How long does it take to ferry to the Crimea. How and where to get by ferry to Crimea: routes, prices, tips. Timetable - schedule of ferries across the Kerch Strait

(cars, motorcycles, trucks and others)


When booking electronic coupons on the page, cars pass in a separate stream, bypassing the general queue. The site lists six-hour time slots to choose from. It is advisable to come to crossing one hour before the start of your time period. After registration and payment, tickets must be printed or saved to a smartphone for presentation at the check-in area. You must have the originals of all documents with you in order to receive boarding passes that give you the right to load on ferries. At the entrance to the reservoir, located on the A-290 highway before turning to the Chushka spit, coupons are issued for payment for motorists following in a “live” queue.

See also:

  • To Crimea by car
  • Ferry timetable
  • Ferries on the map online
  • Documents for crossing
  • Bus to Crimea

Until the completion of the crossing Kerch Strait- the easiest way to get to Crimea without crossing the Ukrainian border. It is convenient to get to the port "Kavkaz" through Anapa and Krasnodar. The cost of ferry tickets depends on the dimensions of the vehicle and for 2018 is:

  • cars with a length of less than 5.3 m - 1.7 tr., over - 4.8 tr., trailers are paid separately, the cost of transportation is 1.5 tr.;
  • buses up to 10 m - 3 tr, more than 10 m - 5 tr;
  • trucks from 5 to 13 tr, depending on the length (including the trailer and the cargo protruding beyond the tailgate);
  • motorcycles - 500 rubles, bicycles - 150.

The price of a crossing to Kerch for adults is 150 rubles, for children 6-12 years old - 80 rubles, under 6 - free of charge. The ticket price includes the right to carry baggage up to 25 kg. For each kg in excess of the norm, they pay extra 10 rubles.

The cost of crossing the Kerch Strait

Name of goods Tariffs in rubles
Passenger transportation
1 Adult ticket 150
2 Child ticket
2.1 children under 6 years old 0
2.2 children from 6 years old to 12 years old 80
2.3 children aged 12 and over 150
Transportation of motor vehicles
Passenger vehicles
1 Passenger cars, including jeeps and trucks based on passenger cars before 5 m 30 cm. 1700
2 Passenger cars, including jeeps and trucks based on cars with a length of from 5 m 30 cm. 4800
3 Trailers for cars 1500
1 Passenger-and-freight buses and minibuses of all brands, up to 10 meters long 3000
2 Passenger-and-freight buses and minibuses of all brands, over 10 meters long 5000

Vehicles (trucks of all brands, truck cranes, forklifts, tractors, etc.,

including trailer and cargo protruding over tailgate)

1 long before 5 meters 5000
2 long from 5 m before 9 m 6500
3 long from 9 m before 12 m 8000
4 Trailer or semi-trailer length from 12 m before 20 m 13000
5 Bicycles, mopeds 150
6 Mopeds 300
7 Motorcycles and scooters without a sidecar 500
8 Tricycles 600
9 ATVs 700


  • Cabin baggage weighing up to 25 kg is transported free of charge;
  • For the carriage of cabin baggage over 25 kg, an additional passenger seat is paid;
  • Transportation of manual wheelchairs, motorized wheelchairs and cars received by persons with disabilities through social security agencies is free of charge;

1. If the actual length of the vehicle is more than 16.5 m, the calculation of the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is applied according to the formula: Sact = L: 16.5xS, where L is the actual length of the vehicle, m, S is the base cost of transportation of the vehicle.

2. If the actual width of the vehicle is more than 2.6 m, the calculation of the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is applied according to the formula: Sact = Sx2, where S is the base cost of transportation of the vehicle.

3. If the actual height AT is more than 4.5 m, the calculation of the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is applied according to the formula: S fact = S x 2, where S is the base cost of transportation of the vehicle.

4. If the actual width of the vehicle is more than 2.6 m and the height of the vehicle is more than 4.5 m, the calculation of the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is applied according to the formula: S fact = S x 2, where S is the base cost of transportation of the vehicle.

5. If the actual length of the vehicle exceeds 16.5 m and any of the other dimensions, the actual cost of transportation is calculated by the formula:

S fact \u003d L: 16.5 x S, where L is the actual length of the vehicle, m, S is the base cost of transporting the vehicle.

6. When calculating the cost of a vehicle, the gross weight of which exceeds 28 tons, do not charge for additional tons over 28 tons. When measuring weight, a partial ton up to 500 kg is rounded down, and a partial ton from 500 kg is rounded up.

7. When transporting dangerous goods by cargo vehicles (according to the order "On the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods"), the calculation of the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is applied according to the formula:
S fact = S x 1.25; where S is the base cost of transporting a vehicle; 1.25 - additional coefficient.

Current route

The current situation in Ukraine does not allow to freely pass through its territory to the Crimean peninsula. In addition to crossing two borders, you will also have frequent stops at checkpoints. Therefore, today the most relevant route from Russia to Crimea and back is the Caucasus Crimea crossing. Fares will depend on the size and weight of vehicles.

The procedure for entering the ferry ports "Crimea" and "Kavkaz"

The formation of the queue in the port of Kavkaz takes place in the storage tank in the village of Ilyich. At the entrance to it, you are given two coupons - one with the queue number, the second for measuring transport. At the end of the drive, using these coupons, you buy a ticket for a ferry to the Crimea at the box office. Already from here, the cars are sent in batches to the drive in front of the ferry. On the site "Parom 24" you can find out about any transported transport - characteristics and total cost. The ferry to the Crimea runs every hour. The greatest activity occurs during the day in good and calm weather. At night and in the morning, flights may be a little less frequent due to staff changes. Visit the site "Parom 24", where there is a detailed schedule of the ferry to the Crimea. If you are traveling from the Crimea to Russia, then three drives are organized for you. Two main ones - the port of Crimea and the Rybny port, and one additional one - the territory of the old airport. The extra storage works on busy days. Anyway The best way to get to the Crimea is the Kerch crossing. The cost will please you, and the road is much easier and safer.

Freight transportation

How much does a ferry to Crimea cost? There will be a corresponding price for each mode of transport. For passengers, cars and trucks, the corresponding prices. Freight crossing to the Crimea is carried out by cargo ferries "Sevastopol", "Novorossiysk" and "Annenkov". The first two are capable of transporting 175 passengers and 92 trucks each, and the third is capable of transporting 25 railway wagons. Cargo ferries to Crimea may deviate from the schedule during unfavorable weather conditions. After the reconstruction of the ferry crossing, the problems of organizing logistics were successfully solved. Electronic terminals have been introduced, additional accumulation areas have been built, infrastructure has been improved (restaurants, cafes, toilets, showers). Thanks to this, getting on a cargo ferry to the Crimea and using the crossing has become much easier and more convenient.

Currently, the ferry to the Crimea is the number one expensive for tourists. The Crimean peninsula has always attracted people with its uniqueness, climate, architecture, history. There are 770 hotels, sanatoriums, boarding houses on its territory. Therapeutic possibilities sanatorium-resort complexes were popular among vacationers at all times. According to statistics for 2016, Crimea received over five million tourists.

Significance of the sea ferry crossing

The most important sector of the Crimean economy is tourism, its development is ongoing. The construction of the Kavkaz-Crimea sea ferry crossing provided an influx of tourists and made it possible to shorten the route. A distance of five kilometers of the crossing connected the Crimean Peninsula with the Krasnodar Territory, it was built in the very bottleneck strait and is the largest in the world.

Currently ferry crossing to the Crimea was reconstructed, which made it possible to ensure the transportation of passengers per day within 50 thousand people. Under normal weather conditions, the Crimea-Caucasus crossing operates up to 100 flights, while providing transportation for:

  • Passenger vehicles;
  • trucks;
  • Railway wagons.

Ferry loading averages 80 percent. Berths have been developed, they are equipped with public catering points, electronic terminals, ticket sales via the Internet have been organized. The queue for the ferry is organized, its procedure is as follows:

  • The passenger takes the queue;
  • Receives a numbered ticket;
  • Purchases tickets;
  • Awaiting loading.

Ferry Opportunities

Ferry Crimea Port Kavkaz transports road transport separately from buses and trucks. The cost of the service is determined by the number of passengers carried and the length of the car.

The loading process is organized in the following order: 10 cars are skipped, the ferry loading time lasts for 45 minutes. Travel time is about 40 minutes, you should also provide time for solving organizational measures.

Those who visited the crossing at the end of summer are advised to postpone the trip during this period, as the queue increases significantly.

The crossing should be planned for good weather to avoid being delayed by the storm period. Beneficial categories of citizens are served out of turn.

Ports of the Caucasus and Crimea operate around the clock throughout the year. The police and representatives of the people's squad ensure order, and also controls the queue. In the ports, work was carried out to deepen the seabed, which made it possible to receive three-deck ferries for the transport of cars. The daily movement of passenger trains through the ferry has been established.

The Kavkaz crossing is located in the Temryuk region Krasnodar Territory. From the Kavkaz crossing, the ferry to the Crimea moves to the village of Zhukovka. The village is located near Kerch. The crossing of passengers is carried out by the same bus, the only condition is that before boarding the ferry it is necessary to pass passport control and inspection. The crossing operates nine ferries with different capacities:

  • Extra large;
  • Big;
  • Middle;
  • Small.

The crossing is serviced by qualified specialists capable of ensuring the uninterrupted operation of transport, as well as safe conditions for the life of passengers.

In front of the berths, small accumulation areas have been created to divide the flow of road transport into ship lots awaiting loading. The advantage of the sites is that they eliminate congestion and provide rest for drivers and their passengers. On their territory there are food zones, toilets, showers. Enough effort has been put in to create comfortable conditions. The whole service is organized in such a way that the tourist again has a desire to use the ferry to the Crimea.

  • 03/01/2016 The Kerch ferry crossing is temporarily working due to the actual weather due to fog.
  • Prices for holidays in Crimea in 2018
  • Air ticket. Prices for international flights

Timetable - schedule of ferries across the Kerch Strait

The crossing of the Kerch Strait operates around the clock at any time. Port "Kavkaz" is served by cargo-passenger ferries, a separate line for the transportation of trucks has also been allocated. The movement is carried out according to the schedule and is adjusted, depending on the intensity of passenger traffic and the weather. Ferries arrive at the port of Krym 25-45 minutes after leaving the Chushka Spit.

Deviations from the schedule occur when meteorological conditions worsen. In case of a strong storm, the crossing is closed. After the resumption of its work, there may be changes in traffic due to the accumulation of vehicles in the queue. Operation in the normal mode provides for an hour interval between the departure of ferries from the mainland and from the Kerch port. The first leaves at midnight. Between 1:00 and 5:30, when the flow of passengers is reduced, the break is 1.5 hours. During the high season, the interval can be reduced to 30 minutes. Ferries are regularly sent for scheduled repairs and maintenance. During this period, there are also changes in the schedule.

Schedule is subject to weather conditions.

* Deviations from the schedule are possible during adverse weather conditions, as well as in the first days after the weather improves, if there is a large traffic congestion.

In September 2014, I already told you. 25 long, tedious hours... it was dramatic, really. Therefore, the way back - from the port of "Crimea" to the port of "Kavkaz" in 11.5 hours seemed to us quite fast. First, we were ready for anything. Secondly, there was no overnight stay in the middle of a bare "field". Thirdly, the organization of the crossing in the port of "Crimea" is many times better than the port of "Kavkaz". So what was a whole story in the first case became just a long crossing, standing in a long line in the second.

For those who still don't know why there are queues at the crossing at allin the Kerch Strait I will immediately answer.In the absence of a bridge, the presence of a huge number of people who want to get to Crimea, and then back from Crimea, the presence of adverse weather conditions (storms) and the poor organization of the process of transporting people and cars, the Kerch crossing cannot cope. We had the honor of experiencing all this personally.

How the events of this ferry crossing unfolded, I will tell you in today's article.

We got up long before check-out time at the hotel. At 6 o'clock in the morning they were already on their feet. At 7 - already loaded things into the car and left. All the previous days the sea was stormy, the ferries did not go. We drove into the unknown, hoping for the best. In fact, it's hard to travel like that, it's hard to be cut off from big earth, live on the island. And nothing else. Going now, you need to be prepared for anything.

At that hour, cars with license plates from various regions of our vast Motherland were already rushing along the Feodosia-Kerch highway at this hour. At such an hour, of course, everyone was going home to Russia.


In this photo for me the whole Crimea. Stunning natural beauty and heavily abandoned infrastructure. But even this abandonment does not prevent me from admiring the beauties of the legendary peninsula.

I just want to warn you. We almost missed the turn to the left, to the first accumulator - the old Kerch airport. Literally caught a glimpse of a small sign and managed to turn. There were cars that slipped through and returned, there were those who flew away into the distance. The road here is bad, sometimes just ugly. I read more than one story when people punched wheels here, or even worse mutilated cars. Be careful.

The first accumulator - Kerch airport

We arrived at the first drive.

We got here from Koktebel in 1.5 hours.

Time 8.30. There are few cars - there are only two rows on a huge field (I already told you that cars are placed in rows in the drives, 10-12 cars in each row). Just before us, a batch of machines was sent to the second drive, the one next to the port, but not yet the port.

At the entrance to the drive, handwritten coupons are issued. Without such a coupon, you will then not be allowed into the second drive, and you will not buy tickets for the ferry.

We get out of the car to warm up, go to the toilet, get some air. Literally in front of our eyes, there are many times more cars. What a time we arrived after all!

This is what the old airport looks like - airplanes,

fields, dried grass on them,

emergency tents...


Airport building.

In the tent we buy tea, samsa. Everything is hot and delicious. Ate without consequences.

The toilets are, of course, dirty. But there are no others. Don't sit in the field. It's okay for men, but for women, of course, in such toilets and such traveling conditions "not ice" ... But this is the specificity of the Crimean crossing and not only the crossing. Don't expect comfort.

I understand that this is a shower. But at the end of September, no one was using the shower. It wasn't hot.

In the first sump (accumulator) we stood for a little more than an hour and a half. At 09.05 they unexpectedly released us further. It's good that we were near the car, we didn't go far. Jumped on the go and started.

It is not convenient to travel in a convoy along Kerch. Lots of traffic lights. Everyone is driving fast. The road wobbles. There are no city signs. You can't break away. We were lucky, we managed to slip on the flashing green several times. Part of the column after us constantly broke off, once it broke off strongly. Judging by the fact that they caught up with us for a long time, they had to stray.

We met here such an electronic shield: "The queue for the ferry is formed at the storage site at the airport in Kerch". Those. those who slipped through that ill-fated, imperceptible turn must return back. The loss of time is very significant.

The column rises in front of the second storage tank. In the drive, of course, you can’t overclock. And yes, tickets are checked.

Second drive - in front of the port

We enter the second drive.

There are a lot of cars here. All places are occupied.

How much did we drive from the first drive to the second? Not long, 35 minutes.

We stopped by. We got up. Another waiting period has begun. What to do while queuing for the ferry? Someone sleeps, someone eats (and even knocks over a glass, we saw), someone communicates with comrades in the misfortune of the queue. To be honest, I have never seen those who are very worried, embittered, tense in any drive at the crossing. Our man will endure everything.
Second We spent the longest time on the drive.What were we doing? First, we bought tickets for the ferry. Secondly, we walked a little, went to the toilet. It was simply dangerous to leave the car for a long time. At any moment, the column could move, and you would not only stay there and hang for an indefinite time, but you would also leave people with you. Therefore, we "quietly went crazy" in the car - read, played, took pictures, laughed. We didn't really want to eat. Well, if only fruits - Crimean pears and grapes - are amazingly tasty!

Once again I will write what the cost of a ferry across the Kerch Strait to the Crimea and back for cars and people:

  • Car: 1190 or 1688 or 2486 rubles. ( depending on vehicle length)
  • Adults (12 years and older): 162 rubles, children (6 to 12 years old): 81 rubles, kids (under 6 years old): free of charge.

Kostya climbs some low building to take a picture of what the drive looks like.

In general, this is a huge field on which cars stand. As I have already noted, the organization of the crossing in the port of "Crimea" is many times better than in the port of "Kavkaz". Never once on the Crimean side did we stand anywhere "in the field", without minimal amenities. Everywhere there were some kind of toilets, tents with food and water, souvenir kiosks.

A piece of the sea - the Kerch Strait.

This is how we washed our hands with soap and water. Wet wipes, too, of course. But for a sense of purity, they are not enough. Take water with you!

After standing in the second reservoir for 5 hours (from 10.40 to 15.45), we set off on our way to the third reservoir, i.e. to the port.

On the electronic scoreboard information about the current weather. Wind northwest, 3-6 m/s. We have been following this very carefully. But we were incredibly lucky that day - the weather was sunny, the wind was not strong. It was the first day without a storm in recent days.

The third drive is the port "Crimea"

At the entrance to the port "Crimea" cars are checked.

We take "our" line.

At the clock 17.03. At this point in time, we have already been on the road for 10 hours, in line for the ferry - 8.5 hours. Expectations are tangible, but there is still movement. Ferries are running. And there are 3 large ferries running at once. It's very tangible.

To the question of is it worth it or not to go by car to the Crimea with small children. No, it's better to fly. Even if you stand with your children for 10 hours, it is not easy. Be prepared to keep your child busy all the time. But you know what's the worst? The fact that you will never know in advance how long you will be idle. And the unknown is the worst. This time it also seemed to us that the movement was on, there were no long downtimes. However, our journey from Koktebel to Rostov-on-Don, where the hotel was booked for the night, was 22 hours. That is, even in a good scenario, we got to the hotel by 5 o'clock in the morning. Answer yourself, are you ready for such sacrifices? Ready? Well, let's move on.

When we called at the port, and it became clear the approximate time when we would be on the other side of the Kerch Strait, we began to book accommodation. We booked Alfa Hotel in Rostov-on-Don directly from the car by phone using mobile application (My reviews about the hotel "Alfa" and).

As a result, we spent only a little more than an hour in the storage tank in the port.

We're going on a ferry.

The ferry "Olimpiada" was fully loaded by this moment, and we were sent further - to the ferry "Crimea".

And this is how trains are transported on ferries.

The Crimea ferry is much simpler and less comfortable than the Greek Olympics. He's some kind of cargo plan.

But on what to sail, it didn’t matter to us. Even on the ferry "Crimea" is more interesting. At the "Olympiad" we sailed here, to the Crimea.
We are coming. We are sent to the upper platform. As it turns out later - it is better to be on the bottom. Those at the top leave the ferry later than the others. Those. waiting in line to leave adds about 1 more hour of ferry pleasure.

They put the car. We leave it and go up the stairs to the passenger deck. Many people are interested - do they sit in the car while the ferry is moving through the crossing. Sit units, the most wonderful. All normal people leave the cargo area. The air here is terrible, there is nothing to breathe at all. Some wondrous ones kept even small children in this hell.
Well, we got up and looked around. On the ferry "Crimea" there is a buffet where you can buy juices, coffee, buns and more. There are also toilets.

But first we go on deck. The last moments before sailing, I want to admire the Crimean coast, breathe the Crimean air, watch the ferry loading, study the ferry. All in all, a very interesting show. We are also watching the process of the departure of the Olympiad. On the way to the Crimea, we do not consider this ferry ate the opportunity. But this time, nothing was missed.

Large ferries can accommodate some kind of abyss of cars. It's one thing to hear the number - 170 - 180. It's another thing to watch this "gang" come here for an hour.

There were few people on the decks. Tired, probably. No more impressions. Sat inside the ship.

Hello, dear travelers. According to official data, the flow of tourists in Crimea increased by almost 40 percent in 2015. And this is despite the fact that the main part of Russia with the territory of Crimea is connected only by a ferry crossing, which we happened to visit this year. Therefore, today I want to tell you about what a ferry crossing to the Crimea is, what kind of queues there are and how much time you have to spend standing in them.

In this article:

What is the crossing of the port of the Caucasus - the port of Crimea

So, we have the Crimean peninsula and the main territory of the Russian Federation, which are not yet connected by a bridge. That is, roughly speaking, the sea separates them, and to be precise, the waters of the Taman Bay.

There is no other way to get to the territory of the peninsula, except to use the ferries that run from the port of Kavkaz ( Krasnodar region) and the port of Crimea (on the Crimean peninsula), not yet. The bridge is under development. So the ferry is what shines for us for the next 3 years. But no need to get upset, let's better find out how long we have to stand in lines?

Why can't anyone tell me the exact waiting time before boarding the ferry?

This was the very first question that tormented me before the trip. In 2014, people stood in queues for MORE THAN DAYS, just imagine. Naturally, this moment frightened me a little, because in order to get to the ferry we had to travel more than 2000 km and there simply could not be a way back.

One thing confused me: I know that I will arrive on the ferry on such and such a date, but why can no one tell me whether there will be a queue there or not? It was only after some time of wandering around different sites that I realized how stupid this question is.

In fact, no one can predict whether there will be a huge queue for the ferry or not at all. Why?

Yes, because the situation at the ferry crossing is changing rapidly and unpredictably. And any confusion in the movement of ferries inevitably leads to the fact that they stop running. Here are just a few reasons why many kilometers of queues can form:

  • bad weather, storm
  • the diesel fuel for the ferry has ended (it was in 2014)
  • not enough ferries (resolved since 2015)
  • the ferry is out of order (wait for the next one to start)
  • the number of people wishing to move to the other side has increased dramatically

Here is the last point is the MOST unpredictable. Many do not understand that even with the full operation of all ferries and excellent weather, the crossing has a certain capacity. That is, they cannot take on board more than the allowed number of cars.

But the number of people wishing to move to the opposite side is not limited by anything absolutely. And even more so, it is all the more impossible to predict the number of people who will arrive at the same moment as you.

We observed the following situation: we drove up to the crossing and took a turn. Literally 5 minutes after us, about 60 cars arrived! Just imagine! And all this in just 5 minutes! So this moment is almost impossible to predict, however, there is one tool that I will talk about next. But I hope you understand why queues are very difficult to predict.

Where can I see the situation in real time?

But not everything is so sad, dear friends. You can be aware of the situation at the ferry crossing and the VKontakte group will help you with this PORT-CAUCASUS-PORT-CRIMEA 2015.

In general, I want to thank the people who organized this group and keep online information about the situation at the ferry crossing. In the same group, polls are periodically conducted on the topic of who and on what day is going to arrive on the ferry. In this way, we can get a rough picture of whether there will be an influx of cars or not.

The weather situation is also monitored here, and if there is a threat of a storm, you will be warned. So you will roughly know the situation. If there are no queues, or vice versa, there are too many cars, you will know about it.

So don't forget to thank the people who run the group. Just bring them a magnet from your city. It's already a tradition ;-).

Most importantly, know that the more active the season, the longer the queue. If you are going to go to the Crimea for the May holidays, know that there will be many people who want the same, which means that there will definitely be queues. It makes sense to go a couple of days earlier so as not to hang around in lines. By the way, we did just that.

Well, if you are traveling with a special passenger who finds it difficult to stand in line for a long time, then you may be let ahead, but I will talk about this later.

Friends, there was a lot of information for one article, so I had to break it into two parts. Read the continuation of the topic, where I will talk in detail about the procedure for boarding the ferry, about e-tickets, prices and how we easily survived the queue.