nobility and nobility and very quickly becomes one of the most aristocratic and prestigious Crimean resorts.
With the advent of Soviet power, all villas and boarding houses were nationalized. Development as a medical resort continued actively. Most Simeiz health resorts specialized in the treatment of pulmonary diseases.
The village's infrastructure was severely damaged during the German occupation from 1941 to 1944. After the end of the war, the village was quickly restored and sanatorium-resort institutions reopened their doors to vacationers.

What to do in Simeiz?

Simeiz lies at the foot of the mountains, so it is rich not only in architectural monuments, but also in unique natural landscapes.

  • . Entertainment here is provided for the whole family. The water park has a “zest” - the pools contain sea water, which is renewed daily. There are many original cafes on the territory, and there are “land” entertainments: a bungee jump, a volleyball court, a climbing wall.
  • Villas “Dream” and “Ksenia”. Neighboring villas built in completely different architectural styles. “Dream” was built in the Turkish style characteristic of Crimea, and “Ksenia” repeats the architecture of an Alpine chalet.
  • In addition to the usual southern “inhabitants”, in the center of the park there is a large grove of relict juniper, saturating the air with a wonderful and healthy aroma.
  • . « Business card» village. With its outlines, the mountain resembles a graceful animal about to jump. Up the mountain are held excursion routes, you can climb up on your own.
  • Rock Diva. It got its name because of its bizarre shape, reminiscent of a girl emerging from the water. The ascent to the mountain is carried out along 260 steps carved into the rock. It’s not an easy task, but if you climb up, a stunning panorama will open up.

The swimming season begins in May, when the sea warms up to +18 °C, and ends at the end of October. All the beaches here are small-pebble with a smooth slope of the shore. Another advantage swimming season in Simeiz - admission to everything is free. The two most popular beaches are:

  • . Vacationers have a developed infrastructure and a lot of entertainment at their disposal: from banana boat rides to underwater diving. There is a club “Fregat” on the territory, where incendiary disco parties are held after dark.
  • . It is located behind Mount Koshka and consists mainly of stone boulders. There is no infrastructure, people come here to sunbathe naked and enjoy untouched beauty nature.

All resorts have their own beaches. You can get to some of them only if you have a sanatorium book. There are no special differences from the city beach, except that there are fewer people.

Despite its relatively small size, the resort village offers a lot of housing options.

  1. . The advantage of local hotels is their location. Almost all are within a 5-10 minute walk from the sea, or right on the coast. For lovers of a refined holiday, there are hotels with their own beaches and parks.
  2. . Small mini-hotels with 5-10 rooms. You can rent a separate room, but for those who like to relax in a large group, it is possible to rent the entire hotel.
  3. . Represented either by small summer houses. Almost everywhere there is parking, all the necessary furniture and household appliances. This type of accommodation is very popular among holidaymakers, so it is better to make reservations in advance.

How to get to Simeiz?

Simeiz is connected with everyone major cities beautiful road. You can get here by public transport from, or just take a regular bus. For those who love comfort, you can get there by your own car or by taxi.