Life on a yacht. Personal experience: How to move to live on a yacht and not screw it up Yacht real estate

My experience of traveling on yachts is 6 years, of which 3 years as a captain. As a yacht captain, I have sailed over 5,000 nautical miles - in Thailand, Norway, Canary Islands and to the Mediterranean Sea in Turkey, Greece, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France and Spain. I've been organizing all over the world for the last four years! In this essay I wanted to tell you about how wonderful it is to arrange your life in the space of a sailing yacht!

At small area The space of the yacht is organized so that it is as comfortable as possible! The renter or owner of the yacht will have a bedroom at his disposal - a comfortable cabin with a large bed, wardrobes and shelves. Bathroom with hot water shower, mirror and lots of shelves. And, of course, a kitchen with a table, refrigerator, stove, and dishes.

Bedroom (cabin) Bathroom (latrine) Kitchen (galley)

It will be convenient to work at the chart table, and in order to sit down with the whole company, there is a wardroom, a cozy living room and a dining room at the same time.

Navigation table The wardroom on a yacht The wardroom on a catamaran

For breakfasts and romantic dinners in the fresh air, the so-called cockpit on the deck, equipped with sofas and a folding table, is perfect. The bow of the yacht, especially the net between the floats on the catamaran, is nothing more than a personal beach.

Veranda (cockpit) Sun deck Net on a catamaran

So you can stay as comfortable on a modern yacht as in a hotel. But at the same time, your hotel has excellent mobility! Thanks to the fuel reserves, the yacht can sail freely for many days even in the absence of wind, in addition, the yacht can be loaded with such reserves of water that you do not have to worry about replenishing them throughout the trip. The yacht covers distances of 150-200 kilometers per day, but your captain will take care to exclude passages longer than 4-6 hours a day. Every day you can admire wonderful views, get acquainted with new cities, swim, sunbathe, and if you’re lucky, snark surrounded by colorful fish and swim in a race with dolphins.

Traveling on a yacht means not only free sailing, but also freedom of anchorage. You can always moor near an island or village that catches your fancy, in order to stroll through the ruins of an ancient fortress, lie on a snow-white beach, or plunge into the social life of the city you need. Or you can moor right next to the rock, as we did earlier, and immediately go fishing to catch your lunch.

Cities and islands, quiet harbors and noisy embankments, majestic mountains and the azure sea, (as well as " ") ancient castles and temples, sailing and excellent fishing, undersea world and indescribably beautiful sunsets, unity with the outside world and incredible freedom - all this can only be given by a vacation on a yacht.

We will be glad to open yachting for you during our yacht tours. Nearest

The World or World is the first passenger ship, which is also a private home. Residents live on board the ship, and the ship itself moves around the globe. Owners of cabins do not rent them for cruise days, but are full owners. Today the World came to London.

The huge ship, 196.35 meters long, is constantly on a non-stop cruise, visiting all continents.

The ship has now arrived in London, after which it will head to France and then Spain.

Great view! Cabin owners can live on the yacht all the time, or can only occasionally appear in their apartments. On average, owners of yacht apartments live in them from 3 to 6 months.

The ship has 6 restaurants, as well as grocery stores, boutiques and salons. There is also a fitness center, billiards room and golf simulator.

Created in 2002, this yacht has 165 luxury apartments ranging from $2.7 million to $9.1 million for a top suite. About 130 families around the world own apartments.

In four years, the ship can visit more than 900 ports in more than 140 countries if it sails at a maximum speed of 18.5 knots (34 km/h).

The world is at sea all year round. However, its passengers do not have to stay in their apartments all the time.

Today the World arrived in London. Last time he visited English capital in 2013.

The ship has three-room apartments and six-bedroom penthouses.

The cost of an apartment on a ship is calculated depending on the square footage. In addition to three-room apartments, there are two-room apartments and studios. In total, the ship has about 40 studios.

All apartment owners have access to a full-size tennis court, spa, fitness center, swimming pool, as well as 12,000 bottles of expensive wine.

The ship's routes are planned two to three years in advance through public voting.

wind power >>>

Personal experience: How to move to live on a yacht and not screw it up

Former editor-in-chief of the online newspaper The Village St. Petersburg Anna Balagurova less than a year ago gave up her career and office job to travel with her husband across the Atlantic. On the Snob magazine website, she writes a detailed blog about her adventures, and told us about how she got used to life on a ship while crossing the ocean.

I was on a sailboat for the first time a year and a half ago. By some absurd accident, in Helsinki, during the Flow festival. My friend somewhere picked up some guys from St. Petersburg who came there to race. Naturally, we were invited to join, but only as openers - we were not suitable for anything else. It seems that my friend was then assigned to “mine the spinnaker in the kitty.” It was funny to me, but she was practically buried under the sail.

Then, by another accident, I met my future husband, a yachting instructor. We drank a lot and talked about how we wanted to live and travel. In general, we were extremely romantic and agreed that a sailboat was an ideal option for both of us. This is at the same time a transport that moves by the forces of nature (that is, free of charge), a home anywhere in the world (also inexpensive), and even an opportunity to earn money by teaching or simply giving rides to people. It sounded like a good plan and we decided to go ahead with it.

All that remained was to choose and buy a boat. There were several requirements - a reliable yacht for the oceans (the so-called blue water cruiser), in the Mediterranean Sea (so that you could get to the Canaries without entering the evil Biscay and the English Channel), costing up to 60,000 euros (so that there was a little left for an upgrade) and, of course in good condition. Using the Internet, we found several almost ideal options in Sweden for half the price we planned. But all these northern seas... in general, we became lazy, because it was June, and in November we were going to start on the transatlantic. We bought our 1985 Westerly in Greece. A reputable English shipyard, pedantic owners, a beer opener on the step, again. I immediately felt sympathy for this neat and solid boat, for its funny, plump owners, who without hesitation declared that they did not like strong winds, and also that they would take away the grill, because without a grill their summer would be ruined.

A little paperwork with registering the boat and insuring it - and already in July we began to slowly move towards Gibraltar with stops in pleasant coastal towns, from mossy Sicilian resorts to magnificent Syracuse and Palma de Mallorca. Thus began my life on a boat.

The first thing we had to get used to was the roll and pitching. How to live when your world is tilted 30 degrees? How to sleep when you are tossed from side to side? Okay, let’s say you’re not in a passage, but in an anchorage, but damn it, you’re still rocking, it’s water! When you step onto the ground, you sway as usual. After crossing the ocean, I almost stopped paying attention to it. Firstly, I felt zen from the realization that I would have to hang out in open water for at least three weeks. Secondly, I wanted pancakes and fried potatoes even in a five-meter wave, so I had to get out of it. Remember - sometimes at anchorages it rocks almost like in the middle of the Atlantic. So if you want to live on a yacht, train your vestibular apparatus. At least on the carousels.

Learn to use water sparingly. If you are not overly rich and cannot afford an extra 400-500 euros per month for comfortable marinas, get used to spending 10 liters of water on thoroughly washing yourself (in the ocean, 2-3 was enough for my body and hair, but this is too Spartan ). About washing dishes or doing laundry fresh water, there is no question - everyone living on the yacht has taps installed sea ​​water(even though we do our laundry at laundromats and are increasingly using paper plates). There is one controversial point here - all waste products are thrown out of the yacht straight into the sea. So-called gray water (from dishes and showers) can be drained almost anywhere in the world. In many countries, black water (from the toilet) is required to be stored in collector tanks on a boat and pumped out in specially designated areas. Taken together, this all sounds terribly crazy. Shit diluted in water is much more harmless than fairies or alkaline shampoos. On a yacht, I try to use environmentally friendly household chemicals and cosmetics, but rather for self-soothing. Because on the scale of the world's oceans this is simply ridiculous.

In addition to water, you will have to save electricity. We travel in sunny regions, so for our needs (refrigerator, charging phones and laptops, light, autopilot), two solar panels are almost always enough. Many people install windmills and water turbines on boats - universal, but incredibly expensive. We also have a desalination plant installed - an incredibly useful thing that gives complete autonomy from the shore. True, distilled water should not be drunk for too long due to the complete absence of useful substances contained in ordinary water. We fill our tanks full whenever possible. 350 liters of water is enough for the two of us for more than 2 weeks.

Those who live on the water need to periodically get ashore - they can’t all sit at home. For this purpose, they usually use a small inflatable boat with a motor or oars (although in the Canaries I saw two girls who ignored the oars and rowed with fins). It is almost impossible to leave this enterprise with a dry bottom. So, imagine: early Saturday morning, you stumble out of the bar. What's next? That's right, you get into a taxi to go home to sleep. And I wander along the beach or embankment in search of my run-down boat, which overnight turned into an inflatable pool, and enter into an unequal battle with waves, jellyfish, and a motor even more sluggish than me. In general, one wrong move and the boat is on your head. Recently we forgot to take oars with us, for the first time in our lives. Of course, on the way back our engine died, also for the first time in our lives. We were stuck on our inflatable hernia in the middle of a bay in the very center of Bridgetown, where at that time they were celebrating the 50th anniversary of Barbados' independence. Amid the hooting of the crowds from the embankment, we buried them with our hands and within 40 minutes we were on the yacht (the journey under the motor takes about three minutes). The ridiculous situations you find yourself in while living at anchor are innumerable.

Captains School

Anyone can become a captain of a sailing ship - all you need is desire and a good instructor. “The Power of the Wind” will teach you everything you need to know and be able to do, and after passing the exam will issue you an international class license. We conduct theoretical courses in the center of Moscow, and practice courses in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands. Come to class!

Otherwise, everything is like at home, or rather at the dacha. A bedroom with a large bed, a living room with a large table, internet (we have an antenna amplifier to steal Wi-Fi from coastal cafes), even an oven (for storing frying pans). There is a TV in the salon - exclusively for watching films and TV series. There are speakers in the cockpit so you can dance on the deck or just have a party. As for drinking parties, yachtsmen are not fools to drink. One of the terms that came into my use after moving to the boat is sundowner - meaning “a glass of alcohol drunk at sunset.” Another term was coined by my husband - “Polish yachting”. This is when you rent a boat for a week and never leave the marina because you drink all day long. From the name it is clear that it is mainly the Poles who do this, not us.

Any racer would spit in my face if they saw what my boat turns into at anchorages. A hammock hangs on the spinnaker boom, a bucket is tied to the jib furling sheet (well, so as not to drop it), and underpants are dried on the rails. Books and clothes are lying around everywhere, the kitchen is overgrown with a bunch of little things - this happens to everyone who hangs out in one place for more than a few days. After a couple of weeks at anchor, it’s difficult to force yourself to go out to sea. Too lazy to collect everything, secure it, put it in cabinets. I don’t want to bother with the anchor and then with the sails. It’s good if you have to walk for a short time and with a good wind. Transitions of more than a day in our case turn into epileptic yachting. Long hours of procrastination on deck, and then - a sudden change in the wind, a gust, a torn sheet, running around under the heartbreaking screams of the captain. At first, I was taken aback by the fact that the captain was actually my husband. I still don’t understand why he’s yelling like that! They say that almost all skippers behave in a similar way, no matter how nice people they are in everyday life. In the USA there is a yachting school for women, with female owners and teachers. So, their slogan is “No shout”. I think this is very cool and correct.

I read in many yachting blogs that after living on a yacht it is difficult to return to cities, because the boat gives a feeling of freedom and all that, but the city subjugates it, leaving only the illusion of choice. It seems to me that in many ways this is deceit. To balance between the inexpensive gypsy life on a yacht and maintaining the boat in a condition suitable for serious passages, you need money, quite a lot at the current exchange rate. This means that it is still impossible to exclude oneself from the circle of capitalist relations. To some extent, you become a slave to your own boat. If you want to radically change the situation, you need money not only for yourself, but also for mooring the yacht. The apartment can be locked and forgotten, but only a rather careless owner can leave the yacht dangling at anchor and just dump it. The most painless scenario, in my opinion, is this: six months while in Europe good weather, travel, stopping at anchor, and for the winter put the boat in an inexpensive marina (if you look, you can spend 600-700 euros in 6 months) and go home to work. This won’t work with more exotic places - flying away is expensive, leaving the boat is even more expensive. If you're tired of everything, you're in a hopeless situation.

A big bonus of owning a yacht in Europe is the opportunity to stay abroad almost endlessly without worrying about a visa. Without further details, put a stamp on exit to any EU country. This is done either at the local police station or at the passenger port. Both there and there there are more important things to do than you with your visa, so they put stamps without looking. Upon arrival in the next country, you can “accidentally forget” about the entry stamp until you need to fly home. Such an unexpected loophole still boggles my mind, because we are all accustomed to serious controls at airports and land borders. The Caribbean, on the contrary, turned out to be a rather bureaucratic place. On almost every Antilles island where we are spending this winter, we need to obtain entry and exit documents. In Barbados, among other things, we were sent to the medical office, where we had to fill out a questionnaire with questions like “has anyone died on board” and “is the crew experiencing diarrhea?” But there is no control other than on paper. For more than six months, our yacht has never received any inspections, although we have already crossed half the world. At least transport slaves, at least enriched uranium. In this sense, having your own boat really gives you a certain freedom. This is probably why same-sex couples and all those who, for ideological or any other reasons, are no longer happy with life in modern cities travel quite often on yachts.


Andrey Stekachev

Summer on a yacht moored in a cozy picturesque bay is a real dream. The Village spoke with Ksenia Kushnarenko, the founder of the Le Picnic market, who spends the summer with her family on a sailing yacht in Orekhovaya Bay, near Moscow, and found out whether life on a boat is really like a fairy tale.


My parents and I bought this boat a couple of years ago in Poland. We went for one and bought a completely different one. Roughly speaking, we were going for a tricycle, but bought a motorcycle. It took her a long time to get to us: we bought it in the fall, but she arrived only in the spring of next year.

The boat was launched at the Gals yacht club on the Pirogovskoye Reservoir. We stayed there for the first year, and then moved to the neighboring yacht club “Orekhovaya Bay” - “Oreshka”. It’s very cozy here: a narrow bay, elongated like Pinocchio’s nose, boat to boat, a compact pier and immediately from it a hillock with a grove. At the top there are houses, a cafe, a yacht berth and a yacht shop. In addition to yachtsmen and their sympathizers, wakers and windsurfers hang out here. My parents live at the yacht club practically all the time, and my boyfriend Zhenya and I go there as if to a dacha. We try to do everything at Oreshok free time, but if you have something to do, jump into a taxi and you’re already in the city.

Our boat is called "Vesta". When we bought it, it had a different name, but traditionally it is supposed to change the name when the owner changes. We had many options, but in the end we chose “Vesta”: I read that this is the patron goddess of the family hearth. The boat appeared at a difficult moment for our family and, probably, really united and united us for some time. So this is a very symbolic name for us.

Besides the boat, we have a house in Walnut Cove and we mostly sleep there.
We also tried it on the boat: there’s nothing in the aft cabin, but in the bow you feel like you’re in a one-person tent. It is very inconvenient to go to the toilet at night: you need to dismantle the bed from the pillows, otherwise the door will not open. Zhenya climbed out through the hatch, but it’s not easy when he’s asleep. In addition, this hatch is quite decent in size and serves as a porthole. The light that comes through it makes it very difficult to sleep. Imagine that you are sleeping in a transparent tent - approximately the same sensations.

But it rocks nicely on the waves. You sleep like a baby in a cradle. And only nightingales interfere with sleep. The nightingales here are especially fanatical: they start singing around 23:00 and don’t stop until the morning. No way without earplugs. In general, we usually spend the day on the boat and spend the night in the house opposite. We also have a container - the kind in which goods are usually transported. It is also nearby, and we want to convert it into a living space. We have already painted the container yellow, now we are working on the stairs, and then we are planning renovations inside.

Yacht structure

Our yacht is sailing, centerboard, quite large by local standards - 33 feet in length, which is about 10 meters. There are only two such large cruise boats here: ours and our neighbor - the French Jeanneau.

The boat was made at the Polish shipyard Maxus. We are not its first owners, but it was in perfect condition, and we decided to buy it. I remember we went on a tour of the plant, where we were shown the entire process of assembling the vessel from the matrix to the finished hull. Then we were invited to a regatta on this very boat, where we, together with the captain, took first place. And then there was a party with dancing, tables full of food, beer flowing and fireworks. Therefore, we had no chance of not buying a boat.

Inside there are three cabins (one bow and two aft), one latrine, a spacious wardroom and a cockpit. The cost of parking our boat includes the parking itself, that is, mooring, and 24-hour security - that’s 8 thousand rubles per month. Electricity and water are paid separately. By the way, our water is pure spring water, from a local artesian well. The galley has a sink, refrigerator and small gas stove. So we don’t eat soups here, rather the opposite: every day we eat tom yum, fish soup or pasta with mussels. Parents really love throwing dinner parties - it seems that the whole “Oreshka” has already attended them. Not only do they come to us from neighboring yacht clubs, they come from Voronezh.

All the water from our shower, toilet and kitchen is drained into the tank, and from there into Pirogovka. But not into the bay, of course - we’ll drain it as soon as we sail further away. According to yachting etiquette, no one uses the latrine while moored (only if it’s really tight). We have two souls: one is in the same place as the latrine, and the second is at the stern, right in the transom. It’s very convenient: dive, swim, rinse. By the way, swimming in the bay is officially prohibited - the guard swears. This is logical: boats and boats go back and forth. But we still swim.

We never had a summer house, and the boat became an excellent alternative. And the yacht has its advantages. After all, the house stands and stands, but you took the boat and went out for a ride in the evening. Most often we ride along Pirogovka or go to the Pestovskoye Reservoir. There is wind - we set sails, if there is no wind - we go under the motor. The farthest we went was to Konakovo, on the Volga, across the Moscow Canal. It seems there are six gateways there and the same number back.

Theoretically, on our boat you can go to Ladoga, Onega - we have a good lake type yachts. But with the sea it’s more difficult. Here it is more logical to take a charter on the spot. Going to sea has its own requirements. But if you prepare and if you have time, then you can go there, I think.

Our captain is our father. He is the only one who has skipper's credentials. And Zhenya, my mother, and I are like the underdog sailors (from the word payol. - Ed.), as he calls us. We set the mainsail, work on the jib, practice tack and jibe turns. We recently went to a skipper course, following which we should receive an IYT Bareboat Skipper diploma at the end of the summer (this is an international certificate that gives us the right to manage sailing yacht up to 22 meters long). At the end of the course they promise practice in Greece - this is very tempting. I would like to go somewhere other than Konakovo and Poland - and to be in the captain’s shoes, of course.

Glossary of terms

small private room on a ship

toilet on a ship

common area on the ship for food and rest

internal open space on deck

kitchen on the ship

Bow of the boat
front part of the ship

back of the ship

the lower part of the flat stern of a ship

Cleaning and maintenance

In terms of cleaning, a boat is no different from a house - the only difference is that you have to clean it up much more often. This yacht is a holiday for the guests, they came and went. And for those who live on it, this is a harsh everyday life. You are cleaning something up all the time - the space is small, everything is in plain sight.

My father is generally a “wedge freak”: he is as clean as a medical unit, every stopper and every button on the dashboard is signed. It looks funny, but it helps him. It seems he's the only one here. I have never seen my boat treated with such care. He always buys something for her: either a new sail or a navigation system. Although why is she in Pirogovo? There seem to be no reefs, shallows or schools of mackerel here.

In general, a boat is a big toy that you can tinker with endlessly. Well, it is necessary to feed it - in the sense of refueling it. There is no gas station in Oreshok, so we bring fuel in cans. The engine takes 40 liters of gasoline alone, but you also need diesel for the heating system.

Maintaining a yacht is not a cheap pleasure. Once you buy it, you will not only constantly pump the boat, but also repair it. One of the guests threw something into the latrine and the tank became clogged. And to remove the blockage - 500 euros, take it out and put it back. Buying a storm sail costs a thousand dollars, repairing the stem costs 30 thousand rubles. 30 thousand rubles for an area of ​​30 by 30 centimeters - that’s a thousand per square centimeter. In addition, like any transport, a yacht requires regular technical inspection. For the winter, the engine is preserved, the yacht is taken out of the water and placed on a trailer to spend the winter on land.

Summer in nature

We seem to be very close to Moscow - ten minutes by car to the Moscow Ring Road, but the proximity of the city is not felt at all here. It feels like you are somewhere very far away.

I love our house. We have panoramic windows everywhere, and we seem to be the only ones who didn’t curtain them. I studied in Denmark, and I got this habit from there: no one ever covers the windows there, and no one cares what you do. But the whole world is at your fingertips.

So here too - trees all around, water a few steps away. It seems to be in the house, but it seems to be in nature. It turns out to be an ideal observation deck, and you sit and seem to be watching TV: a reservoir, hazel trees, bluebells, squirrels jumping, hedgehogs rustling, someone is doing magic over the grill, there’s Lena from the wake station shouting to one of the newcomers for the hundredth time about “ softer knees,” the yacht “Kunashir” has left, but our “Vesta” is leaving. To be honest, it’s impossible to work. I tried it - failed idea. You are always distracted by something. Communication, again. We have a very hospitable yacht, there are always new people on the boat, there is always something to treat. Therefore, if I’m parked for work - I’m going to the city, I can definitely get ready there.

Question " WHERE SHOULD YOUR HOME BE LOCATED?» is no longer relevant.


Our company has started producing Houses that can move on water. And this is not a yacht or a floating house. It's more like a FLOATING ISLAND or a LUXURY HOUSE.


Because almost all over the world, housing on the water is not subject to taxes. You can absolutely legally place your House in the center of Moscow or New York, Sydney or Barcelona. Only in some cities, such as Venice or Amsterdam, where there are a lot of people living on the water, it is possible to obtain a permit only for temporary parking. In the rest of the world, the duration of your stay in a particular country is regulated only by the duration of your visa there. But more than 90% of the calmest and warm countries There are no restrictions on your stay in the country at all. And in a country like the United States, more than 10 million Russian-speaking people with long-overdue entry visas have been living fully for decades.


Because a yacht the size of our house is much more expensive. And it is more convenient to live for a long time or permanently in a house rather than on a yacht. In addition, motor yachts are not capable of crossing the ocean, and to control a sailing yacht of this size requires a whole team. Our Homes will easily sail to Miami and beyond.


The body of our house was built using the latest technology. It consists of honeycombs filled with polyurethane foam. Even if you punch through the hull or cut out a large piece of the hull with a saw, or simply pour water from a hose inside, the house will continue to float without changes. It's just like trying to drown a thick sheet of foam. You can poke holes in it or break it into several pieces, it will still float.


Standard House 20 m long and 10 m wide on three levels.

The house consists of:

Large living room with kitchen area, dining table, sofas, large plasma panel.

Two guest (or children's) rooms with bathrooms.

Large master bedroom with King size bed and separate bathroom.

Open upper veranda with awning, jacuzzi and garden.

Open sun deck on the middle deck.

An open circular veranda around the house.

Internal deck for storing inflatable boats, jet skis, trikes, surfboards, bicycles and electric scooters.


Since the product is one-piece and there cannot be two identical houses, the final cost of the house consists of many nuances discussed with the customer at the design stage.

The cost of a unique case does not exceed half a mile US dollars. To this we must add interior decoration, as well as household and navigation equipment.


Our house is absolutely AUTONOMOUS! It does not need to be connected to any coastal communications. (although technically this is possible)

- ELECTRICITY is provided by solar panels with a total power of 15 kW, which is accumulated in special helium batteries.

Seawater desalinators allow you to save water.

The wastewater treatment system improves its quality to the possibility of recycling.

Climate control systems allow you to regulate temperature and humidity individually in each room.

The kitchen is equipped with a large refrigerator/freezer and an independent ice maker; induction hob with oven; a microwave oven and a variety of household equipment (mixers, combines, juicers, etc.).


It is assumed that the vast majority of the time (more than 95%) the House is not moving anywhere. (as well as most yachts). It is located in some picturesque bay. However, there are plenty of opportunities for movement.

In order to slowly glide along the shore, the house has 4 absolutely silent electric motors. They allow you to travel at a speed of 5 knots (9 km/h) all day.

For faster movements or in conditions bad weather There are two economical diesel engines that allow the house to move at sea at a speed of 14 knots (the usual speed of a cruise ship).

But to cross the ocean, you need a sail. Our house does not have sails, but wings, like an airplane. Therefore, there are no stays, shrouds, halyards, sheets and other essential sail accessories.

The wings perform the functions of a sail when required, and the functions of an awning when parked. The House has three wings in total. The wing rises to the working position in 4 seconds using a hydraulic drive. To do this you need to press a button. The computer sets the wing to the optimal angle of attack of the wind, and automatically maintains this angle regardless of the direction of movement of the House.

All that remains is to set the direction of movement and the autopilot will do all the work for you at the helm. The global positioning system will allow you to track the direction of movement of all ships in your area, and they will see you, avoiding collision.


Currently, only ships that are forced to strictly adhere to their route are caught in storms. You can always dodge the storm. After all, a storm or hurricane is local in nature. You will have constant information about their location and trajectory. And only you can decide whether to go into the storm or not.

But even if you decide to go through the storm, it is not a tragedy, but rather an adventure. You don't need to stand at the helm. You will admire through the window how your House slowly makes its way through the elements.


However, like most people

Our House has the shape of a TRIMARAN body, i.e. the vessel least susceptible to rolling. There will be no pitching at all in parking lots. You can choose calm weather for travel.


Of course, but it will only be one house. And you will begin to live in another country. And communicate with the world on tour. trips.

The concept of our House allows you, without compromising the comfort of your home, to “try on” the entire globe. Live in the States for a few years, and then move a little to the Bahamas or rush to a year New Zealand. Don't you want to hang out in the ocean for three weeks yourself? Tell us about this and we will move your House to a new parking lot, and you will fly by plane.


Paid parking exists only in yacht clubs. Yachtsmen are forced to enter them to refuel with water and electricity, to access shore showers and washing machines.

You have all this in the best quality House. Therefore, you do not have to purchase these services from the yacht club.

The coastal wall is usually free, so it is always densely crowded with yachts. But you have a trump card that will help you find a free place in almost any city. The minimum draft for yachts is 1.5 meters, for our House it is only 50 centimeters. That is, if the water is knee-deep, that’s enough for you. And places in shallow water are always free.

For the same reason, it is easier for you to find a place in the roadstead, because you can always stand closer to the shore than yachts. Standing at anchor (or in the roadstead) on a yacht is not very comfortable, because there is only one anchor and, depending on the direction of the wind, the yacht is constantly spinning around the anchor. Our house rises to 4! There are anchors at every corner, so it stands in reinforced concrete, like an oil platform in the ocean.


Only satellite communications can work in the ocean. Today, a satellite phone costs no more than an iPhone. You can also use expensive Internet via satellite. But for mail it is quite acceptable.

If you are not on a desert island, then you always have 3G and Wi-Fi using an antenna and amplifier. After all, almost all cafes on the embankment have a free field that will reach your home thanks to the equipment.

But if you got carried away desert island, then to order lobster for dinner you just have to dive for it. All the necessary equipment for this is in the house.

There is also a hydro-motor hang glider on which you can fly around the island, or go around it on a high-speed inflatable motorboat. The house is equipped with all this.

To get around on land, the house has electric scooters. They can be driven on roads almost everywhere without registration.


The house is registered in Russian Federation on you as a NON-COMMERCIAL VESSEL. It meets all the requirements for such vessels and has a Certificate of Conformity issued by a government agency. The tax, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, is levied on horsepower, and there is less of it in the House than in a car. Therefore, the annual tax for luxury home less than for a regular car.

Registration and the corresponding certificate (ship ticket) confirms your rights as the legal owner of the House.


The house takes 6 months to build and approximately the same amount of time it takes to install household and navigation equipment. That is, the approximate duration of construction is one year, adjusted for the time of year.

It will take about two more months to transport the House to the Mediterranean. During this time, the House is actively tested in all modes.


Of course, you can just leave silently, but then the author will have no incentive to write for you.